Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
be on be no longer fashionable
be off show (on TV, the cinema)
be down with come to an end
be over expect sth
be up to chase
be in for become ill
be after be absent/spoilt
be out be doing sth wrong
break down begin suddenly (war, violence, epidemic, fire)
break up enter by force
break out 1 stop working (machines) 2 collapse emotionally
break out (of) escape (from prison)
break in(to) 1 separate 2 stop (schools) for holidays
break off stop/interrupt
bring about raise a child
bring up recall
bring round create profit
bring out put on market
bring in cause to happen
bring on regain consciousness / persuade
bring back cause sth unpleasant
call for telephone
call in cancel
call up need , require
call off visit
carry on (with) complete successfully, fulfil
carry out continue (with)
carry through conduct
carry off handle a difficult situation
come up against happen unexpectedly, occur
come up with be published
come across regain consciousness
come to / round meet somebody by chance, find something by chance
come out inherit
come into find (a solution), have (an idea)
come up meet (a problem, difficulty)
come about happen