5 Theories of Selling
5 Theories of Selling
5 Theories of Selling
5. SELL Model
2. Interest Creating:
The second step is to intensify the prospect’s attention so that it
involves into strong interest. To achieve this, the salesperson has to be
enthusiastic about the product. Another method is to hand over the
product to the prospect and let him handle it. Brochures and other
visual aids serve the same purpose. Throughout the interest phase, the
hope is to search out the selling appeal that is most likely to be
3. Desire Stimulating:
After the attention getting and creating interest, the prospect must be
kindled to develop a strong desire for the product. This is a ready-to-
buy point. Objection from the prospect will have to be carefully
handled at this stage. Time is saved and the chances of making a sale
improved if objections are anticipated and answered before the
prospect raises them.
4. Action Inducing:
If the presentation has been perfect, the prospect is ready to act, that
is, to buy. Very often there may be some hesitation on the part of the
prospect at this stage. The salesperson should very carefully handle
this stage and try to close the deal effectively. Once the buyer has
asked the seller to pack the product, then it is the responsibility of the
seller to reassure the customer that the decision was correct.
5. Satisfaction:
The customer should be left with the impression that the salesperson
merely helped in deciding. After the sale has been made, the
salesperson should ensure that the customer is satisfied with the
product. The salesperson should sense the prospect’s mind and brief
his talks.
2. Cues are weak stimuli that determine when the buyer will respond.
Triggering cues activate the decision process whereas new triggering
cues influence the decision process.
Howard believed that selling effort and buying action variables are
multiplicative rather than additive.
L – Lead Into Benefits Get into all the benefits that specifically relate to your
L – Let Them Talk Ask open-ended questions that will get your customer to