Out of The Combustion Chamber: Variant Model Alfa Part No. Recommended NGK Stock No. Also Fits
Out of The Combustion Chamber: Variant Model Alfa Part No. Recommended NGK Stock No. Also Fits
Out of The Combustion Chamber: Variant Model Alfa Part No. Recommended NGK Stock No. Also Fits
spark plugs in your MiTo are spark plug ignites the petrol and
very important. But if you have air mixture causing an explosion
a diesel MiTo, skip this guide as inside the combustion champer.
your MiTo doesn’t have spark And the force of this explosion
plugs. For owners of a petrol pushes the piston back down the
MiTo, this is a very quick guide cylinder. Finally, the spent gas-
to provide a reference for every ses from the explosion are forced
MiTo variant and model. out of the combustion chamber
by the piston.
This process, pretty obviously,
repeats and happens at extreme-
ly high speeds thousands of
times every minute, so you can
see that the spark plugs are
working extremely hard and ex-
tremely frequently.
A four cylinder MiTo (1.4) has
Remember, if you are not four spark plugs (one per cylin-
certain which model your MiTo der) and the TwinAir has two. by a nickel alloy and encased in plugs for your MiTo but be
is, you can use the Variant code porcelain which helps transfer aware the identifiers may differ
which is in Section 4 of your V5 heat from the combustion cham- from your manual if your MiTo is
document from the DVLA. This ber into the engine casing and several years old as the spark
is specific to your MiTo and I into the cooling system which plugs become replaced with
have validated this for our surrounds the engine. new versions over time. This
guides such as the Oil Guide. Better spark plugs use precious guide is correct as at May 2019.
Firstly, a reminder of how metals like platinum or iridium in The NGK Stock Number can
your engine works. Or more place of the nickel alloy because be used online to validate the
precisely, your combustion en- they have higher melting points. correct choice of spark plug, and
gine. Most MiTos (TwinAir, 1.4 8V many online sites allow search-
Petrol and air gets sucked But the spark plugs also do and 1.4 16V Turbo engines) use ing by NGK Stock Number. But
into the combustion chamber another important job as well as Iridium plugs, with only the always check the NGK code and
by the pistons moving down causing ignition, and that is to 78/95bhp 1.4 16V and 105 Multi- the Stock Number.
the cylinder. The piston then help dissipate heat. Air engines using nickel. All MiTo spark plugs should
pushes up the cylinder squeez- Most spark plugs have a cop- The table below lists the cur- be replaced every 18,000 miles
ing the petrol and air mixture. per centre electrode surrounded rent recommended NGK spark regardless of condition.
Variant Model Alfa Part No. Recommended Stock Also Fits
AXW1B 0.9 TwinAir (85) Petrol 55242187 or
NGK ILKR9G8 97168 Ypsilon, 500, Panda, Punto
AXY1B 0.9 TwinAir (105) Petrol 55233997
AXU1A 1.4 8V (78) Petrol 55232360 NGK ZKR7AI-8 92402 Punto
AXB1B 1.4 16V (78) Petrol Ypsilon, 500, Doblo, Idea,
55190788 NGK ZKR7A-10 1691
AXF1B 1.4 16V (95) Petrol Panda, Punto
500, Bravo, Doblo, Idea, Panda,
AXL1B 1.4 TB (105) MultiAir Petrol 55188857 NGK DCPR7E-N-10 4983
Punto, Stilo
AXG1A 1.4 TB (120) Petrol
AXM1A 1.4 TB (135) MultiAir Petrol
55210685 or
AXA1B 1.4 TB (155) Petrol
55249868 Giulietta, Abarth 500, Bravo,
AXN1B 1.4 TB (170) MultiAir Petrol NGK IKR9J8 93311
AXR11 1.4 TB (135) MultiAir Petrol TCT
AYB11 1.4 TB (140) MultiAir Petrol TCT
AXN11 1.4 TB (170) MultiAir Petrol TCT