Experimental Study of Scour Around A Complex Pier With Elliptical Pile-Cap
Experimental Study of Scour Around A Complex Pier With Elliptical Pile-Cap
Experimental Study of Scour Around A Complex Pier With Elliptical Pile-Cap
Priyanka Gautam
Ph.D. Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
T. I. Eldho
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
M. R. Behera
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
ABSTRACT: A complex bridge pier is an assembly of a column and foundation such as pile foundation with
a pile-cap, partially or completely exposed to the flow. Considering the interaction of various factors around
the pier, the pile-cap elevation in relation to the sand bed is expected to differ with time. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to assess scouring over various potential pile-cap elevations. In this paper, laboratory experiments were
carried out to analyze scour and mean velocity profiles around complex pier under the effect of low Reynolds
numbers. Three pile-cap elevation cases were studied here, viz, the sand bed depth taken above the pile-cap
level; the sand bed depth taken below the pile-cap top; and the sand bed depth taken at the level of pile-cap
bottom. The results showed different scour patterns in the three cases considered. It was also noted that the
least scour-depth occurred in the second case and maximum in the first one.
The vertical mean velocity profiles for all the 3 Figure 10. Vertical mean velocity profiles at the plane of sym-
metry upstream and downstream of pier for cases a, b and c, re-
cases at six different selected locations demonstrate spectively.
the characteristic flow features upstream and down-
stream of the pier. Beheshti and Ashtiani (2010)
gave velocity profiles around a complex pier struc- In case a, the stream-wise velocities (fig. 8(a)) on
ture with rectangular pier and pile-cap, but no study the upstream of the pier followed logarithmic law,
has been undertaken for other shapes of pier and but it was observed that the velocities decreased as
pile-caps for comparative study. the flow approached the pier. On the downstream
Figures 8, 9 and 10 shows the stream-wise (x- side of the pier, a backward flow was observed. At
direction), crosswise (y-direction) and vertical (z- 20 cm downstream of the pier, the velocity profiles
direction) velocity profiles for the 3 cases, measured seemed to regain back its original logarithmic na-
at afore-mentioned locations, respectively. ture. The lateral velocity profiles (Fig. 9 (a)) show
The effect of the exposed pile-cap is evident from very low flow velocity values far upstream of the
the obtained velocity profiles. The effect of the pier. Near the nose of the pier, the velocities reached
thickness of the pile-cap (i.e. 5 cm) is also clearly near zero velocities. But, at the downstream side of
visible in the velocity profiles. The varying velocity the pier, the lateral velocities show an oscillatory
zone has increased from 4-5 cm from case b to 6-7 behavior, contributed by the existence of the Horse
cm in case c. shoe Vortex severity on the downstream of pier.
Again, at 20 cm away from the pier tail, the veloci-
ties regained their original values. The vertical ve-
locity profiles (Fig. 10(a)) show that the velocity
values are more or less zero from a distance of 4 cm shore gravity based structure. Although, it will take
from the bed till near water surface. In the 4-5 cm greater time period and stronger currents to happen.
region near the bed, the velocity values show sudden
and random variation, and surprisingly this variation
isn’t limited to near field of the pier, at far field of 5 CONCLUSIONS
the pier also, this variation is observed.
In case b, the stream-wise velocity profiles (Fig. In this study, the effects of using an elliptical shaped
8(b)) followed logarithmic law away from the pier. pile-cap in reducing scour depth at various pile-cap
The velocities increased as they approached the pier. elevations with respect to the sand bed was investi-
On the downstream side, on the other hand, the ve- gated. The mean velocity data were examined to de-
locities are higher near to the bed as compared to the termine the relative importance of flow on scour
velocities above the pile-cap region but interestingly, depth as well as the effect of various components of
the vertical velocity profile (Fig. 10(b)) is almost the pier. Based on the experimental results, the fol-
constant with near zero velocity. It is assumed that lowing conclusions are drawn from the present
since the vertical velocity profile is almost non- study, as compared to existing literature:
changing, the scour initiating downward flow was • Use of elliptical shape of pile-cap can act as
non-existent because of the presence of the pile-cap. an effective way of reducing scour around a
Also the exposed sides of the pile-cap lead to pier.
smooth transition of the streamlines around it lead- • For pile-cap completely buried in the sand,
ing to reduction in the severity of the horse shoe vor- maximum scour depth was witnessed for the
tex mechanism, and hence no scouring in this case. given discharge.
In case c, the vertical velocities (Fig. 10(c)) show • Best elevation for the elliptical pile-cap to be
variations even on the far downstream of the pier, placed is partially buried in the sand. Null or
explaining the downstream scour of the pier. The very slight scour was observed for this eleva-
change in lateral velocities (Fig. 9(c)) is almost neg- tion. So, to dampen the vortex mechanism
ligible on the upstream side of the pier, though on around the pier, it seemed necessary for the
the downstream side, the velocities are found to be pile-cap to be placed partially or completely
fluctuating. But, this fluctuation was not strong over the sand bed.
enough to cause any erosion around the pier. No • When the pile-cap was resting on the sand
scour was observed on the front of the pile-cap in bed (completely exposed to the flow), there
case c, little scour on the sides of the pile-cap, and was slight scour around the pier, but interest-
comparatively greater scour on the downstream of ingly the scour occurred at mostly far down-
the pile-cap tail. stream of the pier.
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