Life Extension Magazine August 2020

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36 Vitamin C and Immunity
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Are We Reaching
Consensus About

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Systemic support for immune
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CAUTION: Individuals consuming more than  mcg ( IU)/day of vitamin D (from diet and
supplements) should periodically obtain a serum -hydroxy vitamin D measurement. Do not
exceed  IU per day unless recommended by your doctor. Vitamin D supplementation is
not recommended for individuals with high blood calcium levels.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
CONTENTS August 2020


The medical profession and
FDA are recognizing the role of
fish oil in reducing cardiovascular
risks. Consumers have the option
of fish oil prescription drugs 26 36 44 54 64 73
or low-cost supplements.
can enable people to optimize Senescent cell accumulation is a contributor to systemic aging. Natural
individual dosing of fish oil. plant extracts can help reduce the senescent cell burden and lower the
harmful compounds they emit.
Human studies show vitamin C reduces the incidence and severity of
various forms of infectious disease.
Whey protein helps protect against muscle-wasting and weight gain,
while lowering certain cardiovascular risk factors. It also improves the
body’s production of glutathione.
Research shows that compounds in cruciferous vegetables confer
protection against many forms of cancer.
Retinol in a gradual-release system, combined with two other retintoids,
has been shown to reduce crow’s feet by 44%, repair sun damage, and
reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


A clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed
that patients taking the anti-inflammatory medication colchicine cut stroke
incidence by an astonishing 74%.


19 IN THE NEWS his innovative research on preventing

Nutrients that boost immune and reversing diabetes with calorie
defense against RNA viruses; restriction. In this interview, he outlines
glucosamine lowers risk of type II
diabetes; vitamin C cuts time on
his surprisingly simple and effective plan.
ventilator; iron reduces lycopene
The Vegetarian Silver Spoon offers
hundreds of healthy, meat-free,
81 AUTHOR INTERVIEW Italian dishes. We provide four recipes
In his latest book, Life without
Diabetes, Dr. Roy Taylor describes
to showcase the variety and simplicity
of traditional Italian home-cooking. 19 87
Volume 26 • Number Eight August 2020 Publisher • LE Publications, Inc.

Editor-in-Chief • Philip Smith
Our new bottles and labels include
Executive Managing Editor • Renee Price
important product details (dosages,
Medical Editor • Hernando Latorre, MD, MSc
cautions, all ingredients).
Senior Editor • Dan Jewel
Life Extension has always provided
Senior Staff Writer • Michael Downey
extensive labeling information. Department Editor • Laurie Mathena
As regulations require a minimum text Associate Editor • Rivka Rosenberger, EdD
size on product labels, some bottles Creative Director • Robert Vergara
are larger than others. And, as always, Art Director • Alexandra Maldonado
For instant
our bottles access to special
are 100% recyclable. For up-to-the-minute health
offers and promotions, product tips,™breaking industry news, Chief Medical Officer Chief Scientific Officer
Life Extension For Longer Life Steven Joyal, MD Andrew Swick, MS, PhD
news, and exclusive health and the latest updates in
and wellness information. medical research. Scientific Advisory Board
Richard Black, DO • John Boik, PhD • Aubrey de Grey, PhD
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Deborah F. Harding, MD • Steven B. Harris, MD • Sandra C. Kaufmann, MD
Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, FACC • Dipnarine Maharaj, MD
Customer care is available to take your calls
L. Ray Matthews, MD, FACS • Ralph W. Moss, PhD
24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-800-678-8989
Michael D. Ozner, MD, FACC • Jonathan V. Wright, MD • Xiaoxi Wei, PhD

Visit the Life Extension® Contributors

Nutrition Center Store East Cypress Creek Rd. Michael Downey • Jason Fitzgerald • Gary Goldfaden, MD
N Life Extension
Robert Goldfaden • Laurie Mathena • Edward Sanford • Jason Sterling
2 Kirk Stokel • Roy Taylor. MD

• The Most Complete Line of Nutrition Center



Life Extension Supplements

Atlantic O

Federal H

• Blood Testing and Analysis Vice President of Marketing • Rey Searles • [email protected]
• Personal Consultation with National Advertising Manager • JT Hroncich • 404-347-4170
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Wellness Specialist Senior Director of Sales and Business Development
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Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am-8 pm, Saturday 9 am-6 pm, Sunday 11 am-5 pm Editorial offices: 954-766-8433 • fax: 954-491-5306

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the 2020 survey Please mail your comments to Life Extension Magazine, Attn:
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LIFE EXTENSION (ISSN 1524-198X) Vol. 26, No. 8 ©2020 is published monthly except bi-monthly in April by LE Publications, Inc. at 3600 West Commercial Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-3338.
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Tap the Power of

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine supports healthy levels

of glutathione, a molecule utilized by all cells Item # •  capsules
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CAUTION: Those who supplement with NAC should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily in order to
prevent cysteine renal stones. Cysteine renal stones are rare but do occur.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Gustavo Tovar Baez, MD, operates the Life Norman R. Gay, MD, is proprietor of the Bahamas Filippo Ongaro, MD, is board-certified in anti-
Extension Clinic in Caracas, Venezuela. He is Anti-Aging Medical Institute in Nassau, aging medicine and has worked for many
the first physician in Caracas to specialize in Bahamas. A former member of the Bahamian years as flight surgeon at the European Space
anti-aging medicine. Parliament, he served as Minister of Health Agency. He is a pioneer in functional and anti-
Ricardo Bernales, MD, is a board-certified pedia- and Minister of Youth and Sports. aging medicine in Italy where he also works as
trician and general practitioner in Chicago, IL, Mitchell J. Ghen, DO, PhD, holds a doc- a journalist and a writer.
focusing on allergies, bronchial asthma, and torate in holistic health and anti-aging Lambert Titus K. Parker, MD, an internist and a
immunodeficiency. and serves on the faculty of medicine board- certified anti-aging physician, practices
Mark S. Bezzek, MD, FACP, FAARM, FAAEM, is at the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma integrative medicine from a human ecology
boardcertified in internal medicine, emergency De Puebla, Mexico, as a professor of perspective with emphasis on personalized
medicine, and anti-aging/regenerative medi- cellular hematopoietic studies. brain health, biomarkers, genomics and total
cine. He is the director of Med-Link Consulting, Gary Goldfaden, MD, is a clinical dermatolo- health optimization. He serves as the Medical
which specializes in bioidentical hormone gist and a lifetime member of the American Director of Integrative Longevity Institute of
replacement therapy, natural alternatives, anti- Academy of Dermatology. He is the founder of Virginia, a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Medical Research
aging, and degenerative diseases. He holds Academy Dermatology of Hollywood, FL, and Institute. He also collaborates on education
U.S. patents for a multivitamin/mineral supple- COSMESIS Skin Care. and research for Hampton Roads Hyperbaric
ment, an Alzheimer’s/dementia compilation, Therapy.
Miguelangelo Gonzalez, MD, is a certified
and a diabetic regimen. plastic and reconstructive surgeon at the Ross Pelton, RPh, PhD, CCN, is scientific director
Thomas F. Crais, MD, FACS, a board-certified plas- Miguelangelo Plastic Surgery Clinic, Cabo for Essential Formulas, Inc.
tic surgeon, was medical director of the micro- San Lucas. Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS, is a clinical nutri-
surgical research and training lab at Southern Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, is a Payson, Arizona- tionist in Carlsbad, CA, and formerly served as
Baptist Hospital in New Orleans, LA, and cur- based researcher of alternative approaches vice president of nutrition for Cancer Treatment
rently practices in Sun Valley, ID. to medical problems that are unresponsive Centers of America, where he was a consultant
William Davis, MD, is a preventive cardiologist to traditional therapies. He is president of the to the National Institutes of Health.
and author of Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, International College of Advanced Longevity Allan Rashford, MD, graduated from the
Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Medicine. University of Iowa Medical School. Upon com-
Health. He is also medical director of the online Richard Heifetz, MD, is a board-certified anesthe- pleting medical training, he became chief
heart disease prevention and reversal program, siologist in Santa Rosa, CA, specializing in the of medicine at St. Francis Hospital in South
Track Your Plaque ( delivery of anesthesia for office-based, plastic/ Carolina, and he was later named president of
Martin Dayton, MD, DO, practices at the Sunny cosmetic surgery, chelation therapy, and pain the Charleston Medical Society.
Isles Medical Center in North Miami Beach, FL. management. Marc R. Rose, MD, practices ophthalmology in
His focus is on nutrition, aging, chelation ther- Roberto Marasi, MD, is a psychiatrist in Brescia Los Angeles, CA, and is president of the Rose
apy, holistic medicine, and oxidative medicine. and in Piacenza, Italy. He is involved in anti-ag- Eye Medical Group. He is on the staff of Pacific
John DeLuca, MD, DC, is a 2005 graduate of St. ing strategies and weight management. Alliance Medical Center, Los Angeles, and
George’s University School of Medicine. He other area hospitals.
Maurice D. Marholin, DC, DO, is a licensed chiro-
completed his internal medicine residency at practic physician and board-certified osteo- Michael R. Rose, MD, a board-certified ophthal-
Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ, pathic family physician.While training at the mologist with the Rose Eye Medical Group
in 2008 and is board-certified by the American University of Alabama, he completed fel- in Los Angeles, CA, is on the staff of the
Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. DeLuca is lowships in Clinical Nutrition and Behavioral University of Southern California and UCLA.
a Diplomate of the American Academy of Medicine. He is currently in private practice Ron Rothenberg, MD, is a full clinical profes-
Anti-Aging Medicine and has obtained certifi- in Clermont, FL. sor at the University of California San Diego
cations in hyperbaric medicine, pain manage- School of Medicine and founder of California
Professor Francesco Marotta, MD, PhD, of
ment, nutrition, strength and conditioning, and HealthSpan Institute in San Diego.
Montenapoleone Medical Center, Milan, Italy,
manipulation under anesthesia.
is a gastroenterologist and nutrigenomics Roman Rozencwaig, MD, is a pioneer in research
Sergey A. Dzugan, MD, PhD, was formerly chief expert with extensive international university on melatonin and aging. He practices in
of cardiovascular surgery at the Donetsk experience. He is also a consulting profes- Montreal, Canada, as research associate at
Regional Medical Center in Donetsk, Ukraine. sor at the WHO-affiliated Center for Biotech Montreal General Hospital, Department of
Dr. Dzugan’s current primary interests are anti- & Traditional Medicine, University of Milano, Medicine, McGill University.
aging and biological therapy for cancer, cho- Italy and honorary resident professor, Nutrition, Michael D. Seidman, MD, FACS, is the director
lesterol, and hormonal disorders. Texas Women’s University. He is the author of of skull base surgery and wellness for the
Patrick M. Fratellone, MD, RH, is the founder more than 130 papers and 400 lectures. Adventist Health System in Celebration, FL.
and executive medical director of Fratellone Philip Lee Miller, MD, is founder and medical Ronald L. Shuler, BS, DDS, CCN, LN, is involved
Associates. He completed his internal med- director of the Los Gatos Longevity Institute in immunoncology for the prevention and
icine and cardiology fellowship at Lenox in Los Gatos, CA. treatment of cancer, human growth hormone
Hill Hospital in 1994, before becoming the
Michele G. Morrow, DO, FAAFP, is a board-certified secretagogues, and osteoporosis. He is board-
medical director for the Atkins Center for
family physician who merges mainstream and certified in anti-aging medicine.
Complementary Medicine.
alternative medicine using functional medicine
concepts, nutrition, and natural approaches.



Sandra C. Kaufmann, MD, is a fellowship-trained and Dipnarine Maharaj MD, MB, ChB, FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP
board-certified pediatric anesthesiologist as well (Edinburgh), FRCPath., FACP, is the Medical Director of
as the Chief of Anesthesia at the Joe DiMaggio the South Florida Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant
Children’s Hospital in Hollywood, Florida. She is the Institute and is regarded as one of the world’s
founder of The Kaufmann Anti-Aging Institute and foremost experts on adult stem cells. He received
the author of the book The Kaufmann Protocol: Why his medical degree in 1978 from the University of
we Age and How to Stop it (2018). Her expertise is Glasgow Medical School, Scotland. He completed
in the practical application of anti-aging research. his internship and residency in Internal Medicine
and Hematology at the University’s Royal Infirmary.
Richard Black, DO, is a dedicated nuclear medicine
physician practicing as an independent contractor L. Ray Matthews, MD, FACS, is a professor of surgery
out of Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Black is board certified and director of Surgical Critical Care at Morehouse
in internal medicine and nuclear medicine, and is School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA, and a trauma and
licensed to practice medicine in multiple states critical care surgeon at Grady Memorial Hospital. He
throughout the United States. has published widely and is known as one of the top
vitamin D experts. Dr. Matthews has spoken before
John Boik, PhD, is the author of two books on can- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration several times,
cer therapy, Cancer and Natural Medicine (1996) presenting a recent update about clinical research
and Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy (2001). on vitamin D.
He earned his doctorate at the University of Texas
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences with Ralph W. Moss, PhD, is the author of books such as
research at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, focus- Antioxidants Against Cancer, Cancer Therapy,
ing on screening models to identify promising new Questioning Chemotherapy, and The Cancer
anti-cancer drugs. He conducted his postdoctoral Industry, as well as the award-winning PBS doc-
training at Stanford University’s Department of umentary The Cancer War. Dr. Moss has inde-
Statistics. pendently evaluated the claims of various cancer
treatments and currently directs The Moss Reports,
Aubrey de Grey, PhD, is a biomedical gerontologist an updated library of detailed reports on more than
and Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the 200 varieties of cancer diagnoses.
world’s highest-impact, peer-reviewed journal
focused on intervention in aging. He received his Michael D. Ozner, MD, FACC, FAHA, is a board-certi-
BA and PhD from the University of Cambridge in fied cardiologist who specializes in cardiovascular
1985 and 2000 respectively. Dr. de Grey is a Fellow disease prevention. He serves as medical direc-
of both the Gerontological Society of America and tor for the Cardiovascular Prevention Institute of
the American Aging Association and sits on the South Florida and is a noted national speaker on
editorial and scientific advisory boards of numerous heart disease prevention. Dr. Ozner is also author
journals and organizations. of The Great American Heart Hoax,The Complete
Mediterranean Diet and Heart Attack Proof. For
Deborah F. Harding, MD, is founder of the Harding more information visit
Anti-Aging Center. She is double board-certified in
internal medicine and sleep disorder medicine. She Jonathan V. Wright, MD, is medical director of the
also earned the Cenegenics certification in age man- Tahoma Clinic in Tukwila, WA. He received his MD
agement medicine. She is a faculty member of the from the University of Michigan and has taught
University of Central Florida Medical School. natural biochemical medical treatments since 1983.
Dr. Wright pioneered the use of bioidentical estro-
Steven B. Harris, MD, is president and director of gens and DHEA in daily medical practice. He has
research at Critical Care Research, a company authored or co-authored 14 books, selling more than
that grew out of 21st Century Medicine in Rancho 1.5 million copies.
Cucamonga, CA. Dr. Harris participates in ground-
breaking hypothermia, cryothermia, and ischemia Xiaoxi Wei, PhD, is a chemist, expert in supramolecular
research. His research interests include antioxi- assembly and development of synthetic transmem-
dant and dietary-restriction effects in animals and brane nanopores with distinguished selectivity via
humans. biomimetic nanoscience. She has expertise in ion
channel function and characterization. She founded
Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, FACC, is a cardiologist X-Therma Inc., a company developing a radical
specializing in congestive heart failure, primary and new highway towards non-toxic, hyper-effective
statin-induced diastolic dysfunction, and other heart antifreeze agents to fight unwanted ice formation in
diseases. A leading authority on coenzyme Q10, Dr. regenerative medicine and reduce mechanical icing.
Langsjoen has been involved with its clinical appli-
cation since 1983. He is a founding member of the
executive committee of the International Coenzyme
Q10 Association, a fellow of the American College
of Cardiology, and a member of numerous other
medical associations.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Are We Finally Reaching

Consensus About Fish Oil ?
*).0( - ../*Ɓ.#*$'#.(*- /* What troubles us, however, is
that patients taking the EPA-only
*2$/#!  -'*0-/-0'$)"./#) fish oil drug (Vascepa®) are unlikely
Ɓ)$)".!-*(#0()./0$ . to take other fish oil supplements.
This ignores the critical role of the
Compared with placebo, there DHA component of the omega-3
was a 25% reduction in a com- family on life-sustaining processes,
posite of cardiovascular death, especially brain and eye health.
nonfatal myocardial infarction, The estimated out-of-pocket
nonfatal stroke, coronary stents/ cost, assuming no insurance cov-
bypass surgeries, or unstable erage, is over $300 a month for
angina in the fish oil drug group. this EPA-only fish oil drug. This is
The study observed several about seven times higher than
other benefits including:2 what a comparable amount of
WILLIAM FALOON EPA+DHA can be obtained for
• Cardiovascular death
when using dietary supplements.
In 2019, the FDA sought the reduced by 20%
This editorial describes legal
advice of an expert panel to review • Fatal or nonfatal heart battles that took place over
new data about a fish oil drug. attacks reduced by 31% decades regarding fish oil, and
By a vote of 16-0, the panel introduces new data that corrob-
recommended that the FDA allow • Fatal or nonfatal stroke
orate the benefits of consuming
broader claims about its ability to reduced by 28%
higher omega-3 potencies.4
reduce cardiovascular risks. • Urgent or emergency
In December 2019, the FDA coronary revascularization
acted on this recommendation reduced by 35%
by expanding the “approved use”
• Hospitalization for unstable
of this fish oil drug to reducing
angina reduced by 32%
risk of heart attack, stroke, and
death in high-risk patients.1 This fish oil is marketed to
This decision was largely based doctors as a drug that lowers
on a study published in the New triglycerides without raising LDL
England Journal of Medicine cholesterol.3
showing remarkable benefits in To the physician, this may sound
people taking high doses of a fish appealing compared to a competi-
oil drug that consisted of the EPA tor fish oil drug that contains both
omega-3 fraction.2 EPA and DHA.



Many of you may take for granted Sandy Shaw that sought to force Challenging FDA’s
your ability to purchase affordable the FDA to allow the following health Restricted Health Claim
fish oil supplements, but it was not claim on fish oil supplement labels:9 The FDA’s compromise claim that
always this way. the evidence was “not conclusive”
On February 26, 1987, the FDA “Consumption of omega-3 fatty did not satisfy us. We viewed the
conducted an armed raid against acids may reduce the risk scientific literature back then as pro-
Life Extension®.5 of coronary heart disease.” viding evidence that consuming fish
The FDA seized our fish oil and or fish oil could lower heart attack
brochures describing fish oil’s poten- The FDA rejected this one-sen- risk—the nation’s leading killer.
tial to reduce cardiovascular risk. tence claim, and multi-year litigation Life Extension® and Wellness
We fought a multi-year legal bat- ensued based on scientific and con- Lifestyles, Inc. filed a health-claim
tle that resulted in the government stitutional grounds. petition against the FDA on June
dismissing all charges against Life The FDA contended this health 23, 2003. The petition urged the
Extension®, marking the first time in claim was not adequately backed FDA to allow the following revised
the FDA’s 88-year history that it has by scientific studies and that claim:
been forced to give up on a criminal the agency had the legal author-
prosecution. ity to ban these kinds of health “Consumption of omega-3
Seven years later, Congress claims. fatty acids may reduce the risk
passed legislation that allowed con- After seven years of extensive of coronary heart disease.”
sumers to access a variety of afford- litigation, the FDA capitulated and
able dietary supplements.6 said it would permit the following To substantiate this position, a
This helped curb the FDA’s claim:9 document enumerating the scien-
appetite for overly aggressive and tific studies backing the benefits
frankly police-state-like enforce- “Consumption of omega-3 of omega-3 fatty acids was filed,
ment actions. The FDA nonethe- fatty acids may reduce the risk along with arguments support-
less continued to censor lifesaving of coronary heart disease. ing the constitutional right to dis-
data about fish oil and other healthy FDA evaluated the data and seminate truthful, non-misleading
foods (such as walnuts and determined that although information.
cherries).7,8 there is scientific evidence Everything I am describing has
This prompted another lawsuit supporting the claim, the to do with what “words” the FDA
filed in 1994 by Durk Pearson and evidence is not conclusive.” allows to be on a fish oil label.



FDA Suffers Major Defeat

in Federal Court • The First Amendment to the
The FDA strictly regulates what U.S. Constitution allows it.
drug makers are permitted to say
about their products. Until recently, Here is the revised claim the
what could be said was limited to federal court ruled could be made
what the FDA allowed. to doctors about this fish oil drug
A major victory over FDA censor- in 2015:14
ship occurred when a maker of
prescription-drug fish oil sued the “Supportive but not conclusive
FDA to make a health claim about research shows that
fish oil’s potential to reduce cardio- consumption of EPA and DHA
vascular disease risk.14 omega-3 fatty acids may
The FDA insisted it was illegal reduce the risk of coronary
for the maker of this fish oil drug to heart disease. Vascepa® should
state a coronary disease preven- not be taken in place of
tion claim until the FDA said so. a healthy diet and lifestyle
After years of costly litigation and or statin therapy.”
thousands of pages of documents
produced, a federal court ruled After years of protracted disagree-
that a qualified health claim could ment that led to full-blown litigation,
be made for a fish oil drug called the above statement is the primary
FDA Partially Capitulates Vascepa®. outcome of this legal victory over
On September 8, 2004, the FDA FDA censorship.
decided to allow an expanded The court based this 2015 ruling In the ruling, the judge quoted
health claim on products containing on the facts that: from prior cases that:
the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and
DHA as follows: • The claim is truthful and “‘Securing First Amendment
non-misleading. rights is in the public
“Supportive but not conclusive interest’” and “‘the government
research shows that consumption • FDA accepted this phrasing does not have an interest’
of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty elsewhere in its regulatory in the unconstitutional
acids may reduce the risk labyrinth. enforcement of a law.”14
of coronary heart disease.”10

The FDA went on to recommend

that consumers not exceed more
than 3,000 mg per day of EPA and
DHA omega-3 fatty acids, with no
more than 2,000 mg per day derived
from dietary supplements.11
Life Extension® argued that
many studies show that higher
amounts of EPA and DHA are often
needed to obtain benefits, such as
reduction of triglycerides.12,13
Our position continues to be vin-
dicated in studies showing benefits
when higher potencies of omega-
3s are consumed.



Is A Consensus
Being Reached?
Results from recent, large stud-
ies continue to validate the need for
higher-dose omega-3 intake.
As mentioned in the introduction
of this article, and in the November
2019 edition of Life Extension®
magazine, robust benefits were
found when a high dose (4,000 mg/
day) of an EPA-only fish oil drug
(Vascepa®) was used. The study
found a 25% reduction across a
broad spectrum of cardiovascular
In this same issue, we described
why 1,000 mg a day of an EPA/DHA
supplement (and only 2,000 IU/day
of vitamin D) failed in its primary
endpoint, but did yield meaningful
risk reduction in several subgroups
Battling the Medical low-dose fish oil (1,000 mg a day including:17,21
Mainstream of EPA/DHA) markedly reducing
The fish oil controversy did not fatal heart attack risk while other • 25% reduction in cancer
end with the FDA. studies showed little value using this deaths in the vitamin D
Defenders of conventional med- low dose.17,18 group when the first two
icine like the American Medical Overlooked in much of this were years of follow-up were
Association and American Heart dietary patterns in countries that excluded,
Association issued contradictory had higher omega-3 intake in foods,
proclamations about fish oil’s ben- and thereby needed less supple- • 28% reduction in heart
efits or purported lack thereof.15,16 mental fish oil. These population attack risk, and 50%
The back-and-forth was based groups might have benefited from reduction in fatal heart
largely on studies with huge varia- a low-dose EPA/DHA supplement attack risk, in the fish oil
tions in EPA/DHA potencies and/ whereas dietary omega-3 consump- group, and
or unrealistic expectations of fish oil tion in much of the United States is
monotherapy. woefully insufficient. • 22% reduction in
Studies using higher omega-3 The American Heart Association angioplasty procedures
doses generally demonstrated fish confused matters more in 2017 by (opening a narrowed
oil’s efficacy, whereas lower-dose recommending fish oil to heart fail- coronary blood vessel,
studies were often disappointing ure patients, but not to the general often with a stent) in the
and resulted in mainstream medicine population.19 This ignores the impor- fish oil group.
questioning fish oil’s value. tance of heart attack prevention.
The media parroted conventional Life Extension® published a At the American Heart
medicine’s vacillating positions, run- rebuttal in February 2018 titled “An Association annual meeting in
ning tabloid-like headlines touting Illogical Position of the American November 2019, a presentation
fish oil’s cardio-protective benefits or Medical Association” to describe on a study that administered about
attacking it as worthless, depending the absurdity of recommending peo- 3,300 mg of an EPA/DHA fish oil
on the study released that day. ple wait to develop heart failure drug called Lovaza® revealed strik-
There were some contradic- before ensuring optimal omega-3 ing improvements in cognitive
tions, such as a study showing intake.20 functions in older individuals.22



What made this study so com- Overlooked Role of omega-3s may require far higher
pelling is that blood levels of EPA/ Dietary Omega-3s amounts of supplemental EPA/DHA
DHA were carefully measured. No one argues with the idea that (3,300 mg to 4,000 mg) to achieve
The cognitive benefits occurred eating two to three cold-water the same results.
in those with an omega-3 index fish meals a week reduces cardio- The significance of these differ-
over 4%. Here is the conclusion vascular and other disease risks. ences cannot be overstated, both
from this presentation made at This is nearly universally agreed from a public health standpoint and
the American Heart Association upon and accepted, including in on huge savings on fish oil drugs
meeting:22 the medical profession and among and supplements.
researchers. People whose diets already
“High dose EPA and DHA Yet missing from virtually all provide ample quantities of EPA/
prevented cognitive decline research on fish oil supplements is DHA will likely require lower poten-
in cognitively healthy coronary each study subject’s dietary intake cies of fish oil drugs or supplements.
artery disease subjects, of EPA/DHA-rich foods. Yet a one-size-fits-all approach
with younger subjects, nondia- To put this into perspective, a is the current protocol. The FDA
betic subjects, and those 4-ounce can of wild salmon now allows certain high-risk patients
achieving an omega-3 fatty acid contains about 2,000 mg of total to be prescribed a 4,000 mg/day
index *4% having greatest omega-3s providing about 1,800 potency of an expensive EPA-only
benefit. These findings are mg of EPA/DHA. drug—but advises against the same
especially important for coronary So, a clinical trial using only 1,000 potencies of lower-cost fish oil
artery disease patients as mg of supplemental EPA/DHA in supplements!
coronary artery disease is a people who regularly consume
risk factor for dementia.” canned wild salmon might yield
benefits because the total daily con- How This Impacts You
What I continue to observe in sumption of EPA+DHA is around The importance of achieving
the published data is consensus 2,800 mg. optimal EPA/DHA status cannot be
that higher-dose omega-3 intake On the flip side, individuals overstated. It impacts a person’s risk
is what induces meaningful risk- consuming typical Western dietary of multitudes of disorders, many that
reduction benefits. patterns that are nearly devoid of are life threatening.



Your blood ratio of omega-3 fats Life Extension’s Position target a triglyceride blood level
to omega-6 fats—which can be on Fish Oil Dosing below 100 mg/dL.
measured with the omega-3 index For many decades, we’ve sug- Based on published studies
blood test—is an important determi- gested most of our readers supple- showing benefits with higher
nant of overall health status. ment with about 2,400 mg of EPA + intake of EPA/DHA, more doctors
The good news is that pricing DHA each day from highly purified are prescribing expensive fish oil
keeps dropping for the omega-3 fish oil. drugs, often without considering an
index comprehensive fatty acid We know most of you consume individual patient’s dietary intake of
blood panel. omega-3s in your diet by eating the omega-3s.
Results from this test can enable cold-water fish meals and/or via
you to precisely determine how plant sources like walnuts, flax, and
many fish oil capsules you need a other foods. Common-Sense Approaches
day to achieve an optimal omega-3 So, our typical reader may, Supplementation with quality
index, which by most standards is on average, obtain over 3,000 fish oil can cost about $300 a year
over 8%. mg-4,000 mg each day of EPA/DHA whereas fish oil drugs can cost over
The recent study presented at from their fish oil supplement plus $3,600 a year.
the American Heart Association omega-3-rich dietary components. The Omega-3 Index Complete
conference found meaningful cogni- We caution, however, that not all blood test includes the following
tive benefits when omega-3-index people, and perhaps very few, con- measures:
scores were over 4%. vert plant-based omega-3s to EPA/
I’ll describe soon how you can DHA. This is what makes fish oil so • Omega-3 Index Percent
obtain low-cost omega-3/omega-6 important but presents a dilemma (it should ideally be over 8%)
blood tests that might enable you for vegans.
to reduce the number of fish oil People with stubbornly high • Trans Fat Index
capsules you take a day, saving you triglyceride levels are advised
money over the long term. to increase their fish oil intake to • Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio

• Arachidonic acid:EPA ratio

• Full fatty acid profile

Results from this blood test

provide a guideline for dietary
changes and fish oil supplemen-
tation for each person’s individual
Those who obtain few dietary
omega-3s in their diet may want
to boost their supplemental fish oil
intake over 3,000 mg a day, whereas
those who eat lots of cold-water fish
may reduce their supplemental dose
below 2,400 mg a day.
While these common-sense
approaches are obvious to me and
Life Extension’s scientific staff,
many hurried physicians are likely
to stick with the labeled high doses
of FDA-approved fish oil drugs, i.e.
the one-size-fits-all approach.



Special Pricing: Omega-3 Index The buildup of senescent cells costs for bypass procedures, stents
Complete Blood Test continues to be recognized as a and prescription drugs.
We’ve recommended omega-3 causative factor in degenerative We look forward to science pre-
blood tests for many years, but aging. As you’ll read on page 26 vailing over the kinds of actions one
perhaps have not emphasized its a plant flavonoid (apigenin) can might expect in an authoritarian,
importance enough. reduce the toxic secretions that police state.
With new studies validating the emanate from senescent cells. This happened when doctors in
benefits of higher-dose fish oil, Sulforaphane from broccoli has Wuhan, China warned of a pneu-
there is an even greater value to demonstrated powerful anti-cancer monia epidemic in December 2019,
optimizing one’s fatty acid (omega-3 properties. Page 54 describes the but were silenced with threats of
and omega-6) blood status. best ways of transporting sulfora- arrests for “spreading false rumors.”
For a limited time, we are offer- phane from the digestive tract into This governmental censorship
ing the comprehensive Omega-3 the blood. led to the deaths of hundreds of
Index Complete test at the special thousands of people worldwide from
low price of $69. COVID-19 disease.
This pricing represents an excep- Too Many Needless FDA censorship of fish oil dating
tional value for all the important Heart Attacks back to the 1980s may have led to
measurements you obtain. Growing consensus about fish oil, similar tragedies.
We’ve extended our annual along with the new claims allowed Turn the page for information on
Lab Test Super Sale so this dis- by the FDA, will help enable more popular Male and Female Blood
counted price on the Omega-3 Americans to benefit from higher Test Panels and how you can obtain
Index is valid for the next several consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. an omega-3 index at the lowest
months. The tragedy is that it took so long price ever.
for the benefits of omega-3s to be
widely recognized.
In This Month’s Issue… Cardiovascular disease remains For longer life,
Most people don’t know that after the leading cause of disability
one suffers a heart attack, their risk and death in the United States,
of stroke is exponentially higher. A especially in elderly population
drug used to treat gout (colchicine) groups. William Faloon, Co-Founder
demonstrated a 74% reduction in Armed raids by the FDA against Life Extension Buyers Club
post-heart-attack stroke risk. those who recognized fish oil’s ben-
Learn what to ask your cardiolo- efits in the 1980s resulted in count-
gist regarding colchicine on page less numbers of cardiovascular
73 of this month’s issue. events and astronomical medical



References 12. Jimenez-Gomez Y, Marin C, Peerez- 19. Available at:

Martinez P, et al. A low-fat, high-complex news/fish-oil-supplements-may-help-pre-
1. Available at: carbohydrate diet supplemented with vent-death-after-a-heart-attack-but-lack-
news-events/press-announcements/fda- long-chain (n-3) fatty acids alters the evidence-of-cardiovascular-benefit-for-
approves-use-drug-reduce-risk-cardiovas- postprandial lipoprotein profile in patients the-general-population. Accessed March
cular-events-certain-adult-patient-groups. with metabolic syndrome. J Nutr. 2010 16, 2020.
Accessed March 13, 2020. Sep;140(9):1595-601. 20. Available at: https://www.lifeextension.
2. Bhatt DL, Steg PG, Miller M, et al. Cardio- 13. Skulas-Ray AC, Wilson PWF, Harris com/magazine/2018/2/as-we-see-it. Ac-
vascular Risk Reduction with Icosapent WS, et al. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for the cessed March 16, 2020.
Ethyl for Hypertriglyceridemia. N Engl J Management of Hypertriglyceridemia: 21. Manson JE, Cook NR, Lee IM, et al.
Med. 2019 Jan 3;380(1):11-22. A Science Advisory From the American Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention
3. Available at: Heart Association. Circulation. 2019 Sep of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. N
Accessed March 13, 2020. 17;140(12):e673-e91. Engl J Med. 2019 Jan 3;380(1):33-44.
4. Available at: https://www.lifeextension. 14. Available at: 22. Vemuri B, Malik A, Asbeutah AAA, et
com/magazine/2004/11/awsi. Accessed wp-content/uploads/archives/docs/Ama- al. Abstract 10723: A Plasma Phos-
March 13, 2020. rin%20Decision%208-2015%20Off-Label. pholipid Omega-3 Fatty Acid Index
5. Available at: https://www.lifeextension. pdf. Accessed March 16, 2020. &gt; 4% Prevents Cognitive Decline
com/magazine/1996/9/freedom. Accessed 15. Siscovick DS, Barringer TA, Fretts AM, et in Cognitively Healthy Subjects With
March 13, 2020. al. Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation.
6. Available at: (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Pre- 2019;140(Suppl_1):A10723-A.
DSHEA_Wording.aspx. Accessed March vention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease:
13, 2020. A Science Advisory From the American
7. Available at: https://www.lifeextension. Heart Association. Circulation. 2017 Apr
com/magazine/2011/8/fda-says-walnuts- 11;135(15):e867-e84.
are-illegal-drugs. Accessed March 13, 16. Aung T, Halsey J, Kromhout D, et al. As-
2020. sociations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supple-
8. Available at: https://www.lifeextension. ment Use With Cardiovascular Disease
com/magazine/2006/3/cover_cherries. Ac- Risks: Meta-analysis of 10 Trials Involving
cessed March 13, 2020. 77917 Individuals. JAMA Cardiol. 2018
9. Available at: https://www.lifeextension. Mar 1;3(3):225-34.
com/magazine/2002/4/cover_victory. Ac- 17. Manson JE, Cook NR, Lee IM, et al.
cessed March 13, 2020. Marine n-3 Fatty Acids and Prevention
10. Available at: http://wayback.archive-it. of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer. N
org/7993/20171114183727/https://www. Engl J Med. 2019 Jan 3;380(1):23-32. 18. Group ASC, Bowman L, Mafham M, et al.
ing/LabelingNutrition/ucm072932.htm. Effects of n-3 Fatty Acid Supplements in
Accessed March 16, 2020. Diabetes Mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2018 Oct
11. Available at: 18;379(16):1540-50.
sional/. Accessed March 18, 2020.


Comprehensive Blood Tests at Low Lab Sale Prices
New supporters often ask Life Extension® what the most important nutrients are.
Our typical reply is we have no idea if you don’t have recent blood test results.
Commercial labs charge over $2,000 for blood tests needed to evaluate vascular, inflammatory,
immune. and other degenerative risk factors.
Once a year, Life Extension® offers these same tests in comprehensive Male and Female Panels
for $224... a savings of about 90%. (This year magnesium is added to the Male and Female Panels.)



Glucose Glucose
Insulin Insulin
Hemoglobin A1c Hemoglobin A1c
NEW Serum Magnesium NEW Serum Magnesium
Kidney function tests: creatinine, Kidney function tests: creatinine,
BUN, uric acid, BUN/creatinine ratio BUN, uric acid, BUN/creatinine ratio
Liver function tests: AST, ALT, LDH, Liver function tests: AST, ALT, LDH,
GGT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase GGT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase
Blood minerals: calcium, potassium, Blood minerals: calcium, potassium,
phosphorus, sodium, chloride, iron phosphorus, sodium, chloride, iron
Blood proteins: albumin, globulin, Blood proteins: albumin, globulin,
total protein, albumin/globulin ratio total protein, albumin/globulin ratio


Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)
Homocysteine Homocysteine
C-Reactive Protein (high sensitivity) C-Reactive Protein (high sensitivity)


Total Cholesterol Total Cholesterol
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) HDL (high-density lipoprotein)
Triglycerides Triglycerides


Red Blood Cell count including: hemoglobin, Red Blood Cell count including: hemoglobin,
hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW
White Blood Cell count including: White Blood Cell count including: lymphocytes,
lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils
neutrophils, basophils Platelet count NEW LAB SALE PRICE!
Platelet count
CANCER MARKER Progesterone (LC100066) $69
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Estradiol Knowing one’s fatty acid status
(an estrogen) can enable better dietary and
HORMONES Free and supplement choices. One of the
Free and Total Testosterone Total Testosterone parameters in this panel can enable
DHEA-S DHEA-S you to target an omega-3 blood
Estradiol (an estrogen) TSH level in the ideal range of 8%-12%.
TSH (thyroid function) This is the lowest price we have
(thyroid function)
Vitamin D ever offered on the OMEGA-3
Vitamin D
INDEX COMPLETE. Price effective
until October 5, 2020.

LAB TEST SAL E • E X TE N D E D TO OC TOB E R 5 , 2 0 2 0 .

Regular price: $299 After you order and receive our form, you can visit
a blood-draw facility we suggest at your convenience
Sale Price: $224 in your area or the Life Extension Nutrition Center
To obtain these comprehensive in Ft. Lauderdale.
Male or Female Panels at these low Lab tests are available in the continental United
prices, call 1-800-208-3444 or log on States and Anchorage, AK, only. Not available in
to to Maryland. Restrictions apply in MA, NY, NJ, and RI.
order your requisition forms. Kits not available in PA.
Enzymatically Active Vitamins
Low-Cost BioActive Complete B-Complex provides
Biologically enzymatically active forms of meaningful

Active potencies of each B vitamin.

This includes the pyridoxal ’-phosphate

form of vitamin B shown to protect lipids
and proteins against glycation and the most
biologically active form of folate called
-methyltetrahydrofolate (-MTHF), which
is up to  times more bioavailable than
folic acid.*

Item # •  vegetarian capsules
 bottle $
 bottles $ each

For full product description and to order

BioActive Complete B-Complex, call
--- or visit

* Br J Pharmacol. 2004 Mar;141(5):825-30.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
In addition to purified fish oil, Super Omega- provides olive oil polyphenols and
sesame lignans to extend the stability of DHA in the blood.


SUPER OMEGA Fish oil SUPER OMEGA Fish oil SUPER OMEGA Fish oil
EPA/DHA fish oil, sesame EPA/DHA fish oil, krill, astaxanthin, EPA/DHA fish oil, sesame
lignans and olive extract sesame lignans, and olive extract lignans and olive extract
(Small, Easy-to-Swallow softgels)

Item #  •  Easy-to-Swallow softgels* Item #  •  softgels Item #  •  softgels*
 bottle $  bottle $.  bottle $
 bottles $ each  bottles $. each  bottles $ each

For full product description and to order Super Omega-, Enteric Coated Super Omega-,
or Super Omega- Plus, call --- or visit
CAUTION: If you are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product.
* Highest Independent -star rating, International Fish Oil Society For Over Nine Years.
IFOS™ certification mark is a registered trademark of Nutrasource Diagnostics, Inc.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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PXN® is the registered trademark

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

In the News

Vitamin C Could Lower

Ventilation Duration

Results of an analysis published

in the Journal of Intensive Care
revealed an association between
the administration of vitamin C to
critically ill patients and a reduction
in the length of time that the use of
a ventilator was required.*
Researchers pooled the results of
eight controlled trials that compared
the length of ventilation among
patients who received intravenous
or orally administered vitamin C,
to the ventilation duration of con-
trol groups who did not receive the
Upon having determined a 14%
reduction in time spent using a ven-
tilator among subjects who received
vitamin C infusions, they subse-
quently limited the analysis to five
trials that involved longer ventilation
times of 10 hours or more, which
suggests more severe disease.
The results in these critically ill
patients found an average reduction
in ventilator time of 25% among
patients who received 1-6 grams
of intravenous or oral vitamin C
per day.

Editor’s Note: The authors concluded that,

“Given the strong evidence of benefit for more
severely ill critical care patients along with the
evidence of very low vitamin C levels in such
patients, ICU patients may benefit from the
administration of vitamin C. Further studies
are needed to determine optimal protocols for
its administration.”

* J Intensive Care. 2020 Feb 7;8:15.



Supplementing with
Glucosamine Linked with
Reduced Risk of
Type II Diabetes

A report published in the

American Diabetes Association jour-
nal Diabetes Care revealed a signifi-
cant association between the use
of glucosamine and a lower risk of
developing type II diabetes.*
The study included 404,508 men
and women enrolled in UK Biobank,
a population-based prospective
study that was established to facili-
tate investigations of genetic and
nongenetic determinants of dis-
eases of middle and older age.
Questionnaires completed
upon enrollment in UK Biobank
reported the regular use of vari-
ous supplements, while blood sam-
ples collected at the time provided
information concerning levels of
C-reactive protein.
Participants were free of cancer,
cardiovascular disease and diabetes
at the beginning of the study. Type
II diabetes was diagnosed among
7,228 subjects during a median fol-
low-up of 8.1 years. Glucosamine
supplementation in men and women
was associated with a 17% lower
risk of developing diabetes during

Editor’s Note: C-reactive protein levels at the

beginning of the study were significantly lower
in glucosamine users than nonusers. Among
participants whose blood levels of CRP placed
them among the top 25% of subjects, the use
of glucosamine was associated with an 18.8%
lower risk of diabetes compared to nonusers.
Glucosamine has long been used by people
with cartilage degenerative disorders in their

* Diabetes Care. 2020 Jan 27.



Iron Interferes
with the
Benefits of Lycopene

Lycopene is a carotenoid found

in tomatoes and other red fruits that
gives them their bright color. It also
provides numerous health bene-
fits and has been associated with
a lower risk of prostate1 and lung2
Unfortunately, those benefits
could be reduced if tomatoes are
consumed with iron-rich foods, like
According to a recent study pub-
lished in Molecular Nutrition & Food
Research, iron interferes with the
body’s ability to absorb lycopene.3
For this study, researchers had
a small group of people consume a
tomato-extract-based shake, either
with or without iron.
Numerous blood draws and
digestive samples revealed that
lycopene levels in the blood and in
the stomach were significantly lower
when lycopene was consumed with
“When people had iron with their
meal, we saw almost a two-fold
drop in lycopene uptake over time,”
said the study’s lead author, Dr.
Rachel Kopec.
This means that less lycopene is
available for the body to utilize.

Editor’s Note: This study highlights why iron

is not included in Life Extension® supple-
ments. Those with low iron levels should
supplement with iron at a different time of the
day from when they take lycopene. Note that
calcium and green tea block iron absorption.
It is best to take iron with vitamin C, which
enhances iron absorption.

1. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2002 Nov;
2. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Oct;72(4):990-7.
3. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2019 Nov;63(22):



Specific Nutrients May

Improve the Body’s Immune
Response to RNA Viruses

An article published in Progress in

Cardiovascular Diseases proposes the
use of nutritional supplements to enhance
the body’s type 1 interferon immune
response to influenza and coronaviruses.
These viruses have RNA, rather than DNA,
as their genetic material.*
“Activation of toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7)
by single-stranded viral RNA trapped
within endosomes provides a key stimu-
lus to type 1 interferon induction by RNA
viruses,” authors Mark F. McCarty and
James J. DiNicolantonio wrote.
Based on this and other research find-
ings, the researchers identified the antioxi-
dant compounds lipoic acid, ferulic acid
and sulforaphane as nutrients that may
enhance TLR7-mediated induction of type
1 interferon.
Spirulina or a protein in spirulina
extracts known as phycocyanobilin may
also improve this response to RNA viruses.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) increases the
production of glutathione and could help
protect TLR7 from damage due to oxidation.
The provisional daily dosage sugges-
tions for nutraceuticals that might aid con-
trol of RNA viruses including influenza and
coronavirus were as follows:

In an interview, Dr. DiNicolantonio told

Ferulic acid 500 mg-1,000 mg
Thailand Medical News, “Therefore, it is clear
that certain nutraceuticals have antiviral
Lipoic acid 1,200 mg-1,800 mg (in place of ferulic acid)
effects in both human and animal studies.
Spirulina 15 grams (or 100 mg of phycocyanobilin or PCB)
Considering that there is no treatment for the
N-Acetylcysteine 1,200 mg–1,800 mg new coronavirus…we welcome further stud-
Selenium 50 mcg-100 mcg ies to test these nutraceuticals as a strategy
Glucosamine 3,000 mg or more to help provide relief in those infected with
Zinc 30 mg-50 mg encapsulated RNA viruses.”
Yeast Beta-Glucan 250 mg-500 mg
Editor’s Note: Another mechanism of type 1 interferon re-
Elderberry 600 mg–1,500 mg sponse, activation of mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein
(MAVS), can be upregulated by a high dose of glucosamine.

* Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2020 Feb 12.


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Curcumin EliteTM contributes to higher blood levels of
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Curcumin Elite™ or Advanced Curcumin Elite™,
call --- or

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Brain Health Formula

Now with 1,000 mcg of Lithium

Human studies demonstrate robust neurological Item # •  capsules

benefits in response to low-dose lithium and  box $
colostrum-derived, proline-rich polypeptides.  boxes $ each

Memory Protect has been formulated with these

two nutrients to support healthy structure of brain 36DAY SUPPLY.
cells, normal memory, and recall function. Contains milk.

The upgraded Memory Protect now has > 3 times

more lithium at the same low price.

For full product description and to order Memory Protect,

call 1-800-544-4440 or visit

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Research shows zinc deficiency is common
in aging populations—and may contribute to
the decline of immune function.
Zinc supports and activates:

• Natural killer cell function

• A healthy inflammatory response

• Thymic function needed to make

immune T-cells.

Life Extension® combines the superior

bioavailability of zinc monomethionine  with
zinc citrate to provide  mg of these absorb-
able zincs in a single capsule.

For full product description and

to order Zinc Caps, call 1-800-544-4440
or visit
Item #01813࠮90 vegetarian capsules
1 bottle $6.75

OptiZinc® is a registered trademark of InterHealth Nutritionals, Inc.

CAUTION: Supplemental zinc can inhibit the absorption and 1. Immun Ageing. 2009 Jun 12;6:9.
availability of copper. If more than  mg of supplemental zinc is to
be taken daily for more than four weeks,  mg of supplemental 3. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Mar;79(3):444-50.
copper should also be taken to reduce the risk of copper deficiency. 4. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2010 Apr;24(2)89-94.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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S T 2020
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Toxic Secretions

When aged cells lose healthy functionality they’re

supposed to die off and their remnants expunged from
the body.

Senescent cells do not follow this rule.

They instead linger in a highly activated (toxic) state that

damages healthy cells.

Cellular senescence is a major contributor to

degenerative disorders and systemic aging.1-8

Senescent cells can be partially removed from the body

using compounds known as senolytics.

Researchers have made another advance in senolytic

strategy. They’ve identified that apigenin (a plant extract)
reduces harmful compounds that senescent cells



Senolytics Remove Senescent Cells discoveries showing functional efficacy of plant-based

A few years ago, researchers at the Mayo Clinic senolytics.
showed that it was possible to selectively remove In late 2019, a study was published indicating that
senescent cells using drugs and other compounds the nutrient quercetin is successful as a senolytic agent
known as senolytics.9 on its own, without combining it with the cancer drug
Initial studies relied on synthetic anti-cancer drugs as dasatinib.16
part of the senolytic regimen. Navitoclax and dasatinib In this study, quercetin removed senescent cells in
are two cancer drugs that have been successfully used the kidneys of mice. This led to improved function and
to eliminate senescent cells.10,11 a decrease in the fibrosis (scarring) that causes dete-
One of the most studied senolytic treatments com- rioration and kidney failure.
bines dasatinib with a nutrient found in many fruits and Quercetin has also been shown to inhibit the
vegetables called quercetin. Each compound targets proteins that block apoptosis, or programmed cell
senescent cells in different ways. death, in senescent cells. This makes it easier for
In cell culture and animal studies, senolytics remove other senolytic compounds to eliminate damaged cells
senescent cells and reduce disease, leading to longer from tissues.17
lives for the animals.8,9,12-14 The data still show that combining quercetin with
Last year a study confirmed that senolytics can dasatinib works better than quercetin alone. This led
eliminate senescent cells in human subjects!15 to a search for a plant-based compound that acts like
In this trial, a daily dose of 100 mg of dasatinib dasatinib, without the side effects.
and 1,000 mg of quercetin for three days resulted in a Scientists have discovered that theaflavins from
significant reduction in senescent cells. black tea may act as a senolytic agent by inhibiting
The results were seen in fat tissue, opening the door cellular receptors Eph, BRC-ABL, and BLC-218-21 to
to potential senolytic treatments for those suffering from clear senescent cells from the body.
obesity, metabolic disease, and more. Increased activity by a signaling protein called ephrin
has been linked to senescence, and dasatinib works
in part by stopping ephrin (Eph) receptors from
Plant-Based activating.9
Senolytics Theaflavins block ephrin receptor activation and can
Using cancer drugs even in very low doses concerns prevent cell senescence.18,22
many natural-health enthusiasts. Research shows that theaflavins also inhibit BCL-2
Scientists have been searching for senolytic agents proteins that make it easier to induce death in senes-
that do not rely on these drugs. They’ve recently made cent cells.21



Toxic Secretions Emitted

by Senescent Cells WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW
Researchers realized that it’s not enough just to
remove senescent cells from the body.
When cells become senescent, they don’t just sit
A New Senolytic
there, as if inert. They undergo a series of transfor- Triple Therapy
mations that result in their secreting high levels of
toxic compounds collectively referred to as SASP or Q As cells age, some of them become
senescence-associated secretory phenotype. senescent. This means they are
SASP consists of protein-degrading enzymes that dysfunctional, but don’t die off like most
damage and destroy surrounding healthy cells and damaged cells.
initiate chronic inflammation.23
This low-level inflammation silently damages tissues
Q Senescent cells rob their tissues of
and organs, leading to disease, dysfunction, and accel-
function. They also secrete compounds
erated aging.24
that incite chronic inflammation,
Persistent inflammation also contributes to weight
causing damage and dysfunction to
gain and obesity, which increases risk for type II diabe-
surrounding tissues.
tes and metabolic syndrome, along with cardiovascular Q Cellular senescence is linked to rapid
disease, cancer, and dementia.1-4,8,23-28 aging and increased risk for chronic
Why Senescent Cell Q Senolytics are compounds capable of
Removal is not Enough removing senescent cells. The most
It is not yet possible to remove all senescent cells common senolytic therapy studied so
that accumulate in our aging bodies. The best we can far is a combination of the plant nutrient
do is reduce what’s known as the “senescent cell quercetin and a cancer drug, dasatinib.
burden.” Q Recent research has found that
theaflavins from black tea provide
similar senolytic effects as dasatinib.

Q A third nutrient, called apigenin, pro-

vides further protection. It suppresses
the secretion of pro-inflammatory com-
pounds by existing senescent cells.

Q Together, these three plant-based

nutrients provide powerful protection
against the damage done by cellular



Remaining senescent cells continue secreting SASP A strawberry flavonoid called fisetin may become
that slowly destroys healthy surrounding tissues by one of the most effective senolytics, but it is not yet
degrading proteins and igniting inflammatory fires. bioavailable enough to induce a systemic benefit.
To put this into perspective, Mayo Clinic scientists A triple approach utilizing highly absorbable quer-
calculated that if only one in 7,000 to 15,000 cells is cetin, theaflavins, and apigenin can attack cellular
senescent, then age-related problems in physical senescence from multiple angles, helping to rid the
function started to appear in mice. body of the damage it causes.
To protect against the senescent cell burden, more
needs to be done to reduce the emission of toxic SASP.
Cellular senescence is a major contributor to rapid
A Triple-Action Senolytic Approach aging and risk for degenerative illnesses.
Apigenin is a flavonoid found in certain herbs, fruits, Senolytic therapies remove senescent cells from
and vegetables. the body, rejuvenating tissues and preventing the
In two recent studies, apigenin was found to inhibit chronic damage that senescent cells do.
the SASP. This resulted in a reduction in pro-inflam- Major advances have been made in senolytic treat-
matory compounds produced by senescent cells.29,30 ments in the last few years, including demonstrating
Reducing inflammation caused by SASP while that these interventions can remove senescent cells in
diminishing the senescent cell burden is crucial for human subjects.
healthy longevity. Some of the earliest senolytic compounds used were
Quercetin and theaflavins (from black tea) function chemotherapy drugs. Recent research has shown that
via separate and complementary mechanisms to purge plant-derived nutrients function via similar senolytic
the body of senescent cells. mechanisms.

Los Angeles Times Reports on Senolytics

“This drug cocktail reduced signs of age-related diseases

and extended life in mice and human cells”

“…A group led by Mayo Clinic anti-aging “Compared with mice that aged normally, those
researcher James Kirkland not only offers a clear that started the dasatinib-quercetin cocktail at
look at the power of senescent cells to drive an age equivalent to 75 to 90 years in humans
the aging process, but also a pharmaceutical ended up living roughly 36% longer, and with
cocktail that, in mice at least, can slow and even better physical function…”
reverse it…”
“Aging…is beginning to look more and more like a disease—
and a treatable one at that.” — L.A. Times, July 10, 2018.



Quercetin + theaflavins mimic senescent-cell-

removing actions of quercetin and dasatinib (the can-
cer drug).
Apigenin provides added protection by reducing Enhancing Quercetin’s Effects
the emissions (SASPs) from residual senescent cells
A challenge to fully benefiting from quercetin
that ignite inflammatory reactions in our aging bodies. is that it can have low oral bioavailability.31
As we await the development of bioavailable fisetin
(a plant flavonoid), combinations of theaflavins, quer- To improve quercetin’s absorbability so that
cetin and apigenin are options for people over age the body can obtain higher benefits at lower
doses, researchers integrated quercetin into
35-45 to consider.
a phytosome.
Healthy younger individuals are unlikely to need
senolytics as they have not yet acquired a toxic Phytosomes combine a natural compound
“senescent cell burden”. • (like quercetin) with a plant-based phospho-
lipid carrier.32 This enables much more quer-
cetin to enter the bloodstream to exert its
If you have any questions on the scientific content beneficial effects throughout the body.
of this article, please call a Life Extension®
Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.

1. Calcinotto A, Kohli J, Zagato E, et al. Cellular Senescence: Aging,
Cancer, and Injury. Physiol Rev. 2019 Apr 1;99(2):1047-78.
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for cardiovascular disease. J Clin Invest. 2018 Apr 2;128(4):1217-28.
3. Hernandez-Segura A, Nehme J, Demaria M. Hallmarks of Cellular
Senescence. Trends Cell Biol. 2018 Jun;28(6):436-53.
4. Herranz N, Gil J. Mechanisms and functions of cellular senescence.
J Clin Invest. 2018 Apr 2;128(4):1238-46.



5. Soto-Gamez A, Quax WJ, Demaria M. Regulation of Survival Net- 20. Ting PY, Damoiseaux R, Titz B, et al. Identification of small mol-
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Magtein™ is protected under U.S. patents 8,178,118; 8,142,803; 8,163,301 and other patents pending.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
N E W!

Senescent cells no longer function
optimally and secrete harmful compounds
that damage healthy cells.
Senolytic compounds selectively help
target senescent cells in the body.
Laboratory studies show evidence of
systemic rejuvenation when the
senescent cell burden is reduced.*

Senolytic Activator provides a highly
absorbable form of quercetin phytosome
and black tea theaflavins designed to
enhance the body’s ability to manage
senescent cells.
Apigenin has been added to inhibit
proinflammatory compounds produced
by senescent cells.
The suggested dose is to take two capsules
of Senolytic Activator just once weekly.
Item # •  vegetarian capsules
* Aging Cell.  Aug;():-.  box $
 boxes $ each
For full product description and to (Each box lasts three months.)
order Senolytic Activator,
call ---
or visit

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Critical Role in
Immune Health



We’ve heard it all our lives:

Vitamin C fights colds.

That’s partially true.
Some human studies show that taking vita-
min C can lessen the severity and duration
of the common cold.1

What’s irrefutable is the role that vitamin

C plays in maintaining immune function.2-4

The ABCs of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in
Without it we die.
Humans don’t internally produce vitamin C
like most animals. It must be obtained from
diet or other external sources.
Severe vitamin C deficiency—medically
known as scurvy2—causes major health
problems, including increased suscepti-
bility to infections.5
Low vitamin C levels are relatively common
in the United States.2,6,7
Diets lacking in fruits and vegetables fail to
provide enough vitamin C.
Vitamin C is further depleted by smoking,
illness, exposure to pollutants, and stress.2
As a water-soluble nutrient, vitamin C can’t
be readily stored in the body.



Impact on Infections Vitamin C is important for the creation and mainte-

In the process of fighting infection, immune cells rap- nance of these protective-barrier tissues. It’s required
idly use up vitamin C.2 for the synthesis of collagen, a structural protein that
Some studies show that in common infectious provides strength and durability to barrier and connec-
illnesses, such as colds, supplemental vitamin C lessens tive tissues.2
the severity and duration of symptoms.1 Vitamin C also affects the linings of the airways in
In people with acute respiratory infections, like lungs, which are prone to infection. In animals with
bronchitis or pneumonia, increasing oral dosages acute lung infection, treatment with vitamin C has
of vitamin C can reduce the severity of respiratory been shown to restore barrier function, repairing junc-
symptoms.8 tions between cells in the lining of the respiratory tract.12
The results can be dramatic. Some studies report
rapid clearance on chest x-rays of patients with lung
Helping Immune Cells
infections, following intravenous vitamin C treatment.9,10
In pneumonia and other serious infections, vitamin C Vitamin C supports cells of the immune system,
has been shown to reduce symptoms, shorten hospital including those most directly involved in response to
stay, and lead to more rapid normalization of markers infections.
of disease.8,11 Neutrophils are the “first responder” immune cells
against infections. They are called to infected tissues
early in the course of disease. Research has shown that
Barrier Against Disease they play important roles in response to viral as well as
Before viruses, bacteria, and other infectious agents bacterial infections.13,14
can make us ill, they must invade the body, breaching Vitamin C supports neutrophil function by:
biological barriers meant to prevent their entry.
• Helping neutrophils reach an infection.
Our skin and the linings of our respiratory and diges-
Early in an infection, neutrophils migrate to
tive tracts are protective barriers.
the infected tissues. Insufficient vitamin C
impedes this process, making it difficult for
neutrophils to find the infection.15-17 In a
study of participants with inadequate vitamin
C status, daily supplementation with vitamin C
resulted in a 20% increase in neutrophil

• Helping neutrophils destroy microbes.

Once neutrophils encounter an infection, they
consume and kill infectious organisms. With
vitamin C deficiency, that ability is severely
impaired.2 One study showed that increased
vitamin C intake, in combination with vita-
min E, enhances the ability of neutrophils to
devour and kill infectious agents.19

After neutrophils destroy pathogens, they die off

and are removed by other cells. This helps resolve
inflammation and start the healing process. But a lack
of vitamin C can cause neutrophils to die in a way that
releases potentially toxic compounds, causing new
inflammation and tissue damage that make disease
even worse.20,21 Preclinical studies show that adequate
vitamin C inhibits this harmful process.22




Lymphocytes are the second most common form of Vitamin C Helps Fight
immune cells. They include B cells, T cells, and natu-
ral killer cells (NK cells). Infections
These cells are an integral part of the immune sys-
tem’s ability to recognize foreign invaders and mount
Q Vitamin C strengthens immunity by
an attack on them.
promoting healthy barrier function to
Vitamin C promotes growth, maturation, antibody
keep out pathogens and supporting
production, and survival of lymphocytes.23-26
optimal function of immune-system

Reducing Inflammation Q Inadequate levels of vitamin C are not

uncommon and can impair immune
Excessive inflammation initiated by infection causes response. Requirements for vitamin C
damage to tissues. Preclinical studies show that vita- are increased when the body is fighting
min C reduces excessive amounts of pro-inflammatory infection.
Studies in animal models and in humans have Q Daily oral intake of vitamin C restores
demonstrated that oral intake of vitamin C leads to bodily levels and has been shown to
lower levels of histamine, a pro-inflammatory com- improve the function of immune cells,
pound which causes symptoms of both infection and supporting a healthy response to viral
allergy.17,29-31 and other infections.
Fighting excessive inflammation is important in
Q Health-conscious people supplement
wound healing and recovery of tissues following injury.
with 500 mg and sometimes much
By decreasing pro-inflammatory compounds, vita-
higher doses of vitamin C each day.
min C helps initiate tissue-healing processes.32



Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that supports 13. Galani IE, Andreakos E. Neutrophils in viral infections: Current
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the ability to ward off infectious disease and respond 15. Goldschmidt MC. Reduced bactericidal activity in neutrophils
from scorbutic animals and the effect of ascorbic acid on these
to an infection. target bacteria in vivo and in vitro. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Dec;54(6
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these impairments. This helps strengthen barrier func- ascorbic acid deficiency on leukocyte phagocytosis and killing of
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17. Johnston CS, Huang SN. Effect of ascorbic acid nutriture on
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In animal models and human clinical studies, vitamin 18. Bozonet SM, Carr AC, Pullar JM, et al. Enhanced human neutro-
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C has been shown to reduce incidence and severity ing dietary supplementation with vitamin C-rich SunGold kiwifruit.
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19. de la Fuente M, Ferrandez MD, Burgos MS, et al. Immune func-
In 1970, two-time Nobel Prize Laureate Linus tion in aged women is improved by ingestion of vitamins C and E.
Pauling claimed that vitamin C prevents and alleviates Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1998 Apr;76(4):373-80.
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the episodes of the common cold.33 Ever since, most trophils in the Progression of Severe Pneumonia. Front Cell Infect
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21. Zawrotniak M, Rapala-Kozik M. Neutrophil extracellular
500 mg a day (and far higher) of low-cost vitamin C.• traps (NETs) - formation and implications. Acta Biochim Pol.
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novel regulator of neutrophil extracellular trap formation. Nutri-
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Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027. 23. Huijskens MJ, Walczak M, Koller N, et al. Technical advance:
ascorbic acid induces development of double-positive T cells
from human hematopoietic stem cells in the absence of stromal
cells. J Leukoc Biol. 2014 Dec;96(6):1165-75.
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9. Bharara A, Grossman C, Grinnan D, et al. Intravenous Vitamin C 30. Johnston CS, Martin LJ, Cai X. Antihistamine effect of supple-
Administered as Adjunctive Therapy for Recurrent Acute Respira- mental ascorbic acid and neutrophil chemotaxis. J Am Coll Nutr.
tory Distress Syndrome. Case Rep Crit Care. 2016;2016:8560871. 1992 Apr;11(2):172-6.
10. Fowler Iii AA, Kim C, Lepler L, et al. Intravenous vitamin C as 31. Johnston CS, Solomon RE, Corte C. Vitamin C depletion is
adjunctive therapy for enterovirus/rhinovirus induced acute associated with alterations in blood histamine and plasma free
respiratory distress syndrome. World J Crit Care Med. 2017 Feb carnitine in adults. J Am Coll Nutr. 1996 Dec;15(6):586-91.
4;6(1):85-90. 32. Mohammed BM, Fisher BJ, Kraskauskas D, et al. Vitamin C
11. Hemila H, Louhiala P. Vitamin C for preventing and treating pneu- promotes wound healing through novel pleiotropic mechanisms.
monia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Aug 8(8):CD005532. Int Wound J. 2016 Aug;13(4):572-84.
12. Fisher BJ, Kraskauskas D, Martin EJ, et al. Mechanisms of attenu- 33. Hemila H. Vitamin C supplementation and the common
ation of abdominal sepsis induced acute lung injury by ascorbic cold—was Linus Pauling right or wrong? Int J Vitam Nutr Res.
acid. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Jul 1;303(1): 1997;67(5):329-35.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For years, whey protein has been taken by athletes

seeking to increase muscle mass and performance.

Evolving research shows that whey does much more.

Whey helps protect against muscle-wasting and

weight gain, while lowering certain cardiovascular risk

Glutathione levels drop with age, and this could play a

role in neurodegeneration, reduced immunity, and other
age-related conditions.16-20

Whey protein enhances glutathione production.12,13

The ability of whey to increase glutathione levels comes

from its unique combinations of small peptides.

Whey protein is increasingly seen as a superfood for

healthy longevity.



Dangers of Low Protein It is also a great source of branched-chain amino

About 45% of older people in the U.S., and more acids, essential nutrients that reduce muscle break-
than 84% in residential care facilities, are not adequately down and stimulate the creation of new protein in
nourished.21,22 This results from reduced appetite and muscle.32
food intake, impaired nutrient absorption, and other The most metabolically active branched-chain amino
age-related changes.22-24 acid in whey is leucine. It activates signals in muscle
Insufficient intake of quality protein can lead to loss of that boost the body’s anabolic (growth-promoting)
muscle mass,25 especially in older individuals. After age drive, spurring muscle synthesis. 2,33-36
70, muscle mass decreases by about 15% per decade. In one study, hospitalized, frail, elderly men and
However, this process begins as early as age 40, with women were given whey daily during their hospital
an estimated 8% loss of muscle mass per decade.24 stay. Compared to patients who didn’t take whey, those
Approximately 5%-13% of people aged 60 or over who did had significant improvements in grip strength
experience age-related muscle-wasting so severe, it and knee extensor force, and improved rehabilitation
increases the risk of falls and disability.26-28 outcomes.6
Inadequate protein consumption is associated with
increased risk of age-related conditions like loss of
bone strength and poor immunity.29 Boosting Muscle Mass
In fact, low protein intake is associated with frailty,30 Whey doesn’t just help prevent muscle loss. Two
when the body is so weak it becomes unable to cope studies show that it also significantly increases lean
with stress or injury. Frailty is a strong predictor of mor- muscle mass, perhaps especially when combined
tality in aging people.21,31 with exercise.
Whey is a potential solution. In a randomized, controlled trial, researchers divided
81 healthy, older women, aged 65-80, into three groups.
Over 24 weeks, one group exercised twice weekly,
Whey Inhibits Muscle-Wasting another took whey protein but didn’t exercise, and
Made from the liquid part of milk that separates the third took the same amount of whey protein after
during cheese production, whey is a high-quality exercising.4
protein source for aging people.




The Benefits of Whey

Q Whey protein has long helped
athletes build muscle mass, but it
does much more.
The increase in muscle mass was significantly higher
for the whey + exercise group than the other two Q Staying active and healthy with aging
groups. There was also a significant increase in grip requires strong, healthy muscles.
strength and gait speed.4 Unfortunately, aging adults are
Researchers also conducted a study to assess increasingly susceptible to losing
whey’s effects on muscle loss following periods of muscle mass as they grow older.
Q Whey is documented to help prevent
In a controlled trial, men and women in their late 60s
the loss of muscle mass, inhibit weight
consumed a diet in which 45% of their protein came
gain, and reduce multiple risk factors for
from either whey or animal peptides. After two weeks
cardiovascular disease.
of habitual activity, participants spent two weeks being
inactive, then returned to normal activity for one more Q Whey protein helps enhance the
week (recovery).1 muscle-building effects of exercise
During the inactive periods, lean leg mass was while boosting glutathione levels.
reduced in both groups. During the recovery week, lean
leg mass increased only in the whey protein group.1

They divided the subjects into three groups. One

Preventing Weight Gain received no treatment, another received whey pro-
Our metabolism naturally slows as we age, causing tein only, and the third received whey protein and
many to gain weight. underwent whole-body electrical muscle stimulation
Whey has been shown to help prevent weight gain. (which “exercises” the muscles). In addition, all sub-
Scientists have even considered it as a potential appli- jects received 800 IU/day of vitamin D.10
cation for the treatment of obesity.37 Total body fat, trunk body fat, and waist circumfer-
In a host of studies, researchers discovered that the ence were significantly reduced in both intervention
proteins, amino acids, and minerals in whey boost sati- groups (whey protein alone or combined with elec-
ety (the feeling of fullness), benefit glucose homeosta- trical muscle stimulation) after 16 weeks, but not in
sis (the regulation of blood sugar levels), and optimize the untreated group.10
lean body mass.38-42 Another analysis of randomized, controlled trials on
Scientists conducted one recent study on 100 men overweight and obese people concluded that there
aged 70 or older with sarcopenic obesity, character- was a significant decrease in body weight and total
ized by low lean mass and high fat mass.10 fat mass in those who took whey protein.11



Fighting Cardiovascular Disease Summary

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of Whey protein is often viewed as just a protein source
death in the U.S. for bodybuilders.
Hypertension is one of the main factors contributing Whey has also been shown to stop muscle-wasting
to cardiovascular disease.43 Research shows that whey- in the elderly, boost lean muscle mass, prevent weight
based peptides may help reduce this risk factor.44,45 gain, and lower risks of cardiovascular disease and
(Peptides are chains of amino acids that are smaller other illnesses.
than proteins.) And food-derived peptides like the kind It’s increasingly recognized as a food to protect
found in whey are far safer than anti-hypertension drugs. against degenerative aging and prevent muscle loss.
In a study, researchers asked 27 adults with mild
hypertension (high blood pressure) to eat a high-fat
breakfast and lunch along with 28 grams of whey pro- If you have any questions on the scientific content
tein. This was later repeated with 28 grams of calcium of this article, please call a Life Extension®
caseinate, a protein derived from casein (non-whey Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
protein) in milk, and 27 grams of the carbohydrate
Whey was found to reduce systolic blood pressure References
(the pressure on vessels when the heart contracts), by
1. Oikawa SY, McGlory C, D’Souza LK, et al. A randomized controlled
an average of 15.2 mmHg compared to calcium casein- trial of the impact of protein supplementation on leg lean mass and
ate, and 23.4 mmHg compared to maltodextrin, for up integrated muscle protein synthesis during inactivity and energy
restriction in older persons. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 Nov 1;108(5):1060-
to five hours after ingestion. 8.
Whey also reduced arterial stiffness compared to 2. Paddon-Jones D, Short KR, Campbell WW, et al. Role of di-
etary protein in the sarcopenia of aging. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008
maltodextrin. All these actions show whey’s potential May;87(5):1562s-6s.
to improve cardiovascular risk factors.5 3. Pepe G, Tenore GC, Mastrocinque R, et al. Potential anticarcino-
genic peptides from bovine milk. J Amino Acids. 2013;2013:939804.
Scientists examining previous trials on overweight
4. Mori H, Tokuda Y. Effect of whey protein supplementation after
and obese patients also found that whey protein resistance exercise on the muscle mass and physical function of
reduced body weight and significantly lowered blood healthy older women: A randomized controlled trial. Geriatr Gerontol
Int. 2018 Sep;18(9):1398-404.
pressure, glucose levels, and cholesterol, reducing the 5. Fekete AA, Giromini C, Chatzidiakou Y, et al. Whey protein lowers
risk of cardiovascular disease.11 systolic blood pressure and Ca-caseinate reduces serum TAG after
a high-fat meal in mildly hypertensive adults. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar



6. Niccoli S, Kolobov A, Bon T, et al. Whey Protein Supplementation

Improves Rehabilitation Outcomes in Hospitalized Geriatric Patients:

What Type of Whey

A Double Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr Gerontol
Geriatr. 2017 Oct-Dec;36(4):149-65.
is Right for You? 7. Bergia RE, 3rd, Hudson JL, Campbell WW. Effect of whey protein
supplementation on body composition changes in women: a sys-
tematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2018 Jul 1;76(7):539-51.
Whey protein is commonly available in 8. Ho CF, Jiao Y, Wei B, et al. Protein supplementation enhances cere-
three forms: bral oxygenation during exercise in elite basketball players. Nutrition.
2018 Sep;53:34-7.
• Concentrate, 9. Fernandes RR, Nabuco HCG, Sugihara Junior P, et al. Effect of
protein intake beyond habitual intakes following resistance training
• Isolate, and on cardiometabolic risk disease parameters in pre-conditioned older
women. Exp Gerontol. 2018 Sep;110:9-14.
• Isolate with added creatine and 10. Kemmler W, Kohl M, Freiberger E, et al. Effect of whole-body elec-
glutamine. tromyostimulation and / or protein supplementation on obesity and
cardiometabolic risk in older men with sarcopenic obesity: the ran-
Whey concentrate is simply whey with the domized controlled FranSO trial. BMC Geriatr. 2018 Mar 9;18(1):70.
11. Wirunsawanya K, Upala S, Jaruvongvanich V, et al. Whey Protein
water removed. That leaves a powder that Supplementation Improves Body Composition and Cardiovascu-
mixes easily for a protein shake. Most whey lar Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Patients: A Systematic
concentrates contain about 80% protein, and Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Coll Nutr. 2018 Jan;37(1):60-70.
12. Bumrungpert A, Pavadhgul P, Nunthanawanich P, et al. Whey Protein
may be the most economical form of protein Supplementation Improves Nutritional Status, Glutathione Levels,
for the human body to digest and use. and Immune Function in Cancer Patients: A Randomized, Double-
Blind Controlled Trial. J Med Food. 2018 Jun;21(6):612-6.
Whey isolate is put through a filtration pro- 13. Tosukhowong P, Boonla C, Dissayabutra T, et al. Biochemical and
cess that reduces the amount of carbohydrate, clinical effects of Whey protein supplementation in Parkinson’s
disease: A pilot study. J Neurol Sci. 2016 Aug 15;367:162-70.
lactose, and fat, providing a purer protein in 14. Townsend DM, Tew KD, Tapiero H. The importance of gluta-
the end. Whey isolate contains about 98% thione in human disease. Biomed Pharmacother. 2003 May-
protein. Those who are lactose intolerant Jun;57(3-4):145-55.
15. Wu G, Fang YZ, Yang S, et al. Glutathione metabolism and its impli-
should note that, like whey concentrate, whey cations for health. J Nutr. 2004 Mar;134(3):489-92.
isolate contains lactose. 16. McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ. An increased need for dietary cys-
teine in support of glutathione synthesis may underlie the increased
Whey isolate with added creatine and risk for mortality associated with low protein intake in the elderly.
glutamine is a premium isolate option for Age (Dordr). 2015 Oct;37(5):96.
17. Fraternale A, Brundu S, Magnani M. Glutathione and glutathione
those seeking greater strength and exercise derivatives in immunotherapy. Biol Chem. 2017 Feb 1;398(2):261-75.
performance. 18. Aoyama K, Nakaki T. Impaired glutathione synthesis in neurodegen-
eration. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Oct 18;14(10):21021-44.
Creatine is found naturally in muscle cells.
It supports energy production by increasing
levels of cells’ energy currency, ATP, and helps
maintain healthy muscle mass.46-48 Studies
show that creatine helps build muscle and
strength in explosive, short-duration activities
like resistance-exercise training.49,50
Glutamine is abundant in muscles, but levels
are reduced after prolonged and high-intensity
exercise.51-54 Glutamine encourages recovery
after intense exercise, increases synthesis
of energy-storing glycogen, and helps inhibit
protein breakdown in muscle tissue.55-57 It can
also inhibit blood ammonia accumulation dur-
ing exercise, preventing physical fatigue.58-60



19. Garcia-Gimenez JL, Roma-Mateo C, Perez-Machado G, et al. Role 43. Available at:
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disorders. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2015 Jan;18(1):89-95. 45. Zhang X, Beynen AC. Lowering effect of dietary milk-whey protein
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22. Visvanathan R, Chapman IM. Undernutrition and anorexia in the tion enhances anaerobic ATP synthesis during a single 10 sec maxi-
older person. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2009 Sep;38(3):393-409. mal handgrip exercise. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Feb;244(1-2):105-12.
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physiology. J Bone Metab. 2013 May;20(1):1-10. cial effect of creatine application strategies. Biogerontology. 2011
25. Berrazaga I, Micard V, Gueugneau M, et al. The Role of the Anabolic Aug;12(4):273-81.
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porting Muscle Mass Maintenance: A Critical Review. Nutrients. Skeletal Muscle Metabolism for Building Muscle Mass- Review
2019 Aug 7;11(8). of the Potential Mechanisms of Action. Curr Protein Pept Sci.
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the world: a systematic review and meta- analysis of general popu- 51. Calder PC, Yaqoob P. Glutamine and the immune system. Amino
lation studies. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2017;16:21. Acids. 1999;17(3):227-41.
28. Landi F, Liperoti R, Russo A, et al. Sarcopenia as a risk factor for 52. Peng X, Yan H, You Z, et al. Glutamine granule-supplemented en-
falls in elderly individuals: results from the ilSIRENTE study. Clin Nutr. teral nutrition maintains immunological function in severely burned
2012 Oct;31(5):652-8. patients. Burns. 2006 Aug;32(5):589-93.
29. Bauer J, Biolo G, Cederholm T, et al. Evidence-based recommenda- 53. Keast D, Arstein D, Harper W, et al. Depression of plasma glutamine
tions for optimal dietary protein intake in older people: a position concentration after exercise stress and its possible influence on the im-
paper from the PROT-AGE Study Group. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 mune system. Med J Aust. 1995 Jan 2;162(1):15-8.
Aug;14(8):542-59. 54. Castell LM, Newsholme EA. The effects of oral glutamine supple-
30. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Rodrigues B, Uchida M, et al. Low Protein Intake mentation on athletes after prolonged, exhaustive exercise. Nutrition.
Is Associated with Frailty in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and 1997 Jul-Aug;13(7-8):738-42.
Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Nutrients. 2018;10(9):1334. 55. Legault Z, Bagnall N, Kimmerly DS. The Influence of Oral L-Glu-
31. Chapman IM. Nutritional disorders in the elderly. Med Clin North Am. tamine Supplementation on Muscle Strength Recovery and Soreness
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34. Dardevet D, Sornet C, Balage M, et al. Stimulation of in vitro rat 58. Carvalho-Peixoto J, Alves RC, Cameron LC. Glutamine and carbo-
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2000 Nov;130(11):2630-5. ance field exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2007 Dec;32(6):1186-
35. Katsanos CS, Kobayashi H, Sheffield-Moore M, et al. A high pro- 90.
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41. Pal S, Ellis V. The acute effects of four protein meals on insulin,
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42. Hall WL, Millward DJ, Long SJ, et al. Casein and whey exert differ-
ent effects on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone
secretion and appetite. Br J Nutr. 2003 Feb;89(2):239-48.


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t t ) (Whey IIsolate)
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Whey protein, packed with vital amino WHEY CONCENTRATE (chocolate or vanilla flavor)
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Roughly 1.8 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer

each year.

More than 600,000 people in the United States die from it


It doesn’t have to be this way.

Many cancers are preventable.

Improving diet, increasing exercise, and changing unhealthy

behaviors can significantly reduce risk.3
Studies show that higher intake of cruciferous vegetables is
associated with a reduced risk for cancers.4,5

Ongoing research points to anti-cancer effects of compounds

found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.

One clinical trial showed that a specific cruciferous vegetable

nutrient triggered a complete resolution of pre-cancerous cer-
vical lesions in 100% of women, removing the risk that the
lesions could develop into cancer.6

Until recently, it was difficult to deliver these cruciferous

nutrients into the bloodstream at high enough levels to be

Scientists have found a way to maximize the activity of

cruciferous compounds so that they can reach tissues through-
out the body.



Cruciferous Vegetable Compounds In lab and animal studies, sulforaphane has been
Cruciferous vegetables are a group of edible plants associated with diminished growth of cancer cells and
that include broccoli, kale, green and red cabbage, a reduced risk of many types of cancer including:
cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.
• Breast,10-12
They are loaded with nutrients shown to help prevent
a wide variety of common disorders. • Bladder,13
In particular, cruciferous vegetables have dem-
onstrated the ability to protect cells from several pro- • Lung,14
cesses that result in malignant transformations.4,5 • Prostate,15,16
Two cruciferous nutrients are especially well validated
for their cancer-fighting properties: • Cervix,17-19

1) Sulforaphane • Blood (leukemia),20-22

• Mouth,23 and
2) DIM (3,3’-diindolylmethane).6-8
• Brain.24,25
Findings from Johns Hopkins The other active compound in broccoli, DIM, also
In a seminal 1994 study from Johns Hopkins, rats shows the ability to slow or even stop cancer cells
were split into two groups. One was treated with from growing.
sulforaphane, and one was not.9 In one remarkable study, women with cervical
All the animals were then exposed to a powerful can- intraepithelial neoplasia, a cervical cancer precursor,
cer-inducing chemical. were treated with DIM.
The sulforaphane-treated rats developed 39% fewer After three to six months, 100% of women receiving
tumors than the untreated group. And the tumors that 200 mg of DIM daily had their neoplasia completely
did develop progressed at a slower rate. resolved, compared to 61% of women in a placebo
Other studies have produced similar findings, show- group.6
ing that sulforaphane kills cancer stem cells, slows What’s most striking about these cruciferous com-
the growth of tumors, and promotes the death of pounds is that they have shown these effects on cancer
cancer cells.10-12 in virtually every tissue studied.




Formation Pathway of Anti-Cancer

Compounds In Cruciferous Vegetables



Converted by Myrosinase

The Cancer-Fighting
Power of Cruciferous
Sulforaphane Veggies
Q Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli,
cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
and kale.
How Plants Create Sulforaphane
Q Two cruciferous nutrients are especially
You can’t get these benefits by simply popping a pill
well validated for their cancer-fighting
containing sulforaphane.
properties: sulforaphane and 3,3’-diin-
The reason is that while DIM is stable, sulforaphane
dolylmethane (DIM).
is not. It degrades rapidly into inactive substances if it
isn’t quickly absorbed.26 Q Unlike DIM, sulforaphane is unstable. It
Nature has found a way around this problem. degrades rapidly if it’s not absorbed.
Sulforaphane isn’t contained in cruciferous vegeta-
bles. Instead, cruciferous plants store a sulforaphane Q Scientists have found a way to pack-
precursor called glucoraphanin in their cells. age a sulforaphane precursor with an
In a separate cellular compartment, plants store an enzyme that converts it into sulfora-
enzyme called myrosinase, that converts glucora- phane in the small intestine, where it’s
phanin into sulforaphane. absorbed into the bloodstream right
Only when the vegetables have been eaten and away.
partially digested do the glucoraphanin and myrosi- Q Together, sulforaphane and DIM can pre-
nase mix, to form sulforaphane, the cancer-fighting vent changes that lead to cancer, stop
compound. tumors from developing and spreading,
Sulforaphane can then be absorbed through the and even cause cancer cells to die off.
small intestine before it degrades.

Science imitates Nature

Taken orally, these two components meet and mix
The trick for researchers was to find a similar way only in the small intestine.
to deliver sulforaphane to the small intestine before it That means higher levels of cancer-fighting
breaks down. sulforaphane can be achieved.
One group of scientists came up with an ingenious The results are striking. Scientists at Johns Hopkins
solution: imitate nature. found that sulforaphane levels from this gluco-
They developed a delivery system that keeps stable raphanin-myrosinase mix are three to four times
glucoraphanin and active myrosinase in separate more bioavailable (absorbable) than those created by
compartments, just the way plants do. glucoraphanin alone.27



How Sulforaphane and DIM Work Fish oil and vitamin D, on the other hand, have been
Sulforaphane and DIM have shown the ability to shown to induce beneficial epigenetic changes.
reduce cancer risk and malignant changes in four These changes don’t alter the DNA, but they change
important ways: expression patterns of genes.
Research has shown that sulforaphane and
• Stop deleterious epigenetic gene expression DIM can reverse some of these cancer-associated
changes from occurring, changes.16
One example of this is that sulforaphane reverses
• Reduce or minimize cancer-promoting chronic
alterations in histone proteins involved in the
regulation of genes, an epigenetic change that can
• Fight estrogen-driven stimuli that encourage help prevent cancer formation.28,29 This mechanism is so
cancer cell replication and spread and important, it’s a target of many new cancer drugs under
• Impede pre-cancerous cells from developing
into tumors.
Suppressing Inflammation
Chronic inflammation contributes to practically
Stopping Epigenetic Changes
every age-related disease—including cancer.
Cancer can be caused by epigenetic changes, the Our bodies have a “master switch” that regulates the
ability to “turn genes on and off.” signaling molecules that drive inflammation. It’s called
Epigenetic changes can be described as chang- nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB).
ing gene expression via one’s behavior or inadvertent Studies show that sulforaphane blocks NF-kB,
exposure to outside toxins like air pollution. reducing inflammation throughout the body. Along the
By way of example, smoking cigarettes causes way, sulforaphane kills cancer stem cells that can
deleterious epigenetic changes that make the smoker trigger tumor recurrence.11,33
more vulnerable to certain cancers.



By separating these precursor plant compounds,
Estrogen-Driven Stimuli much more sulforaphane becomes bioavailable in
Certain estrogens stimulate proliferation of some the small intestine. There, it can be rapidly absorbed,
existing breast and prostate cancers.34-36 delivering higher blood levels of this beneficial
Sulforaphane combats the potential DNA-damaging (sulforaphane) compound. •
effects of estrogen, preventing the early DNA damage
that leads to cancers.37-39
DIM helps shift the balance between two different If you have any questions on the scientific content
forms of estrogen metabolites, away from one that pro- of this article, please call a Life Extension®
motes cancer and toward one that inhibits it.40 Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
In women who have had breast cancer, human
studies show that daily DIM shifts estrogen metabo-
lites toward a preponderance of the healthier form.40,41 References
In men, higher estrogen levels are associated with 1. Available at:
prostate enlargement and cancers. Studies show DIM statistics. Accessed 17 January, 2020.
2. Available at:
can prevent estrogen-induced stimulation of prostate Accessed May 22, 2020.
cancer cells.42,43 3. Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Sundaram C, et al. Cancer is a prevent-
able disease that requires major lifestyle changes. Pharm Res. 2008
4. Dinkova-Kostova AT, Fahey JW, Kostov RV, et al. KEAP1 and Done?
Stop Developing Targeting the NRF2 Pathway with Sulforaphane. Trends Food Sci
Technol. 2017 Nov;69(Pt B):257-69.
Tumors in their Tracks 5. Verhoeven DT, Goldbohm RA, van Poppel G, et al. Epidemiological
studies on brassica vegetables and cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol
Sulforaphane has demonstrated the ability to Biomarkers Prev. 1996 Sep;5(9):733-48.
6. Ashrafian L, Sukhikh G, Kiselev V, et al. Double-blind randomized
suppress signals and enzymes that spur growth of
placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial (phase IIa) on diindolyl-
tumors, and to reduce formation of blood vessels that methane’s efficacy and safety in the treatment of CIN: implications
feed them.44-49 for cervical cancer prevention. EPMA J. 2015;6:25.
7. Kyung SY, Kim DY, Yoon JY, et al. Sulforaphane attenuates pul-
DIM has also been shown to reduce new blood ves- monary fibrosis by inhibiting the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
sel formation in tumors and to inhibit the spread of BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2018 Apr 2;19(1):13.
8. Su X, Jiang X, Meng L, et al. Anticancer Activity of Sulforaphane:
cancer.50 The Epigenetic Mechanisms and the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway. thway. Oxid
And both compounds spur cancer cells to die off, Med Cell Longev. 2018;2018:5438179.
while leaving normal, healthy cells unharmed.51,52
These actions prevent pre-cancerous cells from
developing into cancer and slow the growth of exist-
ing cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli have proven
capable of slowing and even reversing the development
of many types of cancer.
Research shows that many of the anti-cancer effects
are due to two compounds derived from these vegeta-
bles: sulforaphane and DIM.
While DIM is stable and easily absorbed when taken
orally, sulforaphane is rapidly converted to inactive
To solve this problem, scientists developed a delivery
system (glucoraphanin plus myrosinase) that maximizes
the amount of sulforaphane available for absorption into
the bloodstream.


EX | 59

9. Zhang Y, Kensler TW, Cho CG, et al. Anticarcinogenic activities of 30. Bai Y, Ahmad D, Wang T, et al. Research Advances in the Use of
sulforaphane and structurally related synthetic norbornyl isothiocya- Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors for Epigenetic Targeting of Cancer.
nates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Apr 12;91(8):3147-50. Curr Top Med Chem. 2019;19(12):995-1004.
10. Bose C, Awasthi S, Sharma R, et al. Sulforaphane potentiates anti- 31. Damaskos C, Tomos I, Garmpis N, et al. Histone Deacetylase Inhibi-
cancer effects of doxorubicin and attenuates its cardiotoxicity in a tors as a Novel Targeted Therapy Against Non-small Cell Lung Can-
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11. Burnett JP, Lim G, Li Y, et al. Sulforaphane enhances the anticancer Res. 2018 Jan;38(1):37-43.
activity of taxanes against triple negative breast cancer by killing 32. Srinivas NR. Clinical pharmacokinetics of panobinostat, a novel
cancer stem cells. Cancer Lett. 2017 May 28;394:52-64. histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor: review and perspectives.
12. Yang F, Wang F, Liu Y, et al. Sulforaphane induces autophagy by inhi- Xenobiotica. 2017 Apr;47(4):354-68.
bition of HDAC6-mediated PTEN activation in triple negative breast 33. Ren K, Li Z, Li Y, et al. Sulforaphene enhances radiosensitivity of
cancer cells. Life Sci. 2018 Nov 15;213:149-57. hepatocellular carcinoma through suppression of the NF-kappaB
13. Abbaoui B, Telu KH, Lucas CR, et al. The impact of cruciferous pathway. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2017 Aug;31(8).
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14. Wang DX, Zou YJ, Zhuang XB, et al. Sulforaphane suppresses EMT 35. Santen RJ, Yue W, Wang JP. Estrogen metabolites and breast cancer.
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15. Alumkal JJ, Slottke R, Schwartzman J, et al. A phase II study of 37. Wu Q, Odwin-Dacosta S, Cao S, et al. Estrogen down regulates
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prostate cancer. Invest New Drugs. 2015 Apr;33(2):480-9. cancer cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019 Mar 15;367:12-22.
16. Wong CP, Hsu A, Buchanan A, et al. Effects of sulforaphane and 38. Yager JD. Mechanisms of estrogen carcinogenesis: The role of E2/
3,3’-diindolylmethane on genome-wide promoter methylation in E1-quinone metabolites suggests new approaches to preventive
normal prostate epithelial cells and prostate cancer cells. PLoS One. intervention--A review. Steroids. 2015 Jul;99(Pt A):56-60.
2014;9(1):e86787. 39. Yang L, Zahid M, Liao Y, et al. Reduced formation of depurinating
17. Ali Khan M, Kedhari Sundaram M, Hamza A, et al. Sulforaphane estrogen-DNA adducts by sulforaphane or KEAP1 disruption in
Reverses the Expression of Various Tumor Suppressor Genes by Tar- human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells. Carcinogenesis. 2013
geting DNMT3B and HDAC1 in Human Cervical Cancer Cells. Evid Nov;34(11):2587-92.
Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:412149. 40. Thomson CA, Chow HHS, Wertheim BC, et al. A randomized, place-
18. Cheng YM, Tsai CC, Hsu YC. Sulforaphane, a Dietary Isothiocyanate, bo-controlled trial of diindolylmethane for breast cancer biomarker
Induces G(2)/M Arrest in Cervical Cancer Cells through CyclinB1 modulation in patients taking tamoxifen. Breast Cancer Res Treat.
Downregulation and GADD45beta/CDC2 Association. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Aug;165(1):97-107.
2016 Sep 12;17(9). 41. Dalessandri KM, Firestone GL, Fitch MD, et al. Pilot study: effect of
19. Sharma C, Sadrieh L, Priyani A, et al. Anti-carcinogenic effects 3,3’-diindolylmethane supplements on urinary hormone metabolites
of sulforaphane in association with its apoptosis-inducing and in postmenopausal women with a history of early-stage breast can-
anti-inflammatory properties in human cervical cancer cells. Cancer cer. Nutr Cancer. 2004;50(2):161-7.
Epidemiol. 2011 Jun;35(3):272-8. 42. Smith S, Sepkovic D, Bradlow HL, et al. 3,3’-Diindolylmethane and
20. Fimognari C, Turrini E, Sestili P, et al. Antileukemic activity of sul- genistein decrease the adverse effects of estrogen in LNCaP and
foraphane in primary blasts from patients affected by myelo- and PC-3 prostate cancer cells. J Nutr. 2008 Dec;138(12):2379-85.
lympho-proliferative disorders and in hypoxic conditions. PLoS One. 43. Chen D, Banerjee S, Cui QC, et al. Activation of AMP-activated
2014;9(7):e101991. protein kinase by 3,3’-Diindolylmethane (DIM) is associated with
21. Koolivand M, Ansari M, Piroozian F, et al. Alleviating the progression human prostate cancer cell death in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One.
of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) by sulforaphane through controlling 2012;7(10):e47186.
miR-155 levels. Mol Biol Rep. 2018 Dec;45(6):2491-9. 44. Annabi B, Rojas-Sutterlin S, Laroche M, et al. The diet-derived sul-
22. Shang HS, Shih YL, Lee CH, et al. Sulforaphane-induced apoptosis foraphane inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-9-activated human brain
in human leukemia HL-60 cells through extrinsic and intrinsic signal microvascular endothelial cell migration and tubulogenesis. Mol Nutr
pathways and altering associated genes expression assayed by Food Res. 2008 Jun;52(6):692-700.
cDNA microarray. Environ Toxicol. 2017 Jan;32(1):311-28. 45. Hunakova L, Sedlakova O, Cholujova D, et al. Modulation of mark-
23. Bauman JE, Zang Y, Sen M, et al. Prevention of Carcinogen-Induced ers associated with aggressive phenotype in MDA-MB-231 breast
Oral Cancer by Sulforaphane. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2016 carcinoma cells by sulforaphane. Neoplasma. 2009;56(6):548-56.
Jul;9(7):547-57. 46. Pawlik A, Wiczk A, Kaczynska A, et al. Sulforaphane inhibits growth
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PLoS One. 2017;12(6):e0179012. 47. Davis R, Singh KP, Kurzrock R, et al. Sulforaphane inhibits angio-
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27. Fahey JW, Holtzclaw WD, Wehage SL, et al. Sulforaphane Bioavail- regulation of angiogenesis in a co-culture model of endothelial cells
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28. Bayat Mokhtari R, Baluch N, Homayouni TS, et al. The role of of 3,3’-diindolylmethane on proliferation and apoptosis of prostate
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29. Tortorella SM, Royce SG, Licciardi PV, et al. Dietary Sulforaphane in duces cell type-specific apoptosis in human breast cancer cell lines.
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1382-424. ane in Gastrointestinal Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Jul 19;17(7).



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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dual-Layer Tablet for
Optimal Cruciferous Benefits
Cruciferous Vegetable Extracts

Sulforaphane Releasor (myrosinase)

Optimized Broccoli and Cruciferous Blend is an enteric

coated, dual-layer tablet providing:
• Vegetable extracts (broccoli, watercress, cabbage,
rosemary) in one layer.
• Myrosinase in other layer to release sulforaphane
in the small intestine.
• DIM (di-indolyl-methane) to provide further cell
health benefits.
Just one dual-layered tablet daily provides potent benefits
of fresh young vegetables.

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TrueBroc® is a trademark of Brassica Protection Products LLC. BroccoVital® Myrosinase is a registered trademark of Berg Imports, LLC.

These statements have

ave not be
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
T 202
Blend Repairs Many skin creams and serums have temporary

Aging Skin But retinol can initiate changes in the skin that
turn back the clock on skin aging.
Once applied to the skin, retinol converts into reti-
noic acid,1 a compound that sends signals to skin
cells that stop and even repair skin aging.

Researchers have found that retinoic acid:

• Stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis,2,3

• Boosts moisture,4

• Promotes tissue repair,5 and

• Combats solar radiation.6

Many topical creams contain retinol. But retinol is

just one of a group of compounds called retinoids,
which have slightly different effects.

These retinol compounds have been shown to:7,8

• Reduce crow’s feet by 44%,

• Decrease mottled pigmentation by 84%,

• Prevent and even repair sun damage, and

• Reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just 14 days.

A lipid-soluble delivery system allows retinol
to be gradually released in the skin to restore a
smoother, more youthful appearance, with fewer
side effects.



How Skin Ages Retinol Enhances Skin Renewal

Skin naturally ages over time,9,10 but there are ways When retinol is topically applied to normal, aged skin,
to partially rebel. it increases the number of epidermal keratinocytes
The epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, becomes by 12-fold (Keratinocytes produce the key structural
thinner, which weakens the barrier function. That leads protein keratin).18
to increased moisture loss and vulnerability to environ- That boosts the thickness of the epidermis, strength-
mental threats.11,12 ening the skin-barrier function crucial for keeping skin
In the second layer of skin, the dermis, there is hydrated, soft, and youthful.
reduced function and number of the specialized cells Topical retinol regenerates the dermis by increasing
known as fibroblasts.13,14 This diminishes the output the number of protein-synthesizing fibroblasts and
of the structural proteins collagen and elastin, which reducing secretion of protein-degrading enzymes.19
give skin its firmness and elasticity, and of hyaluronic It also stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elas-
acid, responsible for keeping skin hydrated. tin, and fibronectin, proteins that make up the dermal
All these changes make skin appear dry, pale, and matrix, which can be thought of as the skin’s scaffolding.
blemished, and lead to fine wrinkles. These retinol-induced effects can be seen in people
Skin aging is accelerated by environmental factors, after as little as seven days.19
especially prolonged sun exposure. All these changes lead to a visible impact.
Ultraviolet radiation activates enzymes that break One randomized, double-blind clinical trial showed
down dermal structural proteins and cause DNA dam- that topical retinol significantly reduces fine wrinkles,
age that slows the production of new skin cells.15-17 roughness, and severity of changes in naturally aged
Sun-damaged skin is characterized by rough texture, skin after 24 weeks, compared to a placebo.20
deep wrinkles, age spots, and dark patches. These benefits were later confirmed in another con-
There’s a way to repair skin damage. trolled, clinical trial that found significant increases
Retinol, retinyl palmitate, and hydroxypinacolone in collagen and water-binding hyaluronic acid in
retinoate are vitamin A derivatives that belong to a response to topical retinol, leaving participants with
group known as retinoids. rehydrated, smooth, and rejuvenated skin.21
These retinoids enhance the ability of aged, dam- Numerous human studies have confirmed that topi-
aged skin to restore itself. cal retinol also breathes new life into photodamaged
skin.21-23 In one study, 62 participants applied either reti-
nol or a placebo to their face for one year. Compared
to the untreated group, retinol decreased crow’s feet
by 44% and reduced mottled pigmentation by 84%.7

Retinyl Palmitate Protects Against Sun Damage

Retinyl palmitate is the main retinoid in the epi-
There, it absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays and blocks
inflammation, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage
associated with premature aging and skin cancer.25,26
In people, topical application of retinyl palmitate
before UV exposure was as effective as sunscreen
in preventing erythema (skin reddening and inflamma-
tion) and thymine dimers, a marker of DNA damage.25
Another study confirmed its photoprotective effects on
Additional research indicates that retinyl palmitate
not only prevents but repairs the sun’s damaging effects
on the skin.




Retinoids Rejuvenate
Aging Skin
Q Over time, and with exposure to sun, our
skin ages. This causes wrinkles, dryness,
age spots, rough texture, and other
In one randomized, clinical trial, people applied topi- visible signs of damage.
cal retinyl palmitate (combined with vitamin E and
moisturizers) to their face, neck, décolletage, arms, and Q Applied topically, three related com-
lower body for 12 weeks.28 pounds called retinoids exert anti-aging
At the study’s end, the face and neck areas of the effects.
treatment group had significant improvements in
Q Retinol renews the outer layers of the
roughness, mottled pigmentation, coarse wrinkles, fine
skin, reversing damage caused by time
lines, and uneven skin tone compared to baseline and
and UV radiation. It reduces wrinkles
non-treatment groups.
and crow’s feet, roughness, and mottled
The décolletage, arms, and lower legs also showed
improvements in dryness, scaling, and crepey skin
texture.28 Q Retinyl palmitate protects against
photoaging by absorbing ultraviolet rays
and inhibiting DNA damage. Applied
Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate Repairs Skin before UV exposure, it’s shown to be as
Retinol and retinyl palmitate each undergo several effective as sunscreen in preventing skin
steps to be converted into retinoic acid. reddening and inflammation.
A related compound, hydroxypinacolone retinoate,
binds directly to retinoid receptors on skin cells, without Q Hydroxypinacolone retinoate repairs
needing to go through a conversion process.29 damage and reduces fine lines and
This allows hydroxypinacolone retinoate to pro- wrinkles similarly to prescription retinoic
vide similar benefits to prescription-only retinoic acid, acid, but without irritation.
but without its side effects (like peeling, redness, and Q All three compounds are available in one
hypersensitivity to the sun). topical formula.
A topical formulation containing hydroxypinacolone
retinoate was shown in humans to boost epidermal Q A novel lipid-soluble delivery system
thickness by 26.3%, while significantly increasing the allows retinol to be easily absorbed in
production of collagen, elastin, and fibronectin in the the skin and released in a controlled
dermis to repair sun-damaged skin.30 manner, safely restoring hydrated, soft,
In a separate human study, topical hydroxypinaco- and youthful skin.
lone retinoate reduced fine lines and wrinkles after
14 days—without skin irritation.8



Advanced Delivery System 8. Available at:

Most topical products use a conventional delivery
system that releases retinol all at once in the skin. This without%20the%20irritation,John%20Gormley.pdf. Accessed June 2,
leads to the side effects people associate with retinol, 2020.
9. Farage MA, Miller KW, Elsner P, et al. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in skin
such as redness and irritation. ageing: a review. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2008 Apr;30(2):87-95.
A new delivery system encapsulates retinol in a 10. Baumann L. Skin ageing and its treatment. J Pathol. 2007 Jan;211(2):241-51.
11. Farage MA, Miller KW, Elsner P, et al. Characteristics of the Aging Skin. Adv
solid matrix lipid structure. This enables it to be eas- Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2013 Feb;2(1):5-10.
ily absorbed into the skin, then released in a controlled 12. Fenske NA, Lober CW. Structural and functional changes of normal aging
skin. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1986 Oct;15(4 Pt 1):571-85.
manner that minimizes side effects.31 13. Varani J, Dame MK, Rittie L, et al. Decreased collagen production in chrono-
Gradually releasing retinol into the skin maximizes its logically aged skin: roles of age-dependent alteration in fibroblast function
and defective mechanical stimulation. Am J Pathol. 2006 Jun;168(6):1861-8.
benefits and keeps skin smooth, hydrated, and youthful.
14. Quan T, Fisher GJ. Role of Age-Associated Alterations of the Dermal
Extracellular Matrix Microenvironment in Human Skin Aging: A Mini-Review.
Summary Gerontology. 2015;61(5):427-34.
15. Pittayapruek P, Meephansan J, Prapapan O, et al. Role of Matrix Metal-
Three topical vitamin A derivatives—retinol, retinyl loproteinases in Photoaging and Photocarcinogenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2016
palmitate, and hydroxypinacolone retinoate—have Jun 2;17(6).
16. Panich U, Sittithumcharee G, Rathviboon N, et al. Ultraviolet Radiation-
been shown in human studies to protect and repair natu- Induced Skin Aging: The Role of DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress
rally aged and photodamaged skin. in Epidermal Stem Cell Damage Mediated Skin Aging. Stem Cells Int.
A unique delivery system has been developed that 17. Lee CH, Wu SB, Hong CH, et al. Molecular Mechanisms of UV-Induced
ensures a gradual release of retinol in the skin to safely Apoptosis and Its Effects on Skin Residential Cells: The Implication in UV-
Based Phototherapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Mar 20;14(3):6414-35.
restore smooth, youthful, hydrated skin, without irritation. • 18. Shao Y, He T, Fisher GJ, et al. Molecular basis of retinol anti-ageing
properties in naturally aged human skin in vivo. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2017
If you have any questions on the scientific Feb;39(1):56-65.
19. Varani J, Warner RL, Gharaee-Kermani M, et al. Vitamin A antagonizes
content of this article, please call a Life Extension® decreased cell growth and elevated collagen-degrading matrix metallopro-
Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027. teinases and stimulates collagen accumulation in naturally aged human
skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2000 Mar;114(3):480-6.
20. Kafi R, Kwak HS, Schumacher WE, et al. Improvement of naturally aged
skin with vitamin A (retinol). Arch Dermatol. 2007 May;143(5):606-12.
Gary Goldfaden, MD, is a clinical dermatologist and lifetime 21. Tucker-Samaras S, Zedayko T, Cole C, et al. A stabilized 0.1% retinol
facial moisturizer improves the appearance of photodamaged skin in an
member of the American Academy of Dermatology.
eight-week, double-blind, vehicle-controlled study. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009
He is the founder of Academy Dermatology in Hollywood, Oct;8(10):932-6.
FL, and Cosmesis Skin Care. Dr. Goldfaden is a member of 22. Kikuchi K, Suetake T, Kumasaka N, et al. Improvement of photoaged
facial skin in middle-aged Japanese females by topical retinol (vitamin
the Life Extension® Medical Advisory Board.
A alcohol): a vehicle-controlled, double-blind study. J Dermatolog Treat.
All Cosmesis products are available online. 2009;20(5):276-81.
23. Sun M, Wang P, Sachs D, et al. Topical Retinol Restores Type I Collagen
Production in Photoaged Forearm Skin within Four Weeks. Cosmetics.
References 24. Yan J, Xia Q, Webb P, et al. Levels of retinyl palmitate and retinol in stratum
corneum, epidermis and dermis of SKH-1 mice. Toxicol Ind Health. 2006
1. Mukherjee S, Date A, Patravale V, et al. Retinoids in the treatment of Apr;22(3):103-12.
skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety. Clin Interv Aging. 25. Antille C, Tran C, Sorg O, et al. Vitamin A exerts a photoprotective ac-
2006;1(4):327-48. tion in skin by absorbing ultraviolet B radiation. J Invest Dermatol. 2003
2. Rossetti D, Kielmanowicz MG, Vigodman S, et al. A novel anti-ageing Nov;121(5):1163-7.
mechanism for retinol: induction of dermal elastin synthesis and elastin 26. Poljsak B, Dahmane R. Free radicals and extrinsic skin aging. Dermatol Res
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3. Kong R, Cui Y, Fisher GJ, et al. A comparative study of the effects of 27. Sorg O, Tran C, Carraux P, et al. Spectral properties of topical retinoids
retinol and retinoic acid on histological, molecular, and clinical properties prevent DNA damage and apoptosis after acute UV-B exposure in hairless
of human skin. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2016 Mar;15(1):49-57. mice. Photochem Photobiol. 2005 Jul-Aug;81(4):830-6.
4. Weiss JS, Ellis CN, Headington JT, et al. Topical tretinoin improves photo- 28. Rawlings AV, Stephens TJ, Herndon JH, et al. The effect of a vitamin A
aged skin. A double-blind vehicle-controlled study. JAMA. 1988 Jan palmitate and antioxidant-containing oil-based moisturizer on photodam-
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5. Bhawan J. Short- and long-term histologic effects of topical tretinoin on 29. Antiaging effects of retinoid hydroxypinacolone retinoate on skin
photodamaged skin. Int J Dermatol. 1998 Apr;37(4):286-92. models. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2018
6. Fisher GJ, Wang ZQ, Datta SC, et al. Pathophysiology of prema- 2018/09/01/;79(3):AB44.
ture skin aging induced by ultraviolet light. N Engl J Med. 1997 Nov 30. Truchuelo MT, Jimenez N, Miguel-Gomez L, et al. Histological and
13;337(20):1419-28. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of the Efficacy of a New Cosmetic
7. Randhawa M, Rossetti D, Leyden JJ, et al. One-year topical stabilized Formulation in the Treatment of Skin Photoaging. Dermatol Res Pract.
retinol treatment improves photodamaged skin in a double-blind, vehicle- 2017;2017:8407247.
controlled trial. J Drugs Dermatol. 2015 Mar;14(3):271-80. 31. Available at:
Spheres_A3_112010.pdf. Accessed June 2, 2020.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Colchicine Dramatically Reduces

Stroke Risk in Heart Attack Patients

O steoporosis plagues
plagues Most people don’t know that 30
millions of
of older
older adults,
adults, days after a heart attack, there
is a high risk of suffering a stroke.
weakeninng bones
bonees and
leading to fractures.
fracttures. These post-heart-attack strokes
are more lethal than seen in typi-
cal stroke patients.

During the first three years after

suffering a heart attack, the stroke
risk remains 2-3 times higher than
expected before dropping back to

A major, placebo-controlled study

published in the New England
Journal of Medicine evaluated
patients who had a recent heart
attack and were then given 0.5
mg of colchicine daily.

The first data set showed that col-

chicine reduced risk of having
another major cardiovascular
event by 23%.2
The most significant data showed
that heart attack patients receiv-
ing colchicine cut their stroke
incidence by an astonishing 74%.2

People who have heart disease or

who have suffered a heart attack
should discuss colchicine with
their doctor.



Underlying Cause of Researchers at Canada’s A Clear Benefit

Vascular Disease Montreal Heart Institute recently
conducted a major trial and pub- Researchers were studying
Atherosclerosis, the harden- lished the results in the New colchicine’s impact on major car-
ing and narrowing of the arteries, is England Journal of Medicine. diovascular events, which they
the underlying cause of most heart The patients studied had suffered defined as any of the following:2
attacks and strokes. a heart attack within the previous
• Death from cardiovascular
Chronic inflammation plays an 30 days (13.5 days, on average,
important role in the development between heart attack and the initia-
of atherosclerosis.3 tion of colchicine treatment).2 • Resuscitation after cardiac
Scientists conducted research All the patients had been treated arrest,
on an established prescription drug, according to standard guidelines
• A new heart attack,
colchicine, an anti-inflammatory (including intensive use of choles-
medication commonly used to treat terol-lowering statin drugs) and had • Stroke, or
gout and pericarditis. already completed any invasive pro-
• Urgent hospitalization
Studies have demonstrated that cedures, like cardiac stents.2
for chest pain leading to
in low doses, it may reduce the risk Patients from 167 medical cen-
stent placement or bypass
of cardiovascular events like stroke ters in 12 countries were enrolled
and heart attack.2,4 in the trial.
They were randomly assigned to In the placebo group, a major
receive either 0.5 mg/day of colchi- cardiovascular event occurred in
Testing Colchicine cine or a placebo. Neither the sub- 7.1% of patients. In the colchicine
jects nor the doctors knew whether group, such an event occurred in
Colchicine is a compound origi- the patients were taking active 5.5% of subjects.2
nally extracted from the autumn cro- medication or placebo. This means that colchicine
cus and the flame lily plants. When the trial began, 2,366 recipients were 23% less likely to
It has been used for centuries to patients were assigned to the col- have a major event compared with
reduce soreness and swelling and chicine group, and 2,379 to the pla- placebo recipients.
was approved as a prescription cebo group. Most dramatically, colchicine
medication in the U.S. in 1961.5 After starting treatment, patients recipients had a 74% lower risk
Scientists have been studying its were followed for a median of 22.6 of stroke, and a 50% reduction
anti-inflammatory properties to see months. in the risk of chest pain leading to
if it could help treat atherosclerosis hospitalization.2
and resulting heart disease.



Reduction of Major Cardiovascular Events by Colchicine

Cumulative incidence of cardiovascular events (death from cardiovascular causes,

resuscitated cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, or urgent hospitalization for chest
pain leading to coronary artery procedure) over the course of the study. Colchicine
recipients were 23% less likely to suffer a major cardiovascular event compared
with placebo recipients (hazard ratio = 0.77).2
Reprinted by Permission (New England Journal of Medicine)

What Other Studies Showed

levels of highly inflammatory
Previous studies have demon- cytokines (signaling proteins)
strated similar benefits in people produced in the heart during
with pre-existing heart disease. cardiac catheterization.7
Among them:
Side Effects • A 2015 analysis of five random-
• A 2007 study in patients with ized, controlled trIals involving
stable coronary artery dis- 1,301 patients showed that
Colchicine is a powerful prescrip-
ease showed that 0.5 mg 0.5 mg/day to 1 mg/day of
tion drug and it isn’t for everyone.
of colchicine taken twice colchicine reduced the risk of
Overall, side effects were
daily significantly decreased coronary artery disease, stroke,
reported in 16% of colchicine recip-
the inflammatory marker or acute coronary syndrome
ients and 15.8% of placebo subjects,
C-reactive protein, show- by 56% compared with a
an insignificant difference.2
ing how colchicine lowers the placebo.8
Diarrhea and flatulence side
inflammation that contributes
effects occurred in more colchicine All these studies, including the
to heart disease.6
recipients than in those receiving a recent paper published in the New
placebo.2 • A 2015 study on a similar England Journal of Medicine, pro-
Pneumonia was a rare side effect, group of patients revealed that vide evidence that colchicine’s anti-
though the risk was slightly more 1 mg of colchicine followed inflammatory properties protect the
than doubled with colchicine com- by another 0.5 mg dose one heart and lower the risk of cardiovas-
pared to a placebo.2 hour later significantly reduced cular events.



Summary If you have any questions on 7. Martinez GJ, Robertson S, Barraclough J,

the scientific content of this article, et al. Colchicine Acutely Suppresses Local
Cardiac Production of Inflammatory Cyto-
Scientists have turned to colchi- please call a Life Extension® Wellness kines in Patients With an Acute Coronary
cine as a possible treatment for peo- Specialist at 1-866-864-3027. Syndrome. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Aug
ple with atherosclerosis and heart 8. Verma S, Eikelboom JW, Nidorf SM, et al.
disease. Colchicine in cardiac disease: a systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized
A new study has confirmed that References controlled trials. BMC Cardiovasc Disord.
colchicine is effective in preventing 2015 Aug 29;15:96.
9. Wall WJ. The Search for Human Chromo-
cardiovascular events—including 1. Witt BJ, Brown RD, Jr., Jacobsen SJ, et somes: A History of Discovery. Springer;
stroke, new heart attack, and angina al. A community-based study of stroke 2015.
incidence after myocardial infarction. Ann 10. Graham W, Roberts JB. Intravenous colchi-
(chest pain)—in patients who have cine in the management of gouty arthritis.
Intern Med. 2005 Dec 6;143(11):785-92.
recently suffered a heart attack. 2. Tardif JC, Kouz S, Waters DD, et al. Ef- Ann Rheum Dis. 1953 Mar;12(1):16-9.
This comes on the heels of other ficacy and Safety of Low-Dose Colchicine 11. Ravelli RB, Gigant B, Curmi PA, et al. In-
after Myocardial Infarction. N Engl J Med. sight into tubulin regulation from a complex
studies that suggest a similar benefit. 2019 Dec 26;381(26):2497-505. with colchicine and a stathmin-like domain.
Colchicine is a potent prescrip- 3. Hansson GK. Inflammation, atherosclerosis, Nature. 2004 Mar 11;428(6979):198-202.
and coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med. 12. Perico N, Ostermann D, Bontempeill M, et
tion medication. Most studies sug- 2005 Apr 21;352(16):1685-95. al. Colchicine interferes with L-selectin and
gest that low doses of 0.5 mg/day 4. Nidorf SM, Eikelboom JW, Budgeon CA, leukocyte function-associated antigen-1
et al. Low-dose colchicine for secondary expression on human T lymphocytes and
are safe and effective, though a prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Am inhibits T cell activation. J Am Soc Nephrol.
small number of people may expe- Coll Cardiol. 2013 Jan 29;61(4):404-10. 1996 Apr;7(4):594-601.
5. Available at: 13. Pope RM, Tschopp J. The role of inter-
rience side effects. leukin-1 and the inflammasome in gout:
books/NBK548068/. Accessed May 20,
People with heart disease or at 2020. implications for therapy. Arthritis Rheum.
risk for a heart attack or stroke may 6. Nidorf M, Thompson PL. Effect of colchi- 2007 Oct;56(10):3183-8.
cine (0.5 mg twice daily) on high-sensitivity 14. Available at:
wish to discuss low-dose colchicine C-reactive protein independent of aspirin drugs-supplements/colchicine-oral-route/
with their doctors. • and atorvastatin in patients with stable side-effects/drg-20067653. Accessed May
coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol. 22, 2020.
2007 Mar 15;99(6):805-7.

The History of Colchicine

Colchicine is a compound originally extracted from the autumn
crocus but also obtainable from the flame lily. It has been used
since at least 1,500 BCE against rheumatism and swelling.2,9,10
It is widely prescribed to treat gout (a form of arthritis) and peri-
carditis (inflammation of tissue surrounding the heart).
A potent anti-inflammatory, it works by suppressing intracellular
machinery involved in the inflammation processes.11-13
The most common side effects of colchicine are gastrointestinal,
including diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Other side effects that
occur less commonly are fatigue, headache, throat pain, and pos-
sible endocrine or metabolic effects.14
Studies have demonstrated that in low doses, it reduces the risk of
cardiovascular events like stroke and heart attack.2,4


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. Am J Clin Nutr.  Apr;():-. . Am J Hum Genet.  Mar;():-.
. Am J Ther. ; Epub Nov . . Coll Antropol.  Dec;():-.
. Innov Clin Neurosci.  Jan;():-. . Br J Pharmacol.  Mar;():-.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Life Without Diabetes

Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Calorie Restriction


Type 2 diabetes is a devastating con-

dition that is associated with serious
complications like heart disease, blind-
ness, kidney failure, lower-limb ampu-
tations, cancer, and more.

Generally, it has been considered an

irreversible, progressive disease.

Research by Dr. Roy Taylor, an expert

on diabetes, and author of more than
300 scientific papers, asserts a work-
able strategy for type 2 diabetes is
found in something Life Extension®
has been promoting for years: calorie

After treating people with type 2 dia-

betes for four decades, Dr. Taylor
launched his own important research
on the prevention and reversal of type
2 diabetes.

In his new book, Life Without Diabetes:

The Definitive Guide to Understanding
and Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, Dr.
Taylor explains the exciting results. He
also outlines a surprisingly simple and
effective plan that has helped thou-
sands of diabetics to improve their
metabolic status.

In this interview with Life Extension®

Dr. Taylor discusses the key research
that led him to these discoveries.




LE: A few years ago, you had an Normal blood sugar levels? In to help the liver [and cells through-
insight that showed you diabetes seven days? out the body] control the supply of
could be reversed in certain individu- That had never been seen before. glucose to the rest of the body.
als. Can you tell us more about that? No other treatment could achieve When there is excess fat in the
this dramatic normalization. All liver, however, it responds poorly
Dr. Taylor: For centuries, doctors the research of the previous few to insulin, produces too much glu-
have regarded type 2 diabetes as a decades seemed to come together cose, and passes on excess fat to
lifelong disease. It is a disease that in a flash. the pancreas. As a result of that, the
can cause great misery—threats to insulin-producing cells of the pan-
eyesight, to limbs, to the heart—and LE: You ended up conducting a creas cease to function properly.
one that just gets worse and worse, series of studies that showed that Once established, these two
needing more and more tablets and diabetes was reversible in a certain vicious cycles will interact and rein-
eventually, insulin. population—but also showed how force each other. Too much fat from
Reading scientific journals and and why. It all started with what you the liver will drive the pancreas
keeping up with the latest informa- call the Twin Cycle Hypothesis. Can cycle, and high glucose levels will
tion about diabetes is part of my job, you explain that? eventually force up the insulin levels,
and I had just turned over a page in driving the liver cycle.
one of the leading diabetes publica- Dr. Taylor: Ask someone what type
tions. The graph hit me between the 2 diabetes is and they are likely to LE: How did you use calorie restric-
eyes. tell you that the disease is some- tion to test this hypothesis?
It showed what happened to thing to do with too much sugar.
blood sugar in the days immedi- It is true that diabetes occurs Dr. Taylor: The chase was on to
ately after bariatric surgery in people when there is excess glucose in find out whether the Twin Cycle
with type 2 diabetes. The graph line the bloodstream—with devastating Hypothesis was wrong—or right.
plunged from the usual high level on effects on the eyes, feet, heart and We would do this by asking people
the day before surgery all the way brain. with type 2 diabetes to lose a lot of
down to absolutely normal by day In the normal functioning of the weight. This meant that a sudden
seven. body, the pancreas produces insulin drop in food intake would be the
only change, with no other compli-
cating factors such as surgery.
If their blood glucose stayed high,
we would have shown the hypoth-
esis to be wrong and we could go
back to the drawing board. If their
blood glucose normalized, type 2
diabetes would have been shown
to be reversible.

LE: Enter the Counterpoint study.

Dr. Taylor: In a working life of test-

ing hypotheses, nothing had paved
the way for the starkly clear results
of the Counterpoint study.
A group of people with very ordi-
nary type 2 diabetes switched to
a low-calorie diet, a simple liquid
formula diet with non-starchy veg-
etables that I designed merely as
a tool to find out if the twin cycles



We received a huge number of

emails from people asking how they
could reverse their own diabetes. To
cope, we set up a website contain-
ing all the practical information and
explaining what they could do to try
to improve their condition.
A second wave of emails then
told amazing stories of individuals
who had achieved normal blood
sugar levels. Young and old, men
and women, rich and poor, living
in India, the U.S., South America,
Europe, or elsewhere—there was a
rich variety of personal stories.
The average weight loss achieved
by people armed with the basic
information was the same as in
Counterpoint—33 pounds.

LE: In your study, you used a liquid

diet to achieve rapid weight loss.
could be reversed. wise fashion over two weeks. Could calorie restriction be utilized
Within seven days, their levels of Over the following six months, our instead?
early-morning blood glucose had research participants kept their aver-
dropped to normal—just like after age weight rock steady. At the end Dr. Taylor: If you can’t bear the idea
bariatric surgery. Special tests on of this, everyone who had got rid of of going on liquid formula drinks
liver and pancreas confirmed what their diabetes after the initial weight for several weeks with or without
the hypothesis had predicted— loss remained non-diabetic. vegetables, you can of course use
the fat levels inside these organs Just like in Counterpoint, the pan- ordinary foods. You would have to
decreased. creas woke up after weight loss and make up meals containing around
We had shown that in people who started to produce insulin normally 200 calories, with no more than 800
had been diagnosed with type 2 again, this time for nine months after calories a day.
diabetes no more than four years the start of the study.
previously, the imagined twin cycles Important for understanding how LE: Why is rapid weight loss so
within the liver and pancreas could this happened, liver fat remained important?
be reversed. really low, at 2%, and their pancreas
fat fell to even safer levels. Dr. Taylor: In the first week of a
LE: As the next step, you con- 700-800 calorie diet, the average
ducted a follow-up study called LE: Have you seen these results in weight loss is eight pounds. During
Counterbalance to see if blood glu- the real world as well? the whole eight weeks it is just over
cose levels could continue to be 33 pounds.
controlled after the period of rapid Dr. Taylor: When the newspapers, This might sound rather alarming:
weight loss. radio, and TV reported on the results is it healthy to cut back so much on
of Counterpoint, those affected by eating?
Dr. Taylor: In Counterbalance, rapid type 2 diabetes were extremely But the hard evidence is that for
weight loss was first achieved in enthusiastic; they really wanted anyone who has increased their
eight weeks using exactly the same to find out for themselves whether weight during adult life, or has
diet as Counterpoint; and then we or not they could escape from the always been overweight, losing
reintroduced normal foods in a step- disease. the extra weight and then eating



If you have any questions on

the scientific content of this article,
please call a Life Extension® Wellness
Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.


Dr. Roy Taylor has been treating
people with type 2 diabetes for four
decades. He is director of the
Magnetic Resonance Centre and
an honorary and consultant physician
at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust. He is the
author of over 300 scientific papers.

Excerpted from Life Without

Diabetes by Roy Taylor,
reprinted with permission from
HarperOne an imprint of
HarperCollins Publishers, © 2020.
To order a copy of Life Without
Diabetes, call 1-800-544-4440 or

Item: #34170
Price: $20.24

less long-term is of huge benefit to The important message is that it’s

health. In our overfed society, fasting never too late to attempt to reverse
is not usually dangerous, but eating your diabetes, although success is
is. not guaranteed. •
You don’t have to lose weight
fast to reverse your diabetes, but EDITOR’S NOTE: For years Life
for most people it’s the easiest way Extension® has educated custom-
of losing the requisite number of ers about the dangers of elevated
pounds. blood sugar and the importance
of diet. The use of supplements
LE: Does the length of time a per- and/or medications is a major fac-
son has had diabetes make a differ- tor in the prevention of the dam-
ence in being able to successfully age that elevated blood sugar
reverse it? levels has on tissues, includ-
ing blood vessels and nerves. For
Dr. Taylor: Yes. The longer the dura- additional information please visit
tion of type 2 diabetes, the lower the
likelihood was of getting back to to read our Diabetes and Glucose
normal glucose control. Control protocol.




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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The Vegetarian Silver Spoon

Originally published in 1950, The Silver

Spoon cookbook soon became a global
best-seller, featuring traditional, home-
cooked, Italian dishes.

Numerous offshoots have been published

since then, but the recently published
The Vegetarian Silver Spoon is the first
collection of strictly vegetarian dishes.

With more than 200 recipes for healthy,

meat-free Italian dishes, The Vegetarian
Silver Spoon includes ingredients that
have come to define Italian cuisine, plus
contemporary additions like spelt and

Each recipe is conveniently labeled as

being vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free,
dairy-free, 30 minutes or less, and five
ingredients or less.

Here, Life Extension® features four reci-

pes from The Vegetarian Silver Spoon
that showcase both the variety and sim-
plicity of traditional Italian, home-style



Roasted Vegetable Salad Peel the tomatoes, transfer the flesh Serve the salad sprinkled with the
to a bowl, and mash with a fork until oregano.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes plus puréed. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt
resting time and drizzle with the olive oil, then
Cooking Time: 30 minutes add the tomato to the bowl with the
eggplant and peppers.
Serves: 4

2 round eggplants (aubergines),

sliced ¼ inch (0.5 cm) thick

2 yellow bell peppers

1 red bell pepper

4 tomatoes on the vine

¼ cup (60 ml) extra virgin olive oil,

plus more as needed

Leaves from 1 sprig oregano


Preheat the broiler.

In a very hot grill pan, cook the egg-

plant (aubergine) slices for 30 sec-
onds per side. Transfer them to a
cutting board, cut them into small
strips, and place them in a large

Brush the bell peppers with a little

oil and place them on a sheet pan.
Broil, turning them to ensure they
cook evenly, until charred and soft-
ened, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from
the oven (keep the broiler on), trans-
fer to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap
(cling film), and let cool. Peel and
seed the peppers, then thinly slice
the flesh and add it to the bowl with
the eggplant.

Lightly oil the tomatoes and place

them on a sheet pan. Broil for 5 min-
utes, turning them over from time
to time, until their skin cracks and
begins to peel off. Remove from the
oven and let cool.



Broccoli, Kale, and

Cauliflower Gratin

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 45 minutes
Serves: 4

1 medium cauliflower, cut into


14 oz (400 g) broccoli, cut into


1 bunch Tuscan kale (cavolo nero),

leaves stemmed

6 tablespoons (90 ml) extra virgin

olive oil, plus more for greasing

3 tablespoons rice flour

1 2/3 ups (400 ml) unsweetened

rice milk

Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

1/3 cup (50 g) coarsely chopped
raw almonds

Scant 1/3 cup (30 g) breadcrumbs

Salt and black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).

Lightly oil a baking dish. Bring a
large pot of salted water to a boil.
Add the cauliflower and cook for 5
minutes, then use a spider (skim- stirring continuously, for a few sec- In a small bowl, mix the breadcrumbs
mer) to transfer it to a colander to onds. While whisking, slowly drizzle with the remaining 3 tablespoons
drain and cool. Repeat with the in the rice milk and whisk until com- oil. Pour the cauliflower-béchamel
broccoli, transferring it to a sep- bined. Reduce the heat to low and mixture into the prepared baking
arate colander to drain. Add the cook the béchamel sauce for 7 to 8 dish. Arrange the broccoli on top
kale leaves to the boiling water and minutes. and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs,
cook for 6 to 7 minutes, then drain then bake for about 30 minutes, until
Season with the nutmeg and some golden brown.
and run under cold running water to
cool. Squeeze out any excess water salt, then pour the béchamel sauce
and chop the kale. into a bowl. Add the cauliflower to
the béchamel and purée with a hand
In a small saucepan, heat 3 table- blender until smooth. Add the kale
spoons of the olive oil over medium and almonds, season with salt and
heat. Add the rice flour and toast, pepper, and stir to combine.



Stuffed Cabbage
Buckwheat and Pumpkin

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 1 hour
Serves: 4

½ cup (120 ml) extra virgin olive oil

1½ cups (250 g) buckwheat, rinsed

7 oz (200 g) peeled pumpkin,

cut into small cubes

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

Handful of parsley leaves, chopped

2/3 cup (80 g) chopped walnuts

Scant 1 cup (200 mL) vegetable


1 small savoy cabbage

1 small red onion, very thinly sliced

Salt and black pepper

In a medium saucepan, heat 2 table-

spoons of the olive oil over medium
heat. Add the buckwheat and toast,
stirring continuously, for 2 to 3 min-
utes. Add 2½ cups (600 mL) boiling
water, reduce the heat to low, and
cook for 20 minutes. Bring a large pot of salted water to In a large nonstick frying pan, heat
In a large frying pan, heat 2 table- a boil. Discard the outer leaves from the remaining ¼ cup (60 mL) oil. Add
spoons of the oil over medium heat. the cabbage. Pull off 12 leaves, put the onion and 2 tablespoons of the
Add the pumpkin, garlic, a pinch of them in the boiling water, and blanch hot stock. Arrange the stuffed cab-
salt, and a scant ½ cup (100 mL) for 2 minutes, then drain them and bage leaves in the saucepan, then
boiling water. Cook until the pump- cut out the tough central ribs. add the remaining stock. Cover and
kin is tender, then transfer it to a cook for 25 minutes, until the cab-
Spread the cabbage leaves out on bage leaves are translucent and the
medium bowl. Mash the pumpkin
your work surface (work in batches, filling is heated through, then serve.
with a fork and add the buckwheat,
if necessary). Divide the buckwheat
parsley, walnuts, a pinch of salt, and
mixture among the cabbage leaves,
some pepper. Stir well to combine.
placing it in the center of the leaves
In a small saucepan, bring the stock and folding the leaves over the filling
to a boil. to make small parcels.



Summer Vegetable Soup

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. green beans, and chard and cook
Preparation Time: 30 minutes Add the tomatoes and blanch for 1 for about 20 minutes more, until the
to 2 minutes, then drain them and vegetables are tender.
Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes let cool slightly. Peel and seed the
Serves: 4 tomatoes, then chop the flesh. In the meantime, in a food processor,
combine the marjoram, thyme, pars-
In a large saucepan, combine the ley, mint, fennel, olive oil, and a pinch
4 plum tomatoes borlotti beans and 8 cups (2 l) water. of salt. Process until well combined.
Bring to a simmer over medium-high
1¾ cups (300 g) shelled fresh
heat, then reduce the heat to low Let the soup cool slightly and serve
borlotti beans
and cook for about 40 minutes. Add warm or let cool completely and
3 spring onions, thinly sliced a pinch of salt, the spring onions, serve at room temperature. Top each
into rounds and the rice and cook for 30 min- serving with a spoonful of the herb
utes. Add the potatoes, tomatoes, pesto.
¾ cup (150 g) brown rice

10½ oz (300 g) potatoes, peeled

and cut into small cubes

10½ oz (300 g) green beans, sliced

1 bunch Swiss chard, coarsely


Leaves from 2 sprigs marjoram

Leaves from 2 sprigs thyme

Leaves from 1 bunch parsley

Leaves from 2 sprigs mint

3 tablespoons wild fennel or

fennel fronds

4 to 5 tablespoons (60 to 75 ml)

extra virgin olive oil


Reprinted from
The Vegetarian Silver Spoon
(Phaidon 2020).
Photo credit: Simon Bajada If you have any questions on the
scientific content of this article, please
To order a copy of call a Life Extension® Wellness
The Vegetarian Silver Spoon, Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.
call 1-800-544-4440 or visit
Item #34169
Price: $37.46


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00956 Pomegranate Fruit Extract 02344 NAD+ Cell Regenerator™ Nicotinamide Riboside
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BONE HEALTH 01500 PQQ Caps • 10 mg
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01873 Standardized European Bilberry Extract
01974 Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate
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02321 Cognitex® Basics FISH OIL & OMEGAS
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Olive Extract • 240 softgels 00316 Kyolic® Garlic Formula 102
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FOOD 01903 NK Cell Activator™
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00432 Stevia™ Sweetener 01906 Standardized Cistanche
13685 Ten Mushroom Formula®
GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT 01097 Ultra Soy Extract
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Turmeric Extract, Ginger & Turmerones
HEART HEALTH 01709 Black Cumin Seed Oil
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d-Limonene • 50 mg, 60 softgels 02223 Pro-Resolving Mediators
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d-Limonene • 100 mg, 60 softgels 01203 Specially-Coated Bromelain
01929 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 01254 Zyflamend™ Whole Body
01427 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enh Mitochondrial
Support™ • 50 mg, 30 softgels
01425 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enh Mitochondrial 02404 Arthro-Immune Joint Support
Support™ • 50 mg, 100 softgels 02238 ArthroMax® Advanced NT2 Collagen™ & AprèsFlex®
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01426 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enh Mitochondrial 00965 Fast-Acting Joint Formula
Support™ • 100 mg, 60 softgels 00522 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Capsules
01431 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Enh Mitochondrial 01600 Krill Healthy Joint Formula
Support™ • 200 mg, 30 softgels 01050 Krill Oil
01733 Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ 00451 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
01859 TMG Liquid Capsules 02231 NT2 Collagen™
HORMONE BALANCE 00862 Cran-Max® Cranberry Whole Fruit Concentrate
00454 DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 01424 Optimized Cran-Max® with Ellirose™
15 mg, 100 capsules 01921 Uric Acid Control
00335 DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 01209 Water-Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract
00882 DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 01922 Advanced Milk Thistle • 60 softgels
50 mg, 60 capsules 01925 Advanced Milk Thistle • 120 softgels
00607 DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 02240 Anti-Alcohol HepatoProtection Complex
25 mg, 100 tablets (dissolve in mouth) 01651 Calcium D-Glucarate
01689 DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 00550 Chlorella
100 mg, 60 veg capsules 01571 Chlorophyllin
02368 Optimized Broccoli and Cruciferous Blend 01522 Milk Thistle • 60 veg capsules
00302 Pregnenolone • 50 mg, 100 capsules 02402 FLORASSIST® Liver Restore™
00700 Pregnenolone • 100 mg, 100 capsules 01541 Glutathione, Cysteine & C
01468 Triple Action Cruciferous Vegetable Extract 01393 HepatoPro
01469 Triple Action Cruciferous Vegetable Extract 01608 Liver Efficiency Formula
with Resveratrol 01534 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine
00342 PectaSol-C® Modified Citrus Pectin Powder MULTIVITAMINS
01080 PectaSol-C® Modified Citrus Pectin Capsules 02199 Children’s Formula Life Extension Mix™
01884 Silymarin 02498 Comprehensive Nutrient Packs ADVANCED
02361 SOD Booster 02354 Life Extension Mix™ Capsules
LONGEVITY & WELLNESS 02364 Life Extension Mix™ Capsules without Copper
00457 Alpha-Lipoic Acid 02356 Life Extension Mix™ Powder
01625 AppleWise Polyphenol Extract 02355 Life Extension Mix™ Tablets
01214 Blueberry Extract 02357 Life Extension Mix™ Tablets with Extra Niacin
01438 Blueberry Extract with Pomegranate 02365 Life Extension Mix™ Tablets without Copper
02270 DNA Protection Formula 02292 Once-Daily Health Booster • 30 softgels
02119 GEROPROTECT® Ageless Cell™ 02291 Once-Daily Health Booster • 60 softgels
02133 GEROPROTECT® Longevity A.I.™ 02313 One-Per-Day Tablets
02401 GEROPROTECT® Stem Cell 02317 Two-Per-Day Capsules • 60 capsules
02211 Grapeseed Extract 02314 Two-Per-Day Capsules • 120 capsules
00954 Mega Green Tea Extract (decaffeinated) 02316 Two-Per-Day Tablets • 60 tablets
00953 Mega Green Tea Extract (lightly caffeinated) 02315 Two-Per-Day Tablets • 120 tablets
01513 Optimized Fucoidan with Maritech® 926 NERVE & COMFORT SUPPORT
02230 Optimized Resveratrol 02202 ComfortMAX™
01637 Pycnogenol® French Maritime Pine Bark Extract 02303 PEA Discomfort Relief
02210 Resveratrol
00070 RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) PERSONAL CARE
02301 Senolytic Activator 01006 Biosil™ • 5 mg, 30 veg capsules
01208 Super R-Lipoic Acid 01007 Biosil™ • 1 fl oz
01919 X-R Shield 00321 Dr. Proctor’s Advanced Hair Formula
MEN’S HEALTH 00320 Dr. Proctor’s Shampoo
02322 Hair, Skin & Nails Collagen Plus Formula
02209 Male Vascular Sexual Support 01278 Life Extension Toothpaste
00455 Mega Lycopene Extract 00408 Venotone
02306 Men’s Bladder Control 00409 Xyliwhite Mouthwash
01789 PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto with Beta-Sitosterol 02304 Youthful Collagen
01790 PalmettoGuard® Saw Palmetto/Nettle Root Formula 02252 Youthful Legs
with Beta-Sitosterol
01837 Pomi-T® PET CARE
01373 Prelox® Enhanced Sex for Men 01932 Cat Mix
01940 Super MiraForte with Standardized Lignans 01931 Dog Mix
01909 Triple Strength ProstaPollen™ PROBIOTICS
02029 Ultra Prostate Formula
01622 Bifido GI Balance
01661 Boron 02125 FLORASSIST® GI with Phage Technology
02107 Extend-Release Magnesium 01821 FLORASSIST® Heart Health
30731 Ionic Selenium 02250 FLORASSIST® Mood Improve
01677 Iron Protein Plus 02208 FLORASSIST® Nasal
02403 Lithium 02120 FLORASSIST® Oral Hygiene
01459 Magnesium Caps 02203 FLORASSIST® Prebiotic
01682 Magnesium (Citrate) 01920 FLORASSIST® Throat Health
01328 Only Trace Minerals 52142 Jarro-Dophilus® for Women
01504 Optimized Chromium with Crominex® 3+ 00056 Jarro-Dophilus EPS® • 60 veg capsules
02309 Potassium with Extend-Release Magnesium 21201 Jarro-Dophilus EPS® • 120 veg capsules
01740 Sea-Iodine™ 01038 Theralac® Probiotics
01879 Se-Methyl L-Selenocysteine 01389 TruFlora® Probiotics
01778 Super Selenium Complex SKIN CARE
00213 Vanadyl Sulfate
80157 Advanced Anti-Glycation Peptide Serum
01813 Zinc Caps
80165 Advanced Growth Factor Serum
MISCELLANEOUS 80170 Advanced Hyaluronic Acid Serum
00577 Potassium Iodide 80154 Advanced Lightening Cream
00657 Solarshield® Sunglasses 80155 Advanced Peptide Hand Therapy
MOOD & STRESS MANAGEMENT 80175 Advanced Probiotic-Fermented Eye Serum
80177 Advanced Retinol Serum
02312 Cortisol-Stress Balance 80152 Advanced Triple Peptide Serum
00987 Enhanced Stress Relief 80140 Advanced Under Eye Serum with Stem Cells
01074 5 HTP 80137 All-Purpose Soothing Relief Cream
01683 L-Theanine 80139 Amber Self MicroDermAbrasion
02175 SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) 80118 Anti-Aging Mask
200 mg, 30 enteric coated tablets 80151 Anti-Aging Rejuvenating Face Cream
02176 SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) 80153 Anti-Aging Rejuvenating Scalp Serum
400 mg, 30 enteric coated tablets 80176 Collagen Boosting Peptide Cream
02174 SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine)
400 mg, 60 enteric coated tablets
80156 Collagen Boosting Peptide Serum VITAMINS
80169 Cucumber Hydra Peptide Eye Cream 01533 Ascorbyl Palmitate
80141 DNA Support Cream 00920 Benfotiamine with Thiamine
80167 Environmental Support Serum 00664 Beta-Carotene
80163 Eye Lift Cream 01945 BioActive Complete B-Complex
80123 Face Rejuvenating Anti-Oxidant Cream 00102 Biotin
80109 Hyaluronic Facial Moisturizer 00084 Buffered Vitamin C Powder
80110 Hyaluronic Oil-Free Facial Moisturizer 02229 Fast-C® and Bio-Quercetin Phytosome
80138 Hydrating Anti-Oxidant Facial Mist 02075 Gamma E Mixed Tocopherol Enhanced with
00661 Hydroderm Sesame Lignans
80103 Lifting & Tightening Complex 02070 Gamma E Mixed Tocopherol/Tocotrienols
80168 Melatonin Advanced Peptide Cream 01913 High Potency Optimized Folate
80114 Mild Facial Cleanser 01674 Inositol Caps Liquid Emulsified
80172 Multi Stem Cell Hydration Cream 02244 Liquid Vitamin D3 • 2,000 IU, 1 fl oz
80159 Multi Stem Cell Skin Tightening Complex 02232 Liquid Vitamin D3 • 2,000 IU, 1 fl oz, mint
80122 Neck Rejuvenating Anti-Oxidant Cream 01936 Low-Dose Vitamin K2
80174 Purifying Facial Mask 01536 Methylcobalamin • 1 mg, 60 veg lozenges
80150 Renewing Eye Cream 01537 Methylcobalamin • 5 mg, 60 veg lozenges
80142 Resveratrol Anti-Oxidant Serum 00065 MK-7
01938 Shade Factor™ 00373 No Flush Niacin
02129 Skin Care Collection Anti-Aging Serum 01939 Optimized Folate (L-Methylfolate)
02130 Skin Care Collection Day Cream 01217 Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate Caps
02131 Skin Care Collection Night Cream 01400 Super Absorbable Tocotrienols
80166 Skin Firming Complex 02334 Super K
02096 Skin Restoring Ceramides 02335 Super K Elite
80130 Skin Stem Cell Serum 01863 Super Vitamin E
80164 Skin Tone Equalizer 02028 Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
80143 Stem Cell Cream with Alpine Rose 01535 Vitamin B6
80148 Tightening & Firming Neck Cream 00361 Vitamin B12
80161 Triple-Action Vitamin C Cream 02228 Vitamin C and Bio-Quercetin Phytosome
80162 Ultimate MicroDermabrasion 1,000 mg, 60 veg tablets
80173 Ultimate Peptide Serum 02227 Vitamin C and Bio-Quercetin Phytosome
80160 Ultra Eyelash Booster 1,000 mg, 250 veg tablets
80101 Ultra Wrinkle Relaxer 01753 Vitamin D3 • 25 mcg (1,000 IU), 90 softgels
80113 Under Eye Refining Serum 01751 Vitamin D3 • 25 mcg (1,000 IU), 250 softgels
80104 Under Eye Rescue Cream 01713 Vitamin D3 • 125 mcg (5,000 IU), 60 softgels
80171 Vitamin C Lip Rejuvenator 01718 Vitamin D3 • 175 mcg (7,000 IU), 60 softgels
80129 Vitamin C Serum 01758 Vitamin D3 with Sea-Iodine™
80136 Vitamin D Lotion 02040 Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine™
80102 Vitamin K Cream
00658 7-Keto® DHEA Metabolite • 25 mg, 100 capsules
01512 Bioactive Milk Peptides 02479 7-Keto® DHEA Metabolite • 100 mg, 60 veg capsules
02300 Circadian Sleep 01509 Advanced Anti-Adipocyte Formula
01551 Enhanced Sleep with Melatonin 01807 Advanced Appetite Suppress
01511 Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin 02207 AMPK Metabolic Activator
02234 Fast-Acting Liquid Melatonin 02478 DHEA Complete
01669 Glycine 01738 Garcinia HCA
02308 Herbal Sleep PM 01292 Integra-Lean®
01722 L-Tryptophan 01908 Mediterranean Trim with Sinetrol™ -XPur
01668 Melatonin • 300 mcg, 100 veg capsules 01492 Optimized Irvingia with Phase 3™ Calorie Control Complex
01083 Melatonin • 500 mcg, 200 veg capsules 01432 Optimized Saffron with Satiereal®
00329 Melatonin • 1 mg, 60 capsules 00818 Super CLA Blend with Sesame Lignans
00330 Melatonin • 3 mg, 60 veg capsules 01902 Waist-Line Control™
00331 Melatonin • 10 mg, 60 veg capsules 02151 Wellness Code® Appetite Control
00332 Melatonin • 3 mg, 60 veg lozenges
02201 Melatonin IR/XR
01787 Melatonin 6 Hour Timed Release 01942 Breast Health Formula
300 mcg, 100 veg tablets 01626 Enhanced Sex for Women 50+
01788 Melatonin 6 Hour Timed Release 01894 Estrogen for Women
750 mcg, 60 veg tablets 01064 Femmenessence MacaPause®
01786 Melatonin 6 Hour Timed Release 02204 Menopause 731™
3 mg, 60 veg tablets 02319 Prenatal Advantage
01721 Optimized Tryptophan Plus 01441 Progesta-Care®
01444 Quiet Sleep 01649 Super-Absorbable Soy Isoflavones
01445 Quiet Sleep Melatonin
Does your multivitamin measure up?



Two-Per-Day beats Centrum® in 10 ways!

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Adults 50+, Two-Per-Day provides: (Two-month supply)
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Life Extension®’s Two-Per-Day contains superior forms

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provide the body with greater biological activity, which Two-Per-Day Capsules or Tablets,
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Lycored Lycopene™ is a registered trademark of Lycored; Orange, New Jersey. SelenoExcell® is a registered trademark of Cypress Systems Inc.
L-OptiZinc ® and logo are trademarks of Lonza or its affiliates. Crominex® 3+, Capros® and PrimaVie® are registered trademarks of Natreon, Inc.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
PO BOX 407198



The medical profession and FDA now recognize the role
of fish oil in reducing cardiovascular risks.


Senescent cells secrete pro-inflammatory factors that
accelerate systemic aging. Reducing these toxic emissions
7 26 can slow degenerative processes.


Human studies show vitamin C can reduce the incidence
and severity of certain infectious diseases.


Whey protein promotes glutathione production, and protects
against muscle-wasting and weight gain, while reducing

36 44
cardiovascular risk.


Compounds found in cruciferous vegetables confer
protection against many forms of cancer.


The New England Journal of Medicine shows that the
anti-inflammatory drug colchicine cut stroke incidence by 74%.


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