Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 1477-2 (1971): Code of practice for painting of ferrous

metals in buildings, Part 2: Painting [CED 13: Building
Construction Practices including Painting, Varnishing and
Allied Finishing]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS: 1477( i3u-tIf) - 1971
( Reaffirmed 2000 )

( FirstRevision)

’ Fourth Reprint APRIL 1991

UDC 698.12:667.636.221


@ Copyright 1971


NEW DELHI l3@002

Gr7 November 1971 i. t

: ,:

Indian Standard

( First Revision
Painting, Varnishing and Allied Finishes Sectional Committee, BDC 34

cwfman R+.mting
SRBI B. SEXUAZI Cole Paintr & Contracta Pvt Ltd, Bombay

SEBI S. K. hAlVr, Engineer-in-Chief ‘a Branch, Army Hezdquzrren
( Altnnatc
SEBI N. S. BKA~A~A Bl)undell Eomitc Paints Ltd, Bombay
SBRI C. J. BEUMICAR The Indian Paints Association, Calcutta
SHBI T. K. S. MUI ( A1Umok)
SHRI S. K. Bose National Test House, Calcutta
SHIU K. c. SEAL ( &U?l& )
SHRI P. K. CIUILB~VA~TI Diif~-~-~~ Gene4 of Supplka & Dispoa&, New

SEEI G. S. SAVXAX ( Al&m& )

SHUI K. R. CEAXDBMIFIXKHAB tinti Water & Power t%mmiasion, New Delhi
Soar V. J. PATIL ( Alma& )
CEEMWC AND f=zrmorz~ Ministry of Railways
Sk B. CHOWDIAE Mmi+rj of Shipping & Tranaport
Sam A. K. DAS GVPTA Publ&zk# Department, Government of W-t

DIBEOTO~ Indian lk R-h Institute ( CSLR ), Rznchi

DR V. M. Doxx~z Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
Sxar HAZAXX LAL MABWAH ~UtraI%uildera’ Asso$ation, New Delhi
SHBX K. P. Mux~rn~~rnrr Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ),
SH~I S. V. NATEAH Goodias Nerolac Paints Pvt Ltd, Bombay
Da A. V. R. RAO National Buildinga Organization, New Delhi
SH~I 0. P. RATBA ( AlCnnotr )


pi;1477 (Part II)-197l

( Continurd fram page 1)

Iu6mbars R@mntiag
$ERI B. S. RAWAT Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehra Dun
SHEI P. B. SHAH Asian Paints Co ( India) Pvt Ltd, Bombay
Da S. M. SINQH Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR)
Da R. K. Sun Nagrath Paintr Pvt Ltd, Kanpur
SUPERINTENDING SUBV;~;;~;; Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
NEW DELHI ( Ahnab)
SHRX Y. S. SWAMY Impe&~~2mical Imduatriea ( India) Pvt Ltd,

SHRI D. AJITHA SIMFIA, Director General, ISI ( Ex-o@io Mmobn )

Director ( Civ Engg )


Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), ISI

-- -__

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

Indian Standard

l ( First Revision)

0.1 This Indian Standard (Part II) ( First Revision) was adopted by the
Indian Standards Institution on 25 March 1971, after the draft finalized by
the Painting, Varnishing and Allied Finishes Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Civil Engineering .Division Council.
0.2 This standard is the second part of IS : 1477 ’ Code of practice
for painting of ferrous metals in buildings ‘, and deals with the
details of the painting operation and the paint schedules. The first part
deals with the pretreatment of the ferrous surfaces before it is actually
painted. These two parts are intended to give guidance for obtaining good
protection under.local climatic conditions to ferrous metals by painting.
0.3 This standard (Part II), which was first published in 1963, is now
being revised and the salient features of the revision are as follows:
a) The various painting operations to be done after the pretreatment
of ferrous surfaces are described in detail.
b) Application of primer, intermediate and finishing coats are covered
in detail.
c) Maintenance painting has been dealt precisely.
0.4 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given
to international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field
in this country.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated express-
ing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( r&red ).

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

1.1 This standard (Part II) lays down the details of painting operations
and paint schedules applicable to ferrous metals in buildings. It also covers
the use of tools and equipment in the work.
1.2 The provisions of the standard may also generally be applied to
painting work in situations other than buildings, such as tanks and


2.1 For the efficient design and operation of the work, the following
information shall be taken into account:
a) The condition of surface to be finished,
b) Previous treatments given,
c) Location, and
d) Climatic conditions.
2.2 Arrangements shall also be made for the proper exchange of information
among those engaged in painting work and all those whose work affects or
is likely to be affected.
2.3 The time schedule for the overall work shall provide for the completion
of the following items of work prior to the application of the paint:
a) All welding work;
b) Fastening with bolts or rivets;
c) Erection; and
d) Grinding of welds, if required on interiors or exteriors of tanks.


3.1 With preparation and possible pretreatments as described in IS: 1477
( Part I )-1971, the metal surface is ready for painting. It is essential that
immediately after the completion of the pretreatment process, the first
primer coat shall be applied within the shortest possible interval. This is
particularly important in coastal areas with high humidity. The successful
painting of iron and steel depends, to a great extent, on the preliminary
work explained in detail in Part I of this standard and if it is not
immediately followed by at least one protective paint coat, the results
achieved might lose their desired value.
3.2 The application of the paint film has two main purposes. The first one
is to protect the steel from corrosion and the second for decorative
appearance. A painting which gives the steel adequate protection over a

IS I 1477 (Part II ) - 1971

long period of time together with good appearance shall, therefore, be

adopted. Such a specification shall also make it possible to adopt a
schedule of repainting which is comparatively inexpensive, that is, as
is possible to carry out without too high a preparation cost and at intervals
.as long as possible.
3.3 A paint film comprises of coats of primer, filler, undercoating and
finishing paints. For satisfactory performance of a paint film, under the
conditions in which they are required to perform, selection of the right type
of paints and their adjuncts is of utniost importance. Therefore, it shall
be carefully considered whether the paint film has to withstand continuous
exposure to exterior weather conditions or is required to withstand a
corrosive atmosphere or is required to perform on indoor surfaces. There
does not still exist an all purpose paint finish but satisfactory paint finishes
are available for practically any particular condition of exposure. There
are a number OFpublished Indian Standard specifications for interior and
exterior enamels and paints and their adjuncts, namely, primer, fillers,
undercoating and finishing enamels/paints. For paints to perform under
special conditions it is recommended that the paint manufacturer may be
4.1 Type of Primers-Primers are applied on steel work to inhibit
corrosion and hence called anti-corrosive primers. They should adhere to
the surface firmly and offer a key to the subsequent coats. Anti-corrosive
primers may be lead-based or lead-free types. For spray application
lead-free primers shall be used. The primer coats for ferrous surfaces
shall be provided using one of the primers conforming to IS : 102-1962* or
IS: 104-1962;T or IS:2074-1962$. Other anti-corrosive primers such as
zinc rich primer, also called ’ cold galvanizing’, may be used in accordance
with the manufacturers’ recommendations.
4.2 It is strongly recommended that a primer is employed for which long-
term experience under the specific climatic conditions is available and to
insist that it shall conform to the relevant Indian Standard specifications.
4..3 The primer coat shall be applied soon’ after completion of precleaning
or pretreatment in order to prevent contamination of the surfaces in any
. Primer paints may be applied by the usual brushes and spray guns.
Fr:Lers containing lead pigments shall not be applied by spray.
NOTE -_bpinion has been expressed by technologiststhat the primer coats on steel
should, in preference, always be brushed, as only a brush is capable of ‘ working in ’
the paint into the mmute depressions on the non-absorbent steel surface thus ensuring
a film, free from ‘ holidays ‘. Brush apphcatlon is also stated to give better adhesion.
With these points in view, even where the finishing coata are applied by spray, the
specifications in many instances require brush application of the two primer coats.
‘Specificatian for ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead, nonsetting, priming ( r&scd ).
tspecification for ready mixed paint, brushing, zinc chrome, priming ( ret&d ).
@pecification for ready mixed paint, red oxide-zinc chrome, priming.

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

4.4 Two coats shall be applied allowing a drying time so that the first coat
is quite hand dry before the second coat is applied or according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. In the case of red lead, after the second coaf
of primer, sufficient time shall be allowed for the red lead to dry thoroughly.
Experience has shown that under conditions obtaining in hot and humid
parts of Ihdia, a minimum of two or preferably three days’ drying time for
red lead gives good hardness to the film.

4.5 The practice of leaving primer exposed for a long time prior to
applying the finishing coats shall be discouraged as the usual two coats
application is too thin to give adequate protection for long periods.


5.1 Filler Coats -Filler coats are applied to fill deep dents and to obtain
a smooth finish wherever necessary, the degree of filling depending upon
the finish desired. Only factory prepared filler suitable for steelwork shall
be used. Fillers prepared by whiting.and linseed oil by craftsmen at site
shall never be used as such fillers may be unbalanced and incompatible
with the primer, undercoating and finishing coats.

5.1.1 Afiplication-Correct application of filler requires a good ‘putty

knife’ and skill. It is an operation for a skilled workman who obtains
good results by experience. It is essential that filler applied shall be just
sufficient to fill the depression or unevenness and it shall be restricted to
the minimum. It shall be applied in thin layers. In filling deep depres-
sions oi unevenne& as many coats as are necessary may be applied
allowing each layer to dry hard. The hardened filler surface shall be cut
down by wet rubbing before the subsequent coat is applied. Where
necessary, filler coats may be applied over the undercoats also.

5.1.2 Ready- Mixed lWh - To fill up surface scratches or similar fine dents
all over the surface, application by brush or sprav of coats of ready-mixed
filler is recommended. Each coat shall be hard-dry and wet rubbed to a
smooth finish before the next coat is applied.

5.2 Undercoating -After application of the primer, a coat of undercoating

is recommended where a high class finish is required. The purpose is to
provide a smooth and level foundation for the finishing coat, hide the
primer/filler coats and give a full bodied colour in conjunction with the
finishing coat. Undercoating paints shall conform to the relevant Indian
Standard specifications (~8 Table 1 on P 10). The undercoating may be
applied by brush or spray. Application by spray gives a smoother finish
than by brush. Application by brush should be done by ,p skilled
workman using good quality brush. After the film of undercoating is hard
dry, wet rub to a smooth finish before the first coat of finishing is

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

5.3 Finishing Coats ~The finishing coat gives the desired finish to the
article. This is the coat which comes in direct contact with the weather
and has to protect the underlying coats, which in turn protects the painted
article. Choice of the finishing paint shall be made after carefully
considering the conditions under which it has to perform. Finishing
paiuts/enamels conforming to the relevant Indian Standard specifications
shall be employed (see Table 1 ). The finishing coats may be applied by
brush or spray. For brush application good quality brushes shall be used.
Normally two finishing coats are recommended. These cond coat may be
applied after the first coat is hard dry and its gloss is knocked off by
scuffing with a very fine cutting device.

5.4 Compatibility -Before considering the application of intermediate

and finishing coats, it shall be made sure that those selected are compatible
with each other. If a non-elastic finishing coat is applied over an elastic
primer coat, it may lead to cracking or ‘alligatoring ’ of the finishing coat
and the primer coat may become visible through cracks in the finishing
coat. Similarly if the finishing coat contains a strong solvent, it may
attack the primer coat and lead to shrivelling (wrinkling)’ of the entire
paint structure. As a general rule, it is safer to use primer, filler, under-
coating and finishing paints made by the same manufacturer.

5.5 Drying Time - For the paint film comprising of the primer coats, the
finishing coats with filler coats and undercoating where necessary, to
perform in unison, it is essential that each coat shall be thoroughly dry
before the subsequent coat is applied. Otherwise, defects in the film may
appear soon after exposure due to the shrinking of anyone of the coats.
An interval longer than the drying time specified in the relevant product
specification may be necessary depending upon the material used, for
example, red lead primer to IS: 102-1962* requires a fairly long drying
5.6 Flatting Down-Cutting of primer coat, undercoat and first finish
coat is essential to provide a key for subsequent coats in order to improve
the intercoat adhesion. The primer coat with or without putty shall be
-dry cut and the undercoat with or without putty for spot work shall be
wet cut with waterproof emery paper No. 220/240. In the case of under-
coatings without putty, prior to finishing coat shall be wet cut with
waterproof emery paper NO. 280/320. The first finish coat shall be wet cut
with waterproof emery paper No. 3201400. The surface should be dry,
clean and free from dust before subsequent coat is applied.

5.7 Mixing Before Application -It is essential that a paint is applied

only after the contents of the drum have been throughly mixed. Some.
paints, such as the red lead primer and zinc primers, after long storage

*Specificationfor ready mixedpaint, brushing,red lead, nonsetting, priming ( reuised ).

IS : 1477 ( Part IX ) - 1971

show settling of the pigment at the bottom of the drum and, therefore,
more than ordinary stirring is required in order to suspend the pigment
once again fuily in the medium. As stirring of the settled pigment is time-
consuming, it will help considerably to adopt the following procedure:

A day or two before application, the drums shall be turned

over to stand on their heads. When opening a drum, about half
the contents shall be poured into another drum and then the
sediment stirred into the remaining medium; when this is fully
done and there are neither lumps nor sediment left, the two lots
shall be mixed together and thoroughly stirred. The paint, while
in use, shall be stirred from time to time to ensure that the pigment
re,mains in suspension. The usual procedure of slightly stirring
a 5-gallon drum and pouring the contents into the painter’s bucket
may result in most of the pigments remaining at the bottom of
the drum and being eventually thrown away with the result that
the paint actually applied will contain only a smaller percentage
of the pigments which have so carefully been incorporated by the
paint manufacturer.

5.7.1 Addition of ‘i’linners - Thinners ( such as mineral turpentine ) shall

not be added to paints on the feeling that the consistency of the paint
supplied by the manufacturer is too thick. If the paint has been manu-
factured to conform to Indian Standard specifications, and has been
subjected to control tests in a manufacturer’s laboratory, the paint shall
have the correct consistency and shall not require further dilution. If
there is any doubt, the viscosity of the paint may be checked ( see
If a slight adjustment of viscosity is necessary, use the thinner recommended
by the manufacturer.

5.8 Importance of Entiironmental Conditions and Dryness of the

Surface-Painting operation should be carried out in a well ventilated
place, free from dust. Draughts and direct sunlight should be avioded as
it will result in poor flow and a patchy finish. It is essential that the
surface to be painted shall be dry, free from moisture as otherwise corrosion
and or other paint defects may result due to moisture getting trapped in
the paint film. Correct timing for the application of the primer as well as
other coats is important.

$8.1 In coastal regions and areas with moderate or high humidity with
appreciable difference in day and night temperatures, it is generally not
safe to paint exterior steel work early in the morning due to the settlement
of dew on the surface. In such places painting should be started later in
the mornings after dew has evaporated. For the same reasons, painting
during monsoon shall be avoided even indoors as the humidity is very high
and drying will be affected resulting in paint defects.

IS: 1477 (Part II) - 1971


6.1 Preparation of Surfaces - The surface preparation shall be done in

accordance with 6, 7 and 8 of IS: 1477( Part I)-1971*.

6.1.1 The surface shall be cleaned and degreased in accordance with

one or more of the methods given in 7 and 8 of IS : 1477 ( Part I )-1971*.

6.1.2 Wherever necessary, the surface shall be derusted and descaled by

either mechanically or chemically by one or more of the methods given
in 7 and 8 of IS : 1477 (Part X)-1971*, namely:

a>1) Wire-brushing,
2) Scraping and chipping, and
3) Sandpapering or cleaning with steelwool or abrasive paper;
b) Power tool cleaning;
c>Flame cleaning;
4 Sandblasting or shotblasting; and
e) Chemical rust removal. While cleaning with power wirebrush, care shall be taken not
to do it excessively, since mill scale easily gets burnished to a smooth even
surface to which paint does not adhere, and this will be detrimental to the
performance of paint. All accessible weld flux and splatter shall be
removed by power tools.
6.2 Painting -The painting operations given in 6.2.1 to 6.2.4 shall be in
conformity with the provisions of 3, 4 and 5 of this standard. The
selection of paints for the paint systems shall be in accordance with
Table 1.

6.2.1 Primer Coats Immediately after preparation of the surface, apply the first

coat of primer by spray or brush, preferably the latter, working in the
paint into the fine dents and ensuring a continuous film without ‘holidays ‘. After the first coat is hard dry, apply a second coat so that a
film free from ‘ holidays ’ is obtained.

6.2.2 Filler Coats After the second coat of primer is hard dry, rough sand the
surface without scratching or in anyway damaging the primer coats and
clean free from dust.

*Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: Plttt I Pretreatment

( JM revision) .

( Cluuss5.2 and 6.2 )



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A. For Interiom

i) Full gloss ( enamel IS : 102-1962 *IS : 133-1965 (B) *IS : 133-1965 (B) For optimum results, two
(see Note 1 ) *IS : 2933-1964 (B,S) *IS : 2933-1964 (B,S) coats of primer, one under-
gloss )
IS : 2074-1962 coat and two finishing coats
* are recommended. The
total film thickness shall
not be less than 100

ii) Oil gloss Same as for (i) IS : 113-1950 (B) IS : 129-1950 Same as for (i)

IS : 1lf);950 (S)

iii) Egg-shell gloss Is : 102-1962 IS : 137-1965 IS : 871-1956 Same as for (i)

( w Note 1 )
IS : 87%1956
iv) Flat IS : 102-1962 IS : 137.1965 IS : 137-1965 Same as for (i)
( w Note 1 )

v) Metallic finishes Same as for (i) IS : 2339-1963 (B) 1 One coat of primer and two
IS : 2339-1963 (S) 1 finishing coats if bitumi-
> nous aluminium paint is
Bituminoz alumi- 1 used, three coats will be
nium paints J necessary

vi) Bitumen coating Same as for (i) !S : 158-1968 Three coats of bitumeh
shall be used
B. For Exteriora

vii) Full gloss (enamel IS : 102-1962 *Is : 2933.1964 ‘IS : 2933-1964 For optimum results, two
gloss ) (set Note 1 ) *Is : 2932-1964 *Is : 2932-1964 coats of primer, one under-
IS : 20741962 coat and two finishing
. coats are recommended.
The total film thickness
shall not be less than 100
viii) Oil gloss Same as for (vii) IS : 1i2-1950 IS : 4 17-1964 Same as for (vii)

IS : 12&962
ix) Egg-shell gloss - - -
x) Flat IS : 102-1962 IS : 115-1950
(SeeNote 1)
IS : 1l&950

xi) Metallic finishes Same as for (vii) - IS : 23341963 One coat of primer and
two finishing coats; if
Bitumi%s alumi- bituminous aluminium
nium pa&t paint isused, three coats
J will be necessary

NOTIC1 - Paint primer conforming to IS : 102-1962may be used only where special precautions for drying of the
primer coat are taken and where satisfactory drying is ensured before application of further coats.
NOTE 2 -The order in which paints are listed in the table is not necessarily the order of preference and the choice
may vary according to circumstances.
NOTE 3 -Evaluations of various degrees of gloss and classification in terms of 45Oangular gloss meter readings is
under investigation.
NOW 4 - Titles of Indian Standards referred to in this table are given in Appendix D.

*Eat& of these specifications cover both undercoating and Cshing paints, and paints appropriate for the function shall
(B) = Brushing; and (S) I Spraying.
L-.A.,-.,-..- ..I._._ -~-.---.~.“-^-ll.“~- - __^~._

IS : 1477 ( Part II) - 1971 Fill ‘deep dents with paste filler using a good putty knife,
pressing firmly into the dents and applying an optimum layer.. Allow to
hard dry and cut down by wet rubbing to a smooth finish. Allow the
water to evaporate. Apply as many coats of paste filler as are required to get a

smooth surface, allowing each layer to hard-dry, then ivet-rubbing to a
smooth finish and allowing the water to dry off before the next layer is
applied. After the last coat of paste filler is hard-dry and wet-rubbed,
where necessary, apply a coat of R/M filler by brush or spray to fill fine dents
and scratches on the metal, allow to hard-dry and wet-rub to a smooth
finish. Apply the requisite number of coats, either in local patches or
all over the surface as required, allowing each coat to dry-hard, wet-
rubbed and water allowed to dry off before the subsequent coat is applied.

6.2.3 Undercoats Wet rub the entire surface, cutting down to a smooth uniform
surface. All6w the water to evaporate. Apply an optimum coat of
undercoating by brush or spray, with minimum brush marks. Allow the
film to hard-dry. Wet-rub, cutting down to a smooth finish (ensuring
that at no place the undercoat is completely removed). Allow the water
to evaporate.

6.2.4 Finishing Coats Apply the first finishing coat by brush or spray. Allow to
dry. . Gently remove the gloss for the entire surface. Dust off and
apply the second finishing coat.
6.3 The use, conditioning and maintenance of brushes for painting shall
conform to the requirements given in Appendix A.

6.4 The use and maintenance of spraying equipment shall conform to the
requirements given in Appendix B.

7.1 The breakdown of a paint film is a progressive one starting with the
topmost coat, gradually going downwards to the primer coat. The object
of maintenance painting is to renovate the paint film periodically,
checking the progress of breakdown and maintaining the protective and
decorative value of the paint film, thus prolonging its effective life. The
principles of maintenance painting are summarized in Table 2.

IS : 1477 ( Part II) - 1971


( Cllwcse7.1’)


No. ~_-_--~~~~h~__~~_~_, PROCEDURE
Rusting Cracking Checking Chalking

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (‘3)

9 Nil Nil Nil Yes Clean; rub with sandpaper;
apply one reviver coat

ii) IVil Nil Yes Fine Nil Flat down to remove check-
checking ed film; clean; apply one
or two reviver coats

iii) Nil Yes Not reach- - Nil Treat as in

ed the surface

iv) Yes Nil Nil Yes Treat as in

v (a) Localized Nil Nil Yes Treat as in

v (b) Localized Nil Yes Nil Treat as in

Localized Yes - - Completely remove paint

v (c)
to bare metal and paint
with full schedule

vi) Heavy - - - Completely remove paint to

rusting hare metal and paint
with full schedule

7.2 The symptoms of paint breakdown are chalking, hairline cracking,

deep checking, fine checking, peeling, blistering, and rusting. They may
be present either alone or along with’others depending upon the degree of
breakdown. The breakdown normally starts from the top coat. Generally,
when there is chalking, checking and cracking do not appear and the
breakdown is a gradual process of erosion. This type of failure is most
desirable as the protective value of the film is retained over a longer period
and renovation is easier.
7.3 The symptoms given in 7.2 may appear all over the surface or it may
appear in certain areas in patches. Blistering is another symptom of
breakdown. Checking, cracking, blistering and peeling expose the primer
coat and the surface underneath to the weather and corrosion is the result.
Therefore, such a breakdown is to be remedied quickly.
7.4 If the specification of the painting operation is known, maintenance
painting may be easier and more effective as it is possible to renovate by
using the same quality of paints as used earlier. If this is not known,

. .. _ -I-

IS: 1477 (Part II) - 1971

maintenance painting has to be carried out on the overall strength of the

existing film and renovated by using the best material required to perform
under the conditions of exposure.
7.5 Renovation
7.5.1 Where Spec$cation of Painting is Known If the paint film is only chalking and otherwise the film is in
good condition, wipe off the chalked film with a wet rag or preferably
wash the film with water, remove gloss, allow the water to dry off and
apply one coat of finishing all over the surface. If the chalking is in patc-
hes, apply one coat at the chalked areas and after it is dry, apply another
coat all over the surface. If fine checking and/or hairline cracking have appeared and
the film underneath is firm, without symptoms of rust, cut the paint film
by wet rubbing, removing all the cracked film, wash, allow the water to
evaporate, and apply one or two coats of the finishing paint or enamel.
If the defects are noticed in certain areas only as patches, after cutting
down the film in these patches, apply one coat of the finishing paint/
enamel on this area and then Ibllow with a coat all over the surface. If the cracking is deeper, with or without flaking, reaching
up to the primer, without any symptoms of rust and the primer . coat is in
a good condition, proceed asWfoilo&:
a) Ifthe defect is all over the surface, cut down the top coats up to
the primer by wet rubbing, alloti the water to dry off, touch up
the primer coat wherever necessary, and build up the entire film
by applying fillers, undercoating and finishing coats as required.
b) If the defect is’noticed only in patches in certain areas, cut down
the top coats only in these areas feathering off the top coats, build up
film in these patches ending with one finishing coat and apply a
coat of finishing all over the surface. If blistering with or without flaking is noticed and the primer
coat is sound, follow the procedure as in (a) and (b). If rust spots are noticed incertain areas only with or without
any of the other symptoms of breakdown, cut down the film in those
spots to the metal, feathering off the top coats, apply two coats of primer
and build up the film following the schedules. Rough sand the entire
surface, wash off if necessary and apply a reviver finishing coat. If (a) the rusting is noticed all over the surface, or
(b) rusting is severe or, (c) cracking and blistering has damaged the
primer coat exposing the metal and is noticed all over the surface or,
(d) the paint film has eroded badly; then scrape off the entire paint film
to the base metal and carry out fresh painting.

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

7.5.2 Where S#ec$cation of Painting is not Known-Follow the procedure

given in to Renovate with the best quality materials to
perform under the conditions of exposure.

7.6 Removal of Old Paint for Repainting

7.6.1 Caution should be exercised while removing the old paint. Paint
removers of the alkali based or solvent type are available and if proper care
is not taken, they may do more harm than good. While washing down
after using alkali type, other structures, such as wood, may be adversely
affected. For the solvent type, the fume and fire hazard is to be counted.
They contain waxes and removal of last traces of wax is essential as other-
wise adhesion of the paint coats may be adversely affected.
7.6.2 Burning off of old paint carried out with caution is better than
using paint removers.
7.6.3 Removal of the old paint by mechanical method of chipping and
scraping is the best.
7.7 Precautions Against Fungi - Extertor painted surfaces may develop
fungi which shall be removed and ammomacal copper solution (see Note)
shall be applied to the surface and allowed to dry thoroughly before
NOTE - A recommendedcompositionand concentrationof the ammoniacal wash
shall consist of 7 g of copper carbonate dissolved in 80 ml of liquor ammonia and
diluted to one like with water. Alternatively,%5 percentof magnesiumsilicotluoride
solutionmay be used.


8.1 General -The aim of inspection and testing is to ascertain whether
the recommended practice is being employed during every stage of
application and whether the final results fulfil the object of painting.
Inspection, therefore, means a close supervision while the work is in
progress. Any test carried out should be of non-destructive nature or, if of
a destructive nature, should be either restricted to areas which can be
restored without marring the general appearance, or be such that it is
possible to restore easily without necessitating a complete repetition of the
6.2 Inspection of Surfaces Prior to Painting- Inspection methods
will depend on whether an article is to be painted for the first time or is to
be repainted.
6.2.1 New Work (.Not Pretiously Painted) -The following shall be decided .f%J i
by inspection: 1
a) The method of precleaning feasible or recommended;

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

b) The intermediate protective treatments to be applied,- if found

c) The painting schedule and the specifications for the paint for
ensuring the particular performance required; and
d) The method of application, whether by brush, roller, or spray.

8.2.2 Old Work ( Which Requires Repainting)-The following shall be

decided by inspection:
a) Whether the entire existing paint requires removal; and
b) Whether repainting without paint removal would be adequate. For ascertaining whether the old paint has deteriorated to such
an extent that its complete removal is necessary, the following test for
embrittlement should be employed:
A square coin such as a 5-Paisa coirrshall be pressed with the straight
edge on an angle of, 45” against the paint film. This will resuit in a
chip of paint breaking loose from the surface if the paint has
embrittled, lacks adhesion and requires removal. If the paint is not
embrittled, it will curl or shrivel up under such pressure. The square
coin test should be combined with an examination of the paint film
through a magnifying glass to observe the extent of crazing. A
suitable magnifying glass is the thread counter employed in the textile
trade. It has a 10 magnification, and a paint film which does not
show fine hair cracks under it may be considered as perfectly sound.

8.3 Inspection During Preparation of Surfaces

8.3.1 Cleaning and Degreasing- At the work-site a visual and physical

inspection is adequate. A degreased steel surface is duller in appearance
than one which is even slightly oily. Wiping the surface with a piece of
white cloth will show if minute traces of grease and dust have been left
on the surf&e. When steel is being degreased by wiping the surface with
mineral turpentine (or any other solvent ), it is important to watch that
. the cleaning rags are washed or changed regularly.

0.3.2 Derusting and Descaling

a) Sandblasting-The most satisfactory method of removing rust and

scale is by sandblasting. The criterion of inspection should be that
the steel after sandblasting has a greyish white metallic appearance.
The surface should be uniform in colour and slightly rough. Only
such a uniform appearance ensures that the surface has been
thoroughly cleaned.

IS t 1477 ( Part II) - 1971

Iland-maping -No definite method of inspection may be laid down

for hand-scraping. It is unreasonable to expect hand-scraped
surfaces to be perfectly clean, and for purposes of inspection, all
loose rust or scale (and all loose paint in case of repainting)
shall have been removed.
Chemical rust removal ---In the case of chemical rust removal
(pickling), inspection shall make sure that washing after pickling
has removed all traces of acid. All work pieces shall be inspected
particularly in inaccessible corners.

8.4 Inspection Before and During Intermediate Protective Treat-

ments -- It is important to inspect the work to make sure that no time is
allowed for fresh rust or other contamination to take place between the
precleaning and the intermediate protective treatment, Inspection of the
various suggested intermediate protective treatments shall be carried out
to ensure conformity with the recommended practice as laid down in this
standard and in accordance with manufacturer’s &commendations.
8.5 General Inspection Before and During Painting-When inspect-
ing general painting work while in progress, it should be ensured:

that painting follows immediately after-precleaning or pretreatments;

that any contamination which may occur in the interim period is
removed, that special precautions are taken when painting after
that no painting is carried out when there is danger of dew;
that tools used are clean and not excessively worn;
that the paint in the drums is thoroughly mixed prior to application;
that drums are inspected to make sure that no sediment is left in
that if paint has thickened because of long storage or because of
the evaporation of the solvents, its viscosity is adjusted as recom-
mended by the paint manufacturer;
that each coat is allowed to dry sufficiently but not excessively
before applying the following coat; that manufacturer’s instructions
for drying time are adhered to properly; and
that every individual coat is properly applied, reasonably level
and smooth, and free from runs and ‘holidays’ (minute uncover-
ed areas ) .
The field tests mentioned in 8.5.1 and 8.5.2 may be carried out for
facility of inspection during and after painting.

8.5.1 Viscosity fist of faints -A simple check is to verify the viscosity c

of the paint with its original value at least once during the course of its
use. This may be done by comparing the times of efflux of the paint

IS: 1477(Part II) - 1971

when filled level in a viscosity cup of standard dimensions and provided

with an orifice of standard flow characteristics. The procedure of the
test is as in The sample of paint to be tested shall be homogeneous and
free from any foreign material. All measures with the standard viscosity
cup (see Fig. 1) shall be done at a place free from draughts, preferably
with the air temperature within the range 30 f 5°C. During the test,
the cup shall be held so that it may be filled level, full without meniscus
or overflow at one side. The orifice shall be closed with the finger and
the cup filled with the paint until it just begins to overflow into the
gallery, pouring slowly to minimize formation of air bubbles. If bubbles
are present, allow them to rise and then remove them from the surface.
The time from the moment when efflux starts as the orifice is opened by
removing the finger, until the first break in the stream, shall .be observed
nearest to O-2 second and noted as the time of efllux.

All ‘dimensions
in millimetres.

8.5.2 Thickness Test-The thickness of primer paints as well as the

total film thickness of all coats applied shall be verified with a suitable
instrument. It is important that the setting of the thickness meters is
checked prior to the test and for this purpose standarized test bits are
supplied with every instrument. It should be noted that instruments like

IS : 1477 ( Part II) - 1971

the ‘ Elcomcter ’ contain a delicate magnet and that the storage and handl-
ing of such instruments needs care to ensure that they retain their
8.6 Inspection of General Appearance of Finished Work- Inspec-
tion of finished work, although not possible by definite standards, may
best be judged by experience and commonsense.
8.6.1 Time of Znspection-Inspection of a finished work in the open shall
not be -carried out during mid-day or in bright sunlight as defects are
more clearly visible in slightly diffused light. When Inspecting interior
painting, the sun should not shine directly on the surfaces to be inspected.
The best time for inspection is in the early morning.
8.6.2 A@earance-The finished job shall have a clean, uniformly
coloured appearance. If paint is applied by a spray gun, a ,smooth finish
will be obtained. If paint is applied by a roller, the finish will have a
light texture effect. If paint is applied by brush, light brush marks will
be permissible to the naked eye at a distance of not more than 4 m.
Brush marks depend on the type of paint, the quality of brushes used and,
above all, the skill of the workmen applying the paint. It would be un-
reasonable to expect perfection when applying paint by brush. If paint,
applied by brush, has been stippled, no brush marks will be visible but
there will be a slight texture effect instead; stippling is not required
except on large surfaces, or surfaces likely to be viewed from a short
8.6.3 Colour-Correct colour matching should be judged against a
sample panel having the same type of surface as that to which the paint
has been applied. The effect bf colour is influenced by the texture or
the method of application of the paint. Colour appears different during
mid-day, in the evening or in the morning, and in artificial or natural
light; colour will change under a tungsten-filament lamp, a fluorescent
lamp or a mercury lamp (vapour ). Application by brush gives a slightly
different surface texture than application by spray or roller anti the colour
will, therefore, differ slightly. To avoid confusion at the time of inspec-
tion, the sample panel prepared from an identical material and painted by
the same method should be placed as near as possible to the article to be
inspected so that the incidence of light is the same.
8.6.4 Gloss -The extent of gloss should be agreed upon prior to
commencement of painting. As the extent ‘of gloss is generally not of
major importance, the gloss of the final job may best be judged by. pre-
paring test panels prior to the application of the paint on the bulk of the
work and making a comparison with them; such test panels may also be
asked for from, the paint supplier. It should be noted that gloss will vary
with appl cation by spray, brush or roller and will further vary considera-
bly with the t+pe and nature of the surface; the smoother the surface the
higher will be the gloss.
IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

( Clause 6.3 )

A-l.1 Clean brushes shall be used, and it shall be ensured that the paint
does not show objectionable pulling under the brush. The brush shall be
such that the paint does not show lapping streaks and works satisfactorily
under it.
A-l.2 The paint brush shall not be dipped deep into the paint, as the
bristles get overloaded, and the heel gets filled with paint; thereby the
brush loses its flexibility and shape. As a general rule, the brush shall be
dipped to three-fourths of the total length of the bristles. After the brush
is initially dipped, the end is wiped against the walls of the container to
ensure that paint does not dribble off the ends of the bristles when painting
is started. The paints shall be mixed periodically during brushing.
A-1.3 For keeping paint in small quantities during application by brush,
use of a paint container may be found advantageous. These containers
are filled about three-fourths during application, Cleaning of these con-
tainers is done only with paint thinners which are compatible with the
paint to be filled.
A-2.1 While applying paint with a brush, the brush shall be held at an
angle of approximately 45 degrees. to the vertical surface, and several
light strokes applied in the area to be painted, SO as to first transfer the paint
to the surface. During painting, the brush shall also be turned around
through 180 degrees in order to ensure that the paint on both the faces of
bristles is utilized completely. The paint is then spread with gentle pressure
so as to hide the surface and produce a uniform coating. Ensure that
the ends and not the sides of the bristle come into contact with the surface during
A-2.2 The paint shall be applied, first using vertical strokes until the
surfaces are covered, and then brushed cross-wise for complete coverage
with light strokes, so as to smooth out laps and brush marks, and finally
laid off with vertical strokes.
A-2.3 During painting, every time after the paint has been worked out of
the brush bristles or after the brush has been unloaded, the bristles of the _~
brush (which are drawn together due to the high surface tension of- the ,p
small quanities of paint left in between the bristles) shall be opened up 7. ‘A
by striking the brush against a portion of the unpainted surface with the ’ #j$. ‘,i
IS: 1477( Part II) - 1971

end of the bristles held at right angles to the surface, so that bristles
thereafter will collect the correct amount of paint when dipped again into
the paint container.


A-3.1 A new bristle brush is properly conditioned by suspending it in raw

linseed oil for a period of 24 hours. The oil soaks into the bristles which
makes it further impervious to paint pigments.

A-3.1.1 Before use, the linseed oil is removed from the brush by washing
it in a thinner compatible with the paint subsequently used.

A-3.2 After each day’s work, the brush shall be cleaned in mineral
turpentine or any other suitable thinner, ensuring that the paint and
pigment are completely removed from the heel of the brush.

A-3.2.1 Warm water and soap shall be used to clean the brushes used
in water-bound paints or emulsions.

A-3.3 After cleaning, the brushes are wrapped in heavy paper of water-
proof paper for storage. If it is to be used the next day, it shall be hung
in a thinner or linseed oil in a container. On no account, shall brushes
be made to stand on the bristles.

(Clause 6.4)


B-l.1 Generally, paints are available ready for use for spraying. If
thinning is absolutely necessary, it should be kept down to a minimum.
NOTE - Nitrocellulpse lacquers ( enamels) are not usually supplied in spraying
consistency. They have to be thinned with special thinner to proper consistency before


B-2.1 During spraying the spray-gun shall be held perpendicular to the

surface to be coated (see Fig. 2) and shall be passed over the surface in a
uniform sweeping motion. Different air pressures and fan adjustment
_._.-___-- _.___ _._.-

IS : 1477(Part II) - 1971

shall be tried so as to obtain the best application with the minimum

wastage of paint. The air pressures shall not be kept too high as otherwise
the paint will fog up and will be wasted.

B-2.1.1 Spots that are inaccessible to the spray pattern shall be touched
up by brush after spraying.

B-2.2 The possible causes of defects in spray.painting work are detailed in

Appendix C, and the suggested remedies shall be followed for satisfactory






IS : 1477 ( Part II) - 1971


B-3.1 At the end of the job, the spray-gun shall be cleaned thoroughly so
as to be free from dirt. Incorrect adjustments shall be set right, as
otherwise they will result in variable spray patterns, runs, sags and uneven
coats. Caustic solutions shall not be used for cleaning purposes as it will
deteriorate the spray-gun.

( Clause B-2.2 )


C-l.1 Sags
Possible Causes Suggested Remedies
i) Dirty air cap and fluid tip Remove air cap, and clean tip
( distorted.spray pattern) and air cap carefully
ii) Gun stroked. too close to the Stroke the gun 150 to 250 mm
surface from surface
iii) Trigger not released at end of Operator should release the
stroke (when str.oke does not trigger after every stroke
go beyond object)
iv) Gun stroked at wrong angle to Gun should be stroked at right
surface angles to surface
v) Paint applied too heavily Regulate flow of paint
vi) Paint thinned too much Add the correct amount of sol-
vent by measure
C-1.2 Streaks
Possible Causei Suggested Remedies
i) Dirty air cap and fluid tip Remove air cap and clean tip
( distorted spray pattern ) and air cap carefully
ii) Insufficient or incorrect over- Follow the previous stroke
lapping of strokes accurately to deposit a wet coat

IS: 1477 ( Part II) - 1971

Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

iii) Gun stroked too rapidly (‘dust- Avoid ‘whipping’ and use deli-
ing’ of the pairit ) berate slow strokes
iv) Gun stroked at wrong angle to Gun should be stroked at right
surface angles to surface
v) Stroking too far from surface Stroke 150 to 250 mm from
vi) Too much air pressure Use least air pressure as neces-
C-l.3 Orange Peel
Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

9 Paint not thinned out sufici- Add the correct amount and the
ently right type of solvent by
ii) Not depositing a wet coat Check solvent. Use correct
speed, overlap and stroke
iii) Gun stroked too rapidly ( ‘ dust- Avoid ‘whipping’. Use deli-
ing ’ of the paint ) berate slow strokes
iv) Insufficient air pressure Increase air pressure or reduce
Ruid pressure

v) Using, wrong air cap or fluid Select correct air cap and nozzle
nozzle for the material and feed
vi) Gun stroked too far from the Stroke the gun 150 to 250 mm
surface from surface
vii) Overspray striking a previously Spray detail parts first. End
sprayed surface with a wet coat


Ck2.1 Excessive Paint Loss

Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

9 Not ( triggering ’ the gun at each It should be a habit to release

stroke trigger after every stroke
ii) Stroking at wrong angle to Gun should be stroked at right
surface angles to surface
iii) Stroking gur? too far from the Stroke the gun 150 to 250 mm
surface from the surface

IS: 1477 ( Part II) - 1971

Porsible Causes Suggested Remcdk

iv) Wrong air cap or flyid tip Ascertain and use correct set up
v) Air pressure too high Use the least amount of air as
C-2.2 Excessive Spray Fog, SurfaceHare or Bloom

Possible Causes Suggested Remedks

i) Too high air pressure Use least amount of compressed
air as necessary
ii) Spraying past surface of the Release trigger when gun passes
product target
iii) Wrong air cap or fluid tip Ascertain and use correct set up
iv) Gun stroked too far from the Stroke the gun 150 to 250 mm
surface from surface
v) Material thinned out too much Add the correct amount
vi) Too humid an atmosphere Spray during ‘dry periods; if not,
use retarders or slow evaporat-
ing solvents as advised by the
C-2.3 Paid will not Come from Spray Gun
Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

9 Out of paint (gun begins to Add paint, correctly thinned out,

sputter ) and strained
ii) Settled, caked pigment blocking Remove obstruction, strip paint
gun tip thoroughly
iii) Grit, dirt, paint skins, etc Clean spray gun thoroughly and
blocking gun tip, fluid valze or strain the paint; alwaysstrain
strainer paint before using it

C-2.4 Paint will not Come Due to Defects Arising from Pressure
Possible Causes Suggested Remedies
i) Lack of air pressure in the Check for leaks or lack of air
pressure tank entry
ii) Air intake opening, inside of This is a common trouble.
pressure tank lid, clogged by Clean the opening periodi-
dried up paint tally
iii) Leaking-gaskets on tank over Replace with a new gasket

IS I 1477 ( Part II) - 1971

C-2.5 Gun Sputters Constantly

Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

i) Fluid nozzle not tightened to Tighten securely, using a good

spray gun gasket
ii) Leaky connection on fluid tube Tighten connections; lubricate
or needle packing (suction packing
iii) Fluid pipe not tightened to Tighten; check for defective
the pressure tank lid threads

C-2.6 Paint Leaks from Spray Gun

Possible Causes Suggested Remedies

9 Fluid needle packing nut too Loosen nut; lubricate packing

ii) Packing for fluid needle dry Lubricate this part daily
iii) Foreign particle blocks fluid tip Remove tip and clean
iv) Damaged fluid tip or needle Replace both tip and needle

v) Wrong size needle Use correct combination

( .Note4 underTable 1 )

D-l. The titles of Indian Standards on paints and enamels referred to in

Note 4 in Table 1 are given below:
IS : 102-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead,
nodsetting, priming ( revised)
IS : 113-1950 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, under-
coating, interior, to Indian Standard colours
No. 101 Sky blue NO. 358 Light buff and white
No. 216 Eau-de-nil NO. 443 Salmon pink
No. 352 Pale cream No. 632 Dark admiralty grey


.I ” ,,*
IS : 1477( Part II ) - 1971

IS: 114-1950 Specification for ready mixed paint, spraying, under-

coating, interior, to Indian Standard colours

No. 101 Sky blue No. 358 Light butI and white
No. 2 16 Eau-de-nil No. 443 Salmon pink
No. 352 Pale cream No. 632 Dark admiralty grey

IS : 115-1950 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, under-

coating, exterior, to matt finish, to Indran Standard colours

No. 352 Pale cream No. 632 Dark admiralty grey

IS : 116-1950 Specification for ready mixed paint, spraying, undercoat-

‘ing, exterior, matt finish, to Indian Standard colours

No. 352 Pale cream No. 632 Dark admiralty grey

IS : 117-1964 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

exterior, semi-gloss, for general purposes to Indian Standard

No. 101 Sky blue No. 365 Vellum

No. 102 Turquoise blue No. ‘384 Light stones
No. 103 Peacock blue No. 385 Light biscuits
No. 104 Azure blue No. 386 Champagne
No. ,169 Traffic blue No. 387 Sunshine
No. 174 Oriental blue No. 388 Beige
No. 216 Eau-de-nil No. 397 Jasmine yellow
No. 217 Sea green No. 410 Light brown
No. 2 19 Sage green No. 442 Light salmon pink
No. 275 Opaline green No. 443 Salmon pink
No. 278 Light-olive green No. 444 Terra cotta
No. 280 Verdigris No. 628 Silver grey
No. 281 Apple green No. 629 Quaker grey
No. 283 Aircraft grey green No. 630 French grey
No 352 Pale cream No. 631 Light grey
No. 353 Deep cream No. 632 Dark admiralty grey
No. 354 Primrose No. 633 R.A.F. Blue grey
No. 358 Light buff No. 634 Slate
No. 359 Middle buff No. 635 Lead
No. 560 Deep buff No. 692 Smoke grey
No. 361 Light stone No. 693 Aircraft grey
No. 362 Middle stone No. 694 Dove grey
No. 363 Dark stone No. 697 Light admiralty grey
No. 364 Portland stone ( revised )

IS : 1477 (Part II) - 1971

IS : 118-l 962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colours
( revised)
No. 355 Lemon No. 557 Light orange
No. 356 Golden yellow No. 591 Deep orange
No. 368 Traffic yellow

IS : 119-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colours
( revised )

Chass A

No. 218 Grass green No. 224 Deep bronze green

No. 220 Olive green No. 267 Traffic green
No. 222 Light bronze green No. 284 Indian green
No. 223 Middle bronze green

Ctass B

No. 221 Brilliant green NO. 226 Middle brunswick

No. 225 Light brunswiclc NO. 227 Deep brunswick
green green
IS : 120-l 962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,
semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colours
( revised )
No. 537 Signaf red No. 541 Martin
No. 538 Post office red No. 570 Traffic red
No. 540 Crimson No. 574 Indian saffron

IS: 121-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colour No. 414
Golden brown (revised)

IS : 122-1962 Specificati$ f$r ready mixed paint, brushing, finishiqg,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colours
( revised )
No. 411 Middle brown No. 413 Nu’t brown
No. 412 Dark brown

IS : 1477( Part II) - 1971

IS :,’ 23-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colours
( revised)
No. 445 Venetian red No: 449 Light purple brown
No. 446 Red oxide No. 451 Chocolate
No. 448 Deep Indian red No. 473 Gulf red
and red oxide f colour
unspecified )

IS : 124-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general Ijurposes, to Indian Standard colour
No. 105 Oxford blue (revised)

IS : 125-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard colour
No. 106 Royal blue (revised)

IS : 126-l 962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

exterior, semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard
colour*No. 671 Middle graphite and dark graphite (revised)

IS : 127-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

exterior, .semi-gloss, for general purposes, white (rev&d)

IS : 1281962 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

semi-gloss, for general purposes, black (revised)

IS : 129- 1950 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

interior, oil gloss for general purposes, to Indian Standard
colours .( for colours No., see IS : 117-1950)

IS : 133-1965 Specification for enamel, interior (a) undercoating (b)

finishing, colour as required (revised)

IS: 137-1965 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, matt

or egg-shell, flat, finishing, interior, to Indian Standard colours
as required ( revised )

IS : 158-1968 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, bitumi-

nous, black, lead-free, acid, alkali, water and heat resisting, for
general purposes ( second revision)

IS: 871-1956 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing,

egg-shell gloss, for interior use, to Indian Standard colours
Class A Class B
No. 2 18 Grass green No. 221 Brilliant green

IS : 1477 ( Part II ) - 1971

IS : 872-1956 Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, Wshing,

egg-shell gloss, for interior use, to Indian Standard coloura
No. 412 Dark brown No. 413 Nut brown
IS : 2074-1962 Specification for ready mixed paint, red oxide-zinc
chrome, priming
IS : 2339-1963 Specification for aluminium paint for general purposes
in dual container
IS: 2932-1964 Specification for enamel, synthetic, exterior, type 1,
(a) undercoating, (b) finishing, colour as required
IS : 2933-1964 Specification for enamel, exterior, type 2, (a) under-
coating (b) finishing, colours as required.
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELH*I 110002
Telephones: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
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*Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P. 0. Princep 27 68 00

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