Ventilator Write Up
Ventilator Write Up
Ventilator Write Up
COVID – 19 viruses may cause lung complications like pneumonia and in the most severe
cases it causes ARDS. The pneumonia that is caused by COVID – 19 fills the Air Sacs in the
lungs with fluid, limiting their Oxygen intake ability. In this scenario most patients are provided
invasive type pressure ventilation. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is the most
with non-invasive
basic level of support that may be provided.
Non-Invasive CPAP type Ventilator
Non-Invasive CPAP type Ventilator
In March 2020 the USFDA suggested that CPAP devices may be used to
support patients affected by Covid-19;[3] however, they recommended
additional filtration as non-invasive ventilation may increase the risk of infectious
Operating Principle
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the delivery of Oxygen in atmospheric air
plus pure Oxygen at 37˚C 98% RH mixed together for ventilation support via a
face mask and therefore eliminating the need of an endotracheal airway. NIV
works by creating a positive airway pressure - the pressure outside the lungs
being greater than the pressure inside of the lungs. CPAP is the most basic level
of support and provides constant fixed positive pressure throughout inspiration
and expiration, causing the airways to remain open and reduce the work of
breathing. It also helps to keep the chest and lungs expanded by increasing the
functional residual capacity (the amount of air remaining in the lungs after
expiration) by maintaining PEEP (Pressure 0˜2.0KPa) after a normal (tidal)
Technical Parameters
Ventilation Wave
Tidal Volume :650ml
Breath Frequency :12 BPM
I : E Ratio : 1:2
Breathless Time : 0.5 Sec
Inspiration Plateau : 6 m bar
PEEP : 7 m bar
Trigger Sensitivity : Pressure Triggering
Oxygen Concentration : 21%
PSV Pressure : 5 m bar
Monitor Wave and parameters : Monitor Wave p-t, V-t
Tidal volume, Breath Frequency, I:E ratio, PEEP, P peak, MV, Oxygen
Non-Invasive CPAP type Ventilator
The ToT Partner is expected to prepare detailed
documents for production in consultation with MSME
production documentation is entirely the responsibility
of TOT partner.
Non-Invasive CPAP type Ventilator
Non-Invasive CPAP type Ventilator