Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objectives of Care
Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objectives of Care
Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objectives of Care
Poor hygiene and Inability to provide a After 2 to 3 weeks of After 2 to 3 weeks of 1. Discuss with the Home visit Material resources:
sanitation home environment nursing intervention to nursing intervention, the family the Visual aids and
conducive to health the family, they will be family will be able to: importance and low-cost
maintenance and able to practice good purposes of materials needed
personal development hygiene and sanitation. 1. Know the effects proper hygiene foe the actual
due to lack of/ of poor and sanitation to demonstration.
inadequate knowledge sanitation to their health.
importance of hygiene their health and 2. Provide adequate Human resources:
and sanitation. well-being. knowledge on Time and effort
2. Acquire more the various ways on the part of the
knowledge about of maintaining nurse and family.
the importance cleanliness in
of proper their household
sanitation. and their
3. Demonstrate surroundings.
proper measures 3. Enumerate to
of cleaning the them the illness
environment in and diseases they
order to give can acquire of
importance to having a poor
the health and hygiene and
well-being of sanitation.
each member of 4. Teach the family
the family. how to perform
4. Practice and handwashing,
maintain proper bathing,
ways of hygiene toothbrushing,
to the family by and cutting off
teaching them dirty long nails
hygiene skills of the children
techniques. correctly.
Low income Inability to make Short term: After a few months of 1. Discuss with the Home visit Human resources:
decisions with respect to After a few weeks of nursing intervention, the family the Time and effort
taking appropriate health nursing intervention to family will be able to: importance and on the part of the
action due to lack of the family, they will be purposes of nurse and family.
insight as to alternative able to budget their 1. Know how to having another
courses of action open to income and have a plan budget their work or business
them, estimated income on what ways they can income, have list in order to
starts at 300 pesos per do to earn extra income on breakdown of provide their
day. in order to provide for the expenses, financial needs.
the daily needs of their and learn how it 2. Provide
children and to their will help them information
home environment. have a new about other
business for their livelihood
Long term: source of programs like
After 1 to 2 months of income. TESDA and give
nursing intervention to 2. Get an idea what an adequate
the family, they will be another work or knowledge on
able to start their new business they the various ways
simple business and can do to get an to start a
increase income to extra income for business.
address their daily needs. their daily needs. 3. Suggest business
3. Demonstrate ideas that they
what kind of really want to do
business or work and
that the is appropriate for
mother/father the family, like
planned to do to selling turon or
get an increase lumpia for the
source of mother. And
income. construction
4. Maintain their worker for the
work/business in father.
order for it to 4. Add information
grow and about the
provide the daily specific business
need of the or work they
family. want to do.
5. Advise the
family to plan
first the business
they want before
themselves to
6. Instruct the
family to have a