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Dreads shag has honorably completed the Course of Study prescribed for the Gonette Class and is entitled to be admitted to the Band or Orchestra In evidence whereof this ‘ fertificate of Promotion A has been issued and our _19 names and seal affixed this__azad ® 7 day of ee ae Wp, Ty a rowh om county) Pee NREL “omnecieatd SeeeeeeecesCORDIALLY. INVITED 70 CHRISTMAS CONCERT HANNA HIOH SCHCOL GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1983, TO BE HELD AT THE HANNA H.S. CAFETERIA THE PROGRAM 13 SCHEDULED FOR 7:30 PH ‘THERE IS NC ADMISSION CHARGE Homer Hanna High School 2615 PRICE ROAD ‘oROMNSINULE, TEXAS 7520 courage ‘THE HANNA HIGH SCHOOL cart GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS ttitude INVITE. orale YOU, YOUR FAMILY, erserverance ‘AND FRIENDS, nterest ‘0 ATTEND bedience THE SPRING CONCERT ecessary effort ‘TUBSDAY pirit MaY 7, 1991 JACOB BROWN AUDITORIUM 7430 PaHEE a i i aco ‘ney Criop HANNA HIGH SCHOOL, Fie Vibe BendANNA HIGH SCHOOL. Gin COE Bal CONCERT Jacob Brown Auditorium 8:00 PM,concen eawo nosTen HANNA | HIGH SCHOOL — So me ss set | GOLDENEAGLE BANDS ‘ny Cine Ciaran fore Sete Ee oma Ezondo Rater Ron so Veo: waa coe = i —— ‘Tiny amiceee ire Ores =a ie tra oa cee es Seats omy oe Sue a Rosemary Rosigurt ‘Aadato Rodeiuee tre Sow Hors Palen Taney Mo Cio tse” ses Fro SPRING CONCERT so Netra Friday, March 21, 1975 | ‘to Cnet wy tie ones ace cou aoe Tones +n ine A Jacob Brown AuditoriumCONCERT BAND PROGRAM El Cepitan March os cee ed P. Sousa Chester Overture for Band... . «= William Schumann Suite for Brass (Brass Ensemble)... . Leonard Lebow Groat Movie Themes... oe ar, by Jack Marek La Bamba de Veracruz 6... «Teri Tuee! ‘SYMPHONIC BAND PROGRAM Rakocy March from “Damnation of Faust”... . . Hector Berlioz Lincolnshire Posy . 1 Dublin Bay (Sailor's Song) 2, Harkstow Grange (The Miser and his Mana local tregedy) 3. The Brisk Young Sailor (who returned to wed his True Love) 4, Lord Melbourne (Wor Song) 5, The Lost Lady Found (Dance Song) ‘A Saxophone Quartet "Prolude and Fugue”. cee SS. Bach (Featuring Rudy Rodriguaz, Joe Zambrano, Perey Grainger Toni Camarillo, an Jese Perez) “Two Clarinet Choirs “Allegro Asai” =. ss ss. «Felix Mendelssohn “Rondo”... | |. “from Sorenade No, 10 — Wolfgang Mozart El Salon Mexico... 2 = = Aaron Copland Selections from Carole arr. by Jtfrey Schleifer Barre Stoves” Rani crow Bsns Dred Grae Une {Cynthia Rodger ‘olla Guard Pala Lapmonce Syn Loya Besoons Debbie Yeas lana Flores Eb Chit ‘Atel Canty Lapa Pree Ramon Fernandes elas Diana Barre Chay Corte “eres Rosie Ferdinando Garca® Bernie Exabeda™ Diane Maisons, Mae Rodrigue” Sra Mona Iie Cavazos ‘Alto Ciarinets tim Verge Miner Gonzales ‘SYMPHONIC BAND ROSTER -Areado Guarda, J, Conductor Nancy Crap" Mari Warties* Rene Gov Norms Maldonado" Alto Soxophones doe Zambrana fet Bonvies “enor Soxopho (hd Zick Barton Saxophone sno Porer ornate Ort Jaret ene Gallegos ober Monon” Mauro Carrot (ier Pinedo Ley Garmin Fun Rocigoe ‘acca Sock Hamner Norman Dect Fernando Remies Storie Dartones ‘ato Garcla* Cour ostoro”| tet Fee Rolando Roigue eerie Espndols. show Manes out bara” Tota Ruten Escobedo"! (Candlrio Grea” ‘Santiago Motina Homer rail Percusion ie Roaigvez (hares Eoner Ricky Got Joh Angle Tympani JoeMendoea “High seboot Valley Bond tal state Band ‘th Grade A Valley BandThe Endorsement of Brownsville : @ Bicentennial Community‘CONCERT BAND PERSONNEL pete Lg SYMPHONIC BAND PERSONNEL i Walt ee soya MANN A MIGM SCHOOL i GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS eoution ie Jones pete, 7g-s01% BICENTENNIAL CONCERT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1976 Tow Maries "Typo 8:00 P.M. joe Mendoms JACOB BROWN AUDITORIUM lah schet A.V Ban Fore a a‘THE CONCERT BAND... conducted by Mr, Allen Clark PROGRAM LEXINGTON MARCH... coe es Kar King FANTASY ON AMERICAN SAILING SONGS... Care Grundman 1. Hornet and Pescock 2. Lowlands 5, What Shall We De With he Drunken Sailor? 4. RioGrande WALT DISNEY OVERTURE. . ar Frank Erion Although the enite world we maddened on December 15, 1966 by uit Disneys pasing, the sense of berenement soon yelded to fond ‘memories of this gens ho seemed to have touched everyone’ ie ith is masterpieces. The auc and wit x wel asthe igen of this muster craton, have let ux a with Inraeable ecollectons of opi expeiocer tthe fim word on TV, and n prety ery (ther area of owing and lining, THESPIRITOF "76... «Care Grundman ‘ed on songs of the tne of George Waington and the American Revolution ‘THE SYMPHONICBAND feeie ‘conducted by Mr, Arcadio Guajirdo, Je. PROGRAM ANTHEM FROM AMERICA. << Emest loch {Commisioned by the J, C Penney Company io commemorate the Bi ‘centennial Year. 118 ong OF several inthe Bicentennial Masta Cee lation collection which wor a aft rom tat company to the schools of Browne OVERTURE TO "“CANDIDE” = 5 = Leora Bernstein This Broad musa poy wes based cn the evil writen by the weterphitxopter Voltas, who in 1738 wrote it aso wichedy yal ‘aUre Mr, Berrsten, who was the fst Americabor t0 obtain the ‘restos post of Mase Director ofthe New Yark Pilarmantc ‘hes aos contributed other works four American mane rk zon On the Town, Wonderful Town and Wast Sie Story. Recently, Ihe ao wrote "Masso dedeate the Kennedy Centr fr the Perform ing Arts Woshingon, DC AMERICAN SUITE. ce. Wilford L Holeambe 1. Westward Ho: his movement depts American plone i simple covered wogors pushing across the Great Phins in tht courageous pus of @ new Future. 2 Morin. This section revels 0th steve the simple bauty (ofthe pada deuning of @ new doy and the spectacle of nw nd hope ln 3. Caebaton: A series ofjunty dance nuns sts the mood of this jon! movement. One con see the American ploners acing Ino vigorous coral ale bale YANKEE DOODLE... Norton Gould Wh his ight hertd anda ines uma appr, Mr, Gout gives ‘sis veon of this welhnown Colon Pood tare. GEORGE GERSHWIN: A Symphonie Portrait. . art Bruce Chase ‘Wu Ps bother Ir Inibly by Ps te, ts Symphonie port pre Sents a apse image ofthe later Geri Insound, From tha vg “atk ope”, "Porgy ond Bess tree excres geo simping of his genius: the nob lulaby Surman, the pasonate det Bes, You's My Woman, and tt Ain't Necessary So, 0 ralihing revi Sona Spintled ween these re the popu ballads They Can't Take That ‘Away From Me, Love Is Her to Say, and A Fosgy Day. ‘TRIBUTE TO ARMSTRONG... «art John Edmondson In his tibute to old "Satchmo"; who was ane of many Black Arr fans who contibuted 10 the only truly Amerian form of muse zz, Wwe hear soe old fvoites: Basin Stet, High Society, Mame, Helo Dolly, ond the traditions! Dixcand tune When te Salts Go Narche ing I THE DIRECTORATE-NARCH Joh FSous AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. aur armen DragonCONCERT BAND PERSONNEL SYMPHONIC BAND PERSONNEL on bmn MANN A HIGH SCHOOKL GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS SPRING CONCERT TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1977 8:00 P.M. JACOB BROWN AUDITORIUM{HE CONCERT BAND = conducted by Ale Clark PROGRAM PATIIFINDERS OF PANAMA : Sous Si Marc 1 9p the prog, [CHORALE AND FUGUE awrence Weiner Ths work a combination of oo spate Fro: fia ental corte aig ec cand strate: and Sec, fae Inthe site of Bach MEDLEY: AUCHELLE- ELEANOR RIGBY--YESTERDAY enon, MeCartney; Ar Andrew Ht fine semen 0 thre onde Beate nes for symphonic ad changes tp 0. hgh ote AFESTIVAL PRELUDE Aled Reed “A Fesinel Pee” wes witon tn eeneration ‘of the went Ftth ntvrscy ofthe TriState Mus Festa, bd emmy Eni, ORO hn wis cme to be regu ah one oft eamposer’ maw bank nd poner wor for the modern concert ban THE SYMPHONIC BAND conducted by Arco Gus, J PROGRAM PRELUDE 1 ACT I from "LOHENGRIN Richard Wager Inthe opens “Leben,” tis bie abit prelude ped Bef the atin goes up om Act HY, wera Lain, Krag of he Holy Gl maried ta Ele, “SKETCHES ON A TUDOR PSALM Fisher Tt Componed iv 1974, thi work bx of & tect canta Setting of the Seco Ps by Thema Talis A modern apt ed toy ‘onan services. Is popubry i evened by Hs employment by Rul nan Wilions the bas ors Fanes For Stig 1910 [MARCH fram “SYMPHONIC METAMORPHOSIS” Put Hindesth Fira themes by Cnt Mae van Weber. ‘THe TyPEWRITER. Leroy Andesan Leroy Anderson's mac elects no ony busy an vari backround ut bien personaly Hs ry Yate wt an tg lament sms From some othe tok frranted very sou sch the cc OF ‘ iypewnter, Mec Anderson comes up wi) names al delta masa [MUSIC Hom “BEN Festring Ben's Thane, I Fel Love ‘OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN Medley ce ere Fea Nowak Ths recton features two sa0ps hich this ively popu singer Tes opubreed:"t Hometly Lave You" and “Hive You Never Been Melo.” BLUE LAKE. = Join Barres Chance Before his nto ath By cident! eleciroation, this rave Fen wate sel works forthe modern and. The wax presented her hs Decome one of hs most popu nso soo band,Pharr Brothers Enhance Popularity Of Brownsville Band in Mexico ne, ae ager ie wy, oe Papa emanrn reer cclecriad ta! a rae aa aad tla oat fie ei nee Seanioeac emearac rans cent, Staaten hema a apt lear Sic eae oe? ce “aan eae Fe A Mee Reta eg ea ee Sia eae Saas Gene oes Eve eer tea BSE EES a son nn ee ae Batis le Sak St 8 as Non honed Sera a ah cat ao ea Soe stat oe ca ae Se “or 8 ag i Ea mae a oe tate a irae cota eee = oe cece ata beset Ae ea aa ey a Eerie acute css Sha Sr te Fercket aes oe Karena rg eee ee een Radea Saati, alae ie rasaMANN A BIG SCMHOOK GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS WINTER CONCERT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 8:00 P.M. JACOB BROWN AUDITORIUM‘THE CONCERT BAND ‘Conducted by Allon Clark PROGRAM RIDERS FOR THEFLAG . : J.P. Sousa ‘An old favorite rearranged and edited by Frederick Fennel. CHORALE AND SHAKER DANCE John Zdochilk This composition Is made up of two ain musica aoas, the Hest being tne simple melody found in the opening Chorale. The second is trom the well known Shaker Hymn, "The Gift to be Simple." ANIRISH SUITE FOR BAND Charles Spinney This selection isin three movements inciuding the well known Irish tunes “As | Roved Out", "The rising of the Moon”, and “Johnny, Hardly Know You.” VARIATIONS ON A KOREAN FOLK SONG * John Barnes Chanco This work is @ combination of different tone colors revolving around a set of variations on a simple Korean folk melody. Extonsive percussion equipment Is required and several soloists aro utilized. ‘THE SYMPHONIC BAND . . Conducted by Arcadle Gusjardo, J. PROGRAM RUSSLAN AND LUDMILLA OVERTURE® Mikhail Ivanovich Glinks The opera, whose setting ls in pagan times, is based on 2 poom bby Pushkin. Ludmila is the daughter of the Prince of Kiev an Fusstan, with whom Ludmila Ie realy in fve, is one of thr Sulfors. But the wizard Chemomor, who also wants Ludmilla for ‘imseit, abducts her. The Prince despatches all three suitors 10 rescue her, promising her hand 10 the one who succeeded, Fusslan, with the help of another wizars and @ magic sword provided By him, trees Ludmilla, but on their way back to Kies {hey encounter one ofthe other suitors wo puts them both in & ‘deep sleep. This other suitor takes Ludmila to the Prince 10 Claim his reward, Russlan awakes in time t0 reveal the entire ‘Story tothe Prince and marries Ludmila in the end. ‘SYMPHONY FOR BAND (West Point Symphony) . Merton Gould Tiest Movement Coltaphs Mr Gould wrote this. symphony in two movements for a ‘composition contest sponsored by this Military Academy and won frst place. It 1s based on several tunes sung and played by Aoademy personnel. This movement algo calls for 2 “Marching Machine" for marching sound effects which in our case will bo Drovided also in part by the band ise [AN AMERICAN IN PARIS: George Gershwin ‘A descriptive piece of music. Conducted by Allen Cart, seeociate rector ‘THE CZAR'S MARCH ‘Nicola Rimsky-Korsakott From the Opera "The Tale of tne Czar Saltan. CHICAGO: A PORTRAIT IS SOUND. arr. John Cacavas Features a medley of tunes writen and recorded by this group of rock musicians who cal themeelves “Chicago,” PROMISES, PROMISES! (Highlights)Burt Bacharach & Hal Devi From the Brosdway Musical of the same title. Features: ‘Knowing When to Leave", “Il Never Fall In Love Again”, ‘Whoever You Are, 1 Love You", and the main tiie tune “Promises, Promises.-SYDIEIOMC RAND ROSTER, Qardne fim One asé cLARINETS Be Sula Hi ion Dens Dales ‘nes Line ppunygaase canon ie Ue Rox Sortanan ‘ee renee ‘il rae ‘avy Breomever FRSA anes Garon Mole ai Garret el Fore Beene ‘Tm Loop fink: Beis, = mga Durer ye gioecate SORE ander Ehperaaa Dente ‘Eis Cant ‘ig nee 2auiTons ‘umber Case A CONCERT OF (Christmas MUSIC HANNA HIGH SCHOOL Gollon Eagle Band December 1979 HANNA CAFETERIA, 7:30PM,PROGRAM ‘THECONCHRT BAND. ss 6s 5. « 5 Conducted by Donald, Cute German Cina Pe 6 eee ee eee ag des Moyhar ACMI BM ee ee 5 Ble Onatng Thee Ctl for Get ev eg Cae Grandma rane DAN DANE ee a gg dame oyhar ret Song of Cine —PL ee es ee ww vo Robert Toman Wok The er AMO SINE ee ee ew a we» F,Mondltbon PRoGRaM TMIESYMPHONICBAND « «+ « + + + Conduced by Arcalo Gro i. rector Band ee ee ee ee eo Role Mende IGA Goneey a a6 thee las «visi nials al) da MR may (estroge Sympbonte Band French Hors eton) WonderWorld of Chisato es 5 e+ «ae Janes Cte, Ot Songs of hinat PL ss ke ee wes ar Robert Lowden Gore Vato oe ee oe ee ee a wg a os Len Calle (td on he Hymn “Now Tha We Al Gut Goa)‘A CONCERT OF eae (Christmas MUSIC Gobln Eagle Band Hania CAFETERIA 7:90 Pa Friday, Dec. 12, 1980THE ONCERE BMWD ee . Casar Naser, conductor esstohverioe oe 2 z Hand fieluia, fr the sts Oratorio ce 6 Santen bo arican Fotk Christas cae er ante de Hoel : E Hap ea nrtstaas Mate for Minds = « es dot Caras rocion WE SWADNG BMD. oe ee + 2 = Areata Gnjerd, Ot, ander rocession of te Woes. - 1M, RinkyRorsaton (Coreen tad. The Tac Days of christmas - * very. 81K (rantay for sana sings danges ee es cece ene e+ Kdomtert fen Arsh ort 5 ota eter 4 tose Cart for Heather christmas. 5 : ces taney Manet sohany Wo, in CoFimte ss ‘ani Saint-Saens re aan xton es. Ann Buchanan, Guest Organist aoa ven som (aie cheba ‘eaIN eo 3680-161 Henny Rrtaa3 Inge Eset Siivi astro. ce oe eo ee ae eee sees Saens one erander seve Baier {sor finer otis rset Shoe Wi ansHANNA HIGH SCHOOL | GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS SPRING POPS CONCERT TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1981 7:30 P.M. Ei I Hanna High School Cafeteria One oF sevre| icon note Phat our humble. parents we aoe ee ‘Wrerine? aces?THE CONCERT BAND Drunken Sailor Harlequin The Way We Were Chorale and Shaker Danee I Capitan ‘THE SYMPHONIC BAND. “Theyre Playing Our Son. Conducted by Cesar Mascorro PROGRAM. Act Grant Hl lace Grundman Marvin Hamiich John Zeck 1.P, Sousa Conducted by Arcadio Guajardo, Jr PROGRAM. Marvin Hamish They're Playing My Sont, Just For Tonight, When You Are n My Arms, If You Rely Krew Me Shephara's Hey English Folk Song Perey Granger Die Wacht Am Rhein, Marsch Franz von Blon The Watch on the Rhein, March Conducted By Cesar Mascoro Arm Fores Salute [Ac Hob Lowden ‘Songs of al the Miltary Services Sounds of Kenny Rogers Ars. Bob Lowden Ruby, Toke Your Love 10 Town, You Decorated My Life, Reuben Jomes, and Lady Conducted by Rick Cook Die Fledermaus, Overtre Johann Strauss re Cchloor monume check Het “deluxe” traveling podinm!‘Gomori, Toxo SORT“The 1984 ‘SYMPHONIC BAND, Ft Garza? Elsabot Gara ‘Conn Hoan Ena Pores Nosue Cn Yolande Munoz ‘Seat Rogers ty Hernandes dove Menta Sian Salazar Hanna High School Golden Eagle Bands SPRING CONCERT Friday, March 23, 1984 7:30 p.m. Jacob Brown AuditoriumThe Cadet Band conducted by James Doiron PROGRAM LIBERTY BELL MARCH Sousa/Holeombe LIBERTY BELL a patrotic march by America’s Marck King John Philip Sousa was inspired by the Liberty Bellin Philadelphia. ‘YE ANKS AND BRAES O'BONNIE DOON. Percy Aldridge Granger This tele gem taken from a collection "THE SONGS of SCOTLAND" is from an old Scotch ar written by the poet Robert Burns and is arranged by the famous English folksong arranger Percy Aldridge (Grainger for todays modem Wind Band. CALEDONIAN HUNT'S DELIGHT Robert Burns (1759 - 1796) Ye Banks and Bras o‘bonniedoon, how can ye bloom so fesk tad far? How can ye chat ye itl irs and so weary. all of are? Thow will break my heart thou warbling bird that flies Careesly thro’ the flowering thor. Thow reminds me of {tepned oye Depated and never ta neta OVERTURE FOR WINDS STAR WARS Medley Uncludes “Main Title” and ™ a conducted by Rolando Zapata PROGRAM Charles Carter ‘Williams/Tagenhorst incess Leis Theme" The Concert Band LOLA FLORES, SadeVKrance LOLA FLORES presents ll the color anc excitement ofthe bull-ring ‘One can instantly visualize che eager anticipation ofthe crowd and the pride and pageantry of the matadors majestically entering the ring ITALIAN IN ALGIERS, Rossini/Cailliet, This overture introduces various melodies which feature some ofthe woodwind instruments, The music relys heavely on obve, flute and clarinet solos hroughout its performance. CLARINET POLKA. This ight and happy folk tune is one that features our entire clarinet section. Thisis the typeof tune that is both fun to play and listen to “THIRD SUITE Robert Jager act, David Bennett MARCH - WALTZ - RONDO. The Symphonic Band conductedhyArcadio Guajardo, Jr PROGRAM MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR OVERTURE. ...... Oto Nicola FETE-DIEU A SEVILLE Isaac Albeniz (east Day In Sevite) This selection, which s par of amore estended work entitled "Iberia depicts vividly the Roman Catholic feast of "Corpus Christi" as ‘celebrated in Sevilla, Spain. Millions of flowers of various colors are ‘oven into a carpe leading fom the church into the streets. le starts ‘with a procession and afterwards the celebrants gather in the square Jor dancing and festivities. The quite ending depicts the wee hours of the next morning Piano Concerto - FIRST MOVEMENT Me. Luis Hghston guest sloist Symphonic Suite from" RETURN OF THE JEDI"... John Williams Main Theme (The Story Continues. Parade ofthe Ewoks, Lake and Leia, Euwok Celebration, and Finale OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN. are, Jerry Nowak Medley includes "I Honestly Love You", and “Have You Never Been Mellow.” CONCERTO FOR PRIME TIME... [Medley of TV Shows themes: “Three's Company”, “The Lave Boat” ‘theme from "Soap", and "Barney Miler’ Edvard Grieg ar. John Higgins a THE HANNA GOLDEN EAGLE TEACHING STAFF Mr, fob Verzett Director of Music Activities Cesar Mascoreo Ms, Dan Breeden High Schoo! Principal ‘Audrey Paterson Paul Brazauskas Kendall Jones‘CADET BAND. HANNA. runes heascuamner sane Te Soe i GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS gen ome WINTER CONCERT Omarvadee TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1985 7:30 P.M. HANNA HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA‘THE CADET BAND CONDUCTED BY JIM DOIRON PROGRAM: MARCHO vivo Everet Maxwell ‘Ast Tom C. Rhodes My JESUS OH, WHAT ANGUISH Alfred Reed Mien jest! Was Fur Selenweh s on of group of 69 cocalled "Scared ‘Songs and Airs” attached to 1S. Bach, ech of which exit ony the orm of single melodic tne with figured buss. Nothing has been suded to one ofthe haunting ad painful expression of sorow and compassion to be found nal of Western Music INTRODUCTION AND FANTASIA Rex Michell Introduction and Fonts is work write i one movement. There far fequent emo changes electing the varying moods o ths piece ‘THE CONCERT BAND... CONDUCTED BY ROLANDO ZAPATA PROGRAM VALDRES MARCH Johannes Hanssen ‘are Glenn Bain ‘THE BLUE AND THE GREY Clare Grundman This “Cnt War Suite” recalls the many moods of the war with songs used by boc the Confederacy andthe Union. FIRST SUITE FOR BAND, Alfred Reed tk Rag WV. Gallop ‘THE SYMPHONIC BAND. CONDUCTED BY ARCADIO GUAJARDO, 1R PROGRAM BOYS OF THE OLD BRIGADE-MARCH. BARBER OF SEVILLE-OVERTURE The Barber of Senile” is considered Rosin’: greatest and most popular operatic work ts fst performance was. given in Rome, February 5.1816 W. Paris Chambers Goacchino Rossini SYMPHONIC SONGS FOR BAND. 1. Serenade 2. Spiviual 3. Celebration Every serious composer has had his humorous ie and has applied @ lighthearted approach to some of the muse that they write ven Mozart wrote his "musical joke” The Symphonic Songs ion of such "programatc" pieces which har become casein the standand band repertoire Robert Russel Bennet [A COLE PORTER SPECTACULAR Cole Porter “ar 8, Nestico ‘This very colorful arrangement by Mr Sammy Nestco sa medley of three of Cole Porter's very popula and immoral conge “Night sd Day” "Don Fence Me Ins and "Begin the Beguine” Me. Dan Breeden, Principal Me. Robert Verzet, Diector of Musk Activites ‘TEACHING STAFF Paul Brazauskas| Cesar Mascorra Arey Paterson endl Jones Meme MiresMANN A BIG SCMookL GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS SPRING CONCERT ‘Thursday, April 17, 1996 HANNA CAFETERIA 7:90 FM,“a. Hangers, Dhonha fn at yur tindnoss Se cst edurarpy chesigh Hee + goed acm bend , = Cope = prem Magn raw -40 r= «FROM ONE OF YOUR BIGGEST FANS! ape Guapordo, Thank you fo js puctting “up with te We reat ave gre and irector and 3 bent us be a part of your a Ate Loves gill Sp ates MO ag Gn meat ereee eS mes Ras REO Sip NN esd co ;HANNA HIGH SCHOOL GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS FROM THE EAGLES! ‘Thursday, December 15, 1988 Hanna High School Cafeteria‘THE SYMPHONIC BAND Conducted by Richard Ruiz Conducted by Arcadio Guajardo, Jr, PROGRAM PROGRAM High School Cadet -March Testa and Fogue in D Mioe Jie Se JS. Bac (685-150) ‘Two Christmas Carols ations On An Echo Carol ‘Sammy Nestioo ‘Christmas Jazz Suite A Legad of Kings a ee (har Spianey A Christmas Festival THE CONCERT BAND lam (A Collection OF More Traditional Favorites) ‘its & Spec Thanks To: {any Chef Hanna PrincipatwuvTes ‘Monica Matinez 1 Miryam Serrano Lalle Rodiguez 1 ‘Alejandra Canta Karina Ses cual Patricia Casas Elizabeth Gomez 1 ie Cota Julie Serrato 1 ‘Angela Campirano Marisol Pedeaza Lara Perez 18 ALTO SAXES; Edie Bonin Antonio Mendez Carlos Vera {essica Duane ga Juarez 1 CADET BAND 1990 ‘TENORSAX “TROMBONES Leonard Gamer aie Gonzalez ‘Angel Mangia ‘Andres Honaia| BARI SAX John P Perez Marco Carll. Gilbert Ortiz ‘cORNETS Marco Perez ‘Tunas Miguel Hernandez ‘Kaho Canta Carlos Lopez Paul Schwager 1 FRENCH HORNS Gabrcl Saldvar PERCUSSION Rebecca Lama Felipe Sika ‘Alex Pere mest Gonzalez BARITONES Juan Garcia ‘Anibal Resendez Tony Ceballos Nora Bennett 1-9 Grade Al Valley Band 2 Thigh Schoo! Al Valley Orchestea 43-Migh Seo All Valley Band 44-Area Touts 5 AllState Orchestra (6-AllStte Band 7A Valley Jz Band WINTER CONCERT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1990 7:30 P.M. HANNA HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA‘THE CADET BAND. Conducted by Richard Ruiz PROGRAM ‘Seto, Seior (Paso Dobe). — Carlos Gacrmo WT Re NERF ns Johan Sebastian Bach (685-1750) Origination for cron in the seventeenth con this eau chorale has boon anteribed for many differen media which includes the symphony orchestra ‘and concer band atin and Lace nado F Edman White he ow rasan person cuppa bene yd, dhe upper winds _layelowing singing relay whichis complimented by asmilar counter melody Inthe Frnch Hams and Sas ‘THE CONCERT BAND Conducted by Jim PROGRAM Concord é rv Claee Grund "Concont is based on Occ radioal songs fom old ew England: "The ‘White Cockade” played widely daring the American revolution ax marching Song for Bish Solder. "Ameren reflects he independent spi of eu young nation ‘atts bith "Yankee Doodle” one of the mot familar folk songs come ou of the mid igen enna “The Ive and'The Gray late Grandia “Asie of song fr the American Chi War. Hooray Foe Helo nnn Ae, Wate Barker "A medley of Hallywoods favorite motion picture teres and songs from the ven of tein pcre to he present. ‘THE SYMPHONIC BAND Conducted by Arcadio Guajardo, Jr PROGRAM Oberon Overture Cat Maria on Weber ‘This brillant and technical ovetre fromthe opera of the sume ie vives ‘more as an orchestal showpiece. Most of von Weber's operas were later ‘overshadowed by hos of another German compe, Richard Wagner ‘Am American la Pris 7 George Gersin ‘Thiselection one of Gers’ nest orchestral works wascomposedin 1928 nl vacationing in dat racy. This rangement at abridged version more suitable for and. ig Rand Sale sninnce AM Ostrking Tnchided in thin emangement ave the following big and ie: Opus One American Parl Bg Nose rom Winnetka Aplin Paris Conducted by Richard Ruiz “The Washington Post March John Philp Sousa Encore: tobe annonce MR. BOB VEZZETTI Assistant Superintendent Student Sences MR. LARRY CHELF Hoa Hig Sehoo! PrincipalHANNA HIGH SCHOOL GOLDEN EAGLE BANDS A CONCERT OF (Christm as MUSIC 7:30 Pom. ‘TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1991 HANNA H.S. CAFETERIABAND DEPARTMENT Homer Hanna High School 2615 PRICE ROAD BROWNSMILE, TEXAS 72520, DEANIE ERVIN ‘THE CONCERT BAND. . ssssrre+sConducted by Jim Doiron PROGRAM FANFARE PRELUDE ON *WESTMINISTER CAROL" arr. im Curnow (Angels We Have Heard on High) CAROL FOR ANOTHER CHRISTMAS Henry Mancini ‘A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS Arr. Bob. Lowden (Skating; Christmas Time Is Here; Lucy and Linus) Conducted by Mr. Richard Ruiz, Associate) ‘TRADITIONS OF CHRISTMAS Chip Davis THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS Robert W. Smith (Rudolph The Red-Nose Reindeer; The Little Drummer Boy; Sleigh Ride; Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas) THE SYMPHONIC BAND. +++Conducted by Arcadio Guajardo, Jr. PROGRAM FANTASIA IN G MAJOR Johann Sebastian Bach Written originally for organ around the year 1703, this work is 288 year old this year. WaSsaIL! arr. by Harry stone GoD REST YOU MERRY, GENTLEMEN arr. by Albert 0, Davis (An English Traditional Carol) GREAT SONGS OF CHRISTMAS-Set II arr. by Robert Lowden WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS Peter I. Tchaikovsky (Valse des Fleurs" from THE NUTCRACKER SUITE) Weneeeeneniaaasee2¢000RHADDY HOLIDAYS TO ALLAS##A#OHHRERRRRE NOONE‘The Brownsville Heals Walley/State Friday, January 15, 1995 ml Page 11 18 Brownsville students make All- 7State Band by SHawn FosTER erat Stat ter Benny tata Tearned to play the co net in fit grade, on his brother's School born “T stared on cornet in fh grade beause my Brother Joined the Band’™ Mata said. “He would bring his horn Thome and ine taught me the nots, Mata soon began a regular regimen otpractice “ended up playing it more brother” he sald "The band teacher saw that Mata had a passion for musi. He made an er option and et him in the sehool band ‘year early. ‘The band director neoded someone to pley baritone, After fve years practice, Mate, 3 Pace Tigh School junior, has gradu ated from hie “battered Vietnamwar Hor to the big leagues Mata and 17 other stent musicians from Brownsville have been named to the alr State Band ore Brownsville students qualified for the band than any ety in South Texas, fom Corpus Christ to San At Tonio and Laredo, More than 140 student. musicians trom Soutn'fexas competed ast week end in Alice for 86 places in the All State Band Brownsvile’s 18 winners topped all other cities. Five students fom San “Antonio schools made the band Allen Clark, head of the Brownsville Independent’ School Distiets musle rogram, said winning a spot in Texas AlkState Hand is an honor equivalent to national recognition, robably the finest alstate band is the Texas Symphonie Band. The see: fond-best is the second all Stale Texas Band,” Care sid. Clark praised the school district's band ditectors for doing the extta needed to compete agains! sf ents who have the advantages of big cay eultare “hey have 2 symphony In San An ‘ono and private lessons and every thing else.” Cark said. “I'm unaware ‘of any paid private lessons in Browns vaieM ing oom the Hon “The band directors doa lt of work after hour,” he ea Erica Cesanova, an oboist at Hanna ii School, said her band divector hs also boon a career eviser, Her band. directors. helped ‘her decide What instrument fo play, and also ti Mluenced her to study music tn eollege, ‘When T start 1 had no idea whet ‘he oboe was ly sistas were in band Ae ‘and. they ‘wanted. me to play romething diferent.” Casanova said Casanova is studying @ Mozart con- ‘ettng, "Tike to be able t play what hear” she eaid. She wants to be a profesional musician and other student musiisns Pie they practic before school, some {imes during luneh, and afterschool ss much ab 4Vs hours day, lanna_students named to the All Sine Hand include Cola Mall, ene Barren, Jesse Cant, “Batardo“Garaa Mike" Gar. Celis ‘Hamices, Vicky Robles” ané~ alex — “Torres Qualities trom Pace High School are Bonny alata and. Pawerd Joel” Gracia: and trom Rivers, Det Abrego, Michelle Anzaldua,” Lory Tana, Jose Manzano, Claudia Laticla Gonzatee, » singer from Hanna's chorus, was named to the AlLSate Chole,being, Fhe performance at the 1 Sacth Coast fastivn, Fogecior wating s ‘/ Ist Ruwner-Up Foy Best Tn Class 5-7ij : Soa ain ie Aahha Compas Spring 1 ng Hose Heeny cay do . } } a anmber oh yousHANNA CONCERT BAND 1997 PIecoLo Karla Arellano FLUTES : Michelle Monteverde Celeste Guero T Seonife lar 1 Casandra Cortez Lars Satins. Sasha Bean ‘Ghistinn Olveira Rachel Hinojosa Brooke Moreland onoEs: ‘Apa Sakeido 1 Corina Fernandez ‘Monies Gala BASSOON Cynthia Villanueva ‘Bb CLARINETS Paty Cant ‘Stephanie Alvarez 1 ‘Sana Romie Tina Mircles Evelyn Padron Selina Ove | Najlou Valdez Rath Salinas. ka Martinez ‘Stephane Ovi Sete Moncada BASS CLARINETS. Fels Musa Jessen Gaeia ALTO SAXOPHONES Shaya Fernandez 1 Vanessa Avia ‘Meredith gland Ces Musil Micet Reyes Unis Noriega TENOR SAXOPHONES Jan Nino Sahn Moreno BARITONE SAXOPHONE, Gilbert Rosie CORNETS ‘Andreas Kaden 1 Fausto Martinez Sey Molina Danny Bonnin (Carlos Martinez ‘Anthony Esquivel ove Angst Lopez FRENCH HORNS ‘TENOR TROMBONES faery Years ‘Joseph Garcia ‘Gone Frady Ben Miler Ben Mendoza BASS TROMBONES ‘Avil Gonzales, (Cris Sait, IL EUPHONIUMS. Ror Garin 3 ‘Mike Prater 1 ‘Tunas Gerad Garcia 1 So Reyes Aled Garcia ‘Abraham Barentes 1 Datel Blanco ‘Alejandro Balderas PERCUSSION ‘Michael Gonzales Diego Moreno Prank Gai Robert Ci Roterte Salinas ‘Adana Flores (Cesar Valdez mie Casio WINTER CONCERT Thursday, February 6, 1997 7:30PM. , Jacob Brown Auditorium‘THE HANNA CONCERT BAND Conducted by Ricardo Hernandez Program “The Directorate Mareh John Pip Sous Ambrosian Hy Vartan... Donald White ‘Based onan Anelent Ambrosian Hymn used inthe grea church of Milan Pusata (Four Gypsy Dances) Jan Vn der Roost 1. Andonta Moderna — Presto Andreas Kaden, cornet solist 1 Tranguillo Michelle Monteverde, fle soloist “April Sledo, oboe soloist IL Allegro Motto Patty Canty, clarinet soloist 1, Maesto— Presto Ms. Syvia Perez ‘Mr. Alle Clarke Hanna High Schoo! Principal Administrator of Fine ris Teaching Associates Liz Stone ‘Allen Houston De. Carol MeNabb Paul Popiel S999 8 BRIEF INTERMISSION $3555 THE HANNA SYMPHONIC BAND ‘Conducted by Arcadio Guajardo, Je Program Wathington Grays-March --Chadio 8, Gralla La Foraa Del Destno-Overture Giuseppe Verdi The opera, whose tragic story is based on the ext bythe Spanish author Angel Peres de Saadesra, i about a girl Leonora, whose family will no “sanction her marriage to Alvaro. It takes place in 18th cenury Seville ‘Spun. Alvaro accidentally kils Leonora father wth his pistol when ther loro elope was uncovered. Don Carlo, Leonora’ brother seks to avenge is fathers death and gets volved in adel with Avaro who wounds him. ‘As Don Carlo is dying from his wounds he stabs Leonora who had cme 10 ‘assist him. In the end Leonora des, leaving Alvaro to seck redemption and forgiveness by accepting holy vows WestSide Story Medley ‘Conducted by Associate Director Mr. Paul Popiel ant by Jay Bocook ‘The Courtly Dances Benjamin Briten ‘March, Coram, Pavanne, Morris Dance, Gallard,Lavolia, March His Exeelleney-March Henry Fillmore Student Credits (2 9 Grade AILValley Band (4) HS. AIL Miley Symphonie Band @MS.AlLValley Orehesta (5) Area Tryouts © HS.AILValey Wind Ensemble (6) All-State Band2000 Bandmaster of the Year Alfred & Janice Sturchio 2000 Industry Award 2000 Achievement Award Recipients Recipients Beane Klett ‘Arthur Gurwitz Waymon Bullock Art Guajardo ie erAreadio Guajardo Jr hs been named the Fetpent of the frst snaual Mentorious ‘Achievement Award By the Neicueors IN TRE News ‘Texas Bandmasters ‘Assoslation’s board of diee= He attended VanderCook College of Music from 1984 1958."m_ August 1988, he Accepted a pasion as junior High’ schoo! director and fesistant with the Browsevite igh Sekool Band. In 1974 essumed the oslo fed and die {or at, BHS, which vas ‘renamed Hanna whem a net High schoo! opened, Ne held ‘hat position dl reirement Inguly 1998 During his tenvre. the Hanna High School Band tained a long sting of First ‘Division ratings inthe Texas University. Interscholastic League Mareting’» and Concert/Sightreading cone, se Seats Sts Hoya ard see od Spear Hat Saco vie cha sa alt Aeetkl Arie nan dats Meat dea Chest, 1 1985, 1996, and 1997 the Hanna hand was selected 38 First rumerup for Best In SA Class at Buccaneer Days Festival Festal The Hann Bans represented ther rea atthe foxes Muse Educators Association "Honor Band als mero times ni 1988 was ranked inthe Top Five for that event
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