Contract of Antichresis
Contract of Antichresis
Contract of Antichresis
This CONTRACT OF ANTICHRESIS made and entered into this _____________ day of _______________
19_____, by and between _______________, of age, single (or married to____________________), residing at
____________________, hereinafter called the DEBTOR, and ____________________, of age, single (or married to
That the DEBTOR hereby acknowledges to be indebted to the CREDITOR in the principal sum of ___________
PESOS (P__________) due and payable since _______________ , 19_____ , with interest at the rate of _____%
That the accrued interest alone now due and payable on the principal amounts to _________________ PESOS
That the total amount owing by the DEBTOR to the CREDITOR, including the interest is ________________PESOS
That the DEBTOR, in order to be able to pay the CREDITOR, hereby agrees to permit and allow the latter to take
possession of a certain parcel of rice land belonging to the DEBTOR, located in ___________________ and more particularly
land, with the obligation of applying the net proceeds thereof to the extinguishment of the above-mentioned loan;
That the net market value of the fruits obtained or harvested at the time of the application thereof to the interest and
That the parties hereby agree that the DEBTOR shall not reacquire the possession and enjoyment of the above-
described property without first having totally paid what he owes the CREDITOR: Provided, however, that in no case shall the
right of possession and enjoyment on the part of the CREDITOR continue for more than ___________ years, after which the
right of possession and enjoyment shall revert automatically to the DEBTOR, without prejudice on the part of the CREDITOR
It is also agreed that while this contract is in effect, all taxes and other charges upon the estate in question shall be for the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto signed this contract the day and year first above written,
___________________________ ____________________________
(Creditor) (Debtor)