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DOI 10.1007/s10649-011-9360-z
Abstract The present study aims to investigate the effects of a design experiment
developed for third-grade students in the field of mathematics word problems. The main
focus of the program was developing students’ knowledge about word problem solving
strategies with an emphasis on the role of visual representations in mathematical modeling.
The experiment involved five experimental and six control classes (N=106 and 138,
respectively) of third-grade students. The experiment comprised 20 lessons with 73 word
problems, providing a systematic overview of the basic word problem types. Teachers of
the experimental classes received a booklet containing lesson plans and overhead
transparencies with different types of visual representations attached to the word problems.
Students themselves were invited to make drawings for each task, and group work and
teacher-led discussion shaped their beliefs about the role of visual representations in word
problem solving. The effect sizes of the experiment were calculated from the results of two
tests: an arithmetic skill and a word problem test, and the unbiased estimates for Cohen’s d
proved to be 0.20 and 0.62. There were significant changes also in experimental group
students’ beliefs about mathematics. The experiment pointed to the possibility, feasibility,
and importance of learning about visual representations in mathematical word problem
solving as early as in grade 3 (around age 9–10).
J. Szitányi
Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers’ Training, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
C. Csíkos et al.
1 Introduction
In the last decades, a number of educational intervention programs have been conducted in
the field of mathematical word problems. These programs can be grouped according to
several factors: students’ age, the extent to which instructional methods and tasks differed
from those of control groups’, and whether the characteristics of word problems served as
dependent or independent variables of the experiment. In the following, we present a
review of the literature concerning research into the teaching of word problems in order to
frame our study and warrant our chosen methods.
The importance of word problems in research on mathematics education originates in several
factors. As Lave (1992) pointed out, the importance of word problems lies not in the
mathematical structure they reflect but in activities of the school system, and—consequently—
in learning theories concerning those situated actions. Another important feature of word
problem research is the potential to comply with the norms of analytic scientific reasoning,
i.e., the potential to change and alternate characteristics of word problems as independent
variables of a laboratory-based or a classroom experiment (see Verschaffel, Greer & De Corte,
2000). Since general problem-solving skills are of central importance in school mathematics
achievement (see, e.g., English & Halford, 1995), a third justification might be given by the
fact that research on arithmetic word problems has shifted towards a general problem-solving
perspective (Verschaffel, Greer & Torbeyns, 2006).
The role of word problem solving is highlighted in the Hungarian National Core Curriculum
(Nemzeti alaptanterv, 2007) in that “the individual is able to apply basic mathematical
principles and processes in acquiring knowledge and in solving problems in daily life, at
home and at the workplace” (p. 9). The objectives for word problem solving (i.e., observing
situations elaborated in word problems, separating relevant and irrelevant information etc.) are
declared for school grades from 1 to 8, without detailing the steps or levels and without
attaching them to grades or age groups. (It is the task of the local curricula to elaborate
objectives for a given school grade.) In sum, the importance of word problems and problem
solving in general is well recognized and emphasized in the National Core Curriculum, and
what actually happens in classrooms depends on mainly the local curricula, on textbooks and
on teachers’ own view of the objectives (implemented curriculum).
As a consequence of these justifications, word problems play an important role in
educational experiments and surveys. Solving word problems—at least when paper–pencil
tests are used in an experiment—requires an adequate (or at least fledgling) level of reading
skills, therefore the earliest possible school grade for intervention programs built around
word problems should be grade 3. For those teachers and researchers, who may find it too
early for third-grade students to encounter word problem-based interventions either because
of the inappropriate level of reading skills or because of children struggling with arithmetic
skills, we would like to underline that children around age 9, even when considered as low-
achievers in mathematics “are capable of building sophisticated mathematical concepts”
(English, 1996, p. 108.). Consequently, they should have the chance to meet problems that
permit the use of various solution strategies. Indeed, there are experiments with third-grade
students in the field of word problems.
Sáenz-Ludlow and Walgamuth’s (1998) 1-year long experimental program addressed
third-grade children’s use and understanding of equality and the equality symbol. In their
experiment, the idea of children’s writing of their own word problems helped children
overcome the difficulty of understanding contextual meaning of word problems. Making
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
The term “visual imagery” was defined by Presmeg (1986) as a mental scheme that depicts
visual or spatial information either existing with the presence of the object being visualized
or without the presence of that object. According to Jonassen (2003, p. 269), “Successful
problem solving requires the comprehension of relevant textual information, the capacity to
visualize the data.” Since mathematical concepts and relations are often based on visual
C. Csíkos et al.
mental representations attached to verbal information, the ability to generate, retain and
manipulate abstract images is obviously important in mathematical problem solving. Goldin
and Kaput (1996) analyzed the structure of internal mathematical representations, and
found that the imagistic system (nonverbal configurations of objects, relations and
transformations, including visual imagery and spatial representation) receives much less
attention from educators than other systems of mathematical representations.
It is clear from Goldin and Kaput’s (1996) argumentation that the ability to visualize data
(and their relations) in a mathematical problem may contribute to mathematics problem
solving. Indeed, Hegarty and Kozhevnikov (1999, p. 688) have found that “some visual-
spatial representations promote problem-solving success” among sixth grade students (there
were only boys participating in their experiment). Furthermore, it was revealed that it was
possible to teach students how to produce appropriate visual representations. That is,
representations focused on relevant data and relations, and not irrelevant iconic or pictorial
representations. Following the verbalizer–visualizer dichotomy, Kozhevnikov, Hegarty and
Mayer (2002, p. 47.) designate people who “rely primarily on imagery processes when
attempting to perform cognitive tasks” as visualizers. Visualizers belong to two groups:
spatial and iconic type visualizers. Kozhevnikov, Hegarty and Mayer bring evidence about
the relevance of making distinctions between two types of images, and therefore, between
two types of visualizers. One aspect is the neuropsychological and neuro-imaging
differences, secondly the working memory literature is relevant, helping to distinguish
between two types of images Presmeg (1986) also differentiated between what she called
“pattern images” and “concrete images” and the former were more productive in solving
mathematical problems. Furthermore, especially importantly from an educational point of
view, Hegarty and Kozhevnikov (1999) found that it was possible to differentiate reliably
between schematic and pictorial representations made by sixth grade children. It was also
found that “the use of schematic spatial representations was associated with success in
mathematics problem solving” (Kozhevnikov, Hegarty & Mayer, 2002, p. 51).
The idea that schematic representations are meaningful for word problem solving in
terms of containing relevant data and relations calls forth the question whether using
explanatory drawings generated by mathematics teachers and students in classroom
situations is a powerful method of visualization that will improve students’ problem
solving ability. This broad hypothesis has antecedents in the literature of many frameworks
including the field of worked examples and the cognitive load theory.
In Mwangi and Sweller’s (1998) experiment, third-grade children were presented with a
worked solution that contained a schematic visualization of the objects and quantities from
the text of a word problem. The word problems were of consistent language, and students
of both the experimental and control groups solved almost all tasks; it was the number of
incorrect attempts that made a difference between the two groups, favoring the
experimental group. The authors drew two important consequences. First, the results may
be interpreted within the cognitive load framework, i.e., worked examples reduced working
memory load. They point to the importance of coherence of the source materials children
receive. Secondly, the possibility of an intervention using worked examples with schematic
drawings as early as in the elementary school years has been demonstrated.
Elementary school children’s capability to match types of schematic diagrams with a
mathematics problem has been further evidenced by Diezmann (2005). In her study of
third- and fifth-grade students’ judgments on types of diagrams, she found that even 3rd
graders were able to match diagram types with word problems in proportions unlikely to be
due to chance. As she stated in her conclusion: “students need to be able to select the
appropriate diagram for a particular problem and adequately justify their selection” (p. 286).
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
where the sum was not bigger than 100. It has been shown that eye movements reflect
children’s developing knowledge about natural numbers and their spatial representations. In
that experiment, an increasing accuracy of number line estimation was revealed from eye-
tracking data, with larger differences between first and second grade, and slighter
differences between second and third grade.
The usefulness of providing appropriately scaled number lines for a special type of word
problems (one-step additive problems) in an educational setting has been documented by
Elia, Gagatsis and Demetriou (2007). It has been revealed that achievement on this number
line-added type of word problems relevantly increases at the age of 7–8.
1.3 Teachers’ knowledge about and approach for visual representations in mathematics
problem solving
Teachers’ knowledge about word problems and the role of visual representation has been
emphasized in various investigations. On the one hand, preservice elementary teachers tend
to use word problem strategies that may lead to failures in more difficult problems (Van
Dooren, Verschaffel & Onghena 2003). On the other hand, as revealed by Chapman (2006),
it is the elementary school teachers (comparing to secondary school teachers) who tend to
use the so-called narrative mode of conceptualization (in a Brunerian framework), and
“create a classroom environment that was motivational for students to learn word
problems” (p. 225). In Chapman’s study, the narrative mode of conceptualization was
opposed by the paradigmatic view. The latter refers to a cognitive functioning mode where
the central question is how to know the truth. The narrative or humanistic mode centers on
the meaning of experience. Whatever teaching style or cognitive functioning strategy is
observable among teachers, it cannot be overemphasized that teachers and students may
have strikingly different interpretations about a seemingly straightforward word problem.
Cai and Lester (2005) found remarkable differences in how Chinese and American
teachers helped students to solve word problems. Chinese teachers preferred visual
representations over verbal ones in their facilitation of students’ understanding of word
problems. These visual representations were not a required part of the solutions themselves.
Cai and Lester give a typical example of how a Chinese teacher used a number line-like
diagram to illustrate quantitative relations. On the contrary, US teachers usually used
symbolic rather than visual representations in their classroom practice.
In another comparative study, Uesaka, Manalo and Ichikawa (2007) found that 13–15-
year-old Japanese students—as compared to their New Zealand peers—had lower scores on
the questionnaire item asking whether they are explicitly told or encouraged by their
teachers to use diagrams. One possible reason can be that students tend to consider
drawings as illustrations provided by the teacher in the process of problem solving, and
“[Japanese] teachers need to spend more time in class teaching students how to actually use
diagrams” (p. 333).
– The most important characteristic of our intervention program is the use of visual
representations in word problem solving. This use has several facets: (1) shaping
students’ belief about the importance of making drawings when solving word
problems, (2) showing students drawings that illustrate possible ways of representing
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
or modeling a problem, and (3) reassuring students in making drawings that befit their
mental images and their understanding of the word problem text. In most of the
lessons, both a schematic- and a pictorial-type drawing was shown by the teacher or
generated by the students.
– The program has a maximum possible level of ecological validity, i.e., the system of
tasks and visual transparencies will be usable in the future without requiring extra time
and human resources, and without much change in curricular content.
– The program lasts for 20 units, which is about 5 weeks duration (at a rate of four
lessons/week), and the program is similar in length to the usual duration of time
dedicated to word problems in grade 3. The length is restricted by the aim of keeping
the intervention intact and uniform in a relatively short time, avoiding the effects of
possible changes in classroom and out-of-school characteristics that might interfere
with experimental variables.
– Since, at least from a historical point of view (see Verschaffel, Greer & De Corte,
2000) mathematics word problems can be either the means for practicing arithmetic
skills or the means for modeling reality, it seems to be necessary to make decisions
about what the word problems of our program can be used for. We strove to select
word problems with familiar and realistic content, trying to avoid even the
appearance of mere drilling practice. However, we agree with Palm (2008, p. 55)
in that “to practice real life task solving, then dismissing important conditions of real
life … is not an efficient practice”. Consequently, we selected realistic tasks as
defined by Cooper and Harries (2002, p. 5.), i.e., “where the textual representation of
the problem contains either persons or non-mathematical objects from ‘everyday’
settings such as shopping or sports”, but we avoided selecting so-called ‘more
authentic’ tasks as defined by Palm (2008).
– The intervention program focuses on several types of word problems in a
systematically structured way: number of arithmetic operations to be computed (if
operation should be computed at all), and whether the text has consistent or
inconsistent language. This intention about covering a wide range of word problem
types can be characterized as “building gradually” from simpler to more complex word
problems. However, this feature of the program is not unique when compared with the
textbooks from which the control group students learn, and their teachers plan their
2 Methods
2.1 Subjects
The students involved were recruited from six schools located close to each other in
Budapest, Hungary. Eleven classes participated, five experimental and six control classes.
The experimental classes were randomly chosen from the pool of 11 classes. In each case,
the whole class was designated as either a control or an experimental group. All participants
were third-grade students whose mean age was 9 years in March, 2008. The experimental
classes comprised 106 students (53 boys and 53 girls), and the control classes 138 students
(63 boys and 75 girls).
According to recent legislation, there must be no relevant differences among schools
within the same town concerning the rate of low social-economic status students in a
school. Therefore, classes participating in the investigation either as experimental or control
classes can be considered as representative groups of the capitol’s inner city schools. From
nationwide and international system-level surveys (see, e.g., Báthory, 2003), it can be
inferred that this student population has above-average characteristics in academic
A pre-test–post-test–control (PPC) design was adopted. We used two tests as both pre- and
post-test, consequently the PPC design was realized. The first test was an arithmetic skill
test comprised 32 items covering National Core Curriculum aims. The second test
comprised six word problems, along with some questions concerning students’ attitudes
and learning aims.
Each student’s score on the arithmetic skill test was calculated as the number of correctly
solved items. The test contained 32 dichotomous items. The Cronbach-α reliability
coefficient of the pre-test was 0.84 (N=228). Using this arithmetic skill test as post-test, the
reliability coefficient proved to be 0.83 (N=237).
Scoring of the word problem test was carried out according to the scoring system of
Verschaffel, De Corte and Lasure (1994), i.e., the score of the test was the number of
realistic reactions. Realistic reactions may have different forms, namely, mathematically
correct solutions taking realistic considerations into account, or explicit notions of the task
being unsolvable or otherwise problematic. The reliability of this six item pre-test was 0.72
(N=230). Using the word problem test as post-test, the reliability proved to be 0.72 again
In order to control whether experimental group students’ drawing skill influenced how
they could profit from the experiment, the first task of the Clark Drawing Test (CDT) was
administered as a pre-test (Clark, 1989). According to the Hungarian standardization results
of CDT (Kárpáti, 2001), we decided to use only the first task of CDT (drawing an
interesting house as seen from the other side of the street). Since the test has a very strong
inner consistency as measured by the Cronbach-α coefficient (0.97), a shortened version
may save time without losing much diagnostic value about the overall level of drawing
skill. This subtest can be considered as a neutral measure of drawing skill, i.e., independent
of any mathematical content. Another modification was skipping the item of giving a title
to the picture because there are only 0.2–0.3 correlations between the quality of giving title
and other items of the task. Thus, the maximum score was 60 points, deriving from12 five-
point items. The reliability coefficient proved to be 0.88 (N=100).
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
Brown’s (1992) seminal study emphasized the need for conducting educational
experiments where the complexity and systemic nature of learning can be studied in
view of interwoven variables. It has been clear in the previous decades that it is almost
impossible to conduct single-factor experiments where only one independent variable
is tested and the other factors are kept constant. According to Bell (2004), there is a
wide range of different types of design-based experiments. Taking examples from the
two furthest points, there are multivariate, multifactorial designs and there are
ethnographic observations, and both can be considered as design experiments. Our
current research is much closer to the multifactorial experimental design approach, but
since there are several possible interwoven independent variables, we regard it as
design experiment.
The intervention program in our current investigation has several characteristics
(see below), but none of these variables can be isolated from the others, so the
intervention program is considered as a complex intervention package. This
complexity enables (1) practical feasibility in dissemination (Brown, 1992), therefore
assuring ecological validity (Gravemeijer & Cobb, 2006), and (2) possible contribution to
theories of classroom learning. The current design experiment program created a learning
environment that provided ample opportunity for children to encounter various types of
word problems and various types of drawings that might help them to solve those
The program had several interwoven characteristics. The basic idea of the intervention was
built around the role of visual representations in word problem solving. For this aim, we
first provided students with a systematic review of the types of word problems. The aspects
of this review were: (1) whether the word problem can be solved by executing arithmetic
computations. This aspect may be important to eliminate possible misconceptions or beliefs
that lead to frequent searching for the appropriate operation. (2) The number of operations
to be computed for solving a word problem is usually one in grade 3 but at the end of the
intervention program, two-step problems are applied. (3) Since Mayer and Hegarty’s (1996)
work, the term “consistent language” has become widely accepted by the discourse
community. This term indicates that the keywords in the text of a word problem correspond
with the arithmetic operation to be computed. The structure of word problem types in the
intervention is shown in Table 1.
The program contained 73 word problems altogether. Each task was presented to each
student on a separate A4 sheet one at a time during lessons. Children had no booklet,
because we wanted to avoid their prereviewing any of the tasks.
A booklet was prepared for teachers of the experimental classes. This booklet contained
a short theoretical introduction about the nature of the experiment and its hypotheses and,
for each lesson, the aim of that lesson, the type of tasks to be solved, the tasks themselves,
instruction about the methods, and the use of supplementary materials.
Since one focus of the program was helping students become aware of the role and
importance of making drawings related to mathematics word problems, teachers were
invited to encourage students to make drawings even in the case of the simplest—or
seemingly simple—tasks. Teachers were invited by us to initiate conversations during the
task solving process allowing students to gradually become aware of the existence of
C. Csíkos et al.
Can be solved by arithmetic One definite solution Can be solved by one Consistent
computation arithmetic operation language
1 No Yes
2 No No
3 No Yes
4 No No
5 Yes Yes Yes
6 Yes Yes Yes
7 Yes Yes No
8 Yes Yes No
9 Yes Yes Yes/no
10 Yes Yes Yes/no
11 Explicit analysis of drawings for arithmetic word problems
12 No No
13 Yes Yes Yes
14 No No
15 Yes Yes No
16 Yes Yes Yes
17 Yes Yes Yes/no
18 Yes Yes Yes/no
19 Yes No Yes
20 Yes No No
different types of drawings, and albeit there might be individual difference in preference,
usually it is the schematic drawings that are useful to sketch.
Another focus of the program was of instructional methodological nature. Changing the
usual classroom practice had two main dimensions. First, teachers were asked to use the
think-aloud technique in some of the tasks in order to demonstrate the possible branches
and circles in the solution process. Second, in some of the lessons students worked in
heterogeneous groups consisting of five to six students, learning to tolerate and discuss
different solution plans.
We prepared colored transparencies for the majority of the tasks. (Overhead
projector transparencies meant the common available tool for the experimental classes
from an educational infrastructural aspect.) The aim of using transparencies was to
standardize visual aid students may receive when copying, comparing or analyzing
drawings created for a word problem. For example, word problem #16 in the sixth
lesson had the following text: this morning, three uniform bunches of carnations were
ordered. The gardener picked 21 carnations. How many carnations did each bunch
contain? After individual seat work, students compared their drawings to three
different types of drawings presented on the preprepared transparencies by the teacher
(see Fig. 1). The drawings on the transparencies were planned by the first and third
author of this study, and were prepared by a graphic artist. The lines and the use of colors
imitated many characteristics of children’s drawings except for being purposeful about
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
Fig. 1 Illustrations provided for word problem #16 of the sixth lesson unit
the mathematical–structural content. The lesson plans gave detailed instruction when and
how to use the transparencies.
Teachers of the experimental classes were gathered for an oral discussion led by the first
and second authors of this study. During this talk, we presented the aims of the experiment,
our hypotheses, and the lesson plans were handed out. Later, during the weeks of the
C. Csíkos et al.
experiment, teachers’ questions were received and answered via emails and telephone
The pre-test phase involved administering three tests in the experimental group in three
consecutive lessons, and administering two tests in the control group. After the pre-tests,
the experimental group received 20 lessons, at a rate of four per week. (Four mathematics
lessons per week is a general characteristic in the third grade in Hungary.)
The lessons were taught by the regular classroom teachers who, as indicated above, were
familiar with the aims of the experiment. The intervention lessons did not require the full
45 min of a mathematics lesson; the rest of the time could be freely used to make progress
with the regular material and targets.
Teachers of the control groups received no information about the aims and
hypotheses of the experiment, but they were informed about the importance of their
contribution as control class teachers of an experiment. In the participating schools,
during the time interval of the intervention program, the regular classroom material
consisted of solving and practicing on word problems. These spring months, when the
experiment took place are usually, country-wide, the season for allocating much time
for drilling practice on word problems, i.e., solving dozens or hundreds of word
problems; many of them can be labeled as routine and pseudo-realistic (a term
borrowed from Boaler, 1994). The main difference between the experimental and control
class practices—from the viewpoint of control group teachers—was allocating much
more time for drilling practice on routine word problems. The post-tests were
administered immediately after the intervention program.
3 Results
Only those students who completed both the arithmetic skill and word problem tests, as
both pre- and post-tests, are taken into account. Since test administration took place in the
students’ classroom, a 5% rate of attrition, typically due to illness, seems reasonable and
understandable. As we have seen, the reliability coefficients could be computed from 228 to
230 students’ scores, and there were 216 students (97 from experimental and 119 from
control classes) who completed all four tests.
Table 2 shows the basic statistics about the pre- and post-test results of the experimental and
control groups. The data in Table 2 suggest that while there were differences between the
Table 2 Means and standard deviations of the experimental and control groups’ test achievement and post-
test—pre-test differences (PPD) on the pre- and post-tests
Arithmetic skill test Mean 25.31 27.00 1.69 26.74 27.56 1.56
SD 4.61 4.35 3.04 4.25 4.00 1.43
Word problem test Mean 2.57 4.12 0.82 3.51 4.06 0.55
SD 1.68 1.68 3.13 1.56 1.67 1.25
Drawings in developing mathematical word problem solving
experimental and control groups on the pre-test favoring the latter group, there were notably
fewer differences on the post-tests results.
Table 3 shows the t test comparisons between experimental and control group pre-test
achievement. The differences in pre-test achievement were significant in both tests. Table 4
shows similar data for the post-tests.
There were no significant differences between the experimental and control groups in
either of the post-tests. The paired-samples t test provides information about the
development of students’ achievement during the 6-week period of the intervention
program. On the arithmetic skill test, both the experimental and control groups significantly
outperformed their pre-test achievement in the post-test. Statistical values are t(118)=2.87,
p<0.01 for the control group and t(96)=5.48, p<0.001 for the experimental. Similarly, in
the case of the word problem test, t(118)=4.78, p<0.001 for the control group and t(96)=
10.73, p<0.001 for the experimental group indicate significant changes during the 6-week
intervention period.
The PPC design of this experiment calls forth the use of the modified Cohen’s d effect size
(Morris, 2005). Since it has been proven that both the experimental and control groups had
significantly higher means at the end of the intervention period in both tests than they had at
the beginning, it is this effect size that may indicate how much bigger development rate
took place in the experimental group.
In case of the PPC design, Cohen’s d index is the standardized mean change for the
experimental and control groups, and is estimated by the following equation (see
Morris, 2005):
ðMpost;exp Mpre;exp ÞðMpost;control Mpre;control Þ
$¼ SDpre;pooled ; where
ðnexp 1ÞSD2pre;exp þðncontrol 1ÞSD2pre;control
SDpre;pooled ¼ nexp þncontrol 2
The final d index will contain a c constant for unbiased estimation: d=c Δ, where
4ðnexp þ ncontrol 2Þ 1
The unbiased effect size d for the word problem test was 0.62, and the unbiased d for the
arithmetic test is 0.20. According to Cohen (1969), d=0.8 can be considered as large effect
size, d=0.5 is medium, and d=0.2 is small effect size. Following this, the intervention
program had a small effect on the arithmetic skills, and a notably perceptible (between
medium and large) effect size on the word problem test.
Table 3 T tests for comparisons between experimental and control group achievement on the pre-tests, and
on each of the six tasks of the word problem test
F p |t| p
Table 4 T tests for comparisons between experimental and control group achievement on the post-tests, and
on the word problem test
F p |t| p
Beyond the two mathematics-related achievement tests, students from the experimental
group completed the shortened Clark Drawing test, and both the experimental and control
groups received additional questions about their attitudes towards and beliefs about
mathematics. For each background variable, the first aspect of analysis will be whether that
variable has a significant impact on the post-test results of the experiment.
The first task of the Clark Drawing test can be considered as a manifest variable of
drawing skills. Since the effect of the intervention may partly lean on students’ drawing
skills, we computed correlation coefficients between CDT total score and the mathematics
related post-tests of the experiment. Table 5 shows the Pearson correlation coefficients.
None of the values are significant.
The CDT scores were used to divide the experimental group into two equal subsamples
in number. Using a threshold score of 35 allows this; and eta-squared effect size can be
computed to determine the proportion of the variance on the post test scores that can be
attributed to drawing skills. For the arithmetic skill test, eta-squared proved to be 0.003 and
for the word problem test, eta-squared was 0.018 or 1.8%. This value belongs to the “small”
effect size category according to Cohen (1969).
Since there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups
but their pre-test achievement differed significantly; in the following analyses, the
increment in achievement will serve as a measure of achievement gain. In this way, we
can analyze the multiple analysis of variance (ANOVA) effects of different background
To compare the effect of the intervention program and students’ sex, and their
possible interaction, a 2 (experiment or control)×2 (boy or girl) analysis of variance
was conducted, first on the increment in word problem test scores. The eta-squared
index of the experimental effect (explained variance) was 0.13 (p<0.001) for the
experimental condition, and the gender effect was not significant: eta-squared=0.001 (p=
0.62). Neither was the interaction of the two variables significant: eta-squared=0.01 (p=
0.09). As for the increment in the arithmetic skill test scores, the same tendencies could
be revealed. Eta squared and p values (in parentheses) for the experimental conditions, for
gender effect, and for interaction were 0.02 (0.04), 0.001 (0.60), and 0.001 (0.66),
There were five questions about the beliefs and attitudes concerning mathematics
learning. Out of the five questions, three were involved in both the pre- and post-tests.
Table 6 shows the main data about these background variables.
Two-sample t tests show significant differences (p<0.05) in the first question (how are
you getting on during mathematics lessons?) for both the pre- and post-test sessions. Paired-
samples t tests shows that in both the experimental and control groups the judgment about
the difficulty of mathematics changed significantly (p<0.05). In case of the experimental
group, the mean change was 0.16 which is almost twice as much as the 0.09 change in the
control group.
There were two questions that appeared only in the post-test session. In case of the question
“To what extent has your mathematics knowledge developed during the last 2 months?” there
was no significant difference between the experiment and control groups: t(210)=0.11, p=0.91.
As for the question “Do you agree that having drawn a good drawing about a word problem,
you will find the solution easier?” there was significant difference between the experimental
and control groups: t(209)=2.18, p=0.03. These results on the last two background variables
suggest that although awareness about the development of mathematics knowledge did not
differ by the end of the intervention, an important declarative metacomponent of
mathematical knowledge had developed by the end of the intervention program.
The first hypothesis of the experiment stated that the experimental group would have better
results on the word problem post-test. Our results suggest that the intervention program
proved to be successful in terms of significant development in the experimental group
comparing to the control group. The control group had a significant advantage at the
beginning of the intervention period in both the arithmetic skill and the word problem test.
After the 6-week long intervention period, there were no significant differences on these
tests between the two groups, therefore the success of the experiment lies in the difference
of the experimental group gains. Consequently, the volume of gains in achievement was
assessed by computing the experimental effect size.
The second hypothesis stated that there would be equal or better results achieved on the
arithmetic skill test in the experimental group than in the control group. Similarly to the
results on the word problem test, there was significant difference on the pre-test, and there
was no significant difference on the post-test.
Table 6 Descriptive statistics for three background variables (1=highest or most positive option, 2=middle
or neutral, 3=most negative)
Pretest Post-test
How are you getting on during Mathematics lessons? Mean 1.65 1.43 1.61 1.41
SD 0.70 0.59 0.69 0.63
How difficult do you find Mathematics? Mean 1.85 1.87 1.69 1.78
SD 0.51 0.45 0.51 0.46
How important is it for you to master Mathematics Mean 1.07 1.02 1.09 1.05
SD 0.30 0.13 0.36 0.26
C. Csíkos et al.
Acknowledgments This research was supported by a grant from the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
(OTKA 63360) awarded to Csaba Csíkos and by the MTA-SZTE Research Group on the Development of
Competencies. Thanks are due to Gabriella Pataky for her help in the use of the Clark Drawing Test. We
would also like to thank Paul Andrews, Andrea Kárpáti, Julianna Szendrei, Malcolm Swan and Lieven
Verschaffel for their constructive comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Parts of the present study have
been presented at a conference (Csíkos, Szitányi & Kelemen, 2009). Also, part of the data have been
published in Hungarian in Magyar Pedagógia (Csíkos, Szitányi & Kelemen, 2010).
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