How Relevant Is Republic Act 1425
How Relevant Is Republic Act 1425
How Relevant Is Republic Act 1425
How relevant is Republic Act 1425? & How favorable is Republic Act 1425 in the
21st century?
Whereas, RA 1425, also commonly known as Rizal Law, was a law signed by
Pres. Ramon Magsaysay on June 12, 1956 that requires all schools in the country to
include Rizal’s life, works and writings in the curriculum. The rationale behind the law
was that there is a need to rekindle and deepen the sense of nationalism and freedom
of the people, especially of the youth. The law sought to cultivate character, discipline,
and conscience and to teach the obligations of citizenship. Libraries are required to
Filibusterismo. Language barrier and poverty-related restrictions were taken out of the
equation with provisions such as translation of Rizal’s writings into English, Filipino and
other major Philippine languages and the free of charge distribution through Purok
The main proponent of the law was Sen. Claro M. Recto, (2) who was met by
protestations from the Catholic Church. Sen. Jose P. Laurel Sr., then Chairman of the
Learning about the life of Jose Rizal is essential to anyone who has ever
experienced colonialism and how the imperialist country that dominates the colony
exerts rules and regulations that are not always fair. In Rizal's case, his country (the
Philippines) was once a colony of Spain. As it often happens, Spain was making
demands and setting rules that hurt the Pilipino community. Rizal was one of the first
opponents of such regulations and he was both outspoken and actively participating in
Jasenrae E Sayson/ BS Philosophy CASS109 B2-1
stood out from other protesters in that he was poised, extremely well-educated (he was
a medical doctor), intelligent, charismatic, and loved by the people. Those are the main
characteristics of a true leader, and Rizal possessed them all. This means that he could
also make a great study on leadership styles. He was a warrior without the need for
war, and his fight against the injustices committed against his country were both truthful
and worthy. Another factor on martyrdom is sacrifice. Rizal ultimately paid with his own
life the unfair tactics of factions who accused him falsely of belonging to sectarian
movements. Another awesome study in leadership, Rizal represents every man and
woman who has ever lost their own lives to the consequences of the very cause that
they tried to go against. Ultimately, it took a long time to get to where the Philippines
finally got their independence from Spain. Therefore, Rizal's influence over the
independence movement was both symbolic and necessary for this significant and
According to Nel Galarosa, it is important to study Rizal’s life and his writings
including other heroes because the contribution they give to the country is priceless.
The love they give for the country. Especially Dr. Rizal, who is the mightiest (5). He was
known by both Filipinos and foreigners and even considered one of the great intellectual
leaders in Asia (6). The principle of pen is mightier than the sword. The wounds made
by verbal weapons are won’t be healed easily and creates more damage to the
personality of the tyrant Spaniards that is why he is haunted by them. If all of the youth
also inherit this kind of concern and patriotism for the country, for sure we will have a
nonstop cycle of dignified youths that soon will be leaders (5). Why Study Rizal Law? –
Jasenrae E Sayson/ BS Philosophy CASS109 B2-1
Because it is mandated by law & because of the lessons contained within the course.
The Rizal law, enacted in 1956, seeks to rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of
freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and died, to pay tribute to our
national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino character and to gain
an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings.
There are other reasons for teaching Rizal course and that is to recognize the
situations in the society, to encourage the application of such ideals in current social
understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for and to foster the development of the
The Rizal Law states that all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities in the country must include in their curricula, courses or subject about the
life, works and, writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, particularly the novels, Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo. In this law, the honor of the Filipinos’ nationalism, particularly our
national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, is met with special fondness and devotion by the younger
generations during their formal education. The works of Dr. Jose Rizal, especially the
patriotism in which the Filipino youths should also recognize and put into practice. Since
also in school, the minds of these youths are carefully molded with proper knowledge
and discipline. Therefore, in school, the enacted curricula, course or subject is also a
According to Jensen DG. Manebong, The academic subject on the life, works,
and writings of Jose Rizal was not mandated by law for nothing. Far from being
impractical, the course interestingly offers many benefits that some contemporary
academicians declare that the subject, especially when taught properly, is more
beneficial than many subjects in various curricula.There are some significance in this
academic subject like it provides insights on how to deal with current problems, It helps
provides various essential life lessons, It helps in developing logical and critical thinking ,
Rizal can serve as a worthwhile model and inspiration to every Filipino, and The subject
The writings, works and life of Rizal can still be applied to our lives today.
Although you say that we have evolved and that we have grown, the fact of the matter
is, is that no matter what time period and what situation you are in, the lessons and
morals that we can learn from Rizal is universal. There will always be a Padre Damaso
or Padre Salvi in our lives even if they aren’t Fryars. There will always be an Elias, who
would always fight for the good of the country. These people are just symbols of what is
happening every day in our lives and that these symbolisms are timeless. Through this
republic act the essence of freedom and independence was emphasized to the youth.
Also, it has been implied through this act that national identity is a very important legacy
that our heroes have achieved through sacrificing their own lives. They have passed it
(2) Abinales, P.N., Amoroso, D.J. (2005). State and society in the Philippines.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 187.
(4) "What Relevance Does Rizal Have In College Education" eNotes Editorial, 5 Jan.
rizal-305504. Accessed 26 Jan. 2020.
(5)” What is the importance of studying Rizal’s life, his writings and other heroes? By
Nel Galarosa, &anbubblack0ps” uploaded by Hannmae Concepcion, from,
(7) “Rizal Law - Republic Act No. 1425” Reaction on RA. 1425 Rizal Law, uploaded
by Jennybebe Peta, November 15, 2013, from
(8) “The Importance of the Jose Rizal Subject” by Jensen DG. Manebong, submitted
on June 25, 2014, from
(9) “Thought paper about Rizal Law” uploaded by Kent Nollan Yorong Abella, July
16,2017, from