900 World Fact Sheets
900 World Fact Sheets
900 World Fact Sheets
2 305 (14.5%)
1 909 (12%)
Other cancers
7 881 (49.6%) Colorectum
1 657 (10.4%)
1 323 (8.3%)
819 (5.2%)
Total: 15 894
Total population
11 659 175
1 728 (20.2%)
Other cancers
3 616 (42.3%)
Number of new cases
15 894
1 160 (13.6%)
848 (9.9%)
Number of deaths
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Prostate
10 092
375 (4.4%) 819 (9.6%)
Total: 8 546
2 305 (31.4%)
34 959
Other cancers
Data source and methods
3 408 (46.4%)
809 (11%) Incidence
Cervix uteri Country-specific data source: Cancer Registry of North
285 (3.9%) Tunisia, Cancer Registry of Central Region
Method: Weighted/simple average of the most recent local
rates applied to 2018 population
Ovary Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
267 (3.6%) 274 (3.7%)
Total: 7 348
Country-specific data source: National (WHO)
Method: Estimated from national incidence estimates by
Summary statistic 2018
modelling, using incidence:mortality ratios derived from
cancer registry data in neighbouring countries
Males Females Both sexes
Population 5 760 714 5 898 461 11 659 175
Computed using sex-; site- and age-specific incidence to
Number of new cancer cases 8 546 7 348 15 894
1-;3- and 5-year prevalence ratios from Nordic countries for
Age-standardized incidence rate (World) 131.7 102.0 115.4
the period (2000-2009), and scaled using Human
Risk of developing cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 13.8 10.2 11.9 Development Index (HDI) ratios.
Number of cancer deaths 6 075 4 017 10 092
Age-standardized mortality rate (World) 92.2 53.2 71.3
Risk of dying from cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 9.4 5.5 7.4
5-year prevalent cases 16 906 18 053 34 959
Top 5 most frequent cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancer Lung Breast Breast
(ranked by cases) Bladder Colorectum Lung
Colorectum Cervix uteri Colorectum
Prostate Non-Hodgkin Bladder
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Prostate
lymphoma Ovary
The Global Cancer Observatory - All Rights Reserved - May, 2019. Page 1
Source: Globocan 2018
Males Females
Breast 32.2
Prostate 12.3
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
ASR (World) per 100 000
Incidence Mortality
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
ASR (World) per 100 000
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