CEA FonE TeacherPD PDF

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What is Effective

Teacher Professional

Professional development (PD or ProD) can be defined as teachers’ ongoing learning to improve the way they teach,
and it occurs in both formal and informal ways. PD days are the most familiar formal structure of professional
development and usually feature a combination of presentations, hands-on workshops, and collaborative
teamwork that are often organized in advance by school and school district leadership. Teachers also routinely set
their own, informal, ongoing PD agendas, such as taking additional courses, pursuing graduate study, personal
study of their subject matter or teaching approaches, sharing resources and ideas with colleagues, and building
learning networks through social media.

According to research, effective teacher professional development:

• Recognizes that teachers are professionals who should be given an opportunity to select what they would like
to learn from a variety of research-based ideas about improving students’ learning.
• Provides long-term, ongoing opportunities for teachers to reflect upon both their chosen and mandatory
PD experiences.
• Provides opportunities for teachers to coach one another and work together to analyze new teaching
techniques, which often connects new teachers with experienced colleagues.
• Provides opportunities for teachers to study and gather data on the effects of changes in their teaching
approach, particularly in response to new ideas or initiatives in education.

One of the clearest findings from modern research is that “one-time” workshops have little long-term impact on
how someone teaches. Research also confirms that all forms of PD require a sustained commitment of time and
resources; that teachers need to have the chance to put what they learned into practice and to reflect on how new
ideas and teaching approaches work within their classrooms; and that students are more successful when teachers
have meaningful, ongoing, PD opportunities.

For online resources as well as the research references that inform this issue, please visit:


The Facts on Education Series is produced with a generous sponsorship from the Canadian School Boards Association.
Copyright information: You are free to reproduce and distribute this material in any form provided that you reproduce the entire commentary and credit it to the CEA and SFU.

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