Les Croissants Et Pains Au Chocolats Bicolores
Les Croissants Et Pains Au Chocolats Bicolores
Les Croissants Et Pains Au Chocolats Bicolores
Put the butter in the middle of the dough and close the dough on the butter, we have to put
the same thickness of butter and dough everywhere.
Give 3 turns to the paste (1 simple turn = 1 turn / 1 double turn = 1.5 turn)
Put the paste in the fridge 30 minutes between avery turn to have a cold paste and don't
incorporate the butter in the paste.
When the turning is done, roll out the colorate paste of the size of your turned paste and
stick them with some water.
Roll out the paste to a 60x40 cm rectangle and 3mm of thickness. Cut the paste in two parts
in the middle.
Cut 8 croissants of 10 cm by 30.
Roll the pains au chocolat directly and put them on a plate with the croissants.
Cook at 170°C.