Instructions For The Safe Use Of: Eyebolts: The Information in This Leaflet Should Be Passed To The User of The Equipment
Instructions For The Safe Use Of: Eyebolts: The Information in This Leaflet Should Be Passed To The User of The Equipment
Instructions For The Safe Use Of: Eyebolts: The Information in This Leaflet Should Be Passed To The User of The Equipment
The information in this leaflet should be passed to the user of the equipment
This information is of a general nature only covering the main Using Eyebolts Safely
points for the safe use of eyebolts which comply with BS 4278
or the withdrawn standard BS 529 Part 1. It may be necessary Do not attempt lifting operations unless you understand the use
to supplement this information for specific applications. and limitations to use of the equipment, the slinging procedures
and the mode factors to be applied.
Do not use defective eyebolts. Check the thread of both the
ALWAYS: eyebolt and hole, ensure they are compatible, fully formed, of
• Store and handle eyebolts correctly. sufficient length, undamaged and clear of any debris which may
prevent proper engagement.
• Inspect eyebolts before use and before placing into storage.
Ensure the contact surface around the hole is flat, clean and
• Select the correct pattern eyebolt for the application. perpendicular to the thread axis. Tighten the eyebolt down
• Ensure that the eyebolt and tapped hole threads are firmly by hand. The eye must be in the correct plane and the
compatible and strong enough for the load. collar must sit evenly on the contact surface. Use shims but do
not machine the collar or over tighten to achieve this.
• Correctly align the plane of the eye using shims where
necessary. A hook may be engaged directly into the eye of a dynamo
eyebolt or the link of an eyebolt with link. Collar eyebolts must
• Ensure that the collar is fully seated when hand tight. be fitted with a shackle or link to accept hooks. The hooks must
fit freely so do not wedge or force them into position.
Never reeve a sling through the eyes, links or shackles fitted to
• Use tommy bars, grips or wrenches to tighten eyebolts. eyebolts used in pairs as this will impose a severe resultant
• Use dynamo eyebolts for angular loading. load to the eyebolts.
• Use a single eyebolt to lift a load that is free to rotate. Dynamo eyebolts must only be used for axial loading. When
using eyebolts with multi-leg slings use eyebolts with links or
• Reeve slings through the eyes, links or shackles fitted to pairs collar eyebolts taking care to de-rate them correctly for angular
of eyebolts. loading conditions.
• Force hooks or other fittings into the eye; they must fit freely. Where a single eyebolt is used, use a swivel or swivel hook to
• Shock load eyebolts. prevent the eyebolt unscrewing.
In-service Inspection and Maintenance
Selecting the Correct Eyebolt Maintenance requirements are minimal. Keep eyebolts clean,
protect from corrosion and protect threads from damage. Do not
Eyebolts to BS 4278 are available in three standard types, attempt to straighten bent eyebolts or re-cut threads.
eyebolt with link, collar eyebolt and dynamo eyebolt. Select the
eyebolt to be used and plan the lift taking the following into Regularly inspect eyebolts and, in the event of the following
account: defects, refer the eyebolt to a Competent Person for thorough
examination: illegible markings; distortion; worn, or bent shanks
Type of eyebolt - eyebolt with link for all general purpose and threads; incomplete or incorrectly formed threads;
applications, collar eyebolt for most general duties, dynamo damaged eyes; nicks, gouges, cracks, corrosion or other
eyebolt only where a truly axial load is guaranteed. (A collar defects.
eyebolt fitted with a link through the eye must always be
considered as a collar eyebolt and not as an eyebolt with link.)
Capacity - (rating eyebolts for angular loading) It is necessary to
reduce the SWL by the following factors when using eyebolts
with two leg slings:
Operative Training
Slings should only be used by trained operatives who
understand the methods of rating and application of mode