Accident Analysis and Prevention: Mehdi Mohammadi, Gholamali Shafabakhsh, Ali Naderan T

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Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

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Effects of modal shares on crash frequencies at aggregate level T

a a,⁎ b
Mehdi Mohammadi , Gholamali Shafabakhsh , Ali Naderan
Department of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Introduction: Long-range transportation plans often involve proposals for improvements/ changes in different
Safety planning modes of travel. This means that modal share of trips generated at each traffic analysis zone (TAZ) by mode of
Crash generation travel needs to be predicted/ forecasted for safety evaluation purposes. The objective of this research study is to
Crash mode split develop a series of aggregate crash prediction models (ACPMs) that relate with the modal split step of the
Macro model
conventional four-step demand models.
Negative binomial
Method: The models are developed utilizing network and vehicular, socio-economical, trip production/attrac-
tion and trip frequencies by mode at TAZ-level as explanatory variables in a generalized linear regression with
the assumption of a negative binomial error structure. Crash frequencies are split into total crashes (TC) and
severe crashes (SC).
Results: The models prove promising in estimating crash frequencies upon changes in modal shares, which is
essential in safety assessment of alternate transportation demand management (TDM) scenarios. Trips made in
car, bus, and bus Service mode became significant in the estimated TC and trips made in car, taxi, school service,
bus service and moped mode became significant in the estimated SC ACPMs.
Conclusions: The ACPMs may be used from two different points of view. First and most appropriate use is to
consider these as tools to forecast future crash frequencies and develop long-term plans to counteract. In the
second point of view, ACPMs act as the primary planning tool to identify how any increase in a specific mode-
ridership will contribute to crash frequencies. This is of great interest in developing plans that involve increased
use of a specific mode.
Practical application: As modal shares are forecasted in certain years into the future by the modal split step of
demand modeling, crash frequencies could also be forecasted and safety implications of mobility improvement
scenarios (e.g. increased number of trips by bus, car, etc.) would be evaluated.

1. Introduction and background another (e.g. from private automobiles to public buses). These plans
should be evaluated to see if the modal shift is in the benefit of the trip
Transportation planners are often concerned with plans that directly makers from a safety point of view.
or indirectly affect modal use in urban trips (Meyer and Miller, 2001), Evaluating the safety performance of urban transportation network
while a major issue in evaluation/ prioritization step is to estimate at an aggregate (macro) level is approached by many researchers. Tasic
safety implications of proposed policies and plans (Washington et al., et al. (Tasic and Porter, 2016) explored the relationship between access
2006). This requires safety analysis and modeling abilities at macro- to multimodal transportation (spatial features, socio-economic char-
level that target the overall performance of network and enable the acteristics, land use mixture, street network patterns and multimodal
planner to forecast safety figures into the future. On the other hand, facilities) and safety outcomes in urban environments in census tract
future growth in modal use is a major concern in planning efforts, level. Amoh-Gyimah et al. (Amoh-Gyimah et al., 2016) used Annual
especially in developing countries. There is a general understanding Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data, population and housing data and
that changed policies and plans will contribute to changing multiple land-use data to developing macro-level pedestrian and bicycle crashes
long-term issues related to sustainability, efficiency and also safety of model in second level Statistical Area of Melbourne. Li et al. (Li et al.,
transportation in urban environments (Tasic and Porter, 2016). In other 2013) using Road network data, Traffic data, and Socio-demographic
words, planners wish to shift trips from a certain mode of travel to data versus California county-level crash data to developing spatial

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Mohammadi), [email protected] (G. Shafabakhsh), [email protected] (A. Naderan).
Received 7 May 2017; Received in revised form 20 August 2018; Accepted 21 August 2018
0001-4575/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

safety macro-model. Ukkusuri et al. (Ukkusuri et al., 2012) investigated

the role of built environment on pedestrian crash frequency at census
tract level. Chang et al. (Chang et al., 2011) analysed the relationship
between Density of Surgeons and deaths from motor vehicle crashes
(MVC) based on general practitioners, urbanicity of the county, and
socioeconomic status of the county for US Counties. Huang et al.
(Huang et al., 2010) tried to detecting county-level variations of crash
risk in Florida by explicitly controlling for exposure variables of daily
vehicle miles traveled and population using county level data. Quddus
(Quddus, 2008a,b) developed a series of relationships between area-
wide different traffic casualties and the contributing factors associated
with ward characteristics in census wards level from the Greater
London metropolitan area. Hadayeghi et al. (Hadayeghi et al., 2003)
and (Hadayeghi et al., 2007) developed macro-level crash prediction
models that estimate crash frequencies in traffic analysis zones (TAZs)
as a function of land use, traffic and network characteristics. Lovegrove
and Sayed (Lovegrove and Sayed, 2006) provided guidelines for prac-
tical application of aggregate crash prediction models (ACPMs). they Fig. 1. Four-step safety modeling (Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b).
have developed their models based on socio-demographic, network and
transportation demand management data. Lord and Persuad (Lord and Aty et al., 2013; Pulugurtha et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2013; Wang
Persaud, 2004) developed a tool that would allow the estimation of et al., 2012; Abdel-Aty et al., 2011; Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b;
crashes on digital or coded urban transportation networks during the Hadayeghi et al., 2007), ward (Quddus, 2008a,b), census block (Tasic
planning process. Chatterjee et al. (Chatterjee et al., 2003) developed and Porter, 2016; Ukkusuri et al., 2012; Levine et al., 1995) and even a
regression models using link-length and daily traffic to forecast future grid of 0.1 square miles (Kim et al., 2006). Compared to non-spatial
crash frequencies. Washington et al. (Washington et al., 2006) devel- models, it has been suggested that spatial models provide better esti-
oped a series of ACPMs in order to forecast future crash frequencies in mation results in smaller aggregation units, while they show rather
urban TAZs of Arizona. Their models included population by age co- identical results at higher aggregations (Aguero-Valverde et al., 2006;
hort; vehicle-kilometers traveled (VKT); network length by type and Quddus, 2008a,b).
other related variables. The ability of ACPMs to forecast future crash Crash generation models (CGMs) were developed based on results of
frequencies at macro level was also reported by Hadayeghi et al. trip generation models that related trip frequencies made from/ to a
(Hadayeghi et al., 2006). TAZ by different purposes to crash frequencies in each TAZ (Naderan
Different formulations were used based on the purpose of study and and Shahi, 2010a,b). The purpose of those models was to forecast future
nature of available data. When the data are over-dispersed the negative crash frequencies upon future changes in frequencies of different trip
binomial (NB) model structure with a log-link function being the most purposes (Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b). These models may be used to
favored (Gomes and Vieira, 2013; Ukkusuri et al., 2012; Hadayeghi develop four-step safety planning models similar to the process fol-
et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2006; Qadeer Memon, 2006; Maher and lowed in four-step demand modeling (Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b).
Summersgill, 1996). when the data are not over-dispersed the poisson Fig. 1 depicts the idea of inter-relating transportation and safety plan-
structure (Daniels et al., 2010; Lord et al., 2010, 2005) being the most ning. The concept behind this figure is that each trip generated in a TAZ
favored. by a certain mode of travel (produced in or attracted to a TAZ) will be
Also some other modeling technique such as zero-inflated poisson subject to a probable risk of crash.
and negative binomial (Malyshkina et al., 2010; Lord et al., 2007, 2005) The primary purpose of this paper is to estimate ACPMs that would
and gamma (Daniels et al., 2010; Lord et al., 2005) were used in lit- predict crash frequencies based on trip frequencies by modes of travel.
erature. This provides a set of policy-related variables: number of trips by mode
More complex models such as simultaneous estimation of NB and their impact on crash frequencies. As modal shares are forecasted in
models (de Guevara et al., 2004); Random effects model (Amoh- certain years into the future by the modal split step of demand mod-
Gyimah et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2013); multivariate Poisson model (Ma eling, crash frequencies could also be forecasted and safety implications
and Kockelman, 2006); multivariate NB model (Winkelman, 2003); of mobility improvement scenarios (e.g. increased number of trips by
multivariate Poisson-lognormal model (Park et al., 2010; El-Basyouny bus, car, etc.) would be evaluated.
and Sayed, 2009); full-Bayes hierarchical models with spatial effects
(Vandenbulcke et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2010; Aguero-Valverde et al.,
2006; Quddus, 2008a,b); geographically weighted Poisson regression 2. Data processing
models (Li et al., 2013; Hadayeghi et al., 2010); neural network
(Abdelwahab and Abdel-Aty, 2002); bayesian neural network (Xie This study is based on the transportation databases from city of
et al., 2007), and support vector machine (Li et al., 2008) were also Mashhad, Iran (MTTO, 2009). City of Mashhad is the second largest city
estimated in previous researches. of Iran with 2.67 million residents (in 2008) and an area of 195 square
Close estimation of model coefficients in spatial and non-spatial NB kilometers, and is divided into 253 TAZs. In Iran, transportation master
models was found by Quddus (Quddus, 2008a,b), and he suggested that plans done in cities with more than 100,000 population and should be
same variables become significant in both models. On the other hand, updated each 5 years. Mashhad transportation master plan studies
simpler models with ordinary least square (OLS) estimation that pro- updated by conducting a comprehensive household travel survey in
vide more understandable results were also used by some researchers, 2008 as last time, and zonal trip productions/ attractions per mode are
e.g. linear regression (Clark and Cushing, 2004), linear regression with available. Four-step demand models are also recalibrated to forecast
a spatial lag parameter (Levine et al., 1995), and log-linear models future trip frequencies.
(Washington et al., 2006; Wier et al., 2009). The data which use in macro level modeling must be accessible in
Variables used in previous studies were aggregated at different le- point type (with precise geographical latitude and longitude) for data
vels such as state (Noland, 2002), county (Li et al., 2013; Chang et al., aggregation purpose. On the other hand, these types of data are not
2011; Huang et al., 2010; Aguero-Valverde et al., 2006), TAZ (Abdel- commonly recorded continually in developing countries such as Iran.

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

The only urban crash dataset that recorded in Iran is Mashhad urban frequencies at TAZ-level, in order to forecast future crash frequencies.
crashes in 2008 which is used in this research. Also, explanatory data Because focus here is prediction, and not explanation, models have
must be matched with the crash data. Hence, the accessibility to the fewer restrictions: inference, or effects of isolated variables (estimated
2008 trip mode split data is another reason for using the recorded crash coefficients) not too important, multi co-linearity tolerated, goodness of
data in 2008. Also, it should be noted that the results of the models, fit and predictive-ability most important (Washington et al., 2006,
made in this study, have been confirmed with existing data. 2003).
So Crash data of the same year were also geocoded into the GIS The negative binomial (NB) formulation with a log-link function is
environment. GIS tools were used to assign crashes represented by used for estimation of ACPMs in this study. In the NB model, the dif-
points to the 253 TAZs represented by polygons. Since crashes occur on ference between variance and mean is presented by V[u] = u+ αu2,
network links and nodes, it is believed that the accuracy and precision where, V[u] is the estimated variance of the crash frequency; u is the
of geocoded crash data may result seemingly random errors when GIS estimated mean crash frequency and α is the NB over-dispersion para-
tools assign points to polygons. Previous researches suggest this error is meter. The Poisson regression model is regarded as a limiting model of
not significant (Hadayeghi et al., 2003; de Guevara et al., 2004). the NB regression model as α approaches zero, which means that the
Previous researches also clearly indicate that factors affecting cra- selection between these two models is dependent on the value of α. The
shes vary by crash severity (Quddus, 2008a,b; de Guevara et al., 2004), NB distribution has the general form of Eq. (1).
thus, crash frequencies are stratified into total and severe (=injury + 1/ α yi
fatal) crashes. Trip frequencies by different modes of travel are pro- Γ ((1/ α ) + yi ) ⎡ 1/ α ⎤ ⎡ λi ⎤
P (yi ) =
posed as explanatory variables in the model. Origin-destination (OD) ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
Γ (1/ α ) yi ! ⎣ (1/ α ) + λi ⎦ ⎣ (1/ α ) + λi ⎦ (1)
trip matrices by mode derived from 2008 household travel survey were
where Γ(.) is a gamma function. The NB model was developed math-
used for calculating trip frequencies by mode per TAZ. First, trip by a
ematically by assuming that unobserved crash heterogeneity (variation)
certain mode of travel were filtered. Second, OD matrix was produced
across TAZs is gamma distributed, while crashes within sites are
using the pivot-point command of MS Excel. Third, this OD matrix was
Poisson distributed (Washington et al., 2006). The model form in Eq.
then added to its transpose and summed over rows to result trip at-
(2) is used where y= predicted crash frequency; Xi= explanatory
tractions per TAZ. Again, it was summed over columns to result trip
variables and bi= model parameters.
productions per TAZ. Fourth, productions were added to attractions to
obtain trip generations by mode per TAZ.
Descriptive analysis of data is presented in Table 1. It can be seen
y = exp ∑ bi Xi
i=1 (2)
that crash frequencies are very high in Mashhad for a single year
(2008). The minimum of average trip frequencies per TAZ is by bus The regression coefficients as well as the over-dispersion parameter
services (Bus Service mode) around 145 trips, and the maximum is were estimated by the maximum likelihood method of the statistical
8998 trips on foot (Walk mode), then 6196 trips by private automobiles software SPSS (IBM Corp., 2014), following a forward procedure. In this
(Car mode). procedure, a simple model with only an intercept term is used as a
Fig. 2 depicts market share of different modes of travel. The major starting point and the explanatory variables are added to the model one
modes of travel include walk (36%), car (24%), bus (15%) and taxis by one. Keeping these variables in the model was based on whether
(10%). It should be mentioned that taxis in Mashhad do not act as a they would improve goodness of fit results. Three statistical measures,
door-to-door mode of travel. In fact, taxi is regarded as a para-transit (i) t-statistic significant at 5% level, (ii) ratio of deviance over degrees
mode that picks up/ drops off passengers en-route while there are other of freedom between 0.8–1.2, and (iii) the over-dispersion parameter (α)
passengers on board, and may have predefined route (same as a bus- were used to assess the goodness-of-fit for each model (Washington
line). Minibuses operate in the same manner as taxis. Mopeds include et al., 2003) (Cameron et al., 1998).
both bicycles and motor-cycles. The significance level for this study was typically chosen set to 5%
Spatial distributions of trip frequencies by mode are shown in Fig. 3 (Craparo, 2007) and each explanatory variable should significant at this
and those of crash frequencies per TAZ are shown in Fig. 4. Class limits level. For a statistical model, Deviance is a goodness-of-fit statistic; in
were determined based on the natural breaks determined by the GIS ordinary least squares sum of squares of residuals used to cases where
software. model-fitting is achieved by maximum likelihood. Deviance have a si-
milar role in exponential dispersion models and generalized linear
3. Modeling approach models. Beside this dividing it by its degrees of freedom defined as an
Indicator parameter of under/over-dispersing of data of a model. If
VKT had been the most favored variable in crash studies because it Deviance/df is equal to 1, the data of model is not under-dispersed nor
directly relates link volumes to crash frequency (Hadayeghi et al., over-dispersed. The acceptable range of data under/over-dispersing is
2007). However, VKT for the urban area inherits some uncertainties 0.8 to 1.2. α is the NB over-dispersion parameter. If αis closer to 1, that
regarding omission of streets in lower ranks (i.e. local/ distributor the Poisson model should be used and if is greater than 1, NB is more
links) and precision of estimations for link volumes. Some previous appropriate.”
researches suggested use of TAZ population instead of VKT (Wier et al.,
2009; Washington et al., 2006; de Guevara et al., 2004). TAZ popula- 4. Modeling results
tion is easier to forecast and more accurate. Nevertheless, it has the
disadvantage of neglecting the effect of attracted traffic. In order to The regression results for ACPMs per year are presented in Tables
compensate for this, we suggest using trip frequencies by mode gen- 2–5. As shown, the relationship between crashes and selected variables
erated in each TAZ. Trips generated in a TAZ include all the trips that is highly significant at the 5% significance level. The dispersion para-
start (originate) from that TAZ and end (are destined to) there. meters are significantly different from zero, indicating justification of
Therefore, the proposed approach of using trip frequencies generated in NB over the Poisson formulation. Although the primary purpose of
a TAZ dismisses the effect of through traffic, but more precisely account developing ACPMs was forecasting crash frequencies by mode in the
for the inbound and outbound traffic in TAZ. future, the models were also tested for co-linearity and correlation
Most of previous attempts on aggregate crash modeling were con- between independent variables so that an explanatory use of models
cerned with explaining the cause-effect relation in crash occurrences, should give valid results. Mean deviance (value of deviance over de-
whilst the primary purpose of this research is to investigate how trip grees of freedom) for the models is between 1.0 and 1.2, indicating an
frequencies by different modes in urban areas contribute to crash acceptable goodness of fit.

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

Table 1
Descriptive Analysis of Variables of TAZs for ACPMs.
Category Variable Definition` Mean* Std. D. Min Max

General TAZ Traffic analysis zone - - 1 253

area m2 TAZ area in km2 1.13 0.12 1.66 19.04
Crashes Total Total No. of Crashes 153.68 135.15 0 1163
By Type Severe No. of Fatal+ Injury Crashes 26.68 24.05 0 250
Network and Vehicular sint No. of signalized intersections 7 5.05 0 27
usint No. of un-signalized intersections 0.45 4.4 0 66
stm Length of total main street in km 500.83 595.87 0 3319.75
stm Total street traversal median 0.4 0.395 0 3.65
sntm Total street non-traversal median 0.42 0.77 0 9.06
tnd Traffic network density** 0.02 0.01 0 0.06
tv Traffic volume (VKT) 78460 50447.1 1 1996288
Socio-Economical per TAZ pop Population per TAZ 10401.63 7796.85 1 42564
dis Distance to Central Business District in meter 6152.2 16130 0 3876
stu No. of students 2728.22 2428.34 0 16009
hbd No. of hospital bed 266.3 272 0 1072
pga Public garden area in hectare 4.33 18.89 0 208
ems No. of employees 2774.58 2264.82 0 13124
emt No. of Employment 2774.59 1367.95 463 7526
shp No. of shops 528 682.64 0 3599
amo Average Motorcycle Ownership 0.019 0.062 0 0.313
aco Average Car Ownership 0.048 0.042 0 0.215
Trip Production/ Attraction per TAZ pw No. of work trip productions 1870.64 1640.82 0 22374
pedu No. of educational trip productions 833.72 1013.7 0 9941
psh No. of shopping trip productions 432.8 387.138 0 2973
pre No. of recreational trip productions 527.77 411.1 0 2805
pper No. of personal trip productions 367.56 360.48 0 3246
pnhb No. of non-home-base trip productions 529.7 641.95 0 5856
aw No. of work trip attractions 1797.26 1551.9 0 8813
aedu No. of educational trip attractions 869.87 927.83 0 8884
ash No. of shopping trip attractions 655.74 2188.9 0 23609
are No. of recreational trip attractions 631.02 948.4 0 7211
aper No. of personal trip attractions 272.5 412.1 0 2763
anhb No. of non-home-base trip attractions 557.45 785.12 0 7633
ptotal Total no. of trip productions 4729.8 3006 108 22834
atotal Total no. of trip attractions 4783.72 5170.68 30 45430
Trips mc No. of trips made by car 6196.68 4544.88 139 32437
Generated mt No. of trips made by taxi*** 2601.27 2376.92 0 17757
by Mode mschs No. of trips made by School Services 832.91 792.71 0 4919
mpick No. of trips made by pickup 245.98 347.87 0 2623
mmb No. of trips made by minibus*** 198.81 339.52 0 3225
mb No. of trips made by bus**** 3876.33 5593.54 0 77798
mbs No. of trips made by bus services***** 145.29 230.13 0 1513
mmo No. of trips made by motorbike 1729.33 1644.97 0 10807
mbk No. of trips made by bike 490.98 613.05 0 5263
mw No. of trips made by walking 8998.20 8592.14 0 58318

Number of observations = 253 TAZs, **Traffic network density = (street length*street width)/TAZ Area, ***para-transit, ****transit, *****shuttle.

understudy area. In SC estimation number of un-signalized intersections

and VKT already have positive sign and traffic density have negative
sign; it means that the number of un-signalized intersections and VKT
have positive and traffic density has negative effect on severe crash
frequency in understudy area.
Estimation of NB with Socio-Economical Variables are shown in
Table 3. From all of socio-economical variables population per TAZ,
number of students, average car ownership and average motorcycle
ownership are significant in relation with TC. Also average motorcycle
ownership, distance to central business district and number of hospital
bed are significant in relation with SC. In TC estimation all of four
significant variables already have positive sign; it means that the
variables have positive effect on total crash frequency in understudy
Fig. 2. Modal share of trips (MTTO, 2009).
area. In SC estimation average motorcycle ownership already have
positive sign and distance to central business district and number of
hospital bed has negative sign; it means that average motorcycle
Estimation of NB with Network and Vehicular Variables are shown
ownership have positive and distance to central business district and
in Table 2. From all of network and vehicular variables number of in-
number of hospital bed has negative effect on severe crash frequency in
tersections, number of un-signalized intersections and VKT are sig-
understudy area.
nificant in relation with TC. Also number of un-signalized intersections,
Estimation of NB with trip production/attraction variables are
VKT and traffic density are significant in relation with SC. In TC esti-
shown in Table 4. From all of trip production/attraction variables,
mation all of three significant variables already have positive sign; it
number of shopping trip production, number of non-home-base trip
means that the variables have positive effect on total crash frequency in

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of trip frequencies by mode.

production, number of recreational trip production, number of shop- trip production and number of shopping trip attraction has negative
ping trip attraction and number of non-home-base trip attraction are effect on total crash frequency in understudy area. In SC estimation
significant in relation with TC. Also number of shopping trip produc- number of recreational trip production and number of non-home-base
tion, number of non-home-base trip production, number of recreational trip attraction already have positive sign and number of shopping trip
trip production, number of shopping trip attraction, number of non- production, number of non-home-base trip production, number of
home-base trip attraction and number of recreational trip attraction are shopping trip attraction and number of recreational trip attraction have
significant in relation with SC. In TC estimation number of shopping negative sign; it means that number of recreational trip production and
trip production and number of non-home-base trip attraction already number of non-home-base trip attraction have positive and number of
have positive sign and number of non-home-base trip production, shopping trip production, number of non-home-base trip production,
number of recreational trip production and number of shopping trip number of shopping trip attraction and number of recreational trip
attraction have negative sign; it means that number of shopping trip attraction have negative effect on severe crash frequency in understudy
production and number of non-home-base trip attraction have positive area.
and number of non-home-base trip production, number of recreational Estimation of NB with modal share variables are shown in Table 5.

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of crash frequencies per TAZ.

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

Table 2
Estimation of NB – ACPMs with Network and Vehicular Variables.
Total Crashes (TC) Severe Crashes (SC)

Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig. Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig.

constant 2.89 0.1312 0.000 constant 1.491 0.1119 0.000

int 0.091840 0.2690 0.001 usint 0.180032 0.2983 0.008
usint 0.129011 0.2610 0.003 vkt 0.114310 0.3317 0.013
vkt 0.093170 0.2501 0.032 td −0.001208 0.0790 0.048

Goodness of fit Goodness of fit

No. of observations 253 No. of observations 253

Degree of freedom (df) 246 Degree of freedom (df) 244
Deviance/df 1.14 Deviance/df 1.16
α 0.436 α 0.367
Log-likelihood (LL) −1423.35 Log-likelihood (LL) −1211.01
ρ2 0.1099 ρ2 0.0975

From all of modal share variables number of trips made by car, number The final models are shown in Eq. (3) and Eq. (4), where the TAZ
of trips made by bus and number of trips made by bus services are index is omitted from all variables for the sake of brevity.
significant in relation with TC. Also number of trips made by car,
TC = Exp(4.302 + .000111car-.000321bus+.001busserv) (3)
number of trips made by taxi, number of trips made by school services,
number of trips made by bus services and number of trips made by SC = Exp(2.567 + .000060car-.000066taxi+.000149 schoolserv
motorbike are significant in relation with SC. In TC estimation number +.000462busserv+.00013moped) (4)
of trips made by car and number of trips made by bus services already
have positive sign; it means that these variables have positive and There were 38,882 crashes in the urban network, while the esti-
number of trips made by bus have negative effect on total crash fre- mated model predicts 39,679 crashes. That is, crash frequencies are
quency in understudy area. In SC estimation number of trips made by over-estimated by +797 or +2.04%, which is a close estimate at ag-
car, number of trips made by school services, number of trips made by gregate level. SC model predicts 6746 crashes that is only +5 crashes or
bus services and number of trips made by motorbike have positive and −0.07% less than actual value of 6751 SC observed in database.
number of trips made by taxi has negative sign; it means that number of
trips made by car, number of trips made by school services, number of
5. Discussion
trips made by bus services and number of trips made by motorbike has
positive and number of trips made by taxi has negative effect on severe
As it can be seen from Tables 2–5, four types of ACPM’s with four
crash frequency in understudy area.
independent variables were estimated. All of these four independent
As it can be seen in Tables 2–5 all types of constructed models have
variables have acceptable results in transportation safety planning
acceptable goodness of fit and have capability for practical usage in
studies. Network and vehicular variables and socio-economical vari-
safety studies. From four type constructed model in this paper, first and
ables were used mostly in previous studies as presented in introduction
second models were familiar in safety studies and have wide use in
and background section. Estimated ACPM’s with network and vehicular
different researches. Third one was firstly introduced in 2010 by
variables is applicable when planners want to change or define new
(Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b) and led to crash generation concept. The
land use policies. Estimated ACPM’s with socio-economical variables is
simplest definition of this concept is “any trip can lead to one crash”.
applicable when planners want to change or define new policies for
But the last type of models is the main objective of this paper. Using of
transportation facilities supply. Trip production/attraction firstly used
modal share data as variables of model can lead to models which has
by (Naderan and Shahi, 2010a,b) as independent variables of ACPMs.
capability to provide the basic tool for evaluation of travel demand
Estimated ACPM’s with trip production/attraction variables is applic-
management (TDM) scenarios regarding modal shares in urban trans-
able when planners want to change or define new TDM policies. In this
portation planning.
paper another type of variables including modal share data presented as

Table 3
Estimation of NB – ACPMs with Socio-Economical Variables.
Total Crashes (TC) Severe Crashes (SC)

Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig. Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig.

constant 2.964 0.6610 0.000 constant 2.213 0.1619 0.000

pop 0.00141 0.00198 0.000 amo 0.00045 0.00037 0.021
stu 0.00007 0.00026 0.015 dis −0.00001 0.000009 0.027
aco 0.00045 0.00077 0.031 hbd −0.00003 0.000024 0.050
amo 0.00014 0.00029 0.044 – – – –

Goodness of fit Goodness of fit

No. of observations 253 No. of observations 253

Degree of freedom (df) 247 Degree of freedom (df) 243
Deviance/df 1.11 Deviance/df 1.16
α 0.61 α 0.48
Log-likelihood (LL) −976.91 Log-likelihood (LL) −614.16
ρ2 0.14 ρ2 0.1211

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

Table 4
Estimation of NB – ACPMs with Trip Production/Attraction variables.
Total Crashes (TC) Severe Crashes (SC)

Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig. Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig.

constant 4.413 0.0941 0.000 constant 2.314 0.0991 0.000

psh 0.003516 0.001432 0.0039 psh −0.001906 0.000912 0.048
pnhb −0.000781 0.000218 0.0071 pnhb −0.001231 0.000247 0.001
pre −0.001908 0.000750 0.014 pre 0.001338 0.000479 0.009
ash −0.000383 0.000155 0.0038 ash −0.000347 0.000191 0.004
anhb 0.001436 0.000531 0.0043 anhb 0.002538 0.000591 0.000
– – – – are −0.000059 0.000029 0.024

Goodness of fit Goodness of fit

No. of observations 253 No. of observations 253

Degree of freedom (df) 244 Degree of freedom (df) 242
Deviance/df 1.101 Deviance/df 1.129
α 0.59 α 0.47
Log-likelihood (LL) −971.84 Log-likelihood (LL) −698.38
ρ2 0.0737 ρ2 0.0653

a new set of independent variables for ACPMs. As shown in Table 5 the • Bus Trips: Trips made by buses are significant only in TC model and
estimated models by modal share data for both of TC and SC, presented show a negative sign. This means TAZs with more proportions of bus
acceptable results. Estimated ACPM’s with modal share variables will trips are associated with less crash frequencies. Table 1 shows that
be applicable in two different way; (i) when planners want to forecast average trip frequencies by bus per TAZ is around 3876 trips.
future crash frequencies and develop long-term plans to counteract the Therefore, if bus trips generated in a TAZ are forecasted to increase
increase in crash frequencies. (ii) ACPMs act as the primary planning by 20% or 775 trips in the future, given all other trip modes are held
tool to identify how any increase in a specific mode-ridership will constant, TC frequencies in that TAZ decrease approximately
contribute to crash frequencies. This is of great interest in developing 28.24% (1-exp[.000321*775]). This decrease adds up to the many
plans that involve increased use of a specific mode. benefits of public transit modes of travel.
The interpretation of significant explanatory variables in the last • Bus Services Trips: Trips made by exclusive bus services are sig-
models are given in the following. In general, four most important modes nificant in both estimated ACPMs and show a positive sign. This
of travel including car, taxi, bus and moped, show significant influence on mode acts as a door-to-door service mostly for major trip attractors
crash frequencies at TAZ-level and are present in the models. such as factories, government offices, so on. As seen in Table 1,
average trip frequencies by bus services per TAZ are around 145
• Car Trips: Trips made by car are highly significant in both estimated trips. Therefore, if trips generated in a TAZ by this mode are fore-
ACPMs and show a positive sign. This means TAZs with more pro- casted to increase by 20% or 30 trips in the future, given all other
portions of car trips are associated with more crash frequencies. trip modes are held constant, TC in that TAZ increase approximately
More car trips mean more vehicles occupying the streets, which in 3.04% (=1-exp[.001*30]) and SC 1.4% (=1-exp[.000462*30]).
turn translates into increased exposure to crashes. From Table 1 it is • Taxi Trips: Trips made by taxies are significant only in SC model
concluded that average trip frequencies by automobiles per TAZ is and show a negative sign. This means TAZs with more proportions
around 6196 trips. As a working example, if car trips generated in a of taxi trips are associated with less crash frequencies. Table 1 shows
TAZ are forecasted to increase by 20% or 1240 trips in the future, that average trip frequencies by taxi per TAZ is around 2601 trips.
given all other trip modes are held constant; crash frequencies in Therefore, if taxi trips generated in a TAZ are forecasted to increase
that TAZ may be calculated using related ACPM. This results ap- by 20% or ca trips in the future, given all other trip modes are held
proximately 14.75% increase in TC (1-exp[.000111*1240]) and constant, TC frequencies in that TAZ decrease approximately 5.24%
7.72% increase in SC of that TAZ (1-exp[.000060*1240]). (1-exp[.000066*775]).

Table 5
Estimation of NB – ACPMs with Modal Share Variables.
Total Crashes (TC) Severe Crashes (SC)

Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig. Var. Coeff. Std. Err Sig.

constant 4.302 0.0819 0.000 constant 2.567 0.0823 0.000

mc 0.000111 0.000013 0.000 mc 0.000060 0.000018 0.001
mb −0.000321 0.000012 0.008 mt −0.000066 0.000032 0.038
mbs 0.001 0.0002 0.026 mschs 0.000149 0.000069 0.032
– – – – mbs 0.000462 0.0002 0.019
– – – – mmo 0.000130 0.000028 0.000

Goodness of fit Goodness of fit

No. of observations 253 No. of observations 253

Degree of freedom (df) 244 Degree of freedom (df) 242
Deviance/df 1.12 Deviance/df 1.15
α 0.50 α 0.40
Log-likelihood (LL) −1452.35 Log-likelihood (LL) −1007.55
ρ2 0.0916 ρ2 0.0725

M. Mohammadi et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 120 (2018) 295–303

• School Services Trips: Trips made by students by school services are (unaccounted for) variable that was omitted from the model.
significant only in SC model and show a positive sign. A conclusion
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more than other TAZs. In Table 1, average trip frequencies by school
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in the future, given all other trip modes are held constant, SC in that research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
TAZ increase approximately 2.52% (=1-exp[.000149*167]). public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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