900 World Fact Sheets

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Source: Globocan 2018

Number of new cases in 2018, both sexes, all ages Geography

2 305 (14.5%)

1 909 (12%)
Other cancers
7 881 (49.6%) Colorectum
1 657 (10.4%)

1 323 (8.3%)

819 (5.2%)

Total: 15 894

Number of new cases in 2018, males, all ages Numbers at a glance

Total population

11 659 175
1 728 (20.2%)

Other cancers
3 616 (42.3%)
Number of new cases

15 894
1 160 (13.6%)

848 (9.9%)

Number of deaths
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Prostate

10 092
375 (4.4%) 819 (9.6%)

Total: 8 546

Number of new cases in 2018, females, all ages

Number of prevalent cases (5-year)

2 305 (31.4%)
34 959
Other cancers
Data source and methods
3 408 (46.4%)
809 (11%) Incidence
Cervix uteri Country-specific data source: Cancer Registry of North
285 (3.9%) Tunisia, Cancer Registry of Central Region
Method: Weighted/simple average of the most recent local
rates applied to 2018 population
Ovary Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
267 (3.6%) 274 (3.7%)
Total: 7 348
Country-specific data source: National (WHO)
Method: Estimated from national incidence estimates by
Summary statistic 2018
modelling, using incidence:mortality ratios derived from
cancer registry data in neighbouring countries
Males Females Both sexes
Population 5 760 714 5 898 461 11 659 175
Computed using sex-; site- and age-specific incidence to
Number of new cancer cases 8 546 7 348 15 894
1-;3- and 5-year prevalence ratios from Nordic countries for
Age-standardized incidence rate (World) 131.7 102.0 115.4
the period (2000-2009), and scaled using Human
Risk of developing cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 13.8 10.2 11.9 Development Index (HDI) ratios.
Number of cancer deaths 6 075 4 017 10 092
Age-standardized mortality rate (World) 92.2 53.2 71.3
Risk of dying from cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 9.4 5.5 7.4
5-year prevalent cases 16 906 18 053 34 959
Top 5 most frequent cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancer Lung Breast Breast
(ranked by cases) Bladder Colorectum Lung
Colorectum Cervix uteri Colorectum
Prostate Non-Hodgkin Bladder
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Prostate
lymphoma Ovary

The Global Cancer Observatory - All Rights Reserved - May, 2019. Page 1
Source: Globocan 2018

Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence by cancer site

New cases Deaths 5-year prevalence (all ages)

Cancer Number Rank (%) Cum.risk Number Rank (%) Cum.risk Number Prop.
Breast 2 305 1 14.5 3.34 766 2 7.6 1.09 6 603 111.94
Lung 1 909 2 12.0 1.68 1 822 1 18.1 1.60 1 780 15.27
Bladder 1 323 3 8.3 1.06 648 3 6.4 0.41 3 529 30.27
Colon 950 4 6.0 0.78 554 5 5.5 0.40 2 161 18.53
Prostate 819 5 5.2 1.29 421 6 4.2 0.17 1 771 30.74
Rectum 652 6 4.1 0.57 374 9 3.7 0.30 1 592 13.65
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 649 7 4.1 0.51 385 7 3.8 0.30 1 669 14.31
Stomach 637 8 4.0 0.48 583 4 5.8 0.42 814 6.98
Leukaemia 519 9 3.3 0.36 381 8 3.8 0.27 1 390 11.92
Brain, nervous system 402 10 2.5 0.30 317 13 3.1 0.25 1 032 8.85
Larynx 388 11 2.4 0.35 358 10 3.5 0.32 1 042 8.94
Liver 355 12 2.2 0.29 356 11 3.5 0.30 317 2.72
Pancreas 352 13 2.2 0.31 346 12 3.4 0.30 255 2.19
Thyroid 317 14 2.0 0.21 72 23 0.71 0.03 1 008 8.65
Nasopharynx 303 15 1.9 0.22 118 19 1.2 0.11 881 7.56
Gallbladder 300 16 1.9 0.23 225 14 2.2 0.14 312 2.68
Kidney 286 17 1.8 0.23 192 16 1.9 0.13 679 5.82
Cervix uteri 285 18 1.8 0.46 199 15 2.0 0.34 783 13.27
Ovary 267 19 1.7 0.41 186 17 1.8 0.30 666 11.29
Hodgkin lymphoma 254 20 1.6 0.17 97 21 0.96 0.08 866 7.43
Lip, oral cavity 237 21 1.5 0.18 79 22 0.78 0.05 676 5.80
Corpus uteri 223 22 1.4 0.39 45 25 0.45 0.07 675 11.44
Multiple myeloma 155 23 0.98 0.14 125 18 1.2 0.12 346 2.97
Oesophagus 111 24 0.70 0.09 107 20 1.1 0.09 104 0.89
Melanoma of skin 77 25 0.48 0.05 46 24 0.46 0.03 214 1.84
Anus 55 26 0.35 0.05 22 27 0.22 0.02 132 1.13
Kaposi sarcoma 54 27 0.34 0.05 23 26 0.23 0.02 132 1.13
Hypopharynx 42 28 0.26 0.04 14 29 0.14 0.01 69 0.59
Vulva 38 29 0.24 0.04 16 28 0.16 0.01 101 1.71
Testis 34 30 0.21 0.04 10 32 0.10 0.00 118 2.05
Salivary glands 33 31 0.21 0.03 10 31 0.10 0.01 77 0.66
Oropharynx 29 32 0.18 0.03 8 33 0.08 0.01 80 0.69
Mesothelioma 11 33 0.07 0.01 10 30 0.10 0.01 11 0.09
Vagina 11 34 0.07 0.02 5 34 0.05 0.01 28 0.47
Penis 5 35 0.03 0.01 1 35 0.01 0.00 14 0.24
All cancer sites 15 894 - - 11.92 10 092 - - 7.39 34 959 299.84

Age-standardized (World) incidence rates per sex, top 10 cancers

Males Females

Breast 32.2

Lung 26.5 2.5

Bladder 17.7 2.0

Prostate 12.3

Colorectum 6.1 5.8

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 5.9 3.8

Stomach 5.6 3.5
Leukaemia 4.7 3.6
Brain, nervous system 3.6 2.7
Larynx 5.6 0.30

40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
ASR (World) per 100 000

Age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates, top 10 cancers

Incidence Mortality

Breast 32.2 10.3

Lung 13.9 13.3

Prostate 12.3 5.7

Colorectum 11.9 6.6

Bladder 9.3 4.3

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 4.8 2.7

Stomach 4.5 4.1
Leukaemia 4.1 2.9
Cervix uteri 4.0 2.8
Ovary 3.7 2.5

40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
ASR (World) per 100 000

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