Foundation in Nursing

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Name: Jonh Carl

Section: BSN 1103 o G. Lop e z Date: September 8, 2020

NCM 100:
Discuss the significance/relationship of nursing theory in the following
1.1 NursiNursing nEducati
g educati o n o n i s about educati n g the nurses or heal t hcare
ersonsserveson how toas dela fram iver heal ew t
ork hcare
for needed
nursi n g by t he
educators p a ti e
on nt.
how Nursi
they n gare
ng to teach
o n. Wi t effecti
hout v
theory,el y about
they withe
l notnorms,
be abl val
e u
toes and
educate bel i e fs
the of nursi
nurses n g
pteachi they do not have scientific or standard basis in their
1.2 Research
Research i n nursi n g ai m s to devel o p knowl e dge, p a rti c ul a rl y about
structureheal t h and
and p r omoti
framewo o nrk of heal
for t h.
research. Theori e
Al s
s i
o n
, inursi
t p r n
ovi g
d p
es r ovi
a d es
systemati c
ence on how
nursi n the
g p r research
acti c e. Wi t wi l
hout devel
nursi o pn new
g knowl
theory, e
a dge that
research may can be
meaningless, as it has no foundation that wil provide justification of
1.3 CliThenicalpr/Communi
i m ary p t
u y
rp Practi
o se of c e
theory i n the p r ofessi o n of nursi n g i s to
positivtoelyapinpfllyutheencemostthe effecti
health vande care qualithatty of thelife of
person needs. Also nursing theory provide a foundational knowledge of care
parti t s that enabl
atiecntsulateandevithedencereasons e those fori n the
thei rp r ofessi
acti o o
ns. n to
Si g exp
ni f i l
c a i
antln what
y , i t they
hel p s do
nurses for
p2.racti c e. that justi f i e s the methodol o gi e s behi n d thei r
nursi Accordi
n g aren g to
the nursi
four n g theori
concep t s
s ts, the
central p e rson,
to nursip a ti
n e
g. nt,
Usi envi
n g r
your onment,
own and
ective/opof iimnipoon,rtance, arrangeandthese di s cussfour how concep
you t
cames basedup wi on
t h thei
that r
hierarchy using your learnings from discussions and readings.
most Base
cruci on
a l my
amongreadi then gs and
four eval
concep u ati
t s o n, the
central p e rson
to or
nursi the
n g. Thep a tip ae nt
ti e i
nts the
i s
the autmost
tel y . demand
Second i s of
the attenti
heal t h o n
or that
the needs
degree toof be weltreated
l- bei n g of the
nt aswithil saswislessdetermi the healn e the
t h of nursi
the n
p ag care
ti e nt needed
and gi v e bythe the ap ppar ti
op e
r nt.
i a te
the In
attri gi
b v i
utesn g the
and care, the
characteri nurse
s ti cshoul
s so, d have
the the
nurse thi
shoulr dd one,
be nursi
abl e n
to g or
handl e
apexternal the ci
propriatesurroundi r cumstances of the p a
care. Thengslaofsttheonepaitis ethent. enviti e nt and
r onment,effecti the v eli y
n gi v
ternal e the and
indirectlnursey theshoulheald tbeh ofablthee topamake Envi
tientadjustmentsr onment
but, it is justaccordi may affect di r
an infering toorthematter ectl y
patients environment
Cross 1981ve. menti Theory o ned
wi t that,
hout p theory
r acti c eand
i s p
emp r acti
t y c
and e must
p r acti bec e constantl
wi t hout y
restri ci s bl
ted i n
by d. At
the the
p a p r
ndemi esent
c , ti
nursi m e
n g wherei
and medi n , nursi
c al n g
school educati
s have o ni i
n s
evi t abl y
resorted to
answer the following: fl e xi b l e teachi n g and l e arni n g scheme. In vi e w of thi s , ki n dl y
1 What could youons/suggest strategi as e an
s, effecti
that woul v ed sol
al l u
o ti
w o n,
nursi or n p
g e rhap
school s ;s to ensure
that theory and p r acti c e are
scheme? Give at least two 2, with comprehensive discussions. i m p l e mented i n the fl e xi b l e teachi n g
tolearni It i
thencurrent s di f fi c ul
si tt to
uati effecti
o n v
however, el y i mi tp le ment
shoul d the
not bep r acti
a hi nc e
drance of nursi i n n
theg due
theori e gs of
i s nursi
a tool n g i students.
n p u t t i n g i Havi
t i n ton g p a
r acwi d
tie c range
e . We canof knowl
p r i o rie dge
t i z ei nfinursi
r st n g
nursi n i
g.s hment
Si n ce of
most knowlof e dge
the i n theori
students e
haves andan bui l
accessd a good
to foundati
i n formati o n o i
n n
ponlroviinededartiby thec l e s,p r
p ofessor
r evi o u s al
studi s o, e the
s and i n formati
research o n from
and the
actual i n ternet
vi d eos wi thru
l gi v e
medi students
c al p r acti the
c e. i d ea
On on
t he howotherthe theory
hand, i
nursi s bei
n g np g
r p u
acti t i n
c to
e cl
can i n i
bec all e or
setti n g,v el
wi y
t i
h nthean actual
p r esence scenari
and col o l l
a i k e
borati regul o na r
of cl a
other ssroom students or l a boratory
concep t hcare
t s and p r ofessi
theori eosnalof s . How
nursi eve
n g r,
by for the
conducti meanti
n g research m e we can
p a p e ap
rs p l y
that the
and diess nursi
eases . n g
Thi psr acti
wi l c
hele p or
the maki
l e n
arnersg case to studi
real e si z on
e di
the f ferent
ap p l i c atiscenari
o n o s
theori e s
withil sbepaknowl i n ereal
dgeabl l i f
e e so,
enough when on the
how actual
thi n gs setti
work inn g becomes
the fi e l d . avai
We al lla bl
hop e e, they
constantly interactive. c wi l end soon so that theory and p r acti c e become
2 Discussby usihowng woul any d your
of the p r op
nursio sed n g sol u
theori ti o ne shel
you p the
can heal
fi n dt hcare
i n the del
major i v ery
textbook provided for you.
ppeersonnel Heal t hcare
whi c h del
carri i v ery
e s system
out the i s
task the of network
renderi of
n g heal
heal t
t h
hcarefaci l i t
to i e s
the and
the op l e .
nursiTo pnr govi d
theori e a egood
s. qual
Nursi i
n t
g yp rheal
acti t hcare,
c e theory nurse i s p
one r acti
of t
the i o ner
key must know
assess the psa th
ti e atnt nurses
and i t s must
envi r exhi
onment, b i t . The
make nurses
a di a shoul
gnosi sd , be
i d abl
enti f ey to
and know base
how to on the
eval u di
atea gnosi
the s ,
sii m
t p l
uati e ment
o n. It the i s methods
necessary or i n
for terventi
the p a o
ti ns
e nt
tothatbe theremoved medi c from
ati o n di s
can tress be apandp l y show
effecti a p
v o
elsiyt i
andv e chang
make e i
ease n behavi
on delo ri v so
ery of
heal t hcare.
4.andDowhyyounot? think nurses should pursue masteral and doctoral education? Why
reasons shoul
why d a p u rsue
nurse masteral
shoul d conti or n uedoctoral
masters educati
or o n.
doctoral There are
degree. several
urpose is towhiconti
pdoctorate, c h n
can ue leducati
e ad to o n,
even masters
more degree
advanced offers
p o si t i o n a
s, p a th
academi toward c a
orreasoncareers coul d i n
be research
p e rsonal lthat
i k e to coulhave d offer
hi g her moreearni job n gsop p o rtuni
overti mt i
e,e s.or Other
i t
When d be
the a p a p e
e nt i s ful
i n f
vol i l
v m
ed, ent,
a a c
masters comp l i s
or hment or
doctorate p e rsonal
degree satii s s facti o n.
iknowl e dge .
whi Havic h nigs a conti
needed n ues
when educati
encountered o n means a di fgai
fi cn i
ulntg more
si t uati ski
o nl si n and
medi c i n e fi e l d . Phi l i p i n es currentl
physicians and, it could be a reason to fil a need of the country. y has a shortage and i n need of
1.utiGilvizeedspeatciftheic hosppresent ital sctienmarie: os on how the following theories are
1.1 Nursing Process Theory by Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier
havi n There
g a hardi s ati p
m a eti e
andnt di
gets a gnosed
mad. from
The stroke,
attendi n g every
nurse ti m
notie che
ed eats,
i t and he i s
the p a twhat
i e nt i s
whatthe hep r obl
feel e m.
s , So,
and the
run nurse
a head makesto toe an as ses
assessment. sment he
Base asks
anxi assessment
o us every ti m hee fi
he g ured
eats out
because on hi s di
he ai gnosi
s havis nthat
g asp ithe
r ati p a
o ti
ns. e nt
The feel
nurse s
so noti
t i n gc ed
an that
i m p a i the
r ed sp a ti
wal e
l nt
o wi n cant
g. From move
thi sthe
, the l e ft
nursesi d e of
woul hi
d s
l i body
k e to set a
devel that
o p a the
swal l p
o a
witin e
g nt
technishoul q d
ue not to have
avoi d asp
i t . i r
So, ati
the o ns duri
nurse n g
asksmeal a sspand
e ech
ti e nt. therap
Then the i s t to
nurse make
encouragesa strategi the c p swal
a ti e l
nt o wi n
to g techni
do the q ue
techni for q the
ues. The
atielnty worksdid whathopethefullynurse tol d hi m . The nurse
, the patient can eat well without having difficulty. eval u ates i f the techni q ue
1.2 Interpersonal Relations Theory
apsurgeryA 7-year-ol
pendix. because d boy
He wil havehe ians afraiwas admi
appendectomy t ted at the
soon hosp
but i
het ali sduerefusito hin s
g swol
to dol e n
needed for hi m to get wel l . She d . The
sai d nurse
that itol
f d
theyt he di boy
d not that
do the
the surgery
surgery, i
he s
l not beis ablsafe.e getSheditrischarged e d to get soon.the The
trustnurse of tol
the d the
l i t tl p
e a ti
boy e nt
by that
tel li n the
g hi m
n g the every
op e ni
rati g ht o n.before
The p a goi
ti e n
ntg to
i s sl e ep
ready . Shefor p r omi
the s ed
surgery that he
but wi l be
requested okay
if the nurse could be by his side during the operation. Luckily, the nurse
after p a rt
4 of
days the
the op e
boyratigot n g
l y . The
recover, op e rati
he and o n hiwas
s famisuccessful
l y were and
very soon
thankful to the nurse that assi s t
patient got discharged. The boy cried and said that he wil miss the nurse.them, as p r omi s ed by the nurse the
1.3 Virginia Hendersons Definition of Nursing
icase An 85-year-ol d mal e p a ti e nt wi t h a stage
n thehashospnoitalcureforandthewithil rledadtimhie.m Heto wasdeath.veryHishopattendi 4 l e ukemi
eless assumi a was n gadmi
that t ted
hi s
alsinwceaysthen, the same nurse every ti m e he got admi t ted. They n g nurse
know each was other
thei r trust they
on are
the even
nurse acquai
i n fact n ted.
they The fami
entrusted l y ofthe the p a p a
ti ti
e nte ntto have
nurse whenever
ppaatitieentnt and the no
nurseone on
are thegood famifri ley are
nds, abl
the e
nurseto be al i n
w the
ays hosp
assi si t
t al .
the The
emoti o nali n, everythi
he asks n g.
the Onep a tiday
e nt thewhy nurse
he i s found
cryi n the
g. The p a
p ti
a e
ti ent nt cryi
was n g and
hopwaietlienssg forin hihissillanstessbreath
knowingtothatwithdraw. he is just The counti
nurs e n g
tri days
e s i
to n the
comfort hosp i t
pandatiethent anddegreeunconsciof hea o usl
l t y
h tears
of the pcame
a ti e ntouttheyof hi
boths eyes.
know Consi
that d eri
the n g p the
a ti e age
cant be cure. One
hia sfaibed,nt hevoitrice sayi day,
ed tong,wake durihi n
m g the
up for nurse
hi s vi
medi s icti, nthe
e. p
The a ti
ol edntman was wokel y i n g
up down
wi t hi n
Ithatwasyouverywilthankful p l
thate ase I tel
met l my you.fami l
Thank y that
you I
for l o ve
your themcari very
n g, I much,
hop e and
react to whatconti
hap npue
e n your
to the ki npdness.
a ti e nt Thank
and you,
started my fri
to e nd,
cry . The
whi l nurse
e cal l i cant
n g for
the doctor. The patient died peacefully in the nurse arms.
1.4 Wiedenbachs Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
carryi In n gthe
a mi d
woundeddl e of
24-y the ear day,-ol an
d ambul
mal e duea nceto came
a car i n
accithe d hosp
ent. i t
Hi al
s ri g ht
was was
so crashed
severe that and i t some
cannot mi n
beor i n
save, juri e
the . The
onl ydamage
op t i o n iisn hi
to s ri
amp guht
tate arm i t .
Hehishasconscito ostay us, he i n the
was hosp
so i
emoti t al o for
nal hi s
when recovery.
he knows When
that the
hi s p a
arm ti e ntwas comes to
anymore.u tated. TheHe p i
a s
ti a
e p
nt i a ni
was s t,i nsodihe
s cant
tress, accep
he di d t
nt that
want heto cant
accep ptl a y
hel p ipa no
pattendi nurses
icking angglnur nor from
assseoftriwater. hi s fami
It l
was y even
very though
hard forhe struggl
the nursese s mo tovi n g
hel around
p hi m . or
nurse cop e wi t h the e s
behavito tal
o r kof to thehi mp a when
ti e nt he and i s al
waso ne.abl Eventual
e to hel l
p y hithi
m si n
what w as The
wrong nursewi t h al
hi w
m ays
. One talday k s to
the hi
p amtiand
e nt aski
was n g
shoutiwhat n ghe i n needs
extreme and
pampainu, tated
the nurse arm came
hurts i n to
so hi
much, s room
so theand asks
nurse what
came ii s
n wrong
to an aiwi dt h
and hi m .
ease Hi s
the p a i n . After several
accepts that he lost his one arm. days the p a ti e nt got di s charged and now, he
1.5 Lydia Halls Core, Care, and Cure Model
nurse A p
giav ti
es e nt
the camep ati e i n
ntto p a
r op hosp
e r i t
medial cfeel
ati i
o n
n g i l
from , and the was admi
attendi t nted.
g p h The
ysi c i a n to
temp e the
rature, di s ea se.
bl o odThe
vol unurse
me etc.checks
every the
ti m vi
e t al
to s of
ensure the p a
that ti e nt
the such
p a ti as
e nt i s
the normal o ns tostate.
the p aDuri
ti e n
nt g the
on doctors
what to vi
do, sasi t ati
wel o
l nas he i
the s gi v i
nurse.n g The
doctor and nurse were working attentively to make the patient feel
needs hel whi
p l
on e the nurse
somethi n g ori s the
need one
to that
ask the
somethi p a ti
n g.e nt cal l s whenever he
Analoyzens ptheresented
nursinigntheori e s i
your module Box 1-3n i t ems 1. 1 to 1. 5 usi n g the anal y si s
Nursing Process Theory by Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier
Anal y si s as to Cl a ri t y: The theory
mplicity:itThey: Thetheory
AnalAnalysiysis sasastotoSiGeneral i s i easy
s si m to
p l e understand
but effecti vand
e. anal y ze.
step theory
by step . i s sp e ci f i c as i t i s p r esented
Analysis as to Accessibility: Itof 6isprveryocessaccessible as it is composed
Analysis as to Impoartance: The theory i s i
guide for nurses in almost every situation. m p o rtant as i t serve as
y si s Rel
as a
to ti
ri tTheory
y: The theory i s cl e ar and not ambi g uous.
Anal y si s as to Si m p l i c i
Analysis as to Generality:toTheeverythi t y: The theory i s
theoryng iabout si m p l e
s so general and easy that to understand.
i t p e rtai n s
rel a ti o nshi p . p a ti e nt-nurse
Analysis as to Accessibileasi ity: Thely remember.
theory is accessible enough to
Analysis as to Importance:patiThients theory i s
with strong attitude. i m p o rtant i n deal i n g to a
ia Hende
y si s rson
as tos Defi
Cl a ri n ti t
y:i o n
The of Nursi
theory n g i s somehow hard to understand.
Analysis as to Simplicity: The theory is a little comprehensive.
Analysis as to Generality:nursiThentheory g-p a ti e i
nts general
i n teracti i z ed
o n. i n to whol e
Anal y si s as to Acce ssi b i l
Analysis as to Importance: Thenursi i t y: It i s accessi b l e , but
theoryng. is important in practicing h ard to remember.
Wiedenbachs Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
A nalysis as to Clarity: Theto heltheory p the i s
p acl
ti e
e ar
nt ii n
n demonstrati
vari o us ways. n g on how
A nalysis as to Simplicity: understand.
The theory is simple and easy to
Analysis as to Generality:patiTheenttheory and sp
how e ci
the f i c to
nurses the behavi
wi l react. o r of the
Analysis as to Accessibiremember lity: The theory and i
uses accessi
i n al l sibtl e and
uati o easy
n. to
An alysis as to Importance:theThenursetheoryshoulids react importantbasetoonknowtheon how
Lydia HalAnallsyCore, Care, and Cure p a ti e nts
Model behavi o r.
sis as to Clarivarity: aTheblestheory
di s ti n i
ctis cl
v ele ar
y . and i d enti f i e s the
Analysis as to Simpcomp licitoy:nents.The theory is simple and composed of only 3
Analysis as to Generalitandy: Thepatitheory e nt. i s sp e ci f i e d to nurse, p h ysi c i a n
Analysis as to Accessiallbitilitmy:esThein theory a hosp i accessi
t al setti b l
n e
g. and may ap p l y at
Analysis as to Impoboundari
rtance: eThes ontheory each i
sps e i m
ci pfoirtant
c job of asa i t
nursegi v es and a
https://pub ine-health-care-delivery-
nursing- essay.php

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