(Whitepaper) How RPA Will Transform Finance and Accounting
(Whitepaper) How RPA Will Transform Finance and Accounting
(Whitepaper) How RPA Will Transform Finance and Accounting
& Accounting
How robotic process
automation (RPA) will
transform F&A
Innovation is the name of the Having spent over a decade
game for businesses trying to developing the technology,
stay one step ahead of their UiPath is a leading provider of
competitors. Regardless of RPA software.
the type of business you run,
accounting and finance is a In the pages below, we will
critical source of operational build the argument for why
innovation and competitive businesses should rethink the
differentiation in sectors as way they currently execute
diverse as consumer electronics processes and explore how the
and automotive manufacturing. role of finance professionals
is changing, the challenges
Unfortunately, in many with legacy systems and how
organizations, legacy processes RPA offers the opportunity for
are hindering the digital businesses to become leaders
transformation of basic in digital transformation.
accounting operations. Robotic
Process Automation can be
a powerful on-ramp to the
digital transformation of these
As a result, business models accounting professionals have shift to undertake digital The impact of F&A decades investing heavily
and accounting roles are struggled to meet the volume transformation initiatives to in modules and add-ons to
changing. Chief Financial and variety of the existing improve efficiency, minimize
legacy systems these ERP systems, assigning
Officers (CFOs) and their operational transactions their business risk and improve much of their workforce to
The introduction of enterprise
representatives increasingly job encompasses. In many transparency within the using and maintaining them.
resource planning (ERP)
drive more informed cases, financial professionals organization. However, this Accounting processes have
software in the early 1990s set
strategic decisions across would rather be spending less transformation has come been engineered to fit around
a precedent for multinational
business disciplines. Finance time on routine accounting with its own set of challenges applications such as Oracle®
businesses to fundamentally
professionals now also occupy operations and more on higher including legacy systems, E-Business Suite, SAP®, Oracle®
change the way they interact
seats at the highest levels of value work that drives more paper-based documents, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne,
with accounting and finance
the organization where they strategic outcomes. unstructured formats, and Oracle® PeopleSoft
are expected to use their natural language interactions Applications.
commercial and technical The challenges and fragmentation. These
“In many cases [ERP systems]
skills to advise senior
business leaders.
of digital F&A challenges must be addressed
if an organization is to truly
force companies to re-engineer
This has made large
organizations sluggish
transformation make the most of digital
their business processes
in responding to digital
to accommodate the logic
CFOs are now a crucial partner technologies in its accounting transformation. In comparison,
To this end, there has of the software modules
in enabling the growth of function. newer, born-in-the-cloud
been an industry-wide for streamlining data flow
the business, providing the businesses have a much easier
throughout the organization,”
appropriate financial data and journey because they don’t
(The Evolution of ERP Systems:
insights. They also ensure that rely on cumbersome legacy
In many cases [ERP systems] force A Historical Perspective.)
the business complies with applications, they were born
companies to re-engineer their business As well as re-engineering
the relevant regulations while digital.
processes to accommodate the logic of their processes, many large
mitigating its risk exposure.
the software modules for streamlining organizations have spent
However, as this strategic
focus has grown, finance and data flow throughout the organization.
compounds the problem; data hoped for and the frequency of payment
batch runs. AP professionals
from the scanned image is not
To date, many of the process perform these payment runs
electronically readable unless
management methods that manually by batching up invoices
a specialized optical character
businesses have used to for payments, checking and
recognition (OCR) software is
overcome these challenges have removing duplicates and finally
employed and, secondly, the
not been ideal. One method disbursing either for physical
physical paper-copy still needs
that businesses have tried in check prints or electronic funds
to be stored, adding an extra
the past is to create programs transfer (EFT) to banks.
cost to the process.
that improve efficiency of some
of the repetitive accounting Prior to robotic process
Even once the data has been
processes that humans do. automation, IT programs and
extracted, it often takes
their processes revolved around
the form of unstructured
A typical Accounts Payable (AP) making the process efficient and
information or consists of
invoice processing workflow visible through business process
natural language that is
for a human might be as management methods. They
understood by humans but
follows. First, they receive a streamlined the flow, but at a
is not easily used by most
paper invoice or an invoice heavy development cost, and
software. Contracts and
by e-mail, which is approved even then, it cannot be said to
customer interactions that
manually or over email, printed have truly automated the process.
are audio-recorded are a
and then submitted to AP. An This is where robotic process
good example of this. Natural
AP clerk takes this invoice, automation (RPA) comes in.
Purchase order entry and delivery Sales order entry General ledger and subledger Data aggregation for tax liability Data aggregation for reports
Vendor verification and setup Customer data set up reconciliations Convert data to tax basis Report preparation
Bank reconciliations (including the below)
Vendor master-data management Customer data management Complete tax return workbooks
Inter-company reconciliations
n Trial balance and balance sheet
Vendor queries/helpdesk Billing/invoicing Prepare tax returns
Manual journal entries n Profit and loss
Invoice receipt and classification Collection activities (dunning) File tax returns and payments
Reclassification journal entries n Cashflow
Invoice data extraction Cash application Tax accounting entries
Invoice data entry and interface Credit risk management Fixed asset accounting n Variance analysis
Two and three-way purchase Dispute verification and Inter-company settlements n Management reports
order/invoice/ resolution Financial close activities n Statutory/regulatory reports
receipt matching Chargeback management
Non-purchase-order invoice
Vendor statement reconciliation
Accounts payable accrual
journal entry
Expense compliance audit
Payment processing
5 months ROI
Accounting services 25% manual effort reduction
Month-end accounting 75%
provider, Germany 65% improed processing time
100% accuracy
RPA: the onramp for created by closely monitoring include extracting payment
employee behavior to create information from images of While many organizations using
artificial intelligence robots that can solve complex checks, extracting and curating SAP, Oracle or another modern
in the enterprise exceptions. remittance information from ERP have partially automated
emails and the supporting the cash application process
RPA, artificial intelligence
(AI), machine learning
Case in point: documents and bank using native features of these