Chapter 5

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i. Teach and enforce sport rules and ethical value.

ii. Banned parmently from bench.

iii.Strict rules.

iv. Coaches should be held accountability for the skill

v. Spectator ethics.

vi. Sportsmanship rules for player.

vii. Self-control for winning.

viii. Penalty for violent behaviour.


i. Violence undermines the values that potentially can be LEARNING OUTCOMES
learned through sport, and make travestly of the meaning CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE
ii. Sport can be defined as games and activities directed RECOMMENDATION
toward the play experience in which organization and rules
have a significant role. VIOLENCE : Physical force exerted for the purpose of
iii. Ther true meaning of sport requires a fair and just injuring another.
playing feild. DEFINITION SPORTS VIOLENCE : Sports violence refers to behavior
iv. The impact of violence on sport should be noted how which causes harm and occurs outside the rules of the
violent behaviour on the field or court have moved into sport.
Rules that guide play within a specific game.
v. May help get them esier treatment from the judicial CONSTITUTIVE RULES
Eg : Number of player, age, weight and etc.
Expessly forbid specific actions, resulting in pain, serious
vi. Athletes are engaging in violent behaviours less
injury, and even death.
frequently statically but only that the media chooses to
publicize. Eg : Irons or sharp studs for football

TYPES AND PURPOSES OF RULES Eg : Picthes throwing at batters.

i. Violance continues because some fans enjoy it, the
Refers to the inherent quality in playing a game in which
media glamorized it, and it helps athletes win.
one is honor-bound to follow the spirit and letter of the
ii. An unending debate surrounds whether the violence rules.
enhances ots growth in popularity. SPORTMANSHIP RULES
Eg : Soccer official can give a yellow card (warning) or a
iii. Winning is the cheif culprit through which violence red card (ejection) for actions that are
continues sportlead the athletes and practice whatever unsportmanshiplike.
actions, moral or immoral, seen necessary to win.
some violence in sport ocurs because athletes choose to
iv. Too often in the professional rank, sport experiences disregard the rules. They participate in and condone
linked with winning demand. Competing or stribing to ethically questionable conduct to gain an advantage.
perform to the best of one's ability defines sports.
When an athletes does something that may not break the
letter of the rules but certainly is marginally within the
i. In addition to violence being taught and condoned, it is spirit of the rules, the opposing player affected may
also rewarded. retaliate violenty, either through physical attack or
ii. The aggression athletesfrequently makes the highlight psychological intimidation.
films, get the endorsement deals, and negotiates a bigger CHAPTER 5 : VIOLENCE IN SPORT Often, people defend violent and ethically questionable
WHY AND HOW VIOLENCE IS REWARDED? on the premise that "everyone else does it". That is an
iii. Many individuals involve with compotetive sport do not athlete may belive a violent behavior is justified if
belive that violent behaviors in sport are wrong. opponents are engaged in violent behavior.

iv. Violent actions are taught, condoned, and rewarded Eg : volleyball player often tell officials that they did
because of the importance placed on winning. not touch balls that go out bounds, even when they did.
What place, if any, does honesty have in sport?

Many athletes state that they choose to initiate rule-

i. Coaches teach their athletes to act in violente
violating behavior, hoping that they will not be cought,
ways in order to gain a competetive edge over but that their opponents will retaliate and be penelized.
i.The culture imperative of winning, directly
ii. Violent behaviours often are learned from and
influences the extent of physical and psychological
modelled after those seen on the electronics media
violence in sport. That is winning increase in
and praised in videotape during sports reports. WHY VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IS TAUGHT?
importance because of financial payout, status, and
symbolic rewards, many player choose to use any
iii. Young athletes see the aggresive contact without means at their disposal, even violence to attain
any commentary. victory.

iv. Pressure excerted by coaches for athletes to perform ii.Sadly, a few parents have assaulted coaches,
in violent ways.
officials and even young athletes in their
overzealousness for winning.
i.Athletes gravitate to sport because they have aggresive
movement. iii.violence exhibited by athletes, coaches, parebts
ii. Sports nurtures violence throught its structure and and fans in school sports has escalated because of
discipline. too much pressure to win.
iii. Violence occurs in sport because the rules of sport. Eg : iv.Many professional claim that they are expected to
Boxing and mixed martial arts. demonstrate violent behaviors, not to care about their
opponents, or worry about the consequences of their
actions. if they refuse to join bench-clearing brawls on
i.True sportspersons play to the best of their
behalf of teammates or fail to punish, maybe illegally,
abilities within the letter and spirit of the rules. opponents who sack their quarterback, they may find
themselves not playing or cut from the team.
ii. Seeking to win is acceptable only if the ;etter and
spirit of the rules are followed. v. Some athletes see their opponents as objects rather
than people. By objectifying opponents, athletes seemingly
iii. An opponent is not the enemy but a worthy feel no remorse in injuring them intentionally. either take
athletes deserving to be treated exactly as everyone out the opposing player with hard hits, an athletes is
tought, or be perceived as weak.
would to be treated. CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVES
vi. A disregard for the rules often leads to an
iv. Retribution is never acceptable regaedless of the unfair
objectification of the opponent as an enemy- someone to
or violence of the initial action.
be overcome physically, mentally, and emotionally.
v. Games are not played to intimidation, the ideal purpose
vii. There is aclear connection between the emphasis of
is a mutual quest for excellence through equitable and fair
winning and belief in the legitimate of more aggressive and
less sportmanlike mbehaviore.
vi. Sportmanship requires modesty and humility in victory,
praise for winners, and self-respect in defeat.

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