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1. Introduction
In recent years, the communication products like cell phone are widely
applied throughout the world. The designs of cell phone have a tendency to
be thin, light and small and more convenient style. Therefore, the shapes of
smart cell phone are changing, and more features have to be tightly packed
into smaller volumes within the housing. In order to procure more space for
the tightly packed components inside, the wall thickness of the housing parts
must originally be reduced to less than 3 mm in thickness [1]. Plastic
injection moulding is one of the most important procedures applied for
forming an injection-moulded thermoplastic part with a thin-shell feature.
Machining parameters, moulding material, product and mould designs are
major factors affecting the quality of thermoplastic parts produced by
injection moulding. Due to the complexity of injection moulding, numerous
mathematical models have been proposed and extensively developed by a
growing numbers of studies for the analysis of different stages of the
injection moulding process. The process of injection moulding includes
filling, packing, cooling, opening the mould cavity, injecting and closing the
mould cavity. However, the selection of appropriate machining parameters
for the injection moulding operation becomes more difficult as the wall
thickness of plastic parts gets thinner [2].
Warpage and shrinkage are among the most significant defects of thin shell
thermoplastic part in terms of quality in the process of injection moulding.
The level of warpage and shrinkage is highly related to the injection machine
parameters setting. Leo and Cuvelliez [3] investigated the influence of the
packing parameters and gate geometry on the final dimensions of a moulded
part by experiment. Huang and Tai [4] used the computer simulation and the
experimental design of the Taguchi method to analyze the effective factors
of warpage in an injection moulded part with a thin-shell feature. Ozcelik
and Erzumlu [5] explored the determination of efficient minimization of
warpage on thin-shell plastic parts by integrating the response surface
method and genetic algorithm. Recently, the simulation of the injection
moulding process provides visual and numerical feedback of the part
behaviour and eliminates the traditional trial and error approach for
optimization. Proper interpretation of the results from simulation can help
selecting a suitable material; reduce cycle time and costs on mould
modification. Patcharaphun,et al. [6] used a commercial software package
(Moldflow) to predict the fiber orientation distribution within the weldline
area of push–pull-processing parts. Song, et al. [7] had applied the
orthogonal experiment method and numerical simulation software
(Moldflow), discussed the influence of different process parameters on the
molding process for ultra-thin wall plastic parts.
Objective of the study
In this paper the authors used a case study to investigate the injection
moulding machine parameters which will affect the dimensions (length and
width) of a plastic cell phone shell. The machine process setting currently
caused variations in the dimensions exceeding the specification limit.
Therefore the experiment is needed to identify the optimal machine
parameter setting which could be maintain the dimensions (length and width)
closest to the target value with smallest possible variation. Statistical results
and analysis are used to provide better interpretation of the experiment.
2. Methedology
In order to determine if there exist a relationship between the factors and the
responses, the data must be analysed in a statistically manner using
regression. A regression is performed in order to describe the data collected
whereby an observed, response variable is approximated based on a
functional relationship between the estimated response ( and factors
( , ,…, .In this case study exist a second order relationship between
response and three factors. A second order equation,
error, was used to describe
the functional relationship between the estimated response, and the
factors , , and .The least square technique is being used to fit a model
equation containing the said factors by minimising the residual error
measured by the sum of square deviations between the actual and the
estimated responses. This involves the calculation of estimates for the
regression coefficients, i.e. the coefficients of the model variables including
the intercept or constant term. The calculated coefficients or the model
equation need to however be tested for statistical significance. In this respect,
the following tests are performed by using Design Expert Software Version 7
(Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA) [16].
This test forms the basis for model optimisation by adding or deleting
coefficients through backward elimination, forward addition or stepwise
elimination/addition/exchange. It involves the determination of the P-value
or probability value, usually relating the risk of falsely rejecting a given
hypothesis. For example, a “Prob. > F” value on an F-test tells the
proportion of time you would expect to get the stated F-value if no factor
effects are significant. The “Prob. > F” value determined can be compared
with the desired probability or α-level. In general, the lowest order
polynomial would be chosen to adequately describe the system.
The test statistic for lack-of-fit is the ratio between the lack-of-fit mean
square and the pure error mean square. As previously, this F-test statistic can
be used to determine as to whether the lack-of-fit error is significant or
otherwise at the desired significance level, α. Insignificant lack-of-fit is
desired as significant lack-of-fit indicates that there might be contributions in
the factor–response relationship that are not accounted for by the model.
Additionally, checks need to be made in order to determine whether the
model actually describes the experimental data. The checks performed here
include determining the various coefficient of determination, . These
coefficients have values between 0 and 1. The lack-of-fit must be
insignificant. The various coefficient of determination, values should be
close to 1.
3. Expeimental Set-up
The levels of the factors determined according to our experience about the
process and from the literature research. The injection moulding machine
process setting in use currently caused variations in the dimensions
exceeding the specification limit of length and width of cell phone shell. The
specification limit for the length and width are 93.49 ± 0.2 mm and 45.93 ±
0.2 mm respectively. The objective of this experiment is to identify the
optimal machine parameter setting which could be set to maintain the
dimensions closest to the target values with smallest possible variation. The
target values for length and width are 93.49 mm and 45.93 mm respectively.
Table 1: Experimental control factors and levels
A full two level factorial experimental design with center point was carried
out to study on how the above three factors will influence the responses. The
number of run (combination of machine parameter setting) needed according
to full two-level factorial experimental design method [8,17] for three factors
was 2 =8 and the run was repeated twice. At the same time the authors like
to add another two centre points to provide sufficient information on possible
curvature in the system. Therefore a total 18 experimental runs were required
for these study. At each run, the team leader will record the dimensions of
the responses. The dimensions were measured by using digital smart scope
machine. Experimental design matrix constructed according to standard
order rule which was given in Table 2. Experiments were executed randomly
to provide protection against the extraneous factors, which could effect the
measured responses. In all experimental runs, the reaction time was
considered as 5 min. The resulting responses values are shown in Tables 2 as
well. The actual experiment was conducted in the factory with some help
from the staff, taking one working day to be completed.
The experimental results as per the experimental plan are shown in Table 2.
These results were input into the Design Expert software version 7 for
further analysis [16]. Without performing any transformation on the
responses, the half normal plot Figure 1-2 revealed for both responses
(length and width). The half normal plots shows the effects of factors and the
factors lie along the line are negligible. Figure 1 show that, five factors seem
to be significant for length those are A, B, C (main factors) AB and AC (two
factor interactions). Figure 2 show, four factors seem to be significant for
width those are A, B C (main factor) and AC (two factor interactions). The
main effect B is the most significant factor associated with length and width.
Table 2: Experimental design matrix and results
Random Standard Factors Responses
order order A B C Length (mm) Width (mm)
1 16 95 2400 140 93.470 45.822
2 12 95 2250 140 93.440 45.813
3 8 95 2400 110 93.455 45.823
4 11 95 2250 140 93.443 45.813
5 10 85 2250 140 93.429 45.800
6 14 85 2400 140 93.443 45.810
7 3 95 2250 110 93.428 45.815
8 7 95 2400 110 93.456 45.822
9 17 90 2325 125 93.487 45.844
10 5 85 2400 110 93.442 45.821
11 4 95 2250 110 93.427 45.812
12 6 85 2400 110 93.441 45.820
13 15 95 2400 140 93.468 45.820
14 2 85 2250 110 93.426 45.810
15 18 90 2325 125 93.486 45.844
16 1 85 2250 110 93.428 45.810
17 13 85 2400 140 93.441 45.808
18 9 85 2250 140 93.428 45.800
Figure 2: Half normal plot for width
ANOVA analysis
Table 3 shows the ANOVA table for response length (after backward
elimination). The value of “Prob. > F” in table for model is less than 0.05
which indicates that the model is significant, which is desirable as it
indicates that the terms in the model have a significant effect on the
response. Table 3 show the resulting ANOVA table for the improved model
for response length. By selecting the backward elimination procedure in
Design Expert software it will automatically reduce the terms that are not
significant. These insignificant model term (BC) can be removed and result
in an improved model. Results from Table 3 indicate that the model is still
significant. However, the main effect of mould temperature (A), injection
pressure (B) and speed (C) and the two-level interaction of mould
temperature and injection pressure (AB) and mould temperature and speed
(AC) are the significant model terms. The lack-of-fit can still be said to be
Table 3: The ANOVA table for the length (after backward elimination)
The same procedure is applied on response width and the resulting ANOVA
table for the improved model is shown in Table 4. For width, the main
effects of mould temperature (A) injection pressure (B) and screw rotation
speed (C) and the two-level interaction of mould temperature and screw
rotation speed (AC) are the significant model terms. The lack-of-fit also said
to be insignificant. Both model from ANOVA Table 3 and 4 shows that the
value is high, close to 1, which is desirable. The predicted is in
reasonable agreement with the adjusted . The adjusted value is
particularly useful when comparing models with different number of terms.
Adequate precision compares the range of the predicted values at the design
points to the average prediction error. Ratios greater than 4 indicate adequate
model discrimination. In this particular case the value is well above 4.The
following equations are the final models equation in terms of actual factors
for both responses:
Table 4: The ANOVA table for the width (after backward elimination)
The normal probability plots of the residuals and the plots of the residuals
versus the predicted response for length and width are shown in Figures 3–6.
A check on the plots in Figures 3 and 5 revealed that the residuals generally
fall on a straight line implying that the errors are distributed normally. Also
Figures 4 and 6 revealed that they have no obvious pattern and unusual
structure. This implies that the models proposed are adequate and there is no
reason to suspect any violation of the independence or constant variance
Figure 4: Plot of residuals vs. predicted for length.
Examine main effect and interactions
Figure 10: Main effect B for width
In the interaction graph those points that have non overlapping intervals are
significantly different and the points overlapping intervals not significantly
different. Figure 7 show the interaction graph of AB for length. The spread
of the points on the right side of the graph (where mould temperature is high)
is higher than the spread between the points at the left side of the graph
(where mould temperature is low.) In other words, the effect of length is
more significant at the high level of mould temperature (A+) and high
injection pressure (B+) to increase the length current dimension to target
value (93.49 mm). Figure 8 show the interaction graph of AC for length. The
points on the right side of the graph (where mould temperature is high) is
significantly different and the points at the left side of the graph (where
mould temperature is low) are not significantly different. In other words, the
effect of length is more significant at the high level of mould temperature
(A+) and high level of speed (C+) to increase the current length dimension to
target value (93.49 mm). Figure 9 show the interaction graph of AC for
width. The points on the left side of the graph (where mould temperature is
low) is significantly different and the points at the right side of the graph
(where mould temperature is high) are not significantly different. In other
words, the effect of width is more significant at the low level of mould
temperature (A-) and low level of speed (C-) to increase the current width
dimension to target value (45.93 mm). Figure 10 show that the effect of main
factor effect injection pressure (B) with width. It is very clear that factor B
do not have any significant effect on the response width. Therefore
economically it is very clear that the width can be maintained close to target
value (45.93 mm) by reducing the injection pressure (B-).
Figures 7 - 10 show that the effect (main and interaction factor effect)
does not have any significant effect on the responses length and width
because both line (red and black) almost super impose each other and the
gradient of the lines do not have any significant different. In other word,
Figure 7 – 9 show that the gradient of the red and black lines are almost
same and the lines are almost horizontal. Therefore economically it is
very clear that the response dimensions can be maintained close to target
values (93.49 mm and 45.93 mm) by setting the three injection machine
parameters mould temperature, injection pressure and screw rotation
speed at lower level (A-, B- and C-).If look carefully the Figure 7 -10 it is
clear that the most nearest points (Design Points) to the target values of
the length and width are obtainable when the factors A, B and C are at
middle of the experimented range, that is when A is 90 , B is 2325
km/cm2 and C is 125 mm/sec. The same observation can also be made
from the 3D surface graphs for length and width which are shown in
Figure 11 – 12. Therefore practically the authors decide that the center
parameter setting (90 , 2325 km/cm2 and 125 mm/sec) is the optimised
parameter to achieve the target dimensions for responses length and
Figure 12: 3D view AC interaction for width.
Confirmation Run
Figure 14: Verification Run for response - Width
5. Conclusion
In this paper a DOE approach (2-level factorial design with center point)
for optimising the injection moulding process was investigated. The
injection moulding machine parameters which will affect the dimensions
(length and width) in a plastic cell phone shell studied. The significant
factors affecting the length and width of the cell phone shell were
identified from ANOVA. The optimal process parameters to maintain the
dimensions closest to the target value were identified (mould temperature
is 90 , injection pressure 2325 km/cm2 and screw rotation speed is 125
mm/sec) from interaction graphs and 3D views. Statistical results and
analysis are used to provide better interpretation of the experiment. The
models are form from ANOVA and the models passed the tests for
normality and independence assumptions. Confirmation run with the
above center parameter setting determined that target dimensions for
responses length and width were achievable. It is noted here that the
results obtained in this study were quite satisfactory for the concerned
industry since they were able to achieve the target values for the length
and width of cell phone shell.
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