Unit-1 Basic Syntactical Concepts in Java: Introduction To Object-Oriented Paradigm

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Basic Syntactical Concepts in Java

Introduction to object-oriented paradigm

The major objective of object-oriented approach is to eliminate some of the flaws

encountered in the procedural approach. 00P treats data as a critical element in the
program development and does not allow it to flow freely around the system. It ties data
more closely to the functions that operate on it and protects it from unintentional modification
by other functions. OOP allows us to decompose a problem into a number of entities
called Objects and then build data and functions (known as methods in Java) around these
entities. The combination of data and methods make up an object (see Fig.).

Object = Data + Methods

The data of an object can be accessed only by the methods associated with that object.
However, methods of one object can access the methods of other objects. Some of the
features of object-oriented paradigm are:
 Emphasis is on data rather than procedure.
 Programs are divided into what are known as Objects.
 Data structures are designed such that they characterize the objects.
 Methods that operate on the data of an object are tied together in the data structure.
 Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.
 Objects may communicate with each other through methods.
 New data and methods can be easily added whenever necessary.
 Follows bottom-up approach in program design.

Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming

There are some basic concepts of object oriented programming as follows:

1. Object
2. Class
3. Data abstraction
4. Data encapsulation
5. Inheritance
6. Polymorphism
7. Dynamic binding
1. Object
Objects are important runtime entities in object oriented method. They may characterize
a location, a bank account, and a table of data or any entry that the program must handle.
For example:


Fig.1.1 Representation of an object ―STUDENT

Each object holds data and code to operate the data. Object can interact without having to
identify the details of each other‗s data or code. It is sufficient to identify the type of
message received and the type of reply returned by the objects.
Another example of object is CAR

Object: CAR

Fig.1.2 Representation of object CAR
Fig.1.1and Fig.1.2 shows actual representation of object.

2. Classes
A class is a set of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behaviour
(operations), and common link to other objects. The complete set of data and code of an object
can be made a user defined data type with the help of class.
The objects are variable of type class. A class is a collection of objects of similar type.
Classes are user defined data types and work like the build in type of the programming
language. Once the class has been defined, we can make any number of objects belonging to
that class. Each object is related with the data of type class with which they are formed.
As we learned that, the classification of objects into various classes is based on its properties
(States) and behaviour (methods). Classes are used to distinguish are type of object from
another. The important thing about the class is to identify the properties and procedures and
applicability to its instances.
For example:Vehicle


MH 01
- EP 1234

COST=4,00,000 COLOUR=Red

Fig.1.3 Representation of class

In above example, we will create an objects MH-01 EP 1234 belonging to the class car. The
objects develop their distinctiveness from the difference in their attribute value and
relationships to other objects.

3. Data Abstraction
Data abstraction refers to the act of representing important description without including
the background details or explanations.
Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract attributes such as
size, cost and functions operate on these attributes. They summarize all the important
properties of the objects that are to be created. Classes use the concepts of data abstraction and
it is called as Abstract Data Type (ADT).

4. Data Encapsulation
Data Encapsulation means wrapping of data and functions into a single unit (i.e. class). It is
most useful feature of class. The data is not easy to get to the outside world and only those
functions which are enclosed in the class can access it.
These functions provide the boundary between Object‗s data and program. This insulation of
data from direct access by the program is called as Data hiding.

5. Inheritance
Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class can get the properties of objects of
another class. Inheritance means one class of objects inherits the data and behaviours from
another class. Inheritance maintains the hierarchical classification in which a class inherits
from its parents.
Inheritance provides the important feature of OOP that is reusability. That means we can
include additional characteristics to an existing class without modification. This is possible
deriving a new class from existing one.
In other words, it is property of object-oriented systems that allow objects to be built from
other objects. Inheritance allows openly taking help of the commonality of objects when
constructing new classes. Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the
parent class of another (derived) class. The derived class holds the properties and behaviour of
base class in addition to the properties and behaviour of derived class.

For Example:



Santro Accent

Fig.1.4 Inheritance

In Fig.1.4, the Santro is a part of the class Hyundai which is again part of the class car and car
is the part of the class vehicle. That means vehicle class is the parent class.

6. Polymorphism
(Poly means ―many and morph means ―form). Polymorphism means the ability to take more
than one form. Polymorphism plays a main role in allocate objects having different internal
structures to share the same external interface. This means that a general class of operations
may be accessed in the same manner even though specific activities associated with each
operation may differ. Polymorphism is broadly used in implementing inheritance.
It means objects that can take on or assume many different forms. Polymorphism means that
the same operations may behave differently on different classes. Polymorphism allows us to
write generic, reusable code more easily, because we can specify general instructions and
delegate the implementation detail to the objects involved.

For Example:
In a pay roll system, manager, office staff and production worker objects all will respond to the
compute payroll message, but the real operations performed are object particular.

Rectangle Object Square Object Circle Object

Draw (Rectangle) Draw (Square) Draw (Circle)
Fig.1.5 Polymorphism
7. Dynamic Binding
Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code to be executed in response to the
call. Dynamic binding means that the code related with a given procedure call is not known
until the time of the call at run time. Dynamic binding is associated polymorphism and

As we know that the Java is an object oriented programming language developed by Sun
Microsystems of USA in 1991. Java is first programming language which is not attached with
any particular hardware or operating system. Program developed in Java can be executed
anywhere and on any system.
Features of Java are as follows:
1. Compiled and Interpreted
2. Platform Independent and portable
3. Object- oriented
4. Robust and secure
5. Distributed
6. Familiar, simple and small
7. Multithreaded and Interactive
8. High performance
9. Dynamic and Extensible
1. Compiled and Interpreted
Basically a computer language is either compiled or interpreted. Java comes together
both these approach thus making Java a two-stage system.
Java compiler translates Java code to Bytecode instructions and Java Interpreter generate
machine code that can be directly executed by machine that is running the Java program.
2. Platform Independent and portable
Java supports the feature portability. Java programs can be easily moved from one
computer system to another and anywhere. Changes and upgrades in operating systems,
processors and system resources will not force any alteration in Java programs. This is
reason why Java has become a trendy language for programming on Internet which
interconnects different kind of systems worldwide. Java certifies portability in two ways.
First way is, Java compiler generates the bytecode and that can be executed on any
machine. Second way is, size of primitive data types are machine independent.
3. Object- oriented
Java is truly object-oriented language. In Java, almost everything is an Object. All program
code and data exist in objects and classes. Java comes with an extensive set of classes;
organize in packages that can be used in program by Inheritance. The object model in Java is
trouble-free and easy to enlarge.
4. Robust and secure
Java is a most strong language which provides many securities to make certain reliable
code. It is design as garbage –collected language, which helps the programmers virtually from
all memory management problems. Java also includes the concept of exception handling,
which detain serious errors and reduces all kind of threat of crashing the system.
Security is an important feature of Java and this is the strong reason that programmer
use this language for programming on Internet.
The absence of pointers in Java ensures that programs cannot get right of entry to memory
location without proper approval.
5. Distributed
Java is called as Distributed language for construct applications on networks which can
contribute both data and programs. Java applications can open and access remote objects on
Internet easily. That means multiple programmers at multiple remote locations to work
together on single task.
6. Simple and small
Java is very small and simple language. Java does not use pointer and header files, goto
statements, etc. It eliminates operator overloading and multiple inheritance.
7. Multithreaded and Interactive
Multithreaded means managing multiple tasks simultaneously. Java maintains multithreaded
programs. That means we need not wait for the application to complete one task before starting
next task. This feature is helpful for graphic applications.
8. High performance
Java performance is very extraordinary for an interpreted language, majorly due to the
use of intermediate bytecode. Java architecture is also designed to reduce overheads during
runtime. The incorporation of multithreading improves the execution speed of program.
9. Dynamic and Extensible
Java is also dynamic language. Java is capable of dynamically linking in new class,
libraries, methods and objects. Java can also establish the type of class through the query
building it possible to either dynamically link or abort the program, depending on the reply.
Java program is support functions written in other language such as C and C++, known as
native methods.

Feature C C++ Java

OOP, Generic
Procedural, OOP, Generic
Paradigms Procedural Programming (from
Java 5)
Form of
Executable Native
Compiled Source Executable Native Code Java bytecode
Memory Managed, using a
Manual Manual
management garbage collector
Yes, very commonly used,
Yes, very No pointers; references
Pointers but some form of references
commonly used. are used instead.
available too.
Preprocessor Yes Yes No
String Type Character arrays Character arrays, objects Objects
Complex Data
Structures, unions Structures, unions, classes Classes
Single class inheritance,
Inheritance N/A Multiple class inheritance multiple interface
N/A Yes No
Not at all if loss could
Automatic Yes, with warnings Yes, with warnings if loss
occur; must cast
coercions if loss could occur could occur
Go to Statement Yes Yes No

Java Virtual machine:

As we know that all programming language compilers convert the source code to machine
code. Same job done by Java Compiler to run a Java program, but the difference is that Java
compiler convert the source code into Intermediate code is called as bytecode. This machine is
called the Java Virtual machine and it exits only inside the computer memory.

Following figure shows the process of compilation.

Java Java Virtual

Program Compiler Machine
Source Code Byte Code
The Virtual machine code is not machine specific. The machine specific code is generated. By Java
interpreter by acting as an intermediary between the virtual machine and real machines shown

Byte Code Java Machine code


Virtual machine Real Machine

Java Object Framework act as the intermediary between the user programs and the virtual machine
which in turn act as the intermediary between the operating system and the Java Object Framework.

Operating System

Java Virtual Machine

Java Object Framework

Compiler and Interpreter

User Application Programs


Fig: Layers of Interaction for Java programs

The Bytecode / JVM / JRE

The key that allows Java to solve both the security and the portability problems just
described is that the output of a Java compiler is not executable code. Rather, it is bytecode.
Bytecode is a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by the Java run-time
system, which is called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). That is,in its standard form, the JVM
is an interpreter for bytecode.
This may come as a bit of a surprise. As you know, C++ is compiled to executable code.
In fact, most modern languages are designed to be compiled, not interpreted—mostly because
of performance concerns. However, the fact that a Java program is executed by the JVM helps
solve the major problems associated with downloading programs over the Internet.
Here is why. Translating a Java program into bytecode helps makes it much easier to run a
program in a wide variety of environments. The reason is straightforward: only the JVM needs
to be implemented for each platform. Once the run-time package exists for a given system, any
Java program can run on it. Remember, although the details of the JVM will differ from
platform to platform, all interpret the same Java bytecode. If a Java program were compiled to
native code, then different versions of the same program would have to exist for each type of
CPU connected to the Internet. This is, of course, not a feasible solution. Thus, the
interpretation of bytecode is the easiest way to create truly portable programs.
The fact that a Java program is interpreted also helps to make it secure. Because the
execution of every Java program is under the control of the JVM, the JVM can contain the
program and prevent it from generating side effects outside of the system. As you will see,
safety is also enhanced by certain restrictions that exist in the Java language. When a program
is interpreted, it generally runs substantially slower than it would run if compiled to executable
code. However, with Java, the differential between the two is not so great. The use of bytecode
enables the Java run-time system to execute programs much faster than you might expect.

JIT (Just In Time Compiler)

Sun supplies its Just In Time (JIT) compiler for bytecode, which is included in the Java 2
release. When the JIT compiler is part of the JVM, it compiles bytecode into executable code
in real time, on a piece-by-piece, demand basis. It is important to understand that it is not
possible to compile an entire Java program into executable code all at once, because Java
performs various run-time checks that can be done only at run time. Instead, the JIT compiles
code as it is needed, during execution. However, the just-in-time approach still yields a
significant performance boost. Even when dynamic compilation is applied to bytecode, the
portability and safety features still apply, because the run-time system (which performs the
compilation) still is in charge of the execution environment. Whether your Java program is
actually interpreted in the traditional way or compiled on-the-fly, its functionality is the same.
Java Environment:

Java environment includes a number of development tools, classes and methods. The
development tools are p
art of the system known as Java Development Kit (JDK) and the classes and methods are part
of the Java Standard Library (JSL), also known as the Application Programming Interface

Java Development kit (JDK) – The JDK comes with a set of tools that are used for
developing and running Java program. It includes:
1. Appletviewer( It is used for viewing the applet)
2. Javac(It is a Java Compiler)
3. Java(It is a java interpreter)
4. Javap(Java diassembler,which convert byte code into program description)
5. Javah(It is for java C header files)
6. Javadoc(It is for creating HTML document)
7. Jdb(It is Java debugger)

For compiling and running the program we have to use following commands:
a) javac (Java compiler)
In java, we can use any text editor for writing program and then save that program with .java
extension. Java compiler convert the source code or program in bytecode and interpreter
convert ―.java file in ―.class file.
C:\javac filename.java
If my filename is ―abc.java then the syntax will be
C:\javac abc.java
b) java(Java Interpreter)
As we learn that, we can use any text editor for writing program and then save that
program with ―.java extension. Java compiler converts the source code or
program in bytecode and interpreter convert ―.java file in ―.class file. Syntax:
C:\java filename
If my filename is abc.java then the syntax will be
C:\java abc

Simple Java Program:

class FirstProgram
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(―This is my first program‖);
 The file must be named ―FirstProgram.java to equivalent the class name containing the
main method.
 Java is case sensitive. This program defines a class called ―FirstProgram.
 A class is an object oriented term. It is designed to perform a specific task. A Java class is
defined by its class name, an open curly brace, a list of methods and fields, and a close
curly brace.
 The name of the class is made of alphabetical characters and digits without spaces, the first
character must be alphabetical.
 The line ―public static void main (String [] args ) shows where the program will start
running. The word main means that this is the main method. The JVM starts running any
program by executing this method first.
 The main method in ―FirstProgram.java consists of a single statement
System.out.println("This is my first program");
 The statement outputs the character between quotes to the console.
 Above explanation is about how to write program and now we have to learn where to write
program and how to compile and run the program. For this reason, the next explanation is
showing the steps.
1. Edit the program by the use of Notepad.
2. Save the program to the hard disk.
3. Compile the program with the javac command.(Java compiler)
4. If there are syntax errors, go back to Notepad and edit the program.
5. Run the program with the java command.(Java Interpreter)
6. If it does not run correctly, go back to Notepad and edit the program.
7. When it shows result then stop.
1.2 Defining a Class, Creating Objects and accessing class members
A class is a blueprint from which individual objects are created.

[modifier] class myClass { //class header

//fields, constructors

//method declarations

A class can contain any of the following variable(fields) types.
 Local variables − Variables defined inside methods, constructors or blocks are called
local variables. The variable will be declared and initialized within the method and the
variable will be destroyed when the method has completed.
 Instance variables − Instance variables are variables within a class but outside any
method. These variables are initialized when the class is instantiated. Instance
variables can be accessed from inside any method, constructor or blocks of that
particular class.
 Class variables − Class variables are variables declared within a class, outside any
method, with the static keyword.
A class can have any number of methods to access the value of various kinds of methods.


public class Bike {

public int speed;
public int gear;
public Bike(int startSpeed, int startGear) {
gear = startGear;
speed = startSpeed;
public void setGear (int newValue) {
this.gear = newValue;

public void applyBrake(int decrement) {

this.speed -= decrement;
public void speedUp(int increment) {
this.speed += increment;
Creating an Object
As mentioned previously, a class provides the blueprints for objects. So basically, an object is
created from a class. In Java, the new keyword is used to create new objects.
There are three steps when creating an object from a class −
 Declaration − A variable declaration with a variable name with an object type.
 Instantiation − The 'new' keyword is used to create the object.
 Initialization − The 'new' keyword is followed by a call to a constructor. This call
initializes the new object.


className objectName = new className(inputParameters);

For the above defined Bike class objects can be created in new
class BikeDemo or the main() method can be defined in the same

Class BikeDemo{
Public static void main(String args[]){

//creating Objects
Bike honda=new Bike(120,4);//passing arguments to constructor
honda.setGear(4); // calling methods

Accessing Instance Variables and Methods

Instance variables and methods are accessed via created objects. To access an instance
variable, following is the fully qualified path.

/* First create an object */

Object = new Constructor();

/* Now call a variable as follows */


/* Now you can call a class method as follows */

Accessing class members

public class Puppy {

int puppyAge;

public Puppy(String name) {

// This constructor has one parameter, name.
System.out.println("Name chosen is :" + name );

public void setAge( int age ) {

puppyAge = age;

public int getAge( ) {

System.out.println("Puppy's age is :" + puppyAge );
return puppyAge;

public static void main(String []args) {

/* Object creation */

Puppy myPuppy = new Puppy( "tommy" );

/* Call class method to set puppy's age */

myPuppy.setAge( 2 );

/* Call another class method to get puppy's age */

myPuppy.getAge( );

/* You can access instance variable as follows as well */

System.out.println("Variable Value :" + myPuppy.puppyAge );

If we compile and run the above program, then it will produce the following result −

Name chosen is :tommy
Puppy's age is :2
Variable Value :2
Java Tokens
Constants:- Constants in Java refer to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a
program. Java supports several types of constants as illustrated in Fig.


Numeric Constants Character Constants

Integer Real Character String

Constants Constants Constants Constants

Fig:Java Constants

Integer Constants
An integer constant refers to a sequence of digits. There are three types of integers, namely,
decimal integer, octal integer and hexadecimal integer.
Decimal integers consist of a set of digits, 0 through 9, preceded by an optional minus
sign. Valid examples of decimal integer constants are:
123 -321 0 654321
Embedded spaces, commas, and non-digit characters are not permitted between digits. For
15 750 20.000 $1000
are illegal numbers.
An octal integer constant consists of any combination of digits from the set 0 through 7,
with a leading 0. Some examples of octal integer are:
037 0 0435 0551
A sequence of digits preceded by OX or OX is considered as hexadecimal integer (hex
integer). They may also include alphabets A through F or a through f. A letter A through F
represents the numbers 10 through 15. Following are the examples of valid hex integers.
0X2 OX9F Oxbcd Ox
Real Constants
Integer numbers are inadequate to represent quantities that vary continuously, such as
distances, heights temperatures, prices, and so on. These quantities are represented by numbers
containing fractional parts like 17.548. Such numbers are called real (or floating point)
constants. Further examples of real constants are:
0.0083 -0.75 435.36
These numbers are shown in decimal notation, having a whole number followed by a
decimal point and the fractional part, which is an integer. It is possible that the number may
not have digits before the decimal point or digits after the decimal point. That is,
215. .95 -.71
are all valid real numbers.
A real number may also be expressed in exponential (or scientific) notation. For
example, the vain! 215.65 may be written as 2.1565e2 in exponential notation. e2 means
multiply by 102. The general form is:
mantissa e exponent
The mantissa is either a real number expressed in decimal notation or an integer. The
exponent is an integer with an optional plus or minus sign. The letter e separating the
mantissa and the exponent can be written in either lowercase or uppercase. Since the
exponent causes the decimal point to "float", this notation is said to represent a real number
in floating point form. Examples of legal floating point constants are:
0.65e4 12e-2 1.5e+5 3.18E3 -1.2E-1
Embedded white (blank) space is not allowed, in any numeric constant.
A floating point constant may thus comprise four parts: a whole number, a decimal point,a
fractional part, an exponent.

Single Character Constants

A single character constant (or simply character constant) contains a single character enclosed
within a pair of single quote marks. Examples of character constants are:
`5‘ ‘X' ‗;‘ ‗ ‗
Note that the character constant '5' is not the same as the number 5. The last constant is a blank
String Constants
A string constant is a sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes. The
characters may be alphabets, digits, special characters and blank spaces. Examples are:
"Hello Java" "1997" "WELL DONE" "?...!" "5+3"
Backslash Character Constants
Java supports some special backslash character constants that are used in output methods. For
example, the symbol '\n' stands for newline character. A list of such backslash character
constants is given in Table 4.1. Note that each one of them represents one character, although
they consist of two characters. These characters combinations are known as escape sequences.
Constant Meaning
'\b' back space
‗\f ‘ form feed
‗\n‘ new line
‗\t‘ horizontal tab
A variable is an identifier that denotes a storage location used to store a data value.
Unlike constants that remain unchanged during the execution of a program, a variable may take
different values at different times during the execution of the program. In we had used several
variables. For instance, we used variables length and breadth to store the values of length and
breadth of a room.
A variable name can be chosen by the programmer in a meaningful way so as to reflect
what it represents in the program. Some examples of variable names are:
As mentioned earlier, variable names may consist of alphabets, digits, the underscore ( _) and
dollar characters, subject to the following conditions:
1. They must not begin with a digit.
2. Uppercase and lowercase are distinct. This means that the variable Total is not the
same as total or TOTAL.
3. It should not be a keyword.
4. White space is not allowed.
5. Variable names can be of any length.

Variable Declaration
type identifier [ = value][, identifier [= value] ...] ;
The type is one of Java‘s atomic types, or the name of a class or interface. The identifier is the
name of the variable. You can initialize the variable by specifying an equal sign and a value.
That the initialization expression must result in a value of the same (or compatible) type as that
specified for the variable. To declare more than one variable of the specified type, use a
comma-separated list.
Here are several examples of variable declarations of various types. Note that some include an
int a, b, c; // declares three ints, a, b, and c.
int d = 3, e, f = 5; // declares three more ints,
byte z = 22; // initializes z.
double pi = 3.14159; // declares an approximation of pi.
char x = 'x'; // the variable x has the value 'x'.
Java Keywords:
abstract continue for new switch
assert default goto package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import public throws
case enum instanceof return transient
catch extends int short try
char final interface static var
class finally long strictfp void
const float native super volatile

Data types in java

A data type is a scheme for representing values. An example is int which is the Integer, a data
type. Values are not just numbers, but any manner of data that a computer can process. The
data type defines the kind of data that is represented by a variable. As with the keyword class,
Java data types are case sensitive.

Following table shows the datatypes with their size and ranges.
Data type Size (byte) Range
byte 1 -128 to 127
boolean 1 True or false
char 2 A-Z,a-z,0-9,etc.
short 2 -32768 to 32767
Int 4 (about) -2 million to 2 million
long 8 (about) -10E18 to 10E18
float 4 -3.4E38 to 3.4E18
double 8 -1.7E308 to 1.7E308
 Integer data type: Integer datatype can hold the numbers (the number can be positive
number or negative number).
In Java, there are four types of integer as follows:
1. byte
2. short
3. int
4. long
We can make integer long by adding ―l‖ or ―L‖ at the end of the number.

 Floating point data type: It is also called as Real number and when we require
accuracy then we can use it.
There are two types of floating point data type.
1. Float
2. Double
It is represent single and double precision numbers. The float type is used for single precision
and it uses 4 bytes for storage space. It is very useful when we require accuracy with small
degree of precision. But in double type, it is used for double precision and uses 8 bytes of
storage space. It is useful for large degree of precision.

 Character data type:

It is used to store single character in memory. It uses 2 bytes storage space.

 Boolean data type:

It is used when we want to test a particular condition during the execution of the program.
There are only two values that a boolean type can hold: true and false. Boolean type is denoted
by the keyword boolean and uses only one bit of storage.
Following program shows the use of datatypes.
import java.io.DataInputStream;
cc2 {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
DataInputStream s1=new DataInputStream(System.in);
byte rollno;
int marks1,marks2,marks3;
float avg;
System.out.println("Enter roll number:");
System.out.println("Enter marks m1, m2, m3:");
avg = (marks1+marks2+marks3)/3;
System.out.println("Roll number is="+rollno);
System.out.println("Average is="+avg);

Mixing Data types:

Java allows mixing of constants and variables of different types in an expression, but during
assessment it hold to very strict rules of type conversion. When computer consider operand
and operator and if operands are different types then type is automatically convert in higher
type. Following table shows the automatic type conversion.
char byte short int long float double
Char int int int int long float double
Byte int int int int long float double
Short int int int int long float double
Int int int int int long float double
Long long long long long long float double
Float float float float float float float double
double double double double double double double double

Java variables are actually classified into three kinds:
 instance variables,
 class variables, and
 local variables.

 Instance and class variables are declared inside a class. Instance variables are created
when the objects are instantiated and therefore they are associated with the objects.
They take different values for each object. On the other hand, class variables are
global to a class and belong to the entire set of objects that class creates. Only one
memory location is created for each class variable.
 Variables declared and used inside methods are called local variables. They are called so
because they are not available for use outside the method definition. Local variables
can also be declared inside program blocks that are defined between an opening brace {and
a closing brace}. These variables are visible to the program only from the beginning
of its program block to the end of the program block. When the program control
leaves a block, all the variables in the block will cease to exist. The area of the
program where the variable is accessible (i.e., usable) is called its scope.
We can have program blocks within other program blocks (called nesting) as shown in Fig.
Each block can contain its own set of local variable declarations. We cannot, however,
declare a variable to have the same name as one in an outer block. In Fig the variable x
declared in Blockl is available in all the three blocks. However, the variable n declared in
Block2 is available only in Block2, because it goes out of the scope at the end of
Block2. Similarly, m is accessible only in Block3.
Note that we cannot declare the variable x again in Block2 or Block3 (This is perfectly legal in C
and C++).

Fig : Nested program blocks

We often use certain unique constants in a program. These constants may appear repeatedly in
a number of places in the program. One example of such a constants is 3.142, representing the
value of the mathematical constant "pi". Another example is the total number of students whose
mark-sheets are analysed by a 'test analysis program'. The number of students, say 50, may
be used for calculating the class total, class average, standard deviation, etc. We face two
problems in the subsequent use of such programs. They are:
1. Problem in modification of the program.
2. Problem in understanding the program.

We may like to change the value of "pi" from 3.142 to 3.14159 to improve the accuracy of
calculations or the number 50 to 100 to process the test results of another class. In both the
cases, we will have to search throughout the program and explicitly change the value of the
constant wherever it has been used. If any value is left unchanged, the program may produce
disastrous outputs.
When a numeric value appears in a program, its use is not always clear, especially when the
same value means different things in different places. For example, the number 50 may mean
the number of students at one place and the 'pass marks' at another place of the same program.
We may forget what a certain number meant, when we read the program some days later.
Assignment of a symbolic name to such constants frees us from these problems. For
example, we may use the name STRENGTH to denote the number of students and
PASS_MARK to denote the pass marks required in a subject. Constant values are assigned to
these names at the beginning of the program. Subsequent use of the names STRENGTH and
PASS_MARK in the program has the effect of causing their defined values to be
automatically substituted at the appropriate points. A constant is declared as follows:
final type symbolic-name - value:
Valid examples of constant declaration are:
final int STRENGTH - 100;
final int PASS_MARK = 50;
final float PI = 3.14159;
Note that:
1. Symbolic names take the same form as variable names. But, they are written in
CAPITALS to visually distinguish them from normal variable names. This is only a
convention, not a rule.
2. After declaration of symbolic constants, they should not be assigned any other value
within the program by using an assignment statement. For example, STRENGTH = 200;
is illegal.
3. Symbolic constants are declared for types. This is not done in C and C++ where symbolic
constants are defined using the # define statement.
4. They can NOT be declared inside a method. They should be used only as class data
members in the beginning of the class.


If the two types are compatible, then Java will perform the conversion automatically. For
example, it is always possible to assign an int value to a long variable. However, not all types
are compatible, and thus, not all type conversions are implicitly allowed. For instance, there is
no conversion defined from double to byte. Fortunately, it is still possible to obtain a
conversion between incompatible types. To do so, you must use a cast, which performs an
explicit conversion between incompatible types. Let‘s look at both automatic type conversions
and casting.

Java’s Automatic Conversions

When one type of data is assigned to another type of variable, an automatic type conversion
will take place if the following two conditions are met:
■ The two types are compatible.
■ The destination type is larger than the source type.
When these two conditions are met, a widening conversion takes place. For example, the int
type is always large enough to hold all valid byte values, so no explicit cast statement is
required. For widening conversions, the numeric types, including integer and floating-point
types, are compatible with each other. However, the numeric types are not compatible with
char or boolean. Also, char and boolean are not compatible with each other. As mentioned
earlier, Java also performs an automatic type conversion when storing a literal integer constant
into variables of type byte, short, or long.

Casting Incompatible Types

Although the automatic type conversions are helpful, they will not fulfill all needs. For
example, what if you want to assign an int value to a byte variable? This conversion will not
be performed automatically, because a byte is smaller than an int. This kind of conversion is
sometimes called a narrowing conversion, since you are explicitly making the value narrower
so that it will fit into the target type.To create a conversion between two incompatible types,
you must use a cast. A cast is simply an explicit type conversion.

It has this general form:

(target-type) value
Here, target-type specifies the desired type to convert the specified value to. For example, the
following fragment casts an int to a byte. If the integer‘s value is larger than the range of a
byte, it will be reduced modulo (the remainder of an integer division by the) byte‘s range.
int a;
byte b;
// ...
b = (byte) a;

class Conversion {
public static void main(String args[]) {
byte b;
int i = 257;
double d = 323.142;
System.out.println("\nConversion of int to byte.");
b = (byte) i;
System.out.print("i and b " + i + " " + b);
System.out.println("\nConversion of double to int.");
i = (int) d;
System.out.print("d and i " + d + " " + i);
System.out.println("\nConversion of double to byte.");
b = (byte) d;
System.out.print("d and b " + d + " " + b);
This program generates the following output:
Conversion of int to byte i and b 257 1
Conversion of double to int. d and i 323.142 323
Conversion of double to byte d and b 323.142 67

Standard Default Values

In Java, every variable has a default value. If we don't initialize a variable when it is first
created, Java provides default value to that variable type automatically as shown in Table.

Table: Default Values for Various Types

Types of variable Default value

byte Zero : (byte) 0

Short Zero : (short) 0
int Zero : 0
long Zero : OL
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
char null character
boolean false
reference null

Java provides a rich operator environment. Most of its operators can be divided into the
following four groups: arithmetic, bitwise, relational, and logical. Java also defines some
additional operators that handle certain special situations.

Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions in the same way that they are used
in algebra. The following table lists the arithmetic operators:
Operator Importance/ significance
+ Addition
- Subtraction
/ Division
* Multiplication
% Modulo division or remainder

The operands of the arithmetic operators must be of a numeric type. You cannot use them on
boolean types, but you can use them on char types, since the char type in Java is, essentially,
a subset of int
The Basic Arithmetic Operators
The basic arithmetic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—all
behave as you would expect for all numeric types. The minus operator also has a unary form
which negates its single operand. Remember that when the division operator is applied to an
integer type, there will be no fractional component attached to the result.
The following simple example program demonstrates the arithmetic operators. It also
illustrates the difference between floating-point division and integer division.

// Demonstrate the basic arithmetic operators.

class BasicMath {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// arithmetic using integers
System.out.println("Integer Arithmetic");
int a = 1 + 1;
int b = a * 3;
int c = b / 4;
int d = c - a;
int e = -d;
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = " + c);
System.out.println("d = " + d);
System.out.println("e = " + e);
// arithmetic using doubles
System.out.println("\nFloating Point Arithmetic");
double da = 1 + 1;
double db = da * 3;
double dc = db / 4;
double dd = dc - a;
double de = -dd;
System.out.println("da = " + da);
System.out.println("db = " + db);
System.out.println("dc = " + dc);
System.out.println("dd = " + dd);
System.out.println("de = " + de);
When you run this program, you will see the following output:
Integer Arithmetic
d = -1
Floating Point Arithmetic
da = 2.0
db = 6.0
dc = 1.5
dd = -0.5
de = 0.5
The Modulus Operator
The modulus operator, %, returns the remainder of a division operation. It can be applied to
floating-point types as well as integer types. (This differs from C/C++, in which the % can
only be applied to integer types.) The following example program demonstrates %:

// Demonstrate the % operator.

class Modulus {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int x = 42;
double y = 42.25;
System.out.println("x mod 10 = " + x % 10);
System.out.println("y mod 10 = " + y % 10);
When you run this program you will get the following output:
x mod 10 = 2
y mod 10 = 2.25

Arithmetic Assignment Operators

Java provides special operators that can be used to combine an arithmetic operation with an
assignment. As you probably know, statements like the following are quite common in
a = a + 4;
In Java, you can rewrite this statement as shown here:
a += 4;
This version uses the += assignment operator. Both statements perform the same action: they
increase the value of a by 4. Here is another example,
a = a % 2;
which can be expressed as
a %= 2;
In this case, the %= obtains the remainder of a/2 and puts that result back into a. There are
assignment operators for all of the arithmetic, binary operators. Thus, any statement of the
var = var op expression; can be rewritten as
var op= expression;
Here is a sample program that shows several op= operator assignments in action:

// Demonstrate several assignment operators.

class OpEquals {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = 3;
a += 5;
b *= 4;
c += a * b;
c %= 6;
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = " + c); } }
Increment and Decrement
The ++ and the – – are Java‘s increment and decrement operators. The increment operator
increases its operand by one. The decrement operator decreases its operand by one. For
example, this statement:
x = x + 1;
can be rewritten like this by use of the increment operator:
Similarly, this statement:
x = x - 1;
is equivalent to
x- -;
THE These operators are unique in that they can appear both in postfix form, where they follow
the operand as just shown, and prefix form, where they precede the operand. In the foregoing
examples, there is no difference between the prefix and postfix forms. However, when the
increment and/or decrement operators are part of a larger expression, then a subtle, yet
powerful, difference between these two forms appears. In the prefix form, the operand is
incremented or decremented before the value is obtained for use in the expression. In postfix
form, the previous value is obtained for use in the expression, and then the operand is
modified. For example:
x = 42;
y = ++x;
In this case, y is set to 43 as you would expect, because the increment occurs before x is
assigned to y. Thus, the line y = ++x; is the equivalent of these two statements:
x = x + 1;
y = x;
However, when written like this,
x = 42;
y = x++;
the value of x is obtained before the increment operator is executed, so the value of y is 42. Of
course, in both cases x is set to 43. Here, the line y = x++; is the equivalent of these two
y = x;
x = x + 1;

The following program demonstrates the increment operator.

// Demonstrate ++.
class IncDec {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 1; int b = 2;
int c, d; c = ++b;
d = a++; c++;
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
System.out.println("c = " + c);
System.out.println("d = " + d);
The output of this program follows:
The Bitwise Operators
Java defines several bitwise operators which can be applied to the integer types, long, int,
short, char, and byte. These operators act upon the individual bits of their operands.
They are summarized in the following table:

Since the bitwise operators manipulate the bits within an integer, it is important to understand
what effects such manipulations may have on a value. Specifically, it is useful to know how
Java stores integer values and how it represents negative numbers.

All of the integer types are represented by binary numbers of varying bit widths. For example,
the byte value for 42 in binary is 00101010, where each position represents a power of two,
starting with 20 at the rightmost bit. The next bit position to the left would be 21, or 2,
continuing toward the left with 22, or 4, then 8, 16, 32, and so on. So 42 has 1 bits set at
positions 1, 3, and 5 (counting from 0 at the right); thus 42 is the sum of 21 + 23 + 25, which is
2 + 8 + 32.
All of the integer types (except char) are signed integers. This means that they can represent
negative values as well as positive ones. Java uses an encoding known as two’s complement,
which means that negative numbers are represented by inverting (changing 1‘s to 0‘s and vice
versa) all of the bits in a value, then adding 1 to the result. For example, –42 is represented by
inverting all of the bits in 42, or 00101010, which yields 11010101, then adding 1, which
results in 11010110, or –42. To decode a negative number, first invert all of the bits, then add
1. –42, or 11010110 inverted yields 00101001, or 41, so when you add 1 you get 42.

The Bitwise Operators

The bitwise logical operators are &, |, ^, and ~. The following table shows the outcome of each
operation. In the discussion that follows, keep in mind that the bitwise operators are applied to
each individual bit within each operand.
The Bitwise NOT
Also called the bitwise complement, the unary NOT operator, ~, inverts all of the bits of its
operand. For example, the number 42, which has the following bit pattern:

after the NOT operator is applied.

The Bitwise AND

The AND operator, &, produces a 1 bit if both operands are also 1. A zero is produced in all
other cases. Here is an example:

00101010 42
&00001111 15
00001010 10

The Bitwise OR
The OR operator, |, combines bits such that if either of the bits in the operands is a 1, then the
resultant bit is a 1, as shown here:

00101010 42
| 00001111 15
00101111 47

The Bitwise XOR

The XOR operator, ^, combines bits such that if exactly one operand is 1, then the result is 1.
Otherwise, the result is zero. The following example shows the effect of the ^. This example
also demonstrates a useful attribute of the XOR operation. Notice how the bit pattern of 42 is
inverted wherever the second operand has a 1 bit. Wherever the second operand has a 0 bit, the
first operand is unchanged. You will find this property useful when performing some types of
bit manipulations.

00101010 42
^00001111 15
00100101 37
The following program demonstrates the bitwise logical operators:

// Demonstrate the bitwise logical operators.

class BitLogic {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String binary[] = {
"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111",
"1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"
int a = 3; // 0 + 2 + 1 or 0011 in binary
int b = 6; // 4 + 2 + 0 or 0110 in binary
int c = a | b;
int d = a & b;
int e = a ^ b;
int f = (~a & b) | (a & ~b);
int g = ~a & 0x0f;
System.out.println(" a = " + binary[a]);
System.out.println(" b = " + binary[b]);
System.out.println(" a|b = " + binary[c]);
System.out.println(" a&b = " + binary[d]);
System.out.println(" a^b = " + binary[e]);
System.out.println("~a&b|a&~b = " + binary[f]);
System.out.println(" ~a = " + binary[g]);

In this example, a and b have bit patterns which present all four possibilities for two binary
digits: 0-0, 0-1, 1-0, and 1-1. You can see how the | and & operate on each bit by the results in
c and d. The values assigned to e and f are the same and illustrate how the ^ works. The string
array named binary holds the human-readable, binary representation of the numbers 0 through
15. In this example, the array is indexed to show the binary representation of each result. The
array is constructed such that the correct string representation of a binary value n is stored in
binary[n]. The value of ~a is ANDed with 0x0f (0000 1111 in binary) in order to reduce its
value to less than 16, so it can be printed by use of the binary array. Here is the output from
this program:

a = 0011
b = 0110
a|b = 0111
a&b = 0010
a^b = 0101
~a&b|a&~b = 0101
~a = 1100

The Left Shift

The left shift operator, <<, shifts all of the bits in a value to the left a specified number of
times. It has this general form:
value << num
Here, num specifies the number of positions to left-shift the value in value. That is, the <<
moves all of the bits in the specified value to the left by the number of bit positions specified
by num. For each shift left, the high-order bit is shifted out (and lost), and a zero is brought in
on the right. This means that when a left shift is applied to an int operand, bits are lost once
they are shifted past bit position 31. If the operand is a long, then bits are lost after bit position

// Left shifting a byte value.

class ByteShift {
public static void main(String args[]) {
byte a = 64, b;
int i;
i = a << 2;
b = (byte) (a << 2);
System.out.println("Original value of a: " + a);
System.out.println("i and b: " + i + " " + b);
The output generated by this program is shown here:
Original value of a: 64
i and b: 256 0

Since a is promoted to int for the purposes of evaluation, left-shifting the value 64 (0100 0000)
twice results in i containing the value 256 (1 0000 0000). However, the value in b contains 0
because after the shift, the low-order byte is now zero. Its only 1 bit has been shifted out.

The Right Shift

The right shift operator, >>, shifts all of the bits in a value to the right a specified number of
times. Its general form is shown here:
value >> num
Here, num specifies the number of positions to right-shift the value in value. That is, the >>
moves all of the bits in the specified value to the right the number of bit positions specified by
num. The following code fragment shifts the value 32 to the right by two positions, resulting in
a being set to 8:
int a = 32;
a = a >> 2; // a now contains 8
When a value has bits that are ―shifted off,‖ those bits are lost. For example, the next code
fragment shifts the value 35 to the right two positions, which causes the two low-order bits to
be lost, resulting again in a being set to 8.

int a = 35;
a = a >> 2; // a still contains 8
Looking at the same operation in binary shows more clearly how this happens:

00100011 35
>> 2
00001000 8
Each time you shift a value to the right, it divides that value by two—and discards any
remainder. You can take advantage of this for high-performance integer division by 2. Of
course, you must be sure that you are not shifting any bits off the right end. When you are
shifting right, the top (leftmost) bits exposed by the right shift are filled in with the previous
contents of the top bit. This is called sign extension and serves to preserve the sign of negative
numbers when you shift them right. For example, –8 >> 1 is –4, which, in binary, is

11111000 –8
11111100 –4
It is interesting to note that if you shift –1 right, the result always remains –1, since sign
extension keeps bringing in more ones in the high-order bits.

The Unsigned Right Shift

As you have just seen, the >> operator automatically fills the high-order bit with its previous
contents each time a shift occurs. This preserves the sign of the value. However, sometimes
this is undesirable. For example, if you are shifting something that does not represent a
numeric value, you may not want sign extension to take place. This situation is common when
you are working with pixel-based values and graphics. In these cases you will generally want
to shift a zero into the high-order bit no matter what its initial value was. This is known as an
unsigned shift. To accomplish this, you will use Java‘s unsigned, shift-right operator, >>>,
which always shifts zeros into the high-order bit. The following code fragment demonstrates
the >>>. Here, a is set to –1, which sets all 32 bits to 1 in binary. This value is then shifted
right 24 bits, filling the top 24 bits with zeros, ignoring normal sign extension. This sets a to
int a = -1;
a = a >>> 24;
Here is the same operation in binary form to further illustrate what is happening:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 –1 in binary as an int
00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 255 in binary as an int
The >>> operator is often not as useful as you might like, since it is only meaningful for 32-
and 64-bit values. Remember, smaller values are automatically promoted to int in expressions.
This means that sign-extension occurs and that the shift will take place on a 32-bit rather than
on an 8- or 16-bit value. That is, one might expect an unsigned right shift on a byte value to
zero-fill beginning at bit 7.

Bitwise Operator Assignments

All of the binary bitwise operators have a shorthand form similar to that of the algebraic
operators, which combines the assignment with the bitwise operation. For example, the
following two statements, which shift the value in a right by four bits, are equivalent:
a = a >> 4;
a >>= 4;
Likewise, the following two statements, which result in a being assigned the
bitwise expression a OR b, are equivalent:
a = a | b;
a |= b;
Relational Operators
The relational operators determine the relationship that one operand has to the other.
Specifically, they determine equality and ordering. The relational operators are shown here:

The outcome of these operations is a boolean value. The relational operators are most
frequently used in the expressions that control the if statement and the various loop statements.
As stated, the result produced by a relational operator is a boolean value. For example, the
following code fragment is perfectly valid:
int a = 4;
int b = 1;
boolean c = a < b;

In this case, the result of a<b (which is false) is stored in c.

Boolean Logical Operators

The Boolean logical operators shown here operate only on boolean operands. All of the binary
logical operators combine two boolean values to form a resultant boolean value.

The logical Boolean operators, &, |, and ^, operate on boolean values in the same way that
they operate on the bits of an integer. The logical ! operator inverts the Boolean state: !true ==
false and !false == true. The following table shows the effect of each logical operation:
Here is a program that is almost the same as the BitLogic example shown earlier, but it
operates on boolean logical values instead of binary bits:
// Demonstrate the boolean logical operators.
class BoolLogic {
public static void main(String args[]) {
boolean a = true;
boolean b = false;
boolean c = a | b;
boolean d = a & b;
boolean e = a ^ b;
boolean f = (!a & b) | (a & !b);
boolean g = !a;
System.out.println(" a = " + a);
System.out.println(" b = " + b);
System.out.println(" a|b = " + c);
System.out.println(" a&b = " + d);
System.out.println(" a^b = " + e);
System.out.println("!a&b|a&!b = " + f);
System.out.println(" !a = " + g);
After running this program, you will see that the same logical rules apply to boolean values as
they did to bits. As you can see from the following output, the string representation of a Java
boolean value is one of the literal values true or false:
a = true
b = false
a|b = true
a&b = false
a^b = true
a&b|a&!b = true
!a = false

Short-Circuit Logical Operators

Java provides two interesting Boolean operators not found in many other computer languages.
These are secondary versions of the Boolean AND and OR operators, and are known as short-
circuit logical operators. As you can see from the preceding table, the OR operator results in
true when A is true, no matter what B is. Similarly, the AND operator results in false when A
is false, no matter what B is. If you use the || and
&& forms, rather than the | and & forms of these operators, Java will not bother to evaluate the
right-hand operand when the outcome of the expression can be determined by the left operand
alone. This is very useful when the right-hand operand depends on the left one being true or
false in order to function properly. For example, the following code fragment shows how you
can take advantage of short-circuit logical evaluation to be sure that a division operation will
be valid before evaluating it:

if (denom != 0 && num / denom > 10)

Since the short-circuit form of AND (&&) is used, there is no risk of causing a run-time
exception when denom is zero. If this line of code were written using the single & version of
AND, both sides would have to be evaluated, causing a run-time exception when denom is
zero. It is standard practice to use the short-circuit forms of AND and OR in cases involving
Boolean logic, leaving the single-character versions exclusively for bitwise operations.
However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, consider the
following statement:

if(c==1 & e++ < 100) d = 100;

Here, using a single & ensures that the increment operation will be applied to e whether c is
equal to 1 or not.

The Assignment Operator

The assignment operator is the single equal sign, =. The assignment operator works in Java
much as it does in any other computer language. It has this general form:
var = expression;
Here, the type of var must be compatible with the type of expression
int x, y, z;
x = y = z = 100; // set x, y, and z to 100
This fragment sets the variables x, y, and z to 100 using a single statement. This works because
the = is an operator that yields the value of the right-hand expression. Thus, the value of z =
100 is 100, which is then assigned to y, which in turn is assigned to x. Using a ―chain of
assignment‖ is an easy way to set a group of variables to a common value

The ?: Operator
Java includes a special ternary (three-way) operator that can replace certain types of if-then-
else statements. This operator is the ?:, and it works in Java much like it does in C, C++, and
C#. It can seem somewhat confusing at first, but the ?: can be used very effectively once
mastered. The ?: has this general form:

expression1 ? expression2 : expression3

Here, expression1 can be any expression that evaluates to a boolean value. If expression1 is
true, then expression2 is evaluated; otherwise, expression3 is evaluated. The result of the ?
operation is that of the expression evaluated. Both expression2 and expression3 are required to
return the same type, which can‘t be void. Here is an example of the way that the ? is

ratio = (denom == 0) ? 0 : ( num / denom);

When Java evaluates this assignment expression, it first looks at the expression to the left of the
question mark. If denom equals zero, then the expression between the question mark and the
colon is evaluated and used as the value of the entire ? expression. If denom does not equal
zero, then the expression after the colon is evaluated and used for the value of the entire ?
expression. The result produced by the ? operator is then assigned to ratio. Here is a program
that demonstrates the ? operator. It uses it to obtain the absolute value of a variable.

// Demonstrate ?:.
class Ternary {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i, k;
i = 10;
k = i < 0 ? -i : i; // get absolute value of i
System.out.print("Absolute value of ");
System.out.println(i + " is " + k);
i = -10;
k = i < 0 ? -i : i; // get absolute value of i
System.out.print("Absolute value of ");
System.out.println(i + " is " + k);
The output generated by the program is shown here:
Absolute value of 10 is 10
Absolute value of -10 is 10

Operator Precedence in Java:

An arithmetic expression without any parentheses will be calculated from left to right using
the rules of precedence of operators.
There are two priority levels of arithmetic operators are as follows:
(a) High priority (* / %)
(b) Low priority (+ -)
The evaluation process includes two left to right passes through the expression.
During the first pass, the high priority operators are applied as they are encountered.
During the second pass, the low priority operators are applied as they are

For example:
B=13, C=3
First pass:
Z=10-(13/3) + (3*3)-1

Second pass:
Answer is=7
Following table shows associativity of operators.

Operator Associativity Rank

[] Left to right 1
() Left to right
. Left to right
- Right to left
++ Right to left
-- Right to left
! Right to left
~ Right to left
(type) Right to left
* Left to right
/ Left to right 3
% Left to right
+ Left to right
- Left to right
<< Left to right
>> Left to right 5
>>> Left to right
< Left to right
<= Left to right
> Left to right 6
>= Left to right
Instanceof Left to right
== Left to right
!= Left to right
& Left to right 8
^ Left to right 9
| Left to right 10
&& Left to right 11
|| Left to right 13
?: Right to left 13
= Right to left 14


Simple if statement:

If (condition)
Statement block;
In statement block, there may be single statement or multiple statements. If the condition is
true then statement block will be executed. If the condition is false then statement block will
omit and statement will be executed.

If Else Statement
The if statement is Java‘s conditional branch statement. It can be used to route program
execution through two different paths. Here is the general form of the if statement:
if (condition) statement1;
else statement2;
Here, each statement may be a single statement or a compound statement enclosed in curly
braces (that is, a block). The condition is any expression that returns a boolean value.
The else clause is optional.
The if works like this: If the condition is true, then statement1 is executed. Otherwise,
statement2 (if it exists) is executed. In no case will both statements be executed. For example,
consider the following:
int a, b;
// ...
if(a < b) a = 0;
else b = 0;

Here, if a is less than b, then a is set to zero. Otherwise, b is set to zero. In no case are
they both set to zero.

Nested If
A nested if is an if statement that is the target of another if or else. Nested ifs are very common
in programming. When you nest ifs, the main thing to remember is that an else statement
always refers to the nearest if statement that is within the same block as the else and that is not
already associated with an else. Here is an example:
if(i == 10)
if(j < 20) a = b;
if(k > 100) c = d; // this if is
else a = c; // associated with this else
else a = d; // this else refers to if(i == 10)
As the comments indicate, the final else is not associated with if(j<20), because it is not
in the same block (even though it is the nearest if without an else). Rather, the final else
is associated with if(i==10). The inner else refers to if(k>100), because it is the closest if
within the same block.

The if-else-if Ladder

class IfElse {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int month = 4; // April
String season;
if(month == 12 || month == 1 || month == 2)
season = "Winter";
else if(month == 3 || month == 4 || month == 5)
season = "Spring";
else if(month == 6 || month == 7 || month == 8)
season = "Summer";
else if(month == 9 || month == 10 || month == 11)
season = "Autumn";
season = "Bogus Month";
System.out.println("April is in the " + season + ".");
Here is the output produced by the program:
April is in the Spring.
The switch statement is Java‘s multiway branch statement. It provides an easy way to
dispatch execution to different parts of your code based on the value of an expression.
As such, it often provides a better alternative than a large series of if-else-if statements.

Here is the general form of a switch statement:

switch (expression) {
case value1:
// statement sequence
case value2:
// statement sequence
case valueN:
// statement sequence
// default statement sequence
The expression must be of type byte, short, int, or char; each of the values specified in the
case statements must be of a type compatible with the expression. Each case value must be a
unique literal (that is, it must be a constant, not a variable). Duplicate case values are not

class SampleSwitch {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
switch(i) {
case 0:
System.out.println("i is zero.");
case 1:
System.out.println("i is one.");
case 2:
System.out.println("i is two.");
case 3:
System.out.println("i is three.");
System.out.println("i is greater than 3.");
The output produced by this program is shown here:
i is zero.
i is one.
i is two.
i is three.
i is greater than 3.
i is greater than 3.

The while loop is Java‘s most fundamental looping statement. It repeats a statement or block
while its controlling expression is true. Here is its general form:
while(condition) {
// body of loop
The condition can be any Boolean expression. The body of the loop will be executed as long as
the conditional expression is true. When condition becomes false, control passes to the next
line of code immediately following the loop. The curly braces are unnecessary if only a single
statement is being repeated.
Here is a while loop that counts down from 10, printing exactly ten lines of ―tick‖:

// Demonstrate the while loop.

class While {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int n = 10;
while(n > 5) {
System.out.println("tick " + n);
When you run this program, it will “tick” ten times:
tick 10
tick 9
tick 8
tick 7
tick 6


If the conditional expression controlling a while loop is initially false, then the body of the loop
will not be executed at all. However, sometimes it is desirable to execute the body of a while
loop at least once, even if the conditional expression is false to begin with. In other words,
there are times when you would like to test the termination expression at the end of the loop
rather than at the beginning. Fortunately, Java supplies a loop that does just that: the do-while.
The do-while loop always executes its body at least once, because its conditional expression is
at the bottom of the loop. Its general form is
do {
// body of loop
} while (condition);

Each iteration of the do-while loop first executes the body of the loop and then evaluates the
conditional expression. If this expression is true, the loop will repeat.
Otherwise, the loop terminates. As with all of Java‘s loops, condition must be a Boolean
expression. Here is a reworked version of the ―tick‖ program that demonstrates the do-while
loop. It generates the same output as before.

// Demonstrate the do-while loop.

class DoWhile {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int n = 10;
do {
System.out.println("tick " + n);
} while(n > 0);

for(initialization; condition; iteration) {
// body
If only one statement is being repeated, there is no need for the curly braces. The for loop
operates as follows. When the loop first starts, the initialization portion of the loop is executed.
Generally, this is an expression that sets the value of the loop control variable, which acts as a
counter that controls the loop. It is important to understand that the initialization expression is
only executed once. Next, condition is evaluated. This must be a Boolean expression. It usually
tests the loop control variable against a target value. If this expression is true, then the body of
the loop is executed. If it is false, the loop terminates. Next, the iteration portion of the loop is

class ForTick {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int n;
for(n=10; n>0; n--)
System.out.println("tick " + n);

Using break to Exit a Loop

By using break, you can force immediate termination of a loop, by passing the conditional
expression and any remaining code in the body of the loop. When a break statement is
encountered inside a loop, the loop is terminated and program control resumes at the next
statement following the loop. Here is a simple example:

// Using break to exit a loop.

class BreakLoop {
public static void main(String args[]) {
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
if(i == 4) break; // terminate loop if i is 4
System.out.println("i: " + i);
System.out.println("Loop complete.");
This program generates the following output:
i: 0
i: 1
i: 2
i: 3
i: 4
Loop complete.
Sometimes it is useful to force an early iteration of a loop. That is, you might want to continue
running the loop, but stop processing the remainder of the code in its body for this particular
iteration. This is, in effect, a goto just past the body of the loop, to the loop‘s end. The
continue statement performs such an action. In while and do-while loops, a continue
statement causes control to be transferred directly to the conditional expression that controls
the loop. In a for loop, control goes first to the iteration portion of the for statement and then to
the conditional expression. For all three loops, any intermediate code is bypassed. Here is an
example program that uses continue to cause two numbers to be printed on each line:
// Demonstrate continue.
class Continue
public static void main(String args[])
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
System.out.print(i + " ");
if (i%2 == 0)
This code uses the % operator to check if i is even. If it is, the loop continues without
printing a newline. Here is the output from this program:
As with the break statement, continue may specify a label to describe which enclosing loop to

Java Math class

Java Math class provides several methods to work on math calculations like min(), max(),
avg(), sin(), cos(), tan(), round(), ceil(), floor(), abs() etc.
Math.abs() It will return the Absolute value of the given value.

Math.max() It returns the Largest of two values.

Math.min() It is used to return the Smallest of two values.

Math.round() It is used to round of the decimal numbers to the nearest value.

Math.sqrt() It is used to return the square root of a number.

Math.pow() It returns the value of first argument raised to the power to second

Math.ceil() It is used to find the smallest integer value that is greater than or
equal to the argument or mathematical integer.

Math.log() It returns the natural logarithm of a double value.


public class NewClass

public static void main(String[] args)
// Declaring the variables
int V = -1;
float V1 = .5f;

// Printing the values

System.out.println("Initial value of int : "+V);
System.out.println("Initial value of int : "+V1);

// Use of .abs() method to get the absoluteValue

int Absi = Math.abs(V);
float Absf = Math.abs(V1);

System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absi);

System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absf);
Initial value of int : -1
Initial value of int : 0.5
Absolute value of int : 1
Absolute value of int : 0.5
Another Program:
public class JavaMathExample1
public static void main(String[] args)
double x = 28;
double y = 4;

// return the maximum of two numbers

System.out.println("Maximum number of x and y is: " +Math.max(x, y));

// return the square root of y

System.out.println("Square root of y is: " + Math.sqrt(y));

//returns 28 power of 4 i.e. 28*28*28*28

System.out.println("Power of x and y is: " + Math.pow(x, y));

// return the logarithm of given value

System.out.println("Logarithm of x is: " + Math.log(x));
System.out.println("Logarithm of y is: " + Math.log(y));

// return the logarithm of given value when base is 10

System.out.println("log10 of x is: " + Math.log10(x));
System.out.println("log10 of y is: " + Math.log10(y));

// return the log of x + 1

System.out.println("log1p of x is: " +Math.log1p(x));

// return a power of 2
System.out.println("exp of a is: " +Math.exp(x));

// return (a power of 2)-1

System.out.println("expm1 of a is: " +Math.expm1(x));

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