3D Machine Vision Systems AS Shop Floor Metrology Tool

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Machine vision refers to applications in which the PC automatically makes a
decision based on visual input from a camera. Machine vision is a term typically used in
industrial manufacturing, where applications range from culling blemished oranges from
a conveyor belt to saving lives by inspecting to ensure that the correct drug capsule has
been placed in the package before the product is shipped to the pharmacy. Three
dimensional vision based measurement systems have made their presence into production
metrology applications, notably in the electronics field. However, in the more traditional
fields of durable goods now dominated by hard gauges and CMMs, 3D optical systems
has been hindered by perceptions and real limitations. This paper will review where 3D
vision is today, and what advances have been made to enable more quantitative, shop
floor metrology applications. The field of 3D machine vision is a less established field,
but one that is actively growing today. Three dimensional vision based measurements
have come a long way in the past few years, moving from purely visualization tools that
generate attractive color pictures, to serious measurement tools. These 3D systems
include laser scanning, structured light, stereo viewing, and laser radar just to name a

Modern day durable goods manufacturing have begun to embrace the concepts of
digitization as a means to improve productivity and quality. Moving away from
expensive hard gages made for specific parts; manufacturers are seeking the means to


measure parts in a flexible manner, and capture the resulting measurements by digital
means. For higher volume parts, such as from forging or fast machining operations, speed
of gauging is still an issue.
This is the area where machine vision based tools start to excel. Machine vision in
general has been used for everything from guiding the insertion of electronic chips on
circuit boards to inspecting bottles at several per second in bottling lines. A natural
extension of machine vision inspection is to provide programmable measurements for
machined parts. In many applications, these measurements can be made in two
dimensions for which there is an established based of machine vision tools working in the
sub-thousandth of an inch range at multiple measurements per second. Each of these
methods has their strong points and weak points for a given application.
The key performance parameters needed for durable good manufacturing include:
• Resolution in the mil, and sub-mil range
• Speeds sufficient to complete all measurements in a few seconds
• Ability to look at a wide range of surface types and finishes
This last point, the ability to look at a wide range of surface finishes has perhaps been the
biggest limitation of 3D machine vision technology. In many cases, the surface needs to
be diffuse to permit reflected light to be easily seen to achieve a good signal to noise
Three dimensional optical sensors can perhaps be broken into a few basic types:-
 Point scanning sensors measure only the specific points of interest, typically in a
serial fashion,
 Line sensors provide a single line of points in the form of a cross section of the
contour of interest,
 Full-field sensors provide an X, Y, Z map of all the points in the scene, which
must then be analyzed down to the information of interest.
Each of these types of sensors has developed through technology which is suited to the
application. In some cases, the technology is capable of multiple modes of operation
(finding point on a surface, or defining the full surface) as well, but this often stretches
the technology into a field overlapping other technologies. There has not to date been any
single sensor in industrial applications which does everything.


There are currently three basic approaches to three-dimensional machine vision:
• range finding including structured lighting
• stereo or binocular vision,
• gray scale or range finding methods.
The most popular commercial versions of range finding use the triangulation
method where a beam of light is projected onto the object's surface at some angle and the
image of this spot or line of light is viewed at some other angle (see Figure 1). As the
object distance changes a spot of light on the surface will move along the surface by:
(change in spot position) = (change in distance) x (tan(incident angle) + tan(viewing

Figure 1. A triangulation based system using a point of light to obtain distance.

Good resolution of a few tens of microns have been realized with these systems.
Most triangulation gages today use laser light. When a laser beam is incident on an
opaque, rough surface, the micro-structure of the surface can act as though it is made of a
range of small mirrors, pointing in numerous directions. These micro-mirrors may reflect
the light off in a particular direction, as generally machine marks do, or may direct the
light along the surface of the part. Depending on how random or directional the pointing
of these micro-mirrors may be, the apparent spot seen on the surface will not be a direct
representation of the light beam as incident on the part surface. The effects that may be
seen from a laser beam reflecting off a rough surface include:
• directional reflection due to surface ridges


• skewing of the apparent light distribution due to highlights

• expansion of the incident laser spot due to micro surface piping
The result of this type of laser reflection or "speckle" is a noisy signal from some
surfaces. In like manner, there can be a problem with translucent surfaces, as the laser
light will scatter through the medium and produce a false return signal. For a laser based
sensor, a smooth, non-mirror like, opaque surface produces the best results. An active
variation of restricting the view uses synchronized scanning. In the synchronized
scanning approach (see figure 2), both the laser beam and viewing point is scanned across
the field. In this manner, the detector only looks at where the laser is going.

Figure 2. A synchronized scanning system, limited the range of view.

A more extreme variation of the synchronized scanning type of approach is to use
an active point seeking triangulation system (see figure 3). With an active point seeking
triangulation system, a single point detector is limited to a very narrow view, at a
constant angle, which is then translated across the path of the laser beam.

Figure 3. Active triangulation system, seeking laser point, providing extended range.
The detector now has the advantage that it can resolve the distribution of light
seen along that particular angle, and potentially decide on which signals are the correct
ones. Reflections that do not go along the view axis are not seen at all. The limitations of
this approach can be more time consumed in seeking each point, and low light collection


to maintain high angle separate. If as opposed to a single spot of light, a line is projected
onto the surface by imaging or by scanning a beam, as shown in Figure 1, the line will
deform as it moves across a contoured surface as each point of the line move as described
above. The effect is to provide an image of a single profile of the part (see figure 4). In
applications requiring only a profile measurement, these techniques offer good speed of

Figure 4. Laser radar sensor scanning a box from a single view point
The individual laser probes have seen a near 10 fold improvement in resolution in
the past few years. The application of such probes in the electronics industry has been a
great benefit to making high speed electronics assembly possible. Scanning and fixed
triangulation systems have been used to contour large structures such as airplanes, logs or
airfoil shapes, and metal rolling mill flatness control. The large area systems primarily
have used one or multiple lines of light to obtain a cross sectional profile at a time. In
many cases, these line sensors are connected with a CMM type device to extend the
working range of the sensor. The resolutions of such systems need typically be less than a
millimeter, and more typically is around 2.5 microns (0.0001 inch). Full-field structured
light systems, based upon projected grids by direct sensing of the grid or related to moire
are also commercially available. The primary application of this type of sensor has been
the contouring of continuously curved non-prismatic parts such as turbine airfoils, sheet
metal, clay models, and human anatomy. Special compact sensors for use on CMMs are
also available with this technology. Most of the applications of this technology has been
on applications requiring dense data, but have also been engineered to enhance video data
for the purpose of 3D "comparator" type measurements on objects ranging from rolled
sheet metal (for flatness) to car bodies.


The techniques described so far are based on some form of active illumination of
the surface, and active sensing of that specific illumination. When people view an object,
they receive 3-D information based upon the principles of parallax and shadings seen on
the surface.
Stereo or binocular machine vision methods work on the same principle as human
vision by obtaining parallax information by viewing the object from two different
perspectives as is shown in Figure 5. (as our two eyes do).

Figure 5. Two cameras see different perspectives to provide stereo parallax information.
The two views must be matched up and then the difference in the position of a
correlated feature gives the depth information from the geometry of the two view
points(similar to the triangulation methods). These methods can be full-field, thereby
keeping the data acquisition time to a minimum, and they do provide all the 2-D feature
information. In fact, stereo depends on the surface features to the extent that a featureless,
smooth surface (such as the turbine blade), can not be contoured directly with stereo
Many machine vision systems have a simple stereo matching capability, made for
tracking individual points in space, but not for providing full surface contours as would
be desired for reverse engineering applications. Resolutions of a few millimeters at
certain points, and processing times of a few seconds has been typical for the current
industrial applications. There have been dedicated hardware systems made, but stereo has
not be able to provide the flexibility of scanning type systems for CAD data generation
As has already been stated, the key operational parameters needed for production
machine vision include speed, resolution, and robustness especially to changing part


surface conditions. Many systems that provide the best resolution are not the fastest, so a
tradeoff must be made. Just as with touch probes, there are certain types of features or
surfaces that optical 3D methods can be expected to work good on, and others where
there may be problems. If has been pointed out that shiny, but not specular surfaces have
offered one of the biggest challenges. In like manner, when a surface changes from a
shiny area to a dull, many sensors may generate a bias error. In the simple case of
triangulation, the measurement is based upon finding the centroid of a light spot of some
finite size. If half that spot is on an area that reflects back to the sensor well, and the other
half is not, the center of brightness of the spot will not be the geometric center, but rather
weighted toward the brighter region. Testing the sensor on edge and surface transition
features is a valuable first test to consider (such as in Figure 6).

Figure 6. Measuring the effect across an edge boundary.

The next area of concern is the surface texture itself. A surface with machining marks has
a texture which may scatter light into long lines that may confuse the sensor. In a similar
manner, if the surface is translucent, the spot of light may spread out in an unpredictable
manner, again offsetting the spot center, and hence the measurement made. Therefore,
testing the sensor on a surface texture that matches the one to be measured is important.
A final important feature consideration for many optical gages is the slope of the surface.
A standard way to test such effects is to scan a diffuse sphere and fit the data to the
known diameter (see Figure 7).At some angle around the sphere, the surface can be
expected to lift off the true surface, before the signal is lost entirely. As with any gage,
comparison of the optical gage against other measurement tools provides valuable
information regarding confidence of the measurements. This is not always an easy
comparison, as the repeatability of many traditional gages may not be as good as the
optical gage.


Figure 7.Measurement on a sphere

Anytime one is trying to improve a process, one encounters the challenge of
demonstrating a capability against a tool with less capability. The very high speeds and
data densities available from optical gages offer some significant advances. Yet trying to
compare those advantages against a gage which stakes everything on a half dozen points
is a difficult road. However, the comparisons and qualification of the new process must
be done. Comparisons against inadequate measurement tools can prove very frustrating,
so at least one independent means of comparison is desirable. The use of reference
artifacts that can be verified by independent means, preferable with primary standard
reference (e.g., the laser distance interferometer is the international standard of length
measurement), is a valuable aid in these comparison.
Machine vision systems can be used in various fields for numerous purposes as stated
• Industrial inspection (Inspecting machine parts, Adaptive inspection systems)
• Vision for Autonomous Vehicles (Detecting obstructions, Exploring new
surroundings, AV surveillance)
• Transport (Traffic monitoring, Aerial navigation, Transport Safety)
• Surveillance(Intruder monitoring, Number plate identification, Tracking people)
• Vision and Remote Sensing (Land Management, Crop classification, Surveying
by satellite)
• Medical (Planning radiation therapy, Chromosome analysis, Merging medical



As with any technology of this nature, the performance changes with the
component technology. The primary advance that has made machine vision systems
feasible for shop floor gauging applications has been the speed up in computing power.
This has brought the processing times from 15 or 20 minutes on an expensive workstation
to seconds on a standard PC. The other technologies that are influencing performance
today include lower cost, digital cameras than provide better light range and pixel
resolution with lower noise, and better light sources such as higher power laser diodes
well as higher brightness and resolution LCD projectors. The consumer market largely
influences all of these technologies, which is currently a much bigger driver than any
manufacturing support system. However, as system prices decrease and performance
improves, there is a wide range of new markets these systems will likely address ranging
from dentistry to home 3D pictures.

1. ASME Journal of Machine Design
2. "Machine Vision Based Gaging of Manufactured Parts," K. Harding, Proc. SME
Gaging '95, Detroit, Nov. 1995.
3. “The Promise of Machine Vision,” K. Harding, Optics and Photonics News, p. 30 May
1996 Optical Society of America
4. "Light Source Design for Machine Vision", Eric J. Sieczka and Kevin G. Harding,
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1614, Optics, Illumination and Image Sensing for Machine Vision
VI, Boston, Nov. 1991.
5. L. Bieman, "Three-Dimensional Machine Vision," Photonics Spectra, May 1988, p.
6. E. L. Hall and C. A. McPherson, "Three Dimensional Perception for Robot Vision,"
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 442, p. 117 (1983).


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