18 Defensive Driving Tips PDF

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Eighteen Defensive Driving Tips

Defensive Driving Tips from Pest Technicians, taken from responses from other safety meetings.

1: Be prepared for anything!

2: Keep your mind on your driving. Keep your eyes on the road, and other drivers, and keep both
hands on the wheel.

3: Constantly look well ahead for changes in traffic or road conditions. If you see a lot of brake
lights, slow down and be prepared to stop.

4: Yield to drivers who are determined to get there first.

5: Keep checking your rear view and side mirrors for traffic.

6: Always expect the other driver to do the unexpected -- speed up, slow down, pass, cut across

7: Learn your mirrors' "Blind Spots";. Always turn your head and look for other vehicles
(especially motorcycles) before changing lanes. Remember that your work vehicle will have different
"Blind Spots" than your personal vehicle.

8: Watch for sudden movements - like pedestrians, bicycles, or animals darting into the road in
front of you.

9: Carry emergency equipment. - a jack, spare tire (have you checked your spare tire for proper
inflation lately?), flashlight, first aid kit, flares....

10: Don't speed! Watch for changing speed limits in urban areas.

11: Obey the laws. Follow traffic rules, signs and signals.

12: Don't drive under the influence of drugs, alcohol or fatigue. (Remember cold medicines, and
prescription drugs.)

13: Stay at least 2 (two) second behind the other driver, more under poor conditions.

14: Adjust your speed and driving to changing weather and traffic conditions

15: Lock your vehicle and take your keys with you when you leave it.

16: Be a defensive driver. Protect yourself and others. Your are the professional driver, most
people on the road are not.

17: Walk behind your vehicle before you back up.

18: Be a courteous driver. Your truck is a moving billboard, make a positive impression with other
drivers, not a negative one!

Have a Safe Trip!

PCOC Insurance Program

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