Productivity Software Description and Use Review: Twitter Is A

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Santos, Lou Andrae Philipp G.

Pharm 221L – 1092L

BS Pharmacy – III

Productivity Software Description and Use Review

• Photoshop is Adobe's
photo editing, image
creation and graphic Highly recommended because it
has a wide vast variety of tools
design software. The
that can be used in photo editing
software provides many and at the same time you can
image editing features for learn some techniques and ideas
raster (pixel-based) images regarding in photo manipulation
as well as vector graphics
• Wondershare Filmora is a
video editing software that
enables users to create It is a type of video editor that it is
recommended especially if you a
amazing videos efficiently
beginner and you want to edit
using the wide range of some videos but the main problem
powerful editing tools. is that it has a limited tools and
Wondershare Filmora also other things that the other apps
gives filters, animated have. But it is recommended
elements, and other video because it is basic to use
• Twitter is a
'microblogging' system
I use twitter in my daily basis but
that allows you to send sometimes opening my twitter app
and receive short posts is kind of bad because lately this
called tweets. Tweets twitter community is becoming
can be up to 140 “toxic”. and this app, is free to use
but not so much recommended if
characters long and you don’t want to see some bad
can include links to articles and too much toxicity on
relevant websites and your body
• Discord is a free voice,
video and text chat app
for teens and adults ages Being a gamer, this app is highly
recommended because you can
13 and up. It was created
communicate with other players
to bring people together and interact with each other, also
through a love of gaming. it may use in different types of
They can join a chat agendas like meeting and even
they've been invited to or meeting with new people with the
they can create private same topic and ideas. It is not just
servers and invite their for the gamers but also to other
people who are sharing with same
friends to play and discuss
games by voice, text or
• Zoom is a web-based
video conferencing tool
with a local, desktop client This application is good but it is not
quite good because when you
and a mobile app that
enter a group video call, if the
allows users to meet online, host is not in premium, then you’ll
with or without video. having ONLY 40 minutes of call
Zoom users can choose to and after that, it’s done, you may
record sessions, take your call on the next day.
collaborate on projects, Therefore; I’ll just use google
and share or annotate on meeting.
one another's screens, all
with one easy-to-use
• Google Chrome browser is
an open source program
for accessing the World Google Chrome before is good
because it has a faster browsing
Wide Web and running
and much better but this day, it is
Web-based applications. not highly recommended
The Google Chrome Web because when you use google
browser is based on the chrome, it may slow down your
open source Chromium laptop due of its requirements. You
project don’t want a slow laptop than a
faster browser application, do
• Premiere Pro is the industry-
leading video editing
software for film, TV, and If you want something that is more
advanced in video editing then
the web. Creative tools,
this application is highly
integration with other apps recommended because it has a
and services, and the wide variety of tools that can be
power of Adobe Sensei used, as well as you can
help you craft footage into download some themes and tool
polished films and videos that can help you. If you want
something cool, then this is the
• Spotify is a digital music,
podcast, and video
streaming service that It is also highly recommended
because it has vast variety of
gives you access to millions
music and the premium is cheap!
of songs and other content
from artists all over the
world. Basic functions such
as playing music are totally
• Instagram is a free, online
photo-sharing application
and social network Sharing good photos is good and
this app it is not quite good just like
platform that was acquired
before. Using this application
by Facebook in 2012. sometimes there are a lot of users
Instagram allows users to that is scam and have a bad
edit and upload photos attitude.
and short videos through a
mobile app.

• Microsoft 365 is a
subscription service that
It may useful but for me it is the not
provides users with the
the worst but bad application
basic productivity because it almost required an
applications necessary account and you must pay, YES
to get work done in the PAY. For the use of this app. Not all
modern enterprise. can provide that. It is good I get it,
Productivity applications in terms of making documents and
include, but are not presentation but the payment? It is
limited to, a word not good.
processor, a
spreadsheet, an email
client, a calendar, and a

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