Book Report On: "The Power of Positive Thinking": By: Ms. Arianne Joy R. Romasanta BSED1-1N

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Book Report on:

“The Power of Positive


Ms. Arianne Joy R. Romasanta

Prof. Junithesmer Doctor-Rosales

January 20, 2011
Norman Vincent Peale
Born in Bowersville, Ohio, USA, on May 31 1898, Norman Vincent Peale grew up helping
support his family by delivering newspapers, working in a grocery store, and selling pots and
pans door to door, but later was to become one of the most influential clergymen in the United
States during the 20th-century.
He was educated at Ohio Wesleyan University and Boston University. He was a reporter on the
Findlay, Ohio, Morning Republic prior to entering the ministry and went on to author some 40
books. Ordained in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1922, Peale served as pastor at a
succession of churches that included Berkeley, Rhode Island (1922–24), Brooklyn, New York
(1924–27), and Syracuse, New York (1927–32) before changing his affiliation to the Dutch
Reformed Church so that he could become pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church in New York
City (1932–84). There he gained fame for his sermons on a positive approach to modern living,
which were regularly broadcast, first on radio and later on television. The church had 600
members when he arrived to pastor in 1932; it had over 5,000 by the time he retired in 1984. In
1969 and 1970 he was president of the Reformed Church in America.
In 1937, Peale established a clinic with Freudian psychiatrist Dr. Smiley Blanton in the basement
of the Marble Collegiate Church. The clinic was described as having "a theoretical base that was
Jungian, with a strong evidence of neo- and post-Freudianism" (Carol V.R. George, God's
Salesman: Norman Vincent Peale and the Power of Positive Thinking, p. 90).  It subsequently
grew to an operation with more than 20 psychiatric doctors and psychologically- trained
"ministers," and in 1951 became known as the American Foundation for Religion and
Psychiatry. In 1972, it merged with the Academy of Religion and Mental Health to form the
Institutes of Religion and Health (IRH). To his death, Peale remained affiliated with the IRH as
president of the board and chief fund raiser. Indeed, Peale pioneered the merger of theology and
psychology which became known as Christian Psychology. Peale applied Christianity to
everyday problems and is the person who is most responsible for bringing psychology into the
professing Church, blending its principles into a message of "positive thinking." His simple,
optimistic, and dynamic sermons brought increasing numbers of parishioners and increasing
fame to Peale. For 54 years Peale's weekly radio program, "The Art of Living," was broadcast on
NBC. His sermons were mailed to 750,000 people a month. His life was subject of a 1964 movie
entitled One Man's Way.
In 1945, Peale and his wife started Guideposts magazine; its circulation now tops 4.5 million, the
largest of any religious magazine. Peale also published several best-selling books, including The
Art of Living (1937), Confident Living (1948), The Power of Positive Thinking (1952), and This
Incredible Century (1991).  His most popular book, The Power of Positive Thinking, has sold
more than 20 million copies in 41 languages.
With his wife, Ruth, Peale founded the Foundation for Christian Living in 1945. He died on
December 24, 1993, at 95. Ruth carries on the work they began.
     The book “The Power of Positive Thinking” is a great inspirational best-seller written
by Norman Vincent Peale. It is book that contains a practical guide for mastering the
problems of everyday living. This all-time best seller has been translated into 12
languages, parts of it reprinted in newspapers, pamphlets and magazines; recorded in
the spoken word, and its theme adapted to discussions, seminars and lectures
everywhere throughout the nation and world.1 The book was divided into 17 parts,
namely: (1) Believe in Yourself, (2) A Peaceful Mind Generates Power, (3) How to Have
Constant Energy, (4) Try Prayer Power, (5) How to Create Your Own Happiness, (6)
Stop Fuming and Fretting, (7) Expect the Best and Get It, (8) I Don’t Believe in Defeat,
(9) How to Break the Worry Habit, (10) Power to Solve Personal Problems, (11) How to
Use Faith in Healing, (12) When Vitality Sags, Try This Health Formula, (13) Inflow the
New Thoughts Can Remake You, (14) Relax for Easy Power, (15) How to Get People to
Like You, (16) Prescription for Heartache, and (17) How to Draw upon That Higher
     The book is really interesting especially for those who have pessimistic minds,
because this book teaches how to be more optimistic in life. It can be a helpful tool for
solving daily problems. It will teach us how to believe in ourselves. It also can make
your spiritual relationship stronger.
     The book will tell us how we can have faith in our abilities and how to eliminate our
inferiorities that interferes our self-confidence. According to Mr. Peale, the first step to
get some faith in yourself is to discover why you have these feelings of no power. That
requires analysis and it will take time. We can apply the verse from the Bible, “I can do
all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13) These few words
from the Bible could do so much for a person. The greatest secret for eliminating the
inferiority complex, which is another term for self-doubt, is to fill your mind of over
flowing with faith. Develop a tremendous faith in God and that will give you a humble yet
realistic faith in yourself. According to Harlowe B. Andrews, “To get anywhere with faith,
learn to pray big prayers. God will rate you according to the size of your prayers.” That
was right because the Bible says in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith be it unto
you.” So the bigger the problem, the bigger prayer should be done. Verses in the Bible
like “If ye have faith… nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matthew 17:20) can do so
much for us if we just apply it. We build up the feeling of insecurity or security by how
we think. Lack of self-confidence apparently is one of the great problems besetting
people today. According to famous psychiatrist, Dr. Karl Menninger, “Attitudes are more
important than facts.” Do not be insecure with other person and don’t try to copy them.
Nobody can be you as efficiently as YOU can. Make a true estimate of your own ability
and always remind yourself that God is with you and nothing can defeat you.
     A primary method for gaining a mind full of peace is to practice emptying the mind.
Even for once, try to erase bad thoughts such as hatred, insecurities and anger. That
will make our mind relaxed for sure. Think of the good memories that you have
encountered. You may think optimistic, and for sure, it will give you a peace of mind.
Bad thoughts are never been good for our minds. After emptying minds, start filling it
with creative and healthy thoughts. Practice to say peaceful words, because if we do,
our mind will react in a peaceful manner. It is important to eliminate from conversations
with all ideas are negative, because they intent to produce tension and annoyance.
Another effective technique in developing a peaceful mind is the daily practice of
silence. Silence is a healing, soothing healthy practice (Peale, 1952)
   A famous psychologist says, “Prayer is the greatest power available to the individual
in solving his personal problems. Its power astonishes me.” Prayer power is a
manifestation of energy. It has an amazing power. We can practice effective prayer, like
setting aside a few minutes every day and think about God. Then pray orally using
simple and natural words. Tell Him anything you want to say in your own language,
because He understands it. Pray anywhere you want, the place is not important but
what’s important is you feel the presence of God. Do not always ask when you pray, but
first thank him for all the blessings that He gave to you, and ask for His forgiveness.
Never use a negative thought in prayer because only positive thoughts have results.
Pray for people you do not like or who have mistreated you learn to forgive and love
your enemies. The more you pray for other people, especially those not connected with
you, the more prayer results will come back to you.
     The one who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy is yourself. Happiness
is achievable and the process for obtaining it is not complicated. Anyone who wants to
be happy may become a happy person. As I mentioned earlier, just think of the positive
side, try emptying your mind and forget hurtful moments, instead, feed your mind with
healthy thoughts. The happiness habit is developed by simply practicing happy thinking.
H. C. Mattern says, “The way to happiness is to keep your heart free from hate, your
mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter
sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by.” Happiness is
everywhere. Just look for it and you will see.
     You can change yourself if you learned the magic of believing. You may discover
that if you expect the worst you will get the worst and when you expect the best you will
have the best. It can be found in the verse in the Bible, Mark 9:23 “If thou canst believe,
all things are possible to him that believeth.” Put yourself into Gods hands and just have
faith. William James, the famous psychologist, said, “Our belief at the beginning of a
doubtful undertaking is the one thing that insures the successful outcome of your
venture. The bible teaches faith, belief, positive thinking, faith in God, faith in other
people, faith in yourself, faith in life. Always remember that all things are possible if you
believe in God. Nothing is impossible with Him.
     If you are thinking thoughts of defeat, the author urge you to rid yourself of such
thoughts. Adopt the “I don’t believe in defeat” attitude. God is always guiding us, so you
just need to think of Him, always think that no one else can defeat you, because you are
in God’s hands.
Remember what the Bible says, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans
8:31). We don’t need to worry about being defeated, because even in our weakest
point, God is always there, lifting us up. Just trust Him, and no one will be against on
you. Famous psychologist asserts that fear is the most integrating enemy of human
personality. All you need to do for eliminating worry habit is first, stay calm, second, go
to church and pray to God, ask for this comfort, and instantly He will give that to you,
and third, eliminate worry and trust Him. Dr. George W. Crile, famous American
surgeon, said that, “We fear not only in our minds but in our hearts, brains and viscera,
that whatever the cause of fear and worry, the effect can always be noted in the cells,
tissues and organs of the body.” This statement clearly shows that fear can make us
feel sick, it can really affect the healthy condition of our body, so the lesser worries you
think, the longer life you could have. Always say to yourself, “Worry is just a very bad
mental habit. And I can change any habit with God’s help. Remember that problems do
come, it is just normal, and you can solve it. Believe that in every problem, there is a
This book proves that an attitude of mind can change lives, win success in all things,
and overcome all obstacles. If you have a problem, there is a solution. If you are in
despair, there is a hope of happiness and renewed confidence in life. This book can be
your guide.

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