Capitulo2 Parte 2

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A+C = 0

5A+B_-O TS i$ 3À+±=Od ^=-L/q * c=4jq.

8 = !/3


HLs:ì= _ ¥+ 4±+ fl =b Hisì= -+,± + è ±t + . +3 *


hitì = £~`iHEìì = , à+ ±t + + €-3f

Ùouj, \* us go bac,k t the ortj;/ial pnob\€m, m

G|sÌ = |3~ie-3S) Fis) + |SE-Z°S+ 6e~+5)h|sì

S gitì= E~'|éisì} = £~t| m€-SS)FLs)} "~t{(8e-Z°SrGé7S) Hisìì =



= 3ftt) ~ ZLLsit) f lt-3) + 8 u,z¢ttì h lt~20) + 6 wt(tì h lt-+).


gl-b) = 3f-ltì ~ ZU5lt)f(t-5) + 8 «zo(t) h lL2®) + 6 L12tt)h lt-+).

5. sSNIÙ6 i'umAi vALUE pRffiLEns irup) W|.rH LptpLACE Tl?ftùsFORns

W€ \t!V€ SFCLnt ti lrast htft scihons \eam{ng how b bk Lap\am hanspms ììnd lLTS,

It is m tLitvi€ tn 5ft L.@(k ti DES. SGfm f7Toc€cd``ng `nb t)Es oL`€ ÙL!ìl\ ir`tr€)duce 0# moff S"J\a]

ùjm ù€ie\S m knch;ing ho~ tL` gèk€ tti LapL"ig dian3F{m # & ct€t\`u2!t\-vé>. Rmt\{ri3 t" f" d£'n¢t£S

% nti. den-uSti`u€ cf ths fmitù-on f`

D€+\`ni`h-" 5Upì%S€ " f# f"j ,, f 'm @r€ an continuc>i]s {unGtions drid r k a pr€cÉ>utrsa

tsnbinu¢uS func,t\-on, Thus

SìM Log ar€ cjoing to be ò€al``ri5- u3`-€h sgiond otià€r t)E5 i.b u;`rl\ bc 4o"€ri`'# to @n-t£ cto4t3n the

Lep\aq5 t3fan5Porm of +h€ f`-rst tm àcyiuaL-v€S..

£lJ,J = sy(sì -J,o,`

# i ,„ } = é2yts) _ s)to) ~ yiLo)

W€ n¢te that yìo) af\ò }IIOì m o+`l£r` LÀùV\@t tAk' haYe b€en U5-`n9 ¢t in`-hi®i ®ridìt{ons in Qw NPs.

st t-=0. ',`'h`-le lr@p\pLg tìiìru+o"s àtg f@Tb`cùlpry UsB{ul Fr nor`hc%mo£Cnpc~S CÉ£ w`hic,h have

Hc@uisìòé {unct{ons \fl i:h€ forcìng t£tm, LÙ€ shp\Ì sbr[ oft w`-th 8 coup\e cf iair\r stmp\e probif'ms

b ``l\vS+riStE hGuj he rroc€sg LL`f.rks.

E*Al|PLE|. SoWG the 5o\\owìng NP:

j"-Loy'+qi--Srt } yu})=-l) y'LC>Ù~=Z

lh,e i``r5t step is to tòh€ ti& bans5òìm ¥ Cucr) t€m in thc DE :

cftJ"] -io#Ly,Ì + q#iJj= £ t st.j

S¢ #1at

szyL* -s}Lo) -}'tc>) -1os7ts) + 1oylo) + q yts)

iE S2y|S) + S -Z ~ |0Sy® -m + qy¢ = =Z =b is2-" +q)7Ò +S * »= ì

STu\Ui`ri5 .foT Y{5) tÀ)e have

É -s + L2'
s2 12-s
Érz -s.t i2
s2-icÈ+q `S~q) ts~1) s-2(S-q){S-|) ls-q){S~l)

'uh(ch (S th€ Li}p\Èw ùtir`sÉrrn q ft so`ubtQn ., YL5)= £bttì| . ln onm bo fi~n& ti¢ jolJhon

M " " n€d b do rs b t* tiJ rnv€rs€ trfflsF" ylt)= #~'Ly(sì-i' ù"J

5 `+ i2s`Ls3
yts) =
Ae> P
-= -EE
sZ {s~q) |S-1Ì
= + =z + =q + S-1

È 5+12s2-s?= ^S|s~q\|S~|} + B{S~qì(S_i)+ S?|S~|ÌC+ S2(S~CIÌD ~+

=b 5 t |2s2~s3 = As |52_ios + q) + g|5q, £Os+q) + |s3-S'2)C + iss_qs2)D

= A\s3~ \osZ+qs'ì + B|s2-iostfl+ì t (s3-s2)C + Ls3-qs2)D

= fts3-40Ag2 + qAs + Bs2-ioBs + qB + s3c-s2c ,r sSD ~ c\f D

= `A +c +D) s5 + \-ioA + 8 ~ C -c\Dì SZ + |qA~3C>Bìs + qB

Ej= _ =3+ !`2 s2 +S = |A+ ct D-) s3 + (~]c)A t 8 ~C -qD) s2t (qA-10B)s + CIB

A+C+D = -1

10A + 8 -C ~qD = 12

qA-10B = 0 qh = toe> 3É+ ^-- E®)8L

B= 5/q

* A-ioA+t>+B-CtDC11 -+ -qA+B-SD=11 S -SD= i4+qA-B È
+ 8 -qD=Ì2-

È SD= B-qAu Ù 6D= à~ p-~ii= 5 -50 - qq - 1# + D = -è. j# = - 1: = -2


.'. t)=-2_

81 -SO '31
A+C+D=-1 S C= ~1~A~D= -1 -¥ 'r2 = 1-g: = -+ c=3J`
81 8i 81 8181


7tsì =|so`8|)T i'5|qa)

T+~ t3|'Si.)
-i =b ytsì = :-: , à + É.1 + iL ,1. z , i
S| S-1 q sZ si s-q s-1

H€nc€, +h{} so\uLìon b {ft NP is


= 5à::: . i + à . t + .# €qt_ 2 €,b


# =+ àt+ à:€qb~2€+= ±\5o+45tff„q-t) .z+

H€r`Le us`r\g Lap\aLG t{ì>nsFWì6 ¢du48S thB proce,c\uie q scMns -t3 t)E c\o¢il b ti`n cT3ljebr> probl€'m

tJn\ìke straijht fofLÙ?rò approach€S , " L3pl" trar`sFm ttvL mitìc`\ condi-h-9ns cm appl[ec}

duùrq nA¢ +trst st€p 3nò * Me mò " jgt +±u @ctt)a\ soluh.on `+nstczx\ o+ a 3enp{a\ scJ\Ùh-on, .4\So,

#C~ Sf€ Sorvt& Dt3s W\=it Sìmp\j (pmcpt laG 5cj\J€ó Usìnj shraÉht¢rw\afiò t££hnrqugs arià so, rn

ùose ias€S, L@piacie bar\sF"ms wm k {he on\} wt?, b ®bh`n a so\Ùt`-on-

EXAlqpLE 2. t~tltve U£ fal.low.`ng WP:

L+'+3]i-z]=+é'Lt , ]Loh=o, \]'io)-~-2,


Z # 17"} + 3#{jF] -2 # |)j = £Lte-Zt} È

± 2_szyLs` 3S)iò) -H'Lo} + 3s|Ls} -Silo\ -2.YL5) =

_J` -_


b ls±Y [±) + 4 r SS`l t9S -ZY Lsù 1.-

!- _-__
TS \2>Z+3s-2)y(sì+4=L
ts+z)2 („1)Z
H6nLe, 5oW\-w] Ff Y|s) um obh{n

(zs2+3s~2)yts)= 4 T=)2-4 ri Y" _____ _ _-_ _ -

|Zs2+5s-Z) |sf|)Z |ZsZ+3s-2~)

44 i_4 (stz)2 i-4|s2+4s+4)
Tà y,s) = -_ _ ___- 1 -----

i2s+)ts#ì3 {2;s~jìtsm -T==t~iT3-t Tz=Li==j3~-*

]_4s2_i6s-i6 -4s2-i6s~15
- Yls)=
(Z5+) (s r2,).5 |zs-iì (s+z)à

Path'@l fJiJLt\-on dccompc>S``b-On Jof yLS.) \€a¢\s .tó

-4s2-i6s ~ 15
yls)= 1 + JL + i + LP- =
l'ZS~1) |S+Z) |S+z)Z [s+z)3 LZS+)L5tz)3


È A (S+Z) + 8 (Zs-i) |St2) + C | Zs-i) (st2) t t) |ZS-1) = -4sZ-]6s -i5


a A|s3+ò;2+i2s+8) + B\.2s3r+s2+4s~4)+ C|2s2+3S~Z)tDt2s-£ì=~4s2_!6s~|5

•', (At2Bì±5 +\6AHBHC)S2 L ||Zm4B+3CtzD)S ""BIC-D=~4S2-16S~15

A+ZB=O ^= -28

6At+Bt2C-=~4 D -\zBt+B+2c.=~4ò ~5e>tlc=-4

41A+4B+3C+ZP=~46 -z4B+4B+3c,tzD=~i6-~ZOB+3C+ZD=~ì6

8A~4B-ZC-D=-LS ~|bB-4B~ZC-D=-ÌS Jab ~ZOB~ 1C-D=~15

-20B t3C +2.D=+6 2C>ì3~3C~'£.D= 16

TS i -5C~3D=1 i# 5C+5D=~1
~ZoB~ZC~D=~\5 -2oB~ZC-P=-15

-20Bt3C+ZD= ~lG ~ZC`\3+3C+ZD=~i6

È ~60B-c.J=-4G ~+ 6oBTC=46
-ZoB ~£C-D=~`5 -4oB-4C-.ZD=~30

b5::Z:==:6 ± \25oBg-+Z2Cc==:2 + \?SB=q6 S 8=# » # -ZB= ~ A#:

4:f t-cfp _ 7-
~zc=4~5e~ 2c= 58~4= S~%~4= q±~4-C= 4±..z=
Z5 2;f3 +Zf 3

5Ci 3D=~1 $ 3D=-5C-1 = S-2-i :-1 = j= = -È - D= :.l-è)=-é


•rh €fe,jor€ j

_- -1q'2
- ) 8= 9i j C= -z25 ; D=~ È
425 12S



Taking th£ ìrN€rs€ *?nsform 3:uCS..

EXAtlpLE 3. t3olu€ ti`e iol\ou)`iv\9 NP.`

¥"-6}'+1S; = ZS`r`13tì / }®)=-1 j J'LOì=-4

F\rst) às bcfof€, « tàk€ % Lap\a¢ tt.`ru5orm c{ e?ch tierm og DE cìr\ò p\ug`.n thé2rnrL]l L®nditions,



* S€yl5-) tÉ + 4 -6sYL5) -6 + 15ycs) = ±~ à (s2~6stl5.)Yts) + s+ = ~L ,

sz+q s2tq

h}OqJ, ÙòC 5c>\ve &f YL5) n oMb-me ghe e]cpt€ssi`on \`nt# a stnglg t€rm

|s2~6S+]5)yts) = 1 + Z+S => y|S)=
s2~ 6s + 15
|s2+q) (s2-6g +\5)
_ s + zs2 -qs` .t-24
6 + (2~S)|s2+qì 6 + Zs2+ i8_s3-q~s --È> YL€\=
-.+ Y Ls\ = ------------ i -------
is2tqì (s2-65 + 1S)
|sZ+qì ( s2-6s+t5) {sZ+qìts2-6s +15ì

Nd*L} ùoe pefprm a FaTti-al iracFm d€coMpos,`È\`on a{ YIS-ì, name\/

Yls) =
As.+ 8
+.-_ C`S+ D _ s3+2sZ-qs+z4

s2tq S2_6S+ \5 |Szmì (Sz~6S + 35)

-t, |AS + P3) |S2~ 6s + 15ì + |Cs + D) |s2+qì = ~ s3+ ZsZ~ qs + 24

As3_ 6AsZ+ # + Bs>2~ 6Bs +i5B + Cs3+ qc s + t)s2+ qD= _ s'3+ zs2~qs t Z4

(À + Cì s3 + |-6A + 8 +D)s2 + |i5A _68+ qcìs + i5B rqD = ~ s3+2s2-qs+24

A+C = -1 A= -j-C

-6A + 8 + D = 2 D = 2. +6A -8
15A ~68 +qc = -q +6-L5C.-6g+qc=~qT> -6C-6B=6 ® C+B=-1

458 rqD = Z4 ]58.+ q (2+6A~Bì = 24 ± 1SB+ 16 + E4A -qB = 24

T| 6B+18+S4A=24

GB -54 -54 C = 6 -+ 68 ~S4C = 6o

8-qc = 10
B+c=-1 -B-C=l
+ p -30C=11* c=_ 1LI
B-qc=1o B-qc=!o AO

_10 +„
8= -1-C = -1+ i± = ----- = L -g= i .
10 io 40 (0

A= -l-C = 8= i • -fn++^+D=2d D=2-i+-g=?+ É_=2+± =£

40 10lo ln o ,o u io-€`Z =T

" fò , 8-- :n , c= -iJ , D= ì '

fo 10

Pluggì^g th€S€ nJmbgrs i`nto th€ dewrnposib`on yieids

ios+jio -11s + 25
Y Ls.) = + ros,f
s2-6s +lÉ> iol=q+

i + J-- + -14s + ZS -11s + Z5

s,2+q s2+q sa~6s+q-qtls.
] = : 1 si; + = + (s-3-)2+6

=±1 i + -..=± ---- ii + -

S-2+q Szm (S+5)2ft


•i .r - t
S2tq S2r¢J
-, ! ts-3) +1S

-1i (s3`) -8
f-- + L + !1(s-3) 8 ~TZ
(S~3;z+&z Qr7ó (S.3ì2

NCW, tàktna thg inuprse tfpr€Pfm


To thts poìnt " have Lin\7 look€a at NFs i`^ whi`ch " ìnih`9L v2\u€s wcff at t=O. .rhB .is beLause

ffi ù he i-r\ihì3\ uà\u€s b be at this pomt m Cfdcr to tì]k€ the Laplak bfanciòm of. th€ t`€"a+w4s

nùg frob`\em ìS dri3t Sr most appììcah-ons WW " \VFs +h3t h.M inìL`a\ vaw .at pm+s "w than

t=o. Le+ v`S rw Ùm5ìd€r `an e*iìmple i'n ùÙ`h`.ch the i^irLml c®mdi-h`on5 i]r€ n* €it t% aftà sGe ho®

b hana\€ t\`\.is W{yid o€ Fndbi€m5

EXÀtlpLE 4. So\Ve +h€ fo\\ouJins WF`.

¥"+ 4)' = Coslt-3Ì + 4t , jl3) % , y'L3)= 7.

!n thts tasc, 5ìnt€ tiue ì^i`hìa\ L®ndittc>ru 4}t€ f\o+ a+ t~ u€ t`tst n€cd to foTmuìat€ tiw N\' n

sJLh a LDay *hpt tà^€ iri\`h.[ coridt`tions ®;\\ no¢ biz pt t=o. To do so ®€ iJì\\ r\E&d tìo dc. 8

chànge OS Vàrtfìb\e to mak€. i`t mc>h<. L€t us dcji`ne

-q=t-3 ± t='qt5

H6nc€j thg oti\3,`na\ DE

)" Lt,) + 4Jt ,tì = ,„ ,t-S, + 4t


J" |qt3) + 4¥J |tìr3) = Cosq r 4(1+3) ~

L€t us noùJ d,g+ò"2

uJlì = ) tn ,3-)

a^à app`y ri¢ cha:n rul€ b get the t^Ptrst a^ò smMl dfrL`vattu€Cj

w,,1,= 4±= È= d?t :1 = 7W„3)

À7( Aìl

•mé, m``h`p\ Londi`h`ons afg,:

Yt3) = } 10+3) = u~Lo) = o

]',5) = ]' LO t3) --Ù'lo, = + ,

£rd W WP vrd€r ti;S r\ew vat\ì.bk? rtads »

'tl"+4Li'= C3s1+4t|+12. , Llb)=o, #'LoÌ=?,

Tal" 4p~ Laplp¢ transpm Ùlf tht`S ft€Lu. DE 3nà Flugji-ng in tk f\€L` ifti`ti@l L¢ndi`b`ons gìv£S

S2uis) -5tLIO) -" r 4Suis-) ~4Wio) = + + i2 + ±

sZ+1 s
È s2Ubì -+ + 4suls) = + + 1 + AL± -+ |s2+4s)UD ~7= + + ±
sZ+| s2 S s2+i sZ

S\uìr\g ¢r ULSì 9`ìu#

(s2.+4sìU¢-ì = + + ¥"
L.L 4+i2st+sZ -+ Uls)= ` c 4+1Zs++s2
sz+1 sz
\s+4)(s2+i) s3|S+4)
Un\ike W pftuw g*i`Tytp.\CS We dìtì not comp\&+c\/ tomb;m au " +„m thtstime. h ùis 6as€j i+

uoUW be easier b just ào F3rtip\ fr}ctiì¢ns tuLìi¢ Fart{a\ .f'vi`Lt-Ècn\néj €ach q ttR t€ms tn th&

@he tT@nsjbf m g-`ti€s

~!~ = A + Eii£ ù A(SZ+|) + (Bstm =1 È

tst4)(s2+i) S+4 sZ-+i

+ AS2+A+8S2+4B>+CS+4C*± |A+B);2+i4B+CìS+Am=1


t`C=O =S -4A+c=0 -4A+C=O

A+4C=1 A+4cri # 4A"c=4THIC=4* C=#

4B=-C -t3= -+C = -1 --8---± -R-=i:'

1+ t+41

J7 1
.. -`-`-_-`. =
-S|i+ +4|\+
=J+ S+4
CS+4)(s2+i) S+4 s2+i St4 sZ+£

-1:±+ :1-¥1)

.q> Às2(S+4) + Bs|5+4) L Cis+4ì + Ds3= 4+\Zsris2
g + g2 t É3 + .s¥
s+4ì s3

=b A±3t 4ftsz+BsZ+4BSHs+4C+ t)sS= ¥s2"s t4

-+ (A+D)s3+ |4A+BìsZ +(4B+Cìst4C= 7s2+12s+4

4A+B = 1
S C=1 * 46+!=i2# 48=41~+8= £i
4 ,3 + C = 1 2- 4
2S -11
4C=4 4A+ jz = T * 4A< +~ ££ = ____ = ++ * A= t£ a D=_ jÉ .
4 46 16
4+\2s+}s2 { _,J
4J| 1+ t7
¥ + i51+ Jis - JL
s +4


u,s)= É++ ±1~#1)+ + + 1¥ + L± _ 1#

s5 s2 S s+4

±+1¥+1¥-1¥4+¥+ +\=+il)
= ± + 1Z , :2 + ± . 1 - 1Ji - 1 + i -É+4.+1)
16S 1+2. s+4 1+ \
= Ì , s¥, + ¥ . s#, + E- - . L i- J-
- Jip +
16 2tz 5-t-4) tt s2+1

ThJS, Èòking +h# ìnut?rsc tmn>fc>rrn }i`clds


Woh-`i^9 %at
`/lt) = y l|t3) = LL('|) = ÌL(t-3)

m 9* ti€ so\ut*n bj mahtnq \n % €x~f7rc5Sjon Fr Llliì sbov€ W |\`anÉg o{ Uàyiabb VÌ+t-3.



É(tz-6ttqtì+ilt- 3Z+k+-#:€"_"+fL4S{n„-3.,---3Ì]

i+1 - i t - 4L± -
i6 É:L€~"~3)+ìiì4sin|t-3riùs«~5)]

ln this S€Ction wc s€€ how Lap\g" tTànsfom m be u'>eò b sc,We >~.fljr`e DEs Wi'm non-mstiÀnt

Cocffi`Cìents. Whi\€ this {S Usual\/ ^ot €asy, thfl¢ af€ some simFie L-asc'S that cc3n be dork,

Dgf``n`.tìon. If flt!ì Ts à Ficce¢isé ior\h`nJouS fvMtton on Lo>®) oT €if®n€nh-iSL wòw then

L\`rn F(s) =0

A fmctìon 1S saia to ti S+ eliJonenh`@\ otdf+ q `-{. theff e7`.`s+S fx3sitM c¢riitèrit5 T dnd

''1 Suih that

fttì\€ue" -pt @,\ t=T.

ln ¢Uuf wC>rùs, a fvnch-'m ti* is Di c*pon€r`hal order Wi\\ 9rooj r\o fa5tcr than MeQt for some H

àt\d & and @U Sfl[Cipnt`/ Lìf£e t. C% LÀJ@7 to ch€ck LA;h€ther @ ivr\Lt\`Jm is Q{ f*pòncr`tì-al ordct U to

{`Ompi'tB th€ fo\\owi-rig l\-rni-t

L'.m _-------\

t- €qt

r€ % W is +`~flitg .ftr sotyc cl, Wn tm t`unctÀ-on m L3e Sf apòMh-a ®d# cL L`-kcwTse, ¢ m€

l`-mfL Fa mfinft& +-Or €`fi} a th?n tv\® .Fjncbon i¢j not r¥ e*Foncr`bal "~àff. ,A £mà eiaMpl€ q à funLt`On

ftpt ì> not o{ €xpon€nh`col ordw i`S

tltì = €t:

ln ordGr to show th``Sj tL`€ Lons;dim +h ltM`-+


WW i-s tm Pf an/ V@h£' oP c*.

EXAHPLE i. so\ve ti jonoùJiflg WF:

t` + 3tj'~bj ~-2 , yuo`=O j ]'Lo)--O.


&t9 + 3& [ t}'} -6ftyJ = 2*1i} '

Ftom m€ Tab¢ cif' L@f>laùg tT>n;.joims #|tn#6)} = {-j)ì`Fhtts) jor n=j,2,3 ,..,. Th€¢Pf€,
ti it)'3 " l t y")} =-±£+Y'} = ~ #5 |5yél -yóì] = ~ s7'£s"s) .

So, uÌFon t>l;riq {ft Laflàt€ tì?y\5Fotm of the ¢th€r tprrns Jnò F.luÉÉing in tie in``h.@l cj3ncbìb¢ns


szyis) _ s7ioì -)fto) + 5 Lsy'E`-yti)] -6yts.ì = É


È S2y(5)~5Syb~3yL»~6yLS)= ±± ~3Sy'm (S2~q)ylsì= È

a ìr,sì + \È. Èìy„ =~ £z

Heft tùe W up tÀ}ith 8 |i./i€ar fi`rst or&fr DE Wàt mus+b€ SoW ùo 5et {h t®nsStm y(s-).

"& i`ntegraùn3 i±it7or +T thìs DE {S..

' - __--_ - -

y`+ |É-É;ìy=o * %+ (È-È)y=o* dJ+ |±~È)* ft


j d¥ rjtÈ~5,òs„ + Lny = ~jt;_ÉÌ„ „ gp

. „= €ji3~S)#= €5/Ò±~ ±jsds= €3hs_ àz= €hs3~s€,6 = €k3€.>2,6=s3€_s2rÉ

.`. Th€n


D i€i"m]'= ~±Z€j(§-È"S [ S?€-52/6y(>)j'=.3S€-S2/4

` j dis[s3€-SZ/£yL)|às =-5js€-"ù a s?€-Sy6y£s)___Éjs€-S'/6„ + d

S€ òs= LL-_-S2ib ® òU.*_-zS>òsé[=
ib r= -3j
-3 €UdLL= ~3eu;+ d

'` -sjs€~5zJéds = „e~s2/£+d

so W>t
~S2/6+ G =D yis)= i + d €L±6
£3e~>2/6y(S)= ze S3 S3

We sha\\ a5s,umG thtt th€ 5o\Vh`on ì5 C>f €Jtpon€nh-@l ord€r . Th``s Mc>ns +Lhat

Th€ fHSÈ tm does go b #~ ìn Uu \ìmiL, wm tiu >€cc,nò tptm uji-\\ on\j @o to 2e~ ÙJhm Cit=O

Thr€fo¢, tèhn3 f=0, ihe So\utton *r +he ``b¥nsfomn is

7,s,= i} ,

SO that the inv€" ùransform Sm +hg 5o\Uti`on o{ mc WP,

y,t, = £-'ly„] = t2`

EXA+1PLE 2. S¢We {h€ WP:

t}" -t]' + t = L , 11O` --2 j 3'io` -~ 4,

So\uLior`: ]|tì= 1-4t.

7. NF`s Wì.m srEp Fuùcr\ods

in `th``S S€ctìon wg ù¢i|\ u5€ t|n£ LaF\a[€ bt>nsS{MS b Sblug \UPs iphrch Heauisi`de

+iJnLb-W ln tlu fom-^9 iunc,t\-r>n. ms T8 W€ Laplaffi tQnsg"mt rfi\\, star+s to Lom& i.nLt@ th¢iT

own as a sclJh-on method,

L€+ ÙS f€memb¢r +l`e S\\oAjìnj tu\c firiv\u\as;

#{uL.Lt)f[t~c)|= e-CSF(s) , tùhe¢ Fts) = £{fLt)} j

£''{ e~CS Fis)ì= jLic{tìf[t-c) , 4.Ùhe¢ fm #lFtsìL

EXAT|PLE 1, S3\we iti PUoLÙ`ì^9 WP..

t`_]'ts} = 4"zUEò:-LLì |Lo`=2.) ilto`=-|.

Wg f`r5t t€w`n`ti the forc``q funct+`on m cVL€ck ffi* it i+5 @`t¥cttj SL^ìik'J,

y" ~J'+57 = 4 ruzm €ZH)= 4.+ „ €-2Lt-2Ì

AQ} tpkir9 W L2f713e b>y\sforM Qf eaù tm ah pìuggr€ h % ``r\Tt`z]l mtib% 9ìV€

#{y``] _ #+¥,j+5¥ìyj = 4ft£j + # ì„ Ép2„Zì]

EE s2YLsmubH vmYt3Mmws` = ±€ + e±

EE \s2-s+5)y,s) -25+i+.2 = £+ Éi_ib ts2-s+5ì?ts)-2s+s= £+ ÉÉÈ

S ` st2 S s+2.

g+sg+2S-3 4 t„ e-2S
+ yls)=
s2_sri sisl_s+s)
52-sts ' |s+i)Ls2-Sr5)

4 + zs2-35 é-ZS zsZ_3s + 4 €-ZS

S[S?-S+5) (s+zì(s2_sts) s |SZ-St. 5) |S+Z) (5Z-St-5)

Yls) = ri5) + €-~'-Sc>is)

!NC "ó " b partir?` +tcb`on th& b3n£.f"s fb) anà GLS). "atrs
z=2 - 3s + 4
f [s) = ±=±£-S A{s2-st5ì + siBSTc.ì= 2à2-3s+4
s[s7-s.t-5) sZ_s+5

* As2~As rsA+Bs2+Cs= .ZsZ-3sr4 # (At©)s2+ |c-AÌs tsA= 2i2--3st-4

5 '3 5 b
c-A=~3 ± A=f -,
5A=4 14
* C=_g

Fk)= :l: + #ì

_-1+ ÉS[E b t)ts7-s+5ì + {Es+f){s+zì = L ±
Glsì= #ri)- St2 s2-sr5

ù Ds2_" rsD t Es2t zEs t Fs t.2F =| È |tNEìs2 + |-Dri tF* + 5Dt# = L

t)tE =0
~t)+.2e+f=o S-3D+f=o
± ::-r::=: a MD=1à D=i4; E=-iL `i F= iL-
SD+2F=| 5D +1f=|

6ft *\ ±+ =) * 6ls)= +|±2 ~ =5|

6s - 11
f ls) = ÉÈi 1 4s + 2
s-s,Ì+s-à l=è,±+#Ì=Élt+

Èlt+6 (s„)t+(bial23
- 8 Éq ri fi `2.

is.iizjz+ Ìq/4 |s.-i|z}+\4`


ÙaÀ, ,
s -Ì + Ì-5 ls-'\12)
-\_- I _`1----
Gisì=k|s+i-É=5\ lL S.t2 is-\\à`2+m4 is")ì+ iqA
ls -jl2) bTF/2
} 6€)= i 4--'- S2
11 S+2 is.\i2;Z+ {diF`2ì2

= =1=-

• 8W m» = ± i e-zt _ €fl2®SitiTFTt) + : €d2%ibzff+Ì]

H¢^ùe, sime Y\s)= F(s)+€-tsGts) ` +,k soiuti`on is

)ltì = £-`|FLs)ì + £-`|€-2S6Ò} = f lt) + Uzltìglt~2) .

EXArlFLf 2c Sc\Ve Ue *UouJì^3 WP.`

y"_jl = cos|2tì + COS12t-i2)W6ltì , 710)= ~4, y'toì=0.

fo\\ooì^a 5+€ps sìMilar to .tivDse c>f th Ft£vrous ftaty\F\e Lòe hàve:

y".)` = cos|2t) + Céos [Z(t~6)| 'U6ttì 3

So #`3+ CoS12+) is ti t-Ùnctìon Èh* is b€i`^5 s`h`-fted, Ht.1te,

£{y"] ~ {1)t} = * {4às|2t)| + cf | Cos[Zl+-6)|U6lt)}

ù s2|ls`-s]Lo)~j`LqD-s4Ls`+yu®)= + + ±+
s'¢+ 4 St+4
5+S-e-6s S+S€
. (s2_sìYts)+4s-4= a {s2-s)7|s).= -4s+4
s2+4 s2-H

tù yLs)= s 11 r €-6s) 4s-4 s l" e-`s, 4 " €-6s _rEi-

- -_ - -

s ls -i) 1 s2+4) sls-1ì € S YL=* --

S[S-J)|S2+4ì ls-1ì(S.t+4ì 5

i(S`) = it+e-bs) F£S) . i


F@rtigl +ach`onìnq o.f F[s} =

Fts) =
ls--1) (sZ+4)

A\S+4ì + |Bstc)(s-i)= | S

¥ As2+4A+Bs2-85+Cs~C=iB {A+B)S2+ ((-B)S+4A-C=1

A+B--O A=-B

C-B=O T» C-=B=-A

4A~C=L 4A-c,-=L± 4A+^=L* ^--1Ì6 `, 8=-±|€, C_=-1|5`


Fts) = i
5 1 ±1 - i:`T) - : 1 ± - ± - ±) = : \ ± - i2Z - i ±.)
h ±£t>= £~`+Ftsìj = ± [ gt_ „ _ ± Smtztì]

S" „„ \„e-6S)FLs) _ 4_ = Fw + €-ò5F6sì `-±

S -' -' S

uJ€ have that

j|t) = £-`iy|S)} = #-'iF£5)} + £~`i€-GSF(SìÌ ~ 4 £-`i ± ì = f it) + d6it)fm -4

* }(+) = fL€) + U6-[tì+tt'6ì -4 ,

EXArlpLE 3. Sowe +h€ NP:

y"-S)'-14y = CÌ+L13lt) + 4Lt-1)Wtttì , }10)=0, 7'Lo)=30.

So\ u,Lìon :
jL+) = q+ft€) + U3lt) .f lt-3) + 4Witt) 8t+-1) +ht+ì

uJ,h{¢ ?t
f ,tì = - 1 + i + €-2t
14 6 '3 18

- €?1 €-zt-
gltì = + -it + _ - -_-_
4q6 J4 441 36

hltì = JL£ e7t_ É €-Z+,

EXAflFLE 4< Sowe ft \UF:

y"-*j'+2]= gL€ù , 71®`=0, y`U®h=-2,


m frst step Ts b tjr\`tE 8t#} in t€rMS °+ Heav.`sfd& fjnc,tjons sc -thar

8l`tì = `2+ l+2.)U6ltì + \4-t)'Wtì .

Br propn 5hi`t`ts u)e h"

gttì = `2 + |t -G +6 ~2-) L16lt) + t4 -(t -[0 +1oì| Uioltj)

= -Z + (t~6 +4)U6lt)+ L6~ (t-ioìluio{t)

Fn #w f+`fs.t Heauis.`de fvnùh`m t+4 Ts +^e fir\cttm thstB b€-ing shift€à,oJhw Pf +k&

Sec®r\d Hcapv\€ìde th2 fjf\ch`on ttÀà+ rs bpìrg sh``++éi,d looks " f{t)=-6-t. Ùow we t`ke ft L3p\ace

bafu.FOim c{' i}¢ .NF

y"+3j' t2j = 'Z + |t-6 +4) ¢1t) + L6 -(t-io)] hioL#}

a #1y"j +3#ly']t2#|yì= z" + £ih-6HÌA6mì-H1[-m~`oìbpwìì

È s2yk> _sj„Lowj„s„ó„y£sÌ = ± + e.„ \ +L + ±j + €_„S \~±z~ àj

± s2/Ó„+3sy®+2y®= à+€~"(i€+±)~c"|sZ+±)

¥ (S2+S+Z)y(Sm= ++e~6sii2+S)_€-'osiiz+É)

¢ is2+3st2)yLs)= à+€#iz+ 4€~ós±_ €-`°5|_Éé`osi _2


zr4€~6S. 6e." e-6S_ e"S -2-

TS Y,sì = Z+ 4€~6S_ 6é3"£ €-òS_ €"

S|SH) tsr2ì s2(sti)(s+zì ls+1)4Sti2,ì
* y(s) = |2+4€-6S_6€~`°j)Fkì + |€-bs-€"Sì GB ~ HLs)

" m fTocé€d b Pm +3ih`on-w of tb tTàv\s?crti Fls}, Gls)tànd H|s).

F(sì = = à+jì.+ £S Atsr3ìLs+zì+ Bststzì+ CLs,Lst4ì„

6+1 S+2
S 15+i) (s +2-)

p A\s2+3s+2)+gis2+2sì+C{sZ+S)=1S As2+3As+2A+Bs2+zBst csz+Cs=|ó

p |A+B+C)s2+ |3A+?Bt-CìSTZA=1

A+B+C=O B+C= ~i|2 ~B~C=ìl2

t2,e"# È zB+c=+;|ari 2grc=~3/2~L# .B=-ìp C}=~B~A=i-±=±

Hen"),= 1t -s+ + #2 È f%J'+F(sì}= É#~`{£j~£-'\±Ì+±#l#2]*

f,t, = Ì -€-t+ Ì€-`£+ .

j2 + =2 t ± + i S D s|S+A)|S+1) + E |S+tì|Srzì + Fs2|stzìt Gs2tstj) =i
S stt s+2

± Ds ts.2+3s+2) + E (s2+3s+zì + F (s3+2s2) r 6|s3+st) =|

9 D |s3+3sZ+2S) + E \s`+Ss+Z) + F(s3tzst) + G(s3+s-£) =i

t9 Dst5+ 3DsZ + 2DS + Est+ SEs + 2E + Fs`3+ 2Fs<t gs5+6sZ=i

# \D+F+G)s-St {.3D+E+2Ft6ìs2+(zDr3EìstzE=|

D+F+ G = C)

3D + E + 2F+ G = 0
+ iD=~3E> T)=-ZE=-3/4¥ D=~3)4
ZD +3E = 0
E= 1I`2-

F+G= 3;4 F+6= 3;4 -F-G---314 S-4

EE `LF+G--T14 *„ ; C=2~F=Z-i=T='±#G=-+-
2F+G = q/4 -`lz .ZFtG =¥/4

6tsì= - 3¥ + `É + s+£ -#2 ± 3ìtì= -2#-'lè] + ± d~'l }zÌ + £-`L±rl +ls+2}

git, = -2 + ±t + €--t-ie-2t

Hts) = = 1+ 1 S H|stz)+1[stA)=2. i* Hs+2ti+rs+T=|+
ls+t)tsr2) ò+i s+2

lu+t)S + 2.H+1 =2

H+I=O . -2H-zio # ~l=2.. r=~2 ; H=~r=2.

2H + r=2
2H + I = 2-

•., H,s) = + -i -- hu)=JìHLsìl=2#~`\s+A\-Z#~`|±ft\-+hlt)=Z€~+-2e-Z+

s+1 5+2.

NoW pùtt:^3 th.-S @\\ b@tk toggth€r 4Jg hiNG that

Y[] = 2F[s) + e" |4F(s) +GLs)) -€" \ GFtS + Gls)ì -H|s)

and { thG ivNffs€ brms£rm 5ru€S

yit) = 4|yi5)ì = 2 £|Fts)} + 4€~` ì €-6SFb)} + £~' \é6SGi5)} ~ 6 £~' i €~\°SFLs)ì ~

. £-` | g`°S6|5)Ì ~ #|HIS)}

¥ Jltì = Z+{t) -hlt) t 4U6L+ìfl+-6ì + ùbLt)gtt-6)-6%ioL+)flt-iòì -W,z3ttìsLt-io)

a ytt) = 2fLt)-hLt) "6(t)[4 [t.L6)+8U-6)] -,Uio[tì|6+`tt")+8`t"ìl J

fLtt ±-e-t+±€~Z+, Étt)= -Z+±t+e-+~+€~Z+, hi+}= z(g-t_€-2+ì

We Lould th;nk of Heauisìd€ fur\ctfor\s as Stortches changinj lzu fot+ìrig fJfution .`*

SF3Ctftc h`Mes. hooeu€r, hese tunc~h`or`s +af€ no+ si3fteJ to fon[iflL9 func,ti`ons ft\ar e^W a \ati3€

+DfL€ ou€r a Sma\l ttme ffame. E*ampl€s ct th\-s kìnd oi funcb`ons ùuwic\ k à hamm Sth-Lìng

àn ob)eit or a shot.r t.n an eÀc[ttàLal sjst€m, ln boM of th€s£ La>es & limj`c f"t€ |or uo\tà£e.)

W`'3U\d !pa e*€ft€d on flfle £j3+gm c`W @ vpf/ Sbtt timc int€{uà\. ln p@yti`tL;làf, +À^g Difac t"tÈ

d\`Stvìbuh`orì ìs Jscd to de>l wt\th b\\s k`-nà q .p.cìng fonct\`ons.

D`RAC t)Em FW!CT|Ohb: T1~rt at€ thrftz main F,of€fh`cs Qf the~ t)ìfac-à funch`on thàt Ùje rupc'a`

b be a4ùat€ of . `ryu+e Jre:

òlt-a)=O, tfa;

6lLa)dt=!) G?O,.

t,t)ò,t-a,dt= .t-ta, ` €>0.

At t=a, +±r¢ Dì{pt-S tuncti-on is 5cmetimes ti`oujht of' hau;ng m Ìnf;-nìti v>\ueL, Sq the

D``rac,-ò func,h`on `-s +zero €uef/uwre c*Ct€rt .at ane foi-nt w`iw ,`t i-s "oL# 0{ * 8'rth€r

md€f`.ned or a5 hauèn3 an hft`nièG u£`lJeù iw ,.nt€jtà\s `n " smJ and th;rà Fngf€r+ 2te

tru& +of 3ny int€fva| 6ontai`nin£ Unp poìnt t=a, Ftovi-àed J+ Ìs mr cr\& Qf ti^£l €n&Po-mts i th&

``^tcfual. On m& o`U^gr hè^à, we ob>€r`e that +i'`g Dì{Eì{~8 iuf`Lt+-on ìs 2 U€7 Shtrg€ fù`ction,

[n €i5Ct) it is 2Cro €¢97tùohe;f€ i*ffpt at om£ poì^`t à^d 7t.t -a^€ ifltejial Over a^j ìnt#ual C¢nta;nL-^j

tù`a+ Fomt ha5 @ VàLU€ eivàù to |. ln thès senstL +±`e Diii}L~8 Pncbm is mt a rc.\ functìon

bu+ someth€ng ¢a\\e~à ] 5€nf{3ti-zed {unct``on or àistriL'h`'.n, B€fcife gc7ing tD s€3\`/€ lups wi`th a

D;'i`C* c+istTiLuh-on @s W fot-ct^3 fjnch`on " m ft4ea tù tQnsptm ìÈ. To do so wg us£ the

%ifd Fft7p€rty, r.f.,

£{8tt-aìj= fe~St8(t# = €-" , pyovlideà a>o,


Ùoti tùDt otten Me se+o^d a^d Wifd FroFef h-e> cJr€ 5i-vfn " }^tejtaù+cm \W of i"ftn`-+ ana

nea3tih& i`flF-^i`b , bu+ M€j èfg Va\``d ¢r en; iflt-prvÈL tÉor W" rga is m i^tci+or F"Lj
EXAUIPLE |. ScW€ th€ \VP;

y"+L}'-i5} --bsLt-Ci) , |Loìì~--É>j j`ko`--1.

WC bei;~in } bh-A3 U^e `LaplaL€ bm>fom cf €ach +m tn tw€ DE

* i" + Z£L}'} -i5tL}j -~~ 6f lslt-q)) S

S S2yLS> -Sjusn -tluoù + 2.S"S) -.L,L®n _ LF>]t5` = 6 :qs

S s2Yi>ì+ 5s-7"5y[sì+m "7Ls)= 6€-qsb Y(s)(s2us~i5)Hs t3= 6€-"

S (st5)is-3)7(s)= 6e~qs-Ss-3 ± Yts)= 6€-qs 5s +3 -qs

= 6e F|s)-G|sì
ls+5)Ls,-3') ls+5-)ts-3)

W€ " app\/ Farh-al fTach`m òtiompos,-bon of tvQ ttmsftrwB Fe anLd GLS):

= =+± ~~ Ats-3)+86+5)=iS As-3A+Bst5B=1
ls+5)(s-3) S+5 s-3

a (A+B)S-3A+5B=1 S L3:+t85::ì4 A=-83BÉBri~m„ 6* + A#


FISì= ~ ¥+ ɱ. ® +" *|F[5)}= _ £€-St+ £€3t

S+5 S'-3 8-1_ 8

Cp -# Cts-3)+Dtst5ì= 5st3ò Cs-3C+Ds+5D=£5t34
lst5)[s-3) 5+5 S~3

C+D=5 .àc+3D= 15
T* (CtD)s -3C+5D= 5S+3JÈ EE i gD= 18fi D= jÉ = £
~Sct5D=3 -3Ct5DJ=3 4

C= 5 -D = s -fl - 2Lq ~

6ls)= #+ S-3
3- Z€-st+ i€3t
•TìW so\uhon is

yit)= £-`{y\s)}= 6£-L|e-qsFb)} ~ £-'+Gis)ì = 6uqltì-flt-q) -8ltì

„ fm=t€3t_è€_St , g®=fe3t+¥€~ST

EXArlpLE 2. Sowe +he NP:

'1)" + |0y = 3U/2lt) -58lt-4) , ylo)=~1, y'lo) =-2.


yis) = 3€-'ZSFLs) ~ 5e-4SGLSÌ _ Hb)

Jtt) = Suiitt) +(t-ì2) -5W44t) 8Lt-4) -hltì

" +lt)= +o|Hos|ÀEt)Ì ,. gLe= Lsm(fit) "ì"s\Jgt) + ±5SLn|r5t)



Le+ uS ùon5ideT the ib\\O®`ng integfal:

{:8tu„ò„{: `:,tB tt<>aaj

Whi-Ch i`S Fr€ci.Se\/ +ha d£+tnition of +Ane H€au{Sìd£ ftndìon, ft£i`ft°j

àiu-a)dLi = -flalt)`

Phj r€ta\\i^9 th¢ Funò2M€nbù l\uoftM o+ (a\LÙ`\Osj tJe.5ct

" = d% [ j+8U~"] = òlt-aì.


•"S, 'U^e cì€ytua.tivg 8€ .€h W€auis`dc +)nch`on i-s th€ Dìvac~S àistùbut{on.

The fvnòam€nbl Th€a€m Q€ C3.|4ui|js in ,+s paft i ±Ts .. T+. { is a ®r`hLnuous tunc,h`Sn ìn tlACu

mtff®L C@jbl , Uvn Ftz}= j;±f{t)dt ìs atso umh-f`ucL;s h [?,b3 òhÀ c\i-f{€fe^ti@b¢ `n m c3nd

;` hevt¢ i`ts aet\`u3tive ls Fti)= d±zfft"t = fk). '


On ociasion ue cÙì\\ tvn acfoss t>rànsfo" cf the f>tm

Hlsì = FLsì 6lsì,

Wh``dì Lannot ± ò€a|t iAj`i`th €asìly Ùsinij pfh-a\ f./acb`ons. \n ordeT to bhg the inuÉrs€ ttafuprm

of such a m^Spm u3e u5e brwotuhcm ìntgta\S.

Defìn{twn. If +lt) avid 8Lt) afe pìe(euj\`se Lon+ìnuous {.ur\cti`o(\s on [ojcx>) thc7n thi' convowt;on

mt€£(pl o{' ilt) ad gw) is


A ProFefty of coNòlutìon ``^t€8fals is:

1 t * 9, ,t, = lg.*tì Lt-ìJ


f (t-tì 9 ,[, òc = f 't) 8 ,t-r, d[ .

ThL' .fo\\otu``r\9 t\Cfìnit``c)n wil\ .d`\ou) b tFke +Àn¢ invgrsg transprMs of à pmduct o.f transgorMS.


£|+*g!= f(s)Gts) S #-'{F[s)G(s)|= (f*g)(t).

E*A\`1PIE i. `JS€ à coNo\ution ìnt€9(al to +`nA +ho ìnu€rsg tr>nspm oì +hc io\\oLÙìn£ tlav`Sprm .`

H,s)= -.

rf uJ`e ar€\8 b US€ & 4oNO\UtiQn ìnte5t@l "n HG) must be CiFf€sseò £S t*€ Ffoducr

Hlsì = L . L
iszta2) |S2taz)

So ti@b

r,„ = G15) = L ± +L±ì= £ìFtsìì= g[tì=dTGti,ì = às,nta+ì

\ìow, Usìrig a CoNo\otJ0n ;nt3fa\ LDC Lave

hw {+" = i2 jtsm|at~ai)Sin Lacìòt =


[ s`in{@tì cos ( ac) -óS \at) Sìn la[)] S;n |acìò[ .=


ti5La[) Sjn|a[)d[ -

( i - óbs2L@[)) dr =




S(r`|atì -S(`n|stì G9S|Z3tì - 1 t É5{àt) + L 4oS (st) S;n (Zatì

7Jfr)r2. +È3

J-.+ Sìr\t3t) ~ 1 t CSstat) -L S-`tilat)Gqs(Zat) + £3 Co5tat) S.n (Zat)

{È3 - -tb2 - J{$3

4+s S;n lst) -z+=2 t 4'5 `àt) - :3 L Sin (3a¢ + Sm (-@t)| + +a5 -L€`int3at)~ Stn(-stì]

- ' +8as -=S-inbt)
- + #S"
8'as - =
` =S`.N>t`
2:È ----.-- ' -*t i®sLst}

hLtì = ±[S`o" _ at6>tatì]

EXAr\PLE 2. Sowe +hs fo\\ouÙ`mg Nì'`.

4i"Lì=gt+` ) YLo,=3) ',bo`---Ia

h "ìs case +hc fofcing funLb`on is r\ot 5Fg{ìfied. A soluh-on to thìs DE L.m be bh`pa u£;^q

@Nci\Utton `.nte5ti?\S. Th€ so\uh-on w-,l| be `.n tprMS af gLtì. L€t os 5hrt b; bkl-ng tv¢ LaF\ace

ùan5Pfrn of +he PE, ùh.P.,

4 #|y"] + £Ùj = #{gitì} ± 4 à2yc5) ~ 4s}to) ~ 4yito) + iisì = Gtsì

È |4s2+lìyLs) -125+Z8 = GIS-) * (4sztiìyts)= G|sì+12s-Z8.

Yts) =
1Zs -28 G (sì 12s ~28 G[s) = + Glsì
i4s2,+iì 14S2+1Ì 4|S2+j`4) 4|s2+lI4) |s2+1|4ì 4(52+1k)

Fis) + 6ls) . 4 Ù L±ì


F,s) =3s-?j=L:J 3s
= ==- 1- - = 3 .----1+)12)
s2+l|4 s-<+i/4 S2+114 s~£+i|.2a

ì'ts)= 3 # -14 s2+k1/zZ+ +6is)iz) s2+
. fl 3 + -14 #z2+ ±CCì H
| |i2 s2+ i|LZ S2+\|zt

È )it) = 36S(Z) ~14 Sin |Z) +±J|GLS) ` #2zì '


£~tìGB #qì= fts`nt¥tgu"[


@nd !±ne€Ptì5 +he So\utior` Ts

Differential Equations

Sesti®n 4-1C : T@ble C# Laplace Tr@nsf®rms



2. ea1
.9 - CZ


3. f„, J'=1,2'3 ,... s"+1

a. tp,p=-1

5. Jit
1.3.5...(2„- 1)J
6. ,„+, J?-1,2'3,'..

7. Sin(#')

8. CoS(#')

9. f sin(¢')

1o. 'CoS(fl')

11. sin(flf)-¢f cos(flt)

12. sin(czf)+¢f cos(c#)

13. cos(c#)-af sin(czf)

14. coS(c7f)+c7kin(c#)

i5. sin(ar+b)
ó,2 + c,2

16. cos(of +b)
s2 + a2
© 2018 Paul Dawkins
Differential Equations

17. sinh(c#)

18. cosh(c#)

19. e"sin(bf)
20. e"cos(òf)
2i. e"sinh(bf)
22. e"cosh(ò/)

23. /"eflu, 77=|,2,3 ,...


24. /(C'), :F(:)

25. „c(,)=„(`-C)
Heaviside Function

26. Ó(f -c) e-cs

QLrac Delta F_unctim
27. „c(,)/(f-C)

28. "c(,)g(f)

29. ec'/(') F(s-c)

3o. ,"/(,), „=1,2,3 ,... (-1)" F(") (s)

31. i/(,, LmF(",d„

32. Jo`/,v,dv

33. J;/.(f -7)g(7)d7

34. /(f +r)-/(')
1 - e-sr

35. /'(') sF(s)-/(0)

36. /''(') s2F(s)-L,/(0)-/'(0)

37. /`"'(f) S"F(LT)-S"-L/(0)_s"2/'(0)..._s/("2)(o)_/(#-l)(o)
© 2018 Paul Dawkins
Differential Equations

Table Notes
1. This list is not a complete listing of Laplace transforms and only contains some of the more
commonly used Laplace transforms and formulas.

2. Recall the definition of hyperbolic functions.

cosh(f) =¥ sinh(f) =¥

3. Be careful when using '`normal" trig function vs. hyperbolic functions. The only difference in the
formulas is the '`+ a2" for the ``normal'' trig functions becomes a ``-a2" for the hyperbolic

4. Formula#4usesthe Gammafunctionwhich is defined as


lf n is a posìtive integer then,


The Gamma function is an extension of the normal factorial function. Here are a couple of quick
facts for the Gamma function

p(p+1)(p+2,...(p+n-1)- r(p)

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

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