Assignment-1-Intermediate-Accounting - PERDIZO, MILJANE P.
Assignment-1-Intermediate-Accounting - PERDIZO, MILJANE P.
Assignment-1-Intermediate-Accounting - PERDIZO, MILJANE P.
BS Accoountancy
Fill in the blanks below with the accounting principle, assumption, or related item that best
completes the sentence.
1.Relevance and Faithful representation are the two primary qualities that make accounting
information useful for decision-making.
2.Information that helps users confirm or correct prior expectations has confirmatory value.
3. Comparability enables users to identify the real similarities and differences in economic
phenomena because the information has been measured and reported in a similar manner for
different enterprises.
4. Some costs which give rise to future benefits cannot be directly associated with the revenues
they generate. Such costs are allocated in a rational and systematic manner to the periods
expected to benefit from the cost.
5. The materiality constraint would allow the expensing of all repair tools when purchased,
even though they have an estimated life of 3 years.
6.The consistency characteristic requires that the same accounting method be used from one
accounting period to the next, unless it becomes evident that an alternative method will bring
about a better description of a firm's financial situation.
7. Conservatism guides accountants to select the accounting treatment that is least likely to
overstate income and assets.
8.Parenthetical balance sheet disclosure of the inventory method utilized by a particular company
is an application of the full disclosure principle.
9.Corporations must prepare accounting reports at least yearly due to the periodicity
10.Recording and reporting inflows at the end of production is an allowable exception to the
revenue recognition principle.
In the space provided at right, write the word or phrase that is defined or
Current Liabilities 1.Obligations expected to be liquidated through use of current
Balance Sheet 2.Statement showing financial condition at a point in time.
Contingencies 3.Events that depend upon future outcomes.
Current assets 4. Resources expected to be converted to whichever is longer.
Property plant and equipment 5. Resources of a durable nature used in operations, normally
of long term used.
Intangible assets 6. Economic rights or competitive advantages which lack
physical substance
Asset 7. Probable future economic benefits.
Equity 8. Residual interest in the net assets of an entity.
Account classification.
a.Current assets f.Current liabilities
b.Investments g.Long-term liabilities
c.Plant and equipment h.Preferred stock
d.Intangibles i.Common stock
e.Other assets j.Additional paid-in capital
k.Retained earnings l.Items excluded from balance sheet
Using the letters above, classify the following accounts according to the preferred
and ordinary balance sheet presentation.
__F_4.Bank overdraft
__G_5.Bonds payable (due 2010)
__J_6.Premium on common stock
__L_7.Securities owned by another company which are collateral for that company's note.
__A_8.Trading securities
__G_10.Unamortized discount on bonds payable
__F_ 12.Unearned revenue
2. Stanton Company has the following items: common stock, 720,000; treasury stock,
85,000; deferred taxes, 100,000 and retained earnings, 363,000. What total amount
should Stanton Company report as stockholders’ equity?
3. Quince Holman Corporation reports:
Advertising 120,000
Freight-out 75,000
Interest 60,000
5. How much of the expenses listed above should be included in Meyer's selling
expenses for 2007?
6. How much of the expenses listed above should be included in Meyer's general and
administrative expenses for 2007?
Inventories 40,290
Machinery 82,900
Trademark 17,500
b. Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 38,500
Notes Payable short term 41,250
Total 79,750
c. Noncurrent Assets
Machinery 82,900
Trademark 17,500
Furnitures and Fixture 38,290
Total 138,690
d. Noncurrent Liabilities
Long term obligation 69,500
Total 69,500