Elegy PDF
Elegy PDF
Elegy PDF
Elegy kãwU MÖxK Ô ElegosÕ I j¨vwUb Ô ElegiaÕ kã †_‡K e¨yrcwË jvf K‡i‡Q hvi A_© n‡jv ‗Lament‘ ev †kvKµ›`b|
cÖvPxb MÖxK I †ivgvb mvwn‡Z¨ we‡kl (cici †n•vwgUvi I †c›UvwgUvi Pi‡Y) GwjRxq Q‡›` iwPZ KweZv‡KB elegy ejv
n‡Zv| GwjwR wQj Foot song hv g~jZ hš¿ m½xZ| wKš` eZ©gv‡b g„Z e¨w³ ev †kvKven NUbvi m¥i‡Y Kwei e¨w³MZ wejvcB
Elegy wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| (The word elegy derived from the Greek ‗Elegos‘ and the latin word ‗Elegia‘
which means lament. In ancient Greek literature it was foot song. In Greek and Latin poetry,
elgey refers to a special type of meter (Hexameters and pentameters). At present elegy refers to a
lyric poem of mourning for the death of an individual or lamenting over a tragic event.)
GwjwR Kve¨ixwZwU Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i A½ n‡jI wcÖqRb we‡qv‡M ev †kvKven †Kvb g„Z¨yNUbvq Kve¨wejvc iPbvi aviv c„w_exi
me©‡`kxq mvwn‡Z¨B cÖPwjZ|
wKš` GB we¯§q †e`bv fvlvi ewntcÖKv‡k KZ bv ˆewPΨgq! Ò In death we are all one but in our respones to
death how various!‖. GwjwR m¤ú‡K© K_vUv LyeB mv_©K| ZvB elegy-‡K ejv nq AvZ¥vi mvwnZ¨|
†hgb: Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i weL¨vZ elgey-i bvg wb‡¤œ †`Iqv n‡jv:
weL¨vZ GwjwR/‡kvKMv_v
On the death of Elegies hvi g„Zz¨i Rb¨ †jLv Elegy Writers
Arthur Henry Hallam In Memoriam eÜy †nbwi nvjvg gvÎ 22 eQi Alfred Tennyson
eq‡m gviv hvq| G KweZvwU
wjL‡Z Kwei 17 eQi (1833-
1850) mgq †j‡MwQj|
Sir Philip Sydney Astophel m¨vi wdwjc wmWwbi g„Zz¨‡Z Edmund Spenser
(Bswjk Kwe)
Milton‘s Friend Edward Lycidas (Pastoral Elegy)
wgë‡bi eÜz GWIqvW© wKs John Milton
King g„Zz¨‡Z
Friend Arthur Hugh Thyrsis eÜz Av_©vi wnDR Gi g„Zz¨‡Z
Clough Mathew Arnold
Wordsworth, Byron, Memorial Verses IqvW©mIqv_©, jW© evBib, M¨v‡U
Goethe G‡`i g„Zz¨‡Z
Fore Fathers Elegy Written in a _gvm †MÖ Gi c~e©cyiæl‡`i Thomas Gray
Country Churchyard g„Zz¨‡Z ev ÷K cW‡MR bvgK (Graveyard Poet)
(1751 Published) MÖv‡g kvwqZ‡`i
John Keats Adonais wKUm Gi g„Zz¨‡Z P.B. Shelley
W.B. Yeats In memory of W.B. B‡qUm Gi g„Zz¨‡Z W.H. Auden
GKwU we‡kl ai‡bi elegy n‡jv Pastoral Elegy ev ivLvwjqv ‡kvKMv_v| K¬vwmK¨vj ivLvwjqv ‡kvKMv_v Kv‡e¨ ïay †kv‡Ki KweZv bq
Ab¨vb¨ welqI ¯’vb †c‡q‡Q|
S.T.Coleridge- Gi g‡Z. ÒElegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind A_©vr ms‡e`bkxj g‡bi Mfx‡i
AviI A‡bK welq Qvqv †dj‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: MÖvg¨ cÖK…wZ, †glcvj‡Ki Rxeb, AZxZ cyiv‡Yi RMr, kvk^Z Rxeb BZ¨vw`| GLv‡b hvi
g„Z¨y‡Z †kvKcÖKvk Kiv nq Ges †h †kvK cÖKvk K‡i Dfq‡KB †glcvjKiƒ‡c wPwÎZ Kiv nq| Pastoral Elegy- Gi D™¢veK n‡jb
cÖvPxb wmwmjxq Kwe w_IwµUvm|
Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ †hgb †kvKMv_v i‡q‡Q evsjv mvwn‡Z¨I †Zgwb †kvKMv_v i‡q‡Q |
Ò‡Zvgvwi Av‡jv‡Z iwe kwk R¦‡j,
Ze i~c gvayh© MM‡b f~Z‡j,
Ze ‡cÖg ivM Kwi‡Q civM
weKvwk ü`q Kzmyg `‡j| (kvwšÍ- Kv`w¤^bx †Nvl)
Avevi iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi Zvui ‗¯§iY‘ KweZvq wj‡L‡Qb-
ÒN‡i †gvi bvwn †Zvi †h Ag„Z im,
wek^ gv‡S cvB †mB nviv‡bv cik|Ó
Milton‘s Areopagitica is an example of pamphlet.
Pastoral Elegy Pastoral elegy is an elegy in which the poet represents himself as a shepherd
(cjøxRxeb wb‡q iwPZ mourning the death of a fellow shepherd.It uses pastoral setting.
KweZv) Example:
Spenser‘s Astrophel,
Milton‘s Lycidas and
Shelley‘s Adonais are the most notable examples of pastoral elegy.
Pathos (KiæY im) The quality of a literary work to arouse pity, sympathy, and sorrow in the mind
of the readers.
Plot (bvUK ev Dcb¨v‡mi A plot is the logical arrangements of events and actions.
Poetry (Kve¨) Any kind of metrical composition that conveys a certain meaning.
Protagonist (g~j PwiÎ/) The leading character of actor in a play.
Pun(GKB k‡ãi wfbœv_©K Play on words that will have two meanings.