QA-05 Ratio 2 With Solutions
QA-05 Ratio 2 With Solutions
QA-05 Ratio 2 With Solutions
• Average
• Partnership
QA - 05
Number of Questions : 30
QA - 05 Page 1
8. There are ‘n’ students in a class. The average who appeared for the examination is more
age of a student of this class is ‘A’ years. than 43 but not more than 49. The number of
Two students left the class and 4 new candidates who passed as a fraction of the
students joined. Incidentally, the average age total number of candidates who appeared for
of a student in the class, did not change. The the examination could never be
sum of the ages of the 6 students (who either 3 4
left or joined the class) was 72 years. Find (1) (2)
5 7
the value of A.
18 24
(3) (4)
9. The average rainfall for Monday, Tuesday and 35 35
Wednesday is 4.3 cm. The average rainfall
for Friday, Saturday and Sunday is 3.9 cm. If 14. Ramesh receives the following scores in his
the average rainfall for the total week is 3.7 maths test: 78, 92, 83 and 99. What score
cm, then what is the rainfall recorded on does he need in the next test in order to have
Thursday? an average of 90 in the five tests?
(1) 1.4 cm (2) 1.3 cm
(3) 1.2 cm (4) 1.1 cm 15. The average age of a class of 60 students is
12 years. If the number of girls is increased
10. The average age of 5 members of a committee by 3/4th and the number of boys is decreased
is the same as it was 3 years ago, because by half, the total number of students does
not change; nor does the average age of either
an old member has been replaced by a new
the boys or the girls change. But the combined
member. The difference between the ages of
average age changes to 13.5 years. The
old and new member is:
average age of the boys is
(1) 8 years (2) 10 years
11. The average speed of a train for the first 5
(3) 12 years (4) Cannot be determined
hours was 63 km/hr, for next 3 hours was
58 km/hr and for next 2 hours was 72 km/hr.
16. The average age of the students in an institute
What was the average speed of the train for
the entire journey? was 15 years. Then 10 students of average
(1) 65 km/hr (2) 63.3 km/hr age 12 years joined the institute and the
(3) 60 km/hr (4) 64.33 km/hr average age of the students of this institute
became 14.8 years. What was the initial
12. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a number of students in that institute?
joint family of eight people added up to 231 (1) 140 (2) 120
years. Three years later, one member died at (3) 150 (4) None of these
the age of 60 years and a child was born during
the same year. After another three years, one 17. The monthly salaries of two persons A and B
more member died, again at 60, and a child are in the ratio of 3 : 5 respectively. If both of
was born during the same year. The current them received an increment of Rs. 250, then
average age of this eight-member joint family the ratio becomes 2 : 3. What were their
is nearest to
respective salaries before the increment?
(1) Rs. 850 & Rs. 1,275
13. The average marks obtained by the candidates
(2) Rs. 700 & Rs. 1,050
who passed and those who failed in an
(3) Rs. 750 & Rs. 1,250
examination are 60 and 25 respectively. The
average marks obtained by all the candidates (4) Rs. 650 & Rs. 975
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18. Ramesh analysed the monthly salary figures (1) Rs. 220, Rs. 550, Rs. 420
of five vice presidents of his company. All the (2) Rs. 220, Rs. 450, Rs. 440
salary figures are integers. The mean and the (3) Rs. 220, Rs. 550, Rs. 440
median salary figures are Rs 5 lakh, and the (4) Rs. 210, Rs. 450, Rs. 440
only mode is Rs 8 lakh. Which of the options
below is the sum (in Rs lakh) of the highest
and the lowest salaries? (XAT 2012) 23. X, Y and Z are partners in a business with a
(1) 9 (2) 10 total capital of Rs. 3,300. The profit at the
(3) 11 (4) 12 end of the year is Rs. 1,500 to be divided in
proportion to their capitals. If X receives Rs.
19. Ramu appears in six different papers in his 450 and Y receives Rs. 550 as their share of
semester examination, where the maximum profits, then Z’s capital is
marks were 50 for each paper. His marks in (1) Rs. 910 (2) Rs. 1,100
these papers are in the proportion 8 : 9 : 10 : (3) Rs. 1,110 (4) None of these
13 : 14 : 15. Considering his aggregate in all
the papers together, he fails to obtain 50% of 24. A is the average of a series of n consecutive
the total marks. What is the minimum possible odd numbers starting with x and B is the
additional marks Ramu should get to obtain average of n consecutive odd numbers starting
50% of the total marks, given that he got with x + 4. The value of (B – A)
(1) is always 4.
integral marks in each paper?
(2) depends on x.
(1) 81 (2) 57
(3) depends on n
(3) 12 (4) 18 (4) is always a multiple of 4.
20. The average age of 7 consecutive natural 25. Three people A, B and C entered into
numbers is K, then what will be the average
partnership and the ratio of their investments
of next 7 consecutive natural numbers?
(1) K (2) K + 7 1 1 1
was : : . The ratio of the time period for
(3) K + 1 (4) K + 49 2 3 4
which they invested their money was
1 1
1: : . The profits were shared in the direct
21. A, B and C invested their money in the ratio 3 2 4
: 6 : 7. If the total amount invested by them proportion to amount invested and time. If A’s
was Rs. 80,000 and the profit earned was share is Rs. 30,000, then find B’s share.
40% of the amount invested. Then what was (1) Rs. 10,000 (2) Rs. 20,000
the sum of the shares of B and C in the profit? (3) Rs. 15,000 (4) Rs. 25,000
(1) Rs.18,000 (2) Rs.26,000
(3) Rs.26,500 (4) Rs.24,000 26. A began a business with Rs. 4,500 and was
joined after wards by B with Rs. 5,400. If the
22. A, B and C invested Rs. 2,000, Rs. 5,000 profits at the end of the year were divided in
and Rs. 4,000 respectively in a business. The the ratio 2 : 1, then B joined the business
net profit for the year was <1,210 which was after:
divided in proportion to investment. Then the (1) 5 months (2) 4 months
amount of profit earned by A, B and C (3) 6 months (4) 7 months
respectively, is
QA - 05 Page 3
27. In a business partnership among A, B, C and 29. A, B and C invested their money in the ratio 3
D, the profit is shared as follows : : 6 : 7. If the total amount invested by them
was Rs. 80,000 and the profit earned was
A's share B's share C's share 1 40% of the amount invested. Then what was
= = =
B's share C's share D's share 3 the sum of the shares of B and C in the profit?
(1) Rs. 18,000 (2) Rs. 26,500
If the total profit is Rs. 4,00,000, the share of
(3) Rs. 26,000 (4) Rs. 24,000
C is
(1) Rs. 1,12,500 (2) Rs. 1,37,500
30. Abhishek and Rani started a partnership
(3) Rs. 90,000 (4) Rs. 2,70,000
business by investing Rs.1 cr and Rs.2 cr
respectively in the beginning of the year. Each
28. Ajay started a firm with a capital of Rs.
of them withdrew one-fourth of their
28,000. After 5 months, Boman joined him
and invested Rs. 40,000 in the firm. Chirag investment after each quarter till 2nd quarter.
was also added as a new partner with an At this point Susmita and Randeep joined
individual investment of Rs. 56,000 after 7 them with Rs.50 lakh and Rs.1 cr respectively.
months of commencement. If at the end of Randeep withdrew his entire investment after
the year, the profit of the firm is Rs. 32,000, 3 months. If the profit at the end of the year is
what is the share of Boman? Rs. 41 lakhs, the combined share of Abhishek
(1) Rs. 12,000 (2) Rs. 8,000 and Rani is
(3) Rs. 14,000 (4) Rs. 10,000 (1) Rs.22 lakh (2) Rs.33 lakh
(3) Rs.8 lakh (4) Rs.30 lakh
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Page 4 QA - 05
QA - 05 : Ratio - 2 CEX-Q-0206/18
Answers and Explanations
1 2 2 – 3 4 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 2 8 – 9 2 10 –
11 2 12 – 13 3 14 – 15 2 16 1 17 3 18 1 19 3 20 2
21 2 22 3 23 2 24 1 25 1 26 4 27 3 28 4 29 3 30 2
1. 2 Let x be the initial average age of persons and y be 6. 2 Suppose the number of boys be S excluding a 100 kg
the age of new persons. Then, boy.
2. The change in average age of the group And 83a + 76b = 79, i.e. 4a = 3b
= 58 – 56 = 2 years. a+b
Actual change in years = 30 years.
Also 76b + 85c = 81, i.e. 4c = 5b
Therefore, Total number of members =
= 15 b+c
4 5 5 4 5
Hence, b = a,c= b = × a = a
3 4 4 3 3
3. 4 Average got reduced by 2 cm. So, overall decrease
of 26 cm for 13 people.
83a + 76b + 85c
Height of new person Average of X, Y and Z =
= 184 – 13 × 2 = 184 – 26 = 158 cm.
4 5
4. 4 Sum of marks for 24 students = 24 × 89 = 2136 83a + 76 × a + 85 × a
= 3 3 = 978 = 81.5
Average marks of a student cannot increase beyond 4 5 12
a+ a+ a
100. So, total marks for 21 students cannot exceed 3 3
So, maximum increase in average = 100 – 89 = 11.
8. Let s = sum of the ages of all students in the class.
x = sum of the ages of 2 students who left the class.
5. 3 60 is wrong because then to arrive at a total of 121,
y = sum of the ages of 4 students who joined the
the other box will have to weight 61 kg which will be class.
obviously inot the highest. 64 is wrong too, because We have three equations.
then to add up to 121, the other weight will have to be
57 and to make up to a total of 120, the next box shall s s−x+y
(i) =A (ii) =A
have a weight 63 which obviously makes the maximum n n
possible total as 64 + 63 = 127. 62 is the correct (iii) x + y = 72
answer because the other boxes shall be 59, 54, 58, From (ii) & (iii) we get x = y = 36 years but we cannot
56. These will give all the totals given above. calculate the value of A, from the given information.
QA - 05 Page 1
9. 2 Total rainfall for the week = 3.7 × 7 = 25.9 cm ...(i) 14. Let x be the next test score. Then,
Rainfall for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday = 4.3 ×
78 + 92 + 83 + 99 + x
3 = 12.9 cm ...(ii) The average = = 90
Rainfall for Friday, Saturday and Sunday = 3.9 × 3
= 11.7 cm ...(iii)
352 + x
Rainfall for Thursday = Equation (i) – Equation (ii) – ⇒ = 90 ⇒ x = 98.
Equation (iii) = 25.9– 12.9 – 11.7 = 1.3 cm.
10. Let us assume that the average age of 5 members 3 15. 2 Let the number of boys and girls in the class be ‘b’ and
years ago be M years. ‘g’ respectively and the average age (in years) of
Total age of 5 members 3 years ago = 5M boys and girls be ‘x’ and ‘y’ respectively.
Let the age of the old member and new member be O
b 7g
years and N years respectively. Given, b + g = 60 and + = 60
2 4
Present age of these 5 members = 5M + 15
⇒ b = 36 and g = 24
(5M + 15 − O + N) Now, 36x + 24y = 720 and 18x + 42y = 810
⇒ New Average age (M) =
5 ⇒ x = 10 and y = 15
⇒ N – O = 5M – 5M –15 Hence, the average age of the boys is 10 years.
⇒ O – N = 15 years
16. 1 Let the initial strength of the students in the institute be
11. 2 Average speed of the train x. Then,
Total age of x students = 15x
63 × 5 + 58 × 3 + 72 × 2 633
= = = 63.3 km / hr. According to the question,
10 10 15x + (10 × 12) = 14.8(x + 10)
⇒ 15x + 120 = 14.8x + 148
12. Ten years ago, the total age of all the eight people in ⇒ 0.2x = 28
the family = 231
28 × 10
As per the information given in the question, the total ⇒ x= = 140.
age of all the people in the family
= 231 + 3 × 8 – 60 + 0 = 195 17. 3 Let 3x and 5x be the salaries of A and B respectively.
Similarly, the total age of the people 7 years ago in the ⇒ 9x + 750 = 10x + 500 ⇒ x = 250
family four years ago = 195 + 3 × 8 – 60 + 0 = 159. Salary of A = 250 × 3 = Rs. 750 and B = 250 × 5
Therefore, the current average age of all the people in = Rs. 1, 250.
159 + 32
the family = = 24 years. Alternate Method:
8 Pick the options and check the conditions.
13. 3 Let, the number of candidates who passed in the 18. 1 Let the salaries (in Rs. lakh) of 5 VPs (Vice presidents)
examination be ‘p’ and number of candidates who be a, b, c, d and e respectively in ascending order.
failed in the examination be ‘f’. Median salary is Rs. 5 lakh i.e. c = 5
60p + 25f
∴ 43 < ≤ 49 As, mode of the salaries is Rs. 8 lakh, it implies that at
p+f least two VPs are getting salaries of Rs. 8 lakh. Also,
salaries of only two VPs are greater than Rs. 5 lakh.
60p + 25f
⇒ 43 − 25 < − 25 ≤ 49 − 25 Hence, d = e = 8
p+f Given mean of the salaries is Rs. 5 lakh.
18 p 24 a+b+c +d+e
⇒ < ≤ ∴ =5
35 f + p 35 5
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⇒ a = 2 and b = 2 or a = 1 and b = 3 (As salaries are 22. 3 A : B : C = 2000 : 5000 : 4000 = 2 : 5 : 4
in integer lakh). 2
Profit share of A = Rs. × 1210 = Rs. 220
But if a = 2 and b = 2, then Rs. 8 lakh will not be the only 11
Therefore, a = 1 lakh and b = 3 lakh 5
Profit share of B = Rs. × 1210 = Rs. 550
Hence, required sum = 8 + 1 = Rs. 9lakh. 11
QA - 05 Page 3
27. 3 Let D’s share be 27x. 30. 2 In terms of Rupee-Month for the entire year,
Then, C’s share = 9x, B’s share (i) Abhishek’s Investment
= 3x and A’s share = x = (100 × 3) + (75 × 3) + (50 × 6) Lakhs R-month
Then, x + 3x + 9x + 27x = 4,00,000 = 825 lakhs R-month
⇒ x = 10,000 (ii) Rani’s Investment
Hence, C’s share = 9x = Rs. 90,000. = (200 × 3) + (150 × 3) + (100 × 6)
= 1650 Lakhs R month
28. 4 The ratio in which profit will be shared among Ajay, (iii) Susmita’s Investment
Boman and Chirag = 50 × 6 = 300 Lakhs R-month
= 28000 × 12 : 40000 × 7 : 560000 × 5 = 6 : 5 : 5 (iv) Randeep’s Investment = 100 × 3 = 300 Lakhs
5 ∴ Their ratio of Investment = 11 : 22 : 4 : 4
Hence, share of Boman = × 32000 = Rs. 10,000.
16 ∴ Abhishek and Rani’s combined share of profit
11 + 22
= × 41 = 33 lakhs.
40 41
29. 3 Profit = Rs. 80000 × = Rs. 32,000
Ratio of shares of A, B and C in the profit = Ratio of
amount invested
B’s share in the profit = Rs. 32000 × = Rs. 12,000
C’s share in the profit = Rs. 32000 × = Rs. 14,000
∴ Sum of the shares of B and C in the profit
= Rs. 12,000 + Rs. 14,000 = Rs. 26,000.
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