Senior High School: Preliminary Activities
Senior High School: Preliminary Activities
Senior High School: Preliminary Activities
Government Recognition No: PRESCHOOL ER-042 ELEMENTARY ER-043 SECONDARY SR-011, 2016
Tel. No. 529-6290
Grade :_____________________________________________
Task 1. Multiple Choice. Read each of the following statements/questions and choose the item that answers
correctly the question or the best completes the statements. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1.The purpose of research presents a picture of the specific of the details of a situation, social setting or relationship.
a. Exploratory c. Explanatory
b. Descriptive d. Quantitative
2. Educational qualification of teachers affect their socioeconomic status because the higher the educational
qualification, the higher the salary will be. Educational qualification is:
a. Intervening variable c. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable d. moderator variable
3. The characteristics of good research that any conclusion drawn is based upon hard evidence gathered from
information collected from real life experiences or observation is?
a. rigorous b. empirical c. systematic d. critical
4. A type of applied research that is a discipline process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action.
a. Impact assessment research c. evaluation research
b. action research d. basic research
8. An abstract form _______ or idea, often conveyed on a single word which serves as a springboard or building
blocks of theory.
a. Theory c. Framework
b. Concept d. Paradigm
9. A method of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method of inquiry to enrich the system of objective
knowledge in the field of natural and social sciences.
a. Discipline c. Theory
b. Research d. Model
10. A quantitative research design that makes you behave as a scientist is _______________.
a. survey research b. case study c. experimental design d. correlative study.
Task 2. TRUE or FALSE. Write QUANTITATIVE before the item when the sentence is true while
QUALITATIVE if the statement is false.
_________________________1. In quantitative research, researchers know in advance what they are looking for.
_________________________4. Normative research is conducted by researcher whose aim would be to find out the
direction and/or relationship between different variables or group of respondents under study.
_________________________5. Qualitative research requires a large number of respondents. It assumes that the
larger the sample is , the more statistically accurate the findings are.
_________________________7. Correlational is conducted by researchers whose aim would be to find out the
direction and/or relationship between different variables or group of respondents under study.
_________________________9. One characteristics of quantitative research is that its method can be repeated to
verify findings in another setting, thus, reinforcing validity findings.
_________________________10. In quantitative experiments it filters out external factors, if properly designed, and
so the results gained can be seen, as real and unbiased.
Task 3. Identification: Identify whether the following statements can be classified as RESEARCH or
PROBLEM SOLVING. Write your answer on the space provided.
_________________________1. There may not be a problem to be solved, only to satisfy the query.
Task 4. Directions: INDIVIDUAL WORK. Keeping in mind the meaning of variables in research, check (√) all words in
the list that can operate as variables in any research study.
Task 5. Direction: Put a tick (/) if it describes the characteristics of a Quantitative Research.
1. What do we do in research?