August 31st - Partnerships

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August 31st, 2020

Attendees: Chris Doore, Chris Buongiovanni, Noah Jacobson

Action ítems:
1. Chris D to continue working through LinkedIn QBR
2. Chris D to go back to the Allbound team to understand what we need to get things with
them solidified
3. Chris to reach out to Brie and Mark Hansen to know who is being responsible for
4. Chris B to get 10 meetings set up this week - desired
5. Chrises to do a DCP partner instance list
6. Chris B to send out email about Google Ads GTM and schedule a meeting for that
7. Chris B to schedule time with Noah to review his OKRs
1. KPIs
2. Premier Program update
3. Reseller / channel program
4. Strategic Partnerships
5. "Team OKRs
6. ---Make sure individual OKRs roll up properly to the team OKRs"
8. WideOrbit
9. Quick sync on Allbound
10. Google Ads GTM - Bob

 73 leads for the year

 No new deals
 Pipeline about the same
 Call with Emily
o We are still trying to figure this out from the Sales and Marketing end
o Action item from that meeting was Chris to move to a PQL deal tracking for leads
o Noah – Main goal was that Rosner reports revenue and those numbers during
our Staff Meeting/ Biz Management meeting
 Have him use our widgets and the right data in dashboards
o Chris D to work with Emily on that

Premier Program

 Chris D is working through LinkedIn QBR, got feedback from John so he will start
finalizing that to present it to Anthony
o Noah – give them more insights into TapClicks

 Meeting with Brie and Noah – Brie ahs the slide about money touchpoints
o Action is that Brie s going to walk them through it
 Same strategy

 Go back to them to understand what we need to get things with them solidified

 They are a marketplace partner – there is an opportunity for them to use our data share
directly like Choozle

 Noah – how to wrap up the engagement with the right partners to drive leads
o Chris D – Smith from Centro came back and introduced us to Britney – we’re
getting a lot of inbounce instead of having to reach out to people


 They had ODB connectors – what are we doing there?

o We currently have 1 almost closed to the next month
o They want a tweak of our smart connector to allow to ingest these enterprise
data sources
 First one is big bucks which is going to be used by one of the new
onboarding clients
 Adobe
 Trial is wrapping up with them – they are pushing back that we need to get on a
monitoring package – $20K-$30K a year
o Chris to reach out to Brie and Mark Hansen to know who’s being responsible for
 Ask from Brie is for us to talk to them about revshare from a Partnerships perspective

Microsoft Ads Meeting

 They want us to be a channel partner

 We have been trying to get in that program for years – there are not enough resources
for that
 Chris D – we need to understand how their channel program works
 Noah – walk them through how much usability we have – high level numbers

Reseller / Channel Program

 Focus of this week is getting through all the outreach

o Kevin was supposed to send out email to all of our existing customers about the
referral reseller program this week
 List pulls from Salesforce
 Goal for Chris this week is to get 10 meetings set up
 Secondary focus: thinking through partner training
o 2-hour deep dive with Angela and Brian
o Brainstorm of what our partners would need – take advantage of that to know
where to go
 1 new opportunity for Channel last week
o Talking to partner from Japan

Strategic Partnerships

 Follow-ups
o We need to build a success story around Home Depot
 General feedback is that Google is demanding more info about our
o Noah – we do not even have the RMF, so why would we have that?
 Chris to work on mockup for different scenarios / video of how our product work

Go To Market – Bob

 There is no clarity on what the plan is

o We have no plan on how to drive adoption with Google Ads
 Chris B to send out email about Google Ads GTM and schedule a meeting for that

Team OKRs

 Still missing to put percentages for Q3

 Update this on a weekly basis
 Chris B to schedule time with Noah to review his OKRs

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