Innovation 27 PDF
Innovation 27 PDF
Innovation 27 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s40812-015-0015-4
Marco Vivarelli3,4
Abstract This paper builds upon Pellegrino et al. (Struct Chang Econ Dyn
23:329–340, 2012) further analysing the determinants of product innovation in
Italian young innovative companies (YICs) by looking at in-house and external
R&D and at the acquisition of external technology in its embodied and disembodied
components. A Tobit approach is applied to study jointly the occurrence of product
innovation and the intensity of such innovation. Results provide evidence that in-
house R&D is linked to product innovation both in mature firms and YICs; however,
YICs turn out to be less in-house R&D-based and, unlike their mature counterparts,
more dependent on external sources of knowledge. While this outcome corroborates
and further reinforce what found—using a different methodology—in Pellegrino
et al. (Struct Chang Econ Dyn 23:329–340, 2012), in this study, other entrepre-
neurial attitudes such as the ability to cooperate with other firms in producing
innovation or the capacity to develop significant organizational changes are also
investigated. The results of the econometric estimations show that these attitudes
turn out to be key innovative strategies in the incumbent firms but, in some specific
cases (such as for the ability to cooperate), appear to be far less important in the
YICs. These results are somehow worrying, since they show that Italian innovative
entrepreneurs are mostly driven by routinized rather than creative strategies.
324 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
1 Introduction
Both the academic community and policy makers have shown increased awareness
of the role of young innovative companies (YICs) run by entrepreneurs who should
contribute to the renewal of the industrial structure and ultimately to economic
growth.1 Following this approach, one of the possible explanations of the
productivity gap among US and Europe could depend on the revealed capacity of
the US economy to generate an increasing flow of young innovative firms which
survive introducing new products and gaining a place at the core of emerging
sectors.2 On the contrary, young European firms show a lower innovative capacity
and a higher business failure rate, not contributing to the alleged positive innovative
industrial dynamics (see Bartelsman et al. 2004; Santarelli and Vivarelli 2007;
Vivarelli 2013). In this context, the European economy would appear to lack
innovative and creative founders, who are the core of the so-called ‘entrepreneurial
society’ (Audretsch and Thurik 2000; Audretsch 2007).
When deciding their ‘Knowledge Production Function’ (see Sect. 2), innovative
entrepreneurs face different options: as well as in-house and external R&D
activities, technological acquisition (TA) in its embodied (machinery and equip-
ment) and disembodied components has to be taken into account. Here we build
upon Pellegrino et al. (2012) in which an empirical investigations was carried out to
test whether R&D and TA lead to significant differences in determining innovative
output in firms of different ages, thus providing evidence on whether the KPF of
YICs exhibits some peculiarities in comparison with what emerges in the case of
mature incumbent firms. The results of the empirical analysis showed that in-house
R&D is linked to the propensity to introduce product innovation both in mature
firms and YICs; however, innovation intensity in the YICs appears to be mainly
dependent on embodied technical change from external sources, while in-house
R&D does not play a significant role. Moreover, other interesting differences
between mature and young firms emerged from the econometric analysis. In
particular, while exporting and science-based YICs seem to be more likely to
perform better in terms of innovative intensity, these type of companies, in contrast
with their mature counterparts, do not seem to be established enough to be
responsive to factors such as appropriability conditions and other forms of
innovation activity (such us strategic or managerial form of innovation).
Following these insights, a first research aim of this paper is to further test the
main results of Pellegrino et al. (2012) that YICs are less R&D based and more
dependent on external sources of knowledge than their mature counterparts. The
robustness of this result will be inspected by using a different econometric strategy
For example, several EU member states have introduced new measures to support the creation and
growth of YICs, especially by improving their access to funding (see BEPA 2008; Schneider and
Veugelers 2010).
For complementary interpretations of the transatlantic productivity gap, see Ortega-Argilés et al. (2011,
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 325
and different specifications. We will then proceed to the main contribution of this
paper, which is to the test whether additional differences emerge between YICs and
mature incumbents with respect to the impact that other entrepreneurial character-
istics have in determining the occurrence of product innovation and the intensity of
such innovation. More in detail, the focus will be on factors such as risk aversion,
attitude towards organizational change and the capacity to develop cooperative
innovation. In this respect, taking into account that innovation is a costly and
uncertain activity, it is reasonable to expect that firms in general, and, YICs—due to
their inherent characteristics—in particular, could be significantly obstructed in
their innovative attempt by their own risk aversion. Indeed, since risk aversion
negatively affects entrepreneurship, this type of analysis will allow us to provide
insights about the role of entrepreneurship in shaping innovative performance.
Furthermore, taking into consideration that cooperative innovation is regarded as a
key factor in enhancing the firm’s innovative performance (see Cassiman and
Veugelers 2002; Cefis et al. 2009) we will test whether this entrepreneurial ability is
more important in determining the firm’s performance of YICs rather than mature
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: a discussion of the reference
literature is presented in Sect. 2, whereas the description of the data used in the
empirical analysis follows in Sect. 3. Subsequently, the econometric results are
displayed and discussed in Sect. 4. Section 5 concludes the paper by briefly
summarising the main findings and suggesting policy implications.
2 The literature
Methodologically, this is well represented by the shift from the R&D-focused Frascati Manual
(‘Guidelines for the collection of R&D data’, first published in 1963) to the Oslo Manual, published in the
1990 s (OECD 1997).
326 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
The embodied nature of technological progress was originally discussed by Salter (1960) and Solow
(1960); in particular, vintage capital models describe an endogenous process of innovation in which the
replacement of old equipment is the main way through which firms update their own technologies (see
also Jorgenson 1966; Hulten 1992; Greenwood et al. 1997; Hercowitz 1998).
See Nelson and Winter (1982) and Dosi (1988) for an extended and more articulated view of the
innovative process across firms.
A related stream of literature instead focuses the attention on the so-called ‘New Technology Based
Firms’ (NTBFs, see Storey and Tether 1998; Colombo and Grilli 2005), where only YICs in the high-tech
sectors are analysed.
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 327
Arrow 1962; Malerba 1992) are often crucial in innovative dynamics, and younger
inexperienced entrepreneurs are obviously at a disadvantage from this perspective.
However, not all innovative firms are large established corporations. Indeed,
economic literature supports the hypothesis that new firms face a different
technological and economic environment from large mature incumbents with
respect to innovative activities (see Acs and Audretsch 1988, 1990; Acs et al. 1994).
Indeed, it may well be the case that entrepreneurial YICs establish their competitive
advantage on the basis of creative and R&D-based product innovation, which
significantly increases both their chances of survival and their economic perfor-
mance in comparison with less innovative start-ups (see Arrighetti and Vivarelli
1999; Michelacci 2003; Cefis and Marsili 2005).
In addition to the investigation of the peculiarities of the KPF in YICs, a second
key issue of interest in this work is to see whether other characteristics can
significantly affect firms’ overall innovative performance. In particular—taking into
account both the previous literature and data availability—we will assume product
innovation (both in terms of its occurrence and its intensity) as an indicator of
innovative performance, and we will assess the role of different determinants in
affecting the level of product innovation. The KPF baseline approach (see above)
will be complemented by the investigation of five additional factors, as follows.
Firstly, we will check the role of a firm’s size to see whether the Schumpeterian
hypothesis, which claims an advantage of larger firms in introducing innovation (see
the classical debate started by Schumpeter 1942; renewed by Arrow 1962 and more
recently continued in Cohen and Klepper 1996), is supported across both the
incumbents and the YICs.
Secondly, the role of sectoral belonging will be studied using Pavitt’s taxonomy
(see Pavitt 1984; Malerba and Orsenigo 1996; Malerba 2005). With regard to YICs,
it will be interesting to see whether the ‘science-based’ and the ‘specialised
supplier’ (the high-technology groups in Pavitt’s taxonomy) young firms enjoy a
relative advantage in developing their innovative products.
Thirdly, we will test the role of risk aversion in deterring entrepreneurial
innovative behaviour (see Kihlstrom and Laffont 1979; Palich and Bagby 1995;
Parker 2004; Kan and Tsai 2006): since innovation is a costly and uncertain activity,
are firms—especially YICs—limited by their own risk aversion? Since risk aversion
and entrepreneurship are inversely correlated, this will be a first direct way to test
the role of entrepreneurship in shaping innovative performance (both in general and
with specific reference to the young innovative companies).
Fourthly, organizational change will be considered as a second indicator of
entrepreneurial capability.7 On the one hand, many scholars have investigated the
complementarity between technological and organizational change (see, for
instance, Bresnahan et al. 2002; Hitt and Brynjolfsson 2002; Piva et al. 2005).
On the other hand, the role of an entrepreneur is precisely that of creatively
combining the different factors of production (see Kirzner 1997). Thus,
In this case, in contrast with risk aversion, organizational change is positively correlated with the
entrepreneurial ability.
328 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
3.1 Database
The empirical analysis was carried out using firm-level data from the third Italian
Community Innovation Survey (CIS3),8 conducted over the 1998–2000 period by
the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). This survey is representative at
both sector and firm size level of the entire population of Italian firms with more
than 10 employees (ISTAT 2004).9
The response rate was 53 %, determining a full sample size of 15,512 firms,
9,034 of which (58.24 %) in the manufacturing sector, our focus of attention. The
manufacturing sample was then cleaned of outliers and firms involved in mergers or
Given the aims and scope of this paper, attention has been limited to the manufacturing sectors.
Firm selection was carried out through a ‘one step stratified sample design’. The sample in each stratum
was selected with equal probability and without reimmission. The stratification of the sample was based
on the following three variables: firm size, sector, regional location. Technically, in the generic stratum h,
the random selection of n_{h} sample observations among the N_{h} belonging to the entire population
was realized through the following procedure:
- A random number in the 0–1 interval was attributed to each Nh population unit;
- Nh population units were sorted by increasing values of the random number;
- Units in the first nh positions in the order previously mentioned were selected.
Estimates obtained from the selected sample are very close to the actual values in the national
population. The weighting procedure follows Eurostat and Oslo Manual (OECD 1997) recommendations:
weights indicate the inverse of the probability that the observation is sampled. Therefore, sampling
weights ensure that each group of firms is properly represented and correct for sample selection.
Moreover, sampling weights help to reduce heteroscedasticity commonly arising when the analysis
focuses on survey data.
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 329
acquisitions during the previous 3 years, which would have biased our results.10 We
thus ended up with 7,965 innovating and not-innovating firms.
The sub-sample of innovators was then selected following the standard practice
of identifying innovators as those firms declaring that in the previous 3 years they
had introduced either product or process innovations, or had started innovative
projects (then dropped or still-to-complete at December 31st, 2000). The same
definition was implemented by ISTAT as a filter to single out non-innovators that
were allowed to skip a large number of ‘innovation questions’, leaving us with very
little information about their propensity to innovate or to invest in innovative inputs.
This means that the CIS database provides information relevant to this study only
for innovative firms; therefore only these firms have been considered in the
following analysis,11 ending up with 3,045 firms. This sample was further reduced
to 2,713 firms by keeping only firms investing in at least one of the four innovative
inputs we focus on and whose age was available. Finally, YICs were identified as
innovative firms which had been operational for less than eight years (293 out of
In fact, mergers and acquisitions may break the link between innovative inputs and outputs (a link that
must be studied within the context of the same economic entity over time).
Given that our aim is to analyze the nature of the relationships within the innovative process (and not,
for example, the effect of different inputs in determining the probability of innovating), this data
limitation does not raise a problem of selection bias in our context. Since we are interested in the internal
mechanisms of the innovative process, we have to focus on a randomly-selected sample of innovative
firms (that is, randomness must hold within the innovative sub-sample, not in comparison with the non-
innovative one where such mechanisms are obviously absent). For a study based on a comparison
between innovative and non-innovative Italian firms, see Parisi et al. 2006. Moreover, as Mairesse and
Mohnen (2010) pointed out, since CIS data provides little information about non-innovating firms, in the
absence of additional information about these firms obtained by merging the innovation survey data with
other firm data, not much room is left to distinguish between innovators and non-innovators and to correct
appropriately for potential selectivity biases.
As far as the age of the firms in the ‘young firms’ sub-sample is concerned, the threshold of 8 years
was chosen to take into account the trade-off between a lower age and the representativeness of the sub-
sample of YICs (here more than 10 % of the entire sample). However, the estimates discussed in Sect. 4
were replicated using a larger sample of young firms no more than 10 years old. The results, available
from the authors upon request, do not change substantially.
330 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
products (TURNIN). This is the only continuous output indicator provided by the
CIS. Finally, it is also important to note that product innovators are a subsample of
the innovative firms considered in this study, since they do not include those firms
only engaged in process innovation or those involved in potential innovative
projects. As a consequence, our TURNIN indicator is a double-censored variable
with a mass of values equal to zero.
Looking at the innovative inputs, four innovative inputs are used in this paper:
Taking into account the reference literature and the hypotheses discussed in Sect. 2,
attention will be paid to the following additional variables:
• Firm size, measured by the number of employees (SIZE), in order to test the
Schumpeterian hypothesis;
• As discussed in Sect. 2, the important role of sectoral belonging will be tested
using Pavitt’s sectoral dummies, controlling for the different sectoral techno-
logical opportunity and appropriability conditions;13
• Turning our attention to the entrepreneurial variables, RISK will measure risk
aversion using a YES/NO (1/0) questionnaire reply centered on the role of
perceived risk as an important obstacle to innovative activities;14
• The entrepreneurial attitude towards organizational change will be implemented
through the dummy ORG, assuming value 1 when the innovative firm has
introduced a significant organizational change at the strategic, management or
shopfloor level;
• Finally, the firm’s attitude towards cooperation will be measured by the dummy
COOP, assuming value 1 when the innovative firm is engaged in innovative
cooperation with other firms.
The estimates will include three groups: science-based, specialised supplier and scale intensive firms,
where the default category will be the low-technology group of the supplier dominated firms.
We are aware of the limits deriving by the use of this variable as a proxy of risk aversion. However,
taking into account the information provided by the CIS questionnaire, this variable represents the most
accurate proxy at our disposal of the degree of firm’s risk aversion.
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 331
The summary Table 1 describes the variables used in the empirical analysis,
while Table 2 reports the corresponding descriptive statistics, distinguishing
between all firms, mature firms and YICs.15
Table 3 reports the sectoral compositions of the two subsamples of mature and
young firms; as can be seen, with regard to the four Pavitt (1984) categories, no
In the ‘‘Appendix’’, Table 7 reports the correlation matrix; as can be seen, all the correlation
coefficients are less than 0.245, showing that data are not affected by serious collinearity problems.
Finally, Table 8 reports the CIS questions on the basis of which the variables were constructed.
332 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
Table 3 Sectoral composition and average employment of the firms belonging to the two subsamples:
Mature and Young firms
Industry pavitt taxonomy Mature firms Young firms (YICs)
4 Econometric results
Table 4 reports the econometric results of the Tobit model applied to the entire
sample and separately to the two sub-samples of the mature incumbents and the
YICs. This first baseline specification only reports the four knowledge inputs and
As discussed at in Sect. 3, the CIS3 data adopted are collected from a representative sample of Italian
manufacturing firms with more than 10 employees; this means that micro firms (which however are very
rarely innovative) are excluded from the dataset, while SMEs are fully included.
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 333
the size and Pavitt controls. Before moving on to the discussion, it is worth pointing
out that our estimations are based on cross-sectional data, and most of the regressors
considered are simultaneously determined and suffer from common method biases;
therefore interpretation of the results has to be undertaken with caution.
Focusing the attention to the four variables identifying the different innovative
inputs, while some results are in line with the main findings in Pellegrino et al.
(2012) some interesting dissimilarities emerge. In particular, neither external
research (ER) nor technological acquisition (TA) seem to exert a significant role in
enhancing the innovative performance of mature and young firms. Moreover, as
expected, in-house R&D appears to be important in increasing product innovation
for the entire sample, the mature firms and the YICs Italian manufacturing firms;
although the coefficient is smaller in magnitude and less significant in the case of
the YICs. Indeed, R&D input is more directly related to product innovation, while
embodied technological change (MAC) is more linked to process innovation (see
Freeman 1982; Freeman and Soete 1987).17
This also explains the negative and significant coefficient of MAC in the estimate referring to the
incumbents (second column of Table 4).
334 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
While this evidence is fully in line with our early findings (Pellegrino et al. 2012),
the results of the variable MAC differ notably. Indeed, unlike in Pellegrino et al.
(2012), where this innovative input exerts a relevant role in enhancing the innovative
performance of both mature and (in particular) young firms, in the present study the
coefficient of this variable appears to be negatively and highly significantly in the case
of mature firms and positive and barely significantly in the case of YICs.
All in all, this evidence further corroborates and reinforces (in the case of the variable
MAC) the main conclusion of our previous work (Pellegrino et al. 2012): Italian YICs—
far from being R&D-based NTBFs—are relatively biased in favour of embodied
technological change and less R&D intensive than their older counterparts, clearly
demonstrating a lack of creativity and autonomy in shaping their innovative KPFs.
Turning our attention to size and sectoral controls, the Schumpeterian hypothesis
is not supported by our estimates, the relative coefficient not being significantly
different from zero. Not surprisingly, the science-based and specialised supplier
firms (the two high-tech categories in Pavitt’s taxonomy) are significantly more
inclined to product innovation and this is true both for the entire sample and for the
mature firms. Interestingly enough, with regard to YICs, only the SB dummy turns
out to be significant, with a coefficient that is more than twice the corresponding one
for the mature firms. This means that for YICs it is even more important to belong to
the science-based category, in order to obtain an above-average innovative outcome.
This result makes the descriptive evidence reported in Table 3 even more worrying:
if the majority of Italian YICs were NTBFs belonging to the SB sectors (which is
not the case), their innovative performance would be significantly higher.
Table 5 presents the above specification extended to the entrepreneurial variables
discussed in the previous sections. First of all, all the results deriving from Table 4
above are fully confirmed and so will not be commented on further. As can be seen,
the variable RISK (although negative in sign, as expected) never turns out to be
even barely significant in any of the three regressions; hence, it seems that risk
aversion is not deterring Italian firms from being innovative.18
Shifting our attention to the ability to engage in various forms of organizational
change, no relevant differences emerge between young and mature firms. Indeed,
this variable turns out to be positively and significantly related to firms’ innovative
capacity, in all the three models.
Finally, cooperative agreements (COOP) in general turn out to affect product
innovation positively and significantly; however, this relationship is not significant
with regard to the YICs. This is a further disappointing result concerning the
entrepreneurial profile of Italian YICs; indeed, either they lack the endogenous
capabilities and ‘absorptive capacities’ to engage in effective innovative cooper-
ation, or they are unable to create value (in terms of product innovation) from such
As a further control, Table 6 reports the results from a restricted specification
where the non-significant regressors have been dropped (ER, TA, SIZE, RISK); as
can be noted, all the previous outcomes are fully confirmed.
However, this may simply be due to possible inaccuracy in the adopted proxy, the only one available
in our dataset.
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 335
On the whole, our econometric results show that in comparison with the
incumbents, Italian YICs appear to be slightly less R&D-based, more dependent on
external sources of knowledge and lacking the ability to engage into fruitful
innovative agreements.
This paper analyses the determinants of innovative output in both young and mature
Italian firms, by looking at firms’ internal and external R&D activities as well as at
the acquisition of external technology in its embodied and disembodied
336 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341 337
relevant in enhancing the firm’s innovative performance for both mature and young
firms. On the other hand, cooperative agreements (variable COOP) turn out to affect
product innovation positively and significantly for the sample of mature firms only;
this relationship being not significant with regard to the YICs. Finally, the variable
measuring firm’s risk aversion (RISK) never shows a significant link with the
dependent variable in any of the three regressions.
These results have relevant implications in terms of policy. Firstly they further
strengthen previous evidence supporting the vision that Italian YICs are far from to
be considered as R&D-based NTBFs. On the contrary, they appear to be rather weak
entrepreneurial entities which need to acquire external knowledge in order to foster
their own innovation activity. Furthermore, the complementary evidence related to
other entrepreneurial attitudes clearly demonstrate the difficulties faced by YICs in
engaging into creative and strategies, such as cooperative innovation.
All in all, these outcomes highlight a potential weakness of Italian YICs, which
seem to lack a fully-fledged endogenous capacity to sustain their own innovative
activities. In turn, this calls for an industrial and innovation policy able to foster
pure NTBFs, that is a policy encouraging a more creative behaviour based on
entrepreneurship and R&D-based innovation strategies.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Andrea Conte, Giovanni Seri and the ADELE
Laboratory at ISTAT in Rome for the provision of CIS 3 data. Comments by the discussant Simon Parker
and the other participants at the ‘1st Joint DIW Berlin/IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research’
(Bonn, February, 25–26, 2010) led to significant improvements to the paper.
TURNIN 1.000
IR 0.189 1.000
ER 0.086 0.245 1.000
MAC -0.034 -0.070 -0.046 1.000
TA -0.010 0.026 0.044 0.034 1.000
SIZE 0.034 0.052 0.054 -0.041 -0.008 1.000
RISK 0.123 0.173 0.168 -0.074 0.014 0.020 1.000
ORG 0.122 0.077 0.053 -0.086 0.031 0.095 0.090 1.000
COOP 0.006 0.035 0.062 -0.026 0.000 0.209 0.065 0.121 1.000
338 Econ Polit Ind (2015) 42:323–341
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