1 Manual
1 Manual
1 Manual
ENGINE TYPE Wärtsilä 38
Date of issue November 2001
Status Approved
Distribution --
Number 23328
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General Wärtsilä 38
0.0. General
Table of contents
23328 0.0 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
0.0.1. Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to give the user a guide for operation and
maintenance of the engine. This manual has been prepared using the
manufacturer’s best knowledge and experience. The manual is part of
the documentation supplied with the engine.
It is imaginable that, before starting or during performing particular
jobs, you have questions to which the manual gives no answer. In this
case do not take any unnecessary risks and contact the Service
department of Wärtsilä Nederland B.V. or your local Wärtsilä Service
0.0 -- 2 23328
General Wärtsilä 38
2: Catalogue
--- Test Report
--- Pipe Arrangement/Internal Diagrams
--- Electrical Documentation
--- Spare Parts Catalogue (of the engine)
3: Sub---suppliers Manual
--- Documentation as received from the Sub---suppliers if not
incorporated in another way in the engine documentation.
23328 0.0 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
0.0.3. Terminology
0.0 -- 4 23328
General Wärtsilä 38
TDC at scavenging
The first time when the exhaust stroke of the previous working cycle
ends and the suction stroke of the following one begins. Exhaust valves
as well as inlet valves are then partly open and scavenging takes place.
If the crankshaft is turned back and forth in this TDC area, both
exhaust and inlet valves tend to open, a fact that indicates the piston is
near top position which is called TDC at scavenging.
TDC at firing
The second time is at the end of the compression stroke and before the
working stroke starts. Slightly before this TDC the fuel injection takes
place and this TDC can therefore be defined as TDC at firing. In this
case, all valves are closed and do not move if the crankshaft is turned.
The roller of the fuel pump tappet is on the lifting side of the fuel cam.
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Wärtsilä 38
0.0 -- 6 23328
General Wärtsilä 38
Designation of bearings
Main bearings
The crankshaft locating bearing is No. 0, the first standard main
bearing is No. 1, the second No. 2 etc. The crankshaft locating bearing
outer ring close to the flywheel is marked with 00 and the inner ring
with 0.
Camshaft bearing
Camshaft bearings are designated in the same sequence as the main
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
23328 0.0 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
0.0 -- 8 23328
Main Data Wärtsilä 38
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Wärtsilä 38
Main Data
1.0 -- 2 23328
Main Data Wärtsilä 38
1.0.2. Output
Note! The full output of the engine is available at the ISO substitute
reference conditions. No compensation (uprating) is allowed for
operating conditions better than the ISO substitute reference
conditions. For derating data see section 1.0.3.
23328 1.0 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Main Data
Note! Never change fuel rack settings to equalize the exhaust gas
1.0 -- 4 23328
Main Data Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.0 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Main Data
1.0 -- 6 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.1 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
1.1.1. General
1.1 -- 2 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
1.1.2. Fuel
The residual fuel oil quality as bunkered must be within the following
Property Unit Typical Limit Test meth. ref.
Viscosity at: 100C cSt max. 55 55 ISO 3104
Viscosity at: 50C cSt max. 730 730 ISO 3104
Viscosity at: 100F Redwood
No. 1 sec max. 7200 7200 ISO 3104
Density at: 15C kg/m3 max. 9911) 9911) ISO 3675 or
kg/m3 max. 1010 1010 ISO 12185
CCAI max. 850 8702) Shell formula
Water % volume max. 1.0 1.0 ISO 3733
Sulphur % mass max. 20 5.0 ISO 8754
Ash % mass max. 0.05 0.20 ISO 6245
Vanadium mg/kg max. 100 6003) ISO 14597
Sodium mg/kg max. 50 1003) ISO 10478
Aluminium + Silicon mg/kg max. 30 80 ISO 10478
Conradson Carbon % mass max. 15 22 ISO 10730
Asphaltenes % mass max. 8 14 ASTM D 3279
Flash point (PMCC) C max. 60 60 ISO 2719
Pour point C max. 30 30 ISO 3016
Total sediment, potential % mass max. 0.10 0.10 ISO 10307--2
1) Maximum of 1010 kg/m3 at 15C, provided the fuel treatment system
can remove water and solids.
2) Straight run residues show CCAI values in the 770 to 840 range and are
very good ignitors.
Cracked residues delivered as bunkers may vary from 840 to --- in
exceptional cases --- above 900 CCAI. Most bunkers remain in the max. 850
to 870 range at the moment.
3) Sodium contributes to hot corrosion on exhaust valves when combined
with high sulphur and vanadium contents. Sodium also strongly
contributes to fouling of the exhaust gas turbine blading at high loads.
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Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
1.1 -- 4 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.1 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
For fuel oils out of the specifications as stated in this paragraph, please
contact Wärtsilä Nederland B.V.
All fuel oil supplied to the engine must be properly conditioned and fulfil
the following requirements:
1.1 -- 6 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
World wide different viscosity units are used. Fig. 1.1 – 1 shows a
diagram to convert the viscosity from one unit to another.
The unit [mm2/s] is equal to [cSt].
23328 1.1 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
RM--55 (700 mm2/s at 50 oC)
H Approximately pumping limit
400 G
Distillate fuels
200 RM--35 (380 mm2/s at 50 oC)
Minimum storage temperature
100 temperature
Maximum viscosity
60 C before HP fuel pumps
Viscosity range
30 F before HP fuel pumps
9 DMC (14 mm2/s at 40 oC) Maximum
8 temperature
DMB (11 mm2/s at 40 oC) before
HP fuel pumps
6 DMA (6 mm2/s at 40 oC)
RM--25 (180 mm2/s at 50 oC)
RM--15 (80 mm2/s at 50 oC)
RM--10 (40 mm2/s at 50 oC)
1.1 -- 8 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
RM35 a fuel with a viscosity of 380 mm 2/s at 50_C (point A) or 35 mm 2/s
at 100_C (point B):
To obtain temperatures for intermediate viscosities, draw a line from the
known viscosity / temperature point in parallel to the nearest viscosity /
temperature line in diagram.
--- Known viscosity of 60 mm 2/s at 50_C (point K), the following can be
read along the dotted line: 11 mm 2/s at 100_C.
--- Minimum storage temperature is 28_C.
--- Centrifuging temperature is 85_C.
--- Heating temperature before entering the engine for proper
atomisation in the engine, is maximum 87_C, minimum injection
temperature 74_C.
23328 1.1 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
Heavy fuel (residuals, and mixtures of residuals, distillate and DMC)
must be purified in an efficient working centrifuge before entering the
day tank. The fuel should be heated before centrifuging.
Recommended temperatures, depending on the fuel viscosity, are stated
in the diagram, see fig. 1.1 – 2 .
Sufficient heating capacity is needed to make centrifuging at
recommended levels possible. The temperature must be controlled on
2_C before centrifuge when centrifuging high viscosity fuels with
densities approaching or exceeding 0.991 g/ml at 15_C.
Be sure the correct gravity disc is used. Never exceed the flow rates
recommended for the centrifuge for the grade of fuel in use. The lower
the flow rate the better the purification efficiency.
1.1 -- 10 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.1 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
Note! High density fuels with low viscosity may have low ignition
3 Higher sulphur content increases the risk for corrosion and wear,
particularly at low loads, and may contribute to high---temperature
deposit formation. The lubricating oil specification must be matched to
such qualities.
4 High ash content causes abrasive wear, and may cause high
temperature corrosion and contributes to formation of deposits. The
most harmful ash constituents are the vanadium---sodium
5 High vanadium content causes high temperature corrosion on hot
parts like exhaust valves, particularly in combination with high sodium
content. The corrosion accelerates with increased temperatures
(increased engine output).
6 Sodium (Na)contributes to hot corrosion on hot parts like exhaust
valves in combination with high vanadium (V) content. Sodium also
contributes strongly to fouling of the turbine blading of the
turbocharger at high exhaust gas temperature. The permissable
content of Na of the cleaned fuel should be below 30 ppm.
7 High ”carbon residue” may cause deposit formation in combustion
chamber and exhaust system, particularly at low engine output.
8 High content of asphaltenes may contribute to deposit formation in
the combustion chamber and exhaust systems (at low loads).
Asphaltenes may under certain circumstances precipitate from the fuel
and will block filters and/or cause deposits in the fuel system.
Precipitating asphaltenes may also cause excessive centrifuge sludge.
9 Heavy fuels may contain up to 1 % water at delivery. Water can
originate from the installation bunker tanks. To avoid difficulties in the
engine fuel injection system water must be removed.
1.1 -- 12 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
mm2/s at 50 oC kg/m3 at 15 oC
23328 1.1 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
1.1 -- 14 23328
Fuel System Wärtsilä 38
The fuel system on the engine consists of a Low Pressure a High
Pressure system and a leak---off fuel system. The systems are basically
situated inside the Hot Box.
--- The Low Pressure systems consists of supply (1) and return lines (2).
--- The High Pressure injection system consists of the High Pressure
(HP) fuel pumps, fuel injectors and High Pressure fuel lines.
These components are described in chapter 2.9., ”Injection system”.
--- The clean leak---off fuel from injectors, HP fuel pumps and possible
leak from damaged or broken HP fuel lines is drained to the
atmospheric pressure. The clean leak fuel can be pumped to the day
tank without treatment. Other possible leak fuel the ”dirty” fuel is
drained separately and has to be led to the sludge tank.
For the diagram see section ”Diagrams” of the Catalogue which is
delivered with the engine documentation.
1 2
23328 1.1 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Fuel System
As the fuel quantity in the supply and discharge line is relatively large,
it is preferred to purge the fuel lines into a waste tank before
commencing any maintenance to this system and components.
Engines, operating on HFO, should be drained when engine and fuel are
still hot. Prior to overhaul of the engine the fuel system is recommended
to be flushed with Light Fuel Oil.
1.1 -- 16 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.2 – 1
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
1.2.1. Lubricants
1.2 – 2 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38 Requirements
Category A and B: If the recommended lube oil BN is not available an
approved lube oil with a BN of 24---30 can also be used.
Category C: If the recommended lube oil BN causes short oil change
intervals (fuel with high sulphur content), it is recommended to use
lubricating oil with BN 50 --- 55. If experience shows that the lube oil BN
equilibrium remains at an acceptable level (fuel with very low sulphur
content) lube oil with a BN 30 can also be used.
The oil should contain additives that ensures good oxidation stability,
corrosion protection, load carrying capacity, neutralisation of acid
combustion and oxidation residues and should prevent deposit
formation on internal engine parts (piston cooling gallery, piston ring
zone and bearing surfaces in particular).
Foaming characteristics
Fresh lubricating oil should meet the following limits for foaming
tendency and stability, according to the ASTM D 892---92 test method:
Sequence I, II and III : 100/0 ml
Base oils
Only the use of virgin base oils is allowed, i.e. recycled or re---refined
base oils are not allowed.
Approved lubricating oils
For a list with approved lubricating oils, please contact Wärtsilä.
Lubricating oils that are not approved have to be tested according to the
engine manufacturer’s procedures.
23328 1.2 – 3
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
See the sub–supplier manual for the actuator. Usually, the same oil can
be used in the actuator as is used in the engine system.
1.2 – 4 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.2 – 5
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
Unacceptable sampling
An unsatisfactory sample will be the result if oil is drawn from areas of
stagnation or where little flow is occurring. These places are:
– Sumps
– Auxiliary / smaller pipelines
– Purifier suction lines or discharge lines
– Drain plugs of filters, coolers etc.
Samples drawn from those points will not be representative for the bulk
of oil in active circulation.
1.2 – 6 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.2 – 7
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
2 Flash point
At 150_C a serious risk of a crankcase explosion exists.
3 Water content
Lubricating oil with a high water content must be purified or discarded.
4 Choose BN according to our recommendations.
A too low BN value increases the risk of corrosion and contamination
of the engine components.
5 Insolubles
The quantity of insolubles allowed depends on various factors. The oil
supplier’ s recommendations should be closely followed.
1.5% Insolubles in n–Pentane call for action, however, it can be said that
changes in the analyses usually give a better basis for estimation than
the absolute values.
Rapid and big changes of insolubles may indicate abnormal operation
of the engine or system.
6 Sudden increase of wear metals indicates that there is abnormal
wear. Immediate actions should be taken to find the cause. If necessary
contact the oil supplier and/or the engine manufacturer
1.2 – 8 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
7 Measure and record the quantity added for compensation of the oil
consumption. Attention to lubricating oil consumption may give
valuable information about the engine condition. A continuous increase
may indicate wear of piston rings, pistons and cylinder liners. A sudden
increase demands inspection of pistons if no other reason is found.
8 Intervals between changes are influenced by system content (oil
volume), operating conditions, fuel oil quality, centrifuging efficiency and
total oil consumption. Efficient centrifuging in combination with large
systems (dry sump operation) generally allow longer intervals between
9 Daily top up of the circulating tank/wet sump will extend the life
time of the lubricating oil.
23328 1.2 – 9
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
1 Drain the oil system when the oil is hot. Be sure oil filters, coolers and
external pipes are also emptied.
2 Clean oil spaces including filters and camshaft compartment.
3 Check if filter elements from external system are clean and
4 Supply the required quantity of oil into the system.
5 The oil interval can efficiently be predicted by plotting the analyses
taken at regular intervals.
Copies of the lubrication oil analysis should be kept on archive for at
least 12,000 running hours of the engine.
1.2 – 10 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.2 – 11
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
Duplex filter
A duplex filter is mounted in the main supply to the engine lube oil
manifold. The filter is a full flow filter and can be opened for cleaning
during engine operation.
The duplex filter is a safeguard and not intended as the prime cleaner.
Sample valve
The lube oil supply line on the engine is provided with a branch with
valve for taking lube oil samples.
Centrifugal filter
A centrifugal filter is standard mounted on the engine to be taken in
operation on the moment the engine lube oil system is pressurised. The
filter starts working after the supply valve is opened. The discharge of
the filter drains into the crankcase of the engine. After closing of the
supply valve the filter stops working and can be opened for cleaning.
Filtering properties up till 1 micron.
Dry sump
The lube oil supplied to the engine is collected in the sump after service
in the engine. From here the lube oil is continuously drained to an
external installed sump tank. From the external sump the lube oil pump
takes the oil for conditioning and supply to the engine.
Drain connections are available in the dry sump at front and rear side
of the engine, 2 at each side.
1.2 – 12 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.2 – 13
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
From the engine manifold inlet, at the free end of the engine, the oil
distribution through the engine is as follows:
connecting rod
main bearings
hydraulic jacks
The rectangular manifold is provided with branches. One for each main
bearing and a separate branch connected to a second header positioned
on top of the cylinder block at the camshaft side.
1.2 – 14 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
The lube oil supply to each main bearing (see fig. 1.2 --- 3 ) and to the top
side of the engine (see fig. 1.2 --- 10 ) passes a commissioning lube oil
filter that, after the first 100 running hours of the engine, has to be
removed. After removal of the commissioning filter out of the supply
line to the main bearing, the jack below can be extended and connected
to the main bearing cap.
Should a filter become clogged within the first 100 running hours the
lube oil supply will be continued passing a spring loaded by-pass valve
in the filter.
23328 1.2 – 15
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
From the middle at the under side of the main bearing cap the oil find
a horizontal drilling to both the bearing cap stud holes. These vertical
holes are oversized in diameter and leaves sufficient space for the oil to
flow upwards to the joint faces with the saddle in the cylinder block. In
the joint faces are recesses and from here the oil find its way to the
groove in the main bearing saddle on top of the upper main bearing. The
upper main bearing is over part of the circumference provided of large
size holes from where the oil flows into one end of the diametrical hole
in the crankshaft journal.
1.2 – 16 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
Via a ”cross ---over” the oil enters a diametrical drilled hole through the
From here the oil flows through the crankpin hole further into large
bores in the bottom bearing shell in a circumferential groove in the
bottom bearing cap and then vertical up into drillings in the upper
bearing cap. From here the oil flows into the connecting rod sole
through 2 holes in the filling plate.
23328 1.2 – 17
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
In the sole, two slanting drilled holes conduct the lube oil in one long
centrically drilled hole up to the connecting rod small end bearing head.
Through 2 of the 3 holes in the gudgeon the oil enters a distribution
space inside the gudgeon. At both ends of this space in the gudgeon 3
holes are equally divided over the circumference through which the oil
will be discharged into 4 vertical passages in the piston skirt. At top of
these passages the lube oil flow is restricted by orifices.
1.2 – 18 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
The outer space is separated from the centre space by a wall with a
number of horizontal holes at certain height. Due to these overflow
holes the outer crown space is always partly filled with oil.
During the up and down stroke of the piston the lube will be shaken and
by this increased oil speed the oil will intensively cool the piston crown.
The heated oil will be displaced by new cold lube oil and flows to the
centre section of the piston crown. Here a second shaker action takes
place cooling the centre part of the crown.
Part of the lube oil flow to the axial/end bearing is branched for
lubrication of the intermediate gearing. See also fig. 1.2 --- 1 .
from manifold
23328 1.2 – 19
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
1.2 – 20 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
From the main lube oil manifold a branch is connected to manifold (4)
connected to the top outside of the cylinder block. See fig. 1.2 --- 10 .
23328 1.2 – 21
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
1.2 – 22 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
A duplex filter is mounted in the main supply to the engine lube oil
manifold. The filter is a full flow filter and can be opened for cleaning
during engine operation. The filter is provided of a large number of
cartridges with a fineness of 10 micron nominal.
The duplex filter is a safeguard and not intended as the prime cleaner.
For maintenance see sub---suppliers manuals.
Use sample valve (2) see fig. 1.2 --- 10 . to take lubricating oil samples.
Take the lubricating oil samples according the instuctions in section
The connecting pipe between the manifold at the free end of the engine is
the clean oil supply to the engine top side lubrication system. During
installation and commissioning a filter (1) is placed. The filter must be
removed after the first 100 running hours and replaced by a dummy, see
fig. 1.2 --- 10 .
Note! The commisioning filter for engine top side and main bearings are
identical. After a main overhaul it is advised to mount clean filters
for the first 100 running hours.
23328 1.2 – 23
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System General
1.2 – 24 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
Pump body (2) contains 2 spindles with helical grooves. The engine
driven spindle (4) drives the second spindle (5), see fig. 1.2 --- 12 .
18 11 5 4 2 18
23328 1.2 – 25
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
The recess in the gear wheel contains 3 sets of clamping rings. Each set
consist of an inner and outer clamping ring, see fig. 1.2 --- 13 .
Clamping rings are matched and have to be kept as a pair. Axial forcing
the clamping rings in the recess by a gland creates a high friction
between shaft and gear wheel.
1 Place the clamping rings in the recess of the gear wheel according
drawing. Do not use a lubricant for mounting.
2 Place gear wheel and clamping rings over the shaft till the shaft rim.
3 Place the gland on the shaft and turn in the 4 gland bolts. Tighten
the 4 gland bolts crosswise and evenly by a torque spanner, see chapter
4 After mounting, check the gear wheel oscilation by means of a dial
The pump body is mounted to the engine by means of 4 bolts and sealed
by an O ---ring. Although the backlash can not be adjusted it is advisable
to check for clearance between the gearwheels.
Check the connecting pipes are stress free mounted to avoid stresses in
the pump casing. All connecting bolts have to be tightened by torque
spanner, see chapter 2.4.4.
1.2 – 26 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38 Operation
Avoid a suction pressure of more than 0.4 bar as this influences the
possibility of cavitation of pump spindles.
During a first running of the pump or after a prolonged stand still, fill
the pump casing with lubricating oil through filling hole. This avoids
dry running of the pump and creates faster vacuum in the suction pipe.
The pressure control valve housing is mounted against the pump body
and connects the pressure side of pump and engine oil system with the
suction side of the pump.
The pressure control valve acts as a regulating valve to maintain the
system pressure at a preset value within certain limits and to function
as a safety valve in case the pump pressure rises too high.
Note! The system pressure is factory adjusted with spindle (6) and should
not be changed without investigation of the possible pressure drop.
23328 1.2 – 27
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
6 C 8 2 B
F 5
View X View A
Parallel operation
In the parallel operation of two lubricating oil pumps each pump is
provided with a control valve. Chambers ’C’ of the control valves are
inter connected by a balancing line. The pilot piston is then controlling
two control valves.
1.2 – 28 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
The pressure control valves require little maintenance. When the
system pressure is not stable the control valve internals should be
inspected for sticking of piston (2) and valve and the orifice hole (5).
Make sure the pressure control line connected at ’D’ is free of air.
During commissioning and after overhaul of the pump turn spindle (6)
anticlockwise to release piston (18) from spring force. During pump
start up slowly turn in the spindle till required system pressure is
obtained. Secure spindle (6) with counter nut.
23328 1.2 – 29
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
1.2 – 30 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
10 9 14 1 2 8
7 15
23328 1.2 – 31
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System Cleaning
Note! Clean more frequently if the centrifugal filter has collected the
maximum quantity of dirt (the dirt deposit layer is 25mm thick)
within the recommended cleaning intervals.
1.2 – 32 23328
Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.2 – 33
Wärtsilä 38
Lubricating Oil System
Crankcase breather
The crankcase breather consists of a housing. containing a horizontally
positioned tiny plate valve. The breather housing is at one side in open
contact with the crankcase. Any crankcase overpressure can be released
via the plate valve and the vent pipe into the atmosphere, see fig.
1.2 --- 18 .
The breather needs little attention. If, during normal engine operation,
no water is drained the drain line is possible chocked.
1.2 – 34 23328
Starting Air System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.3 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Starting Air System
1.3.1. General
1.3 -- 2 23328
Starting Air System Wärtsilä 38
System components
01 Main starting valve
02 Flame arrester
03 Starting air--valve in cylinder head
04 Starting air distributor
05 Booster for speed governor
06 Air filter
07 Air bottle
08 Pneumatic stop cylinder at each
HP fuel pump
09 Blocking valve, when turning gear
10 Valve for automatic draining
13 Non--return valve
15 Ball valve
17 Stopping valve fuel injection pumps
18 Safety valve Pipe connections
20 Starting valve 301 Starting air inlet
21 Emergency stop/overspeed valve 302 Control air inlet
23328 1.3 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Starting Air System
supply air
26 32
31 to starting air
1.3 -- 4 23328
Starting Air System Wärtsilä 38
Normally, the starting air distributor does not require much
maintenance. For maintenance remove the complete distributor from
the engine as follows:
1 Disconnect all pilot pipes from the distributor, see fig. 1.3 --- 3 .
Remove the connecting bolts and take the distributor off the cylinder
block. The (negative) cam remains in place.
2 Remove the plugs (31). The pilot plungers (27) will come out by the
spring force (32).
3 Take care not to damage the plungers and liners.
4 In case of a sticking plunger use a pipe with M8 thread inside to
draw the plunger out of the liner, if necessary.
5 It is recommended not to interchange the positions the plungers in the
distributors, although they are precision machined and inter changeable.
Utilize cylinder number markings at the control air connections.
6 Clean the parts and check for wear.
7 If a pilot liner is worn out, press it out. It may be necessary to heat the
distributor up till about 200C as Loctite is used for locking and sealing.
8 Clean the bore carefully to insert the new liner easily by hand.
Otherwise there is a risk of deformation of the liner and sticking of the
plunger as result.
9 Apply Loctite 242 on the outside surfaces during mounting of the
liner. Check the openings in the liner correspond to those in the housing.
10 Check that no Loctite has been left on the inside of the liner.
11 Apply Molykote Paste G to the plunger sliding surfaces before
reassembling. Wipe off the surplus. Check that plungers after mounting
do not stick.
12 Applysilicon sealantto bothsides oftheintermediateplate(33).Do
not use too much as the surplus sealant will be forced into the system
during tightening.
13 After mounting the distributor to the engine, however before
connecting the control air pipes and the end cover (30), check all
plungers are satisfactorily working, e.g. by connecting compressed air
(working air of 6 bar) to the distributor air inlet and by turning the
crankshaft. It then is possible to observe the plungers will follow the
cam profile.
Warning! During testing of the starting air distributor always keep the
starting air supply to the engine closed and vented to avoid the
engine from starting.
23328 1.3 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Starting Air System
1.3 -- 6 23328
Starting Air System Wärtsilä 38
The starting air valve is operated by control air pressure coming from
the starting air distributor. The valve consists of a valve spindle (1) with
a spring loaded piston (2) mounted in a separate housing.
4 5
Check and clean the valve during the normal maintenance intervals of
the cylinder head.
1 Remove the holding plate and pull out the valve together with
control piston.
2 Take off the self locking nut (9) and take off the piston (2).
3 Clean all components.
4 Check the seat condition of valve and valve housing. If necessary,
lap the seats by hand. Keep the piston on the valve spindle mounted for
support during grinding.
5 Check the vent holes (4) in the valve housing are open.
6 Lubricate piston and liner with lubricating oil.
7 After reassembling the valve, check the valve spindle with piston
moves smoothly and closes completely.
8 Check the O --- ring (5) of the valve housing is intact. Lubricate
with oil.
9 Renew the copper ring (3) between starting air valve housing and
cylinder head.
10 Tighten the bolts (7) to the torque setting as mentioned in section 2.4.4.
23328 1.3 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Starting Air System
Starting air distribution pipes supply the cylinder units of starting air
of max. 30 bar. After the main starting valve is remotely opened starting
air is flowing to each of the starting air valves, mounted in the cylinder
heads. On command of the starting air distributor the starting air valve
in the cylinder head opens and starting air flows into the cylinder.
From the main distribution pipe air has to pass a flame extinguisher (11).
The extinguisher is extended by a connecting pipe (12) into the cylinder
head. See fig. 1.3 --- 5 .
Upon removal of the cylinder head this connecting pipe is left in place.
If necessary this connecting pipe can be removed. Normally, the
connecting pipes (12), (13) and (14) are left in place.
For removing the air distribution pipe sections slide at both sides the
circlips (16) a little. Slide the distribution pipe sections (14) into the
union (17) and turn the union out of the T---junction.
O ---rings that have been taken out of position should be replaced.
Always use silicon grease before mounting O ---rings.
14 16 17 12
11 16 13
1.3 -- 8 23328
Starting Air System Wärtsilä 38
The following devices are part of the start and stop process see fig. 1.3 --- 1 :
--- Start interlock (09), a safety device to avoid the start of the engine
with engaged turning gear.
--- Cylinders (08), connected to the fuel rack of each HP fuel pump. In
case of an emergency engine stop, solenoid valve (21) in combination
with solenoid valve (17) will pressurize all cylinders (08) retracting
the fuel pump racks to zero.
--- Push button on solenoid valve (21), gives the possibility to stop the
engine locally.
--- Air container (07), taking care of sufficient pressure in the system in
case of lack of air supply. A pressure transmitter connected to this air
vessel will warn in case of too low air pressure.
--- Drain valves (10) and (24), taking care of draining receiver (07)
respectively filter (06) (with automatic draining (o6 only) each time
the engine is started.
--- Solenoid valve (20) for activating the main starting valve.
--- Main starting valve (01).
The system is built up of high class components and it requires no other
maintenance than a function check and cleaning of the air filter (06).
Check during a start the automatic working of the water drain valve.
The bottom section of the air filter is connected by an internal spindle
to the top section. To open the filter, release the air pressure and turn
out the central spindle to take the bottom section of. Clean the insert
and inside of the filter each 8000 h.
Solenoid valve
In case of a malfunction in the electric working of the valve, test the
valve by pushing the button on the solenoid. Should there be a
mechanical malfunction, a special tool is required to open the valve.
Change the valve if not working after cleaning.
23328 1.3 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Starting Air System
1.3 -- 10 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.4 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
1.4.1. General General
1.4 -- 2 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38 Requirements
Note! Re--use of cooling water provided that the quality is beyond any
doubt is highly recommended instead of new. Used cooling water
contains very little oxygen, is environmentally more friendly and
needs less correction.
Not re--usable cooling water should be drained and disposed of in
an ecologically safe way.
23328 1.4 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
Use of approved cooling water additives during the warranty period is
mandatory and is also strongly recommended after the warranty period.
Start always with the maximum concentration of additives due to the
fact that the concentration of active corrosion inhibitors drops in time.
Coolant based on
Nitrite --- borate --- Not to be used with soldered surfaces,
aluminium and zinc.
--- Toxic.
Limited suitable (see restrictions when mentioned):
Coolant based on
Nitrite (sole) --- In combination with borate (pH control)
nitrite performs better.
--- Not to be used with soldered surfaces,
aluminium and zinc.
--- Toxic.
Silicate --- Harmless to handle.
--- Can protect steel as well as copper and
--- Not so efficient.
Molybdate --- Harmless to handle.
--- Can form undesirable deposits.
Organic --- May contain phosphonates, polymers
(like polycarboxylic acid) and azoles (for
instance tolytriazole).
Not advised
Chromate, Phosphate, Borate (sole) and Zinc.
The use of glycol is not recommended. If however glycol is used an
additional de---rating has to be applied. See section de---rating, 1.0.3.
1.4 -- 4 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38
Request the supplier of the treatment product for instructions, procedures, dosage
and concentration based on the applicable make --up water.
1 Follow thoroughly the instructions of the supplier.
2 Record results of tests in the engine log book.
23328 1.4 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System General
1.4 -- 6 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38
At the suction side of the HT cooling water pump water returning from
the engine and water from the external cooler is mixed by an external
thermostatic valve. Via the pump the cooling water at the correct
temperature is forced to the engine manifold which is cast in the engine
Cylinder head
In the cylinder head the water is forced by an intermediate deck to flow along
the flame plate, around the valves to the exhaust valve seats and up along
the fuel injector sleeve. From the cylinder head the water is discharged via
a connection piece into the discharge manifold.
Parallel to the flow to the cylinders, part of the water flows through the
At the suction side of the LT cooling water pump water returning from
the engine and water from the external cooler is mixed by an external
thermostatic valve. Via the pump the cooling water at the correct
temperature is forced to the engine manifold which is cast in the engine
23328 1.4 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
Engine driven cooling water pumps (1) for the HT and LT circuit are
identical in components, however, will slightly differ after assembling.
The maintenance is for both types of pumps similar and exist in
replacing the roller and ball bearing and replacing the seals in case of
excessive gland leaking.
The bearings are lubricated by engine oil and need no further attention.
1 2 30
1.4 -- 8 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38 Disassembling
9 10 29 8 7 19 18 20
17 24 23
4 Loose the nuts (7) and remove the spring washers (8). See fig.
1.4 --- 2 .
Suction cover
5 Loose the nuts (9) and remove the spring washers (10) and the
suction cover (11).
6 Remove the wear ring (12) out of the suction cover (11) if the ring
has to be replaced.
23328 1.4 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
7 Remove the locking screw (13) and impeller nut (14).
8 Extract the impeller (15) from the pump shaft (16). Therefore screw
3 bolts in the threaded holes in the impeller (15) to create force. If
necessary heat the impeller (15) on the hub.
Mechanical seal
9 Remove the rotating parts of the mechanical seal (17).
Pump cover
10 Loose the nuts (18) and remove the spring washers (19). See fig.
1.4 --- 2 .
11 Remove the oil catcher (20) and throttle ring (21) out of the pump
cover (22).
Bearing bracket
12 Remove circlip (23) and extract the outer race of the roller bearing
13 Remove pump shaft (16) with ball bearing (27) and inner race of the
roller bearing (24) out of the bearing bracket (25).
Pump shaft
14 Bend back the lip of the locking ring (26), loose and remove the
locking nut (27). See fig. 1.4 --- 3 .
15 Heat the inner ring of the roller bearing (24) and turn off the ring
from the pump shaft (16).
16 Heat and remove the ball bearing (28) from the pump shaft (16).
24 16
27 26 28
1.4 -- 10 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38 Assembling
1 Always use new gaskets and clean all parts before assembling the
2 Replace all wearing parts when the pump is serviced (bearings, oil
catcher, mechanical seal, throttle bush, wear ring impeller).
3 Grind impeller (15) to pump shaft (16) with grinding compound.
See fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
Pump shaft
4 Heat ball bearing (28) till 80° C and fit bearing on pump shaft (16).
See fig. 1.4 --- 2 and 1.4 --- 3 .
5 Fit locking ring (26) and turn on locking nut (27) on pump shaft
(22). Secure locking nut (27) by bending over a lip of locking ring (26).
6 Heat the inner race of roller bearing (24) to 80° C and shrink the
race on pump shaft (16).
Bearing bracket
7 Mount the outer race of roller bearing (24) and circlip (23) in
bearing bracket (25). See fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
8 Mount the assembled pump shaft (16) in the bearing bracket (25).
Pump cover
9 Fit throttle ring (21) in pump cover (22) and lock with Chetraloc 75
(green). See Fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
10 Fit oil catcher (20) in pump cover (22).
11 Place gasket in the bearing bracket and mount pump cover (22).
12 Mount spring washers (19) and screw nuts (18) to fasten the pump
cover (11) (14 Nm).
Note! After the pump is assembled, and mounted to the engine, the oil
catcher in the bearing bracket has to face to top. Only in this
position splashing oil is collected and drained to both bearings for
Mechanical seal
13 Press the static ring of the mechanical seal (17) in the pump cover
(22). Use a plastic pressure piece. See fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
14 Put some soap suds on the bellows of the mechanical seal (17) and
mount the rotating parts on shaft (16) until the seal (17) faces touch
each other.
23328 1.4 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
15 Mount the impeller (15) on the pump shaft (16) without using
Loctite. See Fig. See fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
16 Screw the impeller nut (14) (62 Nm) on pump shaft (16) and lock
the impeller nut with locking screw (13) (1.7 Nm).
Suction cover
17 Fit wear ring (12) in suction cover (11) and lock with Chetraloc 75
(green). See fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
18 Place gasket in pump housing (29) and mount the suction cover (11)
with the baffle in the direction to the discharge. Mount spring washers
(10) and fasten nuts (9) (21 Nm). See Fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
19 Place gasket in pump housing (29) and mount bearing bracket unit
with the oil catcher facing top. See Fig. 1.4 --- 2 .
20 Mount spring washers (8) and fasten nuts (7) (21 Nm).
21 Place gear wheel (3) on the pump shaft and slide the tapered rings
(6) in position. Place gland (5) and fit tap bolts (4).
22 The bolts should gradually be cross tightened. For torque setting
see section 2.4.4.. Check pump shaft and impeller for free turning.
Note! New pump units are provided with a dust cover over the drive shaft
to protect the roller bearing during transport and storage against
dust penetration. This dust cover has to be removed before the
pump is taken into service.
1.4 -- 12 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38
Fitting instructions
1 Remove sharp edges and burrs.
2 Clean pipe where coupling mounts. Eliminate such as scratches,
cracks, remove coatings, non ---adherent rust and paint.
3 Mark half width of coupling symmetrically on both pipe ends.
4 Slide coupling over pipe end (do not rotate coupling if teeth are
5 Push pipes together and make sure they are in line.
6 Position coupling such that marks are visible on both sides.
7 Tighten bolt with a torque wrench.
Disassembling coupling
Loosen screw. Casing must eventually be spread and grip ring with
screw driver released from anchoring on pipe. Do not rotate coupling as
long as teeth are engaged. Grease bolt before new assembly.
23328 1.4 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System General Cleaning
1.4 -- 14 23328
Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 38
To keep the quantity of air in the cooling water low, the water surface
in the make---up tank and expansion tank must be free of turbulence.
Permanent venting pipes are to end below the water level. Check
periodically the tank level.
Air also enters the cooling water through a defective shaft seal of a
cooling water pump when the suction pressure is below zero.
Exhaust gas (CO2) can enter the water system through a damaged
cylinder head seal. The cooling water will then deteriorate quickly.
For the venting point connections of the HT and LT cooling water
system see the pipe connection diagram.
For the pipe connection diagram see section ”Diagrams” of the
Catalogue which is delivered with the engine documentation.
23328 1.4 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Cooling Water System
1.4 -- 16 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.5 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
1.5.1. General
The term ”charge air” or ”supercharging” refers to the practice of filling
the cylinder, with air at a pressure substantially higher than
atmospheric pressure to support the combustion of the fuel, plus a
sufficient excess to control internal combustion and exhaust gas
Supercharging is realised by a turbo charging system consisting of
centrifugal compressor(s) each driven by an exhaust gas turbine.
Turbochargers utilise energy in the exhaust gasses and improve the
engine efficiency. The speed of turbochargers has no fixed ratio to the
engine speed but will vary with the load.
Property Unit
Dust concentration (particles > 5 ←m) 3.0 [mg/m3n]
Chlorides (Cl) 1.5 [mg/m3n]
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) 375 [←g/m3n]
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 1.25 [mg/m3n]
Ammonia (NH3) 94 [←g/m3n]
Note! m3n is given at 0° C and 1013 mbar.
Measurements are to be performed during a 24---hour period and the
highest 1---hour average is to be compared with the above mentioned
boundary values.
Weather conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, ambient
temperature and air humidity may vary considerable during one year.
Therefore a one---day measurement may not reflect the most critical
A detailed investigation concerning filtration has to be done in
installations where the air includes components that are known to be
caustic, corrosive or toxic.
1.5 -- 2 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.5 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
1.5 -- 4 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.5 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
The cooler stack (1) together with the cooling water header (2) and
cooling water return header (3) is one unit. See fig. 1.5 --- 2 .
The unit is located in the housing inside the turbocharger bracket.
The cooling water header (2) contains the HT and LT supply and return
connections with the drain plugs (4) and the venting plugs (5) for both
HT water enters the cooler at (6) and is discharged at (7).
LT water enters the cooler at (8) and is discharged at (9).
4 9 7 4 2 1 3
1.5 -- 6 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38 Operation
To prevent the cooling water from freezing when the engine is not in
operation the temperature in the engine room should be kept at a
minimum temperature of + 5 C. When the temperature is below 5 C
precautions have to be taken by means of anti freeze additives. In this
case it must be realized that this affects the heat balance.
A rising air temperature accompanied by a fall in air pressure indicates
the fin plates around the tubes are becoming contaminated. A rising air
temperature with water pressure difference over the cooler indicates
contamination inside the tubes by scale or dirt. In either case cleaning
of the cooler stack is required.
Check daily, during operation of the engine, if the condesate drain pipes
located on the housing of the charge air cooler and charge air receiver
are open. Under normal operating conditions only compressed air
should escape from these holes and possible some condensate.
If excessive water escapes from the condensate drain pipes this can be
caused by:
--- Condensate due to high air humidity.
Condensate can be formed at the outside of the tubes of the LT part of
the air cooler and is carried together with the air into the combustion
chambers of the cylinders.
The quantity of condensate depends on the suction air temperature,
humidity, charge air pressure and charge air temperature. There will
always be some condensate on the pipes of the LT section of the charge
air cooler. By increasing the temperature of the the LT cooling water
before the charge air cooler the quantity of condensate is reduced.
Do not reduce the cooling water flow.
Excessive water (condensate) in the combustion chambers can cause
corrosion on liners, piston rings and pistons and cold corrosion on fuel
injector nozzles.
--- Charge air cooler stack has one or more leaking tubes.
This should be confirmed by a lowering of the level of the HT and / or
LT expansion tank. Check the kind of water (treated water or not)
Continuously water leaking when the engine is out of operation may
indicate a leaking cooler stack.
Inspection of the cooler stack on short notice is required.
23328 1.5 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
Note! Condensate drain points have the function to inform the operator on
the presence of water in the charge air receiver.
Condensate drain points are not designed to drain large quantities
of water and should always be open.
1.5 -- 8 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38 Maintenance
Clean the cooler at intervals according to chapter 2.4. or, if at full load,
the charge air temperature cannot be maintained.
before mounting
cooler stack
7 7
6 2 3
9 situation
4 after mounting
cooler stack
23328 1.5 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
6 Use jack bolts 9622DT192 to push the cooler stack from the housing.
The cooler stack cooler may now be pulled approximately 10 cm. out of the
7 Fit the support (11) of tool 9622DT937 against the housing and
connect both supports to each other with rods (14), see fig. 1.5 --- 5
8 Fit both carriers (12) to the cooler stack and fit for guidance of the
carriers both strips (15) to support (11), see fig. 1.5 --- 5 .
9 Slide the cooler stack completely out of the housing.
Note! If the cooler stack does easily slide out of the housing check first
if nuts (10) are completely removed. Next measure the length of
the adjusting bolts (13) and loosen these bolts a few turns.
10 After the cooler stack is free from the housing fit eye bolts in top
of the cooler stack and apply a sling to lift the stack.
9622DT937 14
11 12
1.5 -- 10 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
23328 1.5 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Cleaning
Cleaning of the water and air side of the charge air cooler is required to
restore thermal cooler performance. Cleaning can be done either
mechanical, hydraulic or chemical. Several international companies
supply equipment and chemicals for cleaning of heat exchangers.
Cleaning intervals vary with the mode of operation, cooling water and
intake air quality, etc.
During cleaning the cooler should internally be inspected on scaling and
Scale increases the risk of pitting corrosion and scale coming loose
blocks the tubes leading to erosion.
Always check for erosion after cleaning.
Note! When using chemicals take the necessary precaution and follow the
instructions provided by the manufacturer of the chemicals.
Hydraulic cleaning
Hydraulic cleaning has to be carried out with the cooler stack removed
using a high pressure spray gun with a special nozzle to remove dirt
deposits inside the tubes. For the outside of the tubes a nozzle with a
diameter of 3 mm is recommend. Attack and the cooling tubes with the
water yet vertical this means parallel to the fins. A suitable distance to
avoid damage is 2 meter.
Note! When using a high pressure water cleaning device take care not to
damage the fins. Damaged fins will result in an decreased capacity
of the cooler stack.
1.5 -- 12 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38 Repairs
Leaking tubes
Tube leaks can be caused by corrosion, erosion or improper operation
of the cooler. A leaking tube cannot be removed, they are roller expanded
into tube plates.
Leaking tubes may be sealed by turned hardwood plugs or rubber plugs
on both sides. Up till 10 tubes per system may be sealed. Fit a new cooler
stack or send the cooler stack for repair if more than 10 tubes are
Hydro test cooler with the specified test pressure which is stated on the
name plate fitted on the cooler side wall or casing.
Leaking seal
All seals are either O–rings, soft metal rings, gaskets or liquid gasket.
If necessary disassemble the cooler as far as needed. Remove dirt and
corrosion residues and restore the surfaces in good shape again. Mount
new seals.
23328 1.5 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
After passing the charge air cooler the air goes to the charge air receiver
and from there it is distributed to the cylinder units.
The connection between the receiver and the cylinder heads are bends,
fixed mounted to the cylinder heads and flexible mounted in the charge
air receiver, see fig. 1.5 --- 6 .
In case the cylinder heads have to be lifted only the 4 tapbolts at the
cylinder head side have to be removed.
The tapered position of the flanges makes lifting and lowering of the
cylinder heads easy.
The flange connections against the cylinder head as well as the
connection with the charge air receiver has an O ---ring.
Before each cylinder head mounting, check the presence of O ---rings (1),
(2) and (3). The rings should be renewed when they have flat sides.
During lowering of the cylinder head onto the cylinder liner the bend
has to be kept a little lifted to let the cylinder head pass.
Air flow
1.5 -- 14 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
1 2
23328 1.5 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Compensators
Compensators in the exhaust gas manifold enable thermal expansion of
the manifold. Make sure that, whenever the compensators have to be
replaced, the arrow on the compensators corresponds to the gas flow
direction, see fig. 1.5 --- 8 . There is no gasket between the compensators
and exhaust manifold, it is a face to face connection.
1.5 -- 16 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
The insulation box (1), enclosing the exhaust gas manifold, is flexible
mounted to a structure (2) by means of shock absorbers (3). This
structure is rigid mounted to the engine block.
The shock absorbers should be inspected regular on condition. Replace
broken shock absorbers.
3 1
2 3
23328 1.5 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Maintenance Operation
1.5 -- 18 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
1.5.6. Turbocharger Maintenance
23328 1.5 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
1.5 -- 20 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
cleaning procedure
Water injection is to be executed when the engine is running at normal
operating conditions at high load and the compressor running at high
speed. Record the charge air pressure, exhaust gas temperatures and
the turbocharger speed to ascertain the efficiency of cleaning.
1 Loosen grip screw (4) and remove container (1), see fig. 1.5 --- 10 .
2 Fill container with clean water till approximate 1 cm below the edge.
3 Replace container and retighten grip screw (4).
4 By opening both valves (5) and (6) charged air enters the container
via pipe (2). The water content is via pipe (3) forced to the compressor
wheel inlet.
5 The complete water volume should be injected in 4 --- 10 sec. After
the water is injected close valves (5) and (6). The success of cleaning can
be evaluated by comparing engine exhaust gas temperatures before and
after cleaning. If unsuccessfully, the cleaning process should be repeated
earliest after an interval of 10 minutes.
6 On completion of the cleaning process the engine should at least run
another 5 minutes at high load.
Depending on the fuel quality and installation the interval for turbine
cleaning procedure is between 24...150 hours and has to be carried out
at reduced engine load.
Note! Regular cleaning of the turbine during operation prevents or retards
excessive formation of deposits.
Use only clean, fresh water with no additives or solvents. The fresh
water supply is connected to nozzles mounted to the exhaust manifold
before the turbocharger inlet. Fresh water is injected through these
23328 1.5 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
9 8
cleaning procedure
During the cleaning process the exhaust gas temperature has to be
lowered to retard the evaporation of the injected water. It is the impact
of the water drops that skips dirt from the turbine material.
A small amount of the injected water has to be drained together with dirt
particles. As long as dirty water is flushed from the turbine components
the cleaning should be continued to be judged to the colour of the drain
Additives or solvents should not be added to the cleaning water. The use
of salt water is prohibited.
1.5 -- 22 23328
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System Wärtsilä 38
Note! During the cleaning process the turbine speed drops by about 10%
and will accordingly increase the exhaust gas temperature before
the turbine.
Do not exceed the maximum permissible exhaust gas temperature.
Note! The cleaning of the turbine should not be performed shortly before
stopping of the engine to avoid corrosion of the turbine components.
23328 1.5 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Charge Air and Exhaust Gas System
1.5 -- 24 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 1.6 – 1
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
1.6.1. General
1.6 – 2 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38 Actuator
23328 1.6 – 3
Wärtsilä 38
Control System Booster
The booster activated by air the moment the engine is started, boosts
the oil pressure in the actuator accumulator. This makes fast response
of the actuator power piston and fuel rack possible at initial start of the
The booster supplies pressurized oil to mechanical–hydraulic actuators
and electro–hydraulic actuators instantaneous the starting air fills the
starting air header on the engine. This instant oil pressure eliminates
the time required for gear pump in the actuator to build up enough oil
pressure to move the linkage. This produces a faster start, conserving
starting air.
The booster is positioned lower than the actuator to prevent trapped air
in booster and oil lines.
When the booster is inactive, a piston is held at one end of a cylinder by
a spring. The cylinder is full of oil supplied from a line from the
actuator’s sump.
Compressed air at one side of the piston pressurises the oil at the other
side and oil is forced through ports and piping into the oil system of the
Check valves control the oil to flow in only one way.
This avoids the returning of booster oil during the starting process.
1.6 – 4 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38 General
3 1 2
23328 1.6 – 5
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
5 1
11 10
1.6 – 6 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
2 6
23328 1.6 – 7
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
1 Spring loaded levers (8) are set with set screws (9) (preset distance
of 5 mm), see fig. 1.6 --- 4 .
5 mm
2 Record all HP fuel pump rack positions and calculate the average
position. With set screws (9) all HP fuel pump rack readings should be
adjusted at the average value calculated.
3 Check and if necessary adjust the linkage between the actuator and
the common fuel control shaft. See section
4 Secure all lockings on levers etc.
5 Place the HP fuel pump racks on position (35mm) by moving lever
(6) of the common fuel control shaft (4), see fig. 1.6 --- 3 .
6 Check and if necessary adjust the dial disc indicator (10) at the end
of the common fuel rack control shaft. See fig. 1.6 --- 2 .
To adjust release the hexagon socket screw (11) and slide the disc into
position 35 mm. Fixate the disc in this position by tightning the hexagon
socket screw.
1.6 – 8 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
Mechanical limiters limit the rotation of the common fuel control shaft
at minimum position (1) and at maximum position (2) and thus the
stroke of the fuel racks. The limiters are adjusted and locked to avoid
the engine running in overload.
23328 1.6 – 9
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
Move stop lever (6) from normal operating position ’A’ into stop position
’B’. Check if pin (8) locks the stop lever see fig. 1.6 --- 7 . If necessary
adjust the linkage (5) and secure all lockings.
Push stop button (2) on the stop solenoid mounted on the start/stop
unit, see fig. 2.3 --- 6 . The stop signal activates solenoid (21) and stop
valve (17), see fig. 1.6 --- 6 , and air is admitted to the stop cylinders (8)
mounted to the fuel racks of the HP fuel pumps. The air pressure in the
stop cylinders will be released after solenoid (21) is deactivated.
1.6 – 10 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
1 Place lever (6) in stop position ’B’ see fig. 1.6 --- 7 .
2 Check if the power output shaft (3) indicates ’ 0 ’ on the load
indicator (7) (scale 0–10), see fig. 1.6 --- 3 .
3 Check all HP fuel pump racks are now in the ’no fuel position’.
Position zero mm.
4 Release stop lever by pulling locking pin (8).
1 Make a clear match mark on lever (1) and power shaft (3) for
refitting the power shaft lever (1), see fig. 1.6 --- 3 .
2 Remove lever (1) and disconnect the electrical connections of the
3 Drain actuator oil by opening the drain plug
4 Remove pipe connections to booster.
5 Remove bolts (2) and lift actuator from engine.
23328 1.6 – 11
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
1 Clean the joint faces of the actuator drive and engine block.
Check the condition of the serrated power shaft (3) of the actuator. See
fig. 1.6 --- 3
2 During assembling use Loctite 5910 or similar as gasket.
3 Be careful not to damage the serrated drive sleeve when lifting the
actuator into position.
4 Fasten bolts (2), booster pipe connections and electrical
connections. See fig. 1.6 --- 3
5 Mount power shaft lever (1) according to the match mark on the
power shaft (3).
6 Check the position of the actuator in relation with the HP fuel
pump rack position, see section
Trouble shooting
Fluctuations in engine speed or load are usual ascribed to an improper
working of the actuator however before exchanging or doing any
inspection of the actuator check the following:
1 Check engine load is not beyond maximum load.
2 Check if the fuel supply to the fuel pumps is at operating pressure
and no vapour locks exist.
3 Check cylinder firing pressures and proper working of injectors.
4 Check adjustment of external setting devices of the actuator.
5 Check adjustment and linkage between actuator and fuel pumps.
1.6 – 12 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
Booster maintenance
1 Check if the sump of the actuator is filled with oil till the correct
2 Check the starting air supply is connected to the appropriate
booster air inlet. Use the inlet with the built–in orifice if a slower fuel
rack move is required.
3 When all air and oil connections are secured, purge air from booster
and oil lines by cycling air to the booster from a independent air supply
without cranking the engine. Add oil to the actuator as needed. Failure
to purge air completely may result in a sluggish governing system
23328 1.6 – 13
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
The engine is equipped with instruments for alarm, control and moni-
toring. All signals from the engine are collected in a main terminal box.
Warning! Do not modify any parameter setting of the listed documents without
written permission of the engine manufacturer.
All switches are drawn in ”non operated” position (see wiring diagram).
Which means that the actual switches (as mounted) are drawn as being
disengaged. This is very important for the fail safe aspects of the alarm
and safety system when changing switches or wiring.
For the main safety functions a connecting loop is prescribed for the
main terminal box In the wiring diagram.
Note! Some switches are normally opened e.g. will be engaged in normal
engine operating conditions. For example oil mist detection switch
failure will be engaged in case the system is OK power-- and air
supply connected (see wiring diagram for details).
1.6 – 14 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
All pressure transmitters are of the 4---20 mA type. This means that wire
break detection is possible. All pressure transmitters are located on a
central panel next to the main terminal box.
Temperature elements
PT---100 elements are standard equipped with 3 core wires and routed to
a terminal strip or directly to the output connectors in the main terminal
The wiring from the thermocouple connection to the terminal box of the
engine is made by a compensation cable. For cold junction compensa-
tion additional PT---100 elements are installed.
23328 1.6 – 15
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
1.6 – 16 23328
Control System Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft gearwheel
Two inductive proximity switches (3) to detect engine speed at the
camshaft gearwheel cover (4). The speed monitoring system converts
the pulses from the proximity switches to engine rpm.
4 3 5
One magnetic pick---up for each turbine to detect the turbine speed. See
sub---suppliers manual for details. The speed monitoring system
converts the pulses from the magnetic pick---up’s to turbine rpm.
Warning! Check the speed sensor adjustment only with a stopped engine.
23328 1.6 – 17
Wärtsilä 38
Control System
to check the sensor adjustment prior to a first start of the engine. The
following checks should be carried out, see fig. 1.6 --- 8 and 1.6 --- 9 :
1 Remove the connector of the sensor.
2 Check the distance “X“ between the sensor tip and tooth of gear
wheel. X must be 1.5 mm 0.5 mm.
3 Adjust the gap if necessary and secure the locking nut (use Loctite
to avoid loosening).
4 Check if tooth of gear wheel will not touch the sensor tip while
5 Install the connector of the sensor.
1.6 – 18 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
2.3. Operation
Table of contents
23328 2.3 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
2.3.1. General
Note! For running HFO engines on distillate fuels see section
2.3 -- 2 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
2.3.2. Start Preheating
23328 2.3 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
2.3 -- 4 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
If, after a normal engine stop, the engine has to run again within a few
hours the following should be observed:
--- The engine is left in the stand ---by preheated mode.
See section
--- Pressures, flows and fuel viscosity remain at values as required for
a local start.
--- Fuel and lubricating oil separators are kept in operation.
--- No maintenance is carried out.
--- All covers are closed and locked.
--- The turning gear is not engaged.
--- If the engine stop takes 8 hours ore more, the engine should be
cranked 2 revolutions with open indicator cocks before starting to be
sure there is no liquid on top of the pistons.
23328 2.3 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
1 After any kind of maintenance the operator should be fully
informed regarding the results of the maintenance to be able to operate
the engine accordingly.
2 Full attention should be paid to the cleaning of pipe systems
between filters and engine.
3 Depending on the kind of maintenance, safety devices should be
tested on setting and function.
4 Activate stop solenoid with governor power shaft at maximum and
stop lever in operating position and check all HP fuel pump racks move
to zero at once.
5 Prelubricate the engine. Check where possible, if all points which
have to be lubricated receive oil.
Test run
After maintenance and/or repair work on engine parts run the engine
at idling speed.
Note! If anything is suspected during the test run procedure, stop the
engine immediately.
2.3 -- 6 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
Warning! Removing of the crank case covers immediately after engine stop
is only allowed after maximal 5 minutest test running.
Operating check
If the 5 minutes test run is ok, close and lock all covers.
Start the engine and pay attention to the following points:
1 Check readings and alarms of safety and alarm system.
2 Check pressure and temperature gauges.
3 Check automatic alarm and stop devices.
4 Check pressure drop over fuel filter and lubricating oil filter.
5 Check oil level in the oil sump/oil tank. Make some simple quality
checks of the oil.
6 Check venting of engine cooling water systems.
7 Check quantity of fuel leak.
8 Check condensate drain points in charge air receiver on presence of
9 Check cooling water quality.
10 Check exhaust gas temperatures.
11 Listen for strange sounds.
12 Check crankcase pressure.
13 Check maximum cylinder pressures, see section
23328 2.3 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Warning! Be aware that all safety devices are overruled if the engine is started
by using the emergency start push button.
2.3 -- 8 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
2.3.3. Operation
Golden rule
Satisfactorily operation of a diesel engine depends mainly on the
quality of the systems supporting the engine.
To guarantee a trouble free and smooth plant operation one should take
the following remarks into account:
23328 2.3 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
25 Check condensate drain points in charge air cooler and charge air
ducting are open and free of condensate.
26 Never try to adjust exhaust gas temperatures all to the same level
by readjusting rack positions of HP fuel pumps.
Note! The maximum deviation between fuel rack positions is ¦ 0.5 mm.
2.3 -- 10 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38 Restrictions
During idling and low load operation, and depending on the fuel quality
and combustion, more soot and sludge will be formed than during
higher loads. These combustion products will contaminate the internals
of the engine. As a result lubricating oil filters and separator will be
higher loaded during such periods. As well as sticking of piston rings
and valve stems may occur after a stop. Furthermore, combustion prod-
ucts, not sufficiently neutralised by the lubricating oil, may cause cor-
rosion. By reloading of the engine the concentration of all kind of com-
bustion products reduces. This is specially important if the engine is to
be stopped.
Restrictions for idling:
(declutched main engine, unloaded generator):
--- Maximum 15 minutes and recommended minimum 10 minutes if
the engine is to be stopped after idling.
--- Maximum 6 hours if the engine is to be loaded after idling.
Note! Unnecessary idling should be avoided as much as possible.
23328 2.3 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
The load steps must be controlled to deliver sufficient air for a complete
combustion in the cylinders. Turbocharged engines should be loaded
successively due to the air deficit, which is apparent, until the
turbocharger has reached the required speed. The engine loading
should preferably be controlled by a load/speed increase program
included in the control system.
Note! Fast loading creates larger thermal load strain and reduces life time
of the engine components considerably.
50 temperature
Emergency at
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
Time [s]
2.3 -- 12 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
Maximum sudden
power increase
0 20 40 60 80 100
Engine load [%]
23328 2.3 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Output [kW/cyl]
200 MIN.
300 400 500 600
Speed [rpm]
2.3 -- 14 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.3 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
YEAR .. WEEK .. day ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Time ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Engine speed rpm ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Turbocharger speed rpm ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fuel rack position mm ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Load kW ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Load indication governor ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
HT cooling bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
LT cooling bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lubricating oil bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fuel bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Charge air receiver bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Exhaust gases after turboch. m.bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Barometer m.bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Crankcase pressure m.bar ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Ambient air oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Air after turbocharger oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Air in receiver oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Water before air coolers oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Water before oil coolers oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lubricating oil before coolers oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lubricating oil after coolers oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lubricating oil before engine oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
HT water before the engine oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
HT water after the engine oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
HT water after the HT cooler oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fuel before the engine oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fuel after the engine oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Exhaust gases cyl.1, A1 / B1 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.2, A2 / B2 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.3, A3 / B3 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.4, A4 / B4 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.5, A5 / B5 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.6, A6 / B6 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.7, A7 / B7 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.8, A8 / B8 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
” cyl.9, A9 / B9 oC ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./.
Exhaust gases before turboch. oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Exhaust gases after turboch. oC ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2.3 -- 16 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
The maximum cylinder pressure is measured with a peak pressure
meter connected to the indicator cock on top of the cylinder head.
The obtained pressure can only be used for comparison with pressures
of other cylinders of the engine.
Depending on type of fuel, engine load and rpm, the pressure measured
at the indicator cock differs from the maximum pressure in the cylinder
and can be 5---15 bar higher.
The obtained data should not be used for this purpose as:
--- The cylinder pressure indicator is placed at the end of a small bore
on top of the cylinder head. In this bore the pressure is developing
steeper giving pressure fluctuations and higher maximum values
than in the cylinder space.
--- Due to length of the indicator channel the pressure pulse is delayed
giving a wrong time monitoring.
23328 2.3 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Operation Running--in
2A 3
40 1A 2
20 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Operating hours
3 Record data on engine log sheet at the end of each load step. Use the
test report as reference.
Never try to adjust the cylinder exhaust gas temperatures by
readjusting fuel rack position.
4 After completion the engine is ready for operation.
2.3 -- 18 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
1. Crankshaft does not rotate in
a start attempt on air
a) Turning gear is engaged.
b) Starting air pressure too low.
c) Starting air valve kept closed by safety system. Locate the p
d) Engine in overspeed stop position.
e) Main starting air valve jams.
f) Incorrect adjustment of the pilot starting air system.
2. Crankshaft rotates however
the engine does not fire
a) Too low speed. See 1b.
b) Stop solenoid in actuator is activated. Locate the problem.
c) Load limiter is set incorrect.
d) Fuel limiter is set incorrect.
e) Fuel pump rack blocked.
f) In case of starting on HFO, too low
engine and/or fuel temperature.
g) Too low compression pressure.
h) Combustion air temperature too low.
j) Vapour in high pressure fuel lines. P too low and/or T too high.
k) Vapour in fuel booster line.
23328 2.3 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
3. Engine fires irregularly
a) See points 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h 2j, 4d.
b) Fuel pump rack is set incorrectly or jams.
jams Readjust fuel rack.
c) HP pump operates improper.
d)) Bad workingg fuel injector.
j Nozzle holes clogged.
e) Piston rings do not seal properly.
f) Fuel booster pressure too lowlow. Check compression pressure.
g) Valves in supply/return manifold to HP
fuel pump closed.
4. Engine speed not stable
a) Actuator incorrectly adjusted.
b) See point 3b.
b) Control mechanism jams.
c) Too much clearances in control mechanism.
d)) Water in ffuel.
e) Automatic load control mechanism faulty.
f) Actuator drive worn.
5. Knock or detonation
a) Big end bearing clearance excessive.
b) Valve
V l springs
i or cam follower
f ll spring
i broken.
b k
c) Excessive valve clearance.
clearance Find cause of excessive wear.
Readjust valve clearance.
d) Valve(s) jams.
e) HP fuel pump bolts not fixed.
f) One or more cylinders too much fuel.
fuel See 3b,
3b 3c.
h) Piston seizure.
j) Ignition delay. Locate the problem.
2.3 -- 20 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
6. Exhaust gases dark coloured
a) Engine overloaded. Check HP fuel pump rack
positions, exhaust gas tem-
peratures and charged air
b) Delayed injection, wrong cam setting, Check timing.
opening suction hole wrong adjusted.
c) See points 3b, 3c.
d) Insufficient charge air pressure due to:
-- clogged air filter of turbocharger
-- dirty compressor section
-- clogged nozzle ring
-- turbine speed too low
-- too much clearance between rotor
and shroud ring.
e) Deteriorated injectors.
f) Too fast engine loading e.g. during start up.
7. Exhaust gases blue or grey coloured
a) Excessive lubricating oil consumption Endoscopic inspection of the
due to gas blow--by of piston rings, or cylinder liner.
broken sticking piston rings or too
much wear of rings / liners.
b) Grey--whitish gases due to water
leakage in the combustion chamber.
Blue-- whitish smoke appears when running at low
load or at low ambient temperature shortly after
8. Exhaust gas temperatures of one or more cylin-
ders too high
a) Engine overloaded. See engine log sheet, test bed
b) See points 3c and 4g.
c) Charge air temperature too high. Inspection air cooling system.
d) Exhaust valve leaking. Inspection/overhaul exhaust
e) Turbocharger contaminated.
f) Malfunctioning of exhaust gas
temperature measuring equipment.
g) See point 3d.
23328 2.3 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
9. Exhaust gas temperature of one cylinder below
a) Malfunctioning of exhaust gas
temperature measuring equipment.
b) Leaking of fuel injector or HP fuel pipe.
c) Malfunctioning of HP fuel pump plunger. Inspection/overhaul HP fuel
d) See points 3b, 3d.
10. Exhaust gas temperatures very unequal
a) Too low fuel booster feed pressure. Insufficient filling of HP fuel
pumps (see points 2j, 2k),
which may cause great load
differences between cylinders
although HP fuel pump rack
positions are equal.
Dangerous ! Causes high
thermal overload in individual
b) See points 2g, 3b and 6b when idling.
11. Lubricating oil pressure too low
a) Malfunctioning of pressure gauge / transmitter.
b) Lubricating oil level in oil tank too low.
c)) Filter contaminated. Renew filter elements.
d) Lubricating oil temperature too high. See 13.
e) Lubricating oil seriously diluted with fuel or water.
f) Malfunctioning of lubricating oil pressure control valve. Inspection/overhaul pressure
g) Lubricating oil suction pipe leakage. control valve.
h) Suction
S ti strainer
t i dirty
di t or blocked.
bl k d
j) Malfunctioning of lubricating oil pump.
k) Lubricating oil pipes inside engine damaged.
12. Lubricating oil pressure too high
a) See point 11f.
2.3 -- 22 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
13. Lubricating oil temperature:
too high
a) Wrong temperature indication. Check temperature reading.
b) Disturbance of cooling water system.
c) Too high LT water temperature.
d) Oil cooler contaminated.
e) Malfunction of thermostatic valve.
f) Insufficient heat transferred to coolant to
maintain temperature.
too low
g) See points 13a and 13e.
14. Cooling water:
temperature too high
a) Malfunctioning of pump.
b) Water cooler contaminated.
c) Malfunction of thermostatic valve.
d) Incorrect valve position in the system.
difference between inlet and
outlet temperature too high
e) See point 14a.
f) Water cooler clogged or contaminated.
g) Insufficient flow of cooling water through engine, air in
system, valves leaking.
15. Water in lubricating oil
a) Leaking oil cooler.
b) Leakage along cylinder liner O--rings.
c) Wrongly adjusted water seal of the oil separator. See separator instruction
d) Defective cylinder liner or cylinder head.
16. Charge air receiver temperature too high
a) Insufficient performance of the charge air cooler(s). Vent the water side of the
charge air cooler and/or clean
the charge air cooler.
b) HT and/or LT cooling water temperature too high.
23328 2.3 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
17. Water in charge air receiver
a) Charge air coolers leakage. Inspect cooler
b) Condensate (charge air temperature too low) Increase charge air
18. Engine looses speed at constant or increased
a) Engine overloaded. A further increase of fuel supply is
prevented by the mechanical load limiter.
b) See points 2c, 2e, 4e and 4f.
19. Engine stops
a) Shortage of fuel. See point 4d.
b) Overspeed trip device is activated.
c) Automatic stopping device is activated.
d) Malfunctioning of actuator. See actuator manual
e) Malfunctioning of actuator drive.
20. Engine does not stop although stop lever is set
in stop position or remote stop signal is given
a) HP fuel pump control rack wrongly set (3b, 3c). Activate overspeed trip device
manually. If the engine does
not stop immediately, close the
fuel supply to the engine.
Before starting the engine, the
fault must be located and
Great risk of overspeed.
b) Malfunction remote engine stop. Use stop lever on the engine.
c) The engine is driven by generator,
propeller or other source.
21. Engine continuous running with activated over-
speed trip device
a) HP fuel pump control rack wrongly set (3b, 3c). Load the engine, if possible.
Close fuel supply to engine.
Make proper adjustment fuel
2.3 -- 24 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.3 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Remote stop:
Push stop button in the control room, the engine stops electronically.
If applicable, the engine can be stopped by the emergency stop button.
2.3 -- 26 23328
Operation Wärtsilä 38
Manual stop
Move stop lever (6) from operating position ’A’ into stop position ’B’.
Check if pin (8) locks the stop lever.
’B’ 8
23328 2.3 -- 27
Wärtsilä 38
2.3 -- 28 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
2.4. Maintenance
Table of contents
23328 2.4 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
1 When the engine is in overhaul, make sure the remote or automatic
start device and external pumps are out of operation and provided with
prohibiting tags. Switch of the electric power to the engine.
2 Provide engine parts of marks for remounting in the same position.
Marks on engine parts should be copied on new parts to be installed at
the same location. Every exchange should be recorded in the engine
logbook mentioning the reason.
3 Use the MANUAL during maintenance work together with the
4 During all maintenance work, observe the utmost cleanliness and order.
5 Be aware of the risk of crankcase or camshaft case explosion!
Before performing any maintenance or inspection jobs on the engine,
always allow the engine to cool down sufficiently. A 10 minute cooling
period will do after a normal stop.
6 Observe the fire precautions when maintenance jobs or cleaning on
the engine will be done.
7 Always replace locking washers, copper rings, split pins, locking
wires, self locking nuts and ”O” rings during assembling. In case copper
rings have to be used a second time, please take care of proper annealing.
8 In general never leave ”O”---rings mounted on spares. Store
”O”---rings in a dry, cool and dark place.
9 Never carry out electric welding to the engine nor use the engine as
conductor for welding.
In addition the following precaution must be taken before welding in
the vinicity of a LCS control system; Deactivate the system by
disconnecting all external connectors and all the connectors of the unit.
If necessary protect harness, cables, sensors and other equipment from
sparkles with a proper metal sheet.
2.4 -- 2 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
1 Before using the hydraulic tools read section 2.4.3. carefully.
2 Before dismantling, check all pipe systems concerned are drained
and pressure released. After dismantling, cover immediately all holes
for lubricating oil, fuel oil and air with tape, plugs, clean cloth or similar.
Engage the turning gear. Open the indicator cocks.
3 If heavy parts are removed from the engine, e.g. a piston and
connecting rod, the crankshaft may start turning due unbalance. For
safety reasons always keep the turning gear engaged throughout the jobs.
4 In many cases it is advisable to record clearances before disassembling.
1 Make sure all parts are carefully clean (free of carbon deposit)
before mounting. Do not use cotton waste for inside cleaning of engine
but use lint free cleaning rags.
2 Before using the hydraulic tools read section 2.4.3. carefully.
3 For advised glues, lubricants, sealants, see the parts catalogue.
Never use other lubricants for bolt connections of engine components
than those advised. Tightening torques will strongly differ if lubricants
of different brand or type are used.
4 Before fitting spare parts, available as complete sub---assemblies,
all ”O” rings integrated must be inspected on ageing and damage, and
replaced if necessary.
5 In general, all piping should be carefully cleaned before installing.
Fuel, lubricating oil and air lines should be acid cleaned and
neutralized. Also after heating of pipe sections iron oxidation has to be
removed by pickling (acid cleaning).
6 Fit all piping stress free.
Last check
1 It is important no tools, parts or other foreign matters have been
left in or on the engine and all parts have been thoroughly cleaned
before closing the engine.
2 Due to the compression ability of some gasket material the
prestress of some flange connections should be checked after 24 hours
of operation.
3 Record engine parts renewed.
4 Record engine running hours.
23328 2.4 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
The total running hours between overhauls as well as the effective life
time of components depend generally on the following aspects:
--- The operation and maintenance of the engine should be in
accordance with instructions as specified in the engine
--- The intervals stated in the maintenance schedule are guidance
values only, but must not be exceeded during the guarantee period.
--- Everyone concerned with the maintenance of the engine should be
trained and qualified for the job and should have the engine
documentation available.
--- To ensure the efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the engine and its
components, only genuine spare parts should be used.
--- The load of the engine should be between 60% and 100% of the
output, indicated on the engine type plate, making 3,000 to 6,000
running hours annually.
--- The build on sub---suppliers components should be maintained
according the sub---suppliers manufacturers instructions.
--- Quality and treatment of lubricating oil, fuel, cooling water and air
should be on accordance with the rules.
Deviation from the above factors may result in adapting the running
hours between overhauls and/or effective life time of the components.
--- If, for example, two valve rotators have to be replaced inspect also
two rotators of an other cylinder unit. If the result of this second
inspection is also negative replace all valve rotators.
--- The results of the first 4,000 hours inspection are mend to establish
the further service intervals.
2.4 -- 4 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 6 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 8 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 10 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 12 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 14 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
Depending on the scope of supply the following tool sets are available:
23328 2.4 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 16 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 18 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 20 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 22 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1. torque spanner
2. extension
3. adaptor
4. ratchet
2.4 -- 24 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1. hydraulic jack 9622DT232
2. nut 9622DT233
is used in the following
-- Tool set for side studs 9622DT913
-- Tool set for
main bearing studs 9622DT149
-- Tool set for
counter weight studs 9622DT912
2.4 -- 26 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 27
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 28 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 tie rod 9622DT126
2 distance piece 9622DT125
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack set 9622DT910
23328 2.4 -- 29
Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 tie rod 9622DT237
2 distance piece 9622DT236
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack set 9622DT910
consisting of:
1 LP Hydraulic pump 9612DT150
2 Nipple (2x) 9612DT310
3 LP Hose (2x) 9612DT151
2.4 -- 30 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
in combination with:
--hydraulic jack 20 ton 9622DT148
23328 2.4 -- 31
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 32 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
in combination with:
--.Extracting tool 9622DT915
cylinder liner
23328 2.4 -- 33
Wärtsilä 38
in combination with:
-- lifting tool cylinder liner 9622DT914
-- hydraulic jack 20 ton 9622DT148
2.4 -- 34 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 35
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 36 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 nut 9622DT231
2 hydraulic jack 9622DT234
3 tie rod 9622DT230
4 tool pin 9612ZT125
23328 2.4 -- 37
Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 pen 9622DT165
2 protecting plate 9622DT166
2.4 -- 38 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 39
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 40 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 support 9622DT161
2 frame 9622DT160
3 support 9622DT161
4 carrier 9622DT158
5 carrier 9622DT157
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack set 9622DT910
23328 2.4 -- 41
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 42 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 43
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 44 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1 shackle 9622DT122
2 tie rod 9622DT121
3 hydraulic jack set 9622DT910
4 distance piece 9622DT120
6 frame 9622DT119
23328 2.4 -- 45
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 46 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack 12 ton 9622DT147
only use the adaptor
rings (1) in case of four
identical valve rotaters
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack 12 ton 9622DT147
23328 2.4 -- 47
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 48 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1. nut 9622DT113
2. tie rod 9622DT181
3. tube 9622DT180
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack 20 ton 9622DT148
consisting of:
1. stud remover 9612DT390
2. bolt 9612DT389
23328 2.4 -- 49
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 50 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 51
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 52 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 53
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 54 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 55
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 56 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 57
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 58 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
consisting of:
1. Threaded bar 9622DT212
2. nut 9622DT207
3. disc 9622DT209
4. disc 9622DT210
5. plug 9622DT211
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack 20 ton 9622DT148
23328 2.4 -- 59
Wärtsilä 38
in combination with:
-- hydraulic jack 12 ton 9622DT147
2.4 -- 60 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 61
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 62 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 63
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 64 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
”Rolled thread”
The thread of the studs of important connections is manufactured by a
”cold rolled” process to make the stud thread strong and good resistant
against fatigue. Due to this process the circumference of the thread
becomes smooth and hard. This process make studs also sensitive to
breakage in case of damage. Therefore, studs must always carefully be
handled. Replace a stud when damaged.
All hydraulically stretched studs are made of high tensile strength steel.
To obtain the correct force in the studs, the studs have to be stretched
to approximately 90% of the yield point of the material.
This means, a force 10% more than the tightening force does overstretch
the stud. This may never happen because over--- stretched studs
becomes sensitive to fatigue and may break after some time.
23328 2.4 -- 65
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 66 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
The manometer (5) is connected to the air pressure line after the
reducing valve (6). The manometer scale converts the air pressure in a
comparable oil pressure and makes it possible to set the required oil
pressure before pressurizing the hydraulic jacks.
To prevent over stretching of the studs manometer (5) has to be adjusted
to a pressure which indicates 10% less as the required oil pressure.
The manometer (8) indicates the pressure in the HP hydraulic system.
This calibrated manometer contains two independently working
measuring mechanisms, each provided with a scale and pointer.
Recalibrating of this manometer is necessary when the indication of
both pointers differs more then 10 %.
1 2 14 3 4 5 6 12 13 7
8 10 11
a) Pump components
b) Pressurising
23328 2.4 -- 67
Wärtsilä 38
The maximum working pressure of the hydraulic pump is 2500 bar.
Always keep the pump unit horizontal and maintain sufficient
hydraulic oil in the container to avoid air in the system. The container
can be filled through the filling plug (2). For specification of the
hydraulic oil, see chapter 1.2..
For lubrication of the pump adjust the lubricator (12) to 1 drop of oil for
every 20 pump strokes.
1 Check if oil supply valve (14) is open. See fig. 2.4---2
2 Close valves (4) and (9),
3 Connect at (10) the HP hose(s) (11) to the hydraulic jacks (15).
4 Connect the service air at (7).
5 After adjusting the ”air pressure” with reducing valve (6) at a value
of 10% lower than the required oil pressure, start the pump by opening
air valve (4).
The hydraulic system will be pressurized, visible on manometer (8).
The pump will stop at a value of approx. 10% below the required oil
6 Slowly turn the spindle of the reducing valve (6) clockwise, by which
the hydraulic oil pressure will increase.
7 Continue to increase the pressure slowly until the reading on the
manometer of the hydraulic system (8) shows the required oil pressure.
8 After the correct oil pressure has been reached, push down the locking
ring over the reducing valve spindle to fix the setting of the reducing valve.
Every time the pump is operated, the pressure will rise automatically and
accurately till the fixed pump setting. When the hydraulic stretching
procedure is completed close valve (4) and always open slowly valve (9).
Quick opening of valve (9) may damage the hydraulic pressure manometer.
9 At the end of the complete procedure turn the spindle of reducing
valve (6) counter clockwise to discharge the air pressure.
Note! If there is sufficient air pressure and the pump will not start after
opening valve (4) push the button on the reset valve (16).
2.4 -- 68 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
When the required pressure is reached and the pump is still continues
slowly working, the hydraulic system is leaking, e.g. a leaking coupling
or a leaking hydraulic jack.
When the hydraulic system contains air, disconnect the hose at (10).
Press the small valve in the coupling by means of a pin and run the pump
slowly. Let oil escape as long as it contains air.
23328 2.4 -- 69
Wärtsilä 38
The piston is in bottom position for the single jack when no clearence
excists between housing and piston at (11).
The pistons for the twin jack ares in bottom position when top faces of
the pistons are level with the top face of the housing.
After the nut (10) is fastened or loosened with tool pin (12) and the oil
pressure is released, the stretching process can be repeated.
Every time the oil pressure is released the jack’s piston has to be forced
in bottom position by turning the knurled nut with the tool pin.
Because of the friction which exists in the returning of the hydraulic oil
to the container of the hydraulic pump the knurled nut has be tightened
If the jack’s piston is not forced in bottom position, for instance by too
quickly disconnecting the hoses from the jack the piston finally has no
working stroke left. A dangerous situation arises the thread of the nuts
and studs is not fully used and will damage the stud and sealings.
2.4 -- 70 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
3 12
1 5
23328 2.4 -- 71
Wärtsilä 38
Stroke : 50 mm 75 mm
9622DT147 9622DT148
2.4 -- 72 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
Work safely!
1 Check the hose and quick---release couplings for damage before use.
2 Ensure the quick---release couplings are thoroughly clean before use.
Dirt can cause damage to the quick---release couplings so leaks may develop.
3 After use, seal the quick---release couplings with dust caps.
Never work with damaged hoses! The hoses will remain in good
condition if you:
4 never try to remove the clamp fitting from the hose
5 never bend the hose into a radius smaller than 160 mm
6 never twist the hose
7 never damage the hose by, for example, placing heavy objects on it
8 never apply a tensile load to the hose, for example, by pulling
9 never use any oil other than is specified
10 never use the hose for other purposes.
23328 2.4 -- 73
Wärtsilä 38
2 1
3 3
5 4
The couplings have a conical thread (NPT) which is self-sealing when the
coupling is mounted to the hose fitting or a jack. Do not use sealing tape.
Pieces of tape in the hydraulic system will impair efficient operation.
2.4 -- 74 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
4 5
3 2 1
1 Before using check if there is sufficient hydraulic oil in the
container (1) in order to avoid air in the system. (Always use oxidation
resistant oil see chapter
2 Connect the pump to the jacks, by hose connection (3).
3 Close the release valve (4) of the pump.
Note! Never apply pressure to a jack which is not in use for, extracting
otherwise the plunger will exceed its maximum stroke.
4 Always reduce the pressure slowly to zero in order to avoid forming
of foam of the oil.
De--aerating of the hand pump
5 Connect the pump with the jack and place the jack up side down on
a lower position then the pump and close the release valve.
Pump the plunger of the jack completely out till the end of the stroke.
Remove the filling plug, open the release valve and push the piston back.
The air in the system will escape through the hose and the pump. Repeat
this procedure if necessary.
23328 2.4 -- 75
Wärtsilä 38
1 Be sure all hydraulic hoses and fittings are connected to the correct
inlet and outlet ports of the pump, cylinders, valves and other system
components. An incorrectly made connection may cause a not
connected jack in question and not pressurized although the
manometer indicates the correct pressure.
2 Be sure all threaded connections are fully tightened and free of
leakage. Seal threaded connections with a high---grade thread sealer.
Do not over---tighten any connection.
3 Excessive tightening will cause strain on threads and castings
which could cause fitting failure at pressures below rated capacity.
4 Fully tighten hydraulic connectors (avoid excessive force). Loose
connectors will act as a partial or complete line restriction causing little
or no oil flow and resulting in equipment damage or failure.
5 If the maximum stroke is exceeded the sealing sets of the piston will be
damaged. Pressurized oil will escape and the pressure drops to zero. If this
has happens the jack has to be disassembled, the sealings inspected and
if damaged, replaced by new.
6 Do not drop heavy objects on hydraulic hoses. A sharp impact may
cause bends or breaks to internal hose wire strands. Applying pressure
to the damaged hose will cause internal flexing which will eventually
break the hose strands causing the hose to rupture.
7 Do not use the hydraulic hose to carry a hydraulic component (i.e.
pumps, cylinders and valves).
8 Avoid sharp bends and kinks when routing hydraulic hoses. If
pressure is applied to a bend or kinked hose, the oil flow will be
restricted causing severe back---pressure. Also the sharp bend and kinks
will internally damage the hose leading to premature failure.
9 Avoid situations where loads are not directly centered on the
cylinder plunger. Off---center loads produce considerable strain on
cylinder plungers and may slip or fail causing potentially dangerous
results. Avoid point loading. Distribute the load evenly across the entire
saddle surface.
2.4 -- 76 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
To loosen a connection the same oil pressure, or somewhat lower than the
final pressure with which the connection has been tightened, is required.
Prevent overstretching
To prevent overstretching, the hydraulic pressure applied to the studs should
never exceed the tightening pressure plus 5%. Furthermore, operate the
pneumatic driven hydraulic pump according the instructions.
There is no reason to apply a higher pressure than the tightening
pressure. When studs have been tightened to the setting value, the
prestress in the studs may decrease slightly during running of the
engine as a result of the forces incurred in the engine components.
Therefore, the oil pressure in the hydraulic jacks, required for
disassembly will be the same or somewhat lower than the tightening
23328 2.4 -- 77
Wärtsilä 38
If one or more nuts can’t be loosened at setting value check with a feeler
gauge of 0.05 mm if the nut is free from the contact surface. If the nut
is free and it is still not possible to turn the nut, the nut is sticking due
to dirt, corrosion or damage. In such case try to turn the nut using a
copper pin and a hammer.
If still not successful don’t increase the oil pressure because it serves no
purpose. Applying a too high oil pressure introduces the risk of
damaging the thread in the engine component in which the stud is
If the nuts can still not be loosened the connection has previously been
tightened with a too high oil pressure, possible resulting in
overstretched studs. In this case increase the oil pressure till final
setting value + 10%. More than 10% is not allowed as other construction
parts can be damaged.
If, at 10% overpressure, the nuts can be loosened always replace the
studs as they may be overstretched.
If the nuts even at an increased oil pressure are still tight, remove the
tools, cut the nuts off and remove the studs. Fit new studs and nuts.
Make sure no iron parts enters the engine.
Note! If e.g one cylinder head nut has to be cut leave the other three nuts
tightened to prevent damage to cylinder head and liner.
If, due to any cause, doubt exist regarding the stress in hydraulically
tensioned studs the loosening value must be found.
5 Increase the oil pressure in the hydraulic jacks in steps e.g. of 50 bar.
6 Check after each step whether the nuts can be turned.
7 If this value is more than 10% below the stated value investigate
the reason.
2.4 -- 78 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 79
Wärtsilä 38
Warning! In case it is possible to tighten the nuts more than the prescribed
number of holes or there is still clearance between nut and contact
surface, the connection is NOT safe. In such a case all components
have to be disconnected and examined:
- on deviation in material
-- wrong assembling
-- wrong assembling procedure.
2.4 -- 80 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 81
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 82 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 83
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 84 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 85
Wärtsilä 38
Note! The sequence of stretching side studs and main bearing studs is
important and is described in section
1 2
2.4 -- 86 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
2 3 4
23328 2.4 -- 87
Wärtsilä 38
3 4
1 2 6
2.4 -- 88 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
A B 2
23328 2.4 -- 89
Wärtsilä 38
1 2
2.4 -- 90 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
1 2 3 6
4 5
23328 2.4 -- 91
Wärtsilä 38
13 12
2.4 -- 92 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.4 -- 93
Wärtsilä 38
1 2 3
2.4 -- 94 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
2 4
23328 2.4 -- 95
Wärtsilä 38
2.4 -- 96 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
2 4 5 3 6
23328 2.4 -- 97
Wärtsilä 38
5 6
2.4 -- 98 23328
Maintenance Wärtsilä 38
When the tightening torque is not specified, use the values from the
table below.
Unless stated otherwise all threads and contact surfaces of the nuts and
bolts should be sparingly lubricated with engine oil before tightening.
23328 2.4 -- 99
Wärtsilä 38
Maintenance Adjustments Tolerances
Sleeve bearings
The following engine bearings have a steel back and a running layer
of Aluminium alloy:
-- crankshaft
-- connecting rod big end
-- camshaft
New bearings are treated with a corrosion protection oil that has to be removed
before mounting.
Where bearings show heavy wear grooves in the running layer, the quality of the
lubricating oil cleaning process should be investigated.
92 I
147 II
202 III
568 IV
872 V
-- Not coupled to the installation means:
free end and driving end of the crankshaft have to be free from extra
loads due to for instance the weight of elastic couplings etc.
-- Mentioned values are with engine and foundation at ambient temperature.
-- If the values are > max.:
-- check measurement tools and measurement procedure,
see section 2.6.1.
-- check foundation and alignment of the engine and driven shaft.
Re--align if necessary.
Note! * Big end bores only to be measured with assemled connecting rod.
0 66 110 325
+5’ +4’
29_50’ --5’ 30_ +0’
0 0
Ø102.0 -- 0.5 min. Ø128 -- 0.2 nom. / Ø130 max.
0 + 0.03
Ø105.5 nom. Recess Ø140 0
-- 0.5
+ 0.03
Recess Ø125 0
29_50’ --5’
30_ +0’
Ø102.0 min. 0
-- 0.5 Ø128 nom. / Ø130 max.
-- 0.2
0 + 0.03
Ø105.5 -- 0.5 nom. Recess Ø144 0
1,2 9,10
3 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Table of contents
2.5 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
5 4
non--operating operating
side side
2.5 -- 2 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38 General
2.5 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
Warning! Never remove two main bearings mounted side by side at the same time.
2.5 -- 4 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
8 Pressurise jacks till final stress value, see section Check at
which pressure the nut comes loose.
9 Loosen side stud nuts with tool pin 9612DT100 about 5 to 6 holes.
10 Open release valve and slowly lower pressure till zero.
11 Check if the knurled nuts and the nuts of the side studs are loose
and remove the tool set
Note! Do not yet remove side studs.
2.5 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
2.5 -- 6 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
2 9622DT237
A 9622DT901
2.5 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
27 Where on the main bearing cap centre jack is mentioned ”UP” and
”DOWN” remove the plugs and fit in a nipple (5), part of pump set
28 Connect the hoses from the hydraulic pump set 9612DT901 and the
nipples (5) with the delivery hose to the ”UP” connection and the drain
line hose to the ”DOWN” connection.
29 Bring the ”Up---side” of the main bearing cap center jack under a
pressure of approx. 20 bar, the pressure required to lift the cap. Lift the
main bearing cap a few mm against the abutting face. Both main
bearing cap nuts will come free.
30 Remove the side studs.
31 Maintain the pressure on the ”Up---side” of the main bearing cap
center jack and remove the main bearing cap nuts.
32 Close the valve in the return line of pump set 9612DT901.
33 Change both hoses of position so that the discharge side of the pump
is connected to the ”Down ---side” and the return hose to the ”Up---side”
of the jack. Due to a relief valve in the nipples and hoses, which closes
automatically the lines, the build up pressure will remain in the jack.
2.5 -- 8 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
34 Open the valve at the pump in the return line. When no friction
exists between bearing cap and engine block the cap slowly moves down
over the stroke of the top section of the centre jack. The lowering speed
may be controlled by throttling of the valve in the return line.
35 When friction exists the cap may be lowered by pressurizing the
main bearing cap centre jack. The valve in the return line should be fully
opened then. In this case the bottom section of the centre jack is
working. The stroke of the centre jack is sufficient to bring the cap out
of the friction influence of the engine block. The lowering of the
remaining distance is effected by gravity.
36 In case too high friction exists between bearing cap and engine
block and the maximum pump pressure is not sufficient, the side studs
of the adjacent bearing caps have to be loosened.
2.5 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
39 Bar the crankshaft to make the lube oil hole in the crankshaft
journal fully visible.
40 Insert bearing shell driver into the lube oil hole.
41 Carefully bar crankshaft till driver starts pushing against the
bearing shell and turn slowly further.
42 After most of the bearing shell is pushed out of the housing the
remaining part can be slide out manually.
2.5 -- 10 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
Main Bearings
1 Clean bearing shells and check for wear, scoring and other damages.
2 Main bearing journals should be inspected for surface finish.
Damaged journals, i.e. rough surface, scratches, marks, indents etc.
should be polished.
Note! Take care part no. on main bearing shell is facing the driving end of
the engine and the location lug is in the correct position.
2.5 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
Fig. 2.5 - 8 Pushing the upper main bearing shell into position
7 Oil the lower bearing shell only at the running side. Avoid any oil
at the back side of the bearing shell.
8 Place lower bearing shell in main bearing cap with part no. facing
to the driving end of the engine. Make sure the bearing shell positioning
lug fits in the recess of the bearing cap, and contact faces are free from
damages and indents.
2.5 -- 12 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
2.5 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
20 2nd step
--- Check if the jack pistons are completely in bottom position.
--- Close the release valve at the hydraulic pump and pressurize the
jacks till final stress value of the second step.
--- While firmly tightening the nuts, count and note the number of holes
the nuts can be shifted. The nut shifting should be equal for all the
--- Check if the number of holes which the nuts are shifted are within
the values mentioned in section
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressure
till zero. Tighten the knurled nuts firmly to force the jack pistons in
bottom position.
21 3rd step
--- Close release valve and pressurize the jacks till final stress value of
the third step and tighten the nuts with the tool pin further. This
should be possible over a few degrees only.
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressure
till zero.
22 4th step
--- Close release valve and pressurize the jacks till final stress value of
the fourth step and try to tighten the nuts with the tool pin further.
This should not be possible.
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressure
till zero.
--- Disconnect the hoses and use the trolley to remove the tool set.
2.5 -- 14 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
2.5 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
27 2nd step
--- Check if the jack piston is completely in bottom position.
--- Close the release valve at the hydraulic pump and pressurize the jack
till final stress value of the second step.
--- While firmly tightening the nut, count and note the number of holes
the nut can be shifted.
--- Check if the number of holes which the nut is shifted is within the
values mentioned in section
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressure
till zero. Tighten the knurled nut firmly to force the jack piston in
bottom position.
28 3rd step
--- Close release valve and pressurize the jack till final stress value of the
third step and tighten the nut with the tool pin further. This should
be possible over a few degrees only.
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressures
till zero.
2.5 -- 16 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
29 4th step
--- Close release valve and pressurize the jack till final stress value of the
fourth step and try to tighten the nut with the tool pin further. This
should not be possible.
--- Open release valve at the pump and slowly lower the jack pressure
till zero.
--- Disconnect the hose and remove the hydraulic tools from the side stud.
2.5 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
The axial crankshaft locating bearing is located at the driving end of the
engine. This bearing further referred as the ’0’ ---bearing (zero ---
bearing). The construction is similar to other main bearings however
the ’0’ ---bearing cap and bearing shells are different in dimensions. The
axial forces of the engine are taken by two sets of thrust rings (1), which
are accommodated in recesses on both sides of the the bearing housing
of the engine block and bearing cap. The axial movement of the
crankshaft is limited by these thrust rings. The lower thrust rings are
hold in position against rotation by a locating pin (2) in the ’0’ ---bearing
cap (3). The ’0’ ---bearing cap is axially guided during lifting by four
guiding strips (4), mounted on the ’0’ ---bearing cap. See fig. 2.5 --- 9 .
Driving end
1 1
2 2
2.5 -- 18 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
Warning! Never remove the main bearing next to the ’0’-- bearing at the same
time and never move the crankshaft in axial direction by exerting a
force on the counter weights.
Before removal of the ’0’ ---bearing, first measure the axial clearance of
the crankshaft. To be able to measure this clearance it is necessary to
move the crankshaft to and fro in axial direction.
The removal procedure for the crankshaft axial locating bearing is the
same as for the other main bearings.
Removal of ’0’--bearing.
7 Remove the ’0’ ---bearing cap and bearing shells according to the
procedure mentioned in section Inspect bearing and journal
according to section
8 With the ’0’ ---bearing cap in lowest position both axial lower thrust
rings (1) can be removed. The lower thrust rings are secured by locating
pins (2) in the main bearing cap. See fig. 2.5 --- 9 .
9 The upper thrust rings, can be slide downwards, these rings are not
2.5 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
1 Clean the thrust rings and check for wear, scoring and other damages.
2 Clean running surfaces of the crankshaft and inspect for surface
finish, scoring and wear. See chapter for tolerances and wear.
Note! Check if strips (4) on the bearing cap are still tightened and if locking
plates are in good condition, see fig. 2.5 - 9 .
4 Lift the ’0’ ---bearing cap into position and tighten bearing cap studs
and side studs by hand using the tool pin.
5 Position the axial lower and upper thrust rings in line by moving the
crankshaft to and fro in axial direction e.g. with a jacking bolt between
flywheel and engine block or foundation.
6 Place a dial gauge between engine block and flywheel and make
sure that there is axial clearance.
7 Move the crankshaft as far as possible to the driving end side and
keep it in position and adjust the dial gauge on zero.
8 Tighten the side studs and bearing cap studs according to the
sequence mentioned in section
9 Move the crankshaft to and fro in axial direction.
10 Check the axial clearance, note the value found and verify the
clearance with the commissioning report, see also section for the
nominal clearance.
11 Re---install the bearing temperature sensor and check the proper
12 Fit the protecting caps on the side studs concerned.
13 Inspect the crankcase for cleanness e.g. forgotten rags or tools.
14 Run the pre---lubricating oil pump and check the bearing lubrication.
15 Close the crankcase.
2.5 -- 20 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
3 1 2 4 0
Note! If the inspected bearing bush is worn the others will most probably
be in the same condition and have to be inspected as well.
2.5 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
2.5 -- 22 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
1 Clean the camshaft bearing bush housing in the engine block and
check the bore carefully for any damage.
2 Cool the new bearing bush in liquid nitrogen till a temperature of
approx. ---180C. This temperature is achieved on the moment the liquid
nitrogen stops bubbling.
Note! Wear special low temperature resistance gloves and safety glasses!
3 Insert the bearing bush by hand in the camshaft bearing bush
4 The lube oil supply hole in the bearing bush has to come in line with
the lube oil supply hole in the engine block. Use tool pin 9612DT257 to
position the bearing bush.
Note! The lube oil supply hole of the ’0’--bearing should have the same
position as the other bearing bushes, but tool pin 9612DT257 can
not be used. There is no supply hole in the engine block, but a
groove. Keep the outside of the bearing bush in line with the outside
of the engine block, see fig 2.5 -- 12 .
2.5 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
The cylinder liner (1) is centrifugally cast of a special cast iron alloy. The
collar is equipped with bores (2) for cooling of the upper part. The inner
part of the collar is provided with an anti polishing ring (3). The liner
is secured during maintenance by clamps (4).The cooling water space
(5) is sealed by sealing compound between engine block and liner at (6),
and by O ---rings at (7). The bottom part of the liner is supported by a rim
(8). Space (9) is not specially cooled, but is in open connection to the
crankcase via two flat sides (10) at the lower part of the liner. The liner
temperature is monitored by sensors fitted in drillings (11).
2 1
2.5 -- 24 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
1 Drain the engine cooling water and remove the cylinder head and
piston with connecting rod. See chapter 2.6. and 2.7.
2 Remove the cylinder liner clamps (2).
3 Remove the cylinder liner temperature sensors.
4 Fit the cylinder liner lifting device 9622DT914 in position and
tighten the nuts (1) lightly. Check that the lower part (3) of the lifting
device fits properly in the bore and against the bottom part of the liner.
9622DT914 4 1
5 Remove eye bolt (4) and place from extracting tool 9622DT915
frame 9622DT131, tie rod 9622DT132 and hydraulic jack 9622DT148.
Secure the jack with nut 9622DT113 and connect with pump
9622DT133. See fig 2.5---15
6 Pressurize the jack and pull the cylinder liner free from the joint
faces. The maximum stroke of the jack is 48mm. If necessary shorten
the effective tie rod length.
When the liner starts to move freely, remove the extracting tool and fit
eye bolt in the correct position
7 Use a crane to lift the liner further carefully out of the cylinder
2.5 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
9622DT148 9622DT113
Note! Mind the centre of gravity when lifting the cylinder liner. Free
standing liners must be properly supported.
2.5 -- 26 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
2 9612DT401
1 3
4 4
2.5 -- 27
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
9612DT926 9612DT926
8 Let the tool bar slide between cylinder head stud (5), at inlet side,
and (6) during lowering of the liner. See fig. 2.5 --- 18 .
9 Lower the liner carefully into the bore of the engine block.
10 Apply a little force to press the liner O ---rings in the engine block
bore till the collar rests on the engine block.
11 Mount clamps (2) see fig 2.5 --- 14 and tighten the cylinder liner
clamp bolts to the stated torque according the table of section
12 Re---install the temperature sensors connection.
13 Mount the piston with connecting rod. Mount the cylinder head and
refill the engine with cooling water. See chapters 2.6. and 2.7.
14 Check the O ---ring seals on water leakage.
2.5 -- 28 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
2 Clean thread and recess in top of the engine block and check for
3 Clean both thread ends of the stud and check the thread ends are
free of damage by using a cylinder head nut and by turning the stud in
and out the threaded hole in the engine block.
4 Apply the thread of the lower part of the stud with Castrol Tarp and
turn the stud into the threaded hole in the engine block.
5 Tighten the stud with a torque spanner and socket of 55 mm, see
6 Fill the space between the stud and the block with Castrol storage
oil till measurement ”Y” ( approx. 40---60 mm ). For code numbers of
Castrol see parts catalogue.
7 Place O ---ring (1) around the stud 4 --- 5 mm below the cylinder block
surface , see fig. 2.5 --- 19 .
2.5 -- 29
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
A corrugated plate valve (1), see fig. 2.5 --- 20 , is by a conical shaped
spring (2) forced on an O–ring seat (3) closing the crankcase to the
outside. In case of an excessive overpressure (explosion) the plate valve
is forced into open position allowing gasses to escape through a number
of baffle plates (4). The baffle plates extinguish the flames. The conical
shape spring closes the plate valve and avoids the entering of fresh air.
2.5 -- 30 23328
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner Wärtsilä 38
1 Periodically open the plate valve manually over the full stroke and
check plate valve returns to its seat without hamper, see section 2.4.1.
2 Check conical spring on spring force. Renew oxidised springs.
3 Periodically renew all O–rings, see chapter 2.4.1..
4 Check by feeler gauge if plate valve is resting on the O–ring and not
on the steel O–ring housing.
5 After O–ring renewal move plate valve manually over the full
stroke, see point 1.
2.5 -- 31
Wärtsilä 38
Engine Block with Bearings and Cylinder Liner
2.5 -- 32 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 2.6 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
2.6.1. Crankshaft General
2.6 -- 2 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.6 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston General
The connecting rod of the ”Marine type” consists of a connecting rod (1)
with a removable big end.
The big end consists of a big end upper part (2) and a big end lower part (3).
Between the big end upper part and connecting rod foot an intermediate
plate (4) is mounted.
The piston is of the composite type with a nodular cast iron skirt (6) and
steel crown (5).
All connecting rod studs are hydraulically tightened, for background
information see section 2.4.3.
2.6 -- 4 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
--- Tighten bolt (6) and slowly turn the piston through TDC forcing the
anti---bore polishing ring out of the liner top.
--- Remove the ring from the liner.
6 9 8
4 Remove cloth or paper protection with the collected carbon from the
piston crown.
5 Clean the threaded holes in the piston crown with tap 9622DT163
and fasten hoisting tool 9622DT923 with the bolts to the piston crown
see fig. 2.6 --- 6 .
23328 2.6 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
2.6 -- 6 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.6 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
16 Hoist the piston ---connecting rod assembly a few cm free from the
studs and fit the protecting device 9622DT922 against the connecting
rod sole. See fig. 2.6 --- 7
Note! During hoisting of the piston and connecting rod assembly hold
connecting rod free and take good care not to damage anything.
Check also that the piston comes easily out of the liner without
excessive force and the connecting rod foot slides easily into the
bottom side of the liner.
2.6 -- 8 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
For temporarily storing and handling of the piston and connecting rod
use fixating tool 9622DT928.
23328 2.6 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
Dismantling of piston
1 Place the piston/connecting rod assembly top side down on a flat ply
wood surface holding the connecting rod with sling and crane vertical.
2 Remove the retainer spring (9) out of the gudgeon pin hole by using
pliers 9622DT178.
Note! Never compress the retainer spring more than necessary to remove
from the groove.
2.6 -- 10 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
3 Control the strain in the sling such that the gudgeon pin becomes
floating in piston and connecting rod bore.
4 Slide the gudgeon pin carefully out of the piston. See fig. 2.6 --- 12 .
23328 2.6 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
1 Clean all parts carefully. Remove the piston rings with pliers
Remove carbon deposits from the piston and piston ring grooves.
Special care should be taken not to damage the piston material.
Never use emery cloth on the piston skirt and crown.
2 Measure the height of the piston ring grooves and height clearance
of the rings in their respective grooves. See clearances and wear limits
in section Rings, once taken from the piston, should not be
mounted again.
2.6 -- 12 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
Note! The number of the cylinder concerned is indented in the upper part
of the piston and in the connecting rod. See fig. 2.6 -- 14 . When the
piston has to be changed for a new one the same marks have to be
indented at the same position as in the previous one.
marks of the
classification society
factory marks
All marks on
the same side
(towards the
driving end in
in--line engines)
view A
Cylinder numbers
on the same side
23328 2.6 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
2 Lift the connecting rod by a sling and crane top side down and lower
the connecting rod slowly into the piston.
2.6 -- 14 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
Note! During turning of the crankshaft make sure that the big end bearing
cap assembly is in its normal running position (standing vertical).
8 Mount the piston rings by using the pliers 9612DT250. When new
rings are mounted, check the height clearance with a feeler gauge with
the rings fitted into their grooves.
9 Shift the piston rings with slots equally divided over the
circumference 180 _ opposite to each other. Ample lubricate the piston
rings with engine oil.
Note that the mark ”TOP” near the spring slot is pointing upwards.
10 Clean the cylinder liner bore carefully and lubricate the surface
with engine oil.
11 Place guide ring 9622DT924 on top of the liner.
12 Clean and check the contact surface of the connecting rod foot.
Be sure the oil drillings are open and clean. Make sure the markings on
the connecting rod foot are on the same side as at the big end bearing
caps. See Fig. 2.6 --- 14 .
13 Check and clean the big end bearing upper cap contact surface. Be
sure the surface is dry and clean.
14 Check condition of both locating pins and holes.
23328 2.6 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
Note! Take good care not to damage anything when the connecting rod
foot comes free the liner
20 Remove the protecting plate after the connecting rod foot has
passed the liner.
21 Make a final check to the contact surfaces of the connecting rod foot
(clean and free from oil), before the foot slides over the studs.
Fig. 2.6 - 18 Lowering the piston and connecting rod into the
cylinder liner
2.6 -- 16 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
22 Lower the piston completely and take care the foot of the connecting
rod slides over the studs (10) without hampering.
See fig. 2.6 --- 18 .
23 Remove the lifting tool and the guide ring.
24 Fit the connecting rod nuts and tighten the 4 nuts with the tool pin.
25 Fit from the hydraulic tool 9612DT907 the tie rods 9622DT230 on
the connecting rod studs.
Place both jacks 9622DT234 over the tie rods and fit the knurled nuts
26 Connect the HP hoses 9612DT961 to the hydraulic pump
9612DT212 according to fig. 2.6 --- 5 and open the release valve on the
27 Tighten the knurled nuts completely on by means of the tool pin
9612ZT125 to force the jack pistons to bottom position.
See section fig 2.6 - 17 for jack pressure and nut shifting.
28 1st step
--- Close the release valve and pressurise the jacks till the value of the
first step ( pre---stress ).
--- Use the tool pin to tighten the bearing cap nuts by hand.
--- Open the release valve slowly to lower the pressure till zero.
--- Tighten the knurled nuts completely by means of the tool pin to force
the jack pistons to bottom position.
29 2nd step
--- Increase the hydraulic pressure till the value of the second step ( final
stress ).
--- While firmly tightening the nuts with the tool pin count and note the
number of holes the nuts can be shifted. The nut shifting should be
--- Check if the numbers of holes the nuts are shifted is within the values
mentioned in section
--- Open the release valve slowly to lower the pressure till zero.
--- Tighten the knurled nuts completely on by means of the tool pin to
force the jack pistons to bottom position.
23328 2.6 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
30 3rd step
--- Increase the pressure till the value of ,the first step ( final stress ).
Tighten on the nuts with tool pin. Further shifting of the nuts should
be possible over a few degrees only.
--- Release the hydraulic jack pressure slowly.
31 4th step
--- Increase the pressure till the value of the fourth step ( final stress).
Try to tighten on the nuts any further. Further shifting of the nuts
should not be possible.
--- Release the hydraulic jack pressure slowly till zero, disconnect the
hoses and remove the jacks and tie rods.
32 Fit the anti bore polishing ring with the aid of tool 9622DT919,
see fig. 2.6 --- 3 .
33 Fit cylinder head see chapter 2.7. General
The big end bearing is of the bi---metal type with a steel back and a soft
running layer with excellent corrosion resistance.
The big end bearing caps contain an upper and lower bearing shell.
Upper and lower bearing shell are not identical!
2.6 -- 18 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.6 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
See section fig 2.4 - 13 for jack pressure and nut shifting.
7 Pressurise the jacks till final value and use tool pin to loosen the big
end bearing cap nuts 1 turn (8 holes).
8 Open the release valve and slowly lower the hydraulic jack pressure
to zero and check if the knurled nuts and the big end bearing cap nuts
are loose. Disconnect the hoses and remove the tool set.
9 Turn the big end bearing assembly till the bottom end studs are
pointing to the engine operating side.
10 Place from tool 9622DT921 the supports 9622DT161 over the
crankcase door studs at each side of the crankcase opening and secure
the supports with nuts.
Place frame 9622DT160 in between the supports see fig 2.6 --- 21 .
Turn the crankshaft slowly in clockwise direction till about 60 _ after
T.D.C. and leave the big end bearing assembly a few mm free from the
9622DT161 9622DT161
2.6 -- 20 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
9622DT158 9622DT157
15 Take the bearing shells out of the caps. The big end bearing journal,
shells and caps can be inspected.
16 Remove the big end bearing caps by using a sling.
17 Cover the big end bores.
23328 2.6 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
4 Continue turning and take care the connecting rod foot comes free
from the big end.
Note! Take care the connecting rod is not damaging anything when it
comes free from the big end.
2.6 -- 22 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
In case more pistons have to be lifted from the engine by which the
crankshaft has to be turned, use tool 9622DT170 to fix the individual
connecting rod bearings to the crankweb. This is to avoid free rotating
of the connecting rod bearings.
23328 2.6 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
1 Remove the protection from the big end oil bores. Clean and
lubricate the big end properly with clean engine oil.
2 Place the big end bearing lower cap on carrier 9622DT157 into the
support see 9622DT155 fig. 2.6 --- 21
3 Fit the big end bearing upper cap to carrier 9622DT158 with two
bearing cap nuts, and place into the support 9622DT156 see fig.
2.6 --- 21
Note! Always assemble bearing caps with part numbers facing the engine
operating side.
4 Clean both bearing shell at both sides and lubricate only the
running side of the shells with engine oil. Check the bore and joint faces
of the cap for damage.
5 Place the upper bearing shell into the bearing cap upper half.
Warning! Check carefully that the positioning lug of the shell fits properly in
the recess of the bearing cap.
6 Slide the big end bearing cap---shell assembly carefully to the big
end journal. Note that the crankshaft is turned to the right position,
approx. 60 _ after T.D.C. Observe the correct position of the shell in the
cap again.
7 Place the lower bearing shell into the bearing cap lower half.
8 Slide the big end bearing lower half together with carrier over the
studs towards the big end journal. The locating pin in the lower bearing
cap fits in the counter hole of the upper half. Check proper positioning
of bearing caps and bearing shells.
9 Turn on the 2 nuts on the upper studs tighten with the tool pin and
remove carrier.
10 Turn on the 2 nuts on the lower studs tighten with the tool pin and
remove. Remove carrier frame and both supports.
11 Bar the big end to B.D.C. Turn the big end bearing cap assembly
with the 4 bottom end studs pointing vertical upwards.
12 Place from hydraulic tool 9612DT907 the tie rods on the 4 studs see
fig 2.6 --- 19 .
13 Place the jacks over the tie rods and tighten the knurled nuts
completely on.
2.6 -- 24 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
14 Connect the HP hoses between the jacks and HP pump and open the
release valve at the pump.
15 Tighten the knurled nuts further on by means of the tool pin to
force the jack pistons into bottom position.
See section fig 2.4 - 13 for jack pressure and nut shifting.
16 1st step
--- Close the release valve and pressurize the jacks till the value of the
first step ( pre---stress ).
--- Use tool pin to tighten the bearing cap nuts completely on.
--- Open the release valve slowly to lower the pressure till zero.
--- Tighten the knurled nuts further on by means of the tool pin to force
the jack pistons into bottom position.
17 2nd step
--- Increase the hydraulic pressure till the value of the second step ( final
stress ).
--- While firmly tightening the nuts with tool pin count the number of
holes the nuts can be turned further. The nut shifting should be
--- Check if the total numbers of holes the nuts are shifted are within
the values mentioned in fig 2.4 --- 13 .
--- Release the hydraulic pressure slowly.
--- Tighten the knurled nuts further on by means of the tool pin to force
the jack pistons into bottom position.
18 3rd step
--- Increase the hydraulic pressure till the value of the third step ( final
stress ) and tighten the nuts firmly with the tool pin. This should be
possible over a few degrees only.
--- Release the hydraulic pressure slowly till zero.
19 4th step
--- Increase the hydraulic pressure again till the value of the fourth step
( final stress ) and try to turn on the nuts any further. This should
not be possible.
--- Release the hydraulic pressure slowly. Disconnect the hoses and
remove the tool set.
23328 2.6 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Maintenance
2.6 -- 26 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
6 Remove the outer cap nut from the liquid container. Make sure that
no machine oil or dirt can enter while filling the liquid container!
7 The filling period of the container may take from a few seconds up
to more than an hour depending on liquid condition.
23328 2.6 -- 27
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
If no liquid appears:
--- Remove second sampling plug.
--- Supply nitrogen of 3.5 bar maximum pressure through the open
second sampling plug hole. If no nitrogen is available air may be used
provided this air is properly filtered and dry.
If a liquid sample can not be obtained in this way it can be assumed that
the damper liquid has thickened to much.
In this case the damper has to be replaced.
8 Once the liquid has reached the open end of the liquid container:
--- Cut off the nitrogen if applicable.
--- Screw the outer cap nut onto the liquid container.
9 Unscrew the container from the damper and fit the second cap onto
the container.
10 Fit the damper sampling plug(s) with new joint ring(s) supplied
with the mounting kit. Replace any damaged sampling plug if necessary.
11 Tighten the sampling plugs at a torque of 35 Nm.
12 Lock the sampling plugs.
13 After sampling, provide the sample with a label (included in the
sampling kit) showing the following data :
--- serial number of the vibration damper (if possible)
--- engine type
--- engine number
--- number of operating hours
--- date of sampling
Forward the sample to : Wärtsilä Nederland B.V.
Service Department
P.O. Box 10608
8000 GB Zwolle
Once we have examined the sample the result will be reported to you in
writing. This report will also include our recommendation.
14 Max. 10 liquid samples of 1 cm3 each are allowed to be taken.
2.6 -- 28 23328
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston Wärtsilä 38
2.6.5. Cranking General
23328 2.6 -- 29
Wärtsilä 38
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod, Piston
2.6 -- 30 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 2.7 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
The cylinder head is provided with two inlet--- (1) and two exhaust
valves (2) with valve rotators (10), a bridge piece (11), a fuel injector (3),
a safety valve, an indicator cock, a starting air valve at the B ---bank side
and a dummy at the A---bank side. The starting air valve is described in
chapter 1.3.
The cylinder head and exhaust valve seats are cooled by HT cooling
water. The HT cooling water is supplied from the engine block, via
drillings in top of the cylinder liner to the cylinder head through several
holes at (5). HT cooling water is discharged through an outlet channel
(6) at the top side of the cylinder head via a flexible pipe connection to
the HT cooling water outlet manifold.
The valve lifting gear (7) is mounted to the cylinder head by six bolts and
described in chapter 2.8. A single pipe connects the cylinder head with
the engine lubricating oil system and takes care for lubricating of the
valve lifting gear, bridge piece, valves and valve stems.
The top part of the cylinder head is sealed by a cover, split in a lower (8)
and a upper part (9).
9 11
7 10
6 8
5 3 4
2.7 -- 2 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
12 13 14
23328 2.7 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
3 Remove from the cylinder head cover the upper part (9). See fig.
2.7 – 1 .
4 Turn piston in T.D.C. combustion. Check correct position by freely
rotating of both push rods.
5 Loosen and remove the valve lifting gear (7).
6 Remove the cylinder head cover lower part (8).
2.7 -- 4 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
24 22
23 17
20 19 18
9 Disconnect the fuel spill line (18), the fuel drain line (19), the pilot
starting air line (20), the HP fuel line (21), the cylinder head lubrication
supply pipe and cover all holes against dirt penetration.
10 Remove cover (25) and loosen the connection of the temperature
monitoring sensors for exhaust valves. See fig. 2.7 – 5 .
11 Remove the protecting caps from the cylinder head stud. Make sure
the thread of the cylinder head studs are clean and free of damages.
23328 2.7 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
9622DT121 9612DT100
9612DT961 9612DT212
2.7 -- 6 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
13 Open the release valve on the hydraulic pump and tighten the
knurled nuts completely to force the jacks pistons into bottom position.
After the four jacks are in bottom position turn the knurled nut one full
turn counter clockwise (6 holes).
14 Pressurise the hydraulic jacks to setting value and loosen the
cylinder head nuts 3/4 of a turn with tool pin 9612DT100.
15 Open the release valve and slowly lower the pressure till zero and
remove the hoses. Check if the knurled nuts and the cylinder head nuts
are loose and remove the the tool set.
16 Remove the cylinder head nuts.
17 Use lifting tool 9612DT909 to remove the cylinder head. During
lifting of the head push the push rod protecting pipes (23) down to the
cylinder block. See fig. 2.7 – 4 .
Use eye bolt for lifting the head. Lift the cylinder head a bit to drain the
remaining water outside the cylinder liner. Slide the push rod protecting
pipes out of the cylinder head. Check the starting air pipe is free as well.
Hold both the push rod protecting pipes till the cylinder head is
completely removed to avoid possible damage.
23328 2.7 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
18 Remove the ”O” ring (26) and fit the protecting ring 9622DT164.
This ring protects the gas sealing and injector tip when the cylinder
head is directly placed onto the floor. Lower the cylinder head vertically.
2.7 -- 8 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
1 Clean the sealing surfaces and use a new cylinder head O ---ring (26).
Lubricate the O ---ring with silicon grease. Renew the sealing rings of the
charge air channel, starting air line and push rod protecting pipes.
2 Lubricate the O ---rings with silicon grease. Place the push rod
protecting pipes in position and place the push rods.
3 Turn the piston in TDC combustion and be sure the cam followers
for in and exhaust rest on the cam’s base circle.
4 Mount lifting tool 9612DT909 to the cylinder head. See fig. 2.7 – 7 .
5 Hoist the cylinder head. Place a new gas sealing ring (27) on top of
the liner and remove the protecting ring. When lowering the head onto
the liner take care the starting air connecting pipe and push rod
protecting pipes slides into the O ---rings without friction. Make sure the
cylinder head exhaust flange fits into the lower half clamping piece.
6 Tighten the cylinder head nuts by means of tool pin 9612DT100.
7 Place the hydraulic tool set 9622DT911 in position according to
fig. 2.7 – 6 . Connect the HP hoses according to the scheme. Open the
release valve on the hydraulic pump and tighten the knurled nuts
completely to force the jack pistons into bottom position.
Note! See fig. 2.4 - 16 for jack pressure and nut shifting.
8 1st step
--- Close the release valve on the pump and pressurize the jacks till the
value of the first step ( pre---stress ).
--- Tighten the nuts by means of tool pin until firm contact between the
nuts and cylinder head is obtained.
--- Open the release valve on the pump and slowly lower the jack
pressure till zero.
--- Turn the knurled nuts down by means of the tool pin to lower the
jack piston into bottom position.
23328 2.7 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
9 2nd step
--- Close the release valve and increase the hydraulic pressure till the
value of the second step ( final stress ).
Firmly tighten the nuts by means of tool pin. Count the number of
holes the nuts can be turned further. The nut shifting should be
--- Check if the numbers of holes which the nuts are shifted are within
the values mentioned in fig 2.4 --- 16 .
--- Open slowly the release valve and lower the hydraulic jack pressure
till zero.
--- Turn the knurled nuts further down to lower the jack piston into
bottom position.
10 3rd step
--- Close the release valve and increase the jack pressure till the value
of the third step ( final stress ).
--- Tighten the nuts by tool pin any further. This should be possible over
a few degrees only.
--- Slowly open the release valve and lower the hydraulic jack pressure
till zero.
11 4th step
--- Close the release valve and increase the jack pressure till the value
of the fourth step ( final stress )
--- Try to tighten on the nuts by tool pin any further. This should not
be possible.
--- Slowly open the release valve and lower the hydraulic jack pressure
till zero.
2.7 -- 10 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
17 Mount the upper half clamping ring (22). To install the clamping
ring grease the contact surfaces of clamp halves with ducting flanges
and grease the 4 clamp bolts.
Tighten the 4 bolts crosswise till the correct torque. See section
18 Mount the inlet air bend with bolts (17).
19 Fit the flexible pipe connection (15). Apply if necessary new sealing
20 Mount the protecting plates.
21 Adjust the valve clearance. See section 2.7.2.
22 Check the valve lifting gear lubrication.
23 Mount the cylinder head cover lower part (8), upper part (9) and the
”Hot box” panels.
24 Fill the engine cooling water system.
25 Before starting turn the crankshaft two revolutions with the
indicator cocks open.
23328 2.7 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
2.7 -- 12 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
9 1 2 6 7 3
4 5
18 Tighten locking nut (1), to the correct torque, without turning the
valve adjuster. For torque settings, see section
19 Remove feeler gauge and repeat the complete procedure for other
pair of valves.
20 Fit cylinder head upper part cover.
23328 2.7 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
The valve stem is guided in the valve guide (4) and is lubricated and
sealed with the aid of O ---ring (5)
The valve guides and seats are frozen in the cylinder head.
A valve rotator rotates the valve which will ensure smooth and even
The valve rotator is fixed to the valve by means of collets (7).
Note! Exhaust (1) and inlet valves (2) differ in material and must not be
mixed. Inlet valves can be recognised to the concentric recess (3)
in the valve disc and at the notation at the valve stem top.
2.7 -- 14 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
After the cylinder head has been taken off the engine and the injector
removed see section the valves can be removed.
1 Place tool assembly 9622DT917 in position and mount with 2 M16
nuts to the cylinder head. See fig. 2.7 – 12 .
Mount the hydraulic jack 9622DT147 with stud and eye nut to the tool
assembly. Leave about 40 mm distance between jack and eye nut to allow
the springs to expand after removal of the collets.
23328 2.7 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
4 Open the release valve on the pump slightly to discharge the valve
springs slowly. Take care the springs are fully discharged before
removing the eye nut.
5 All 4 spring discs and springs may now be removed.
Take care to keep the collets, springs and rotators pair by pair.
Take care not to damage the spring coating.
I2 X2
I1 X1
bottom view
2.7 -- 16 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
1 Checking;
If pitting exists over nearly the entire sealing face or if imperfect sealing
is observed, valve discs and valve seats should be machined.
2 Machining:
Inlet and exhaust valve seat rings can be machined with grinding or
cutter tools to a maximum diameter. For tolerances and angles see
figures 2.4 --- 30 and 2.4 --- 31 .
Replace rings after exceeding the maximum diameter.
Note! Grinding with grinding paste is not permitted in order to maintain
the difference in angle between valve seat and valve disc.
Tools and instructions for reconditioning of valve discs and seats are
available through Wärtsilä Nederland Service Department or through
your local Wärtsilä service agent.
3 Blueing test:
Apply marginal Prussian Blue on the contact surface of the valve disc.
Place the valve in the cylinder head and make a contact print by
slamming the valve onto the valve seat. Do not rotate the valve.
The obtained contact area should be between 20% and 40%, for inlet
valve as well as exhaust valve seats, see fig. 2.7 – 14 .
*) *)
*) 20 -- 40 %
23328 2.7 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
Valve seats are mounted into the cylinder head by means of a shrinking
process and fits in the cylinder head with high force.
2.7 -- 18 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
5 Clean and degrease valve seat recesses in cylinder head and check
diameter in two directions at two heights. Compare diameters with
nominal dimensions mentioned in section 2.4.5. fig. 2.4 --- 31 .
Note! Wear low temperature resistance gloves and safety glasses during
handling of deep frozen engine parts and take notice of the safety
measures of the suppliers from the liquid nitrogen. Before mounting
a new valve seat, check condition of valve guide see section
23328 2.7 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
4 After mounting of the exhaust valve seat and cooling down of the
cylinder head it is strongly advised to make a water pressure test (5 bar).
9622DT907 11 8
10 9 12 13 14
2.7 -- 20 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.7 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
2.7 -- 22 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38 General
Exhaust and inlet valves may be provided with valve rotators devices.
These devices slightly rotate the valves at every valve stroke. The valve
rotation results in an even wear pattern with better metallic contact
between valve and valve seat. The better cooling of the valve improves
which in turn considerably extends the maintenance interval period of
the valve.
The inlet valves are each provided with a valve rotator rotating the
valves a little during the opening stroke of the valve.
The exhaust valves are also each provided with a rotator rotating the
valves during the closing stroke. Both designs are of different
For lubrication only engine lube oil should be used. Do not apply grease
on the steel balls during maintenance of the valve rotator bearings as
this may result in a less effective working of the rotator.
Valve rotators should periodically be checked on working i.e. the valve
should rotate slowly. At each valve maintenance the valve rotator should
be checked on wear. During maintenance work the rotator components
should be kept as a set and not be mixed with parts of other sets.
2 6
23328 2.7 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
1 After removal of the valve cotters (7) the inlet valve rotator
assembly may be removed, see fig.2.7 – 19 .
2 Turn the assembly top side down on a workbench.
3 Remove spring wire (6).
4 Remove cover plate (2).
5 Remove spring disc (3).
6 Remove steel balls (4) and springs (5).
7 Clean base plate (1) and other components.
8 Check the components on wear and damage. Renew the entire unit
in case a single component is worn.
9 After mounting on the engine check the valve rotator revolves.
1 Remove the valve spindle cotters (7) and take off the rotator top
drive section consisting of spring disc (2), axial bearing (3) and valve
spindle disc (1), see fig.2.7 – 19 .
2 Take off the valve spindle.
3 Remove the bottom drive base section (13) from the valve guide.
4 The top drive unit may be taken in parts by removing circlip (6).
5 The bottom drive unit may be taken in parts by removing circlip (12).
Be careful when the bottom drive section is taken into pieces as small
springs, pawls and cylindrical pins, being part of the freewheel, may fall
out of the assembly.
6 Clean all parts from sludge and possible carbon.
7 Check oil grooves are open and free of sludge.
8 Inspect the top drive section and special the helical groove in
cylindrical part of the valve disc on wear, corrosion and fretting.
9 Check the condition of the steel balls (10) in the bottom drive
section that slides in the helical grooves of the top drive section.
10 Check the axial bearing (5) in the top drive section for wear.
11 Check the freewheel parts on wear and scoring.
12 Any damaged or worn part of the valve rotator should be replaced.
13 In case a single component of the top or bottom drive section is worn
the entire top or bottom unit should be replaced.
14 Assemble the parts with clean engine oil. Do not use grease.
2.7 -- 24 23328
Cylinder Head with Valves Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.7 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Cylinder Head with Valves
Safety valve
Each cylinder head is provided with a spring loaded safety valve (2) , see
fig. 2.7 – 20 . This valve emits an alarming sound at excessive cylinder
pressures. The blow--off pressure is stamped on the valve. Replace at
once safety valves leaking during operation. Mount valve with a high
temperature resistance lubricant.
2.7 -- 26 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
Table of contents
23328 2.8 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive General
The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft through gear wheels. The gearing
consists of a split gear wheel (1) on the crankshaft, an intermediate gear
wheel (2) and a camshaft gear wheel (3), see fig. 2.8 --- 1 . The camshaft
rotates in the same direction as the crankshaft at half the speed.
2.8 -- 2 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
relation to the position of the locating pins (7) on both sides of the
camshaft journal. The position of the locating pins determine the firing
It is therefore that the camshaft journals have to be remounted to their
original position or replaced by a similar camshaft journal.
5 7 6 4 6 5
23328 2.8 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
For the correct position and part number of the camshaft journals
consult the parts catalogue.
For lubrication of camshaft and camshaft drive see chapter 1.2.
At the free end the camshaft is provided with an extension shaft (8) with
a cam to operate the starting air distributor (9).
The starting moment can be adjusted by slackening bolts (10) and
releasing clamping rings (11).
2.8 -- 4 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38 Camshaft
9612DT760 1
23328 2.8 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
5 Remove the rocker arm bracket from the cylinder head, see fig.
2.8 --- 20 of section Take care the rollers for inlet and exhaust
are resting on the base circle of the cams.
9622DT171 2 2
2.8 -- 6 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
5 7 9612DT801 6
23328 2.8 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
2.8 -- 8 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
Warning! Not all camshaft journals are identical! Before mounting check the
parts catalogue for the correct location of the camshaft journal in
the engine block.
23328 2.8 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
10 6 9
2.8 -- 10 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.8 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
11 Slide the end journal partly out of the bearing bush and use a sling
to remove the end journal completely out of the bearing bush.
9612DT801 7
2.8 -- 12 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
15 Fit tool 9612DT985 to the engine block for support of the camshaft
camshaft gear wheel . See fig. 2.8 --- 13 .
16 Extend tool 9612DT801 by turning part (7) so far that the locating
pin (8) is just free and the camshaft gear wheel shaft is loose from the
journal. See fig. 2.8 --- 12 .
17 Remove if applicable cover (12) from the starting air distributor. See
fig. 2.8 --- 3 .
18 Shift the complete camshaft 10 mm to the free end side.
19 Move camshaft gearwheel with shaft out of the engine and use
clamp (14) for lifting.
23328 2.8 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
2.8 -- 14 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.8 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
3 Remove bolts (3), (4) and make use of tooll 9612DT936 to pull cover
(5) together with shaft (6) free from the engine block. See fig. 2.8 --- 15 .
4 Remove cover (5) and mount tool 9612DT936 and pull shaft (6) with
the use of three jack bolts (10). Remove the shaft out of the intermediate
gear wheel, see fig. 2.8 --- 16 .
5 Use winch (23) to pull the intermediate gear wheels out of the
engine. If necessary lift the intermediate gear wheel with spindle (20)
free from the crankshaft gear wheel teeth. See fig. 2.8 --- 14
2.8 -- 16 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.8 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
The crankshaft gear wheel (split gear wheel) consists of two parts
connected together with bolts (1) and to the crankshaft flange with
bolts (2). The split gear wheel can be changed part by part.
1 2
driving end
2.8 -- 18 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
The valve drive mechanism consists of a tappet guide block (1) with
tappets (2) for inlet and exhaust, connected to the engine block.
See fig. 2.8 --- 19 .
The tappets are of the plunger type and follow the cam profiles on the
camshaft and transfer the vertical movement by push rods (3) to the
rocker arms (4) which are fitted on a shaft in the rocker arm bracket (5),
see fig. 2.8 --- 19 .
The rocker arms operate via bridge pieces (6) the inlet and exhaust
valves. For lubrication of the valve drive mechanism, see chapter 1.2.
23328 2.8 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
8 6 7
2.8 -- 20 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
11 5 8--9 10 4 10 4 10 8--9
7 Remove first the push rods (3) and secondly the protecting pipes (12).
23328 2.8 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
2 20 15
15 15 19
R 18
16 21
2.8 -- 22 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
Clean and inspect all parts for measurements and wear, see section
Note! Take care rollers are resting on base circle of the cams before
mounting rocker arm bracket.
12 Lift rocker arm bracket in position, mind if locating pins are fitting
properly in counter bores, fit bolts (8) with washers (9) and tighten all
bolts of the rocker arm bracket to the correct torque, see section 2.4.4.
13 Check free movement of rocker arms.
14 Check and adjust valve clearances according chapter 2.7. and
check lubrication. Mount cylinder head covers, hot box shields and
camshaft cover.
23328 2.8 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
2.8 -- 24 23328
Camshaft and Valve Drive Wärtsilä 38
Actuator drive maintenance exists mainly of inspection of:
1 Radial and axial clearances of bearings.
2 Backlash and condition of gear wheels.
3 Oil supply to bearings and gear wheels.
4 Condition of serrations of actuator drive shaft (5) and coupling
sleeve (6).
Warning! If helical gear wheels are damaged, both gear wheels have to be
renewed as a set.
Special tools are necessary to adjust the gearwheels.
23328 2.8 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Camshaft and Valve Drive
2.8 -- 26 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.9 -- 1
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
2.9.1. General
Basically the entire engine mounted fuel system is situated inside the
insulated Hot Box. Circulating fuel, together with heat radiation from
the engine, keeps the whole space hot so that heat tracing on the engine
fuel lines is not required. Every cylinder is provided with a HP fuel
pump and a fuel injector. The fuel injector is cooled by lubricating oil and
is situated in the middle of the cylinder head. The spill fuel from the
injectors is drained into a fuel leak monitoring device. In case a HP fuel
supply line breaks the leaking fuel is collected in a shielded pipe
mounted around the HP fuel line. This leaking fuel is also drained to the
monitoring device. The fuel leak monitoring device will alarm in case of
excessive quantities. General
Stop cylinder
This pneumatic operated cylinder, mounted at the end of the HP fuel
pump rack, forces the fuel rack to zero position after a shut---down
2.9 -- 2 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
6 5
23328 2.9 -- 3
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
5 Disconnect the fuel rack (6) from the common fuel control shaft.
6 Take off the nuts (7) at the base plate.
7 Lift the HP fuel pump from the engine using tool 9612DT947.
Note! Cover immediately all openings with tape or plugs to avoid dirt
Note! Be careful not to damage the O-- ring grooves (8) in the HP fuel pump
bracket after the HP fuel pump is removed.
2.9 -- 4 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
21 20
28 26
6 40
16 13
15 33
23328 2.9 -- 5
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
6 Remove push rod (12), spring disc (14), spring (15) and plunger (16).
7 Remove spring disc (17) and remove control sleeve (18) with fuel
rack (6) in mid position. Mind that pin (19) is located between the two
marks in the fuel rack.
2.9 -- 6 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
1 Wash the components in absolutely clean diesel oil and lubricate the
internal parts with clean engine oil. During handling of the injection
equipment components, keep your hands absolutely clean and greased
with oil.
2 Reinstall the main delivery valve (23) and constant pressure
valve (24) with their springs into the cover (22).
Note! Be careful with the valves in the pump cover. Some grease may be
used to keep the valves in position during assembly.
3 Bolt the liner element (25) with bolts (20) handtight to the cover (22).
Note that the cover fits properly over the locating pin (30).
4 Fit a new O ---ring (31) in top of the pump house (40).
5 Fit new sealing ring (26) with silicon grease into the fuel pump
house (40), make sure the ring is fully in the recess and mind the
position of the sealing ring. See fig. 2.9 --- 4
6 Fit new O ---ring (27) with silicon grease around the liner element
7 Lift the assembly (25) and (22) into position in the pump housing
with the recess in the cover over the locating pin at top of the pump.
8 Tighten the assembly with bolts (21) handtight on the housing.
9 Tighten first bolts (20) crosswise in three steps to the correct torque
setting and then bolts (21) in the same way. See section
23328 2.9 -- 7
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
10 Lubricate and mount the fuel rack (6) and fit guide plug (29)
together with a new O ---ring (32) and circlip (28).
11 Turn the pump upside down and after lubrication, fit the control
sleeve (18). The control sleeve is at the serration provided of a pin. This
pin has to fit between the marks of the fuel rack.
12 Reinstall the upper spring disc (17) and spring (15).
13 Insert the plunger (16) with lower spring disc (14) and push rod (12).
14 Use tool 9612DT948 to compress the spring (15) and insert circlip (13)
in position.
Note! The protruding vanes at both sides of the plunger lower side have
to slide in the grooves of the control sleeve. To make this mounting
easy going move at the same time the fuel rack to and fro.
15 Release slowly the spring compression on the tool and check that
the fuel rack slides easily.
16 Lubricate the push rod and guide block.
17 Check that the lubricating oil holes and grooves in the guide block (11)
are open and clean.
18 Check also that the guide block slides without any clearance or
friction over the push rod.
19 Slide the guide block (11), also provided of a new O ---ring (33), over
the push rod. Be sure that the ceramic shaft seal (34) is in a good
condition. If necessary replace the seal.
Note! If this seal is leaking during engine operation, fuel can enter the
lubricating oil system.
20 Mount the guide block (11) and locking plate (10) and fasten the
bolts (9).
21 Unless the pump is immediately mounted on the engine it must be
well oiled and protected by a plastic cover or similar. All openings in the
pump house should be solid covered by plastic caps or tape.
2.9 -- 8 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
Be sure that the HP fuel pump to be mounted is ready for use. This
means that the pump internals are correct and clean assembled and the
fuel rack index is calibrated.
1 Check if fuel cam is in base circle.
2 Clean the HP fuel pump of preservation oil and check the free
movement of the control rack.
3 Clean carefully the HP fuel pump bracket surface.
4 Place new O ---rings with silicon grease in the sealing grooves (8) in
the bracket top surface of the fuel supply and return. See fig. 2.9 --- 3 .
5 Remove all protection and check if pump bracket is clean.
6 Hoist the pump to its position by using tool 9612DT947. Be careful
not to damage the O ---rings during lowering the pump.
7 Place the HP fuel pump on the fuel pump bracket and tighten the
nuts (7) handtight, see fig 2.9 --- 1 . Mind the position of the locating pins.
8 Tighten the nuts (7) to the correct torque setting. See section
9 Connect the fuel rack (6) to the common fuel control shaft.
10 Rotate the common fuel control shaft and check that all pumps
follow the shaft movement. Check that the fuel rack positions of all
pumps are adjusted within ±0.5 mm tolerance.
11 See section 2.9.5. for connection of the HP fuel pipe (1) and the fuel
drain line (2). See chapter 1.6. for maintenance of the stop cylinder.
23328 2.9 -- 9
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
The injection timing is determined by the moment the top of the plunger
is in line with the top of the suction holes of the plunjer housing
The timing may deviate due to manufacturing tolerances in pumps,
cams and drive. To obtain the best possible performance of the engine
it is important that the injection timing is in accordance with the test
bed protocol. See test records.
”X”=100±0.05 mm
2.9 -- 10 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.9 -- 11
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
2.9 -- 12 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
The fuel pump brackets (1), with integrated supply (2) and return (3)
channels are each interconnected by pipe lines (7). See fig. 2.9 --- 8 and
2.9 --- 9 .
In top of the fuel pump bracket two small drillings (4), each surrounded
by an O ---ring (5), are connected to the internal fuel supply and return
of the HP fuel pumps. These drillings are fixed restrictions to damp the
chock pulses generated after the pump plunger releases the compressed
fuel oil.
The fuel pump bracket is also a guidance for the fuel pump tappet (6).
5 4
4 2
3 1
23328 2.9 -- 13
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
3 Remove from the supply and return lines of the bracket bolts (1)
and bolts (3).
Remove from the adjacent fuel pump brackets also the bolts (1) and (3).
Slide flanges (2) of the pipe lines concerned backwards and take pipe
lines (7) away. See fig. 2.9 --- 9 .
12 13 12 11 10
1 2 3
2.9 -- 14 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
4 Remove the two socket head bolts (5), which connect the extrusion
profile to the fuel pump bracket see fig. 2.9 --- 10 .
23328 2.9 -- 15
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
5 Bar the crankshaft till fuel pump roller is on base circle of the cam
and fit locking tool 9612DT504. See fig. 2.9 --- 11 .
6 Tighten the nuts (6) till fuel pump roller is free from the fuel cam.
8 8 -- 9
8 -- 9
8 Lift fuel pump bracket out of the engine block, using the eye bolts
of tool 9612DT504.
2.9 -- 16 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
For inspection on wear of the tappet components remove the fuel pump
bracket from the engine block and take it apart.
3 Slide tappet (5) out of the bracket (7), together with spring (6).
4 Press locking pin (1) to slide roller shaft out of the tappet.
5 Clean and inspect all parts for wear. See section
6 For assembling of fuel pump bracket, assemble in reversed order.
Note! For adjustment of the length of the push rod (2), see section
23328 2.9 -- 17
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
1 Clean components and check with service air, if the lube oil
channels are open.
2 Clean the contact faces for the bracket in the engine block and check
if lube oil supply to the bracket is clean and open.
3 Fit locking tool 9612DT504 according fig. 2.9 --- 11 .
4 Pull the tappet inside the bracket, by tightening nuts (6) till
measurement ”Y” is achieved (35mm). See fig. 2.9 --- 11 .
5 Renew and apply O ---rings (3) and (4) with silicon grease, see fig.
2.9 --- 13 .
6 Bar the crankshaft till the fuel cam is in base circle.
7 Lift fuel pump bracket, using the eye bolts of tool 9612DT504 into
the engine block. Tighten nuts (8) from studs (9). See fig. 2.9 --- 12 .
8 Check with feeler of 0.05 mm that no clearance exists between
bracket sole and engine top side.
9 Loosen nuts (6) , and remove tool 9612DT504. See fig. 2.9 --- 11 .
10 Fit the extrusion profile with the two socket head bolts (5) to the
bracket. See fig. 2.9 --- 10 .
11 Renew from the supply and return lines the O ---rings (10) support
ring (11), back---up rings (12), and O ---ring (13). See fig. 2.9 --- 9 .
12 Fit the supply and return lines, between the fuel pump brackets.
13 Mount the HP fuel pump and HP fuel pipe, see chapter 2.9.
14 Close the drain valves.
15 Open fuel supply, circulate fuel over the engine and check for fuel
2.9 -- 18 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
The fuel injector (1) is connected with the HP fuel pump by the HP fuel
line (2) and a connecting piece (3), which is mounted in the nozzle
holder. See fig. 2.9 --- 14 .
23328 2.9 -- 19
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
H.P. fuel enters the injector sideways at (5) through a connecting piece
mounted in the nozzle holder.
Spill fuel from the nozzle needle can escape half---way the holder (8),
along the connecting piece, in a hole in the cylinder head. Against the
cylinder head is at the outside the fuel spill line connected. O ---rings
avoid leaking of the fuel to lower and higher sections of the injector.
5. H.P. fuel
6. Lubricating oil in
7. Lubricating oil out
8. Spill fuel
9. Combustion gases
8 9
2.9 -- 20 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
The injector nozzle is cooled with lubricating oil supplied to the lubrication
system of the cylinder head. The oil enters the injector at (6) and after
cooling of the injector nozzle the oil is released at (7) at the top of the
injector. From there the oil runs down to the crankcase. To avoid the lube
oil leaking down an O---ring is fitted around the injector. See fig. 2.9 --- 15 .
Leaking gases, passing the joint between the injector bottom and the
injector sleeve insert, will escape through hole (9). The combustion
gases will be discharged together with the spill fuel.
1 Remove the cylinder head upper cover and the Hot---Box cover.
2 Remove the HP fuel line (2) and leak---off fuel line (4) between
pump and cylinder head.
3 Turn out the HP fuel connecting piece (3) and disconnect the lube
oil supply line (10), see fig. 2.9 --- 16 . Avoid any lube oil entering the
combustion space after the injector is removed.
23328 2.9 -- 21
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
4 Disconnect the nuts (11) and take off the distance sleeves (12) and
the gland (13). See fig. 2.9 --- 17 .
2.9 -- 22 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
1 Release the nozzle spring tension by loosening the counter nut (16)
and adjusting screw (17), see fig. 2.9 --- 18 .
23328 2.9 -- 23
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
2 Remove the nozzle (18) from the holder by turning off the sleeve
nut (19) with socket 9612DT259 and torque spanner. Be careful not to
drop the nozzle. If there is coke between the nozzle and the nut it may
be difficult to remove the nozzle. In such a case, place the nozzle with
the nut on a soft support and knock the nozzle out by using a piece of
pipe. Never knock directly on the nozzle tip. See fig. 2.9 --- 19 .
Note! The nozzle may also be sent to the engine manufacturer for possible
reconditioning. Note that the nozzle can be reconditioned only once
due to surface hardening on the nozzle body.
2.9 -- 24 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
5 Dismantle the nozzle holder by removing the counter nut (16) and
adjusting spindle (17). Remove the guiding screw of the spindle and
turn the injector body upside down to remove the spring (20) and the
push rod (21).
6 Clean and check the parts carefully. Do not mix---up nozzle parts.
7 Check the HP sealing faces of the nozzle holder, i.e. the contact face
to nozzle and the bottom of the fuel inlet hole.
8 Check the bottom surface of the holder for indentation of the
nozzle needle.
9 Check max. needle lift ”A” of nozzle. If the lift is out of limit value
given in fig. 2.4 --- 36 and the nozzle is already reconditioned once, the
nozzle should be replaced for a new one.
10 Place the nozzle carefully onto the injector body. Turn on the sleeve
nut (19) and check the position of locating pins (22). See fig. 2.9 --- 18 .
Note! Use Molycote G between the contact surfaces of the cap nut and
nozzle and in the thread.
11 Use socket 9612DT259 and torque spanner to tighten the sleeve nut
to the correct torque setting. See section
12 If the tests according to section give satisfactory results
then the injector may be mounted in the engine. Otherwise, replace the
nozzle for a new one.
23328 2.9 -- 25
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
Warning! Be utmost careful when testing a fuel injector. The fuel is sprayed
in a fine mist when testing a nozzle. Fuel spread into a fine mist is
powerful and may penetrate directly into the underlying skin layers
and blood. Such an accident calls for direct specialist treatment.
Should this aid not be available, rinse the affected part of the body
with lukewarm water for a long time. However, it remains necessary
to see a specialist.
2.9 -- 26 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
23328 2.9 -- 27
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
1 Check that the bottom of the stainless sleeve (14) in the cylinder
head is clean. If necessary, clean or lap the bottom sealing surface with
tool 9622DT902. For lapping, fine lapping compound should be used.
The injector seals directly to the bottom of the stainless sleeve without
a sealing washer. See fig. 2.9 --- 17 .
2 Fit new O --- rings (15) around the injector body. Lubricate the
injector body.
3 Fit the injector body into the cylinder head injector hole.
4 Place the gland over the injector and the distance sleeves over the
studs. Fit the nuts (11) hand tight and loosen them a half turn.
5 Fit the fuel connecting piece (3) in the injector and tighten to the
correct torque setting, see section
6 Place locking plate (23) with new O --- ring (24) and bolts (25), see
fig. 2.9 --- 21 . Don’t tighten the bolts.
7 Continue mounting according to section 2.9.5.
2.9 -- 28 23328
Injection System Wärtsilä 38
The connecting piece seals on plain metallic surfaces and these surfaces
are to be checked on condition before mounting. Always tighten the
connecting piece with the correct torque before the HP fuel line is
mounted and also when only the HP fuel line has been removed.
23328 2.9 -- 29
Wärtsilä 38
Injection System
9 Slide the gland (27) back and tighten the bolts M10 (29) to the
correct torque setting. See section
23 24 26 28 3
25 27 30
2.9 -- 30 23328
INDEX Wärtsilä 38
ii-- 1
Wärtsilä 38 INDEX
ii-- 2
INDEX Wärtsilä 38
ii-- 3
Wärtsilä 38 INDEX
ii-- 4
INDEX Wärtsilä 38
ii-- 5
Wärtsilä 38 INDEX
ii-- 6
Wärtsilä Nederland B.V.
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8017 JE Zwolle, The Netherlands
P.O. Box 10608, 8000 GB Zwolle
Tel +31 38 425 32 53
Telefax +31 38 422 35 64