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9/10/2020 Exercise Chapter 1 Maps and Globes

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Exercise Chapter 1 Maps and Globes

April 07, 2018

Class 5
Chapter 1
Maps and Globe
Question Answers
Q1. Write Short Answers:-
1. Name the seven continents.
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. North America
4. South America
5. Antarctica
6. Europe
7. Australia

2. Name the ve oceans.

1. Paci c Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean’
4. Antarctic Ocean
5. Arctic Ocean

3. Why it is important to understand the language of maps?

Ans: In order to understand the information given on a map, it is
important to understand the language of maps.

4. Why are all maps drawn to scale?

Ans: All maps are drawn to scale because all maps are not as large as
the area as they depict.
Q2. Answer the following questions in detail:-
1 Compare a globe and a map List the advantages and disadvantages of
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9/10/2020 Exercise Chapter 1 Maps and Globes
1. Compare a globe and a map. List the advantages and disadvantages of
Maps 1.
1.   A map is drawn on a at A globe is round model of
surface. the earth.

2.   Map shows continents, Globe shows the shape,

countries, cities, size and location of the
neighbourhood and continents and water
market places. bodies.
Advantages of Maps Advantages of Globes
1.   Maps are easy to carry. Globes represents the
earth in a simple and
accurate way.
2.   Maps are very useful to Globe helps us to
depict areas in detail. understand movements of
the earth on its axis and
around the sun.
Disadvantages of Maps Disadvantages of Globe
1.   A curved surface of the Globe shows only one
earth cannot be shown side of the earth.
accurately on a paper.
2.   It does not tell about the Globe cannot be carried
shape and movements of easily.
the earth.

3. Name the four directions. How do maps show directions?

Ans: Name of the four directions are:-
I. North
II. South
III. East
IV. West
Draw diagram of direction given in the book on page number 8
a. The directions on the map are shown by an arrow which is
marked ‘N’.
b. This indicate the north direction.
c. Once we know the north direction. We can easily nd the other
d. All maps follow the same method to show directions.
4. Differentiate between physical and political maps.
Political maps Physical maps
1.   Political maps show political Physical maps show
boundaries of countries, physical features like
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9/10/2020 Exercise Chapter 1 Maps and Globes

states, cities and other mountains, valleys,

political divisions. plateaus, plains, rivers
and seas.

5. What is a linear scale? How do you see it? Explain with the help of an
Ans: Linear scale is to measure the distance on a map. This scale is
shown as a straight line, divided into units of length.
 To measure the distance between the two places, the following method
has to be followed:
a. Take a India political map.
b. Take a thread or a strip of paper.
c. Measure the distance between the two places, say Delhi to
Kolkata, using a thread or a strip of paper.
d. Pull the thread straight from Delhi and Kolkata.
e. The length of a thread or a piece of paper between Delhi and
Kolkata is distance between the two cities.
f. Now place the thread on the linear scale and calculate the
actual distance.
Q. Why is the earth called the “blue planet” especially when viewed from
the space?
Ans: The Earth is called blue planet because:
The ¾ part of the earth is covered with water.
The water appears blue in colour.
So when we see the earth from the space it appears blue in coloured.
That is why the earth is called “blue Planet”.

Value based Question:-

Q: The earth supports life and helps all living beings to survive. Do you
support your family members when they need you? Give example?
Ans: The earth has air and water which is very necessary to live. Thus it
supports life.
Yes I also support my family members.
I usually help my mother in household works.
I help my dad by cleaning his car.
I also help my younger brother in his home work.

Humaun Kabir 11 April 2018 at 18:31

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9/10/2020 Exercise Chapter 1 Maps and Globes

Delighted that I found your site, fantastic info. I will bookmark and try to visit
more frequently.

at earth map

Unknown 29 June 2020 at 21:57



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Somo 21 April 2020 at 01:16

Helpful information

Unknown 27 June 2020 at 04:10

Helpful content.


Unknown 29 June 2020 at 21:56

help ful
very help ful

Unknown 1 August 2020 at 22:47

No thematic map


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