Latex Paint Formulations: University of Bristol School of Chemistry Cantock's Close Bristol BS8 iTS
Latex Paint Formulations: University of Bristol School of Chemistry Cantock's Close Bristol BS8 iTS
Latex Paint Formulations: University of Bristol School of Chemistry Cantock's Close Bristol BS8 iTS
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Bristol BS8 iTS
1. Introduction
Latex paints have developed commercially over the last four decades or so to become the
mlijor products by volume in the coatings industry. Paints and coatings have been
described in texts [1]. Nearly all latex paints are water-based and most are designed for
the "decorative" or "architectural" paint market.
Non-aqueous latex paints are available commercially, but the output volume is
small; the science and technology of the latices for these products has been considered
elsewhere [2]. With a continuous phase of aliphatic hydrocarbon and the avoidance of
water-sensitive components in their formulation, the paints offer a number of advantages
especially for exterior use in terms of durability and application, but are obviously less
acceptable on environmental grounds.
The formulations of latex paints have been developed partly to provide improving
technical performance and partly to meet changing customer requirements. The features
sought by customers vary in different countries, influenced by climatic conditions and
areas of differing major use. The paint formulator has an understanding of how the paint
properties, characteristics and aesthetics can be altered. Suppliers of components for the
paints also benefit from knowing what the formulator has to do in order to move the
properties and characteristics in a particular direction.
Aqueous latices are used in the manufacture of a wide range of decorative paint
products, including primers and undercoats as well as tile finishing or "top-coat"
systems. For the latter, sheen levels vary from "matt" through various midsheens to
semi-gloss (described as "silk" in some countries) to relatively high gloss. In addition to
providing the correct sheen level, the paint formulation must be designed to give the
required application and technical performance as a dry paint film. Latices continue to be
developed for paints such as those required by car manufacturers and for "refinish" paints
which are used following repairs to car bodies. Although such paints can be properly
described as latex paints, they are of specialist composition and their polymer base is
complex, and not confined to latex, and they will not be included here.
J. M. Asua (ed.), Polymeric Dispersions: Principles and Applications, 421-433.
© 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The latex paints are mixtures of two aqueous dispersions with a number of components
minor by volume and often a co-solvent liquid (miscible with water) included. One of
the dispersions is a high-solids latex and the other, the "mill-base", is produced by
milling inorganic pigment and extender (filler) material in water with water-soluble
polymers and other dispersants.
Almost all of the paint characteristics are influenced by the choice of the latex. Firstly,
there is a choice between colloid-containing and colloid-free latex. In this context, the
term "colloid" refers to a water-soluble polymer which is present in the early stage of
the manufacture of the latex by emulsion polymerisation.
Matt 5"C
Primer/Undercoat 7"C
Mid-sheen 15"C
Gloss 2CfC
It would be expected that MFT was closely related to Tg. The relationship has been
found to be linear for some colloid-containing latex types and non-linear for some
colloid-free systems [4].
Latex particles for paints usually comprise copolymers and the Tg can be selected by
changing the composition using the Fox equation [5] where the Tg for the copolymer
(Tc> is given by
I _ Wx Wy
----+-- (1)
TC Tgx Tgy
where the copolymer comprises a weight fraction (W) of the respective component
which would have, as a homopolymer,a glass transition temperature (Tg).
interest of the paint formulator, the solution polymer is likely to affect the paint
rheology by giving an increase in low-shear viscosity and by reducing water-resistance
Where latex particles comprise a mix of polymer chains of differing composition,
the surface composition would normally be expected at equilibrium to be richer in the
relatively more hydrophilic species but this effect does not appear to be significant when
the particles are grown under normal conditions with low free-monomer levels. Also
during emulsion polymerisation a wide spectrum of composition for the polymer chains
will result, tending to mask this effect.
~ Most Preferred
+ BA Least
~ Most Preferred
+ MMa- Next
~ Most Preferred
+ BA Least
the operator during application and even possibly, in the case of interior paints, to
subsequent room users.
It is usual for the latex manufacturer to add further free-radical initiator, at a suitable
temperature, at the very end of the process and to allow sufficient time for the latex to
be exposed to a significant free-radical flux. However, this treatment does not remove all
traces, as discussed elsewhere [25]. The monomer traces may be removed chemically,
usually involving saturation of the monomer double bond, or physically, for example
by passing steam or gas through the latex [26]. It is possible to reduce levels to less
than a few parts per million.
paints with lower sheen. They are major components in "dry-hiding" systems where,
after drying of the paint film, entrapped air contributes to the opacity by providing a
matrix phase or occluded phase of lower refractive index.
2.2.3 Dispersants
Combinations of low molecular weight surfactants and water-soluble or dispersible
polymers may be included in the mill-base formulation. These are required during the
dispersing process to give colloidal stability; they also are important to help control the
paint rheology. Highly efficient stabilisation giving near-Newtonian rheology is not the
target here, as discussed later.
Because of the hydrophilic nature of the extender particle surfaces, efficient
adsorption of low molecular weight hydrophobe moieties is not guaranteed. Partially
soluble or interfacially active polymers have advantages arising from the possibility of
multi-point (but weak) adsorption along their length.
Anti-foam agents, coalescing agent which reduces the effective Tg of the latex polymer
and biocide are included in the aqueous phase when preparing the mill-base. Suitable
biocides for protecting the paint in the can may be identified as described above (2.1.9).
In addition, for some countries such as those with tropical climates, biocides may be
required to protect the dry paint film. Other materials which are added to modify paint
rheology or dry film opacity are described later.
3. Paint Preparation
The latex is added to the mill-base dispersion or the other way around, whilst stirring.
The order-of-addition is chosen to avoid "shock" to any part of the system and is strictly
adhered to during manufacture!. Some components may be added after the mixing
operation and there may be adjustments to the pH with ammonia or alternative base; the
water content may be adjusted. Some typical paint formulations are shown (Table 4)
[27]. In these examples the latex comprised a medium-fine particle sized, cellulose ether
stabilised, vinyl acetate-vinyl versatate copolymer ("Emultex VV573" - registered Trade
Mark of the Harlow Chemical Co. Ltd).
A combination of several colour pigments may be used to give the required colour
effect in the final film. Colour mixing is a sophisticated procedure and is carried out
with great precision and reproducibility. There are two distinct operating procedures.
Either the paints are fully pigmented before leaving the manufacturing site or they are
delivered as base formulations for addition of tinting pigments at the retailing store
premises to meet the individual customer's requirements.
During the development of modified paint products and as a quality control check, a
number of characterisations are made routinely. These usually include measurement of
viscosity at low-shear and at high-shear for which purpose simple intruments are
available commercially. Stability to added electrolyte and to repeated cycles of freezing
and thawing may also be checked; paints based on latices with sterically-stabilised
particles usually are more robust.
4. Paint Properties
The pigment volume concentration (PVC) may be defined as the volume of the
inorganic particulates divided by the total dry film volume excluding any air in the film.
In a "well-bound" paint there is sufficient polymer to fill the space between the
inorganic particulates but above a critical value (C) for the PVC this is no longer the
case and the dried paint film will include air. Because of the polydisperse nature of the
particles and irregular shape of some, the CPVC is not easily predicted. It can be readily
identified however from a range of paints of varying PVC due to a transition point when
property performance is plotted against PVC; for example this can be done with opacity
or washability assessment. In general, gloss, mid-sheen and exterior paints are
formulated below CPVC, as are interior Matt paints which are designed to be more
cleansable with improved resistance to marking and scuffing damage. Formulations
above CPVC can offer higher opacity at lower cost and provide less expensive interior
wall and ceiling paints.
Decorative latex paints are applied by brush or roller and to a lesser degree by airless
spray. Usually the paints are designed for both brush and roller but exceptions to this
include the so-called "solid-emulsion" paints for which brush application is unsuitable.
This duality for application leads to a need for some balancing in the in-built rheological
For application by brush, the user requires (not always consciously) good pick-up of
paint onto the brush, relative ease in avoiding drips from the brush and splash when
applied to the substrate, easy unrestricted brushing and almost complete disappearance of
brush marks before the paint dries.
Rheograms showing apparent viscosity plotted against shear-rate readily differentiate
latex paints from fluid, oil-based gloss paints, which in the hands of an experienced
person give unsurpassed brushing characteristics (Figure 2). The latex paints have a
pronounced non-Newtonian character with steep shear-thinning behaviour and some
hysteresis. At low shear rates there is a high sensitivity to disperse phase volume
fraction (<p). The shear-thinning is believed to arise largely from weak, reversible
flocculation in the paint which may be considered to give loose clusters of particles
increasing the effective value for (<p); the cluster size is thought to decrease with
increasing shear rate [29].
TJ app
/ Poise
lOOf- latex paints with
I:~~g~ alkyd....B.loss
1 10 100 1,000
Shear rate / sec- 1
During application by brush or roller, the wet paint is subjected to very high shear
rate, in the order of 10,000 sec-I, which is sufficient to break most of the paint structure.
Because of the pseudoplastic behaviour, the viscosity at low shear is much higher. This
is beneficial for improving resistance to sagging for the wet paint film on vertical
surfaces but may hinder flow-out of brush-marks.
The flow-out of brush-marks was considered by Orchard and Smith [30]. Taking the
brush-marks to be sinusoidal in cross-selection, they derived an equation for the
amplitude (a) of the marks after time (t), where the initial amplitude is (30) and the wave
lenght is (A)
a=aOe (2)
and where (Tl) is the viscosity. The mean paint thickness (h) and the surface tension (y)
are assumed to stay constant.
- h A
With oil-based paints, the equation is known to give quite good fit with
experimental observation. Because decay of brush-marks is faster at larger values of (f),
it will be faster at lower paint viscosity. The relevant shear-rate regime is very low and
with the marked non-Newtonian behaviour of the latex paints and high sensitivity of
viscosity to (<p), the relationship between decreasing brush-mark decay with increasing
paint solids, which is observed in practice, is indicated.
Major changes in the paint rheology can be effected by selecting different polymer
for the aqueous phase. A number of types of polymer are available. These include
substituted ceUuloses (already discussed), "associative thickeners" (discussed elsewhere
[31)) and (meth)acrylic acid copolymers. The latter may be supplied as latex with the
particles dissolving when the pH is raised during paint preparation.
Different rheology is obtained depending on whether colloid-containing or colloid-
free latex is selected and on the choice of minor monomers for the latex composition.
Rheology also involves aesthetics in that the appearance of the paint when its
container is opened, and the appearance on a fully-laden brush, are often taken as
indicators of "paint quality" by the user.
Depending on the paint type, a number of physical properties must be provided. These
might include washability, resistance to house-hold stains and to scuffing and good
adhesive performance to the substrate which it covers. Performance of the paint film
when it is wet or damp can pose special difficulties. These arise largely because the
paint was originally an aqueous composition and still contains a number of water-
sensitive species. The problem is severe when the latex paint is applied over a well-
sealed substrate, for example which is coated with an alkyd paint. For good performance
under these conditions, modification to the formulation is required, usually effected by
including a special monomer in the latex. Many such components ("adhesion
promoters") are described in the patent literature; several are available commercially.
Some include the heterocyclic ethylene urea (ureido) structure [32].
There are conflicting views on the possible mechanism by which "wet adhesion" is
improved. One of these is that the components reduce the loss in modulus when the
film becomes wet and consequently peel adhesive performance is retained; another is that
they generate beneficial polar-polar interactions at the interface between the film and the
Comparison between latex paints (with disperse phase polymer) and oil-based gloss
paints (with solution phase polymer) suggests that light scatter from the titanium
dioxide pigment particles is more efficient in the latter systems. In a film derived from
polymer particles and pigment particles at or near optimum size, a loss in scatter would
be expected from any pigment-pigment contact. Ideally, all the pigment particles, at
optimum size, would have only polymer particles as near-neighbours.
When drying a mixed dispersion of polymer and pigment particles this ideal
arrangement will not result and random statistics will dominate the extent to which a
pigment particle will include another pigment particle amongst its near-neighbours.
This suggests that if modifications to the dispersions could be made such that pigment-
pigment contacts could be reduced or eliminated, increases in opacity would be attained.
Much current research is devoted to finding cost-effective ways of improving opacity
in latex paints, as is evident from the patent literature. Techniques which are being
developed include complete or partial encapsulation of titanium dioxide particles with
either film-forming or non-film-forming polymer [33]. Also special polymer particles
have been developed such that when they dry as part of the paint film, an air-void is
generated at the particle centre [34]. These particles are available commercially. A
method to characterise such particles with a disc centrifuge, has been described [35].
As mentioned above, air is incorporated within paint films when formulated above
the CPVC. The air reduces the refractive index of the matrix phase and increases the
differential with the pigment and extender particles. However these paints have a number
of performance limitations. Successful incorporation of air, at the correct location
within the film and without loss of film properties and with full cleansability, will yield
very significant technical advantages to the latex paint formulator.
5. References
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