Area of Research Objectives of Paper Research Problem
Area of Research Objectives of Paper Research Problem
Area of Research Objectives of Paper Research Problem
The Worth of Values - A The objective of this research There is no standard definition
Literature Review on the paper is to know what is the of CSP that is
Relation Between relationship between properly measurable and,
Corporate Social and Financial Corporate Social Performance although CFP is a much
Performance and Corporate Financial more straightforward
Performance and measure, there is still much
which factors influence this inconsistency concerning how
relationship. this concept should be treated
in research.
Deconstructing the The objective of this study is to As pointed out by our review
Relationship Between provides a stakeholder-based of the literature, the business
Corporate Social and Financial organising framework rooted cause for CSR is more complex
Performance in an extensive review of than posited by studies
existing literature on the link testing direct effects between
between CSP and Introduction aggregate measures of CSR
CFP. and financial performance.
The Relationship Between The objective of This study is The results reveal the effect of
Corporate Social Responsibility to examine the relationships CSR on CFP did not increase
and Corporate Financial between corporate social after the global financial crisis.
Performance in Korea responsibility (CSR) and The results suggest companies
corporate financial should improve CFP by taking
performance (CFP) for the a strategic approach to CSR.
period 2004–2010 in Korea.
Corporate Social Responsibility The objective of this study is to First , is the fact that the
and Financial Performance: A fill the gap by providing model does not explain the
Typology for Service Industries stakeholders with a quick way casual mechanisms that link
to ascertain both a firm’s CSR between CSR and financial
initiatives and its financial performance. Secondly, the
viability simultaneously. model uses information from
past practices which may not
be an indication about the
future performance of the
company. Third, the model
relies on subjective analysis
and as such could be prone to
subjectivity bias.
Translating corporate social The objective of this study is to Despite the increasing
performance into financial examine the role of high- importance of organisational
performance: exploring the performance work practices sustainability, little is known
moderating role of high- (HPWPs) in helping to about whether and how
performance work practices translate corporate social economic, social and
performance (CSP) into environmental goals can be
corporate financial reconciled.
performance (CFP).
Impact of Corporate Social The objective of this study is One of the main problems of
Responsibility on Corporate to embrace social this study is that equal weight
Financial Performance: A Study responsibility in corporate has been given to each CSR
Of The Consumer Goods actions and encourage their item irrespective of the
Industry of India positive impact on the importance given to it by the
environment and stakeholders company. Further, a small
including customers, sample size of only 13
employees, investors and companies has been used to
communities. study the CSR-CFP link.
Corporate Social Responsibility The present study examined sample companies sees CSR
Disclosure and Financial the relationship between the disclosure as an extra cost
Performance: Further Evidence Corporate social responsibility burden. Thus, CSR does not
from NIFTY 50 Firms (CSR) disclosure and the firms’ generate economic benefits
financial performance in the for the firms.
Indian context.