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STUDY GUIDE # 1 Pharmacology

SG 1 Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacogenetics

1. Drug absorbed by diffusion is called: _Passive absorption_____________

2. Drugs that causes inactive drug action / response is called: __ _______
3. Free active drug causing a pharmacologic response is called: ___ Unbound Drug _______
4. Proceeds directly from intestine to the liver: ____Hepatic first pass_______________
5. Breakdown of a rug into smaller particles: __________Dissolution_____________
6. Drug requiring a carrier for absorption is called: ______Facilitated diffusion_________
7. This refers to the effect of drug action on cells:
a. Pharmacodynamics
b. Pharmacokinetics

8. Drug absorption is the movement of the drug into the _Blood stream__ after Administration____.
a. Cells, administration
b. Bloodstream, administration

9. Cell membranes contain __Membrane____ that enhance drug actions.

a. Membrane
b. Receptor

10. Which drug form is most rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract?
a. Capsule
b. Sublingual
c. Suspension
d. Tablet

11. Disintegration of enteric-coated tablets occurs in the:

a. Colon
b. Liver
c. Small intestine
d. Stomach

12. Usually food ____ _______ dissolution and absorption of drug.

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Has no effect on
d. Prevents

13. Which statement places the four process of PHARMACOKINETICs in the correct sequence:
a. Absorption, metabolism, distribution, excretion
STUDY GUIDE # 1 Pharmacology
b. Distribution, absorption, metabolism, excretion
c. Distribution, metabolism, absorption, excretion
d. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion

14. Which body organ is the major site of drug metabolism?

a. Kidney
b. Liver
c. Lung
d. Skin

15. Which route of drug absorption has the greatest bioavailability?

a. Intramuscular
b. Intravenous
c. Oral
d. Subcutaneous

16. Which is the best description of a drug’s serum HALF-LIFE?

a. The time required for half of a drug dose to be absorbed
b. The time required after absorption for half of the drug to be eliminated
c. The time required for a drug to be totally effective
d. The time required for half of the drug dose to be completely distributed

17. This refers to the length of time a drug has a pharmacologic effect:
a. Onset
b. Peak of action
c. Duration of action
d. Therapeutic index

18. Time it takes a drug to reach minimum effective concentration:

a. Onset
b. Peak of action
c. Duration of action
d. Therapeutic index

19. __________ measures the margin of safety of a drug.

a. Therapeutic range
b. Therapeutic index
c. Duration of action
d. Biologic half-life
STUDY GUIDE # 1 Pharmacology
20. Which types of physiologic effects are predictable or associated with the use of specific drug?
a. Severe adverse reactions
b. Side effects
c. Synergistic effects
d. Toxic effects

21. The nurse has just given the patient her prescribed antibiotic. Which measurement checks for the
highest plasma/ serum concentration of the drug?
a. Peak level
b. Minimal effective concentration
c. Half-life
d. Trough level

22. The patient is taking a drug that has a half-life of 24 to 30 hours. In preparing discharge teaching,
what is the dosing schedule the nurse anticipates will be prescribed for this drug?
a. Daily
b. Every other day
c. Twice per day
d. Three times per day

23. Which type of drug metabolite can be eliminated through the kidneys?
a. Enteric-coated
b. Lipid-soluble
c. Protein-bound
d. Water soluble

24. Which is the best determinant of the biological activity of a drug?

a. The fit of the drug at the receptor site
b. The misfit of the drug at the receptor site
c. The inability of the drug to bind to a specific receptor
d. The ability of the drug to be rapidly excreted

25. Which type of drug prevents or inhibits a cellular response or blocks responses?
a. Agonist
b. Antagonist
c. Cholinergic
d. Nonspecific drug
STUDY GUIDE # 1 Pharmacology
26. A receptor located in different parts of the body may initiate a variety of responses depending on
the anatomic site. Which type of receptor responds in this manner?
a. Ligand-gated
b. Nonelected
c. Nonspecific
d. Placebo

27. The nurse is giving a LARGE initial dose of a drug to rapidly achieve minimum effective
concentration in the plasma. What is this type of dosage called?
a. Therapeutic dose
b. Toxic dose
c. Loading dose
d. Peak dose

28. Before administering a medication, the nurse checks a drug reference book or pamphlet to obtain
pertinent data. Which data should the nurse note?
a. Contraindications, half-life, protein-binding effect, therapeutic range
b. Side effects, adverse effects, indications, contraindications
c. Therapeutic range, Route, Dilution, special instructions
d. Right dose, right route, right approach, right timing

29. A time-response curve evaluates parameters of a drug’s action. Which parameter(s) are part of the
time-response curve?
a. Therapeutic range, peak action, minimum effective concentration
b. Duration of action, onset of action, peak action
c. Placebo effect, maximum effective concentration, side effects
d. Therapeutic effect, side effect, adverse effect

30. Which factor (s) commonly affect(s) a drug’s absorption

a. Blood pressure, temperature, heredity, body composition
b. Lifestyle, food intake, weight, sleep
c. Hypotension, pain, stress
d. Body mass index, sleep

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