0 - , Be Parametric Representation of The Curve C

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Lecture 7

Cauchy Theorem:

Let f be analytic inside and on a simple, closed, piecewise
smooth curve C. Then,

 f ( z ) dz  0 .

Definitions: Let z (t ), a  t  b , be parametric representation of
the curve C.

Simple Curve: The curve C is said to be simple, if it does not
have any self‐intersections
(i.e. z (t1 )  z (t2 ) whenever t1  t2 ( a  t1 , t2  b) ).

Closed Curve: The curve C is said to be Closed, if end point of the
curve is the same as its initial point
(i.e. z ( a )  z (b) ).

Piece‐wise smooth Curve: The curve C is said to be Piece‐wise
smooth, if z (t ) is piece‐wise differentiable (i.e. differentiable for
all except finitely many t ) and z (t ) ( denoted as z (t )) is piece‐
wise continuous in the interval [a, b]


Proof (Under the assumption that f ( z ) is continuous on C)

By Green’s Theorem,

 Pdx  Qdy   Qx  Py  dx dy ,

where, curve C is boundary of the region R and the first partial
derivatives P, Q , Qx , Py exist and are continuous in C  R .

The hypothesis of Cauchy Theorem implies that the conditions
of Green’s Theorem are satisfied.
Now,  f ( z ) dz   f ( z (t )) z (t ) dt
C a
=  (u  iv )( x (t )  y  t )  dt
b b
=  (ux  vy ) dt  i  (uy  vx ) dt
a a
=  udx  vdy  i  udy  vdx

=    u y  v x  dx dy  i   u x  v y  dx dy

=0 =0
By C.R.
By C.R.

= 0

The proof of Cauchy Theorem in the general case, where the

continuity of f ( z ) is not assumed, is beyond the scope of this

Cauchy Theorem for Multiply Connected Domains (Domain

with holes).

Let simple closed piece‐wise smooth curves C1 ,..., Cn be enclosed
by a simple, closed piece‐wise smooth curve C, all the curves
being oriented anticlockwise. Let D be domain with boundary
curves C , C1 ,..., Cn (Such a domain is called a multiply
connected domain). If a function f(z) is analytic on
D  C  C1  ....  Cn , then

 f ( z ) dz   f ( z ) dz  ...   f ( z ) dz .
C C1 Cn



C1 C2


Proof: Join C (oriented anticlockwise) and C1* ,..., Cn* (the

curves C1 ,..., Cn oriented clockwise) by straight line segment as
shown in the figure for n = 3.. Observe that with these
orientations, D lies to left if one traverses along any of these



1 C
1 L 2
L -L

1 -L 2 -L


Applying Cauchy Theorem to the simply connected domain
bounded by the curve

  L1  C1*u  L2  C2*u  L3  C3*u  ...  Ln  Cn* 

 Ln  Cn 1  ...  L3  C2   L2  C1  L1  C
*l *l *l

where, Ci*u denotes the upper part of the curve Ci* and Ci*l
denotes the lower part of the curve Ci* (observe that  has
positive orientation, since the domain bounded by it lies to its
left when one traverses on  ), it follows that


 f ( z ) dz   f ( z ) dz  ...   f ( z ) dz  0
C C1* Cn*
(since the integrals along Li’s are equal and opposite to each

  f ( z ) dz   f ( z ) dz  ...   f ( z ) dz
C  C1*  Cn*

  f ( z ) dz  ...   f ( z ) dz
C1 Cn

Corollary. If f is analytic (i) on two simple, closed, piece‐wise
smooth curves C1 and C2 and (ii) inside the domain bounded by
C1 and C2 , then
 f ( z ) dz   f ( z ) dz .
C1 C2

The above corollary helps in evaluation of integrals over curve
C1 , the determination of whose parametric representation may
be complicated. In such a case, the possibility of obtaining a
curve C2 satisfying the conditions of the corollary and whose
parametric representation is simple to obtain, is explored and
the integral is evaluated with the help of above corollary.

Example: Evaluate  dw , where  is any anticlockwise
 w  z0
oriented simple closed piecewise smooth curve and z0 is a
point lying in the bounded domain D with boundary  .

Note that direct evaluation of the above integral is not possible,
since any explict equation of  is not known. However, this
integral could be simply evaluated by using the above theorem.

Consider any anticlockwise oriented circle Cr :| w  z0 |  r , with
r small enough so that Cr lies in D . The function is
w  z0
analytic on the curves  and Cr and in the domain bounded by
these curves. Therefore, by Cauchy Theorem for Multiply
connected domains,

1 1 2 1
 dw   dw   it ireit dt  2 i
 w  z0 Cr w  z0 0 re

since, w(t )  z0  reit , 0  t  2 , is a parametric representation
of the circle Cr .

Cauchy Integral Formula: If f is analytic in a domain G and

________ ________
B (a, r )  G , where B (a, r )  {w : w  a  r}. Then, for any
z  {| w  a | r}
1 f ( w)
f ( z)   dw (1)
2 i Cr ( w  z )
where, Cr : w(t )  z  reit , 0  t  2 .

Proof: Consider a circle | w  z |  * centered at z and having
radius  * sufficiently small such {| w  z |  *}  {| w  a | r}.
Then, by Cauchy Theorem of Multiply Connected Domains,
f ( w) f ( w)
 dw   dw
Cr ( w  z ) |w z| * ( w  z )
since the integrand is an analytic function in the domain lying
between Cr and | w  z |  * . Now, note that

f ( w) f ( w)  f ( z ) 1
 dw   dw  f ( a )  dw
|w z| * ( w  z ) |w z| * (w  z) |w z| * ( w  z )

The second term of (*)  2 i f ( z ) .Therefore, Cauchy Integral
Formula follows if we prove that the first term of (*) is zero.

For this use continuity of f ( w) at ' z ' , which gives that for every
  0, there exists   0 such that
| f ( w)  f ( z ) |  whenever | w  z |  . Choose  *   .

f ( w)  f ( z ) 
|  dw |  2 *
 2 (by ML‐Estimate)
|w z| * (w  z)  *

f ( w)  f ( z )
  dw  0 since  is arbitrary.
|w z| * (w  z)

Note: In view of Cauchy Theorem for multiply connected
domains, Cauchy Integral Formula (1) remains valid with
Cr replaced by any simple closed piece‐wise smooth curve 
so that (i) every point enclosed by  is in D (ii)  encloses
the point z . This is because the function f ( w) / ( w  z ) is
analytic in the domain lying between Cr and  .

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