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Indian Heart Journal 71 (2019) 161e165

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Original Article

Effects of home-based exercise training on functional outcomes and

quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension: A randomized
clinical trial
Abraham Samuel Babu a, Ramachandran Padmakumar b, *, Krishnanand Nayak c,
Ranjan Shetty b, d, Aswini Kumar Mohapatra e, Arun G. Maiya a
Department of Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, Karnataka, India
Department of Cardiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, Karnataka, India
Department of Cardiovascular Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, Karnataka, India
Department of Cardiology, Manipal Hospital, Hal Airport Road, Bengaluru, 560017, Karnataka, India
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, Karnataka, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of home-based exercise training (HBET)
Received 30 October 2018 on function and quality of life (QoL) in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH).
Accepted 4 March 2019 Methods: A prospective, nonblinded, randomized clinical trial was carried out on 84 medically stable
Available online 9 March 2019
patients with PH belonging to any functional class or etiology and of either sex. Patients were ran-
domized to either standard care or HBET. Both groups also received education using the Pulmonary
Hypertension Manual (PulHMan). Outcomes included functional capacity from 6-min walk distance
(6MWD), QoL using the Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form e 36, functional class (FC), and right heart
Exercise training
Six-minute walk distance
indices (right ventricular systolic pressure [RVSP] and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion [TAPSE])
Quality of life and were assessed at entry and after 12 weeks.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension Results: HBET improved 6MWD by 48.5 m and 13 m in the experimental and control groups, respectively
(p < 0.001). QoL showed statistical improvements after HBET between the groups for the physical and
mental components and for the various subdomains (except body pain). Furthermore, FC improved by
one grade with HBET (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: HBET program improved functional capacity, QoL, and FC in patients with PH.
© 2019 Cardiological Society of India. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction exercise training, it was hypothesized that participation in exercise

training would result in improvements in exercise capacity.
Exercise limitations in pulmonary hypertension (PH) have a Exercise training in PH has gained popularity over the last two
profound impact on the morbidity and mortality of patients with decades. Since the publication of the first randomized clinical trial
PH, for which various physiological systems are responsible.1 These by Mereles et al,5 there have been a growing number of published
exercise limitations are the result of a complex interaction between studies and on-going registered clinical trials.6,7 Recent systematic
the cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal systems.2e4 Considering reviews and meta-analyses have shown demonstrable improve-
these limitations and the ability of these dysfunctions to respond to ments in function after exercise training.6,8e11 However, many of
the studies included in these reviews are limited by the general-
Abbreviations: 6MWD, Six-minute walk distance; 6MWT, Six-minute walk test;
izability of their findings and models of delivery.11e13 In addition,
PH, Pulmonary hypertension; PulHMan, Pulmonary Hypertension Manual; RV, the use of a home-based model, which has been found to be as
Right ventricle; RVSP, Right ventricular systolic pressure; SF36, Medical outcomes equally effective as a supervised exercise program in cardiac
survey short form e 36; SPSS, Statistical package for social sciences; TAPSE, rehabilitation,14 has not yet been studied extensively in PH. One
Tricuspid annulus planar systolic excursion; WHO-FC, World Health Organization e
study by Inagaki et al,15 which studied the effects of an unsuper-
Functional class.
* Corresponding author. vised 12-week endurance and strength training program on eight
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Padmakumar). patients with group IV PH, found a 33-m improvement in 6-min
0019-4832/© 2019 Cardiological Society of India. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
162 A.S. Babu et al. / Indian Heart Journal 71 (2019) 161e165

walk distance (6MWD) along with improved quality of life (QoL). Details of these interventions are provided in the supplemental
Lack of randomized trials with limited studies on heterogenous material. In addition to these interventions, both groups of pa-
patients being studied creates the need for a more rigorous tients also received a patient education manual e the Pulmonary
methodology with greater generalizability across various etiolog- Hypertension Manual (PulHMan), which has been shown to
ical groups of PH. This study was therefore aimed at assessing the improve awareness on benefits of exercise in PH.16 The experi-
effects of a 12-week, home-based exercise training program on mental group received a home-based exercise program that was
functional capacity (i.e., 6MWD) and QoL in patients with PH. modified from a program used for patients with heart failure.17 The
allocation was performed by a person from an external source who
2. Methodology is not involved in the study and using block randomization of
varying block sizes to minimize bias.18 At entry into the study, a
This was a prospective, nonblind, randomized clinical trial, baseline evaluation of demographic parameters and outcomes was
which recruited patients with PH attending a tertiary care univer- performed. Functional capacity was assessed using the 6-min walk
sity teaching hospital between April 2012 and March 2016. Patients test (6MWT) as per the standard recommendations, in which the
who were diagnosed to have PH (of either sex and any etiology and participant was asked to walk as far as possible in 6 min on a 30-m
functional class), stable on medical therapy for three months, and walk way before assessment, vitals were assessed, and the patient
having a tricuspid regurgitant velocity  3.4 m/s with or without was made to perform the test, after providing detailed instruction
right ventricular dysfunction on transthoracic echocardiography and demonstration. Vitals were monitored continuously during the
were screened for inclusion. Patients with neuromuscular compli- test, and no change to prescribed medications was made.19,20
cations limiting rehabilitation, acute coronary events, and/or un- Considering the possibility of adverse events during the 6MWT,21
controlled arrhythmias, undergoing long-term oxygen therapy, or the test had a therapist walk behind the patient while continu-
who use home-based noninvasive ventilation were excluded from ously monitoring all vital signs. QoL and functional outcomes were
the study. Participants fulfilling criteria for inclusion and those assessed using the Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form e 36
consenting to participate were included into the study. The uni- (SF36) for both physical component score (PCS) and mental
versity ethics committee approved the study protocol, and all component score (MCS) and World Health Organization e func-
participants provided written informed consent. tional class (WHO-FC), respectively. Right ventricular function, as
A total of 84 patients were enrolled into the study and were determined from tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE)
randomly allocated to receive standard care (control group) or a and right ventricular systolic function (RVSP), was assessed from
structured, therapist-driven, home-based exercise program transthoracic echocardiography using standard guidelines22 and
(experimental group), in addition to standard care, for 12 weeks. using the GE Healthcare Vivid 7 ultrasound. All echocardiographic

Fig. 1. Flow of participants using the CONSORT flow diagram. CPAP, continous positive airway pressure.
A.S. Babu et al. / Indian Heart Journal 71 (2019) 161e165 163

Table 1 systolic excursion (TAPSE), 6MWD, and both the physical compo-
Baseline characteristics of participants. nent scores (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) of the SF36 as
Variable Control Experimental covariates. Intention-to-treat analysis was performed, and missing
(n ¼ 42) (n ¼ 42) data were assessed for randomness using the Little's missing
Demographics completely at random (MCAR) test. After establishing data were
Age in years, mean ± SD 47.28 ± 15.6 51.45 ± 13.7 completely missing at random, multiple imputation method with
Male/Female, n (%) 29/13 22/20 20 iterations was performed as recommended.23
Height in cm, mean ± SD 152.8 ± 13.3 150.8 ± 11.9
Weight in Kg, mean ± SD 51.8 ± 14.7 54.4 ± 14.3
BMI in Kg/m , mean ± SD 21.9 ± 4.7 23.8 ± 5.4 3. Results
Group 1, n (%) 17 (40.5) 17 (40.5)
Idiopathic PAH 10 (23.8) 5 (11.9) A total of 84 participants were enrolled into the study, of which 67
Connective tissue disease 0 3 (7.1)
completed the 12-week home-based exercise training intervention.
Portal hypertension 1 (2.3) 0
Congenital heart disease 6 (14.3) 9 (21.4)
Fig. 1 demonstrates the flow of participants into the study as defined
Group 2, n (%) 5 (11.9) 7 (16.7) by the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) guide-
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction 2 (4.8) 5 (11.9) lines.24 At entry into the study, there were no significant differences
Valvular disease 1 (2.4) 1 (2.4) between demographic characteristics (Table 1). At the end of 12
Congenital/acquired left heart 2 (4.8) 0
weeks, there was a significant improvement in 6MWD by 48.5 m and
inflow/outflow tract obstruction
Group 3, n (%) 10 (23.8) 10 (23.8) 13.1 m in the experimental and control groups, respectively (p < 0.05)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5 (11.9) 6 (14.3) (Table 2). Because there was no difference between the adjusted and
Interstitial lung disease 2 (4.8) 1 (2.4) unadjusted means, only the unadjusted mean differences with their
Mixed restrictive and obstructive pattern 2 (4.8) 2 (4.8) standard deviations and mean change from baseline for 6MWD,
Sleep-disordered breathing 1 (2.4) 1 (2.4)
Group 4, n (%) 10 (23.8) 6 (14.3)
SF36, RVSP, and TAPSE are summarized in Table 2. The adjusted mean
Group 5, n (%) 0 (0) 2 (4.8) differences are reported in the Supplemental B (Tables)
Pulmonary hypertensionespecific therapies An ANCOVA was run to determine the effect of home-based
Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, n (%) 37 (88.1) 34 (80.9) exercise training on postintervention outcomes (i.e., 6MWD, QOL,
Endothelin receptor antagonists, n (%) 4 (9.5) 1 (2.4)
WHO-FC, RVSP, and TAPSE) after controlling for various pre-
Diuretics, n (%) 41 (97.6) 41 (97.6)
Anticoagulants, n (%) 40 (95.2) 38 (90.4) intervention covariates. For 6MWD, there was a statistically sig-
Digoxin, n (%) 20 (47.6) 18 (42.9) nificant difference in postintervention 6MWD between the groups
Calcium channel blockers, n (%) 4 (9.5) 3 (7.1) (F (1,67) ¼ 15.257, p < 0.001). The experimental group found an
Outcome measures improvement of 48.5 m versus 13 m in the control group
WHO-FC, median (IQR) 2 (2, 3) 3 (2, 3)
WHO class I, n (%) 7 (16.7) 4 (9.5)
(p < 0.001). For QOL, there was a statistically significant difference
WHO class II, n (%) 17 (40.5) 16 (38.1) between the groups, with significant changes seen in the experi-
WHO class III, n (%) 17 (40.5) 21 (50) mental group on the postintervention PCS and MCS scores
WHO class IV, n (%) 1 (2.4) 1 (2.4) (F(1,67) ¼ 19.219, p < 0.001 and F(1,67) ¼ 15.097, p < 0.001,
6MWD in meters, mean ± SD 265.8 ± 88.5 277.3 ± 102.1
respectively). The difference in PCS and MCS between the groups
SF36: PCS 40.6 ± 7.1 40.8 ± 8.3
SF36: MCS 40.4 ± 8.9 42.7 ± 8.6 improved by 5.5 and 4.2 units, respectively. In addition, the mean
RVSP in mmHg, median (IQR) 78.5 (65, 105.2) 80 (60, 92.2) differences between the groups for the PCS and MCS along with the
TR velocity in m/s, median (IQR) 4.33 (3.86, 4.9) 4.03 (3.53, 4.52) subdomains also showed significant differences, except for the
TAPSE in mm, mean ± SD 13.85 ± 2.59 14.47 ± 2.88 subdomain of body pain (Table 2).
SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; WHO-FC, World Health Organization After exercise training, the postintervention WHO-FC showed a
e functional class; IQR, interquartile range; 6MWD, 6-minute walking distance; statistically significant improvement between the groups after
SF36, Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form e 36; RVSP, right ventricular systolic
controlling for various baseline covariates (F(1,67) ¼ 18.798,
pressure; TR, tricuspid regurgitation.
p < 0.001). There was however no change in the control group. A
statistically significant reduction in median WHO-FC from class III
readings were performed by the same cardiac technologist (>10 to class II (p < 0.001) was seen after exercise training (Table 3).
years of experience) who was unaware of the group allocation and Right heart function, in terms of RVSP and TAPSE, did not show a
details of outcome measures. Patients in the intervention arm were statistically (p > 0.05) or clinically significant change between the
provided an exercise log book to ensure they remained adherent to groups after exercise training (Table 2).
the program (i.e., performed exercises on at least 3 days of the No adverse events or fatalities were observed during the study.
week) for the 12-week duration. All outcomes were reassessed at Noneexercise-related adverse events were reported in both the
the end of 12 weeks. groups and consisted of breathlessness (7/67; 10.4%), vertigo and
Sample size was determined based on the study by Merles et al5 hemoptysis (1/67; 1.4% each), and lower respiratory infection and
and a home-based study on heart failure17 in the same setting as warfarin-induced bleed (2/67; 2.9% each). One of the participants
the present study using the comparison of means to detect a dif- with the warfarin-induced bleed in the control group died. Among
ference of 50 m on the 6MWT. Considering an attrition rate of 30%, those who completed the 12-week intervention (n ¼ 34), adher-
the minimum number required in each group was 42, with the ence to the program was good (45.2% ± 15.9%) with most of the
study powered at 80% with 95% confidence. Data were analyzed participants (n ¼ 26, 76.4%) completing between 40 and 60% of all
using SPSS, version 22.0. Demographic data were represented ac- exercise sessions. Only a small number (3, 8.8%) completed <40% of
cording to category of variables (categorical versus continuous) and all sessions, whereas five (14.7%) were extremely compliant with
normality of distribution from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. De- the sessions, completing >60% of all sessions.
mographics of all the participants recruited into the study were
described using descriptive statistics. Analysis of covariance 4. Discussion
(ANCOVA) was performed for the outcome measures, considering
baseline parameters such as age, sex, and dose of sildenafil and This is the first home-based exercise training trial from India to
baseline outcomes such as WHO-FC, RVSP, tricuspid annular plane demonstrate significant benefits in functional outcomes and QoL.
164 A.S. Babu et al. / Indian Heart Journal 71 (2019) 161e165

Table 2
Unadjusted means between groups for all outcome measures after 12 weeks of home-based exercise training.

Outcome Control (n ¼ 33) Mean change from baseline Experimental (n ¼ 34) Mean change from baseline

6MWD (meters), means ± SDa 275.3 ± 93.9 13 ± 39.8 NS 334.1 ± 88.4 48.55 ± 44.98b
WHO-FC, median (IQR) NS 2 (2,3) 0.6 ± 0.3 NS 2 (1,3) 0.5 ± 0.5 NS
SF36-PCS, means ± SDa 40.69 ± 8.51 0.07 ± 4.07 NS 45.44 ± 8.42 4.59 ± 4.55b
SF36-MCS, means ± SDa 42.23 ± 8.72 1.75 ± 5.75 NS 48.48 ± 6.98 5.75 ± 5.91b
Physical function, means ± SDa 36.85 ± 10.24 0.68 ± 3.48 NS 42.3 ± 9.25 3.08 ± 8.67b
Role physical, means ± SDa 38 ± 8.31 0.12 ± 4.92 NS 44.85 ± 8.72 4.41 ± 8.24b
Body pain, means ± SD NS 56.53 ± 8.0 0.18 ± 8.43 NS 56.29 ± 7.40 0.71 ± 11.41 NS
General health, means ± SDa 33.71 ± 9.81 0.81 ± 5.63 NS 42.23 ± 10.26 6.14 ± 7.19b
Vitality, means ± SDa 44.43 ± 8.95 2.17 ± 5.78 NS 51.33 ± 6.18 7.03 ± 10.28b
Social function, means ± SDa 38.18 ± 9.51 1.41 ± 6.90 NS 44.55 ± 7.71 4.79 ± 11.55b
Role emotional, means ± SDa 38.86 ± 11.29 0.01 ± 6.71 NS 45.54 ± 9.36 3.18 ± 9.03b
Mental health, means ± SDa 44.06 ± 7.9 1.22 ± 4.66 NS 44.68 ± 7.35 3.12 ± 9.83b
RVSP (mm Hg), means ± SD NS 83.75 ± 29.32 1.48 ± 4.91 NS 75.76 ± 24.95 3.29 ± 8.03 NS
TAPSE (mm), means ± SD NS 13.48 ± 2.5 0.12 ± 1.47 NS 15.03 ± 2.77 0.28 ± 0.56 NS

Abbreviations: 6MWD, six-minute walk distance; MCS, mental component score; NS, not significant; PCS, physical component score; RVSP, right ventricular systolic pressure;
TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; WHO-FC, World Health Organization e functional class; SF36, Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form e 36.
p < 0.05 between groups.
p < 0.05 within groups.

The mean improvement in 6MWD seen was 44 m, which was found and functional limitations, among others.36 The relevance of both
to be more than the minimally clinically important difference of the PCS and MCS was recently studied by Mathai et al37 in which
33 m and similar to that observed in a recent clinical trial25,26 and they found that PCS was significantly associated with survival,
also in the sildenafil use in pulmonary arterial hypertension (SU- whereas MCS was associated with the transplant-free survival
PER) trial that assessed the effects of sildenafil in PH.27 Considering period in PH.
the limited effect of exercise on the RV, the improvements in the Reduction in RVSP with exercise training was observed in this
6MWD could be attributed to the impact of exercise on the pe- study. However, the small magnitude of change that occurred
ripheral muscles which resulted in the improved functional ca- was not statistically or clinically relevant. This was much lower
pacity.28 Exercise training has been found to improve cross- than what has been observed by Mereles et al5 with their 15-
sectional area of the quadriceps and also capillarisation.29 This week exercise training program. RV dysfunction as measured
could result in improved oxygenation to the exercising muscles and by TAPSE did not improve after exercise training. This is con-
thus improve functional capacity by improving peripheral oxygen tradictory to what has been seen in young healthy individuals
consumption.30e32 Similar improvements in function and QoL have and also in an animal model of chronic obstructive pulmonary
been seen in previous studies.6,10,11,33 disease-induced PH.38,39 However, the effects of exercise training
A 71% reduction in the number of patients in WHO-FC III and a on TAPSE in PH are yet to be explored.
175% increase in WHO-FC I with home-based exercise training are The exercise program was found to be safe, with non-
important findings as patients in lower functional classes are eexercise-related adverse events being reported. Two fatalities
known to have better outcomes in the long term. However, this that occurred were not the result of exercise. The safety profile of
study did not assess the long-term effects and therefore does not this study is similar to that reported in an earlier study40 and
know how it would have had an impact. The improvements seen also in recent reviews.6,9 The testing of patients using the 6MWD
with long-term sildenafil use are comparable with the improve- was also safe. However, considering recent reports on adverse
ments seen in this study at the end of 12 weeks.34 The lack of events during the 6MWT,21 it is advisable to ensure adequate
change in the control suggests that even though medical therapy supervision during the test and emphasize safety during exercise
stabilizes patients, the additional effect of exercise training prescription.
improved the functional class. Nevertheless, the improvements in In addition, the number of participants achieving the minimal
WHO-FC could translate to the improvements seen in the 6MWD clinically important difference (MCID) of 33 m on 6MWT was found
and SF36 scores. to be greater in the experimental groups, with 27 of 34 achieving
QoL improved by 4.6 and 5.7 units for PCS and MCS, respectively, the MCID as against only 5 of 33 in the control group.
when compared between control and experimental groups. These The study is limited by the lack of blinding for functional
are similar to those described as the clinically relevant scores for outcomes, which would influence the Hawthorne effect. Never-
improvement in QoL.35 These could be due to improvement in theless, the study provides crucial data on the use of a simple
various factors that may lead to impaired QoL in PH such as dyspnea inexpensive rehabilitation model of delivery for exercise training
for individuals with PH. In addition, this study brings to light the
Table 3 importance of enrolling patients with PH into an exercise pro-
Frequency distribution of change in WHO functional class for both groups after gram using a home-based delivery model, especially in countries
exercise training.
with limited resources and where geographical barriers prevent
WHO-FC Control Experimental participation in supervised rehabilitation programs. Future
Baseline Final Baseline Final studies need to assess the dose-response relationship for home-
(n ¼ 42) (n ¼ 33) (n ¼ 42) (n ¼ 34) based delivery models and the impact of these programs on
Class I, n (%) 7 (16.7) 7 (21.2) 4 (9.5) 11 (32.4)
physical activity behaviors, dynamic cardiac function, and other
Class II, n (%) 17 (40.5) 14 (42.4) 16 (38.1) 17 (50) biochemical parameters. Methods to improve adherence to
Class III, n (%) 17 (40.5) 11 (26.2) 21 (50) 6 (17.6) home-based programs continue to be a major concern, and
Class IV, n (%) 1 (2.4) 1 (3) 1 (2.4) 0 (0) methodologies to improve this need to be considered in future
WHO-FC, World Health Organization e functional class. trials.
A.S. Babu et al. / Indian Heart Journal 71 (2019) 161e165 165

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