OpenBoard1.5 Mode Doc in 1 PageEN
OpenBoard1.5 Mode Doc in 1 PageEN
OpenBoard1.5 Mode Doc in 1 PageEN
filter order of
OpenBoard duplicate the selected allows to add to the selected document!
root folder! page or document an image, an image folder, a pdf or ubz file (the
the arrows indicate delete the selected element, elements are added at the bottom of the page)
the current document page or document add the selected page to the current document
open the selected page (you must therefore select a page from another
click on the
(can also be done by double-clicking) document)
triangles to see
the content of
the folders
a document created
is named by date! copy of pages
and current time to another
Possible movement of pages in the same document (it is possible to choose several by
It is possible to select several documents to
delete them: selection contiguous or not (idem
clicking on the 1st then on the last with the Shift key pressed,
explanation in red), then click on the trash in or if the selection is not continuous, by clicking on the 1st,
the toolbar. Note: From version 1.3.5 it is also then on the following ones with the cmd key on Mac / ctrl on Windows and Linux)
possible to move several documents to a folder
or to the trash.