Part 2: Media Watch: Christian Studies - Part 1 John 8:1-11

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Christian Studies – Part 1

John 8:1-11
Key ideas

 Those who judge others are self-condemned since they too sin. “Let anyone of you who is
without sin be the first to throw the stone at her.”
 Jesus helped the woman avoid death and helped the Pharisees realise their own
shortcomings. He did this because he came to save sinners, not to destroy them.
 He taught both the women and the Pharisees an important lesson, he forgave the women’s
sins and showed the Pharisees their hypocrisy.
 You can’t hide anything from God, Jesus knew of their hypocrisy and their underhanded
dealings and called them out on it.
 Displays the authority of Jesus in forgiving sins.
 Shows Jesus’s approach to laws, for it is love, care and respect that should be ruling the
world and with that he forgives her for her crime/s.
 If Jesus had agreed to her killing, the Pharisees would ask why he didn’t “practice what you
preach” in that he didn’t forgive her out of love. But if he said she shouldn’t be punished;
they would have represented him as someone who decided contrary to the law.

This stories message warns us against sexual immorality, but also warns us against judging others for
their sin, as we ourselves are sinners

Part 2: Media Watch

I have chosen the Friends episode The One After Vegas. The main story of this episode is that Ross
and Rachel get married after getting drunk in Vegas. And Chandler and Monica want to get married.
This epi

8. Sex is just a physical thing, it doesn’t really matter whether people love each other or
not. It’s not as if anyone gets emotionally or psychologically scarred because they sleep

The fact that all of them are in sexually active relationships outside of marriage is an instant red flag
to their thoughts about sex. “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage
bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13:4

When Ross and Rachel wake up in the same bed (Ross without any clothes on) their first thought is if
they had had sex. In the following conversation between the two, and the manner that it is
portrayed we see that they consider sex as nothing more than a novelty.
Ross: Why are we in bed together? Rachel: I don’t know. Do-do you have any clothes on? Ross: (checks)
Yeah. Rachel: Really?! Ross: No! But we-we didn’t have…sex-uh, did we? I mean, I don’t remember
much about last night, it was such a blur. Rachel: Oh! I remember laughing! I laughed a lot. Ross: And
we didn’t have sex. (Rachel agrees with him and starts to get out of bed.) Rachel: Ohh, I mean, we were
really drunk. I’m just glad we didn’t do anything stupid. Ross: (getting up) Tell me about it. (He sits up on
the edge of the bed and has "Just Married" written on his back.)

Reading between the lines, they imply that this is a normal thing, waking up in someone else’s bed
after a wild night.

9. A lifetime monogamous relationship is boring.

Throughout the episode the characters constantly make light the seriousness of getting married. The
running joke of this episode is that Ross doesn’t want to have his third divorce with Rachel after they
got married in Vegas. This shows a complete lack of regard for the bond that is talked about in the
bible that should happen through marriage . Genesis 2:24 (ESV) - Therefore a man shall leave his
father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Phoebe in this next bit of dialogue instantly assumes that Monica doesn’t love Chandler anymore
once Monica tells her the situation. This implies that being in a long time relationship with someone
is boring, and that moving on straight away is a good thing.

Monica: How do I tell Chandler that it’s too soon. It’s gonna break his heart, he’s not gonna think that I
don’t love him anymore. Phoebe: Well you don’t. Monica: Yes I do! Phoebe: Good! Good! I was just
testing you.

10. The more women guys sleep with, the more of a legend they are; a guy
who isn’t getting any ‘action’ is a loser.
At the buffet Joey gives some advice to Chandler about telling Monica he doesn’t want to get

Chandler: Look, I just don’t think Monica and I are ready to get married yet! Y’know? I mean, I love her
and everything but seeing Ross and Rachel coming out of that chapel was like a, like a wake-up call that
Monica and I are moving so fast. Y’know? And, how do I tell her without crushing her?

Joey: Oh! Tell her she’s not marriage material.

Chandler: What?!

Joey: Girls say it to me all the time! And believe me, if she’s anything like me, she’s just gonna be

It is implicated that Joey is in a lot of relationships and sleeps with a lot of women. He seems proud
of the fact even though this is the complete opposite of what is said in the bible. “Flee from sexual
immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral
person sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Part 3: Comparing and Contrasting Your Chosen Show to the Bible

a) Monica and Ross demonstrate love constantly to each other throughout the episode.
Through the things said to each other and their actions. The bible talks about the importance
of love in a relationship in Colossians 3:14 "And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity."
b) Although Monica and Ross’s relationship has love which is an important
aspect of a relationship, they are at contrary with the bible about sex outside
of marriage. As said in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5“For this is the will of God, your
sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know
how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the
Gentiles who do not know God….”

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