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Vote!—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word candidate mean?

a someone who treats animals
b someone who designs buildings
c someone who cares for patients
d someone who tries to be elected

2 The word convince means to cause a person to

f respond.
g achieve.
h believe.
i act.

3 If you are independent, it means you

a do not belong to the Green party.
b do not belong to a political party.
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c belong to the Democratic party.

d belong to the Republican party.

4 What does the word estimate mean?

f guess
g idea
h poem
i story

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3 Grade 3 29
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5 Which word means “made something known officially”?

a announced
b convinced
c elected
d estimated

6 What does the word elect mean?

f choose someone by talent
g choose someone by need
h choose someone by skill
i choose someone by vote

7 The word government means the group of people who

a play music together.
b live in the same area.
c manage a country or state.
d perform in a play or musical.

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8 The word decision means to
f make up one’s mind.
g make a prediction.
h form an opinion.
i take a step.


30 Grade 3 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3

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Read the following questions carefully. You may look back
at the selection to help find the answer to each question.

1 Which of the following details would BEST support the

MAIN idea?
a Angry people protested.
b Many people just don’t vote.
c No one could vote at any point.
d You need to register if you want to vote.

2 How have voting laws changed since the beginning of

our country?
f Now only one person per family can vote.
g Now only women can vote.
h Now only men can vote.
i Now everyone can vote.

3 According to the selection, what might happen if an

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election is won by just a few votes?

a The votes might be recounted.
b The candidates would both win.
c They might do the election over.
d The candidates would hold a debate.

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3 Grade 3 31
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4 What text evidence supports the view that many people

do not vote?
f They are not allowed to.
g They do not know how to.
h They do not think it is important.
i They do not think their vote will matter.

5 According to the selection, how do people vote?

a send a letter
b text their vote
c send an e-mail
d use a voting machine

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32 Grade 3 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3

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