Laboratory Exercise No. 3: DNS Client: A. Viewing DHCP Client and DNS Client Status
Laboratory Exercise No. 3: DNS Client: A. Viewing DHCP Client and DNS Client Status
Laboratory Exercise No. 3: DNS Client: A. Viewing DHCP Client and DNS Client Status
DNS Client:
For this part of the laboratory activity we will try to look at the DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) Client and DNS (Domain Name System) Client status on both Services
control panel and on the command prompt. The Services control panel provides a much easier
access to the features and status of both DHCP Client and DNS Client. On the other hand, the
command prompt can provide a summary of important details about the DHCP Client and DNS
Client in one look.
The DHCP Client service can also be started or stopped using the command prompt.
Unfortunately, the command sc stop dhcp and even net stop Dhcp were able to stop the DHCP Client
service. The message “A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent
on.” keeps appearing as a response to the sc stop dhcp command while the net stop Dhcp command is
being denied by the system. Keep in mind that if we were able to stop the DHCP Client service, there is a
possibility that some errors might occur and connection might be lost due to the fact that the system
cannot automatically assign an IP address for transaction of data that may lead to troubles like having the
same IP address.
B. Using the DNS Command-Line Program Nslookup
For the second part of the laboratory activity, we will take a closer look on the connection
between IP addresses and domain names as we use the nslookup command. As a first example,
we try to use nslookup command to check the IP address of In figure 4, we can
that the command prompt displays the server where the computer is connected together with
the IP address of which is, in fact, the IP address of my pocket wifi. After the request
was made, a response was received which also contains the domain name of the site and its IP
Some domain names have more than one IP address like We can check it
using the nslookup command by entering and the IP addresses will show up as
shown in figure 5. Some of the DNS request timed out due to some failures in the internet
By this, we can say that both services are highly important in organizing the sending and receiving
of data for they ensure the quality of the connection and take care of minimizing error while maximizing
the time for request and/or response. After all, protocols are meant to be strictly followed to have a stable
and organized network system.