Country Name Operator Name

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Country Name Operator Name

Albania AMC
Albania Eagle Mobile
Albania Vodafone
Algeria ATM Mobilis
Algeria Djezzy
Algeria Ooredoo (Wataniya)
Armenia Armentel
Armenia Orange
Armenia VivaCell
Australia Optus
Australia Telstra
Australia Vodafone
Austria A1
Austria Orange
Austria Magenta (T-Mobile)
Azerbaijan Azercell
Azerbaijan BAKCELL
Bahrain Batelco
Bahrain Viva
Bahrain Zain
Bangladesh Banglalink
Bangladesh Grameenphone
Bangladesh Robi
Bangladesh Teletalk
Belarus MTS
Belarus A1
Belgium Base (KPN)
Belgium Mobistar
Belgium Proximus
Bosnia & Herzegovina BH Telecom
Bosnia & Herzegovina ERONET
Bosnia & Herzegovina Mtel
Bulgaria GLOBUL
Bulgaria M Tel
Bulgaria Vivacom
Canada Bell
Canada Rogers
Canada SaskTel
Canada TELUS
Canada Videotron
China China Mobile
China Unicom
Croatia A1 Hrvatska
Croatia Tele2
Croatia T-Mobile
Cyprus Cytamobile Vodafone
Cyprus Epic (MTN)
Cyprus Primtel
Czech Republic Telefonica (Eurotel)
Czech Republic T-Mobile
Czech Republic Vodafone
Denmark 3 DK
Denmark TDC
Denmark Telenor
Denmark Telia
Egypt Etisalat
Egypt Orange (Mobinil)
Egypt Vodafone
Estonia Elisa
Estonia EMT
Estonia Tele2
Finland Alcom
Finland DNA (Finnet)
Finland Elisa
Finland Sonera
France Bouygues Telecom
France Free Mobile
France Orange F
France SFR
Georgia Geocell
Georgia Mobitel
Germany E-Plus
Germany O2
Germany T-Mobile
Germany Vodafone
Gibraltar Gibtel
Greece Cosmote
Greece Vodafone - Panafon
Greece WIND
Guernsey JT
Guernsey Sure
Hong Kong 3.00
Hong Kong China Mobile
Hong Kong CSL
Hong Kong PCCW
Hong Kong SmarTone
Hungary Telenor
Hungary T-Mobile
Hungary Vodafone
Iceland Nova
Iceland Viking Wireless
Iceland Vodafone
India Bharti Airtel Andhra Pradesh
India Bharti Airtel Assam
India Bharti Airtel Bihar
India Bharti Airtel Chennai
India Bharti Airtel Delhi
India Bharti Airtel Gujarat
India Bharti Airtel Haryana
India Bharti Airtel Himachal Pradesh
India Bharti Airtel Karnataka
India Bharti Airtel Kerala
India Bharti Airtel Kolkata
India Bharti Airtel Madhya Pradesh
India Bharti Airtel Maharashtra
India Bharti Airtel Mumbai
India Bharti Airtel North East
India Bharti Airtel Orissa
India Bharti Airtel Punjab
India Bharti Airtel Rajasthan
India Bharti Airtel Tamil Nadu
India Bharti Airtel UP East
India Bharti Airtel UP West
India Bharti Airtel West Bengal
India BSNL Andhra Pradesh
India BSNL Bihar & Jharkhand
India BSNL Chennai
India BSNL Gujarat
India BSNL Haryana
India BSNL Himachal Pradesh
India BSNL Karnataka
India BSNL Kerala
India BSNL Kolkata
India BSNL Madhya Pradesh & Chhatisgarh
India BSNL Maharashtra & Goa
India BSNL Orissa
India BSNL Punjab
India BSNL Rajasthan
India BSNL Tamil Nadu
India BSNL UP East
India BSNL UP West
India BSNL West Bengal
India BSNL Assam
India BSNL North East
India Idea Madhya Pradesh
India Idea Andhra Pradesh
India Idea Bihar & Jharkhand
India Idea Cellular Maharashtra
India Idea Delhi
India Idea Gujarat
India Idea Haryana
India Idea Himachal Pradesh
India Idea Karnataka
India Idea Kerala
India Idea Kolkata
India Idea Mumbai
India Idea Orissa
India Idea Punjab
India Idea Rajasthan
India Idea Tamil Nadu & Chennai
India Idea UP East
India Idea UP West
India Idea West Bengal
India MTNL Delhi
India MTNL Mumbai
India Vodafone - AP
India Vodafone - Assam
India Vodafone - Bihar
India Vodafone - Chennai
India Vodafone - Haryana
India Vodafone - HP
India Vodafone - Karnataka
India Vodafone - Orissa
India Vodafone - Punjab
India Vodafone - Rajasthan
India Vodafone - UP East
India Vodafone - UP West
India Vodafone - WB
India Vodafone Delhi
India Vodafone Kerala
India Vodafone, Gujarat
India Vodafone, Kolkatta
India Vodafone, Maharashtra& Goa
India Vodafone, Mumbai
India Vodafone, Tamil Nadu
India Vodafone, North East
Indonesia Hutchison
Indonesia Indosat
Indonesia Telkomsel
Indonesia XL AXIATA
Iran MCI
Iran MTN Irancell
Iran RighTel
Iraq Asiacell
Iraq Korek Telecom
Iraq Zain
Ireland Hutchison 3G
Ireland Meteor
Ireland O2
Ireland Vodafone
Isle of Man Manx
Isle of Man sure
Italy TIM
Italy Vodafone
Italy Wind Tre
Japan KDDI
Japan NTT DoCoMo
Japan SoftBank
Jersey Airtel
Jersey JT
Jersey Sure
Jordan Orange
Jordan Umniah
Jordan Zain
Kenya Celtel
Kenya Orange
Kenya Safaricom
Korea (Rep. of) KTF
Korea (Rep. of) SK Telecom
Kuwait Viva (KTC)
Kuwait Wataniya
Kuwait Zain
Latvia Bite
Latvia LMT
Latvia Tele2
Liechtenstein Alpcom
Liechtenstein Mobilkom
Liechtenstein Orange
Liechtenstein Swisscom
Lithuania Bite
Lithuania Omnitel
Lithuania Tele2
Luxembourg Orange
Luxembourg P&T
Luxembourg Tango
Macau 3.00
Macau CTM
Macau SmarTone
Macedonia Makedonski Telekom (T-Mobile)
Macedonia A1 MK
Malaysia Celcom
Malaysia DiGi
Malaysia Maxis
Malaysia U mobile
Malta Go Mobile
Malta Melita
Malta Vodafone
Mauritius Emtel
Mauritius MTML
Mauritius Orange
Morocco IAM
Morocco Medi Telecom
Morocco Wana
Nepal Ncell
Netherlands KPN
Netherlands T-Mobile
Netherlands Vodafone
Nigeria 9Mobile (Etisalat)
Nigeria Airtel
Nigeria MTN
Norway NetCom
Norway Telenor
Pakistan Mobilink
Pakistan Telenor
Pakistan Ufone
Pakistan Warid
Pakistan Zong
Palestine JAWWAL
Palestine Wataniya
Panama Cable & Wireless
Panama Claro
Panama Digicel
Panama Telefonica Moviles
Philippines Globe Telecom
Philippines Smart Gold
Philippines Sun (Digitel)
Poland Orange
Poland P4 Play
Poland Plus
Poland T-Mobile
Portugal Optimus (NOS)
Portugal TMN
Portugal Vodafone
Qatar Ooredoo
Qatar Vodafone
Romania Cosmote
Romania Orange
Romania RCS RDS
Romania Vodafone
Russia ETK
Russia MegaFon
Russia MTS
Russia Tele2
Russia TMT
Russia Vimplecom (Beeline)
Saudi Arabia Al-Jawwal (STC)
Saudi Arabia Mobily
Saudi Arabia Zain
Serbia Telekom Srbija
Serbia Telenor
Serbia VIP
Singapore M1
Singapore SingTel
Singapore StarHub
Slovak Rep. Orange
Slovak Rep. Telefonica O2
Slovak Rep. T-Mobile
Slovenia Mobitel
Slovenia Si.Mobil
Slovenia Tusmobile
South Africa Cell C
South Africa MTN
South Africa Vodacom
Spain Orange
Spain Telefonica (Movistar)
Spain Vodafone
Spain Yoigo (Xfera)
Sri Lanka Airtel
Sri Lanka Dialog
Sri Lanka Hutchison
Sri Lanka Mobitel
Sudan MTN
Sudan Zain
Sweden Hi3G Access
Sweden Tele2
Sweden Telenor
Sweden TeliaSonera
Switzerland Salt (Orange)
Switzerland Sunrise
Switzerland Swisscom
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom
Taiwan FarEasTone
Taiwan Taiwan Mobile
Taiwan T-star (Vibo)
Tanzania Airtel
Tanzania Tigo (Mobitel)
Tanzania Viettel (halotel)
Tanzania Vodacom
Tanzania Zantel
Thailand AWN
Thailand dTN
Thailand True Move
Tunisia Ooredoo Tunisie
Tunisia Orange
Tunisia TUNTEL
Turkey Avea
Turkey Turkcell
Turkey Vodafone
UAE Etisalat
UK 3.00
UK EverythingEverywhere (T-Mobile)
UK O2 (Cellnet)
UK Vodafone
USA Cincinnati Bell Wireless (CBW)
USA Telna
USA T-Mobile
USA Union Telephone
Vatican City State Vodafone IT
Vatican City State TIM
Vatican City State Wind
Western Sahara IAM
Western Sahara Medi Telecom
Yemen MTN
Yemen Sabafon
Yemen Y

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