23 Iajps23092020
23 Iajps23092020
23 Iajps23092020
Please cite this article in press Hafiza Zarka Yaqoob et al, Determine The Frequency Of Depressive Disorders
In Pregnant Women Visiting Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2020; 07(09).
Depressive disorders during pregnancy are major April 2020. 340 women visiting antenatal clinic
public health problems because of their high were enrolled. Patient’s ages were ranging from 18
prevalence.1 The world Health Organization to 40 years. Detailed demographics including age,
(WHO) estimates that the depressive disorders will socioeconomic status, residence, education and
be the second leading cause of global disease gravidity were recorded. Patients with severe
burden by 2020.2 Rates of depressive illness in maternal complications, patients with
women of reproductive age group are reported to cardiovascular diseases, less than 18 years of age
be twice than those in men.3 Some women may were excluded. Hospital Anxiety and Depression
experience their first depressive episode during scale HADS was used to examine the frequency of
pregnancy, whereas others with a history of depression and anxiety. Severity of depression and
depression are at increased risk for its recurrence, anxiety were recorded. Association of depression
continuation, or exacerbation.4,5 and anxiety with socio-economic status was
examined. Data was analyzed by SPSS 24. Chi-
Recently antenatal anxiety has received increased square test was done to examine the association
attention with regards to both its impact on infant between socio-economic status and depression and
outcomes and as a risk factor for postnatal anxiety, P-value <0.05 was taken as significant.
depression.6 Several cohort studies have reported
that the antenatal psychiatric morbidity is the RESULTS:
strongest risk factor for postnatal depression.7 Thirty two (9.41%) patients were ages <20 years,
Secondly, new evidence shows that depression 115 (33.82%) were ages 20 to 25 years, 140
during pregnancy is also associated with adverse (44.11%) were ages 26 to 30 years and 53
child outcomes8 including premature births, low (15.59%) were ages above 30 years. Mean BMI
birth weight, and poor infant growth.9 was 22.57±2.84 kg/m2. 210 (61.76%) patients were
primigravida while 130 (38.24%) were
Among South Indian women, the prevalence of multigravida. 150 (44.12%) were literate while 190
depression during the last trimester was found to be (55.88%) were illiterate. 161 (47.35%) patients had
around 16%.10 A study conducted in a rural area of urban residence and 179 (52.64%) had rural
Pakistan has reported that 25% of women suffered residence. 145 (42.65%) patients had low socio-
from depression during pregnancy.11 Another study economic status, 138 (40.59%) had middle and 57
from an urban community in Pakistan found that (16.76%) patients had high socio-economic status
18% of pregnant women were anxious and/or (Table 1)
According to the HADS scale, depression was
Assessment of psychosocial problems and mental found in 180 (52.94%) patients among those 70
health is an integral part of antenatal services to (20.58%), 55 (16.18%), 40 (11.76%) and 15
ensure safe pregnancy and delivery. But developing (4.41%) patients had mild, moderate, severe and
countries lack such antenatal care (ANC) services; very severe level of depression. 72 (21.18%), 80
and even if available, lack coverage, quality or (23.53%), and 48 (14.12%) had mild, moderate and
support from stake holders. In accordance with this severe anxiety score (Fig. 1). We found that
fact, a study at Nottingham University notified that patients with low socioeconomic status had higher
WHO has formulated a focused ANC guideline depression and anxiety rate. Overall 55 (16.18%)
including women’s mental health package to be patients had severe and very severe depression
used during ANC assessment. The present study among these 35 (63.64%) had low socio-economic
was conducted aimed to examine the frequency of status, 16 (29.09%) had middle and 4 (7.27%) had
depressive disorders such as depression and anxiety high socio-economic status, a significant
in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at our association was observed between severe
institute. This study will help to reduce the depression and low socio-economic status with p-
complications associated with depressive disorders. value <0.05. Overall 48 (14.12%) patients had
severe anxiety level, among those 32 (66.67%)
MATERIALS AND METHODS: patients had low, 13 (27.08%) had middle and 3
This cross-sectional/observational study was (6.25%) had high socio-economic status. A
conducted at of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Jinnah significant association was observed with p-value
hospital, Lahore from 1st September 2019 to 30th <0.05 (Table 2).