Computer Science Projects For College Students

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Computer Science Projects for College Students

The computer science projects for college students mainly include the

CSE Projects for College Students

1. Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary
2. Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data
3. Web-Based Online Blood Donation System
4. Web-Based Graphical Password Authentication System
5. Identification and Matching of Robust-Face Name Graph for Movie
6. Controlling of Topology in Ad hoc Networks by Using Cooperative
7. An SSL Back End Forwarding Scheme of Clusters Based On Web
8. Motion Extraction Techniques Based on Identifying the Level of
Perception Power from Video
9. Approximate and Efficient Processing of Query in Peer-to-Peer
10. Web-Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
11. Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
12. Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
13. Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture, and Security of
Biometric Technology
14. Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on
15. Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
16. Increased Development Process Quality-Based Testing of
Automotive Real-Time
17. SQL Based Employee Management System in ASP and C# .NET
18. Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
19. Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code
Plagiarism Based on Program
20. Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind-Driven Snow
21. Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing
22. Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
23. Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured
Fingerprint Using Computational Geometry Algorithms
24. Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise
25. Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless
Communication Networks for Effective Cache Consistency
26. Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
27. Automatic Removal and Estimation of Noise in From a Single Image
28. Dynamic Time Warping and Triangular matching Based on a
Fingerprint Verification System
29. Smart Card Security and Static Analysis Perspective from a Java
30. Internet-Based Monitoring of Remote Electrocardiogram
31. Internet Protocol Trace Back Based Detection and Modeling of
Camouflaging Worm
32. Ridges and Fusion of Minutiae Based Fingerprint Identification Using
Strength Factors
33. Storage Systems Based HBA Distributed Meta Data Management for
large Cluster
34. Image Analysis and Compression with PSNR and MSE Technique
35. Implementation of Threshold Cryptography for MANET Based on
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
36. Image Processing for Resizing and Bilinear Filters
37. The architecture of Distributed Database in Next Generation Mobile
Networks for Global Roaming
38. Recognition of Dynamic Pattern and Character Using Neural
39. Customer Relationship Management Based on Distributed
Component Router
40. Supply Chain Management System Based on Distributed Component
41. Dynamic Logistics Management and Support Systems
42. Multithreaded Socket Based Email Server
43. Design and implementation of Mobile Banking
44. JMX Based Managing and Monitoring the Clusters
45. Implementation of Multi Router Traffic Monitoring
46. Real-Time Transmission Protocol Based Broadcasting of Multicast
47. Multicast Routing For Collaborative Applications with Delay Variation
Constraints On Overlay Networks
48. Near-Optimal Multicast Scheme Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for
Hoc and Mobile Networks
49. SNMP Based Network Monitoring and Analyzer Tool
50. Network Border Patrol for Promoting Fairness on the Internet and
Preventing Congestion Collapse
51. Recognition of Digits Back Propagation and Handwritten Based on
Neural Network
52. Novel Framework for Personalized Retrieval and Semantic
Annotation of Sports Video
53. Query Workload Based Online Index Recommendations of High
Dimensional Data Bases
54. Image Retrieval Imaging Based on Content, Adaptive and Personal
55. Software and Algorithms for problems in Radiation Therapy and
Radio Surgery and Medical Applications
56. Bluetooth and J3ME Enabled Full Duplex Automation Based on Mobile
57. Development of an Application for Weekly Automatic College
58. Using Pythagoras and Trigonometry to Watermark an Image
59. By Using Steganography Compression and Decompression of
60. Coded Structured Light-Based Real-Time 3-D Data Processing
61. A Distributed Learning System with Desktop recording, VoIP,
Desktop Sharing, and Session Sharing.
62. A Wireless Communication Protocol Based on Electric Bulb
63. Musical Conversion and Recognition for Music Compression

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