2005 Cabagna y Col.
2005 Cabagna y Col.
2005 Cabagna y Col.
Abstract. We compared some hematological parameters and values of plasma cholinesterase activity
in adult Bufo arenarum from a control site and agricultural sites. The mean values of the plasma
cholinesterase activity did not vary among toads collected in pristine forest and agricultural sites. The
blood parameters (hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, white blood cells, and heterophils) from
agricultural sites differed from the control site. The results suggest a high pesticide impact from
intensive cropping in mid-eastern Santa Fe Province of Argentina.
Key words: Agroecosystem; Argentina; Bufo arenarum; hematological parameters; pesticide; plasma
Amphibians are often identified as a group of organisms that are particularly
sensitive to environmental pollutants because their double life-cycles and relatively
permeable skins provide more opportunities for exposure to pesticides than those of
other vertebrates (e.g. U.S.EPA, 2002; Mann et al., 2003). Moreover, amphibian
populations are declining worldwide and one of the many contributory factors
proposed for this phenomenon is agricultural intensification (Kiesecker et al., 2001;
Alford et al., 2001; Christin et al., 2003).
© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2005 APPLIED HERPETOLOGY 2: 373-380
Also available online - www.brill.nl
374 Mariana C. Cabagna et al.
The study area was situated in the mid-eastern area of Santa Fe Province (Argentina)
(fig. 1). Because intensive agriculture was introduced to this area in the 20th century,
the remaining forest is restricted primarily to riparian woodlands surrounded by
croplands and pastures.
24 adult male B. arenarum were collected by hand from four sampling sites
(n = 6 for each site); one control site, located in a pristine forest (PRB: Paraná River
Boundary, 31◦ 42 S 60◦ 30 W), and three agricultural sites: Monte Vera (site A),
Monte Vera (site B) and Angel Gallardo, situated in suburban woodlands (fig. 1).
These three areas differed in the degree of human disturbance, successional stages
and crop. Monte Vera (site A) (MVA, 31◦ 32 S 60◦ 41 W), Monte Vera (site B)
(MVB, 31◦ 30 S 60◦ 40 W) and Angel Gallardo (AG, 31◦ 33 S 60◦ 40 W) were often
used for intensive agricultural production with transgenic soybean. Vegetables such
as lettuce, tomato, and spinach were also cultivated.
Health status in the common toad Bufo arenarum 375
Figure 1. Locations of the sampling sites. PRB = Paraná River Boundary; MVA = Monte Vera
(site A); MVB = Monte Vera (site B); AG = Angel Gallardo.
The toads were captured in January 2004, with a mean air temperature of 25◦ C
and rainfall of 1000 mm. Animals were transported to the laboratory within 1 h, in
a covered bucket with water, to avoid stress. Head-cloaca length and body weight
were recorded. Duplicate samples of blood (ca. 500 µL) were taken from animals
anaesthetized with 30% ethyl alcohol by cardiac puncture using a heparinized small
needle (20 mm length) following location of the heart via palpation. The toads were
released after external examination of general body condition, at the same sites
where they had been captured. Plasma ChE activity was determined colorimetri-
cally by the method of Ellman et al. (1961) with modifications for optimal assay
conditions (Lajmanovich et al., 2004). The plasma was separated by centrifugation
at 4500 r.p.m. for 10 min. Variations in optical density were measured at 405 nm for
2 min at 25◦ C. Slides were prepared and stained with the May Grunwald-Giemsa
method (Dacie and Lewis, 1991). It is important to note that amphibian blood con-
tains nucleated erythrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes. The red blood cells, ery-
throcytes, typically are nucleated and elliptical. The white cells are made up of
agranular leucocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes) and granular leucocytes (ba-
sophiles, heterophils, and eosinophils) (Duellman and Trueb, 1986).
Hematocrit (Hct) was determined by centrifugation of whole blood at 12000 × g
for 5 min. in heparinized capillary tubes. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration was mea-
376 Mariana C. Cabagna et al.
sured by the cyanmethemoglobin method (reading at 540 nm); the red blood cell
(RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts were determined in a Neubauer cham-
ber after diluting the samples in Natt and Herrick solution (Fudge, 2000). Mean cell
hemoglobin (MCH), mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell hemoglobin concen-
trations (MCHC) were calculated using standard methods for amphibian blood (Peri
et al., 1998). The data were analyzed statistically using the non-parametric Kruskal-
Wallis ANOVA; pairwise comparisons between samples from the four sampling
sites were tested by the Dunn test for post-hoc multiple comparisons. A level of
probability below 0.05 was considered to be significant.
Mean (± SD) length and body mass of male toads were 96 ± 13 mm and 90.3 ±
3.5 g, respectively. The mean values of the plasma ChE activity varied from
139.2 µmol seg−1 L−1 for the toads collected from the pristine forest (PRB) to
166.4 µmol seg−1 L−1 for individuals captured from an agriculture site (MVB)
(table 1).
In amphibian and reptile populations exposure to anti-cholinesterase pesticides
generally is evaluated by comparison of enzyme activity from animals collected
in non-polluted areas with those from agricultural areas (Sparling et al., 2001;
Sánchez-Hernández, 2003). In our study the means of ChE activity did not show
significant differences (P > 0.05). Several authors have documented differences
in the sensitivity to the anti-pesticides among enzymes of the same tissue from
different species (Johnson and Wallace, 1987; Monserrat and Bianchini, 1998;
Pan and Dutta, 1998) and suggested that species-related differences in enzyme
susceptibility can primarily be due to dissimilar enzyme amounts and inhibitor
affinity degree to cholinesterase receptors.
The blood parameters of toads from agricultural sites did not differ significantly
from those of the control (table 1), with the exceptions of Hct, Hb, WBC and
Table 1. Mean values (± SD, n = 6) of some hematological parameters and plasma cholinesterase
activity in specimens of Bufo arenarum sampled in control site (PRB) and agricultural sites (MVA,
MVB and AG) in Argentina (fig. 1).
Parameter Sampling site
RBC (×1012 /L) 0.57 ± 0.11 0.46 ± 0.13 0.55 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.15
MCHC 19.95 ± 0.63 19.35 ± 1.71 22.40 ± 3.90 21.39 ± 2.47
MCH (pg) 143 ± 15.0 125 ± 15.6 181 ± 23.1 160 ± 46.0
MCV (fl) 718 ± 77 655 ± 125 650 ± 82 636 ± 101
Eosinophils (%) 17 ± 8.2 16 ± 9.8 12 ± 4.3 10 ± 10.0
Lymphocytes (%) 62 ± 7.4 71 ± 7.1 59 ± 11.9 64 ± 27.7
Monocytes (%) 1.0 ± 0.51 1.0 ± 0.89 1.0 ± 0.07 2.0 ± 0.5
ChE activity (µmol seg−1 L−1 ) 139 ± 52 146 ± 72 166 ± 47 141 ± 39
Health status in the common toad Bufo arenarum 377
Figure 2. Mean (± SD) values of hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cells
counts (WBC), and heterophils in common toad (Bufo arenarum) collected from control (PRB) and
agricultural (MVA, MVB and AG) sites in Argentina. ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01.
heterophils in MVA site (fig. 2). Blood parameters of control toads were similar
to those from another study of B. arenarum (Peri et al., 1998). Lymphocytes were
the dominant cell among the various types of leucocytes. We did not identify
basophils. Our investigation showed in MVA samples a normochromic/normocytic
anemia (Hct 29.16%, control 41; Hb 5.65 g dL−1 , control 8.19). Low values
of Hct (anemia) may indicate bacterial infections and gastrointestinal disorders,
including parasitism and hemorrhages (Dein, 1986). Elevated leucocyte number
378 Mariana C. Cabagna et al.
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