Rehabilitation of A Post-Surgical Patella Fracture: Case Report
Rehabilitation of A Post-Surgical Patella Fracture: Case Report
Rehabilitation of A Post-Surgical Patella Fracture: Case Report
Patella fracture,
physical therapy,
by Paula Henry
Beth Panwitz
Rehabilitation of a Julie K Wilson
Post-surgical Patella Fracture
Case report
Authors and The Patient Open kinetic chain isometric and isotonic
Addresses for A 20-year-old man ‘Tom’ was involved in a strengthening exercises were performed
Correspondence motor vehicle accident on April 29, 1997, in initially and included:
Paula Henry PT is the which he sustained an open patella fracture
staff physical therapist at which was surgically repaired the same day. ■ Quadriceps setting.
Ball Memorial Hospital The surgeon placed him in a post-operative
Health Strategies, which ■ Straight leg raises.
brace locked at 30° of flexion for six weeks.
is an outpatient ■ Short arc quadriceps sets.
He was then referred to our clinic for
rehabilitation clinic ■ Hip abduction.
physical therapy on June 25, 1997, with a
located at 113A South
Memorial Drive, New diagnosis of post-operative right open
Castle, Indiana, USA patella fracture. Functional electric stimulation was used in
47362. Subjectively, Tom reported pain ranging conjunction with straight leg raises for
from 4/10 at rest which intensified to 8/10 quadriceps recruitment. The electric
Beth Panwitz ATC is the stimulation was provided through a BMR
with activity that lasted for minutes to several
staff certified athletic
hours. He was taking a prescribed narcotic NeuroTech 2000 using programme 0 (preset
trainer at Ball Memorial
Hospital Health (hydrocodone) for pain control and parameters at 50 Hz, 250 µ seconds) for
Strategies. complained of constant pain, limited ROM seven seconds of contraction and 21 seconds
and restricted activities of daily living. He of relaxation. All strengthening exercises
Julie K Wilson MS ATC is had a decreased stance on the affected limb, were per formed with three sets of 10
part of the research with circumduction during the swing phase. repetitions within the patient’s pain-free
department at Ball Active and passive knee joint ROM meas- ROM. Tom then progressed to closed kinetic
Memorial Hospital, which urements were taken (see table opposite). chain strengthening exercises after the first
is located at 3713 South Despite limited knee joint ROM, patellar three weeks which included:
Madison Street, Muncie,
mobility was good. The incision was well
Indiana, USA 47302.
healed and mildly adhered. Quadriceps ■ Wall squats for 20 to 60 seconds.
mass was significantly atrophied compared
This article was received ■ Single leg stance for balance.
on March 19, 1999, and to the left lower limb, and visually the
patient had poor quadriceps recruitment. ■ Stationary bike.
accepted on November
16, 1999. Tom’s family and personal medical ■ Heel raises.
history were negative with no known ■ Lunges.
rheumatological problems. His review of
■ Single leg squats.
systems, other than musculoskeletal
complaints, was negative, and social history ■ Leg press (single and double).
was unremarkable. He sustained no ■ Hamstring curls.
infection from his injury or following the ■ Stairmaster.
■ BAPS (Balance and Ankle Proprioception
System) board seated and standing.
Intervention ■ Power bands for both lateral and forward
Upon completion of the evaluation, physical motion.
therapy was started, with a programme
designed to increase ROM and function and Ultrasound at 3 MHz 1.0 W/cm2 pulsed at
to decrease his pain. ROM exercises 50% for six minutes was started in order to
included: reduce patellar soreness. Ultrasound was
■ Passive ROM.
used for a total of seven treatments over the
patellar tendon. Once Tom began to regain
■ Heel slides (on the table and supine some knee joint ROM, joint mobilisation
against the wall). and cross friction massage were added to his
■ Contract-relax exercises for the programme.
quadriceps and hamstrings. Tom was given this therapy at three
■ PNF exercises D1, D2 flexion and sessions a week for 12 weeks. On September
extension for the lower extremity. 19, 1997, he was discharged on the ortho-
■ Stationary bike, using the unaffected leg paedic surgeon’s orders, with pain reported
at 2/10 at rest and 6/10 with activity. At that
to control the speed and ROM.
time, he had 0° knee joint extension and 95°
Manual and active stretching exercises knee joint flexion.
were included to address the hamstrings, On October 3, 1997, Tom returned under
quadriceps, gastrocnemius/soleus, and referral of a different orthopaedic surgeon,
piriformis. who requested a continuation of physical
and down stairs, squatting, kneeling, etc. been responsible for the rapid gain in ROM
Key Messages He was instructed to continue his home that Tom experienced. The stretching and
■ The table indicates stretching programme as previously closed chain activities provided essential
data for passive and described, and was discharged. forces necessary to lay the blueprint for the
active measurements of remodelling collagen. Although each of
knee joint ROM, pain Implications for Practice these components was initiated before
ratings at rest and with In physical therapy, treatment of patients ASTM, Tom gained minimal improvement at
activity, and functional involves the selection of different techniques that stage, while after the introduction of
status. to address patients’ specific needs for their ASTM he demonstrated better objective and
return to optimal function. In Tom’s case, functional improvement.
■ Upon completion of ASTM was added to other techniques to ASTM, in our clinical experience, has
the patient’s first
address the specific problem of fibrosis been very useful in increasing the
course of therapy (June
25 to September 19,
within the quadriceps and knee joint. effectiveness of treatment for many types
1997), the patient still Although previous efforts in therapy had of soft tissue fibrosis. This case report
complained of pain at provided some relief, the patient continued provides clinical support for the concept
rest and with activity, to report significant tightness, discomfort, that controlled microtrauma can lead to
and his knee joint and limitation in function. It was felt that subsequent regression of fibrosis in various
ROM was limited, ASTM could decrease the fibrosis present in soft tissue structures. The authors feel that
causing him functional the area and enhance the other components ASTM, when added as a treatment option,
restrictions. of his therapy programme. alleviated Tom’s knee joint pain and
Tom experienced a significant increase in stiffness. This improvement facilitated his
■ Once the patient knee joint flexion and a decrease in pain return to normal physical activities. The
completed his second
during the first ASTM treatment, despite the authors believe that various therapeutic
course of therapy
(October 3 to
duration of the injury and his previous interventions such as stretching and closed
November 16, 1997) compliance with a thorough therapy chain exercises provide the forces necessary
which included ASTM, programme. It appears that ASTM played a for appropriate remodelling of the tissue.
his pain at rest and critical role in Tom’s improvement by ASTM may provide an effective treatment
with activity had initiating the healing process to allow for option for the frustrating problem of patella
ceased, and his knee tissue remodelling. The initiation of this fracture.
joint ROM increased, healing process through ASTM may have
which allowed him to
expand his activities of
daily living.
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