ST SX Atex 091

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CESI gest Einto eletvotecnico crimentie Raa | Sfssine ota Sos | van tiers a Saas pote socate 3s co0€ Jeo Imgrote dane Sedans Orlir Raa see Bi tebrae6d%50 CES ATE” ‘Schema di certificazione H1GES19 sa autrizzsto Soars lana itone dp see ‘atest straws Boab Ta 98s. ‘Sette! BA Raises SBM arirabed 0 a BI 4) i ia} @ 1D] 19] on 0 1043 CERTIFICATE € EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Equipment or Protective System intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres ective 94/9/EC EC-Type Examination Certificate number: CESI 02 ATEX 091 Equipment: ‘Terminal boxes series S, S.1, GUA, GUF, EAH. Manufacturer: COR.TEM S.p.a. Address: Via Aquileia 10, Villesse (Gorizia — Italy) ‘This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule fo this certificate and the documents therein referred to. CESI, notified body n, 0722 in accordance with Article 9 of the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been found to comply ‘with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex Ito the Directive, ‘The examination and test results are recorded in confidential report n. EX-A2/030027. Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by ‘compliance with: EN 50014: 999 997+ Al.A2 EN S0018:2000 EN $0281. If the sign "X" is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or prov system subject fo sil conton for sa se specified in the shel to this ‘certificate. ‘This EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to the Directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system, These are not covered by this certificate. ‘The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following: © ——WAGD BExANC TS or TS TP 66/67 T8S°C or T100°C “This certificate may only be reproduced in its entrety and without any change, schedule nudes. Date September 26,2002 _ translation issued on September 26%, 2002 Prepared Approved Mirko Balaz. Ulisse Colombe tales bp CES! ‘CENTRO ELETTROTECNICO SPERIMENTALE ITALIANO ‘Business Unit Certificazione CESI 03) Schedule (14) EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE n, CESI02 ATEX 091 [15] Deseription of equipment ‘Terminal boxes series S.1, §, GUA, GUF, EAH, The enclosures of these terminal boxes are generally made in aluminium alloy. As an alternative they can also be rade in brass orin stainless steel (0° techrical note Ad-842 annexed to this certificate). “The various models of the terminal boxes subject ofthis erifiate are identified by a codeas follows [ type of enclosure (manufactured in die-casting) number and position of hubs: T,CLXA,W.DM.B hub diameter: 1,2,3,4,5,6 |__ size ofenclosure: 4, 6,79 ‘ype of enclosure (manufactured with mould casting) number and postion of hubs: T,C,LX,W,D.MB bub diameter: 1, 2,3, 4, 5,6 |__ size ofenlosure: 4, 6,7,9 GUAS + +. type of enclosure (manufactured in die-casting) number and postion ofhubs: T,CLX,W,D,.M,B hub diameter 1,2,3,4, 5,6 |__ size of enclosure 6,9 “Ths cetate may only be reproduced ints enrety an without any change, sched ince. Page 2/4 rot agos0030 Ba Keywords t0t0R . 24090 48010M 54250068540 & CESI 103] Schedule [4] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE 1, CEST 02 ATEX 091 [15] Deseription of equipment (follows) GUFX EAHT EAHW ss. L type of enclosure (manufactured in die-casting) ‘nub diameter: 2, 3 — sizeof enclosure: 6 ‘The complete code of all the terminal boxes subject of this certificate is reported in the drawings A1-013, AL-OIs ‘and A1-015 annexed to this certificate, Electrical characteristies Rated voluge 750 (Vv) Rated frequency 50-60 (Ez) Terminals “ermial section 25; 4 6 10; 16; 25; 35; 70 frm") ted curent 125+ 175 [A] Max. current density 25+5 (Aim ‘The type and number of terminals witch can be installed in the various enclosures is indicated in detail, together with the maximum admissible currents and current densities, in the drawing A2-191 and in the safety instructions ‘AJIT annexed to this certificate. Degree of protection IP 66/67 (EN 60529-1991) Ambient temperature: 204440 °C and -20++60°C — forthe enclosures of size 4, 6, 7 and 9 -40+4+40 °C and -40++60 °C forthe enclosures of size 4 and 6 ‘Temperature class forthe terminal boxes category 2 G: T6 for ambient temperature -20+ +40 °C and - 40+ +40°C TS for ambient temperature -20+ +60 °C and - 40 ++ 60°C ‘Maximum surface temperature ofthe enclosure forthe terminal boxes category 2 D: ‘785°C. forambient temperature -20++40 °C and - 40 ++ 40°C. T100°C for ambient temperature -20++ 60 °C and - 40+ + 60°C. ‘The accessories used for cable entry and for closing unused apertures shall be certified according to the standards EN 50014, EN 50018 and EN $0281-I-1 and shall guarantee a degree of protection IP 66/67. Warning label “Use screws of quality A2-70 according UNI 7323 with ultimate tensile strength of at east 700 Nimm?™. Additional warnings In case of enclosures of temperature class TS “Use cables suitable for a temperature of 90° ‘This certificate may only be reproduced in ts entirety and without any change, schedule included. Page 3/4 DS CESI 03) 4) (16) a7 (18) Schedule EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE 1, CESI 02 ATEX 091 Report n, EX-A2/030027 Routine tests ‘The manufacturer shall carry out the routine tests prescribed at clause 24 of the EN 50014 standard, ‘The manufacturer is exempted from the routine overpressure test since the terminal boxes have passed the type overpressure test carried out withthe static method at 4 times the reference pressure: ~ 51.5 bar for enclosures of size 4 and 6 (for operation at - 40°C) 35.5 bar for enclosures of size 7 and 9 (for operation at - 20°C) Descriptive documents (prot. EX-A2/030028) =n? A4-842 Rev. 0(7 p.) =n? A3-229 Rev. 0 = n° A3-230 Rev. 0 = n° A3-239 Rev. 0 =n° A2-191 Rev. 0 =n? A4-801 Rev. 0 =n? A1-013 Rev. 0 =n? Al-014 Rev. 0 =n? AL-O15 Rev. 0 «Technical data of resin EPDM 70 black + Technical data of resin NBR 70 black fechnical data of resin Silicon 70 red ~ Technical data of resin FKM (VITON) 70 black ~ Safety instructions Annexe A/17 Rev. 0(6 p.) ~ EC declaration of conformity n® CE/0031 One copy ofall documents is kept in CESI files. Special conditions for safe use None. Essential Health and Safety Requirements Covered by standards, “This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included, dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated 15.02.2002 19.03.2001 15.03.2001 “01.10.2001 15.03.2001 (01.06.2000 20.03.2001, 20.03.2001, 20.03.2001 29.11.2001, 03.11.2000 (04.02.2002 29.11.2001 01.06.2000 19.03.2001 Page 4/4 CT CE-EQUI. £01 CESI EXTENSION n. 01/07 to EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02ATEX091 Equipment: Terminal boxes series: S, S.1, GUA, GUF, EAH Manufacturer: COR.TEM S.p.A- Address: Via Aquileia 10, Villesse (Gorizia —Italy) Admitted variation = Update to EN 60079-0 (2006), EN 60079-1 (2004), EN 60079-7 (2003), EN 6079-11 (2007) EN 61241-0 (2006), EN 61241-1 (2004) Standards = Update of nameplate = Construetional modification, new material (cast iron ) = Use of terminal block with 1,5 mm* section ‘New execution “Ex e”, “Ex "and “Ex d (ia}” ‘New max. ambient temperatures (+65°C, +80°C and +150°C, see table 1) ion and description Equipments identifi: ‘According to the protection mode, the terminal boxes S, S.1, GUA, GUF EAH shall include the following markings: 1 2GD Exd TIC 16,75, T3 ; ExtDA21 P6667 T85°C, T 100°C, T200°C 1 2GD Exe H T6,15,T4 ; ExtD A21 1P66/67 T85°C, T 100°C; TI35°C U2orlGD — Exi, NC T6,75,T4; ExtD A21 1P66/67 85°C, T 100°C, T135°C OOOO 112 (Lor 2)GD Exdfi] IC 16, TS ; Ext [iD] A21 1P66/67 T 85°C, T 100°C ‘This extension and annexed descriptive documents must be annexed to the EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02ATEX091. ‘This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change. date 19/12/2007 ~ translation issued the 19/12/2007 a prepared Pierluigi Molinari verified Miko Belaz alo é mie si SH soa ipproved Fiorenzo Bregs Divisione Energia “foe Tan Carteione!” TiResponsable page 1/3 en ee ee ee ee ee inaeena) GE Suieetea | ittaraaenes Ne Semmrireaiee clue tee, Semen, eek cma ee ene, hiecar CESI EXTENSION n. 01/07 to EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02ATEX 091 Equipments identification and description (follows) Electrical characterist Rated voltage 750 [V] Rated frequency 50 + 60 [Hz] Terminals ‘Terminal section 1,532.5; 45 6; 10; 16; 25; 35; 70 [mm"] Rated current 10.0 +175 [A] Max. current density 2.5 + 6,6 [A/fmm’] ‘The type and number of terminals which can be installed in the various enclosures is indicated in detail, together with the ‘maximum admissible currents and current densities, in the drawings A2-191; A2-209; A2-210 and in the safety instructions F-274 annexed to this certificate The electrical characteristics of junction boxes in the version E circuits and of the associated apparatus used. Degree of protection IP 66167 (EN 60529 ~ 1991) lepends on the characteristics of the intrinsic safety ‘The standard ambient temperature range: =20-++40 °C for the enclosures of size 4 6, 7 and 9 =40 + +40 °C forthe enclosures of size 4 and 6 ‘The boxes can also be installed with other range of ambient temperatures . In this case shall be used terminals made in ‘material as indicated on following tables 1 and 2. Tain i ain ATC oo) a me sce aes ee coal = ome -20°C +40°C Poliammide (PA) 6 40°C +40°C (*)_ or upper T85°C esate aera See OCG) ‘Stamin (KrS) -20°C +150°C 5 (terminals A’ certified) ona a un — cael woe, | amet z rake (*)~ valid only for junction boxes size 4 and 6 ‘This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change... page 2/3, Prot. A7035519 © P:3 : CESI EXTENSION n. 01/07 ion Certifleate CESI 02ATEX 091 to EC-Type Examin: Cable entries ‘The accessory used for cable entries and for closing unused aperture shall be certified according to the following Standards: = terminal boxes in execution “Ex d”: EN 6079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 61241- = terminal boxes in execution “Bx e”: EN 60079-0, EN 60079-7, EN 612414 terminal boxes in execution “Ex 1 EN 60079-0, EN 61241-0, EN 61241-1 and shall guarantee a degree of protection IP 66/67. EN61241-1 EN 61241-1 ‘Warning label For the enclosures with temperature class TS, 74 and'T3 when the temperature under rated condition is higher than 70°C atthe cable entry point or 80°C at the branching point of the conductors: - suitable heat resisting cables shall be used. Report n, EX-A7035517 Routine tests ‘The manufacturer shall cary out the routine tests prescribed at par. 27 ofthe EN 60079-0 and at par. 24 of the EN 61241-0 Standards. ‘The manufacturer is exempted from the routine overpressure test since the terminal boxes have passed the type overpressure test carried out with the static method at 4 times the reference pressure: 51,5 bar for enclosures of size 4 and 6 (for operation at - 40°C) ~ 35.5 bar for enclosures of size 7 and 9 (for operation at - 20°C) ‘The dielectric test on terminal box “Ex ¢” assembled by manufacturer, shall be performed according to the par. 7.2 of the EN 60079-7 Standard. Descriptive documents (prot. EX-A7035520) = Technical Note A4-4982 (3 pz.) Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 - Drawing n° A2-191 Rev. 2 dated 03/04/2007 - Drawing n° 2-209 Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 - Drawing n° A2-210 Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 ~ Drawing n° A3-239 Rev.2 dated 03/04/2007 = Drawing n°, A4-998 Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 - Drawing n°, A4-999 Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 ~ Drawing n°. A4-1010 Rev. 0 dated 03/04/2007 = Document n°. A4-4951 Rev. 0 dated 02/04/2007 = Document n°, A4-4952 Rev. 0 dated 02/04/2007 - EC Declaration of Conformity n° 0031 dated 03/04/2007 - Safety Instruction F-274 (12 pg.) Rev. 1 dated 03/04/2007 One copy of all documents is kept in CESI files. Essential Health and Safety Requirements ‘The Health and Safety Requirements are assured by compliance with the following Standards: + EN 60079-0 : 2006: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. General requirements + EN60079-1 : 2004 Flamoproof enclosures "d + EN 60079-7: 2003 Increased safety “e” + EN 6079-11: 2007 Intrinsic safety “i” + EN61241-0 : 2006 Blectrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust General requirements + EN61241-1:2004 Protection by enclosures ‘This document may only be reproduced in i entirety and without any change.. page 3/3, EXTENSION n. 02/14 to EC-Type Exai ion Certificate CESI 02 ATEX 091 Component: Terminal boxes series §, S.1, GUA, GUF, EAH Manufacturer: COR.TEMS.p.A. Address: Via Aquileia, 10 ~34070 Villesse (GO) — Italy. Admitted variation = Update to new edition ofthe harmonized European standard; = Update marking label; ~ Change of the ambient temperature range of the boxes GUA-49, 59, 69, $.1-27, 37, 47, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, $-27, 37, 47, 49, 59, 69 series; = All boxes are provided with standard O-Ring made of silicon material, placed in between the body and the cover. n of the harmonized European standard ‘The equipments subject of the certificate CESI 02 ATEX 091 and annexed extension are conforming to the standards: EN 60079-0: 2012 EN 60079-1: 2007 EN 6079-7: 2007 EN 60079-11: 2012 EN 60079-31: 2009 ‘The equipments shall be marked as follows: €) acd Exa nc TsTST6Gb Ex th LIC T200°C/T100°C/T8S°C Db 1P66/67 © 26D ExeMCTATS/T6 GH Ex th IC TI3O°C/TIOO°C/TES°C Db 1P66/67 Kx th LIC TTSU°C/1TUU°C/185°C Db 1P66/67 This extension and annexed descriptive documents must be annexed to the EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI O2ATEXO91. is document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change. Date 26% May 2014 - translation issued the 26 May 2014 Prepared Verified Approved Gian Pietro Toledo Mirko Balaz fon Bde bee TES Business Area Certification sponsablle page 1/4 - v1 | ans ceisen \ SPD ‘ors ay eum eran Re per tan COS250150 oma ase tee 902s uitoomssoss Beene fo s0n215500 Neneacasas ma noice CESI EXTENSION n. 02/14 to EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02 ATEX 091 Description of the equipments Electrical characteristics © Exd terminal boxes: — Reted voltage of terminals: 750 V acide Max. — Rated frequency: 50+ 60 Hz — Rated cross section of terminals: 1.5 mm? +70 mm? Max. — Rated current of terminals: A+ 175 A Max. = Current density of terminals and cables wiring: 2.5 A/mm? + 6,6 A/mm? Max. IP 66 or IP 67 -40 oF -20 * +40 or 465°C or +150°C — Degree of protection of enclosures: — Ambient temperature: © Bxeand Ex i terminal boxes: — Rated voltage of terminals: 630 V acide Max, = Rated frequency: 50+ 60 Hz ~ Rated cross section of terminals: 1.5 mm? +25 mm? Max. — Rated current of terminals: 55.A+65 A Max. — Current density of terminals and cables wiring: 3.0 A/mm? 6.6 A/mm? Max. — Degree of protection of enclosures: IP 66 or IP 67 Ambient temperature: ~40 oF -20 + +40 or 165°C or +80°C, ‘The equipments covered by this certificate may be used as terminal boxes. ‘The boxes are basically manufactured with an aluminium alloy. ‘They can also be manufactured with AISI 303-304-316 stainless steel or cast iron. ‘The boxes manufactured with aluminium alloy or with stainless steel have a service temperature of -40 + +160°°C, while the boxes manufactured with cast iron have a service temperature of -20 + +160 °C. All the boxes are supplied with gaskets Silicon red. ‘The type of terminals used depending to ambient temperature range of boxes, temperature class and maximum surface temperature. In case of execution Bx-€ and Ex, terminals shall be ATTEX certified according to EN 60079-7 standard. The terminals normally used are manuféectured by Cabur or Weidmuller, other type or brand of terminals can be used. ‘The type and number of terminals which can be installed in the various enclosures is indicated in detail, together with the maximum admissible voltage, currents and current density, in the drawings annexed to this certificate. document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change Page 2/4 Prot. 84012775 Ps CESI EXTENSION n. 02/14 to EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02 ATEX 091 Ta, 1nton boxes exeton Bx dC ob 2 etn hoe eatin ike TC or XG Ambient “Temperature Ambient Terminals | Temperature venperare | creming |S cenperare | opeting | gs -20 °C + +40 °C 280°C 16 -20 °C + +40 °C 280°C. 6 -40°C-+ +40 °C 280°C 16 40 °C + +40 °C 280°C 6 0c 465°C | 210°C 5 20°C 465°C | B100°C 15 “40°C 465°C | s100°C 5 a0°C= 65°C | =>100°C 15 osc r1s0°6 | s180%C 1 =20sc=#90°C | 3130°C TH 40 °C + +150 °C 2180°C 73 -40 °C + +80 °C 2130°C TH ‘The contents of the boxes shall be in accordance with the appropriate requirements of the standards relating to the ‘electrical construction, ‘The cables and the accessories shall be appropriate to the terminals operating temperature and the value of temperature is reported in the marking label. ‘The accessories used for cable entries and for unused holes shall be subject of separate certification according to the standards = Terminal boxes in execution “Ex d” end “Ex tb”: EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 6079-31; = Terminal boxes in execution “Ex e” end “Ex tb”: EN 60079-0, EN 60079-7, EN 60079-31; = Terminal boxes in execution “Ex i” end “Ex tb”: EN 60079-0, EN 6079-31; and shall guarantee a degree of protection IP 66/67. ‘The safety instruction provided by Manufacturer shall be strictly respected Report n. EX- B4005394 Routine tests ‘The manufacturer shall carry out the routine tests prescribed at par. 27 of the EN 60079-0. The boxes type S- 14, 24, 16, 26, 36, 27, 37, 47, 49, 59, 69, type S.1- 14, 24, 16, 26, 36, 27, 37, 47, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, type GUA- 16, 26, 36, 49, 59, 69 ¢ ype GUFX - EAH- 26, 36, series are exempted from routine overpressure tests, as they have positively passed the test carried out at 3,55 MPa, corresponding to 4 times the reference pressure forthe minimum Tamb of 20°C. ‘The boxes type S.1-14, -24, -16, -26, -36, type S-14, -24, -16, -26, -36, type GUA-16, -26, 36 series are exempted from routine overpressure tests, as they have positively passed the test carried out at 5,15 MPa, corresponding to 4 times the reference pressure for the minimum Tamb of -40 °C. While, the boxes type $-27, -37, 47, -49, 59, -69, type S.1-27, -37, 47, -19, 29, -39, 49, -59, -69, type GUA-49, -59, -69 series shall be subjected t0 routine test to overpressure of 1,93 MPa, corresponding to 1.5 times the reference pressure forthe minimum Tamb of 40 °C. ‘This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change Page/s CESI EXTENSION n. 02/14 to EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 02 ATEX 091 Descriptive documents (prot. EX- B4005480) Technical note A4-5672 (page. 8) Safety, maintenance and mounting instructions F-274 (pagg. 11) Declaration of Conformity n° 0031 Drawing n° A2-191 Drawing n° A2-209 Drawing n° A2-210 Drawing n® A3-239 Drawing n® A4-998 Drawing n° A4-999 One copy of all documents is kept in CESI files. Essential Health and Safety Requirements ‘The Essential Health and Safety Requirements are assured by compliance to the following standards: EN 60079. 2012 EN 60079-1: 2007 EN 6079-7: 2007 EN 60079-11: | 2012 EN 60079-31: 2009 This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change rev.0 rev2 rev3 rev. rev.l rev3 rev.l rev.l dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated dated Explosive atmospheres ~ Part 0: Equipment - General requirements; Explosive atmospheres — Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosure “a”; Explosive atmospheres ~ Parte 1: Equipment protection by increased safety “e”; Explosive atmospheres ~ Parte 1: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety “i”; Explosive atmospheres — Part 31: Equipment dus 10.09.2012; 10.09.2012; 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 10.09.2012 ition protection by enclosure “t”. Page 4/6

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